STH :: Volume #1

#65: Mysterious green copper

Chapter 66 mysterious green copper 第66章神秘绿铜 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 The sound of breaking space is lingering on faintly, the Dao Spirit rosy cloud to/clashes together to shatter stone mountain, probably meteor shower in flying shooting. 破空之响不绝于耳,一道道神霞向破碎的石山冲来,像是有一片流星雨在飞『射』。 A moment ago, Jubao plate startled great wild goose one presently, although went far away, but just now actually vibrated the endless brilliance, attracted nearby spiritual wisdom weapon completely. 刚才,聚宝盘惊鸿一现,虽然远去了,但是方才却震动无尽光辉,将附近的通灵武器全部吸引了过来。 Good Fortune Good Fortune!” Grinning with ear to ear that fat Daoist smiles, abandons Ye Fan, very flexible shooting up to the sky, welcomed that light/only rain to rush over. 造化造化!”胖道士笑的合不拢嘴,扔下叶凡,非常灵活的冲天而起,迎着那片光雨就冲了过去。 Obstructs day 65 遮天65 Meanwhile, the god rainbow say/way, all cultivator of this position flushed, welcomed to the light rain that the spiritual wisdom weapon condensed. 与此同时,神虹道道,这个方位的所有修士都冲了过来,迎向通灵武器凝聚成的光雨。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” However, this is not a grand feast, the spiritual wisdom weapon of extremely fast flight, ominous severe incomparable, pierces more than ten people at the scene, to/clashes, only leaves behind bloodstains and more than ten corpses. 但是,这并不是一场盛宴,极速飞行的通灵武器,凶厉无比,当场将十几人洞穿,一冲而过,只留下一片血迹与十几具尸体。 In the fat Daoist mouth called out pitifully again and again, escaped, on buttocks that flee and jumped inserting golden dagger, in hand grabbing firmly at the same time bright red such as the shield of blood. 道士口中惨叫连连,连窜带蹦的逃了回来,屁股上『插』着一把金『色』短剑,手中牢牢的抓着一面鲜红如血的盾牌。 Although he is looking fierce, but the body does not have the wound, after golden dagger on buttocks extracts downward, does not have the blood to flow out, is ordinary with the bystander, said: „The spiritual wisdom weapon, oneself keep, is very difficult to intercept.” 他虽然在龇牙咧嘴,但身上并没有伤口,将屁股上的金『色』短剑拔下来后,并没有鲜血流出,跟没事人一般,道:“通灵的武器,自己不停下来,很难拦截到啊。” On the other hand, he is lucky, most people who overran a moment ago were pierced directly, many people die a violent death. 相对来说,他算是幸运的,刚才冲过去的大部分人都被直接洞穿,很多人死于非命。 "shuà", fat Daoist pursued, other cultivator also control the god rainbow, is in hot pursuit, wants to capture Spiritual Treasure. “刷”的一声,胖道士又追了下去,其他修士也都驾驭神虹,紧追不舍,想要夺取灵宝 At this moment , many light rain fly shooting to come, some descend on directly nearby mountain peak, under Ye Fan here also crashes many multi-colored sunlight. But after, seeing clearly what these things are, he immediately loses the interest, the rubbles that mostly after is the monster Emperor Tomb grave cracks, departs. 就在这时,又有不少光雨飞『射』而来,其中有些直接降落附近的山峰上,叶凡这里也坠落下不少霞光。可是,当看清这些东西为何物后,他立刻失去了兴致,大多都是妖帝坟墓崩裂后飞出的瓦砾。 Many cultivator flushed, searches on the mountain peak, often sizes up Ye Fan several. 不少修士冲了过来,在山峰上搜索,不时打量叶凡几眼。 "dāng" “当” At this moment, in the sky crashes the next object, pounded directly in the ground, Ye Fan just picked up is sphered by several cultivator. This makes him feel very depressed, today is impossible to harvest, even if he obtains 100 spiritual wisdom weapons by luck, is still hard to preserve. 