STH :: Volume #1

#63: unscrupulous Daoist Priest

Chapter 63 unscrupulous Daoist Priest 第63章无良道士 The Ye Fan's fingertip overflows a wisp of gold thread, the stone wall incision, a little tattooing light circulation, the show(s) half hilt, he holds by the hand immediately, makes an effort to draw out, immediately Azure-red Clouds everywhere, making him narrow the eye. 叶凡的指尖溢出一缕金丝,将岩壁切开,立时有点点青光流转而出,『露』出半截刀柄,他以手抓住,用力拔出,顿时青霞满地,让他眯起了眼睛。 Clang “锵” This is dark green color dagger, after draws out thoroughly sends out a clear metal vibrato, Azure-red Clouds winds around, sharp incomparable. Its mostly ruler, probably Tanbi water is common, glittering and translucent, has the intermittent cold air to spill over. 这是一把青绿『色』的匕首,当彻底拔出后发出一声清脆的金属颤音,青霞缭绕,锋锐无比。它不过多半尺长,像是一潭碧水一般,晶莹剔透,有阵阵寒气泛出。 Ye Fan knows, this not every thing, by the weapon that Monster Race's Great Emperor put away comes, is not definitely ordinary. 叶凡知道,这绝非凡物,被妖族大帝收起来的武器,肯定不一般。 Obstructs day 63 遮天63 Haha......” at this moment, a seemingly glowing with health fat Daoist control god rainbow to/clashes, although is seemingly plump, but the movement is very light and lively, probably the fallen leaf general silent landing, said with a smile: Luck, has not thought that really pursues to a spiritual wisdom weapon.” At this point, he extends the big hand, in the dagger toward Ye Fan hand grasps, the show(s) gentle smile, said: Child, this is a lethal weapon, you do not blow it, come, making Dao Grandpa surrender it.” “哈哈……”就在这时,一个看起来红光满面的胖道士驾驭神虹冲至,虽然看起来身材臃肿,但动作却很轻灵,像是落叶一般无声的降落了下来,笑道:“运气啊,没有想到真的追到一件通灵的武器。”说到这里,他伸出大手,向着叶凡手中的匕首抓来,『露』出慈祥的笑容,道:“孩子,这是一件凶器,你镇不住它,来,让道爷降服它。” Ye Fan wants to his fat face thump beaming with health in a fist, this fat Daoist too unscrupulous, really him, when the child deceives, he avoids backward. Fat Daoist is flexible, that a big hand revolution, brushes gently grasped the dagger, laughs saying: Child, this favor I remembered, the mountain does not transfer path Zhuan, next time will meet again, Dao Grandpa I thanked your well.” 叶凡很想对着他那张满面红光的胖脸捶上一拳,这胖道士不地道了,真将他当孩子糊弄,他向后躲避。胖道士非常灵活,大手轻轻一转,刷的一声就将匕首抓了过去,大笑道:“孩子,这个人情我记住了,山不转路转,下次再相遇,道爷我好好的感谢你一番。” Fat Daoist said that these words, the racket feared that the buttocks walk, "chī", controls the god rainbow to shoot up to the sky. 道士说完这些话,拍怕屁股就走,“哧”的一声,驾驭神虹冲天而起。 damned fatty I remembered you!” Ye Fan low voice cursing, made an effort to wield the fist to the sky, the spiritual wisdom weapon that succeeded in obtaining was robbed unexpectedly like this, really made him be unwilling. 死胖子我记住你了!”叶凡小声的咒骂,冲着天空用力挥了挥拳头,到手的通灵武器居然这样被人抢走,实在让他不甘。 Dao Grandpa I am not fat, is only strong that's all.” This 30-year-old fat Daoist, the ear is keen, has flown more than hundred meters, but still heard Ye Fan's to whisper, turns head a show(s) mouth snow white tooth, smiled was very bright, said: Next time sees again, Dao Grandpa will take to you good luck.” 道爷我没那么胖吧,只是壮而已。”这个30多岁的胖道士,耳朵非常灵敏,已经飞出去百余米,但依然听到了叶凡的低语,回过头来『露』出一嘴雪白的牙齿,笑的很灿烂,道:“下次再见,道爷将带给你好运。” Ye Fan sees his spiritual awareness is so keen, does not dare to speak, shows the whites of the eyes to that side, looks at fat Daoist going far away swaggering. 叶凡见他灵觉如此敏锐,不敢吭声了,向那边翻了个白眼,看着胖道士大摇大摆的远去。 The monster Emperor Tomb tomb, escapes really many spiritual wisdom weapons, the multi-colored sunlight four shooting, charges into all around, numerous cultivator control god rainbow, pursues unceasingly, sky over this stretch of primitive ruins everywhere is the light shadow. 