STH :: Volume #1

#68: black gold ape

I can certainly determine that green copper belongs to Central Province.” unscrupulous Daoist Priest sinks slightly recitation, then said: Past matter noisy noisy, what spreads is broadest, Monster Emperor seizes Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object Desolate Pagoda, when wants to take his longevity completely funeral object. Desolate Pagoda truly loses in that time, everyone believes that is his behavior. In addition, a quite secret legend, Desolate Pagoda is not Monster Emperor steals it is said that he to seek funeral object truly take action, but steals is actually Central Province's mysterious object. About this green copper, mysterious immeasurable, the Eastern Wilderness rare person knows, even if has heard, is not really transparent.” “我当然能够确定绿铜属于中州。”无良道士略微沉『吟』,接着道:“当年的事情闹的沸沸扬扬,流传最广的是,妖帝东荒人族至宝荒塔夺走,想作为他寿尽时的陪葬品。荒塔确实在那个时间段丢失,所有人都相信是他所为。除此之外,还有一则较为隐秘的传说,据称荒塔不是妖帝盗走的,他为寻陪葬品确实出手了,但盗取的却是中州的神秘器物。关于这块绿铜,神秘莫测,东荒罕有人知,纵然听说过,也不甚明了。” „Do you judge depending on these?” Ye Fan show(s) doubts being puzzled expression. “你就是凭这些判断出来的?”叶凡『露』出疑『惑』的神『色』 „The monster Emperor Tomb tomb, simply does not have Desolate Pagoda enter the world, denied the first legend, I naturally associated to green copper.” At this point, unscrupulous Daoist Priest gave itself directly slap, said: I have not thought, seeks the treasure for a lifetime, is hoodwinked eyes by green copper, the error.” “妖帝坟冢,根本没有荒塔出世,否定了第一种传说,我自然联想到了绿铜。”说到这里,无良道士直接给了自己一巴掌,道:“我万万没有想到,觅宝一辈子,会被绿铜蒙蔽双眼,错失而过。” How you awakened afterward, how to perceive improper?” “你后来怎么醒悟过来的,如何觉察到了不妥?” Because its ordinary surpassed the common sense, does not have the tiny bit flaw, uses all means to be concealed the truth, afterward recalled, this clearly is the biggest flaw, even if common waste copper impossible this ordinary......” “因为它普通的超出了常理,没有一丝一毫的破绽,使用所有办法都被瞒过,事后回想,这分明是最大的破绽,纵然是寻常的废铜也不可能这样‘普通’……” Obstructs day 68 遮天68 Ye Fan sighs intentionally, said: Cannot think that I am so unexpectedly aloof, washes one's hands of gently, Object abandoning of can compare Desolate Pagoda such as our Lv. What a pity, no one saw, I think that time I certain such as Divinity descending to earth, the graceful bearing is peerless, unprecedented Ling Jin.” 叶凡故意叹了一口气,道:“想不到我竟然如此超然,轻轻一抖手,将堪比荒塔器物弃之如敝履。可惜,没人见到,我想那时的我一定如神祗临尘,丰姿绝世,旷古凌今。” Intentionally exasperating? Under punches!” The unscrupulous Daoist Priest nose quick air/Qi was crooked. “成心气人是不是?欠揍吧!”无良道士鼻子都快气歪了。 Although Ye Fan thought that fat Daoist is very lacking virtue, but is not the ferocious generation, therefore pours does not fear him, said: Daoist Priest appeases anger, at present you most important matter, is hurries to find the way to fish that green copper, perhaps Desolate Pagoda also in following Yin Grave. Perhaps, you have not missed the heavy treasure, on the contrary may obtain two very much.” 叶凡虽然觉得胖道士很缺德,但并不是穷凶极恶之辈,因此倒也不怎么怕他,道:“道长息怒,眼下你最要紧的事,是赶紧想办法将那块绿铜捞上来,说不定荒塔也在下面的阴坟中。或许,你并没有错失重宝,相反很有可能得到两件。” Desolate Pagoda impossible in Yin palace!” Although words saying like this, but unscrupulous Daoist Priest let loose Ye Fan, how the careful thinking then should do. 