STH :: Volume #1

#64: Seeks the Monster Race most precious object

Chapter 64 seeks the Monster Race most precious object 第64章谋妖族至宝 Ye Fan turns around to walk at the same time, cursed by the slightly inaudible sound: damned fatty surnamed Duan, I cursed you to have a son not to have the anus!” 叶凡转身向一边走去,以微不可闻的声音诅咒道:“姓段的死胖子,我诅咒你生个儿子没屁眼!” This Poor Daoist is Buddhist, will not find a wife to give birth.” 贫道乃是出家人,不会娶妻生子的。” „Can this you hear?” Ye Fan somewhat feared him, said: Section Dao Grandpa you hurry, robbed my three Spiritual Treasure, now are you dissatisfied?” “这你都能听到?”叶凡真有点怕他了,道:“段道爷你还是赶紧走吧,抢走了我三件灵宝,现在您还不满足吗?” I and some little friend fates......” fat Daoist had not smiled replied. “我与小友还一些缘分未了……”胖道士笑眯眯的回答道。 Obstructs day 64 遮天64 God stick surnamed Duan you go too far!” Ye Fan gets angry, the stride walks toward stone mountain, cannot stir up this unscrupulous Daoist Priest, he can only leave. “姓段的神棍你欺人太甚!”叶凡黑着脸,大步向石山下走去,惹不起这无良道士,他只能离开。 Reason gathers the reason to be loose, it seems like This Poor Daoist and little friend today fate already, but another day did not say, perhaps can also meet again.” Fat Daoist with a laugh, has not departed, said: Now, This Poor Daoist thought that is predestined friends with this stone wall, decides to stay behind comes to see.” “缘聚缘散,看来贫道与小友今日缘分已了,但他日就不好说了,或许还能够再相见。”胖道士笑呵呵,并没有离去,道:“现在,贫道觉得与这石壁有缘,决定留下来看一看。” Ye Fan is surprised, has not thought that this not good damned fatty is so unexpectedly careful, perceived that the uncommonness of this place stone wall, he halting figure, no longer walks immediately. 叶凡惊讶,没有想到这无良的死胖子竟然如此心细,也觉察到了此地石壁的不凡,他立刻站住身形,不再走了。 Little friend, since stayed behind, I ensure makes you harvest. However, extremely dazzling Spiritual Treasure, you little bump to well. I am the sincerity am hello/you good, not, but your cultivation base is unable to protect the spiritual wisdom weapon. If by some chance were coveted, that trouble was big. Not everyone such as the This Poor Daoist so mercy, many people seizes the spiritual wisdom weapon at the same time, but also under the meeting the killer, may link nature life not to guarantee at the appointed time.” “小友既然留下了,我保证让你有所收获。不过,太过炫目的灵宝,你还是少碰为好。我是真心为你好,不然以你的修为是无法护住通灵武器的。万一被人觊觎,那就麻烦大了。并不是所有人都如贫道这般慈悲,很多人抢夺通灵武器的同时,还会下杀手,到时可能连『性』命都将不保。” Bang “轰” In this moment, far spatial five big Powerhouse launched Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering strikes, vast immeasurable divine force seemed like the Nine Heavens Milky Way to release, the vast energy great waves swept across the trim universe. 就在这一刻,远空五大强者展开了惊天动地的一击,浩瀚莫测神力像是九天银河倒泄了下来,汪洋般的能量浪涛席卷了整片天宇。 In this flickers that all cultivator all tremble, even many people are hard to control the god rainbow, fell to fall from high sky directly. A palpitation of difficult word, making one not gasp for breath, boundless coercion, irresistibly, many cultivator's souls do not control self shivered. 在这一瞬那间,所有修士全都颤栗,甚至很多人难以驾驭神虹,直接从高天上摔落了下去。一股难言的心悸,让人喘不过气来,磅礴的威压,根本无法抵抗,很多修士的灵魂不自禁的颤抖了起来。 