就在这时,天空中又坠落下一个物体,直接砸在地面,叶凡刚刚捡起就被几名修士围住了。这让他感觉很郁闷,今天不可能有收获了,就算是他侥幸得到一百件通灵武器,也难以保住。 „The words that who wants, take away freely.” He threw the thing in hand on the ground directly. “谁想要的话,尽管拿去。”他直接将手中的东西扔在了地上。 „The ferroverdin is who wants together!” “一块绿铁是谁要啊!” Also thinks that is what treasure, but is together waste copper that's all.” “还以为是什么宝物呢,不过是一块废铜而已。” Although several cultivator said like this, but picked to examine carefully, after the determination was together the waste copper, threw to Ye Fan directly. 几名修士虽然这样说,但还是捡起来仔细查看了一番,确定是一块废铜后直接扔给了叶凡 You remain.” “还是你自己留着吧。” This is which family/home child, slightly chaoticruns everywhere 『, really dislikes the life to be long.” “这是谁家孩子,这么小就到处『乱』跑,真是嫌命长啊。” Several cultivator disappointed departures, charge into other mountain peaks. 几名修士失望的离去,冲向其他山峰。 Ye Fan grasps ground that palm of the hand big copper coin, thought over several, feels is very heavy, that probably what household utensils disrupt. 叶凡抓起地上那块巴掌大的铜板,掂量了几下,感觉很是沉重,像是什么器皿碎裂下来的一块。 Obstructs day 65 遮天65 Brushes “刷刷刷” Also more than ten cultivator descend, first searched on this mountain peak carefully, then wanted the past the waste copper in Ye Fan hand, investigates by Divine Consciousness, finally throws to him, direct breaking space goes. 又有十几名修士降落下来,先是在这座山峰上仔仔细细的搜索了一遍,而后将叶凡手中的废铜要了过去,以神识探查一番,最后又扔给他,直接破空而去。 Appears on this from all sides a total of more than ten batch of cultivator on this mountain peak, almost all people inspected the waste copper in Ye Fan hand, finally threw to him. Ye Fan was really speechless, this group of people wished one could to turn the sod three chi (0.33 m), care that such even green copper in his hand inspected, he wants a spiritual wisdom weapon today, the ratio ascended to heaven simply also difficultly. 就这样前前后后总共十几批修士出现在这座山峰上,几乎所有人都将叶凡手中的废铜检查了一遍,最终又都扔给了他。叶凡真是无语了,这帮人恨不得挖地三尺,连他手中的绿铜都检查的这么仔细,他今天想要得到一件通灵武器,简直比登天还难。 Finally, fat Daoist big mouth was flying, keeps laughing, harvests evidently big. 最后,胖道士咧着大嘴飞了回来,笑个不停,看样子收获不小。 Well, the boy in concealed anything, do not run, making Dao Grandpa have a look, had what evil spirit to tie down you, Dao Grandpa I helped you surrender.” “咦,小子你在藏什么呢,别跑,让道爷看看,是不是又有什么妖魔缠住了你,道爷我帮你降服。” This time treasure said that anything cannot give you.” Ye Fan will put on airs will abandon the copper to hold the bosom. “这次的宝贝说什么也不能给你。”叶凡将装模作样的将废铜揣进怀里。 Fat Daoist hears this word, immediately beams with joy, said: Poor Dao Fruit however is predestined friends with the little friend, can eliminate the demon for your fourth subdue demons.” 道士闻听此言,顿时眉开眼笑,道:“贫道果然与小友有缘,可以为你第四次降妖除魔了。” Does a bit less! Wants this treasure, you must trade with the thing.” Ye Fan extends a hand to demand, although he thought that this fat Daoist is very lacking virtue and hateful, but has not been ferociously, is insufficient to get angry at the scene the murder, therefore pours does not fear him. “少来!想要这件宝物也可以,你必须拿东西来换。”