STH :: Volume #1

#71: Remains

Chapter 71 remains 第71章留下来 Ye Fan believes, over the following several days, here can not be peaceful, perhaps meets great war again and again, will have many Eastern Wilderness Sect to rush to here, the trim ruins will get up because of Monster Emperor Yin Grave boiling. 叶凡相信,在接下来的几天,这里将不得安宁,恐怕会大战连连,会有更多的东荒门派赶到这里,整片废墟都将因妖帝阴坟沸腾起来。 Looks from afar, can still see that the ruins direction blood light soars to the heavens, the Dao Spirit rainbow is attacking together vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 远远回望,依然可以看到废墟方向血光冲天,一道道神虹在纵横冲击。 No matter Desolate Pagoda in Yin Grave, had nothing to do...... Ye Fan to be satisfied with me, at present he needs to seek for peaceful place, calmed the mind to cultivate. “不管荒塔在不在阴坟,都与我无关了……”叶凡已经非常满足,眼下他需要寻找一处安宁之地,静下心来修炼。 Gathered has also cleared at Mutant Beast and strange of bird ruins edge, Ye Fan went out, has not seen any ominous birds and beasts. 聚集在废墟边缘的异兽与奇禽也早已散尽,叶凡一路走出,并没有见到任何凶禽猛兽 Obstructs day 71 遮天71 This moment stars, the bright moonlight overhangs, the curtain of night has arrived. 此刻繁星点点,明月高挂,夜幕早已降临。 Ye Fan passed by Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, nothing hesitant, goes far away with stride, was the time leaves. Although obtained some broken Buddhism Artifact to stay there from Great Thunderclap Temple, but he actually did not plan to go back to take, if bumped into Elder Han to be big on the trouble. 叶凡路过灵墟洞天,没有任何犹豫,大步远去,是时候离开了。虽然自大雷音寺得到一些残破佛器留在了那里,但是他却不打算回去取了,万一碰到韩长老就麻烦大了。 Most important Bodhi Seed has brought on the body, even if lost these broken Buddhism Artifact temporarily, he does not feel a pity, after all nature life is most important. 最重要的菩提子一直带在身上,纵然暂时失去了那些残破的佛器,他也并不觉得可惜,毕竟『性』命最重要。 The Ye Fan speed is quick, works night and day, at the same night ran out of this mountain side lineage/vein, the place is apt to get into trouble is getting more and more far, but his heart has not actually put truly. 叶凡速度很快,披星戴月,连夜冲出了这片山脉,身后的是非之地越来越远,但他的心却并没有真正放下来。 Three days later, Ye Fan appears outside two thousand li (500 km), his wind meal reveal night/lodge, sneaks all the way discretely, has almost not entered the cities, walks in the wilderness, he grew the one breath until this time, in heart gradually tranquil. 三天后,叶凡出现在两千里之外,一路上他风餐『露』宿,谨慎潜行,几乎从来没有进过城镇,都是在荒郊野外中行走,直到这时他才长出一口气,心中渐渐平静了下来。 At this moment is late at night, the clouds camouflaged the star moon/month, darkness especially, front lights, a scale does not calculate that the big cities are in sight, Ye Fan thought that had arrived at the safe region, did not need to run away, his with stride stand forth. 此刻已经是深夜,云朵遮蔽了星月,格外的黑暗,前方灯火点点,一座规模不算大的城镇在望,叶凡觉得已经到了安全的地域,没有必要在逃遁了,他大步向前走去。 Arrives discovered, here can only be a small town, at this moment most people had only fallen asleep, few lights are still sparkling. 来到近前发现,这里只能算是一个小镇,此刻只大多数人都已经进入了梦乡,只有少量灯火还在闪耀。 