STH :: Volume #1

#70: Departure

unscrupulous Daoist Priest sighed again and again, said: „It is not able to enter in this Yin Grave again, damn......” he never forgets to green copper, at this moment suddenly lost the opportunity, making him regret and annoying incomparable. 无良道士连连叹气,道:“再也无法进入这座阴坟中了,该死的……”他对绿铜念念不忘,此刻突然失去了机会,让他后悔与懊恼无比。 The cold pool interior killing bureau has opened, but the person is nonhazardous outside the cold deep pool. 潭内的杀局已经开启,但人在寒潭外并无危险。 At this moment, five dazzling magnificent light clash fast, five great person were alarmed completely, first rushed to mountain ridge, passes is sending powerful coercion, such as Divinity general float in in the air. 就在这时,五道刺目的光华飞快冲来,五位大人物全部被惊动,第一时间赶到了山岭上,透发着强大的威压,如神祗一般悬浮在空中。 Ye Fan wants to observe them, but the discovery, is actually not able see through that shining god splendor, only to see five groups of bright divine light, other anything cannot see. 叶凡想要观察他们,但却发现,根本无法透视那灿灿神辉,只能见到五团明亮的神光,其他什么也看不到。 Monster Emperor Yin Grave!” One of them held breath cold air, he vision like a torch, understands under the cold deep pool is anything. 妖帝阴坟!”其中一人倒吸了一口凉气,他目光如炬,一眼就明白了寒潭下是什么。 Obstructs day 70 遮天70 active volcano is the Yang grave, the nether world cold deep pool is Yin Grave, one Yang one Yin, hugs to defend Taiji, seizes Good Fortune of Heaven and Earth, can evolve the endless change.” Another great person also sighs deeply, said: Monster Emperor is really extraordinary, if not for stumbled upon, is really hard to think, he supposes next Yin Yang two graves unexpectedly.” 活火山为阳墓,幽冥寒潭为阴坟,一阳一阴,抱守太极,夺天地造化,可以演化出无尽的变化。”另一个大人物也长叹不已,道:“妖帝果然非凡,若不是偶然发现,真的难以想到,他竟设下一阴一阳两座坟墓。” Then troubled in a big way, Yin Grave opened must kill situation, was very difficult to enter!” “这下麻烦大了,阴坟开启了必杀之局,很难进入了!” „The Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object has not seen the trace, Desolate Pagoda mostly in this Yin Grave!” 东荒人族至宝未见踪影,荒塔多半就在这座阴坟中!” Several great person difficult to be calm, but actually cannot find out the means suddenly, does not dare easily to enter in Monster Emperor Yin Grave. 几位大人物难以平静,但却一时间想不出办法,不敢轻易进入妖帝阴坟内。 Absolutely does not have the means that the ten thousand years years passed by, even if perfect arrangement, will present a careless mistake, I and others can sneak carefully, the view searches, then makes the decision.” “也不是完全没有办法,万载岁月过去了,纵然再完美的布置,也会出现一丝纰漏,我等可以小心的潜入下去,观探一番,然后再做决定。” Good!” “好!” At this time, five groups of rays all descended, one group of rays covered unscrupulous Daoist Priest instantaneously. 这时,五团光芒全部降落而下,其中一团光芒瞬间笼罩了无良道士 I heard some people to say a moment ago, meets Holy Land's disciple, dares slap to pat, wants to come you is really uncommon, this place is you have triggering, not, if gets down with us together.” “刚才我听到有人说,就是遇到圣地的弟子,也敢一巴掌拍死,想来你甚是不凡,此地是你出触发的,不若跟我们一同下去吧。” The face of unscrupulous Daoist Priest was at the scene green, hurries saying: Several seniors, my nonsense chaotic language, do not lower oneself to the same level with me, at present this Yin Grave opened must kill situation, depending on my cultivation base, if got down, had not fresh.” 无良道士的脸当场就绿了,慌忙道:“几位前辈,我胡言『乱』语,你们不要和我一般见识,眼下这阴坟开启了必杀之局,凭我的修为,如果下去的话,有死无生。” Really is not simple, continually the Yang grave and Yin Grave know, it seems like you are truly uncommon, gets down with us together!” “果然不简单,连阳墓与阴坟都知晓,看来你确实不凡,跟我们一起下去吧!” No, I said that several seniors show mercy......” the unscrupulous Daoist Priest pitiful yell. “别,我说几位前辈手下留情啊……”无良道士惨叫。 "shuà" “刷” Five light flashed, five super great person are raising complexion round of green unscrupulous Daoist Priest, submerged in the blood color cold deep pool instantaneously, unscrupulous Daoist Priest such as kills the pig pitiful yell sound to stop suddenly. 