STH :: Volume #1

#61: Perfect female

Chapter 61 perfect female 第61章完美女子 Qilin is existence in legend, with dragon compound, always only spreads in the mouth and writing of people, since the ancient times few has seen. In the dragon like legend is ordinary, only then the bloodline not pure heir lives in world, but actually often is mistaken as the dragon, for example-- flood dragon. Qilin is also so, not True Body manifest world, since bloodlines Inheritance that only then Pre-immemorial leaves behind, takes the form of that's all, is not true Qilin, is called the Qilin beast. 麒麟是传说中的存在,与龙并列,历来只在人们的口中与笔下流传,自古以来几乎没有人见到过。就像传说中的龙一般,只有血统不纯正的子嗣活在世间,但却往往被误认为是龙,比如说——蛟。麒麟亦是如此,并无真身显化世间,只有太古前留下的血脉传承至今,形似而已,并不是真正的麒麟,被称作麒麟兽。 This bloodline impure Ancient Desolate Mutant Beast, although Divine Blood is thin, but still powerful incomparable, strength can compare big monster. Comes the person to draw carriage by nine Qilin beasts, the ostentation was too big, letting the person has to shock. 这种血统不纯的荒古异兽,虽然神血早已稀薄,但依然强大无比,实力堪比大妖。来人以九头麒麟兽拉辇,排场实在太大了,让人不得不震撼。 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 When dozens Dao Spirit rainbows first clear the way to clash. Ancient Desolate Mutant Beast that nine take the form of Qilin gallops later, but, stops in the monster Emperor Tomb tomb front, that jade carriage clear sparkles, auspicious color ten thousand, Divine Red Clouds winds around, is really uncommon. 数十道神虹当先开道冲来。九头形似麒麟荒古异兽随后奔腾而至,停在妖帝坟冢前方,那辆玉辇晶莹闪闪,瑞彩万道,神霞缭绕,甚是不凡。 Obstructs day 61 遮天61 A Flickering Light Holy Land old person small sound said: „When Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Ji Family has the great person journey uses nine flood dragons to pull a cart, the words of such contrast, definitely have not the general aloof status by the person who nine Qilin beasts pull a cart.” 摇光圣地的一位老人小声道:“荒古世家姬家有位大人物出行时用九蛟拉车,这样对比的话,以九头麒麟兽拉车的人肯定具有不一般的超然身份。” The Powerhouse hearing this forced smile on Ji Family ancient war chariot said: By the person who nine flood dragons pull a cart is our Family Lord great uncle. At present this person ostentation such big, even if not some Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Family Lord, was similar.” 姬家战车上的强者闻言苦笑道:“以九蛟拉车的人是我们家主的一位族叔。眼前这个人排场如此之大,纵然不是某一荒古世家家主,也差不多了。” Flickering Light Holy Land and in Ji Family's cultivator all heart imposing, does not dare to go forward to salute upon meeting rashly, by this mysterious great person subdued, is not all known is where sacred. Jade Lake Holy Land more than ten females were also discussing in a soft voice, but had not guessed that is which great person arrives. 摇光圣地姬家的修士全都心中凛然,不敢贸然上前见礼,皆被这位神秘的大人物镇住了,不知道是何方神圣。瑶池圣地的十几名女子也在轻声议论,但却没有猜测出到底是哪位大人物驾临。 After nine Qilin beasts stop, in jade carriage does not have the sound, inside great person has not come out, as if calmly is waiting for anything. Another side, that refining up huge Divine Boat that becomes by the divine jade sacrifice horizontally in in the air, has not approached, resembles dreaded to this jade carriage heart. 九头麒麟兽停下来后,玉辇内并没有动静,里面的大人物没有出来,似乎在静静地等待着什么。