STH :: Volume #1

#62: Monster Emperor grave crack

Chapter 62 Monster Emperor grave crack 第62章妖帝墓裂 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 The sound of god rainbow breaking space is lingering on faintly, the horizon has cultivator to catch up unceasingly, charges into the front monster Emperor Tomb tomb, Ye Fan looks at all these not many excitedly color, he turns toward distant rush through to go with stride, far away from the ruins, according to the old route arrives at the region that Five Fingers Mountain is at gradually. 神虹破空之响不绝于耳,天际不断有修士赶来,冲向前方的妖帝坟冢,叶凡看着这一切并没有多少激动之『色』,他大步向着远方奔行而去,渐渐远离废墟,按照原路来到五指山所在的地域。 What's the matter......” in the Ye Fan heart is surprised, is this region, but green and luxuriant, the life-force vigorous scene disappears. In front, five bare stone mountain, above infertile, anything does not have. And no longer is so also big, becomes very low, probably five giant stones and stand in a row there. “怎么回事……”叶凡心中非常惊讶,还是这片地域,但是郁郁葱葱、生机勃勃的景象不见了。就在前方,五座光秃秃的石山,上面寸草不生,什么也没有。且也不再那么高大,变得非常低矮,像是五块巨石并排立在那里。 Has gone through five stone mountain stand forths, does not have fan to lose the direction, has not seen extra mundane Pure Land, the front is place chaotic stone and yellow sand, a piece is bleak and peaceful, changed unusual is strange, everywhere dry lonesome. 穿行过五座石山向前走去,既没有『迷』失方向,也没有看到世外净土,前方是一地的『乱』石与黄沙,一片荒凉与安静,变的非常陌生,满目枯寂。 Obstructs day 62 遮天62 Without the going astray direction......” Ye Fan believes firmly that is this region, but sees the scene to change at present completely greatly, that piece of Pure Land vanished thoroughly. “没有走错方向……”叶凡确信就是这片地域,但是眼前所见景象完全大变样,那片净土彻底消失了。 Ye Fan thinks that marched into Illusory Territory, closes the eye, induces the beat of heart of Monster Emperor by own heart, but anything has not actually perceived, here especially silent, is one worthy of the reputation not wool place. 叶凡以为步入了幻境中,闭上眼睛,以自己的心脏感应妖帝之心的跳动,但是却什么也没有觉察到,这里格外的寂静,是一个名副其实的不『毛』之地。 He searches in this region carefully, discovered reluctantly a fact, all these are real, here has no Pure Land, only has place of circumference dozens li (0.5 km) grit, without life-force, piece of death aura heavy. 他在这片地域仔细搜索,无奈的发现了一个事实,这一切都是真实的,这里没有什么净土,只有一个方圆数十里的沙石之地,没有生机,一片死气沉沉。 How...... Ye Fan will be frowning like this, before arriving at five stone mountain, suddenly discovers corner/horn sleeves in center that stone mountain under foot. “怎么会这样……”叶凡皱着眉头,重新来到五座石山前,突然在正中那座石山脚下发现一角衣袖。 Is Pang Bo's......” “是庞博的……” Ye Fan in this region unceasing search, but was disappointed finally, this piece wool place anything does not have, Pang Bo lost the shadow mark with several big monsters thoroughly. 叶凡在这片地域不断的搜寻,但最终失望了,这片不『毛』之地什么也没有,庞博与几位大妖彻底失去了影迹。 Around this region does not know that searched for many, Ye Fan exhausted lying down on the sand, the careful thinking and speculation, sigh finally. By his present strength, could not find Pang Bo, really discovered the clue, is unable to save him. 绕着这片地域也不知道搜寻了多少遍,叶凡疲累的躺在沙地上,仔细的思索与推测,最终叹了一口气。以他现在的实力来说,根本找不到庞博,就是真的发现了线索,也无法将他救回来。 Finally, Ye Fan can only choose to depart, he does not know that leaves from today, but can also see Pang Bo. 