STH :: Volume #1

#59: The heart of Monster Emperor

Very big ostentation and imposing manner, 30 six Dao Spirit rainbows before, 27 barbarian beast are carrying 27 powerful cultivator, although merely dozens people of that's all, but actually seems like the mighty force to clash , the sky is trembling, probably whether there is celestial troops and generals completely killed. 非常大的排场与气势,三十六道神虹在前,二十七头蛮兽载着二十七位强大的修士在后,虽然仅仅数十人而已,但是却像是千军万马冲至,天空都在颤栗,像是有无尽的天兵天将杀来了。 In the sky the person shouted the beast hiss, the fog surged rolling, murderous aura soared to the heavens, such as the vast expanse of water came. Ye Fan is startled, so many Powerhouse, want on many one time compared with the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary person. 天空中人喊兽嘶,云雾滚滚激荡,杀气冲天,如一片汪洋汹涌而至。叶凡大吃一惊,这么多的强者,比灵墟洞天的人还要多上一倍。 „Is Flickering Light Holy Land, that Holy Land that Spirit Ruins Sanctuary attaches to?” Ye Fan talked to oneself. Regardless in ancient China, is Starry Sky Other Shore the end, Flickering Light both characters have tasteful. 摇光圣地,是灵墟洞天所依附的那个圣地吗?”叶凡自语。无论在古中国,还是星空彼岸的这一端,摇光两字都非常有讲究。 Flickering Light Holy Land big power and prestige!” At this moment, another direction broadcasts the coldly sound, that sky rumble make noise, 18 ancient war chariot come in waves, murderous aura soars to the heavens, the oppression vault of heaven in rumble makes noise and shivers. 摇光圣地好大的威风啊!”就在这时,另一个方向传来冷冷的声音,那片天空“隆隆”作响,十八辆古战车滚滚而来,杀气冲天,压迫的苍穹都在隆隆作响与颤动。 From ancient aristocratic family---- Ji Family that Ancient Desolate Inheritance gets down!” Flickering Light Holy Land person after seeing 18 ancient war chariot, the pupil all shrinks, everyone alerted, the air/Qi of withering to/clashes, the imposing manner rises steep. “自荒古传承下来的古世家――――姬家!”摇光圣地的人在看到十八辆古老的战车后,瞳孔全都一缩,所有人都戒备了起来,肃杀之气冲起,气势陡升。 both sides stopped, occupies sky respectively, distant confrontation. 双方都停了下来,各占据一片天空,远远的对峙。 Competes relied on the strength respectively!” “各凭实力争夺!” This is the vast voice of two groups of people, confronted the moment, has not made war, simultaneously charges into above crater grand ancient palace. 这是两批人的浩大声音,对峙了片刻,并没有开战,同时冲向火山口上方的宏伟古殿 In Ye Fan heart one cold, Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family in legend rushed, it seems like that this monster Emperor Tomb tomb enter the world is really astonishing enough, after two colossi obtain the news, first arrived Land of Yan, participated. 叶凡心中一凛,传说中的圣地荒古世家先后赶到,看来这妖帝坟出世果然足够惊人,两个庞然大物得到消息后,都第一时间驾临了燕地,参与了进来。 „...... Ye Fan shows the look of thinking from Ji Family that Ancient Desolate Era Inheritance gets down, Ji can be one of the most ancient surnames in China, the background is really big, left behind the endless legend in ancient China, does not want in Starry Sky Other Shore also so, to endure with existence that Holy Land is on par with. “自荒古时代传承下来的姬家……”叶凡露出思索的神色,姬姓在中国算得上最古老的姓氏之一,来头甚大,在古中国留下了无尽的传说,不曾想在星空彼岸也如此,是堪与圣地比肩的存在。 Rumbleeeeee......” 隆隆隆……” In the sky has the flood to attack probably, Flickering Light Holy Land and Ji Family these two aloof major powers, clash, before arriving at that grand ancient palace, instantly. 天空中像是有洪水冲击而过,摇光圣地姬家这两个超然的大势力,一冲而过,刹那来到了那座宏伟的古殿前。 Surroundings, these ominous birds and beasts disperse instantly, although they have not been able to turn into the human form, but had opened spiritual wisdom, the sensation to the danger, all retreats decisively. 周围,那些凶禽猛兽一哄而散,它们虽然还不能化成人形,但早已开了灵智,感知到危险,全都果断退走。 Another side, the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary elders all change color, although attaches in Flickering Light Holy Land, but this monster Emperor Tomb tomb suddenly appears, has not reported upwardly, at this moment others came, naturally makes their some not comfortable. Moreover, from Land of Yan recent Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family---- Ji Family, obtained the news to rush to here unexpectedly, two super colossi all in this, let a person bitterness and astringency of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary presently, they know, perhaps was difficult the harvest. 另一边,灵墟洞天的长老们全都变色,尽管依附于摇光圣地,但这一次妖帝坟冢突然出现,并没有向上禀告,此刻人家自己来了,自然让他们有些不自在。而且,距离燕地最近的荒古世家――――姬家,竟也得到消息赶到了这里,两个超级庞然大物皆现于此,让灵墟洞天的人一阵苦涩,他们知道,恐怕难有收获了。 