Ye Fan enters the small town, transferred a great-circle, finally in a remote corner discovered shop that has not taken a break. 叶凡走进小镇,转了一大圈,终于在一个偏僻的角落里发现一个还没有打烊的小店。 This is really a very small restaurant, inside 78 table that's all, these furniture looked on some years, wiped had the gloss, seemed like color ancient fragrant, was pure. 这真是一个非常小的饭馆,里面不过七八张桌位而已,那些桌椅一看就有些年头了,都擦抹的生出了光泽,看起来古『色』古香,非常洁净。 Uncle has anything to eat, hurries to make some.” “老伯有什么吃的,赶紧弄上来一些。” What storekeepers is a gray-haired old person, the years have left behind together the Dao Traces mark on his face, piled up with the wrinkle, seemingly experienced hardship to the full, his clothes had many patches, the life is not very as if good. 掌柜的是一个头发花白的老人,岁月在他的脸上早已留下一道道痕迹,堆满了皱纹,看起来饱经风霜,他身上的衣服打了不少补丁,生活似乎并不是很好。 Saw that a 11 or 12-year-old youngster comes out to take a walk late alone, many makes the old person feel somewhat astonishedly, but he has the gentle smile to respond: Few half roast chicken, mostly small dish beef, as well as some steamed buns.” 看到一个十一二岁的少年这么晚独自出来走动,多少让老人感觉有些惊异,不过他还是带着慈祥的笑容回应道:“只有少半只烧鸡,多半碟牛肉,以及一些馒头。” Good, delivers.” “好,都送上来吧。” You wait a bit the moment, I give you hot.” The restaurant was too small, old person's living condition is not very good, oneself are not only a storekeeper, is the waiter and chef. “那你稍等片刻,我去给你热一下。”饭馆实在太小了,老人的生活条件不是很好,自己既是掌柜,又是伙计与厨师。 Soon, the roast chicken of smell sharp aroma, the small dish soy beef was carried mostly, Ye Fan the saliva flowed immediately quickly. In more than one year, he and Pang Bo is a vegetarian all day, Spirit Ruins Sanctuary almost does not have the meat, at present this simple food makes his belly not make every effort to succeed rumble said. 不多时,香气扑鼻的烧鸡,还有多半碟酱牛肉被端了上来,叶凡顿时口水都快流出来了。这一年多来,他与庞博整天吃素,灵墟洞天几乎没有荤腥,眼前这简单的食物让他的肚子不争气的咕噜噜的叫了起来。 He has taken the tableware fast, is nipping the snow white steamed bun, tears down a chicken leg, starts to wolf down. In this moment, he felt that in the world most delicious food only this much, what delicacies of every kind all stand out of the way, comfortable that is far from the present several types making him eat. 他快速拿过碗筷,咬着雪白的馒头,撕下一只鸡腿,开始狼吞虎咽。在这一刻,他感觉世上最美味的食物不过如此,什么山珍海味全都靠边站,远远没有眼前的几样让他吃的舒服。 No rush, eats slowly, eats a soup, sleek/moist sleek/moist stomach, be not choking.” The old person carries to come up one bowl of hot soup, the well-meaning reminder said. “别急,慢慢吃,喝口汤,润润肠胃,别噎着。”老人端上来一碗热汤,善意的提醒道。 Thanks the uncle, your cook makes my appetite admire cluck said.” Ye Fan to mouth stopper food, while enunciation unclear saying. “谢谢老伯,您的厨艺让我的胃口佩服的咕咕直叫。”叶凡一边向嘴里塞食物,一边口齿不清的说道。 Looked that the Ye Fan's wear does not seem like the child of poor family, but actually so wolfs down at this moment, lets some old person many surprise, he pulls to knit the sleeve of patch, takes up together touching arrange/cloth, cleans originally already very clean furniture in side, shakes the head to say with a smile: You were too hungry, regardless of now eats anything, will feel very fragrant.” 