另一边,那艘以神玉祭炼而成的巨大神舟横在空中,没有靠近,似对这辆玉辇心有忌惮。 Obviously this merely is the overture, many Sect are catching up one after another, does not need to want also to know, before dawn can gather over a thousand people sufficiently. When the news spreads thoroughly, here boiling, the monster Emperor Tomb tomb will capture Eastern Wilderness all cultivator's attention inevitably. 很显然这仅仅是序曲,更多的门派在陆续赶来,不用想也知道,天亮前就足以能够聚集上千人。当消息彻底传扬出去,这里必然沸腾,妖帝坟冢将吸引东荒所有修士的目光。 One generation of Monster Race's Great Emperor grave enter the world, the significance was extremely great, these in Holy Land of horizon, if obtains the news, definitely in sending lay out Dao Runes, will condense day potential, will open ancient road, will pass through the space to arrive at Land of Yan fast.” “一代妖族大帝的坟冢出世,意义太过重大了,那些远在天边的圣地如果得到消息,肯定会在派地中布下道纹’,凝聚‘天势’,开启‘古道’,快速穿越空间降临燕地。” Monster Emperor Tomb tomb magnificent light soars to the heavens, many of more and more surroundings person, often some people discussed low voice. Even if knew perfectly well that cannot seize the heavy treasure, rushed to this place, wants to witness one to vibrate the Eastern Wilderness' big event with own eyes. 帝坟光华冲天,周围人的越来越多,不时有人小声议论。纵然明知夺不到重宝,也赶到了此地,想要亲眼见证一场震动东荒的大事件。 Going far away that Ye Fan does not return, here has nothing to yearn, has passed long time, does not see Pang Bo to return, he is unable to continue again. 叶凡头也不回的远去,这里没有什么可留恋的,已经过去很长时间,都不见庞博回返,他无法再继续等下去了。 Pang Bo do not have an accident......” 庞博千万不要出事啊……” Ye Fan goes over hill and dale, the speed is extremely fast, when are not many were far away from this piece of ancient land, he runs , until the skylight is greatly bright also does not have any discovery. 叶凡翻山越岭,速度极快,不多时就远离了这片古地,他一路奔跑,但直到天光大亮时也没有任何发现。 Sky over this piece of primitive ancient land often the bright rainbow delimits to empty, these cultivator all fly in a direction, obviously goes to the monster Emperor Tomb tomb very much. 这片原始古地上空不时有神虹划空而过,那些修士全都朝着一个方向飞去,很明显都是冲着妖帝坟冢而去。 Where went , the direction was wrong......” Ye Fan to pursue, had not discovered. However he does not give up , to continue, when until noon, he induced a strange fluctuation. “到底去了哪里,难道方向错了吗……”叶凡一路追下来,没有丝毫发现。不过他并不放弃,继续前行,直到中午时,他感应到了一丝奇异的波动。 Is...... the heart of Monster Emperor is beating, has looked for right the direction!” Ye Fan pursued fast, but after 1 hour, he discovered that returned to the place, has probably not left. “是……妖帝之心在跳动,已经找对了方向!”叶凡快速追了下去,但是半个时辰之后,他发现又回到了刚才的地方,像是从来没有离开过。 Front, five mountains compound , is straight up and down steep, probably the five fingers of person stand there. 前方,五座大山并列,直上直下,非常陡峭,像是人的五根手指立在那里。 What's the matter......” Ye Fan is somewhat puzzled, but has not thought, thinks fan lost the direction a moment ago. He stops here, identifies the good position carefully, pursued again, he believes that this time will not circle. But, after 1 hour, he is dumbfounded, discovered that returned same place. “怎么回事……”叶凡有些不解,但并没有多想,以为刚才『迷』失了方向。他停在这里,仔细辨认好方位,再次追了下去,他相信这一次不会绕回来。可是,半个时辰之后,他目瞪口呆,发现又回到了原地。 