最后,叶凡只能选择离去,他不知道自今日一别,还能不能见到庞博 Arrived at Starry Sky Other Shore, two people continuously Life and Death together, mutual support, but now like this is separated, making Ye Fan lose very much, he goes far away step by step. 来到了星空彼岸,两人一直生死与共,相互扶持,但现在却这样分开,让叶凡很是失落,他一步一步远去。 On foot however line of several hundred li (0.5 km), Ye Fan passed by the ancient land ruins, from the monster Emperor Tomb tomb is about several li (0.5 km) that's all, at this moment there has gathered numerous cultivator, the ups and downs of Monster Emperor ancient grave in the sky, magnificent light soars to the heavens. 徒步而行数百里,叶凡路过古地废墟,距离妖帝坟冢不过数里而已,此刻那里已经聚集众多修士,妖帝古墓在天空中沉沉浮浮,光华冲天。 At this moment, rumble the sound transmits, the sky shivers intermittently. 就在这时,“轰隆隆”的声响传来,天空阵阵颤动。 Ancient war chariot filled the air/Qi of withering, by the golden casting, inscribes densely and numerously Dao Runes, was being drawn by nine powerful Azure Flood Dragon, sends out the sound of intermittent wind and thunder, the steamroll crosses the vault of heaven, comes in waves, powerful fighting intent seems like tsunami general surging forward, but. 一辆古老的战车充满了肃杀之气,由黄金浇铸而成,刻有密密麻麻的“道纹”,被九头强大的青蛟拉着,发出阵阵风雷之响,碾压过苍穹,滚滚而来,一股强大的战意像是海啸一般汹涌澎湃而至。 The distant place, numerous cultivator held breath cold air, another great person arrived, many people changed face color, only has Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Ji Family's person show(s) to be happy color. 远处,众多修士倒吸了一口凉气,又一个大人物驾临了,不少人都变了颜『色』,唯有荒古世家姬家的『露』出喜『色』。 Nine Azure Flood Dragon are drawing golden ancient war chariot, mounts the clouds and rides the mist, flushed to fast, stopped in the front of Ji Family people, then was silent. 九头青蛟拉着黄金古战车,腾云驾雾,快速冲至,在姬家众人的前方停了下来,而后便寂静无声了。 Everyone did not have slow the god to come, under like the sounds of nature heavenly music from far to near, in the sky sprinkles everywhere flower petal intermittently, clear sparkles, fragrance intermittent, beautiful silhouette seem like the female celestial to fly high generally, the sleeves are floating, transcend worldly affairs that could not say are varied. 所有人还没有缓过神来,阵阵如天籁般的仙乐由远而近,天空中洒落下漫天的花瓣,晶莹闪闪,馨香阵阵,一道道美丽的身影像是仙女一般凌空而过,衣袖飘飘,说不出的出尘多姿。 Their gathering of beautifully dressed people, is supporting a fragrant car(riage) that becomes by the divine flower knitting, comes lithely, the everywhere flower rain floats, clear sparkles, lets trim ruins one magnificence. 她们花团锦簇,拥着一辆由神花编织而成的香车,轻盈而来,漫天的花雨飘洒,晶莹闪闪,让整片废墟都一片瑰丽。 Monster Emperor Tomb Tsukamae, all cultivator are one startled, there is a character of no small matter to arrive, this ancient palace really alarmed many powerful cultivator, all arrive in person rushed. 帝坟冢前,所有修士都是一惊,又有非同小可的人物驾临了,这座古殿果然惊动了很多强大的修士,全都亲至赶至。 Ye Fan is tranquil, although has not sought Pang Bo, but he believes that Pang Bo will not die, a day that sooner or later the brothers will meet. 叶凡已经平静下来,虽然没有寻到庞博,但他坚信庞博不会死,早晚还有兄弟相见的一天。 Strengthen, I must grow stronger unceasingly, cannot make others be in control of our destinies!” “变强,我要不断的变强,不能让别人主宰我们的命运!” Obstructs day 62 遮天62 Ye Fan sweeps loses, in the eyes divine light deep and clear, show(s) firm and resolute and self-confident appearance, since has stepped the cultivation the path, the current priority was been powerful by oneself, only by doing so, later can rescue Pang Bo. 