叶凡的穿着不像是穷人家的孩子,但此刻却如此狼吞虎咽,让老人多少有些诧异,他挽起打着补丁的袖子,拿起一块『摸』布,在旁擦拭本来就已经很干净的桌椅,笑着摇头道:“你是太饿了,现在无论吃什么,都会觉得很香甜。” Obstructs day 71 遮天71 Grandfather, how not to have closed......” “爷爷,怎么还没有关门……” At this moment, a 5 or 6-year-old little miss walked from the inside room, her clothes are also having the patch, putting on is simple and simple, is combing two sheep's-horn braids, long is very lovable, glowing red cheek likely red apple. 就在这时,一个五六岁的小姑娘从里屋走了出来,她身上的衣服也都打着补丁,穿着非常朴素与简单,梳着两条羊角辫,长的很可爱,红彤彤的脸蛋像个红苹果。 You first rest, a while takes a break.” “你先去睡吧,一会儿就打烊。” The little misses look at the food on table, the big eye somewhat cannot move to the vision, swallowed saliva quietly, subconscious selected under one, complies saying: “Oh.” 小姑娘看着桌上的食物,大眼睛有些移不开目光,悄悄的咽了一口口水,下意识的点了一下头,答应道:“哦。” Soon, Ye Fan has cleared off the food on table, stands up, said: Ok, the uncle you prepared to take a break.” Was saying he pulls out to the bosom, but the feeling somewhat is awkward, he forgot, simply does not have money, does not have gold and silver Object, is unable to pay a bill unexpectedly. 不多时,叶凡已经将桌上的食物一扫而光,站起身来,道:“好了,老伯你准备打烊吧。”说着他向怀中掏去,但是却感觉有些尴尬,他忘记了,根本没有钱币,也没有金银器物,竟无法付账。 „Is little brother is not quite on hand convenient?” The old person is well-experienced, saw his embarrassment. 小哥是不是手头不太方便?”老人饱经世故,一眼看出了他的窘态。 This...... has not truly had money.” “这个……确实没带钱。” "Ah, came the unprincipled person. ” Nearby little miss opened the eye, pours down to sob, stares at Ye Fan saying: You were too bad, all day repudiates a debt to eat without paying, knows that bullies me and grandfather, we were about unable to eat meal......” “啊,又来坏人了。”旁边的小姑娘睁大了眼睛,泫然欲泣,盯着叶凡道:“你们太坏了,整天来赖账吃白食,就知道欺负我和爷爷,我们自己都快吃不上饭了……” At this point, she looks at the chicken bone on table, the big eye is red immediately, said: Grandfather said that without the guest comes, you are will eat without paying to...... the result that I a chicken leg will eat, will be bullies our.” 说到这里,她看着桌上的鸡骨,大眼睛顿时通红,道:“爷爷说了,如果没有客人来,会给我一条鸡腿吃的……结果你是吃白食的,也是来欺负我们的。” The 5 or 6-year-old little miss small mouth casts aside, long eyelash(es) trembles, the tears tumbled immediately, on the glowing red cheek stained the tears, she uses the patch the sleeve to wipe tears unceasingly. 五六岁的小姑娘小嘴一撇,长长的睫『毛』一颤,眼泪顿时滚落了下来,红彤彤的脸蛋上沾满了泪水,她用有补丁的袖子不断抹眼泪。 Obviously, their living conditions are not very good, usually encounters the humiliation frequently. 显而易见,他们的生活状况并不是很好,平日间经常遭遇欺凌。 Youngest sister do not cry......” Ye Fan is really awkward and ashamed, this old underestimates is not very easy, the life has been in a tight corner. “小妹妹别哭……”叶凡真是尴尬而又惭愧,这一老一小看起来很不容易,生活早已陷入窘境。 Has not related, little brother does not need to rebuke oneself. I looked, you and these vagabond rascals were different, was not the person of eating without paying, definitely really forgot to have money.” The old person of whole face wrinkle draws the little miss one side, said: Do not cry, the grandfather kept chicken to you, half steamed bun, will not make you hungry.” “没关系的,小哥不用自责。