STH :: Volume #1

#66: Yang grave and Yin Grave

Chapter 66 Yang grave and Yin Grave 第66章阳墓与阴坟 Ye Fan understanding is not deep to Dao Runes, but listened to the Wu Qingfeng long eldest child slightly saying that the truly powerful weapon inscribed Dao Runes, it can be said that the soul and life of weapon. 叶凡对“道纹”了解并不深,只是听吴清风长老大略说过,真正强大的武器内部都刻有“道纹”,可以说是武器的灵魂与生命。 Naturally, Dao Runes not just limits to this, on weapon should have is only aspect that's all, whether there is it performs the wondrous use in each domain. For example: Can engrave on the mountains land features, forms all kinds of potential, unites the strange strength, making that region inexplicable mysticalness domain. 当然,“道纹”并非仅仅局限于此,在武器上的应有只是一个方面而已,它在各个领域都有无尽妙用。如:可以刻印在山川地脉上,形成各种各样的“势”,凝聚出奇异的力量,让那片地域成为莫名的神秘“领域”。 But abstruse Dao Runes is extraordinary, has different strength that cannot be guessed, after engraving, can change the myriad things to be nature with the structure, adjusted life-force and death. Even, some mystical „after Dao Runes lay out, can the circulation of influence time in certain range, achieve time to read truly catches. 而深奥的“道纹”更是非凡,具有不可揣测的异力,刻印下去后,能改变万物属『性』与结构,调节生机与死亡。甚至,有些神异的“道纹布下后,可以在一定的范围内影响时间的流转,真正做到“时间于一念间捕捉”。 Also somewhat mysterious Dao Runes can only engrave on the rare material, after conducting the precise unmistakable arrangement, if can provide powerful divine force for it again, then can pass through Heaven and Earth, crosses Void, appears from a place in another place in an instant. 还有些玄奥的“道纹”只能刻印在稀有的材料上,进行精密无误的排列后,如果再能为其提供强大的神力,则可以贯穿天地,横渡虚空,从一个地方刹那间出现在另一个地方。 Obstructs day 66 遮天66 Has Dao Runes complex, can condense day potential, has change and strength that is inconceivable. 更有纷繁复杂的“道纹”,可以凝聚出“天势”,具有难以想象的变化与力量。 Naturally, powerful Dao Runes does not spread in the world, all grasps in Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family hand, keeps secret, what kind of power and influence the bystander is unknown to have radically, has the legend of few words merely. 当然,许多强大的“道纹”并不流传于世,皆掌握在圣地荒古世家手中,秘而不宣,外人根本不得而知具有怎样的威势,仅仅有只言片语的传说。 In fact, Dao Runes broad and profound, the aspect that covers is broad. It is said that Dao Runes is the Supreme Being insight Heaven and Earth nature of ancient times, after having obtained , the thing that carving gets down, spreads in the world, formed now Dao Runes. 事实上,“道纹”博大精深,涵盖的方面非常广。据说,“道纹”是古时的大能感悟天地自然,有所得后“摹刻”下来的东西,流传于世,才形成了如今的“道纹”。 Common cultivator is unable to contact this domain, only then after the strength achieves certain Realm, can study Dao Runes, because in some sense, Dao Runes is Supreme Being of ancient times carving of insight, is powerful cultivator likes researching in thorough detail to spread in the world Dao Runes. 寻常的修士根本无法接触到这一领域,只有实力达到一定境界后才可以修习“道纹”,因为从某种意义上来说,“道纹”是古时的大能们“感悟的摹刻”,越是强大的修士越喜欢精研流传于世的“道纹”。 The mysterious green copper surface Dao Runes, has not only had in the fracture place is dense and numerous, Dao Runes is densely covered, is complex, abstruse immeasurable, is unable to understand. Although mysterious, but has the type of Daoist magic natural flavor, making one look was touched deeply. 神秘的绿铜表面并没有“道纹”,唯有在断口处密密麻麻,道纹密布,纷繁复杂,深奥莫测,根本无法让人理解。虽然玄而又玄,但却有种道法自然的韵味,让人一看就深受触动。 „It looks like the nature inborn thing...... Ye Fan to talk to oneself very much. Mr. Wu Qingfeng had said that some heavy treasures has inborn Dao Runes, is not the artificial sacrifice refining up, to stand out from the masses , is not replicable, is its powerful basis is. “很像自然天生的东西……”叶凡自语。