Why can like this?” Returns to the zero point, Ye Fan to know the matter to be unusual again, here from the monster Emperor Tomb tomb is about several hundred li (0.5 km) that's all, still in the ancient land range, as if has what strangeness. “为什么会这样?”再次回到原点,叶凡知道事情非同寻常,这里距离妖帝坟冢不过数百里而已,依然处在古地范围内,似乎有什么古怪。 At first, he has not cared about the surrounding scenery, at this moment watches earnestly, Ye Fan feels is surprised, that five compound mountain seems like Divinity the giant palm stands in the front, five mountains looked like five fingers. 起初,他并没有在意周围的景物,此刻认真观看,叶凡感觉非常惊讶,那五座并列的大山真像是神祗的的巨大手掌立在前方,五座大山像极了五根手指。 Here mountains land features was carved Dao Runes, formed some type mystically potential, harassed chaotically the sensation of person......” Ye Fan to talk to oneself, made such suspicion. He closes the eye, according to the intuition vanguard, induces the heart of that strong and powerful beat Monster Emperor by own heart completely, has not known how long, he felt suddenly a spiritual energy front surface throws. “难道这里的山川地脉等被人刻下了‘道纹’,形成了某种神秘的‘势’,扰『乱』了人的感知……”叶凡自语,做出这样的猜想。他闭上眼睛,完全按照直觉前行,以自己的心脏感应妖帝之心那强劲而有力的跳动,也不知道过了多久,他突然感觉一股灵气迎面扑来。 Ye Fan opens eyes, discovered that does not know when has entered world of one beautiful spring days, in sacred Pure Land like legend is ordinary, scenery color poetic and beautiful, is extremely beautiful. 叶凡睁开双眼,发现不知道何时已进入一片花香鸟语的世界,如同传说中的神圣净土一般,景『色』如诗如画,极其美丽。 Obstructs day 61 遮天61 But at this time, he can the clear feeling the beat of heart of Monster Emperor, let his heart intermittent severe pain, in this piece of Pure Land deep place, exactly said in the back of that several beautiful mountain peak. 而这个时候,他可以真切的感受到妖帝之心的跳动,让他的心脏阵阵剧痛,就在这片净土的深处,确切的说是在那几座秀丽山峰的背后。 The immortal fog is indistinct, some pavilion Palace are partly visible in the celestial mountain deep place, Ye Fan fast stand forth. Suddenly, he discovers beautiful silhouette, stands is on the front cliff, the surroundings mist surges, that female White Clothed, like the snow, dances in the breeze holily with the wind, resembles Fairy that will soon ride the wind to go to be ordinary. 仙雾飘渺,一些亭台宫阙在仙山深处若隐若现,叶凡快速向前走去。突然,他发现一条美丽的身影,立身在前方的山崖上,周围雾气涌动,那个女子一身白衣,圣洁如雪,随风飘舞,似即将乘风而去的仙子一般。 This is an extremely beautiful female, such as spatial valley orchid, unusual transcend worldly affairs, a tranquil beauty, with surrounding beautiful natural scenery perfect uniting, as if she are this Heaven and Earth attractive part. 这是一个极其美丽的女子,如空谷幽兰,非常出尘,有一种宁静的美,与周围秀丽的自然景物完美的合一,仿佛她是这天地灵秀的一部分。 Ye Fan never believes that in the world has perfect, but on the front cliff that female actually gives him a busy feeling, was not only in the appearance beautiful woman Qin, even if were in the makings so the ultra dust is also refined, not eating the food of common mortals, let person of the feeling of having feeling inferior, as if this world all beautiful things wanted low-spirited pales before her. 叶凡从来不相信世上有完美,但是前方山崖上那个女子却给他一种无暇的感觉,不仅是容颜上倾城秦国,纵然是气质上也是如此的超尘脱俗,不食人间烟火,让人有自惭形秽的感觉,仿佛这世间的一切美好事物在她面前都要黯然失『色』 This graceful bearing peerless female seems like ten ** year age, black hair Qingwu, the long eyelash(es) tremor, eye pupil fan is hoodwinking the mist, the red lip beautiful teeth are glittering the clear gloss, the neck is elegant, snow-white skin, fine facial features, certainly color the appearance, the curve dim luster of the skin, making people feel that has no time stainless, so perfect. 