帝坟冢,着实逃出来不少通灵武器,霞光四『射』,冲向四面八方,众多修士驾驭神虹,不断追赶,这片原始废墟上空到处都是光影。 "chī" “哧” Just in the past 7½ minutes, there is a streak of divine light shooting to come toward Ye Fan here, in a big way frightened him one to jump, hurried avoidance. The scarlet rosy cloud seemed like the red cloud to condense together in one, flushed fast, inserting entered in front stone wall. 刚刚过去半刻钟,又有一道神虹向着叶凡这里『射』来,吓了他一大跳,急忙躲避。一道赤霞像是火烧云凝聚在了一起,快速冲了过来,『插』入前方的石壁中。 In the Ye Fan heart jumps, he feels is really the luck, in the heart a happiness, just went to a dagger by that fat Daoist error, unexpectedly the weapon appears at present. His vigilance sized up toward the four directions, sees no one to pass by, the fingertip gold thread twinkle, cut open stone wall fast, dug a blood color bead, scarlet rosy clouds four shooting came immediately. 叶凡心中一跳,他觉得真是运气,心中一阵高兴,刚刚被那胖道士讹去一把匕首,居然又有一把武器出现在眼前。他警觉的朝着四方打量,见没有人路过,指尖金丝闪烁,快速切开石壁,将一颗血『色』的珠子挖了出来,一道道赤霞顿时四『射』开来。 Ha haha......” big laughter transmits, far spatial fat Daoist big mouth was quick locates to the root of the ear, controlled the god rainbow to clash. “哈哈哈……”一阵大笑声传来,远空一个胖道士大嘴都快咧到耳根处了,驾驭神虹冲来。 Does not consider!” In the Ye Fan heart cursed, holds bead that the scarlet rosy cloud winds around, turns around to run. “告非!”叶凡心中大骂,抓住赤霞缭绕的珠子,转身就跑。 Poor Dao Fruit however is predestined friends with the little friend, does not want to meet quickly.” Fat Daoist big mouth is smiling happy serious, "shuà" descends before the Ye Fan body, blocks his way, extends the obese big hand, the opens the mouth of smiling said: This treasure and This Poor Daoist are predestined friends, the little friend borrows to use.” “贫道果然与小友有缘,不想这么快就见面了。”胖道士咧着大嘴笑的开心不得了,“刷”的一声降落在叶凡身前,拦住他的去路,伸出肥胖的大手,笑眯眯的开口道:“此宝与贫道有缘,小友借来一用。” Daoist Priest you bullied the person.” Ye Fan, grabs the multi-colored sunlight indignantly four shooting the bead, goes to retreat, said: You have won my spiritual wisdom weapon, this cannot give you again.” 道长你太欺负人了。”叶凡愤愤不已,抓着霞光四『射』的珠子,向后退去,道:“你已经夺走我一件通灵武器了,这件不能再给你了。” This bead is the evil spirit, the little friend you cannot suppress it, This Poor Daoist is to hello/you good, subdue it especially.” Fat Daoist whole face red light, smiling extends the fat hand, that brushes will be red color the bead received. “此珠乃是妖魔所化,小友你压不住它,贫道乃是为你好,特来收服它。”胖道士满脸红光,笑眯眯的伸出胖手,刷的一声将红『色』的珠子收了过去。 Root that Ye Fan hates itchy, said: Daoist Priest, you did not say meet again, will bring the good luck to me, is going to thank me well, how to snatch my thing, you obtain a dagger, gives back to me this pearl.” 叶凡恨的牙根都痒痒,道:“道长,你不是说再次见面,会给我带来好运吗,将要好好的感谢我,怎么又抢我的东西,你已经得到一把匕首,就把这颗珠子还给我吧。” This word is bad. Haven't the little friends you understood?” The fat Daoist whole face happy smile, boasts shamelessly, an appearance of face god stick, said: precisely, because your I met to have the good reason for the first time, therefore had the second reunion, causes I caught up with surrender this evil spirit bead, helping you avoid a misfortune, the good results that this was you had the good reason has.” “此言差矣。小友你还没有明白吗?”胖道士满脸开心的笑容,大言不惭,一脸神棍的样子,道:“正是因为你我第一次见面结下了善缘,所以才有第二次的重逢,致使我赶来降服这颗妖魔所化的珠子,帮你躲避过一场厄运,这就是你结下的善缘所结出的善果啊。” # ¥ % ¥ #......” Ye Fan really has to beat a he impulsion, wants to leave behind a shoe sole mark on that fat face, but considering this fat Daoist profound immeasurable cultivation base, he bore this impulsive. “#¥%¥#……”叶凡真有捶他一顿的冲动,很想在那张胖脸上留下一个鞋底子印记,但考虑到这个胖道士高深莫测修为,他忍住了这股冲动。 Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, the little friend is predestined friends meets again, This Poor Daoist goes!” Fat Daoist turns the buttocks, controls the god rainbow, shoots up to the sky, „” did not have the shadow. 无量天尊,小友有缘再相见,贫道去也!”胖道士一扭屁股,驾驭神虹,冲天而起,“哧溜”一声没影了。 Obstructs day 63 遮天63 damned fatty, this whole life do not meet again!” The Ye Fan whole face is unlucky, he felt that quite annoyed, this unscrupulous Daoist Priest, was really lacking virtue. 死胖子,这辈子都不要再相见了!”叶凡满脸晦气,他感觉相当的恼火,这个无良道士,真是太缺德了。 Bang “轰” Distant place, five great person again violent take action, in powerful weapon by hand, wiped out another corner of monster Emperor Tomb tomb, immediately the multi-colored sunlight four shooting, more spiritual wisdom weapons flushed. Even if five big Powerhouse divine might is unparalleled, impossible to block all Divine Red Clouds of shooting up to the sky, many weapons run away to go. Surrounding cultivator all show(s) is happy color, controls the god rainbow, charges into all around, intercepts these multi-colored sunlight. 远处,五位大人物再次猛烈出手,以手中强大的武器,打掉了妖帝坟冢的另一角,顿时霞光四『射』,更多的通灵武器冲了出来。五大强者纵然神威盖世,也不可能将所有冲天而起的神霞拦住,很多武器都逃遁而去。周围的修士全都『露』出喜『色』,驾驭神虹,冲向四面八方,拦截那些霞光。 Ye Fan depressed sitting on stone mountain, looks at spatial four shooting far the multi-colored sunlight, he has no alternative, in the mouth talked to oneself: This damned fatty, not good wicked Daoist, cursed his is snatched, did not give him the Daoist robe remaining!” 叶凡郁闷的坐在石山上,看着远空四『射』的霞光,他无可奈何,口中自语道:“这个死胖子,无良的恶道士,诅咒他被人抢,连道袍都不给他剩下!” "chī" “哧” Far spatial, the purple light to/clashes together, such as the flowing light is ordinary, submerges in his front stone wall fast. Ye Fan opened the eye, some cannot believe, unexpectedly has the third spiritual wisdom weapon shooting to here, somewhat is really strange. 远空,一道紫霞冲来,如流光一般,快速没入他前方的岩壁中。叶凡睁大了眼睛,有些不敢相信,居然有第三把通灵武器『射』向这里,实在有些怪异。 This place......” he felt like that this piece of stone wall has the issue, here has what strange place mostly, otherwise in this world is impossible to have the matter of such coincidence, how may have the spiritual wisdom weapon to submerge the same piece cliff wall one after another. “这个地方……”他隐隐觉得这片石壁有问题,这里多半有什么奇异之处,不然这个世上不可能有如此巧合的事情,怎么可能会接二连三的有通灵武器没入同一片崖壁呢。 This time, Ye Fan has not acted rashly, but waited for long time, saw the surrounding others not to pass by, walked slowly, talked to oneself: This damned fatty will not appear......” 这一次,叶凡没有妄动,而是等了很长时间,见周围没有其他人路过,才慢慢走过去,自语道:“这次死胖子不会出现了吧……” His cautious digging up stone wall, the intoxicant purple light circulations, clear that his palm complements, Purple Qi fill the air immediately, making the person feeling very comfortable, is pulling of purple refers to unexpectedly, purple light say/way, auspicious color thousand, look exhilaratingly. 他小心翼翼的挖开石壁,顿时有一道道醉人的紫光流转而出,将他的手掌都映衬的一片晶莹,紫气弥漫,让人感觉非常舒服,竟然是一个紫『色』的扳指,紫霞道道,瑞彩千条,一看就让人喜欢。 Immeasurable damned fatty, walks my two treasure black, otherwise I have collected three.” Ye Fan indignants disturbed, said: This time had not been discovered by him finally.” “无量的死胖子,黑走我两件宝贝,不然我已经收集三件了。”叶凡忿忿不平,道:“这次终于没有被他发现。” This Poor Daoist comes!” Ye Fan just talked to oneself, obese silhouette appeared, the whole face happy smile, on the forehead squeezes out to pleat, big mouth cracked the root of the ear place, the latter molar reveal, laughed saying: I and little friend are really predestined friends.” 