STH :: Volume #1

#67: Desolate Pagoda and green copper

Chapter 67 Desolate Pagoda and green copper 第67章荒塔绿铜 unscrupulous Daoist Priest at the back of both hands, is frowning, walks back and forth, talked to oneself: Monster Emperor really lives up to reputation, supposes the Xiayang graves and Yin Grave two graves unexpectedly, is this place...... the flaw that he leaves behind intentionally?” 无良道士背着双手,皱着眉头,走来走去,自语道:“妖帝果然名不虚传,竟然设下阳墓与阴坟两座坟冢,此地……是他故意留下的破绽吗?” Fat Daoist is surprised, is staring at active volcano of distant place , the staring near immeasurably deep black deep pool, two eyebrows wool twisted one quickly, said: If I have not guessed that wrong, this Yin Grave was not greatly simple, goes in many people dead many people......” 道士惊疑不定,盯着远处的活火山,又凝视近前深不可测的黑潭,两道眉『毛』快拧到了一起,道:“如果我没有猜错的话,这座阴坟大不简单,进去多少人死掉多少人……” Daoist Priest you are not live well?” Ye Fan in one side inserting mouth. 道长你不是活的好好的吗?”叶凡在一旁『插』嘴。 Becoming the frame of mind am I?” How unscrupulous Daoist Priest sees that now Ye Fan is not how pleasing to the eyes, said: Your this black sheep of the family, got down to act as companion with Monster Emperor simply!” “成心气我是不是?”无良道士现在怎么看叶凡怎么不顺眼,道:“你这个败家子,干脆下去跟妖帝作伴得了!” Obstructs day 67 遮天67 No, Daoist Priest do not vent above me, this may really not close my matter.” “别,道长你别把气撒在我头上,这可真的不关我的事情啊。” Oh!” unscrupulous Daoist Priest sits on the ground, sad incomparable, said: Although I discovered a heaven shaking secret, but does not have the means to open Yin Grave, I expected that following certain lay out must kill situation. If a moment ago, I dived to the black deep pool bottom, entered the Yin palace, perhaps does not save in the world.” “唉!”无良道士一屁股坐在地上,神情沮丧无比,道:“虽然我发现了一个惊天的秘密,但是却没有办法打开阴坟,我料想下面一定布下了必杀之局。刚才,我如果下潜到黑潭底部,进入阴殿的话,恐怕已经不存于世间了。” Then, Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object ---- Desolate Pagoda, in Yin Grave under this black deep pool?” Ye Fan sits on the rock of distant place, is not near, so as to avoid incur bad luck, said: no wonder that five great person how, regardless of unable to seek Desolate Pagoda, originally suppress here.” “这么说来,东荒人族至宝————荒塔,在这黑潭下的阴坟中?”叶凡坐在远处的一块山石上,没有靠太近,免得触霉头,道:“怪不得那五个大人物无论如何也寻不到荒塔,原来镇压在这里。” unscrupulous Daoist Priest has not paid attention to him, expression of show(s) thinking, delimits to carve later on the ground, seems deducing all sorts of relations of Yang grave and Yin Grave, finally he long sighs, show(s) helpless expression, said: Misses the most precious object, actually stumbles upon shocking Yin Grave, but actually cannot go , is really the lamentation and worry!” 无良道士没有理会他,『露』出思索的神『色』,随后在地上划划刻刻,似乎在推演阳墓与阴坟的种种联系,最终他长叹了一口气,『露』出无奈的神『色』,道:“错失至宝,却偶然发现惊世阴坟,但却进不去,真是悔恨与苦恼!” „Doesn't there have several great person?” Ye Fan hints sky over active volcano five absolute peak Powerhouse. “那里不是有几个大人物吗?”叶凡示意活火山上空的五位绝顶强者 Even if they go , perhaps is also hard to move out, this is one must kill situation! The Yang grave is the flaw that Monster Emperor leaves behind intentionally, leaves descendant the Monster Race most precious object as well as his source of forces. But here is his place of resting, does not allow the bystander to disturb. exposes Yang grave, to cover Yin Grave! Perhaps, other wondrous uses, one Yin one Yang, hugs to defend Taiji, mysterious.” At this point, unscrupulous Daoist Priest show(s) disappointed expression, said: Only if there is a Eastern Wilderness Human Race's most precious object, otherwise even if has outstanding Powerhouse to decode to kill situation, but is unable immobilized Yin Grave, it to break under the Eastern Wilderness land, such as the dragon turns over to the sea, will not have the mark to seek.” “纵然是他们进去,恐怕也难以全身而退,这是一个必杀之局!