STH :: Volume #1

#60: Clouds rising in the eight directions

Land of Yan is place of corner, in Eastern Wilderness is insignificant, if the news passes on, this stretch of ruins will certainly be submerged by endless cultivator. 燕地不过是一隅之地,在东荒不过是沧海一粟,如果消息传出去,这片废墟必将被无尽修士淹没。 At this moment, most loses is the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader, Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family all presently, he knows that these time perhaps will be difficult to harvest, is unable to contend with these colossi. 此刻,最失落的莫过于灵墟洞天的掌门,圣地荒古世家皆现,他知道这一次恐怕将难有收获了,根本无法与这些庞然大物相争。 Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Ji Family's ancient war chariot, rumble makes noise, the steamroll crosses the upper air, making the vault of heaven tremble, goes far away fast. The Flickering Light Holy Land person sees that all changes color, an old person quickly orders two cultivator, said: You hurry to return to Holy Land, fast to report comes up, dispatching Powerhouse to help!” 荒古世家姬家的一辆古战车,隆隆作响,碾压过高空,让天穹都在颤栗,快速远去。摇光圣地的人见状,全都变色,一名老人急忙命令身边的两位修士,道:“你们赶紧返回圣地,速速禀报上去,派遣强者来援!” The monster Emperor Tomb tomb enter the world news was impossible to cover, will certainly shock the trim vast Eastern Wilderness land, shortly after decides however to have more and more Sect to catch up, must have with their compound Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family and Holy Land, Ji Family and Flickering Light Holy Land have to request reinforcements. 帝坟出世的消息不可能掩盖下去了,必将震动整片浩瀚东荒大地,不久后定然会有越来越多的门派赶来,其中肯定少不了与他们并列的荒古世家圣地,姬家摇光圣地不得不求援。 Your my several collaborate, hurries to break open the monster Emperor Tomb tomb, takes out inside heavy treasure, how?” A Flickering Light Holy Land old man looks to Ji Family's Powerhouse, looks to Jade Lake Holy Land more than ten females, finally also swept a Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader lightly. “你我几家联手,赶紧破开妖帝坟冢,将里面的重宝取出,如何?”摇光圣地的一位老者看向姬家的强者,又望向瑶池圣地的十几名女子,最后也轻扫了一眼灵墟洞天的掌门。 Good, this/should so.” On the Ji Family ancient battlefield vehicle immediately the nod name after Powerhouse hearing this is. “好,正该如此。”姬家古战场车上在强者闻言后立刻点头称是。 Jade Lake Holy Land more than ten females are elusive and elegant, each and every one simple and beautiful transcend worldly affairs, resembles does not want to participate in this contest, all goes to retreat, is that female light start/open red lips of head, said: I and others passed by that's all, does not want to compete for the Monster Race's Great Emperor losing treasure.” 瑶池圣地的十几位女子空灵而又飘逸,一个个清丽出尘,似不想参与这场争夺战,全都向后退去,为首的那名女子轻启红唇,道:“我等不过是路过而已,并不想争夺妖族大帝的遗宝。” Such being the case, I and others does not demand. Our two collaborate, breaks open the Monster Race's Great Emperor imperial mausoleum.” Flickering Light Holy Land and Ji Family look forward to the Jade Lake's person to withdraw, although the monster Emperor Tomb tomb buries many heavy treasures, but no one dislikes Spiritual Treasure to be many, the person of participation the fewer the better. “既然如此,我等并不强求。我们两家联手,破开妖族大帝的陵寝。”摇光圣地姬家巴不得瑶池的人退出,虽然妖帝坟冢葬有诸多重宝,但是没有人嫌灵宝多,参与的人越少越好。 Li Zhangmen you also lead the person to come.” A Flickering Light Holy Land old person light swept one to the distant place. “李掌门你也带人过来吧。”摇光圣地的一位老人淡淡的向远处扫了一眼。 In leader heart of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary bitter and astringent, said: Decides whole-heartedly.” 