贫道来也!”叶凡刚自语完毕,一个肥胖的身影又出现了,满脸欢愉的笑容,额头上都挤出一道道褶子,大嘴裂到了耳根处,后槽牙都『露』了出来,哈哈大笑道:“我与小友果然有缘。” My # ¥ % ¥ #......” the Ye Fan face was green, has not thought, this fat Daoist seemed like dog skin paste medicine generally to stick him, got angry: Wizard and you are predestined friends!” “我#¥%¥#……”叶凡脸都绿了,怎么也没有想到,这个胖道士像是狗皮膏『药』一般黏上了他,怒道:“鬼才和你有缘!” Your I am really predestined friends very much.” The fat Daoist face loyalty does not jump, the serious appearance, is breaking off the finger headage the number, said: You look, short in a minute, we have met by chance three times, how could to say misses, Heaven's Will!” “你我真的很有缘。”胖道士脸部红心不跳,一本正经的样子,掰着手指头数了数,道:“你看,短短片刻间,我们已经相逢三次,岂能说无缘,天意啊!” Heaven's Will his grandfather!” Ye Fan lifts to start, wants buttocks to trample two feet to his fertilizer, considered actually power gap of both sides, he suppressed the anger eventually, moved toward the one side, to far spatial shouted greatly: spiritual wisdom weapon......” 天意他个姥爷!”叶凡抬起脚来,就想对着他那肥『臀』踹两脚,倒是考虑到双方的实力差距,他终究还是强忍住了怒火,走向一旁,冲着远空大喊道:“通灵武器……” He made an effort to pull to refer to throwing, was makes others snatch, he does not want to make this immeasurable Daoist go well again, otherwise was not mad spits blood may not. The purple light cuts the sky to go. 他用力将扳指扔了出去,就是让别人抢去,他也不想再让这无量道士得手了,不然非被气吐血不可。紫光划破天空而去。 The fat Daoist reaction speed does not tally with his stature extremely, whiz flushed, the amethyst pulls to refer to not flying hundred meters away, is fished to succeed in obtaining by him, the landing that then beams with joy, said: Heaven's Will, Heaven's Will so.” 道士的反应速度与他的身材极不相符,“嗖”的一声就冲了出去,紫玉扳指还没有飞出去百米远,就被他一把捞到了手中,而后眉开眼笑的降落下来,道:“天意啊,天意如此。” Ye Fan really had the feeling of spitting blood, this damned fatty is too mean is not concerned about face, was intentionally exasperating. 叶凡真有吐血的感觉了,这死胖子太卑鄙不要脸了,成心气人啊。 Daoist Priest, didn't you feel too excessive?” On the Ye Fan forehead the blue vein jumps, said: „Is the Buddhist character a little good, cultivating the behavior cannot be so greedy.” 道长,你不觉得太过分了吗?”叶凡额头上青筋直跳,道:“出家人有点风骨好不好,做人不能这么贪婪。” „The This Poor Daoist autonomy, foreign object is always difficult to move the root conscience, at times the attendance whisks off, the heart such as that Divine Moon illuminates in the sky.” 贫道一向自律,外物难动根本心,时时勤拂拭,心如那神月当空照。” Sees an appearance of his god stick, the Ye Fan full forehead braves the heavy line, said: Since your such autonomy, gives back to me my thing!” 看到他一副神棍的样子,叶凡满脑门子冒黑线,道:“既然你这么自律,把我的东西还给我!” Buddhist leniency. Only has the good reason because of your me, This Poor Daoist spares no efforts, reduces and solves calamities for you three times, pushes someone take on a difficult job, by own human body suppress three big evil spirit.” A mercy of fat Daoist face, looks very simple and honest, read Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, sets an appearance of extra mundane person of high skill. 出家人慈悲为怀。只因你我有善缘,贫道才不辞辛苦,为你化解三次厄难,勉为其难,以自身臭皮囊镇压三大妖魔。”胖道士一脸的慈悲,看起来非常憨厚,念了一声无量天尊,做出一副世外高人的样子。 Your god stick...... I do not consider!” Ye Fan clenches jaws, said: Daoist what is your name?” “你个神棍……我告非!”叶凡咬牙切齿,道:“道士你贵姓?” Obstructs day 63 遮天63 Exempts your surname segment Mingde, called Duan De.” “免贵姓段名德,叫段德。” no wonder is so lacking virtue, Duan De, breaks virtue, obviously broke virtue nature!” 怪不得这么缺德,段德,断德,明显是断了德『性』!”
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