叶凡一扫失落,双目中神光湛湛,『露』出坚毅而自信的神采,既然已经踏上修炼的道路,目前的首要任务就是让自己强大起来,只有这样,以后才能去解救庞博 He has not left, but is the choice draws back several li (0.5 km), in the distance monster Emperor Tomb tomb ** on in mountain looks out into the distance. By his present cultivation base, simply does not have the strength to compete for anything, the there weakest people can readily make him vanishes in a puff of smoke. The choice looks, but to gain experience. 他没有离开,而是选择远退出去数里,在距离妖帝坟冢**里的一座高山上远眺。以他现在的修为,根本没有实力去争夺什么,那里最弱的人都可以轻易让他灰飞烟灭。选择远看,只是为了增长见识。 At this moment, did not know many cultivator, many people already take action, but still no one can open the monster Emperor Tomb tomb, casualty many cultivator. 此刻,也不知道来了多少修士,不少人都已经出手,但是依然没有人可以打开妖帝坟冢,死伤了不少修士 The divine jade sacrifice is built up grand ancient palace that becomes by five color, covered entirely the dense and numerous monster articles, five color god splendor blooms, the dragon shape writing, the phoenix shape writing, the Black Tortoise shape writing had the life probably. Monster Qi such as the billowing rocket, the direct impact sky, the monster strength of surging forward seems like the vastness to fluctuate generally, all cultivator are unapproachable, dares to overstep thunder pool one, all immediately was shaken fine powder. 由五『色』神玉祭炼而成的宏伟古殿,布满了密密麻麻的妖文,五『色』神辉绽放,龙形文字、凤形文字、玄龟形文字等像是有了生命。妖气如滚滚狼烟,直冲霄汉,汹涌澎湃的妖力像是汪洋一般在起伏,所有修士都不能接近,敢逾越雷池一步者,全都在第一时间被震成了齑粉 One generation of Monster Race's Great Emperor lay out uniting immortal strength, has dropped to the valley under the corrosion of years, and pulsation rule had been known by us, was almost the time, can begin.” Monster Emperor Tomb Tsukamae, that jade carriage that is drawn by nine Qilin beasts, spreads such chilly sound, is not sonorous, even is somewhat low and deep, but actually clear spreads over each corner, making many cultivator have the feeling of trembling unexpectedly. “一代妖族大帝布下的戮仙力,在岁月的侵蚀下早已跌至谷底,且脉动规律已被我们掌握,差不多是时候了,可以动手了。”妖帝坟冢前,那辆由九头麒麟兽拉来的玉辇中,传出这样清冷的声音,并不多么宏亮,甚至有些低沉,但却清晰的传遍每一个角落,让很多修士竟有颤栗的感觉。 This super great person must begin finally! 这个超级大人物终于要动手了! Good, truly can open the monster Emperor Tomb tomb.” A gentle sound conveys, the people have not discovered the trace of this female, but no one will suspect, dares in the great person dialogue with jade carriage, inevitably to be existence of the same class. “不错,确实可以打开妖帝坟冢了。”一个柔和声音传来,众人并没有发现这个女子的踪影,但没有人会怀疑,敢与玉辇中的大人物对话,必然是同级别的存在。 Our several geographical advantage that occupied Innate, opens the grave now, attains will be many!” At this time, in another sky also broadcast a dignified sound, the character character like the thunder strike, everyone who shook both ears buzzed. “我们几家占了先天的地理优势,现在打开坟冢,所获将会甚多!”这时,另一片天空中也传来一个威严的声音,字字如雷击,震的所有人双耳嗡嗡作响。 Under vault of heaven that flower rain flutter about, is woven in the fragrant car(riage) that to spread a voice of female by divine flower, is clear and interesting to listen, said: Such being the case, that begins.” 