这个风姿绝世的女子看起来不过十**岁的年纪,黑发轻舞,长长的睫『毛』颤动,眼眸似『迷』蒙着水雾,红唇玉齿闪烁着晶莹的光泽,颈项纤秀,冰肌玉骨,精致的五官,绝『色』的容颜,曲线朦胧的玉体,让人感觉到无暇无垢,是如此的完美。 Ye Fan is a firm and resolute and self-confident person, has not come under the tremendous impact, after short being lost in thought that fast is tranquil, stride stand forth. 叶凡是一个坚毅与自信的人,并没有受到多大的影响,短暂的出神后,快速的平静下来,大步向前走去。 At this moment, the female on cliff looks to her, smiled faintly gently, if immediately the immortal flower bloomed, was extremely bright, making Sun of space lose color color. 就在这时,山崖上的女子向她望来,轻轻浅笑,顿时如仙葩绽放,极其灿烂,让天上的太阳都失去了『色』彩。 Ye Fan while being startled in this beautiful, in the heart raises an unusual feeling, this female is not real, dreamlike, does not have the flaw stainless, the perfect monster nearly is evil. 叶凡在吃惊于这种美丽的同时,心中升起一股异样的感觉,这个女子太不真实了,如梦似幻,无瑕无垢,完美的近乎妖邪。 Stops there, otherwise, you will lose the life.” Transmits like the sound of sounds of nature, is interesting to listen, but makes Ye Fan feel that a chill in the air, he thought this perfect female is not chatting. “就此止步,不然的话,你会失去生命。”如同天籁的声音传来,非常动听,但却让叶凡感觉到了一股寒意,他觉得这完美的女子并不是在说笑。 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 breaking space makes a sound, several big monsters that some time ago vanished run out from the celestial mountain deep place, appear in the side of this female. Lives the blonde young girl, the old flood dragon and the both arms pair of wings to cover the vigorous and healthy man and a great man (Han) of who scale live the bull horn, all complexion is pale, as if hurt the vitality, arrived at this perfect female near with the low attitude, respectful and prudent standing there, then looked to Ye Fan, in the eye show(s) murderous intention. 破空之响出来,不久前消失的几位大妖从仙山深处冲出,出现在这个女子的身边。生有双翼的金发少女、老蛟、双臂覆盖鳞片的健壮男子、头生牛角的巨汉,全都脸『色』苍白,似乎伤了元气,以低姿态来到这个完美的女子近前,恭谨的站在那里,而后望向叶凡,目中『露』出杀机 Makes him...... leave!” “让他……离开!” At this moment, in the celestial mountains that behind the cliff that fog surge broadcasts the Pang Bo's sound, he seems to be painful, clenches teeth to put out these four characters. 就在这时,山崖后方那片云雾涌动的仙山间传来庞博的声音,他似乎非常痛苦,咬牙吐出这四个字。 Killed his death ends all troubles!” At this moment, the old flood dragon compelling comes forward. “杀了他一了百了!”就在这时,老蛟向前『逼』来。 Bang “轰” Suddenly, dreadful Monster Qi seems like the desert to come generally, in an instant, the sky were many a person's shadow, the Pang Bo full black hair is chaotically crazy 『』 waves, the whole person such as the deep pool sea, took to people the endless constriction, such as 100,000 mountain imposing manners sank like that muddily, making one somewhat not gasp for breath. 突然,一股滔天的妖气像是瀚海一般汹涌而至,在刹那间,天空中多了一道人影,庞博满头黑发都在狂『乱』舞动,整个人如渊似海,带给人无尽的压迫感,如十万大山那般气势沉浑,让人有些喘不过气来。 