荒塔不可能在阴殿中!”话虽然这样说,但无良道士还是放开了叶凡,仔细思索接下来该如何去做。 Spelled, I give a try again!” Fat Daoist walks toward the black deep pool again, he never forgets to mysterious green copper, is unable to give up. “拼了,我再试试看!”胖道士再次向黑潭走去,他对神秘的绿铜念念不忘,无法割舍。 Bang “轰” At this moment, in the black cold deep pool suddenly presents a huge vortex, fierce wicked beast ups and downs, appear in black water, its whole body is jet black, probably the black gold casting, passes is sending strange monster aura. 就在这时,黑『色』的寒潭中突然出现一个巨大的漩涡,一条狰狞的恶兽沉沉浮浮,出现在黑水中,它浑身漆黑,像是乌金浇铸而成,透发着一股妖异的气息。 Its shape is grotesque, lives three heads, center head taking the form of man ape, about two heads respectively are the bird and snake head, the body such as the black gold casting becomes deep horse, it does not have the feather to send all over the body, was covered by the black scales, is glittering the metal gloss, appearing powerful and powerful. 它的形状怪模怪样,生有三只头颅,正中的头颅形似人猿,左右两颗头颅分别是鸟头与蛇头,躯体如乌金浇铸而成的“冥马”,它通体没有羽发,被黑『色』的鳞甲覆盖,闪烁着金属的光泽,显得强大而有力。 This is a head length several-meter giant beast, roared in the water, sent out low and deep shouting, making Ye Fan feel that some soul rounds fluttered, as if the exsomatize will soon go. 这是一头长达十几米的巨兽,在水中咆哮,发出低沉的嘶吼,让叶凡感觉灵魂有些发飘,似乎即将离体而去。 Calms the mind with rapt attention!” Fat Daoist shouted lowly: Unexpectedly really has this type of thing, dwells in the world Extreme Yin Land, the roar can break the soul of person, is extremely powerful Mutant Beast, named black gold ape......” “静心凝神!”胖道士低喝道:“居然真的有这种东西,栖息在天下极阴之地,吼声可以震碎人的灵魂,是一种极其强大的异兽,名为乌金猿……” This whole body black light sparkles, fierce and huge Mutant Beast, although lives three heads, but only center ape has spiritual wisdom, about bird and snake head can display divine ability, but does not have the thought that is primarily middle ape, therefore is called the black gold ape. 这头浑身乌光闪闪、狰狞而又巨大的异兽,虽然生有三颗头颅,但只有正中的猿头有灵智,左右的鸟头与蛇头可以施展神通,但却没有思想,以中间的猿头为主,因此被称作乌金猿。 However also has the legend, just like the bird of black gold casting and snake head can also open spiritual wisdom, once the black gold ape evolves to that Realm, was terrifying, only if apex expert take action, otherwise is unable to cut to extinguish it, by that time it is dreadful magical power. 不过也有传说,犹如乌金浇铸的鸟头与蛇头也是可以开启灵智的,一旦乌金猿进化到那种境界,就非常恐怖了,除非绝顶高手出手,不然根本无法将其斩灭,到那时它将法力滔天。 The Ye Fan hear in the ear, bears in mind, calms the mind with rapt attention, is covered by magnificent light that fat Daoist overflows, the soul consolidated, no longer has a round of floating feeling. 叶凡听在耳中,记在心里,静心凝神,被胖道士溢出的光华笼罩,灵魂稳固了下来,不再有发飘的感觉。 Bang “轰” At this moment, the black gold ape floats off in black water suddenly, mixes the boundless black rough seas, attacks toward fat Daoist and Ye Fan. 就在这时,乌金猿突然在黑水中浮起,搅动起无边的黑『色』的大浪,向着胖道士叶凡冲击而来。 "chī" “哧” unscrupulous Daoist Priest responded rapid, single-handed making a circle, a azure multi-colored sunlight overflowed, if immediately the fireworks bloomed, a piece brilliant with fan ignorant/veiled, covered him and Ye Fan, that can the black fog and cold water of cracking as a result of freezing stone is all prevented outside, him from the sky delimits to carve at the same time, wrote one in a big way sealing character. 