吴清风老人曾经说过,有些重宝内部有天生的“道纹”,并不是人为祭炼上去的,与众不同,不可复制,是其强大的根本所在。 Really is inborn Dao Runes......” Ye Fan is unascertainable, he knows not many about Dao Runes, but the heart doubts being puzzled that's all. “难道真是天生的道纹……”叶凡不能确定,他对道纹了解不多,只是心有疑『惑』而已 Suddenly, Ye Fan felt that a strange fluctuation, he discovered that the road ahead was interrupted, fan fan misty, cannot see the end, has the intermittent strange mist to cover in the front. 突然,叶凡感觉到了一阵奇异的波动,他发现前路被截断了,『迷』『迷』蒙蒙,看不到尽头,有阵阵诡异的雾气笼罩在前方。 Meanwhile, he heard the Azure Flood Dragon heavenshaking roaring sound, Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Ji Family's great person rode golden ancient war chariot to clash, the air/Qi of withering swept across this high mountain ridge. 与此同时,他听到了青蛟震天的咆哮声,荒古世家姬家的大人物乘坐黄金古战车一冲而过,肃杀之气席卷这片崇山峻岭。 Temporarily seals the ruins, anybody can not depart!” Nine flood dragons pull a cart, traverse the road ahead, Ji Family's great person carve endless Dao Runes on the mountains land features, interrupted the road ahead. “暂封废墟,任何人都不得离去!”九蛟拉车,横断前路,姬家的大人物在山川地脉上刻下无尽道纹,截断了前路。 Another direction, nine Qilin beasts are drawing jade carriage, mounting the clouds and riding the mist, divine might was dreadful, blocked the East. At the same time, several other positions, hears the intermittent similar drinking sound, several great person block the ruins, does not permit anybody to depart. 另一个方向,九头麒麟兽拉着一辆玉辇,腾云驾雾,神威滔天,阻断了东方。同一时间,其他几个方位,也传来阵阵相似的喝声,几位大人物将废墟封锁,不准任何人离去。 In Ye Fan heart one startled, felt that some are not wonderful, he quickly stopped, no longer revolves the profound law of «Dao Scripture» recording, golden Sea of Bitterness belongs to tranquilly, then vanished. 叶凡心中一惊,感觉有些不妙,他急忙停了下来,不再运转《道经》所记载的玄法,金『色』苦海归于平静,而后消失了。 This stretch of ruins a noise, numerous cultivator do not know immediately had anything, thinks that several great person want killing spree (rampage). 这片废墟顿时一阵喧嚣,众多修士不知道发生了什么,以为几位大人物大开杀戒呢。 What had?” “发生了什么?” Why doesn't make us leave?” “为什么不让我们离开?” In many itinerant cultivator hearts is very anxious, only then cultivator of these big factions are calm, without show(s) is hurried chaotically color. 许多散修心中很不安,只有那些大派的修士还算镇定,没有『露』出慌『乱』之『色』。 „The Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object had not appeared, several great person were hurried!” 东荒人族至宝一直没有显现,几位大人物慌了!” Right, blocks the way, is shy goes with the treasure.” “没错,阻断去路,是怕人携宝而去。” These five great person are unable to seek the Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object, can others obtain?” “这五位大人物都无法寻到东荒人族至宝,其他人有可能得到吗?” Obstructs day 66 遮天66 ...... …… A numerous cultivator discussion, when knows for the Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object, but seal and trap here, majority felt at ease, they had not held anything to the most precious object. 众多修士一阵议论,当得知是为东荒人族至宝而封困了这里,大多数都心安了下来,他们本来就对至宝没有抱什么希望。 Five great person carve Dao Runes on the mountains land features, the blockade four directions, then returned to the monster Emperor Tomb tomb disintegration place, restarts the search. 五位大人物在山川地脉上刻下道纹,封锁四方,而后回到了妖帝坟冢崩碎的地方,重新开始搜索。 