This is five great person fearful power and influence, a divine might show/unfolds, Hao 『』 Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, as long as the life fears completely, in heart frightened. 这就是五位大人物的可怕威势,神威一展,浩『荡』天上地下,但凡生灵全部恐惧,心中惶然。 Rumble “轰隆隆” Five absolute peak Powerhouse strike finally, finally destroyed the monster Emperor Tomb tomb, erupts dreadful Monster Qi, wreaks havoc to ten directions. 五位绝顶强者最后一击,终于将妖帝坟冢打碎了,爆发出一股滔天的妖气,肆虐向十方 Grand ancient palace sends out rumble the sound, thorough cracking. 宏伟的古殿发出隆隆之响,彻底的崩裂。 Meanwhile, the endless multi-colored sunlight shooting goes toward all around, spiritual wisdom weapon of all burying in ancient grave, all flushed. And several ray of light bunches are especially dazzling, is exceptionally dazzling, vault of heaven dazzling of shining, rounds of round of small Sun are probably ordinary, does not need to want also to know that is most powerful Spiritual Treasure. 与此同时,无尽的霞光向着四面八方『射』去,所有埋葬在古坟中的通灵武器,全都冲了出来。其中有几道光束格外耀眼,异常璀璨夺目,照耀的天穹一片刺目,像是一轮轮小太阳一般,不用想也知道,那是最强大的灵宝 Five apex expert display big divine ability respectively, finds out the big hand, almost everyone caught one, all show(s) satisfactory smile. But still several such as the small Sun radiant spiritual wisdom weapon escaped their big hands, shot up to the sky, ran away. 五位绝顶高手各自施展大神通,探出大手,几乎每人都抓到了一件,全都『露』出满意的笑容。但依然有几件如小太阳般璀璨的通灵武器逃过了他们的大手,冲天而起,逃遁了出去。 However several big peak Powerhouse have not pursued, but defends is freezing, takes a fast look around all directions by powerful divine sense, probably is searching for anything, the multi-colored sunlight that no matter what various types of spiritual wisdom weapons turn into runs away. 不过几大巅峰强者并没有追赶,而是守在原地不动,以强大的神念扫视八方,像是在搜寻着什么,任各种通灵武器化成的霞光遁去。 The vast immeasurable energy great waves, sweep across far to spatial, all cultivator were crazy, ignores the danger, pursues in boundless magnificent light, captures these spiritual wisdom weapons. 浩瀚莫测的能量浪涛,席卷向远空,所有修士都疯狂了,不顾危险,在茫茫光华中追逐,夺取那些通灵的武器。 The monster Emperor Tomb tomb thorough disintegration, the rubble shooting to the four directions, the scene only had one group of dazzling energy great waves. 帝坟冢彻底的崩碎了,就连瓦砾都『射』向了四方,现场只剩下一团炫目的能量浪涛。 How does the Eastern Wilderness Human Race's most precious object disappear?” 东荒人族的至宝怎么不见踪影?” „The Monster Race's Great Emperor weapon, how many does not miss compared with my Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object it is said that hasn't appeared?” 妖族大帝的武器,据说不比我东荒人族至宝差多少,怎么也没有显现出来?” Five apex expert show(s) doubt being puzzled expression, takes a fast look around by powerful divine sense unceasingly. 五位绝顶高手『露』出疑『惑』的神『色』,以强大的神念不断扫视。 Obstructs day 64 遮天64 Bang “轰” At this moment, in that group dazzling magnificent light that has not diverged, suddenly runs out lets the Sun, Moon and Stars low-spirited pales radiant light beam together. 就在这时,没有散去的那团炫目的光华中,突然冲出一道让日月星辰都黯然失『色』的璀璨光束。 Too dazzling, ruptured like Sun generally! 太耀眼了,如同太阳爆裂了一般! Is hard to open the eye including five aloof great person, both eyes punctured painful, but they responded amazingly quick, all found out the big hand immediately. 连五位超然的大人物都难以睁开眼睛,双目被刺的生疼,不过他们反应神速,皆在第一时间探出大手。 "chī" “哧” divine light breaking space goes, it has Supreme Being quantity beyond comparison, probably piece of universe Starry Sky in moving 『』, terrifying fluctuation vast immeasurable, shakes five big expert completely draws back, made the weapons in their hand instantaneously gloomy! 神光破空而去,它具有无以伦比的大能量,像是一片宇宙星空在动『荡』,恐怖的波动浩瀚莫测,将五大高手全部震退,更令他们手中的武器瞬间黯淡无光! Radiant divine light has delimited the expansive sky, created extremely fearful fluctuation of energy, under causing surrounding many cultivator to crash the upper air, it is sending out the monster strength beyond comparison, probably a world is burning, nothing can prevent. 璀璨神光划过长空,造成了极其可怕的能量波动,致使周围很多修士坠落下高空,它在散发着无以伦比的妖力,像是一个世界在燃烧,没有什么可以阻挡。 „The can compare Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object, was Monster Race's Great Emperor holds the weapon of palm!” 堪比东荒人族至宝,是妖族大帝生前所持掌的武器!” Five big Powerhouse awaken, three people pursued at the scene. The other two have not left, wants to search the Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object in that legend. 五大强者醒悟过来,有三人当场追了下去。另外两人没有离开,想搜索那件传说中的东荒人族至宝。 The distant place, Ye Fan is dumbfounded, because he discovered that radiant light beam is flushing to stone mountain. 远处,叶凡目瞪口呆,因为他发现那璀璨的光束正在向石山冲来。 Nearby fat Daoist rubs hands, big mouth is keeping laughing, said: Dao Grandpa I really am Good Fortune, this Monster Race's Great Emperor weapon is not worse than the Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object, if were obtained by me......” 旁边的胖道士直搓手,咧着大嘴笑个不停,道:“道爷我真是造化,这妖族大帝的武器不比东荒人族至宝差,如果被我得到……” Living that you meet?” Ye Fan anxious asking, saw that Monster Race most precious object must rush, if fat Daoist cannot catch, must grind fine powder them, such words were too pitiful. “你接的住吗?”叶凡焦急的问道,眼看那妖族至宝就要冲到近前了,万一胖道士接不住,非将他们碾成齑粉不可,那样的话太悲惨了。 Said is also, Dao Grandpa as if did not have that big good fortune, living that can meet, will be patted by following three great person, pulls shouts!” At this point, he pulls up Ye Fan, is quicker than the rabbit, whiz, rushes to another mountain. “说的也是,道爷似乎还没那么大的福分,就是能接的住,也会被后面的三个大人物拍死,扯呼!”说到这里,他拉起叶凡,比兔子还要快,嗖的一声,冲到另一座山上。 The Monster Race's Great Emperor weapon shooting the Dao Spirit rosy cloud, magnificent light is surely brilliant, cannot see clearly what appearance, the blazing ray makes people unable to open the eye, the probably trillion stars are also burning, trim Heaven and Earth violent shaking, it bang hit on stone mountain. 妖族大帝的武器『射』出千万道神霞,光华绚烂,看不清什么样子,炽烈的光芒让人无法睁开眼睛,像是有亿万星辰在同时燃烧,整片天地都在猛烈的摇颤,它“轰”的一声撞在了石山上。 Ended......” fat Daoist to rub hands again and again, said: Then the misdemeanor, under stone mountain definitely had the rare treasure, but could not support the hit of Monster Race most precious object, turned into the flying ash mostly, too pitifully.” “完了……”胖道士连连搓手,道:“这下坏事了,石山下肯定有异宝,但也架不住妖族至宝的撞击啊,多半化成了飞灰,太可惜了。” There was submerged by the ray completely, becomes a vastness of energy, vast fluctuating, raised to fly surroundings all cultivator, the person who some approached was the direct disintegration, turned into bunch of blood mist. 