无良道士反应迅速,单手画圆,一片青『色』霞光溢出,顿时如烟花绽放,一片绚烂与『迷』蒙,将他与叶凡笼罩,那可以冻裂石块的黑雾与寒水全都被阻挡在外,与此同时他在空中划划刻刻,写出一个大大的“封”字。 Submits to punishment!” “伏法!” Fat Daoist light shouted, in Void sealing character is instantaneous, probably the jade carves, visible has the nature, a rising tone that brushes goes to the forward flight. 道士喝了一声,虚空中的“封”字瞬间璀璨,像是玉石雕琢而成,有形有质,刷的一上声向前飞去。 Obstructs day 68 遮天68 Bang “砰” Solid, seal on the body of black gold ape, sends out sī sī the sound, braves the intermittent chill/yin cold the black fog, must integrate in black golden carcasses gradually. 结结实实,印在乌金猿的身上,发出“咝咝”的响声,冒起阵阵阴寒的黑雾,渐渐要融入进乌金『色』的兽体中。 Roar......” “吼……” A black gold ape violent force vibration body, about two hanging down heads lifted slowly, bird opens mouth, the instantaneous blowout blazing lightning, the snake head sticks out the tongue together, the blowout black flame, made Void as if deeply worried together at the scene. 乌金猿猛力一抖动躯体,左右两个低垂的头颅缓缓抬了起来,鸟头张嘴,瞬间喷出一道炽烈的闪电,蛇头吐信子,喷出一道黑『色』的火焰,当场让虚空似乎都焦灼了。 Extremely Yin lightning and deep fire!” “极阴闪电与冥火!” Fat Daoist is startled, is drawing Ye Fan hurried retreat several steps, opens mouth to put out a blood color small shield, magnificent light, against the wind an show/unfolds, turns into 45 zhang (3.33 m) high, kept off before the body. 道士大吃一惊,拉着叶凡急忙后退几步,张嘴吐出一个血『色』的小盾,光华点点,迎风一展,化成四五丈高,挡在了身前。 Bang bang bang “砰砰砰” lightning glow dances in the air, the fire combustion of black, all attacks scarlet on such as the shield of blood, clear red light twinkles. 电芒飞舞,黑『色』的大火燃烧,全都冲击在赤红如血的盾牌上,一道道晶莹的红光闪烁而出。 This black gold ape is not very simple, about bird and snake head seemed to have opened spiritual wisdom, but had been pierced, lost spiritual wisdom!” Fat Daoist show(s) grave expression, if the three heads of black gold ape live spiritual wisdom simultaneously, is powerful cultivator meets even if , can only run. “这乌金猿很不简单,左右的鸟头与蛇头似乎曾经开启过灵智,但被人洞穿过,又失去了灵智!”胖道士『露』出凝重之『色』,如果乌金猿的三个头颅同时生有灵智,那么纵然是强大的修士遇上,也只能跑路。 Fortunately, two heads are not the perfect condition......” he talked to oneself in a soft voice, the powerful offensive of black gold ape makes such as red color precious jade shield shaking, but kept off eventually. “还好,两颗头颅不是完美状态……”他轻声自语,乌金猿的强大攻击让如红『色』宝玉般的盾牌一阵摇动,但终究是挡了下来。 Cuts!” “斩!” At this moment, in fat Daoist Sea of Bitterness runs out of together shining magnificent light, probably bright moonlight is ordinary, is bright and bright, the direct impact black gold ape goes. 就在这时,胖道士苦海中冲出一道灿灿光华,像是一轮明月一般,皎洁而明亮,直冲乌金猿而去。 Bang “砰” Center black gold ape that ape in the eyes runs out of two golden light, shooting on full moon shining jade plate, both one vibration. 乌金猿正中的那颗猿头双目中冲出两道金光,『射』在圆月般的灿灿玉盘上,两者都一阵震动。 unscrupulous Daoist Priest show(s) startled color, said: Three heads seemed to have caused heavy losses, above has the terrifying scar, it seems like past it certainly successful opened spiritual wisdom of three heads, if met at that time, I can only run.” 无良道士『露』出惊『色』,道:“三个头颅似乎都被人重创过,上面有恐怖的疤痕,看来昔日它一定成功将三个头颅的灵智都开启了,要是那时相遇,我只能跑路了。” The black gold ape not only about two heads lose spiritual wisdom, middle ape has also suffered the heavy losses, was hard to reappear in years past demon prestige, at this moment was suppressed gradually by unscrupulous Daoist Priest. 