五道光芒一闪,五位超级大人物提着脸『色』发绿的无良道士,瞬间没入了血『色』的寒潭中,无良道士如杀猪般的惨叫声戛然而止。 With their entries, cold deep pool boiling, to everywhere blood light, but these Monster General one step has first vanished in inside. 随着他们的进入,寒潭一阵沸腾,冲起漫天的血光,而那些妖将则早已先一步消失在里面。 Really is the evil person has the evil person grinding, damned fatty you strives for fortunately!” Ye Fan stood up, patted the buttocks, left here, this place said that anything cannot stay. “果真是恶人自有恶人磨,死胖子你自求多福吧!”叶凡站起身来,拍了拍屁股,离开了这里,这地方说什么也不能呆下去了。 Rumble “轰隆隆” The blood color ray sparkle, the trim primitive ruins were all covered by the blood light, a chilliness that here changes fan and strange monster, exceptionally fearful. 血『色』光芒闪耀,整片原始废墟全都被血光笼罩了,这里变的一片凄『迷』与妖异,异常的可怕。 In this moment, the feelings of some everyone palpitations, under the blood color cold deep pool, as if have the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering accident to happen! 在这一刻,所有人都有心悸的感觉,血『色』的寒潭下,似乎有惊天动地的变故在发生! Ye Fan leaves that mountain ridge, avoided by far. 叶凡离开那座山岭,远远的躲避了出去。 Obstructs day 70 遮天70 At this moment, the square mountains inscribe Dao Runes, blocked this piece of ancient land, Ye Fan is unable to break through, can only saunter in the mountainous regions. He departs in the waiting opportunity, at present he obtains one page of Gold Book, gains mysterious green copper accidentally/surprisingly, it can be said that lets harvest that” all cultivator go wild, escapes to go is the best choice. 此刻,四方的山川都刻有道纹,封锁了这片古地,叶凡无法突破,只能在山地间转悠。他在等待机会离去,眼下他得到一页金书,更是意外获取一块神秘绿铜,可以说是让所有修士都抓狂的“丰收”,远遁而去是最好的选择。 Hopes that restrictions breaks open earlier......” “希望禁制早点破开……” Ye Fan root cultivation base is low, is unable to compete for the spiritual wisdom weapon with these cultivator, he understands that own situation, the special choice bleak place walks. 叶凡修为低下,根本无法与那些修士争夺通灵武器,他明白自身的情况,专门选择荒凉的地方走。 Ye Fan turns on a jade box, immediately has intermittently fragrance greets the nostrils to come, that Jade Serpent Orchid is strongly fragrant, he wants to take an action in this moment, wants to seek for Spirit Medicine while this opportunity. Now obtains one page of Gold Book, complete Wheel and Sea Volume will direct him to lead the way, if immediately seeks enough Spirit Medicine again, then he can have an achievement inevitably in a short time. 叶凡打开一个玉盒,顿时有阵阵馨香扑鼻而来,那株玉蛇兰馥郁芬芳,在这一刻他想有所行动,想趁这个机会去寻找灵『药』。如今已经得到一页金书,完整的“轮海卷”将指引他前行,当下如果再寻到足够的灵『药』,那么他必然可以在短时间内有所成就。 Ye Fan goes into action fast, walks toward the remote mountain. As a result of monster Emperor Tomb tomb enter the world, numerous Spirit Beast almost escaping up, only then a few hides in hole hole is not willing to come out, at this moment wants to pick Spirit Medicine, compared with ordinary easy innumerable times. 叶凡快速行动起来,向着深山中走去。由于妖帝坟出世,众多灵兽都几乎逃光了,只有少数躲在洞『穴』内不肯出来,此刻想要采摘灵『药』,比平常容易无数倍。 Previously when came to the ruins deep place, Ye Fan remembers that passed by a swamp, discovered powerful Mutant Beast there, seems protecting anything, at that time went round by far, now he decides again. 此前来废墟深处时,叶凡记得路过一片沼泽,在那里发现一头强大的异兽,似乎在守护着什么东西,当时远远的绕开了,现在他决定再。 Sought that mountain side place, Ye Fan soon found that swamp, he was indistinct to feel that intermittent baleful aura, in the swamps discovered many giant scales, all had the palm of the hand is so big fully. 寻到那片山地,叶凡很快找到了那片沼泽,他隐约间感觉到了阵阵煞气,在沼泽间发现不少巨大的鳞片,皆足有巴掌那么大。 It seems like here hid big fellow previously, has departed luckily.” “看来这里早先隐藏了个大家伙,幸好已经离去。” Ye Fan sought for long time actually to have achieved nothing carefully, finally he fell off most places to discover an unusuality in the scale, here had not a well-known plant, looked very ordinary, but Mutant Beast seems to be avoiding carefully, has not stepped on. 