那片花雨纷飞的天穹下,由神花编织成的香车中传出一个女子的声音,清脆而又动听,道:“既然如此,那就动手吧。” I and others will open the monster Emperor Tomb tomb forcefully, rather injures and innocent, everyone retreat!” Ji Family fills in air/Qi of withering golden ancient war chariot, spreads an old sound, resembles the tsunami to vibrate generally, lets vault of heaven one tremor, has coercion beyond comparison. “我等将强行打开妖帝坟冢,未免伤及无辜,所有人都后退!”姬家充满肃杀之气的黄金古战车中,传出一个苍老的声音,似海啸一般震动开来,让天穹都一阵颤动,具有无以伦比的威压 Five great person opened the mouth, the sound almost linked in one, the fearful heart and soul, the startling thunderclap in rumble made noise probably, in this moment everyone mind severe tremor, the body swayed again and again, cannot help but retreated toward the distant place. 五位大人物先后开口,声音几乎连在了一起,慑人心魄,像是惊雷在隆隆作响,在这一刻所有人都心神剧震,身体连连摇晃,不由自主向着远方退去。 Five mysterious great person do not want to wait, because other super major powers Powerhouse were about to rush, five people will collaborate, destroyed the monster Emperor Tomb tomb forcefully, ahead of time seized the treasure. 五位神秘的大人物不想等下去了,因为其他超级大势力强者都快赶至了,五人将联手,强行打碎妖帝坟冢,提前夺宝。 Even if in ** outside, Ye Fan still felt a terrifying fluctuation, in his heart imposing, nothing hesitant, fast far away from this region, again retreat several li (0.5 km). 纵然远在**里以外,叶凡依然感觉到了一股恐怖的波动,他心中凛然,没有任何犹豫,快速远离这片地域,再次后退几里。 Bang “轰” Soon, the monster Emperor Tomb tomb direction transmits a Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering loud sound, makes the person soul tremble, radiant divine light breaks through the clouds, linked up Heaven and Earth. Probably the volcanic eruption generally, endless monster strength surging forward, the brilliant ray seemed like the tsunami to turn toward the all around impact on go generally. Many cultivator such as that duckweed is common, was raised to fly by the energy rough seas directly, drawn back enough far, but still received affect. 不多时,妖帝坟冢方向传来惊天动地的一声巨响,直让人灵魂战栗,璀璨神光冲破云霄,贯通了天地。像是火山喷发了一般,无尽的妖力汹涌澎湃而出,绚烂的光芒像是海啸一般向着四面八方冲击而去。很多修士如那浮萍一般,被能量大浪直接掀飞了出去,已经退的足够远,但依然受到了波及。 The distant place, Ye Fan with amazement, his here was also under the impact, many vegetation break off completely, many rocks fly to roll to go, he hides after stone mountain, somewhat fearful and apprehensive feeling. 远方,叶凡骇然,就连他这里也受到了冲击,很多草木全部折断,不少山石都飞滚而去,他躲在一座石山后,都有些心惊肉跳的感觉。 This monster Emperor Tomb tomb was too fearful, already the passing endless years, Monster Race's Great Emperor lay out unites immortal strength unable to withstand feebly, by external force impact, still erupted such terrifying monster prestige, it can be imagined, unified Eastern Wilderness Monster Race's that Great Emperor in the past is what kind of great strength! 这座妖帝坟冢太可怕了,已经过去无尽岁月,妖族大帝布下的戮仙力已经衰弱不堪,但被外力冲击时,依然爆发出了这样恐怖的妖威,可想而知,当年统一东荒妖族的那位大帝是何等的强大! „Before Monster Emperor really worthily is Ancient Desolate, looks disdainfully Eastern Wilderness' Powerhouse, after dying , the lay out seal has the so fearful power and influence, in years past peerless elegant demeanor can be inferred!” 妖帝果然不愧是荒古前睥睨东荒的强者,死后布下的封印都有如此可怕的威势,昔年的绝世风采可见一斑!” Before that grand ancient palace, only remains five people now, cannot see clearly their physique, only has five groups of dazzling rays float there, several people sighed completely. 