阳墓是妖帝故意留下的破绽,将妖族至宝以及他的力量源泉留给后人。而这里才是他的安息之地,不容外人打搅。泄『露』阳墓,是为了掩盖阴坟!或许,还有其他的妙用,一阴一阳,抱守太极,玄而又玄。”说到这里,无良道士『露』出怅然的神『色』,道:“除非有东荒人族的至宝,不然的话纵然有盖代强者可以破解必杀之局,但也无法定住阴坟,它会冲入东荒大地之下,如龙归大海,将无迹可寻。” Desolate Pagoda such can mystical, immobilized Monster Emperor Yin Grave, be more powerful than outstanding Powerhouse unexpectedly?” Ye Fan show(s) surprised expression. 荒塔居然这么神异,可以定住妖帝阴坟,比盖代强者还要强大?”叶凡『露』出惊讶的神『色』 Naturally!” expression that unscrupulous Daoist Priest show(s) yearns, said: It is reported that Desolate Pagoda had the endless years, spread from what age, was unknown radically, this world it cannot the suppress person and thing!” “当然!”无良道士『露』出向往的神『色』,道:“据传,荒塔存在无尽岁月了,到底是从什么年代流传下来的,根本不得而知,这个世间没有它不能镇压的人与物!” Is so fearful?” “有这么可怕吗?” expression that fat Daoist show(s) day-dreams, said: Since the ancient times, exists about the immortal did not have the conclusion, who is hard to talk clearly. However, is related with Desolate Pagoda in each legend of Eastern Wilderness about immortal.” 道士『露』出悠然神往的神『色』,道:“自古以来,关于仙到底存不存在一直没有定论,谁也难以说清。但是,在东荒关于仙的每一则传说都与荒塔有关。” What relations has with Desolate Pagoda?” Ye Fan show(s) is astonished color. “与荒塔有什么关系?”叶凡『露』出讶『色』。 It is reported that in this endless years, Eastern Wilderness once had immortal enter the world, the have several time is recorded by the old book, these times without exception, these immortal all by Desolate Pagoda crush to death!” “据传,在这无尽岁月中,东荒曾有仙出世,有数次被古籍记载了下来,这几次无一例外,这几名‘仙’全都被荒塔镇死了!” No way, is Desolate Pagoda so fearful?!” Ye Fan is quite surprised, about immortal actually whether to exist, now the world does not have the conclusion. However is conceivable, if the immortal exists, dominates above inevitably in the world all cultivator! Powerful, is so hard to resist Desolate Pagoda suppress, this somewhat is really shocking. 不会吧,荒塔这么可怕?!”叶凡相当吃惊,关于仙究竟是否存在,当今之世没有定论。但是却可以想象,仙若是存在,必然凌驾于世间一切修士之上!强大如此,都难以抵挡荒塔镇压,这实在有些骇人听闻。 Nature is fearful, otherwise so many great person come this to do really! I want soon, then to have Lord of Holy Land to arrive personally, after all Eastern Wilderness was too big, the news that some people obtain is late, once knows, definitely meets lay out Dao Runes, crosses Void to come directly.” “自然可怕,不然这么多大人物来此作甚!我想用不了多久,便会有圣地之主亲自驾临,毕竟东荒实在太大了,有些人得到的消息较晚,一旦知晓,肯定会布下道纹’,直接横渡虚空而来。” What background Desolate Pagoda has, is so uncommon and powerful?” In Ye Fan heart difficult to be calm. 荒塔到底有什么来头,如此的不凡与强大?”叶凡心中难以平静 Legend, before Eastern Wilderness has the life birth, it has had in this world, no one knows its origin.” “传说,早在东荒有生灵诞生之前,它就已经存在这个世上,没有人知道它的来历。” „The treasure of pitifully, succeeding in obtaining, making Daoist Priest you give to throw, regarded the scrap copper and iron the most precious object.” Ye Fan shakes the head to sigh, coquettish. “可惜啊,到手的宝贝,让道长你给扔了,将至宝当成了废铜烂铁。”叶凡摇头叹气,故作姿态。 Hears this word, unscrupulous Daoist Priest color face is very immediately ugly, color is greener than the face of green copper, extremely angry, said: If because of you, I have not succeeded in obtaining.” 闻听此言,无良道士的『色』脸顿时很难看,比绿铜的颜『色』还要绿,愤愤不已,道:“如果不是因为你,我已经到手了。” Daoist Priest, the words cannot say, is you first discards, really pitifully that Desolate Pagoda.” 