我看出来了,你与那些地痞无赖不同,不是吃白食的人,肯定真是忘记带钱了。”满脸皱纹的老人将小姑娘拉到一边,道:“别哭,爷爷给你留了一块鸡肉,还有半个馒头,不会让你饿着的。” Immediately grandfather......” little miss puts in great inconvenience cried, said: I not for oneself, because the grandfather has not had the dinner, we were bullied by these unprincipled people all day, has not saved, daily this, we what to do......” “爷爷……”小姑娘顿时委屈的哭了起来,道:“我不是为自己,因为爷爷也没吃晚饭呢,我们整天被那些坏人欺负,已经没有一点积蓄了,天天这样,我们怎么办啊……” Saw that this old small clothes are having the patch, hears these words again, Ye Fan immediately the feeling sad feelings, his heart deep touched, making his nose somewhat turn sour unexpectedly. 看到这一老一小身上的衣服都打着补丁,再听到这些话语,叶凡顿时有一股心酸的感觉,他的心被深深的触动了一下,让他的鼻子竟然有些发酸。 The ordinary ordinary person life, filled spicily painstakingly sour and sweet, this old small kinship and helplessness, making him produce move. 平凡普通的人生活,充满了苦辣酸甜,这一老一小的亲情与无奈,让他产生了久违的感动。 Youngest sister do not cry, I am not an unprincipled person, although I do not have money, but my something, should be able to be as good as this food.” Ye Fan took small jade bottle, precisely when ruins surrounding Smelting Trial, one bottle of all various grassy plants that trades fluid. “小妹妹不要哭,我不是坏人,我虽然没有钱,但我这里有些东西,应该可以抵得上这顿饭。”叶凡将一个小玉瓶拿了出来,正是在废墟外围试炼时,换来的一瓶百草『液』。 This is together the good jade, was too precious, I cannot receive.” The old person shakes the head, said: Everyone has the difficulty time, if after little brother, passed by here, made up money on the line.” “这是一块好玉,太贵重了,我不能收。”老人摇头,道:“谁都有困难的时候,小哥如果以后再路过这里,把钱补上就行了。” A Ye Fan sigh, the old person lives so embarrassed, such character and moral character, making him have a respect, said: You accept, this to me, is nothing.” 叶凡一阵感叹,老人生活如此窘迫,还有这样的风骨与品格,让他有了一丝敬意,道:“您收下吧,这对我来说,算不了什么。” Was too precious, I really cannot receive, am away from home, who has the difficulty time, little brother you do not need to rebuke oneself.” In old person's hand covered entirely the callus, pushed jade bottle firmly. “太贵重了,我真的不能收,出门在外,谁都有困难的时候,小哥你不用自责。”老人的手上布满了老茧,将玉瓶坚决的推了回来。 Ye Fan sees him to resist, must receive. 叶凡见他推拒,只得收了回来。 Since you do not want, I then remain, helping you have some coolies.” At this moment he does not have the destination, discovered that the old person is very simple and good, he decides to remain temporarily, here the cultivation , helping the old person with concentration while convenient. “既然您不要,那我便留下来,帮您出些苦力。”此刻他并没有去处,发现老人很朴实与善良,他决定暂时留下来,在这里潜心修炼,顺便帮一下老人。 Obstructs day 71 遮天71 The 5 or 6-year-old little miss, looks down oneself tip of the toe, the big eye is red, small sound said: We could not eat meal......” 五六岁的小姑娘,低着头看自己的脚尖,大眼睛通红,小声道:“我们自己都吃不上饭了……” Ye Fan squatting lower part of the body, tender touching a head of little miss, said: I remain not to increase the burden to you.” 叶凡蹲下身来,怜惜的『摸』了一下小姑娘的头,道:“我留下来不会给你们添加负担的。”
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