My Eastern Wilderness Human Race's most precious object is how silent, after monster Emperor Tomb tomb disintegration, should erupt the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering imposing manner to be right.” “我东荒人族的至宝怎么无声无息,妖帝坟冢崩碎后应爆发出惊天动地的气势才对。” Five great person whispered, they did not have the code, does not need to conceal. 五位大人物低语,他们并没有密语,根本无需掩饰。 Desolate Pagoda where, why not enter the world......” 荒塔到底在何方,为何不出世……” Was missing for over ten thousand years, Desolate Pagoda really should reappear world, why disappeared.” “失踪上万年了,荒塔真的该重现世间了,为什么不见踪影。” The distant place, numerous cultivator are imposing, several great person win obviously, if cannot seek this most precious object, really does not know must block what day. 远处,众多修士凛然,几位大人物显然志在必得,如果不能够寻到这件至宝,真不知道要封锁的何日。 In Ye Fan heart surprised, until now he knows Eastern Wilderness Human Race's most precious object named Desolate Pagoda, light/only listens to the name to make people feel extraordinarily. 叶凡心中惊讶,直到现在他才知道东荒人族的至宝名为“荒塔”,光听名字就让人感觉非凡。 cultivator of many big factions were discussing, regarding this most precious object past. 许多大派的修士在议论,谈起这宗至宝的过去。 It is said that Desolate Pagoda had the endless years, spread from what age, was unknown radically.” “据说,荒塔存在无尽岁月了,到底是从什么年代流传下来的,根本不得而知。” legends say and Eastern Wilderness in, in this stretch of vast boundless land just had the life, Desolate Pagoda exists.” 相传东荒同在,在这片浩瀚无垠的大地上刚有生灵时,荒塔就存在了。” Desolate Pagoda what appearance?” Many cultivator did not understand very much. 荒塔到底什么样子?”很多修士都不是很了解。 As the name suggests, naturally is the tower, nine heavy Desolate Pagoda have the vast immeasurable mighty force, eternal immortal, but suppress world all Powerhouse!” “顾名思义,自然是塔身,九重荒塔具有浩瀚莫测的伟力,万古不朽,可镇压世间一切强者!” Is so terrorist?” “有这么恐怖吗?” Even if your divine might is unparalleled, looks disdainfully Eastern Wilderness, cannot block Desolate Pagoda suppress, how otherwise to be called the Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object.” “纵然是你神威盖世,睥睨东荒,也挡不住荒塔镇压,不然怎么会被称为东荒人族至宝。” Since the ancient times, does not know that many outstanding Powerhouse cherish hatred under Desolate Pagoda, no one can block Desolate Pagoda suppress.” “自古以来,也不知道有多少盖代强者饮恨在荒塔之下,没有什么人可以挡住荒塔镇压。” The road ahead was blocked, Ye Fan is unable to depart, returns the ruins deep place, hears these cultivator's to discuss, his is charmed, Desolate Pagoda heaven defying, is really so beckoning. 前路被阻,叶凡无法离去,重新回到废墟深处,听到那些修士的议论,他一阵神往,荒塔如此逆天,实在让人心动。 At this moment, unscrupulous Daoist Priest Duan De appears, to/clashes fast to Ye Fan here, the whole person was about to burn, the speed achieved peak, arrives instantly at present, his whole face excited color, said: That waste copper?” 就在这时,无良道士段德出现,快速向叶凡这里冲来,整个人快燃烧了起来,速度达到了极致,刹那来到眼前,他满脸激动之『色』,道:“那块废铜呢?” Threw in the puddle.” “扔水潭里了。” What?!” unscrupulous Daoist Priest whole face startled color, is very anxious, holds the Ye Fan's shoulders, makes an effort to shake, said: Which puddle, leads me to go quickly.” “什么?!”无良道士满脸惊『色』,而后无比焦急,抓住叶凡的双肩,用力摇动,道:“哪个水潭,快带我去。” Ye Fan in the heart moves immediately, this does green copper have the background to be inadequate greatly? Initially, he also thinks with some Eastern Wilderness most precious object connections, but after knowing Desolate Pagoda is nine heavy towers, he understands immediately, green copper at all possibly is not the Eastern Wilderness Human Race's most precious object, does not touch on slightly with the tower completely. 叶凡顿时心中一动,难道这绿铜大有来头不成?