STH :: Volume #1

#69: Opening kills the bureau

The black cold deep pool, the spray turns wells up, broken ancient war chariot has experienced the baptism of blood and fire probably, above covered entirely the slash sword hole, steamroll black water, braves all hardships. 黑『色』的寒潭,浪花翻涌,残破的古战车像是经历过血与火的洗礼,上面布满了刀痕剑孔,碾压黑水,乘风破浪而来。 Really was weird, in the past the ten thousand years years, Monster Emperor Yin Grave also has to defend grave unexpectedly, was really odd, unimaginable!” unscrupulous Daoist Priest frowns. “真是邪门了,已经过去上万载岁月,妖帝阴坟居然还有守坟者,真是太离谱了,不可想象!”无良道士直皱眉头。 Whiz “嗖” When his god, an arrow feather of black is fast shooting to come, in the arrow has the deep fire to burn, the arrow tail surges the strong black fog. 就在他愣神之际,一支黑『色』的箭羽快速『射』来,箭头上有冥火在燃烧,箭尾涌动出浓烈的黑雾。 "dāng" “当” Obstructs day 69 遮天69 unscrupulous Daoist Priest sets up the red agate shield, prevents this arrow feather outside, but the arrow feather actually exploded broken at this time, the deep fire four shooting, the black fog was turbulent. The deep fire the surrounding ground burn, the rock melts, then the black fog wells, also its frozen, cracks as a result of freezing to become the powder. 无良道士立起红玛瑙般的盾牌,将这只箭羽阻挡在外,但箭羽却在这时爆碎,冥火四『射』,黑雾汹涌。冥火将周围的地面烧焦,岩石熔化,接着黑雾涌至,又将其冰封,冻裂出成粉末。 These fearful energies nearly attack Ye Fan and unscrupulous Daoist Priest, this arrow feather ice fire 2nd heavenly layer, is fierce, general cultivator does not pay attention slightly, possibly has nature the sorrow of life. 这些可怕的能量险些冲击到叶凡无良道士,这种箭羽冰火两重天,非常厉害,一般的修士稍不注意,就可能有『性』命之忧。 Whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖……” The sound of breaking space is lingering on faintly, an arrow feather of only black penetrates the black fog, shooting comes unceasingly, probably black rainstorm knock down gets down. 破空之响不绝于耳,一只只黑『色』的箭羽穿透黑雾,不断『射』来,像是一阵黑『色』的暴雨打落下来。 Dingdong “叮叮当当” The red agate shield several hundred arrows, the surroundings were surrounded by the deep fire continuously, has completely the black fog to be whether there is turbulent. 红玛瑙般的盾牌连续中了数百箭,周围被冥火包围,更有有无尽的黑雾在汹涌。 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 The shield overflows color scarlet magnificent light, such as the wave goes generally outward turbulently, shakes disperses the deep fire, scatters the black fog, blocked this wave of attack finally. 盾牌溢出赤红『色』的光华,如水波一般向外汹涌而去,震散冥火,驱散黑雾,总算挡住了这波攻击。 However, at this moment rumble the sound sends out, these broken war chariot carry Yin Soldiers to clash, has disembarked, steamroll to near. 然而,就在这时隆隆声响发出,那些残破的战车载着阴兵冲来,已经登岸,碾压到了近前。 I must have a look at you but actually am anything!” After unscrupulous Daoist Priest is nipping , the molar makes a determined effort saying that opens mouth the blowout together green light, this is one inch knife, green shines, an show/unfolds, fast as long is against the wind long as more than half foot, probably Tanbi water is common, glittering and translucent, has the intermittent cold air to spill over. “我倒要看看你们是什么东西!”无良道士咬着后槽牙发狠道,张嘴喷出一道绿光,这是一口一寸长的小刀,绿的发亮,迎风一展,快速长到半尺多长,像是一潭碧水一般,晶莹剔透,有阵阵寒气泛出。 After Ye Fan sees, clenches teeth, that precisely he obtains the dagger, was snatched by this unscrupulous Daoist Priest, at this moment brings to oppose the enemy. 