叶凡伸出一只手索要,他虽然觉得这个胖道士很缺德与可恶,但还算不上穷凶极恶,不至于当场翻脸杀人,因此倒也不怎么怕他。 Your I meet by chance repeatedly, it seems like it is really predestined friends, this, I give you together the most precious object in legend.” Fat Daoist is saying, pulls out to the bosom. “你我屡屡相逢,看来真的有缘,这样吧,我给你一块传说中的至宝。”胖道士说着,向怀中掏去。 Who is predestined friends with you, this whole life best do not meet again.” After seeing jade pendant that fat Daoist hands over, Ye Fan indignanted disturbed, this jade pendant does not have the light gloomily, said that was the jade really favored, had no difference from the block broken stone, what was most excessive also lacked an corner/horn. “谁跟你有缘啊,这辈子最好都不要再相见了。”当看到胖道士递过来的玉佩后,叶凡更加忿忿不平了,这块玉佩暗淡无光,说是玉实在抬举了,跟块破石头没什么区别,最过分的是还缺了一角。 Ye Fan wants to throw directly, but was actually blocked by fat Daoist, forces in his bosom forcefully, said: Remaining, this is the good thing, perhaps when the time comes can rescue your life.” At this point, fat Daoist very agile received that waste copper. 叶凡直接就想扔出去,但却被胖道士拦住了,强行塞进他的怀中,道:“留着吧,这可是好东西,说不定到时候能够救你一命。”说到这里,胖道士非常利索的将那块废铜收了过去。 Immeasurable his mother Heavenly Venerate, this is the treasure that you said that is not together the rotten copper!” Fat Daoist slanting Ye Fan, but does not have slightly color careless, turns inside out to move, earnest, careful, looked at the quarter of an hour, finally finds out Divine Consciousness, observes repeatedly. “无量他妈个天尊,这就是你说的宝贝,不就是一块烂铜吗!”胖道士斜了叶凡一眼,但却没有丝毫马虎之『色』,翻过来调过去,认认真真,仔仔细细,足足看了一刻钟,最后更是探出神识,反复观察。 "kuāng dāng “哐当 Finally, fat Daoist throws the copper billet on the ground, whole face disappointed pales, said: It seems like I wants to be many, this treasure was you remains.” 最终,胖道士将铜块扔在地上,满脸失望失『色』,道:“看来是我想多了,这宝贝还是你自己留着吧。” Ye Fan despises this unscrupulous Daoist Priest, has not seen such greedy person, the rusty copper coin must study such a long time together. 叶凡非常鄙视这个无良道士,没见过这么贪心的人,一块生锈的铜板都要研究这么长时间。 Pearl flees the capital, was not known, such being the case, my own put away comes.” Ye Fan grasps the copper coin conveniently, so many cultivator have examined the waste copper repeatedly, he does not think that this is what treasure, but to coerce unscrupulous Daoist Priest that's all. “明珠蒙尘,不被人识,既然如此,我自己收起来。”叶凡随手抓起铜板,这么多修士都反复查看过废铜,他不认为这是什么宝物,只不过是为了挤对无良道士而已 At this moment, he had no mood to stay in this stretch of ruins, wanted to leave here. 此刻,他没有什么心情在这片废墟中呆下去了,想要离开这里。 unscrupulous Daoist Priest does not stop, in the mouth whispered unceasingly: „The Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object where......” he is joining hands behind the back on the mountain walks back and forth. 无良道士并不阻拦,口中不断嘀咕:“东荒人族至宝在哪里……”他背着手在山上走来走去。 Soon, Ye Fan was far away from that region, the surroundings could not have seen cultivator, starts the profound law of revolving «Dao Scripture» records, outside the fast ruins flushes away outward. 不多时,叶凡便远离了那片区域,周围已经见不到修士,开始运转《道经》所记载的玄法,快速向外废墟外冲去。 In his golden Sea of Bitterness overflows gold threads, passes to various whole body places, moistens his flesh internal organs also to have the skeleton, making him feel that the whole body was full of the strength, the rush through speed fast. 