乌金猿不仅左右两个头颅失去灵智,中间的猿头也遭受过重创,难以再现昔年的魔威,此刻渐渐被无良道士压制住。 Bang “砰” But when unscrupulous Daoist Priest wants it receives to press, the black gold ape violently makes, erupts the dazzling black gold ray all over the body instantaneously, broke out of the fetter all of a sudden, sinks to the black deep pool. 但当无良道士想要将它收压时,乌金猿猛烈挣动,通体瞬间爆发出刺目的乌金光芒,一下子摆脱了束缚,沉入黑潭中。 This thing is really fearful, if makes its three heads restore, when the time comes then few person can surrender it.” Fat Daoist show(s) grave expression. “这个东西果然可怕,如果让它的三颗头颅都恢复过来,到时候便少有人能够降服它了。”胖道士『露』出凝重之『色』 At this moment, been too deep to see the bottom cold deep pool suddenly drastic fluctuation, under has anything to be going to run out probably, wants violent many compared with the black gold ape, in black deep pool surging boundless rough seas, the black mist is turbulent toward all around. 就在这时,深不见底的寒潭突然剧烈波动起来,下方像是有什么东西将要冲出,比乌金猿要猛烈的多,黑潭中涌起无边大浪,黑『色』的雾气向着四面八方汹涌。 The mist winds around, the ice is cold, this mountain ridge many places cracked as a result of freezing, many rocks will stroke in the black fog will turn into fine powder from now on. 雾气缭绕,冰寒刺骨,这座山岭很多地方被冻裂了,许多山石在黑雾拂过后化成了齑粉 Daoist Priest you did not say that Yin Grave hidden in secret, will not reappear, now so to be how fearful?” 道长你不是说阴坟隐在暗中,不会浮现出来吗,怎么现在如此可怕?” Obstructs day 68 遮天68 Possibly was I did a matter a moment ago, annoyed troublesome.” “可能是我刚才无意间做了一件事,惹了麻烦。” What did you make?” “你做什么了?” I in a black deep pool several kilometers deep place, saw ’ the stele that breakage that inscribesdeep deep pool inscription, I extract downward it, throw to the black deep pool deep place, I think after it sinks to the bottom, possibly touched Monster Emperor Yin Grave.” “我在黑潭数千米深处,看到一块刻有‘冥潭’字样的破损的石碑,我把它拔了下来,扔向了黑潭深处,我想它沉入底部后,可能触碰到了妖帝阴坟。” Daoist Priest, should you not that broken stone tablet smash in the Monster Emperor Yin palace?” 道长,你该不会是将那破碑砸在妖帝的阴殿上了吧?” At that time who knew under the deep deep pool is Monster Emperor Yin Grave......” “那时谁知道深潭下是妖帝阴坟……” Crash-bang “哗啦啦” At this moment, the black deep pool interior water splash changes, Yin Soldiers that one team wears the black iron armor runs out, in the hand all has the pitch-black Yin blade, death aura heavy. 就在这时,黑『色』的深潭内水花翻动,一队身穿黑『色』铁甲的阴兵冲出,手中皆持有乌黑的阴刀,死气沉沉。 This is......” Ye Fan is startled. “这是……”叶凡大吃一惊。 But fat Daoist also show(s) startled color, draws Ye Fan to go to retreat, said: What's all this about? Monster Emperor Yin Grave has what strangeness, has terrifying defending grave, these are what lives!” 而胖道士『露』出惊『色』,拉着叶凡后退去,道:“这是怎么回事?妖帝阴坟有什么古怪,难道有恐怖的守坟者,这些到底是什么生灵!” In the black deep pool the water splash turns intermittently wells up, broken ancient war chariot emit from the black deep pool, is carrying Yin Soldiers of car(riage) car(riage), they wear the ferrotungsten mail-armor and helmet, various whole body places are covered, in the hand or has the black Yin blade, or is carrying the black deep dagger-axe. 黑潭中水花阵阵翻涌,一辆辆残破的古战车自黑潭中冒出,载着一车车的阴兵,他们身披钨铁甲胄,全身各处都被覆盖,手中或持有黑『色』的阴刀,或端着黑『色』的冥戈。
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