叶凡见到后,一阵咬牙,正是他得到的那把匕首,被这无良道士抢去了,此刻拿来对敌。 "chī" “哧” Dark green color the dagger turned into a greenbelt to clash, stirred up shooting radiant Divine Red Clouds, immediately blocked broken ancient war chariot. 青绿『色』的匕首化成一条绿带冲了出去,激『射』出一道道璀璨神霞,顿时将一辆残破的古战车挡住了。 Afterward, the unscrupulous Daoist Priest Sea of Bitterness ray blooms, a blood color bead flushed, the scarlet rosy cloud four shooting, stirs up 『』 the intermittent powerful divine force fluctuation, goes forward turbulently, decides three ancient war chariot at the scene there, is hard to move the slightest. 随后,无良道士苦海光芒绽放,一颗血『色』的珠子冲了出来,赤霞四『射』,激『荡』出阵阵强大的神力波动,向前汹涌而去,当场将三辆古战车定在那里,难以移动分毫。 At the same time, on the thumb of unscrupulous Daoist Priest presents pulling that purple light sparkles to refer, his palm illuminates shooting clear, Purple Qi fills the air. 同一时间,无良道士的拇指上出现一个紫霞闪闪的扳指,将他的手掌都照『射』的一片晶莹,紫气弥漫。 Cuts!” “斩!” unscrupulous Daoist Priest lightly shouted, raises the finger, pulling of purple refers to immediately auspicious color thousand, shooting sharp purple blade glow. 无良道士轻喝,扬起手指,紫『色』的扳指顿时瑞彩千条,『射』出一道道锋利的紫『色』刃芒。 pū pū “噗噗噗” Endures the glow to break out two broken war chariot, will do Yin Soldiers to stop. 忍芒将两辆残破的战车劈开,将一干阴兵阻拦住。 Obstructs day 69 遮天69 Sees all these, a Ye Fan curse, these three spiritual wisdom weapons are he seek, but was actually snatched by unscrupulous Daoist Priest, at this moment with opposes the enemy. 看到这一切,叶凡一阵诅咒,这三件通灵武器都是他寻到的,但却被无良道士抢去,此刻拿出来对敌。 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 At this moment, then color dagger pierces five Yin Soldiers the green of spiritual wisdom, cuts broken war chariot. But at this time, scarlet such as the bead of blood also successful imprisoned completely three war chariot. 就在这时,那把通灵的绿『色』匕首将五名阴兵洞穿,将一辆战车斩碎。而这个时候,赤红如血的珠子也成功将三辆战车完全禁锢住。 Good thing!” unscrupulous Daoist Priest sighed. “好东西啊!”无良道士感叹。 Finally, these broken war chariot were cut completely broken, all Yin Soldiers were almost also pierced, unscrupulous Daoist Priest rushes over fast, rips open their black iron mail-armor and helmet, in watching is anything. 最终,那些残破的战车全部被斩碎,所有阴兵也都几乎被洞穿,无良道士快速冲了过去,将他们身上的乌铁甲胄撕开,观看里面到底是什么。 What make his dumbfounded is, after first several Yin Soldiers rip open the mail-armor and helmet, inside flows out a place fine sand unexpectedly, does not have the object of life. Afterward, he seeks several finally is not fine sand Yin Soldiers, after thorough examination , the discovery unexpectedly is the corpse of wild animal, by frozen that's all. 让他目瞪口呆的是,前几个阴兵撕开甲胄后,里面竟流出一地细沙,根本不是有生命的物体。随后,他终于寻到几个不是细沙的阴兵,仔细检查后发现竟然是野兽的尸体,被冰封了而已 What's the matter......” unscrupulous Daoist Priest, said astonishedly: Is Dao Runes is supporting them?” He sweeps fast these these fine sand, is really discovering a small wooden sign same place, above engraves complex Dao Runes. “怎么回事……”无良道士惊异不已,道:“难道是道纹在支撑着他们?”他快速将这些那些细沙扫开,果然在原地发现一块小木牌,上面刻印着复杂的“道纹”。 If so, scatters sand Chengbing, gathers corpse to become Jiang, good method.” Then, unscrupulous Daoist Priest show(s) exciting expression, said: These are Dao Runes before ten thousand years, could study anything.” “果真如此,撒沙成兵,聚尸成将,好手段啊。”