叶凡仔细寻找了很长时间却一无所获,最后他在鳞片脱落最多的地方发现一丝异常,这里有一株不知名的植物,看起来非常普通,但是异兽似乎在小心躲避,并没有踩踏过。 He somewhat suspected, the squatting lower part of the body, digs up the soil, digs toward the rhizome place, dug more than one meter depth, has not seen exceptionally. 他有些怀疑,蹲下身来,挖开泥土,向着根茎处掘去,足足挖了一米多深,也没有见到异常。 In Ye Fan is going to give up, sudden golden light maps his view, under the soil, the terminal of this plant main root ties together the golden stem block unexpectedly, but the dragon eye size, lives the splendor shiningly. 就在叶凡将要放弃时,突然一点金光映入他的眼帘,在泥土下,这株植物主根的末端竟结有一块金『色』茎块,不过龙眼大小,灿灿生辉。 This is......” “这是……” Ye Fan is startled, he remembers unexpectedly, when Spirit Ruins Sanctuary reads the Spirit Medicine ancient book, had seen a record, it is said when ancient wood experience tribulation failure of some becomes a spirit, may not vanishes in a puff of smoke thoroughly, often will leave behind a life essence, attaches on the rhizomes of other plants, in the future might regenerate very much. 叶凡大吃一惊,他蓦地想起,在灵墟洞天翻看灵『药』典籍时,曾经见到过一种记载,据说有些成精古木历劫失败时,不一定会彻底灰飞烟灭,往往会留下一点生命精华,附着在其他植物的根茎上,将来很有可能会重新再生。 „Should this not be an essence that the old tree essence leaves behind?” Ye Fan looks at this golden tuber, show(s) is happy color, then loads in the jade box. “这该不会是老树精留下的一点精华吧?”叶凡看着这金『色』的块茎,『露』出喜『色』,而后装入玉盒中。 Afterward, his downward place sets out, soon before arriving at stone mountain, has giant black hole in foot, inside spreads, if hidden fragrance that if no. 随后,他向下个地点进发,不久来到了一座石山前,在山根处有一个巨大的黑洞,里面传出若隐若无的馨香。 Ye Fan show(s) is happy color, walks toward in fast. 叶凡『露』出喜『色』,快速向里走去。 Suddenly, low and deep roaring transmits from the Cave deep place, simultaneously follows has intermittent fearful baleful aura. 突然,一声低沉的咆哮从石洞深处传来,同时伴随有阵阵可怕的煞气 Ye Fan body immediately one stiff, quickly goes to retreat, such as flies to go far away generally. 叶凡身子顿时一僵,急忙向后退去,如飞一般远去。 Intermittent rumble the sound transmits, barbarian beast finds out the big half body from Cave, unceasing low roar. Taking the form of wolf, but whole body wool has not sent, is growing sharp stingers, assumes black black, looks somewhat scary. 阵阵隆隆之响传来,一头蛮兽石洞中探出大半截身子,不断的低吼。形似豺狼,但浑身没有一根『毛』发,生长着一根根尖锐的毒刺,呈乌黑『色』,看起来有些骇人。 It can be 78 meters steadily, bloody baleful aura is extremely heavy, when the low roar, has black light to shine all over the body unceasingly, probably the black flame is burning. 它长能有七八米,血腥煞气极重,在低吼时,通体不断有乌光亮起,像是黑『色』的火焰在燃烧。 Ye Fan hides in the distant place, looks apparent, this barbarian beast he cannot stir up, is more powerful than it jade corner/horn snake, this type of aura is fearful. 叶凡躲在远处,一望便知,这头蛮兽他根本惹不起,比之玉角蛇要强大很多,这种气息非常慑人。 Other Mutant Beast ran away, it actually dares to stay behind, is definitely extraordinary!” “其他异兽都逃走了,它却敢留下,肯定非凡!” Obstructs day 70 遮天70 Finally, Ye Fan has not had any harvest here, starts other places to seek. After two double-hour, he sought three Spirit Medicine, but was not how rare and precious medicine grass, was far less than that golden tuber was precious. 最终,叶凡并没有在这里有任何收获,开始去其他地方寻找。两个时辰之后,他又寻到了三种灵『药』,不过并不是多么珍稀的『药』草,远不如那金『色』块茎珍贵。 Bang “轰” At this moment, cold deep pool there leaps everywhere the blood light, several person's shadows shoot up to the sky, intense great war in the same place. 就在这时,寒潭那里腾起漫天的血光,数道人影冲天而起,激烈大战在一起。 Unexpectedly monster, whole body pitch-black, takes the form of a lion, but examines carefully is actually not, fought with great person like legend in converging, does not fall on leeward. 居然有一个怪物,浑身乌黑,形似一头狮子,但细看却不是,像极了传说中的辏与一个大人物交手,并不落在下风。 