初时,他还以为与东荒至宝有些关联呢,但当知道荒塔为九重塔身后,他立刻明白,绿铜根本不可能是东荒人族的至宝,与塔完全不沾边。 Obstructs day 66 遮天66 Ruins are so big, everywhere is the jungle and mountain peak, I had shifted, forgot which places oneself passed through.” “废墟这么大,到处都是密林与山峰,我早就转向了,都忘记自己走过哪些地方了。” „It is not good, if you certainly want!” unscrupulous Daoist Priest complexion is somewhat fearful, both eyes the hyperemia, holds Ye Fan not to put. “不行,你一定要想起来!”无良道士脸『色』有些可怕,双目都已经充血,抓住叶凡不放。 „It is not together the rotten copper, you looked at enough the quarter of an hour repeatedly, but threw on the ground finally, how wants to seek now, what origin did that waste copper have to be inadequate?” “不就是一块烂铜吗,你反反复复看了足足一刻钟,但最后自己扔在了地上,怎么现在又想寻找了,那块废铜有什么来历不成?” Said you do not understand, now hurries to give me to look!” unscrupulous Daoist Priest does not have the smile, at this moment serious incomparable, draws Ye Fan to walk. “说了你也不懂,现在赶紧给我找!”无良道士没有笑容,此刻严肃无比,拉着叶凡就走。 In the Ye Fan heart understands clearly, it seems like that mysterious green copper background is really big, seems extremely important. 叶凡心中了然,看来那神秘的绿铜果然来头不小,似乎极其重要。 Immeasurable his mother Heavenly Venerate, This Poor Daoist how such hand is that inexpensive, the thing succeeds in obtaining, making me give to throw went out......” fat Daoist complexion to be pale, lamented that with annoying incomparable, is widely divergent with the appearance that smiled some time ago. “无量他妈个天尊,贫道怎么这么手贱,到手的东西,让我给扔了出去……”胖道士脸『色』铁青,悔恨与懊恼无比,与不久前笑眯眯的样子大相径庭。 In Ye Fan heart imposing, felt that this unscrupulous Daoist Priest currently has the impulsion of murder, he does not want to hit toward the knife point on, honest stand forth. 叶凡心中凛然,感觉这无良道士现在有杀人的冲动,他不想往刀尖上撞,老老实实的向前走去。 Little friend you must recall carefully, if can find that green copper, you want what me to give you anything!” Fat Daoist complexion is serious, the serious urging, said: Must recall well.” “小友你一定要仔细回想,如果能够找到那块绿铜,你想要什么我给你什么!”胖道士脸『色』严肃,郑重的叮嘱,道:“一定要好好的回想起来。” What thing is that?” “那到底是什么东西啊?” Do not ask words that asked again, Dao Grandpa I was insane!” Fat Daoist patted an own right hand ruthlessly, said: I am so how muddled, treasure hunts for a lifetime, in the end actually has eyes but fails to see like this.” Can see, his unusual remorse, no artificial, wishes one could to chop own that hand. “别问了,再问的话,道爷我要疯了!”胖道士狠狠的拍了一下自己的右手,道:“我怎么这么糊涂,一辈子寻宝,到头来却这样有眼无珠。”看得出,他非常的自责,没有一点做作,恨不得将自己的那只手剁下来。 We separate here, then I then noticed that you run...... fat Daoist to the distant place the Ye Fan belt/bring to two people separated that mountain peaks. “我们是在这里分开的,然后我便看到你一直向远处跑去……”胖道士叶凡带到两人分开的那座山峰。 Right, is here, I think which places passes through at a moderate pace......” Ye Fan walks toward the mountain, unscrupulous Daoist Priest closely follows, does not urge compelling, no matter what he recalled slowly. “对,是这里,我想想走过哪些地方……”叶凡不紧不慢的向山下走去,无良道士紧紧跟随,并不催『逼』,任他慢慢回想。 Ye Fan walks is very slow, how he is thinking can get rid of this fat Daoist. Not consciousness, two people crossed three mountain ridge unconsciously, when climbing up fourth mountain ridge, Ye Fan show(s) is happy color, said: Is here.” 叶凡走的很慢,他在思索怎么才能够摆脱这个胖道士。不知觉不觉间,两人翻过了三座山岭,就在攀上第四座山岭时,叶凡『露』出喜『色』,道:“是这里。” Looks direction that he points , the face of fat Daoist was ugly immediately, on this mountain ridge has a black spooky deep deep pool, like the stone, no mighty waves, shows silent lets the person palpitation intermittently the cold air. 