那里完全被光芒淹没了,成为了一片能量的汪洋,浩瀚起伏,将周围所有修士都掀飞了出去,有些过于靠近的人更是直接崩碎,化成一团团血雾 However at this moment, astonishing matter happened, stone mountain cracks, inside blooms the incomparably gentle green rosy cloud, green lights shoot up to the sky. 然而就在这时,让人吃惊的事情发生了,石山崩裂,里面绽放出无比柔和的绿霞,一道道绿光冲天而起。 Very gentle and holy multi-colored sunlight, making the mind of person feel that the light sight of green filled vigorous life-force tranquilly, probably a side oasis appears in the sky. 非常柔和而又圣洁的霞光,让人的心神都感觉宁静了下来,淡淡的绿意充满了勃勃生机,像是一方绿洲浮现在天空中。 At this moment, a huge green color valuable basin from underground flushed, attracted the Monster Race's Great Emperor most precious object. 就在这时,一个巨大的绿『色』宝盆从地下冲了上来,将妖族大帝的至宝吸了进去。 Immeasurable that that...... that Heavenly Venerate!” In this moment, the mouth of fat Daoist is not agile, makes an effort to put out the one breath, is normal, yelled: Is the Monster Race's treasure vase!” “无量那那那……那个天尊!”在这一刻,胖道士的嘴都不利索了,用力吐出一口气,才正常起来,大叫道:“是妖族的聚宝盆!” Some people hide there, prepared the treasure vase, was good to plan, schemed the Monster Race most precious object!” Fat Daoist understood instantaneously, why there stone wall can attract the spiritual wisdom weapon to fly, inside has the treasure vase in legend unexpectedly. Although that person continuously by divine force suppression treasure basin, but even so, directed some spiritual wisdom weapons. “有人藏在那里,准备好了聚宝盆,好算计啊,图谋妖族至宝!”胖道士瞬间明白了,为何那里的石壁可以吸引通灵武器飞来,里面竟有传说中的聚宝盆。虽然那个人一直在以神力压制宝盆,但纵然如此,还是将一些通灵武器引了过来。 The treasure vase probably is green color jade marrow carves, to the bone of person , the light is green shining, the holy green rosy cloud sprinkled the sky, the incomparable gentleness, making people feel all over the body comfortably. 聚宝盆像是绿『色』的玉髓雕琢而成,绿到人的骨子里,光灿灿,圣洁的绿霞洒满了天空,无比的柔和,让人感觉通体舒泰。 Obstructs day 64 遮天64 At this moment, has one group of extremely dazzling magnificent light to sparkle in that treasure vase, precisely that Monster Race's most precious object, magnificent light is boundless, very dazzling, cannot see clearly is what appearance, unceasing revolving in valuable basin, probably universe Starry Sky is rotating, not only there is a vast immeasurable monster strength to surge, has blazing divine shine unceasingly shooting. 此刻,在那聚宝盆中有一团极其炫目的光华在闪耀,正是妖族的至宝,光华茫茫,非常的刺目,根本看不清到底是何样子,在宝盆内不断的旋转,像是宇宙星空在轮转,不仅有浩瀚莫测的妖力涌动出,更有炽烈的神华不断『射』出。 In the Ye Fan heart shakes, sets up the person before treasure vase, grace and talent peerless, that perfect female who the colorful crown world, saw unexpectedly some time ago. 叶凡心中一震,立在聚宝盆前的人,风华绝代,艳冠天下,竟是不久前见到的那个完美的女子。 At this moment, she is elusive and holy, still does not have the flaw stainless, the looks are peerless, the fast put away treasure vase, changes to stream of light to go far away, only leaves behind one string like the sounds of nature laughter: Many thanks several seniors help one another, otherwise vertical is Monster Emperor descendant arrive in person, is hard to gather the Great Emperor's most precious object truly......” 