道长,话不能这么说,是你自己先丢掉的,真是可惜了那座荒塔。” Obstructs day 67 遮天67 Who told you it is Desolate Pagoda, my which words saying that it was the Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object?” “谁告诉你它是荒塔,我哪句话说它是东荒人族至宝了?” Ye Fan is surprised, said: Since is not Desolate Pagoda, why you worry to get angry, is not together the rotten copper, I also thought that it has no relations with Desolate Pagoda.” 叶凡非常惊讶,道:“既然不是荒塔,你着急上火干吗,不就是一块烂铜吗,我也觉得它跟荒塔没什么关系。” You understand anything, kid, being disinclined manages you!” unscrupulous Daoist Priest suppressed a lot of fires, is not willing to say the green copper matter again. “你懂什么,小屁孩一个,懒得理你!”无良道士憋了一肚子火,不愿再多说绿铜的事情。 Although Ye Fan the present seems like the 11 or 12-year-old appearance, but the real age over 20 years old, had been talked into the kid, the nature is discontented, small sound said: I do not consider!” 叶凡虽然现在看起来不过十一二岁的样子,但是真实年龄早已超过二十岁,被人说成小屁孩,自然不满,小声道:“我告非!” Whom did you tell?” unscrupulous Daoist Priest surprised uncertain asking. “你告诉谁?”无良道士惊疑不定的问道。 I do not consider you!” In Ye Fan heart uncomfortable, very reply of like this unscrupulous. “我告非你!”叶凡心中不爽,很不地道的这样回答。 „Don't you consider me? What chaotic 78 brewer's grains, has no free time to respond you.” Then, unscrupulous Daoist Priest has turned around, is lost in thought facing the black deep pool. “你告非我?什么『乱』七八糟的,没空搭理你。”说完,无良道士转过身,面对黑潭怔怔出神。 Daoist Priest, you do not dare to penetrate Yin Grave in any case, about the safe/without matter, rather said green copper what's the matter, making me know it to have what origin, after all throws from my hand......” 道长,反正你也不敢深入阴坟了,左右无事,不如说说绿铜到底怎么回事,让我知晓一下它有什么来历,毕竟是从我手上扔出去的……” You...... also had a face to say!” Hears these words, the fat Daoist air/Qi does not hit one, the eye was red. “你……还有脸说!”听到这些话,胖道士气不打一处来,眼睛都红了。 It seems very not really ordinary, I guess that is only worse than on...... Ye Fan truly not to settle the good intention Desolate Pagoda, teases unscrupulous Daoist Priest intentionally, naturally does not dare is too overdone. “看来真的很不一般,我猜只比荒塔差上一点点……”叶凡确实没安好心,故意挑逗无良道士,当然也不敢太过火。 Kid, pulls a smart trick with me unexpectedly, I feel stifled you! Did not tell you.” Fat Daoist turns around, did not respond him. “小屁孩,居然跟我耍心眼,我憋死你!偏不告诉你。”胖道士一转身,不搭理他了。 Daoist Priest your too unscrupulous, took away three spiritual wisdom weapons from my hand, now asked that you select the matter, actually adopts such a stance......” 道长你太不地道了,从我手里夺去三件通灵武器,现在问你点事情,却摆出这样一幅姿态……” unscrupulous Daoist Priest sees Ye Fan in that unceasingly cocky, really thinks that chokes to death him, said: Is ten and hundred and thousand spiritual wisdom weapons cannot trade by green copper that you discard!” 无良道士叶凡在那不断得瑟,真想一把掐死他,道:“就是十件、百件、千件通灵武器也换不来被你丢掉的绿铜!” I said that Daoist Priest such big resentment don't be good, I was not convenient throw into this black deep pool it, who asked you not to tell me previously it is the most precious object......” “我说道长你不要这么大怨气好不好,我不就是顺手将它扔进这黑潭里了吗,谁叫你早先不告诉我它是至宝……” Looks that at present this 11 or 12-year-old kid is chatty, cocky non-stop, unscrupulous Daoist Priest more recalls more is uncomfortable, finally somewhat wants to cry but have no tears unexpectedly, wishes one could to cut own two hands, so the hand is how inexpensive, why at that time hadn't remained? 看着眼前这个十一二岁的小屁孩唧唧歪歪,得瑟个不停,无良道士越是回想越不是滋味,最后竟有些欲哭无泪,恨不得将自己的两只手剁掉,怎么就那么手贱,当时为什么没有留下来? Not good his mother Heavenly Venerate!” He puts out the one breath layer on layer/heavily, said: You are little chatty, honest!” “无良他妈个天尊!”