看着他手指的方向,胖道士的脸顿时难看了起来,这座山岭上有一个黑幽幽的深潭,寂静如石,没有一丝波澜,透出阵阵让人心悸的寒气。 Do not tell me, you threw into this deep deep pool!” The fat Daoist both eyes show(s) strange monster ray, lets Ye Fan mind absent-minded immediately, he is indistinct does not feel wonderfully, opposite party in see through his inner world. “别告诉我,你扔进这深潭里了!”胖道士的双目『露』出妖异的光芒,顿时让叶凡心神一阵恍惚,他隐约间觉得不妙,对方似在透视他的心海。 In this moment, a Ye Fan anxiety, quickly concentrates the energy, fantasized diligently has a picture, stands in black lakeside, the waste copper will throw together. 在这一刻,叶凡一阵紧张,急忙集中精神,努力幻想出一幅画面,站在黑潭边,将一块废铜扔了进去。 The double pupil of fat Daoist returned to normal, clenches jaws, said: Your this black sheep of the family, I...... wishes one could to throw you!” 道士的双眸恢复了正常,咬牙切齿,道:“你这个败家子,我……恨不得把你扔进去!” Isn't together the rotten copper?” Appearance that a Ye Fan face does not care at all. “不就是一块烂铜吗?”叶凡一脸满不在乎的样子。 pū tōng 噗通 The fat Daoist direct dive grips in the depth deep pool, initially when underwater also bright splendor twinkle, but soon after then did not have gloomily up, the black spooky deep deep pool returned to gradually normal. 道士直接一个猛子扎进深潭中,初时水下还有神辉闪烁,但不久之后便暗淡无光了,黑幽幽的深潭渐渐恢复了平静。 Ye Fan waited for enough two quarters, has not seen unscrupulous Daoist Priest to come up, talked to oneself: „Should this fatty lacking virtue not below by the retribution?” 叶凡等了足足两刻钟,也没有见无良道士上来,自语道:“这缺德胖子该不会是在下面遭报应了吧?” Also passed the quarter of an hour, the water surface crash-bang a light sound, the fat Daoist whole body froze thick black, probably an ice sculpture flushed generally. 又过了一刻钟,水面哗啦一声轻响,胖道士浑身结了厚厚的一层黑冰,像是一座冰雕一般冲了出来。 Bang “砰” In the black thick ice, has magnificent light to flash before unceasingly, but passes the time of dozens breaths, unscrupulous Daoist Priest breaks open the solid ice by divine light, shakes drops place ice cube, at this moment his whole face azure purple, the lip is shivering. 黑『色』的玄冰内,不断有光华闪现,但足足过去数十息的时间,无良道士才以神光破开坚冰,震落下一地的冰块,此刻他满脸青紫『色』,嘴唇都在颤抖。 Not good Heavenly Venerate, froze to death Dao Grandpa.” His whole body is shivering, trembles, the body overflows divine light unceasingly, pursues the cold air, can see that the intermittent black mist emits from his body surface, the surrounding vegetation was frozen by the black fog instantaneously, then turned into fine powder in an instant. “无良个天尊,冻死道爷了。”他浑身都在颤抖,哆哆嗦嗦,身体不断溢出神光,驱逐寒气,可以看到阵阵黑『色』的雾气从他的体表冒出,周围的植被瞬间被黑雾冰冻,而后刹那间化成了齑粉 The distant place, Ye Fan held breath cold air, he chooses this black deep pool, but thought that enough deep that's all, has not thought so fearfully. Crashes in these solid ice of ground, all within ten meters froze circumference, many stones have split, Ye Fan is away from is very far, can feel a piercing chill in the air. 远处,叶凡倒吸了一口凉气,他选择这座黑潭,只是觉得足够深而已,没有想到这般可怕。坠落在地上的那些坚冰,将方圆十米内的一切冰冻了,很多石头都已经裂开,叶凡隔着很远,都能够感觉到一阵刺骨的寒意。 „Hasn't Daoist Priest fished?” 道长没有捞到吗?” I dive several kilometers, sees together the broken tablet in the midway, above is carving the deep deep pool two characters, is too deep to see the bottom, does not know this black deep pool deep!” “我下潜数千米,在中途看到一块破碑,上面刻着冥潭两个字,深不见底,根本不知道这黑潭到底有多深!” Why Daoist Priest you start to discard, now regretted......” 道长你开始干吗扔掉,现在后悔了吧……” Do not say!” “不要说了!” Sees a fat Daoist face breathless appearance, Ye Fan almost laughs, in his heart is greatly crisp, but on the face show(s) incomparably anxious expression, said: Really is the treasure?” 