Cannot think that Monster Emperor past mount frozen here, the corpse is immortal, turns into the spirit corpse, becomes defends grave unexpectedly!” In the sky several great person siege the monster, wants extermination. “想不到啊,妖帝当年的坐骑被冰封在此,尸体不朽,化成灵尸,竟然成为了守坟者!”天空中几位大人物将怪物围困,想要将之诛灭。 In legend the retort evening coolie hat curtain is really uncommon, in the past followed the Monster Emperor time is not long, transformed this and other unexpectedly inconceivable Realm.” “传说中甑暮笠幔果然不凡,当年追随妖帝时间并不长,竟蜕变到了这等不可思议的境界。” That only black oppresses hawk ke to awake the sign that the sole has not suffered a defeat and fled unexpectedly brillant, nearly clash in the cold deep pool several times. 那只黑『色』的晔拮莺岢寤鳎竟然没有败亡的迹象,几次险些冲回寒潭中。 Rumble “轰隆隆” The cold deep pool seemed like boiling, had the Monster General corpse to run out unceasingly, by that Chao Kongzhi, was killed to the sky. 寒潭像是沸腾了,不断有妖将的尸体冲出,被那头晁控制,杀向天空中。 We are cut to extinguish this brillant, is unable to decode Monster Emperor lay out Dao Runes, cannot enter Yin Grave truly......” “我们就是斩灭这头晔,也无法破解妖帝布下道纹,不能真正进入阴坟……” The distant place, Ye Fan is surprised, under Yin Grave as if has many strangeness, at present some unexpectedly so many monsters flushed. 远处,叶凡非常吃惊,阴坟下似乎有非常多的古怪,眼下竟有这么多怪物冲了出来。 Clang clang clang “锵锵锵” Suddenly, the ruins four directions transmit the intermittent sonorous sound suddenly, initially when such as the inscription on stone tablet and bronze vibrates, such as the tsunami is later ordinary, vast fluctuating, rumble makes noise, then all around to/clashes together the Dao Spirit glow, the endless god splendor submerges ten directions. 突然,废墟四方突然传来阵阵铿锵之音,初时如金石震动,随后又如海啸一般,浩瀚起伏,隆隆作响,接着四面八方冲起一道道神芒,无尽神辉将十方淹没。 Five great person lay out Dao Runes was broken open forcefully! 五位大人物布下的“道纹”被人强行破开了! This makes everyone be all startled! The people know, there is absolute peak Powerhouse to arrive, moreover was not one person, they five great person lay out Dao Runes smashing, not how perfect day potential disintegrated. 这让所有人全都大吃一惊!众人知道,又有绝顶强者驾临了,而且不是一人,他们将五位大人物布下的“道纹”粉碎,将并不多么完善的“天势”瓦解。 Then, the Dao Spirit rainbow flushed together, innumerable cultivator rushes, all of a sudden were more than several times person. But take action several great person do not have appearance in secret, but has also entered the ruins obviously. 接着,一道道神虹冲了进来,数不清的修士赶至,比原来一下子多了数倍人。而暗中出手的几位大人物并没有『露』面,但显然也已经进入废墟。 In the primitive ruins, is centered on the cold deep pool, blood mist flutters, strange monster even more, the innumerable monster flushed, but cultivator also more gathers, no one departs, many Sect are catching up. 原始废墟中,以寒潭为中心,血雾飘动,越发的妖异了,数不清的怪物冲了出来,而修士也越聚越多,没有人离去,更多的门派在赶来。 Square restrictions was broken open, the Ye Fan great happiness, can leave finally. 四方的禁制被破开,叶凡大喜,终于可以离开了。 At this moment, his Golden Sea of Bitterness accumulated has green copper, is not only huge good fortune, is the boundless calamity, if were detected, meets to drop Hell from the heaven instantaneously, he decides to be far away from this stretch of ruins immediately. 此刻,他的金『色』苦海蕴有绿铜,既是天大的福缘,也是无边的厄难,万一被人发觉,会瞬间从天堂跌落到地狱,他决定立刻远离这片废墟。 War, hits Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, demons weeping, spirits crying, no matter also my matter.” “战吧,打个天崩地裂,鬼哭神嚎,也不管我的事了。” Ye Fan goes far away fast, when until will soon go out of the ruins, he then looked at one, said: Takes own road, making others look for the most precious object.” 叶凡快速远去,直到即将走出废墟时,他才回头望了一眼,道:“走自己的路,让别人找至宝去吧。” If unscrupulous Daoist Priest knows the truth, hears his words at this moment again, must the air/Qi spit blood, certainly will peel him exactly. 如果无良道士知道真相,再听到他此刻的话语,非气吐血不可,一定会活剥了他。 Naturally, if other cultivator know the situation, possibly can. 当然,如果其他修士知晓情况,可能会更甚。
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