灵墟洞天的掌门心中苦涩,道:“定全力以赴。” The Flickering Light Holy Land old man nods saying: Your Spirit Ruins Sanctuary had offered many strengths, when opens the monster Emperor Tomb tomb will make you satisfy surely.” 摇光圣地的老者点头道:“你们灵墟洞天已经出了不少力气,打开妖帝坟冢时定会让你满意。” At that moment, twenty Powerhouse enter the monster Emperor Tomb tomb again, wants to open this Ancient Desolate tomb thoroughly. 当下,二十几位强者再次进入妖帝坟冢,想要彻底打开这座荒古的坟墓。 Bang “轰” ancient palace unceasing shaking that Five Colors divine jade casts, blooms eye-catching magnificent light, making this piece of Heaven and Earth follow the tremor. 五色神玉铸成的古殿不断的摇动,绽放出一道道夺目的光华,让这片天地都在跟随颤动。 Probably some not right......” Jade Lake Holy Land more than ten females, watches in the distant place, at this moment their all revealed the look of surprise. “好像有些不对劲……”瑶池圣地的十几名女子,在远处观看,此刻她们皆露出异色 ancient palace these monster articles seemed to be getting more and more bright.” 古殿那些妖文似乎越来越明亮了。” These ancient character have the life probably, is shivering, resembling to pass the wall.” “那些古字好像有生命,全都在颤动,似要透壁而出。” These monster articles on ancient palace in the blooming extraordinary splendor, the dragon shape writing such as small dragon are all swaying from side to side, phoenix shape writing wants to spread the wings to depart, the Black Tortoise shape writing is the trundle...... 古殿上的那些妖文全都在绽放异彩,龙形文字如一条条小龙在扭动,凤形文字似欲展翅飞出,玄龟形文字更是滚动不已…… The monster Emperor Tomb tomb fills mysterious aura, the strong monster strength is condensing slowly, the ancient grave covered hazy mist. 帝坟冢弥漫出一股神秘的气息,强大的妖力在慢慢凝聚,古墓蒙上了一层迷蒙的雾气。 „It is not good, this Monster Race's Great Emperor imperial mausoleum has strangely......” “不好,这妖族大帝的陵寝有古怪……” Several females from Jade Lake Holy Land all show the surprised look, they felt more and more powerful monster strength, gradually, such as vastness generally slowly turbulent. 来自瑶池圣地的十几名女子全都露出吃惊的神色,她们感觉到了越来越强盛的妖力,渐渐的,如汪洋一般慢慢汹涌了起来。 Flickering Light Holy Land and Ji Family not everyone entered the monster Emperor Tomb tomb, defended also induces this change outside person, the complexion changed suddenly, drank to shout to: „It is not good, the mausoleum changes, withdraws in a big hurry!” 摇光圣地姬家并不是所有人都进入了妖帝坟冢,守在外面的人也感应到了这种变化,脸色骤变,冲着里面喝喊:“不好,陵墓有变,快快退出!” Does not need them to drink to shout, inside person has known the important matter is not wonderful, walks turns into blood mist in the forefront several people suddenly, such rapidness that all come, at all not yes what's the matter. 不用他们喝喊,里面的人已经知道大事不妙,走在最前面的几人突然化成血雾,一切来的如此之快,根本不明白到底怎么回事。 Brushes “刷刷刷” Everyone is completely fast retreat, the body god rainbow, flushes away toward the exit|to speak. 所有人全部快速后退,身化神虹,向着出口冲去。 Bang “轰” Monster Emperor Tomb Tsukauchi shines endless magnificent light suddenly, the rear several people burnt at the scene, struggles frigidly, but simply is useless, turned into the ashes in the flash. 帝坟冢内突然亮起无尽光华,最后面的几人当场燃烧了起来,惨烈挣扎,但是却根本没有用,于一瞬间化成了灰烬。 Walks quickly!” “快走!” The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader with two Supreme Elder running out of danger and danger, Flickering Light Holy Land and Ji Family also runs out of 45 people respectively, others were all sealed in inside. 灵墟洞天的掌门与两位太上长老险而又险的冲出,摇光圣地姬家也分别冲出四五人,其他人全都被封在了里面。 