他的金『色』苦海中溢出出一道道金丝,流转向全身各处,滋润他的血肉脏腑还有骨骼,让他感觉浑身都充满了力量,奔行速度飞快。 Well!” “咦!” At this moment, when Ye Fan is startled, lowers the head discovered, the waste copper had the strange change, under falls off many rusty stains, becomes plain and atmosphere unexpectedly. 就在这时,叶凡大吃一惊,低头时发现,废铜起了奇异的变化,脱落下很多锈迹,竟然变得古朴而又大气。 Obstructs day 65 遮天65 Right, looked sketchily as if is still very ordinary, the words that the fragment that on some probably household utensils disrupts, however examines carefully actually detected, at this moment actually pasted to say did not make a debut the unclear flavor, gave endless plain and atmospheric feeling of great changes. 没错,粗略一看似乎依然很普通,像是某尊器皿上碎裂下来的残片,但是细看的话却发觉,此刻却流转出一股说不出道不明的韵味,给人以无尽古朴与沧桑的大气感觉。 Ye Fan will revolve " Dao Scripture » profound law, fingertip shooting a continuously gold thread, charges into this copper coin. However, no matter what his constantly took out golden Sea of Bitterness divine force, green copper has not changed, still plain incomparable, is silent. 叶凡将运转《道经》玄法,指尖『射』出一缕缕金丝,冲向这块铜板。然而,任他不断祭出金『色』苦海神力,绿铜都没有丝毫变化,依然古朴无比,寂静无声。 This thing as if not general......” “这东西似乎不一般……” Ye Fan takes in green copper the bosom, no longer inquired into, continues to run, at this time his Golden Sea of Bitterness overflowed the gold thread unceasingly outward, for his provision Essence Qi continuously, making his rush through speed quicker and quicker. 叶凡绿铜收进怀中,不再探究,继续奔跑起来,这时他的金『色』苦海不断向外溢出金丝,为他源源不绝的提供精气,让他奔行的速度越来越快。 "sí!" “咝!” At this moment, Ye Fan one startled, he felt that under navel suddenly one cool, then in Sea of Bitterness probably were many anything. He quickly stopped, green copper in bosom vanishes does not see, he thought of anything in an instant, is hurried regards. 就在这时,叶凡一惊,他感觉脐下突然一凉,接着苦海中像是多了什么东西。他急忙停了下来,怀中的绿铜消失不见,他刹那间想到了什么,急忙内视。 This......” green copper appears in his Sea of Bitterness unexpectedly, static sinking there, motionless, probably ancient such as a rock, calm and atmosphere. “这……”绿铜竟出现在他的苦海中,静静的沉在那里,一动不动,像是亘古如一的磐石,沉稳而又大气。 Yellow pisolite big Golden Sea of Bitterness, such as the shining bright moonlight hangs in the darkness, inside besides one page of extremely small Gold Book, at this moment were also many plain green copper, it resides in the center, pushed unexpectedly that page of Gold Book one side. 黄豆粒大的金『色』苦海,如灿灿明月悬在黑暗中,里面除了一页极其微小的金书外,此刻又多了一块古朴的绿铜,它居于中央,竟然将那页金书挤到了一边。 Although the golden paper the divine shine say/way, passes the stars radiant ray, but is actually hard to shake that green copper slightest, can only be pushed in the Golden Sea of Bitterness peripheral zone. 金『色』的纸张虽然神华道道,流转出星辰般的璀璨光芒,但是却难以撼动那绿铜分毫,只能被挤在金『色』苦海的边缘地带。 „In this green copper is anything......” in the Ye Fan heart is extremely shocking, is careful regards golden Sea of Bitterness, discovered that on plain green copper, appears unexpectedly mystically Dao Runes. “这绿铜到底是什么……”叶凡心中非常震惊,仔细内视金『色』苦海,发现古朴的绿铜上,竟然出现许多神秘的“道纹”。
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