见胖道士一脸气急败坏的样子,叶凡差点大笑起来,他心中大爽,但脸上却『露』出无比紧张的神『色』,道:“难道真的是宝贝?” Fat Daoist complexion is pale, walking back and forth of air/Qi, gets angry: I do not have the common language with you!” 道士脸『色』铁青,气的走来走去,怒道:“我跟你没有共同语言!” On the side of Ye Fan tactful arriving, picked two wild fruits, ate with great interest. 叶凡识趣的走到一边,摘了两枚野果子,津津有味的吃了起来。 Fat Daoist sees him not to care muddily, the mood eats the wild fruit, the air/Qi does not hit comes out, the calm face said: Under your Heaven and Earth the biggest black sheep of the family, gives to throw into the deep deep pool it unexpectedly, I...... wished one could to kill you!” 道士见他浑不在乎,还有心情吃野果,气不打一出来,沉着脸道:“你这个天地下最大的败家子,居然将它给扔进深潭中,我……恨不得杀了你!” Dao Grandpa, is you first discards, how to blame my head to come now, you started are not also regard it tattered......” 道爷,是你自己先扔掉的,怎么现在怪我头上来了,你开始也不是也将它当成破烂了吗……” I...... I hate!” unscrupulous Daoist Priest wishes one could to pull out slap, later pū tōng jumps in the deep deep pool again. “我……我恨啊!”无良道士恨不得抽自己一巴掌,随后“噗通”一声再次跳进深潭中。 This time, the past more than double-hour, fat Daoist ran out of the water surface, became big ice cube completely, black light sparkled, the cold air was piercing. 这一次,足足过去一个多时辰,胖道士才冲出水面,完全成了一个大冰块,乌光闪闪,寒气刺骨。 Ye Fan distant avoiding, this unscrupulous Daoist Priest spends the quarter of an hour the time to be ice-breaking, whole body black purple, whole body wool kondow outward spout the black fog, a big region on mountain ridge forms the black ice, the vegetation endless, many rocks on the wane cracked as a result of freezing. 叶凡远远的躲开,这一次无良道士花费一刻钟的时间才破冰而出,浑身黑紫,全身的『毛』孔都在向外喷涌黑雾,山岭上的一大片地域都结成了黑冰,草木凋零无尽,很多山石都冻裂了。 After for a long time, unscrupulous Daoist Priest restores, the dejected going out ice area, sits on the ground, talked to oneself: I hate......” 好长时间后,无良道士才恢复过来,颓然的走出冰区,一屁股坐在地上,自语道:“我恨啊……” Side, in Ye Fan heart dark crisp, this fatty so depressed appearance lacking virtue, making him feel smoothly crisp incomparable. 旁边,叶凡心中暗爽,这缺德胖子如此沮丧的样子,让他感觉畅爽无比。 Suddenly, unscrupulous Daoist Priest remembered anything probably, startled jumped, he looks to active volcano of distant place, looks at the present black cold deep pool, startled say/way: I understood, Monster Emperor has two graves, one is the Yang grave, one is the hidden grave!” 突然,无良道士像是想起了什么,惊的跳了起来,他望向远处的活火山,又望了望眼前的黑『色』寒潭,惊道:“我明白了,妖帝有两座坟冢,一个是阳墓,一个是隐坟!” Ye Fan had a scare by him, said: What Daoist Priest are you saying?” 叶凡被他吓了一跳,道:“道长你在说什么?” Fat Daoist pays no attention to him, earnest delimited to carve on the ground, active volcano and black deep pool labelling on the ground, then also described according to certain proportion the surrounding terrain completely. 道士不理他,认真的在地上划刻了起来,将活火山与黑潭标注在地上,而后又将周围的地形按照一定的比例全部描绘了出来。 Immeasurable his mother Heavenly Venerate, is really this! One Yang one Yin, hugs to defend Taiji, the source of forces heart buries in the Yang grave, the true ice-cold corpse buries in Yin Grave.” unscrupulous Daoist Priest complexion Yin clear uncertain. “无量他妈个天尊,果然是这样!一阳一阴,抱守太极,力量源泉心脏葬于阳墓,真正的冰冷尸身葬于在阴坟。”无良道士脸『色』阴晴不定。 12 : 00 pm renewal to the list, needs the member click and recommendation ticket, asking fellow book friends to help. 今晚十二点更新冲榜,需要会员点击、推荐票,请各位书友帮忙。
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