In this moment, ancient palace front door slowly closed, can see inside some scenes by the slit that has not closed with enough time thoroughly, magnificent light is radiant, was stranded in inside person is hard to move, the whole body is transparent, the blood is burning, five main internal organs (entrails) fast burnt, is the flesh and skeleton, in turns into the flying ash in an instant. 就在这一刻,古殿的大门缓缓的闭合了,可以透过未来得及彻底关闭的缝隙看到里面的部分景象,光华璀璨,被困在里面的人难以动弹一下,全身都透明,血液在燃烧,五脏六腑快速焦糊,接着是血肉与骨骼,也于刹那间化成飞灰。 Before they died that terrifying expression, making everyone feel the intermittent fear, person who particularly just drew back, is none who does not fearful and apprehensive, if late one step, they are also such fate. 他们死亡那前那种恐怖的表情,让所有人都感觉阵阵恐惧,尤其是刚退出来的人,莫不心惊胆颤,如果再晚一步,他们也是那样的下场。 How like this, to have anything, why this mausoleum suddenly was so fearful......” the Flickering Light Holy Land old man complexion to be pale, was ugly, now also no obtained the heavy treasure, the buckle so many people, are really not the good sign. “怎么会这样,发生了什么,这座陵墓为何突然如此可怕了……”摇光圣地的老者脸色铁青,非常难看,现在还没有的得到重宝,就已经折损了这么多人,实在不是什么好兆头。 This is Monster Race's Great Emperor lay out contingency plan, perhaps does not have the big monster in this's words, this ancient palace regarding human cultivator is the fatal devil's lair!” Ji Family's Powerhouse makes such judgment. “这是妖族大帝布下后手,恐怕没有大妖在此的话,这座古殿对于人类修士是致命的魔窟!”姬家的强者做出这样的判断。 The people think, felt reasonable, a moment ago several big monsters in this time, has not had what unusuality, until they departed, ancient palace became so mysterious and fearful. 众人想了想,觉得有道理,刚才几位大妖在此时,并没有发生什么异常,直到他们离去,古殿才变得如此神秘而又可怕。 „Very likely this, Monster Race's Great Emperor definitely does not hope that Human Race Powerhouse ultimately obtains his Inheritance.” “很有可能是这样,妖族的大帝肯定不希望人族强者最终得到他的传承。” That is supposed to do, needs to stress several big monsters to come, perhaps already without enough time, many Sect mostly already on road.” “那如何是好,难道需要抓几名大妖来吗,恐怕已经来不及了,很多门派多半都已经在来的路上了。” After Flickering Light Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Ji Family's person discussed the moment, decided that at outside storm, first opened ancient palace with joint forces, otherwise when the time comes heavy valuable outcome ** was very difficult to say. 摇光圣地荒古世家姬家的人商量片刻后,决定在外面合力强攻,抢先打开古殿,不然的话到时候重宝究竟**就很难说了。 Must first open!” “一定要抢先打开!” Flickering Light Holy Land and Ji Family collaborate, can blow general Sect sufficiently, but if the domineering big faction, or is other Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family arrival, that trouble was big, these people will compete not to have any scruples. 摇光圣地姬家联手,足以镇得住一般的门派,但是如果是强势的大派,或者是其他圣地荒古世家驾临,那就麻烦大了,那些人争夺起来是不会有任何顾忌的。 Eastern Wilderness was too big, do not say that powerful cultivator, the country is hard to be true the number to be clear, no Holy Land can shock trim Eastern Wilderness. 东荒实在太大了,不要说强大的修士,就连国家都难以真正数清,没有一个圣地可以震慑整片东荒 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 Various types of weapons all bloom magnificent light, kills toward the monster Emperor Tomb tomb bang, erupts the violent fluctuation of energy. However, surprisingly, the Monster Race's Great Emperor mausoleum lossless slightest, above these monster articles were even more radiant. 各种武器全都绽放光华,向着妖帝坟冢轰杀去,爆发出剧烈的能量波动。然而,让人吃惊的是,妖族大帝的陵墓无损分毫,上面那些妖文越发的璀璨了。 These monster articles are wriggling!” “那些妖文在蠕动!” In this moment, all cultivator all one startled, small dragon wind from the foundation place of monster Emperor Tomb tomb upwardly, phoenixes are spreading the wings to fly in circles, Black Tortoise is only creeping along slowly...... 