说完,无良道士『露』出兴奋的神『色』,道:“这些都是万载前的道纹,说不定可以研究出什么。” He blows to fly the fine sand of ground fast, shatters several skeletons, collected all wooden signs, piled a big pile on the ground. 他快速将地上的细沙吹飞,将几具尸骨震裂,把所有木牌都收集了起来,在地上了堆了一大堆。 Bang “轰” At this moment, in the ice cold black deep pool transmits the sound again, whole body black gold battle armour Monster General, lives a wolf head, walked slowly, passed is sending the strong death aura, did not know powerful many times compared with these Yin Soldiers. 就在这时,冰寒的黑潭中再次传来声响,一个浑身乌金战甲妖将,生有一颗狼头,缓缓走了上来,透发着浓重的死亡气息,比那些阴兵也不知道强大了多少倍。 This is Monster General that died in battle in years past, was used, does not seem like Dao Runes to support his corpse.” unscrupulous Daoist Priest show(s) thinking expression. “这是昔年战死的妖将,也被利用了起来,似乎不是道纹在支撑着他的尸身。”无良道士『露』出思索的神『色』 Monster General compelling comes slowly, a ground tremor, the surroundings black fog turns wells up. 妖将缓缓『逼』来,地面一阵颤动,周围黑雾翻涌。 „It is not simple.” In this moment, unscrupulous Daoist Priest Sea of Bitterness blooms dazzling Azure-red Clouds, big azure flame goes forward turbulently, surrounded that wolf head Monster General. “不简单啊。”在这一刻,无良道士苦海绽放出炫目的青霞,一大片青『色』火焰向前汹涌而去,将那狼头妖将包围了起来。 Bang “砰” However, this Monster General no small matter, passed sends out the intermittent strong death aura, compelling drew back the azure flame unceasingly. 然而,这尊妖将非同小可,透发出阵阵浓烈的死亡气息,将青『色』火焰不断『逼』退。 He had the sudden rising, had dim spiritual wisdom, the monster body was immortal, had the strong death resentful strength.” unscrupulous Daoist Priest one startled, feels the no small matter, lets Ye Fan retreat, he offered a sacrifice to several spiritual wisdom weapons, succeeds one another by the azure flame. “他发生了尸变,有了朦胧的灵智,妖体不朽,产生了强大的死亡怨力。”无良道士一惊,感觉非同小可,让叶凡后退,他将几把通灵武器都祭了出去,以青『色』的火焰相辅。 Here has the strangeness unexpectedly.” At this moment, an indifferent sound conveys, twenty -year-old young mens arrive on this mountain ridge, said: Very good, you can retreat......” his vision to lock, in the ground these inscribe on the Dao Runes wooden sign, then observed closely that Monster General. “这里竟有古怪。”就在这时,一个冷漠的声音传来,一名二十几岁的青年男子来到这座山岭上,道:“很好,你们可以退走了……”他的目光锁定在地上那些刻有道纹的木牌上,而后又盯住了那尊妖将 unscrupulous Daoist Priest shot a look at his one eyes indifferently, but instantaneous show(s) surprise look, on the robe sleeve of opposite party embroidered the mark of Flickering Light Holy Land unexpectedly. 无良道士冷眼瞥了他一眼,但瞬间『露』出异『色』,对方的袍袖上竟绣有摇光圣地的标记。 I am Flickering Light disciple, the Teacher have the life, making your constant speed fast leave.” The youth are arrogant, as if there is inborn superiority feeling, he swept Ye Fan, discovered that its does not have divine force to fluctuate, said: „The words that does not want dead, hurry to leave here!” “我乃摇光弟子,师长有命,令你等速速离开。”青年倨傲无比,似乎有着天生的优越感,他扫了一眼叶凡,发现其没有神力波动,道:“不想死的话,赶紧离开这里!” Bang “砰” At this moment, that Monster General shook off the fetter of unscrupulous Daoist Priest, leaps forward in the black deep pool fast, vanishes does not see. 就在这时,那名妖将挣脱了无良道士的束缚,快速跃入黑潭中,消失不见。 Obstructs day 69 遮天69 unscrupulous Daoist Priest has rotated the body, cold sound said: „The thing of acting recklessly, pulls the fierce appearance to make the flag, is most repugnant your such degenerate, unexpectedly pretends to be Flickering Light Holy Land disciple, let alone you are not, even if is really the words, Dao Grandpa I still dare slap to pat you!” 