At this moment, on the Pang Bo not only cheeks and forehead covered entirely the monster article, are that bare reveal the chest and arm also all are the dense and numerous dragon mark phoenix symbols, his whole body various places covered entirely ancient character, the cyanogen wound around, both eyes shooting green light is several meters. 此刻,庞博不仅脸颊与额头上布满了妖文,就是那『裸』『露』的胸膛与手臂也全都是密密麻麻的龙纹凤符,他全身各处布满了古字,青气缭绕,双目『射』出的绿光长达数十米。 I said that makes him leave!” His expression is indifferent, is staring at the old flood dragon. “我说让他离开!”他的神『色』冷漠无比,盯着老蛟。 The old flood dragon also has several other big monsters to look that nearly perfect young girl simultaneously to the cliff, seems waiting for her order. This perfect female smiles, said: Do not harm him, delivers him to leave here.” 老蛟还有其他几位大妖同时看向山崖上那个近乎完美的少女,似乎在等待她的命令。这个完美的女子浅浅的一笑,道:“不要伤害他,送他离开这里。” Pang Bo......” Ye Fan shouts out, looks in the sky that Monster Qi to soar to the heavens, imposing manner firm as a mountain silhouette, he is calling the name repeatedly. But, Pang Bo at this moment both familiar and strange, the facial expression is indifferent, looks to his here, what words had not said that that then brushes vanishes in the sky, suddenly disappears, such as desert monster strength tide water retreated. 庞博……”叶凡大喝,望着天空中那个妖气冲天,气势如山似岳身影,他一遍又一遍的喊着名字。可是,此刻的庞博既熟悉又陌生,神情冷漠,看向他这里,什么话也没有说,而后刷的一声消失在天空中,眨眼间不见踪影,如瀚海般的妖力似『潮』水般退去了。 Ye Fan felt that body one light, that lives a pair of golden wing, very beautiful blonde young girl, flew, to imprison him by a beam of light light and lively, leading him to shoot up to the sky in an instant. 紧接着,叶凡感觉身体一轻,那个生有一对金『色』羽翼,非常美丽的金发少女,轻灵飞至,以一道光束禁锢了他,带着他刹那间冲天而起。 Ye Fan unceasing yelling: Pang Bo......” 叶凡不断的大叫:“庞博……” Obstructs day 61 遮天61 Quick, the air current crashes in his mouth, stopped up his roar, the blonde young girl has his extremely fast flight, in the sky can only spread unwillingly wū wū the sound, they went far away instantaneously. 很快,气流冲进他的嘴里,堵住了他的吼声,金发少女带着他极速飞行,天空中只能传出不甘的呜呜声,他们瞬间远去了。 "shuà" “刷” The time is not long, the blonde young girl brings Ye Fan to descend in the place, puts down him, deeply looked at his one eyes, said: You put best into it, earlier departs.” Then, turns into the golden light to soar to the heavens to go together. 时间不长,金发少女带着叶凡降落在地,将他放下,深深看了他一眼,道:“你好自为之,早点离去吧。”说罢,化成一道金光冲天而去。 Ye Fan face upwards to bellow: Puts Pang Bo to come back!” However no one responded to him, that golden light vanished suddenly does not see. 叶凡仰天大吼:“放庞博回来!”但是没有人回应他,那道金光眨眼间消失不见。 This place, from the monster Emperor Tomb tomb is about several li (0.5 km), can clear saw that position magnificent light is radiant, ups and downs of ancient palace in the sky, gathered numerous cultivator there, Ye Fan is returned to the primitive ruins. 此地,距离妖帝坟冢不过数里,可以清晰的看到那个方位光华璀璨,一座古殿在天空中沉沉浮浮,在那里聚集了众多的修士,叶凡被送回了原始废墟中。 November 11 in legend, sent the benefits, delivered all female book friend two shota, Ye Fan and Pang Bo. Delivers all male book friend two seductively attractive girls, that two that in this chapter presents. 传说中的11月11日,发福利了,送所有女书友两只正太,叶凡庞博。送所有男书友两只妖女,本章中出现的那两只。 Likes type other, hurries to turn looks for other chapters. 喜欢其他类型的,赶紧翻找其他章节。
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