在这一刻,所有修士全都一惊,一条条小龙从妖帝坟冢的根基处向上蜿蜒,一只只凤凰在展翅而翔,一只只玄龟在缓缓爬动…… Emperor Monster Race the article, from the foundation place upward spread of ancient palace, is all dense and numerous finally, will put in order ancient palace to cover thoroughly, probably carved completely the incantation, appeared mysterious immeasurable, monster strength are pasting. 妖族帝文全都在动,自古殿的根基处向上蔓延,最终密密麻麻,将整座古殿彻底覆盖,像是刻满了咒文,显得神秘莫测,一道道妖力在流转。 Flickering Light Holy Land and Ji Family several storms, but all ends in failure, moreover lost two ancient war chariot with 78 barbarian beast, the writing in monster emperor tomb bedroom has the strange immeasurable strength, often runs out of divine light, pierces. 摇光圣地姬家几次强攻,但全都以失败告终,而且损失了两辆古战车与七八头蛮兽,妖帝陵寝上的文字具有奇异莫测的力量,不时冲出神光,将人洞穿。 Ended, that is Emperor Monster Race's the article, certainly is last generation of Monster Race's Great Emperor remains!” The Flickering Light Holy Land old man is pale, made an effort to grip tightened the palm, the knuckle pinched blanch, said: „It is not able to open depending on us, can only wait for Holy Land's Powerhouse to arrive, but does not know that by that time will have many Sect to rush.” “完了,那是妖族的帝文,一定是最后一代妖族大帝所留!”摇光圣地的老者脸色苍白,用力攥紧了手掌,指节被捏的发白了,道:“凭我们根本无法打开,只能等圣地的强者到来了,只是不知道到那时会有多少门派赶至。” Ji Family's Powerhouse stands is on ancient war chariot, the facial color all is very unattractive, monster Emperor Tomb tomb so evil different, can only static and other Powerhouse help. 姬家的强者立身在古战车上,面色也全都很不好看,妖帝坟冢是如此的邪异,只能静等强者来援了。 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 The sound of breaking space is lingering on faintly, the horizon presented several more than ten Dao Spirit rainbows one after another, after the news disclosed that first batch of cultivator rushes. However, after seeing is other Yan Country five Sanctuary and Blessed Land people, those present released a long breath, secretly rejoiced fortunately is not the super big faction. 破空之响不绝于耳,天际接连出现数十几道神虹,消息走漏后第一批修士赶到了。不过,当看到是燕国其他五个洞天福地的人后,在场的人长出了一口气,暗自庆幸还好不是超级大派。 Rumbleeeeee......” 隆隆隆……” The far spatial fog tumbles, magnificent light radiate all around, is built up huge Divine Boat breaking space that becomes to come by the divine jade sacrifice, approaches fast. Flickering Light Holy Land and Ji Family's person changes color immediately, feared that anything comes anything, finally had the super big faction to rush. 远空云雾翻滚,光华四射,一艘由神玉祭炼而成的巨大神舟破空而来,快速逼近。摇光圣地姬家的人顿时变色,怕什么来什么,终于有超级大派赶到了。 However makes their hearts startled still in behind, in this moment, the distant place transmits a tsunami terrifying to fluctuate. 然而让他们心惊的还在后面,就在这一刻,远方传来一股海啸般的恐怖波动。 Another direction, dozens Dao Spirit rainbows clear the way before, nine take the form of Qilin Ancient Desolate barbarian beast to draw jade carriage that Divine Red Clouds is winding around, mounts the clouds and rides the mist, makes the intermittent startling thunderclap sound, to/clashes fast. 另一个方向,数十道神虹在前开道,九头似形似麒麟般的荒古蛮兽拉着一辆神霞缭绕的玉辇,腾云驾雾,发出阵阵惊雷声响,快速冲来。 Flickering Light Holy Land and Ji Family's Powerhouse changes color immediately, this absolutely is super terrifying great person, otherwise is impossible to have such big ostentation. 摇光圣地姬家的强者顿时变色,这绝对是个超级恐怖的大人物,不然不可能有这样大的排场。 This grade of character rushed unexpectedly personally......” “这等人物竟然亲自赶到了……”
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