在那座宏伟的古殿前,如今只剩了五人,看不清他们的形体,只有五团刺目的光芒悬浮在那里,几人全部感叹不已。 One generation of Monster Race's Great Emperor startled certainly colorful, truly is spacious generation of expert!” “一代妖族大帝惊才绝艳,确实是旷代高手!” Perhaps now this tomb odd/surplus Yaoli, is less than 10% of his heyday, still has the so fearful power and influence, light/only thinks shockingly.” “如今这座坟墓所余妖力,恐怕不及他全盛时期的10%,依然有如此可怕的威势,光想想就让人震惊。” Although five great person said like this, but has not stopped, but assembles whole body divine force, launched a swifter and fiercer and aggressive attack. 五位大人物虽然这样说,但并未就此住手,而是集结全身神力,展开了更加凌厉而又霸气的攻击。 Obstructs day 62 遮天62 Bang “轰” If Divine Sea is dreadful, resembles Milky Way to release, Between Heaven and Earth boundless one piece, everywhere is the dazzling ray, endless god splendor is attacking, vast monster strength in turbulent, monster Emperor Tomb tomb here seemed like boiling generally. 神海滔天,似银河倒泄,天地间茫茫一片,到处都是刺目的光芒,无尽的神辉的在冲击,浩瀚的妖力在汹涌,妖帝坟冢这里像是沸腾了一般。 All cultivator all were far away from there, no one dares to stay. 所有修士全都远离了那里,没有人敢停留。 Five great person continuous take action, took out their weapons, shake the Monster Emperor ancient grave hardly, makes Sun, Moon and Stars not have the light, making trim Heaven and Earth tremble. 五位大人物接连不断的出手,祭出他们的武器,硬撼妖帝古墓,直让日月星辰无光,让整片天地都在颤栗。 Endless divine light and fearful monster strength, flush away toward all around unceasingly. 无尽的神光与可怕的妖力,不断向着四面八方冲去。 Also has not known how long, five great person do not know take action many times, made together the crack the corner of monster emperor tomb bedroom. 也不知道过了多久,五位大人物自己都不知道出手了多少次,才堪堪将妖帝陵寝的一角打出一道裂纹。 Bang “轰” Collaborates again, strikes strongly, five powerful weapon turnover divine light, condensed five great person Essence Qi and divine force, finally tears the corner of that monster Emperor Tomb tomb. 再次联手,强势一击,五把强大的武器吞吐神光,凝聚了五位大人物精气神力,终于将那妖帝坟冢的一角撕裂开。 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 At this moment, in the Monster Race's Great Emperor tomb has multi-colored sunlight to depart from an corner/horn that tears, flushed away toward all around, has spiritual wisdom weapon to escape! 就在这时,妖族大帝的坟墓中有一道道霞光自那撕裂开的一角飞出,向着四面八方冲去,有通灵的武器自己逃了出来! Five great person all find out the big hand, grasps toward the sky, but still has many multi-colored sunlight to become fish slip through, charges into the horizon, submerges in the wooded mountains. 五位大人物全都探出大手,向着天空中抓去,但是依然有不少些霞光成为了漏网之鱼,冲向天际,没入山林间。 In this moment, cultivator that waited and saw in the distant place all acted, flew fast to each direction, or pursued to the horizon, fired into the deep forest exactly, pursued that multi-colored sunlight. 在这一刻,在远处观望的修士们全都行动了起来,快速飞向各个方向,或追向天际,活冲向深林中,追逐那一道道霞光。 "chī" “哧” Has Azure-red Clouds together to submerge on stone mountain that Ye Fan is, easily pierced stone wall, pierced, this lets in the Ye Fan heart one startled, has not thought, hides can also harvest in such far place. 有一道青霞没入叶凡所在的石山上,轻易洞穿了岩壁,刺穿了进去,这让叶凡心中一惊,万万没有想到,躲在这么远的地方也能有所收获。 Bang “轰” At this moment, five great person collaborate again, the took out five powerful weapons, hit to the monster Emperor Tomb tomb! 就在这时,五位大人物再次联手,祭出五把强大的武器,向妖帝坟冢打去!
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