此刻,她空灵而又圣洁,依然无瑕无垢,姿容绝世,快速收起聚宝盆,化作一道流光远去,只留下一串如天籁般的笑声:“多谢几位前辈相助,不然纵是妖帝后人亲至,也难以真正收取大帝的至宝……” Pursues is indifferent to near three great person expression, they carve Dao Runes outside the monster Emperor Tomb tomb much, condensed extremely powerful day potential, although has not blocked the Monster Emperor most precious object, but also plays very major role, slowed down its impulse of destroying the hardest defenses. Finally, makes person in secret go well, otherwise is the control has the treasure vase in legend, is unable to take away the Monster Race's Great Emperor most precious object. 追到近前的三位大人物神『色』冷漠,他们在妖帝坟冢外刻下不少“道纹”,凝聚了极其强大的“天势”,虽然没有拦住妖帝至宝,但也起到了很大的作用,减缓了其无坚不摧的冲击力。结果,却让暗中的人得手,不然就是掌控有传说中的聚宝盆,也无法收走妖族大帝的至宝。 Three great person take action, toward will soon vanish at that stream of light bang of horizon simultaneously kills to go, this type of attack fairy is difficult to keep off, even if they are also unbearable. Resembled the tsunami terrifying fluctuation of energy to sweep across instantaneously, the trim sky burnt probably, dazzling, surrounding cultivator all alarmed and afraid incomparable, fast avoidance. 三位大人物同时出手,向着即将消失在天际的那道流光轰杀而去,这种攻击神鬼难挡,纵然是他们自己也难以承受。似海啸般的恐怖能量波动瞬间席卷了过去,整片天空像是燃烧了起来,一片刺目,周围的修士全都惊惧无比,快速躲避。 However, this powerful struck hits probably in Void, anything has not touched. There ascends everywhere multi-colored sunlight, that female flashes not to have, to break in the gentle brilliance, vanished instantaneously. 然而,这强大的一击像是打在了虚空中,什么也没有触碰到。那里升腾起漫天的霞光,那个女子一闪而没,冲入柔和的光辉中,瞬间消失了。 This young seductress is prepared early, there quarter Dao Runes, condenses day potential, crosses Void to go, at this moment perhaps already beyond several thousand li (0.5 km).” “这个小妖女早有准备,在那里刻下‘道纹’,凝聚出‘天势’,横渡虚空而去,此刻恐怕已经在数千里之外了。” Three great person sounds ice-cold, unexpectedly some people attempt to pervert under their noses, the fingers/tiger mouth seizes the food, clips the Monster Race's Great Emperor most precious object, makes their some unendurable. 三位大人物声音冰冷,居然有人在他们眼皮底下做了手脚,虎口夺食,将妖族大帝的至宝截去,让他们有些难以忍受。 Opening the monster Emperor Tomb tomb is easy, wants to block the most precious object to be difficult and difficult, does not think that we helped her unexpectedly......” “打开妖帝坟冢容易,想要拦下至宝却难而又难,不想我们竟成全了她……” magnificent light flashes, three great person vanish does not see, charges into the monster Emperor Tomb tomb disintegration fast the central region, because the Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object in legend had not been discovered, this is the thing that they most want to obtain. 光华一闪,三位大人物消失不见,快速冲向妖帝坟冢崩碎的中心地域,因为传说中的东荒人族至宝还没有被发现,这是他们最想得到的东西。 How the Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object has not appeared......” fat Daoist to whisper in a soft voice. 东荒人族至宝怎么还没有显现……”胖道士轻声嘀咕。 Ye Fan is also very curious, hears the Eastern Wilderness Human Race most precious object in that legend unceasingly, but to the present has not known that is anything, evidently even if these aloof great person, longs for, wants to control urgently in own hand. 叶凡也很好奇,不断听人说起那传说中的东荒人族至宝,但到现在还不知道是什么东西,看样子纵然是那些超然的大人物们,都非常渴望,迫切想掌控在自己的手中。
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