无良道士回转过身躯,冷声道:“不知死活的东西,扯虎皮做大旗,最反感你这样的败类,居然冒充摇光圣地弟子,别说你不是,就算真是的话,道爷我也敢一巴掌拍死你!” "shuà" “刷” The youth see reveal, direct take action, hundreds and thousands of golden glow, dense and numerous, such as the golden light rain turns toward unscrupulous Daoist Priest to flush away generally. 青年见败『露』,直接出手,成百上千道金芒,密密麻麻,如金『色』的光雨一般向着无良道士冲去。 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 The unscrupulous Daoist Priest big sleeve wields, Azure-red Clouds spurts, all received the golden light rain, unexpectedly gold/metal needle. 无良道士大袖一挥,青霞飞洒,将金『色』光雨全都收了起来,竟然一根根金针。 Bang “砰” unscrupulous Daoist Priest flushes away fast forward, a neck that held the youth, raises him to arrive at the cold deep pool near, said: Pulls the fierce appearance to make the flag, wants to hoodwink your family Dao Grandpa, said, which disciple, I throw you to get down otherwise.” 无良道士快速向前冲去,一把抓住了青年的脖子,提着他来到寒潭近前,道:“扯虎皮做大旗,想蒙蔽你家道爷,说,到底哪家的弟子,不然的话我扔你下去。” I really am Flickering Light disciple!” Youth show(s) fears color. “我真是摇光弟子!”青年『露』出惧『色』。 Why Daoist Priest rubbish with him, throws directly him, feeds that Monster General to consider as finished.” Ye Fan suggested in the distant place, intentionally threat that youth. 道长跟他废话干吗,直接将他扔进去,喂那妖将算了。”叶凡在远处建议,故意恐吓那个青年。 Said is also, does not need rubbish.” unscrupulous Daoist Priest washes one's hands of gently, the young men crashes into the cold deep pool instantaneously, suddenly vanishes does not see. “说的也是,无需废话。”无良道士轻轻一抖手,青年男子瞬间坠入寒潭中,眨眼消失不见。 The distant place, a Ye Fan dumbfoundedness, never expected that unscrupulous Daoist Priest really did this unexpectedly, this wicked daoist priest becomes some dangers in his heart immediately, this is an unscrupulous person. 远处,叶凡一阵目瞪口呆,没有想到无良道士竟真的这样做了,这缺德道士在他心中顿时变得有些危险起来,这是一个无所顾忌的人。 Crash-bang “哗啦啦” The black deep pool turns wells up, more than ten Monster General appear, the whole body is black gold battle armour, only has head reveal outside, their shapes are all sorts of strange and unusual, some are the dog heads, some are the tiger's head, looks is a monster, all passed is sending the strong death aura. In their hands is grabbing that youth, bang will tear, immediately the bloody water scatters. 黑潭翻涌,足足有十几名妖将出现,浑身皆是乌金战甲,唯有头颅『露』在外面,他们的形态千奇百怪,有的是狗头,有的是虎头,一看就是妖怪,全都透发着浓重的死亡气息。在他们的手中正抓着刚才的那名青年,“砰”的一声将之撕裂了,顿时血水四溅。 Rumble “轰隆隆” In this moment, the cold deep pool seemed like boiling generally, was turned into blood red color by jet black such as black ink unexpectedly, beautiful incomparable. 在这一刻,寒潭像是沸腾了一般,由漆黑如墨竟变成了血红『色』,妖艳无比。 „It is not good, the misdemeanor, Monster Emperor Yin Grave bloodstained, opened must kill situation!” unscrupulous Daoist Priest complexion becomes very ugly. “不好,坏事了,妖帝阴坟染血,开启了必杀之局!”无良道士脸『色』变得非常难看。 Bang “轰” In this moment, Heaven and Earth vibrates, in the cold deep pool to/clashes everywhere the blood light, beautiful but unfortunate that the trim Ancient Desolate ruins complement, alarmed all cultivator. 就在这一刻,天地震动,寒潭中冲起漫天的血光,将整片荒古废墟都映衬的一片凄艳,将所有修士都惊动了。 don't tell me...... will we die here?!” Ye Fan show(s) startled color. 难道说……我们会死在这里?!”叶凡『露』出惊『色』。
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