他重重吐出一口气,道:“你少要唧唧歪歪,老实点!” Oh!” Ye Fan shakes the head, sighs, but in the heart suddenly/violently clear/crisp, short in a minute, he has made unscrupulous Daoist Priest lament, successfully brings back its negativity, had/left a foul odor finally. “唉!”叶凡摇了摇头,叹了一口气,但是心中却暴爽,短短片刻间,他已经让无良道士悔恨不已,成功勾起其负面情绪,总算是出了一口恶气。 When Ye Fan no longer said anything, fat Daoist actually opened the mouth, seems like regretting, said: Who said this waste copper is inferior to Desolate Pagoda, before the ten thousand years years, because Eastern Wilderness almost this green copper overturns comes.” 叶凡不再说什么,胖道士却自己开口了,似乎是在惋惜,道:“谁说这废铜不如荒塔,万载岁月前,东荒差点因为这块绿铜倒翻过来。” Has such matter?” Ye Fan show(s) doubts being puzzled expression. “有这样的事情?”叶凡『露』出疑『惑』的神『色』 „When yes, in the past Desolate Pagoda losing has not had such moving chaotically, but this green copper makes trim Eastern Wilderness not probably be peaceful.” “是啊,当年荒塔遗失时也没有发生过这样的动『乱』,而这块绿铜却让整片东荒不得安宁。” Desolate Pagoda can suppress dead Immortal Being, the prestige be irreversible, is the Eastern Wilderness' most precious object, does green copper compare it to be fierce?” 荒塔可以镇压仙人,威不可挡,已经算是东荒的至宝,难道绿铜比它还厉害?” Fat Daoist is listless, said: green copper is the Central Province's thing, in the past when lost, Central Province all absolute peak Powerhouse completely left, nearly threw off Eastern Wilderness, Southern Mountains, Western Desert and Northern Plains thoroughly, that was huge moving chaotic!” 道士无精打采,道:“绿铜中州的东西,当年失落时,中州所有绝顶强者尽出,险些将东荒南岭西漠北原彻底掀翻,那是一场天大的动『乱』啊!” Obstructs day 67 遮天67 Ye Fan hears this word, held breath cold air. 叶凡闻听此言,倒吸了一口凉气。 He deeply knows, Central Province also wants vastly compared with Eastern Wilderness boundless, even if cultivator controls the god rainbow is also hard to cross, wants to arrive at another end from an end, can only engrave Dao Runes in the mountains land, condenses day potential, goes through and crosses in Void. 他深深知道,中州东荒还要浩瀚无垠,修士纵然驾驭神虹也难以横渡,想要从一端到达另一端,只能在山川大地上刻印“道纹”,凝聚“天势”,在虚空中穿行与横渡。 It is said that the Central Province multi- historical sites, outstanding people and magical soil, Powerhouse pours forth, is piece of extremely mysterious and prosperous ancient land. 据说,中州多古迹,人杰地灵,强者辈出,是一片极其神秘与繁盛的古地 Whose such big courage, provoked Central Province all apex expert completely came out......” “谁这么大的胆子,将中州所有绝顶高手全部招惹了出来……” Naturally is last unifies Eastern Wilderness Monster Race's Great Emperor, was Eastern Wilderness Human Race makes the huge trouble!” “自然是最后一位统一东荒妖族的大帝,为东荒人族惹来了天大的麻烦!” It seems like Monster Emperor is very powerful, mixes the all directions wind and cloud, truly is an extraordinary character.” “看来妖帝很强大,搅动八方风云,确实是个了不得的人物。” unscrupulous Daoist Priest looked at his one eyes ill-humoredly, said: This also said with you, if he is not very powerful, how possibly to unify Eastern Wilderness Monster Race, the achievement immortal imperial undertaking.” 无良道士没好气的看了他一眼,道:“这还用你说,如果他不够强大,怎么可能统一东荒妖族,成就不朽帝业。” Ye Fan thinks, asked: How you can determine that green copper belongs to Central Province, what thing is it?” 叶凡想了想,问道:“你怎么能够确定那块绿铜属于中州,还有它到底是什么东西?” Fellow book friends, I need the member to click, needs to recommend the ticket, asking everyone to support, jacked 《Shrouding the Heavens》. 各位书友,我需要会员点击,需要推荐票,请各位支持一下,将《遮天》顶起。 This/Ben book has uploaded for a month, during the new book already over 200,000 characters, before it is estimated that on the shelf, will be close to 300,000 characters, hopes that brothers and sisters generous support, leak * and power to me. 本书已经上传一个月,在新书期间就已经超过二十万字了,估计上架前将接近三十万字,希望各位兄弟姐妹们多多支持,给我漏*点与动力。
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