At this time, grand ancient palace shakes unceasingly, several big monster and Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader and Supreme Elder in the fierce disputes, the inside depressed sound are getting more and more powerful, are away from let the person heart intermittent severe pain very much. 此时,宏伟的古殿不断摇颤,几名大妖、灵墟洞天的掌门与太上长老正在激烈交锋,里面沉闷的声响越来越强大,隔着很远都让人心脏阵阵剧痛。 The Flickering Light Holy Land person ancient palace surrounding, dozens barbarian beast is pleased as punch fast, smokes, treads in the sky unceasing tread, making here shiver again and again, a noise. The Ji Family's person does not show weakness, 18 ancient war chariot form the battlefield, blocked the sky, confronts with Flickering Light Holy Land, to prevent the monster Emperor Tomb tomb soars to the heavens to go suddenly. 摇光圣地的人快速将古殿包围,数十头蛮兽摇头摆尾,喷云吐雾,在天空不断蹬踏,让这里连连颤动,一片喧嚣。姬家的人毫不示弱,十八辆古战车结成战阵,封锁了天空,与摇光圣地对峙,同时也是为了防止妖帝坟冢突然冲天而去。 At this moment, Flickering Light Holy Land and in the Ji Family's crowd goes out of 89 old men simultaneously, takes a step in Void, light flashed, vanishes in the ancient palace mouth completely, flushed. 就在这时,摇光圣地姬家的人群中同时走出八九名老者,在虚空中迈步,光芒一闪,全部消失在古殿口,冲了进去。 Bang “轰” The monster Emperor Tomb tomb shakes was fiercer, inside fight had arrived at intensified, has weapon turnover divine light to sweep unceasingly from the palace gate. 帝坟冢摇颤的更加剧烈了,里面的战斗已经到了白热化,不断有武器吞吐神光从殿门扫出。 Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family and Holy Land's join, broke the deadlock quickly, as if eradicated in many restrictions, when are not many multi-colored sunlight flushed. 荒古世家圣地的加入,很快打破了僵局,似乎破除了里面很多的禁制,不多时就有一道道霞光冲了出来。 Encircled to defend outside people all acted, controlled the god rainbow, competes magnificent light that these flushed, carefully looked unexpectedly is one pasting the magnificent light weapon, understood at a glance that was not every thing. 围守在外面的众人全都行动了起来,驾驭神虹,争夺那些冲出来的光华,仔细看竟是一把把流转着光华的武器,一看就知道不是凡物。 Thump “咚” Suddenly, severe tremor, encircles in the ancient palace surrounding person all looks deathly pale, suddenly/violently to retreat, a vast immeasurable strength runs out from ancient palace backward, probably the angry sea is howling crazily, raised to fly Ji Family's 18 ancient war chariot, but Flickering Light Holy Land these barbarian beast also had cultivator is also off their feet, fast retreat. 突然,一声剧震,围在古殿周围的人全都脸色惨白,向后暴退,一股浩瀚莫测的力量从古殿中冲出,像是怒海在狂啸,将姬家的十八辆古战车都掀飞了出去,而摇光圣地的那些蛮兽还有修士也都人仰马翻,快速后退 The blazing ray runs out from the monster emperor tomb bedroom, shining person cannot open eyes, the vast immeasurable strength such as moves mountains general turbulent, one foot crystal small coffin flushed, the powerful strength and dazzling ray precisely it sends out. 炽烈的光芒自妖帝陵寝冲出,耀的人睁不开双眼,浩瀚莫测的力量如排山倒海一般汹涌,一口不过一尺长的水晶小棺冲了出来,强盛的力量与炫目的光芒正是它所发出的。 Thump and thump and thump...... “咚”、“咚”、“咚”…… It is shivering gently, just like the heartbeat, the rich rhythm, filled with the boundless life aura, the vast strength sweeps across all directions. 它在轻轻颤动,犹如心跳,富有节奏,充满了磅礴的生命气息,浩瀚力量席卷八方 Blocks it!” “拦住它!” Monster Emperor Tomb Tsukanaka spreads the anxious shouting out sound, then more than ten person's shadows flushed, when first person impressively is Pang Bo. At this moment his whole body is winding around the cyanogen, the dragon writing phoenix symbol on face was more crowded, the arm also climbed up Black Tortoise and Qilin shape writing gradually, several -meter green light that eyes projects, at this moment can be called Monster Qi to soar to the heavens, compared with his behind that several big monster. At this time meanwhile, in his eyes without other, but flickers is staring at that ruler crystal small coffin, is in hot pursuit. 帝坟冢中传出焦急的呼喝声,接着十几道人影一齐冲了出来,当先之人赫然是庞博。此刻他浑身都缭绕着青气,脸上的龙文凤符更加密集了,就连手臂也渐渐爬上了玄龟麒麟形文字,双眼射出的长达数米的绿光,此刻称得上妖气冲天,比他身后的那几个大妖更甚。此时此际,在他的眼中没有其他,只是一瞬不瞬的盯着那口尺长的水晶小棺,紧追不舍。 Flickering Light Holy Land and Ji Family's expert, since ancient palace runs out , the look is not very attractive, loud order surrounding person intercepts that crystal sarcophagus, but at this time Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader and Supreme Elder also look ugly flushed, they do not want to give up, although came so many people, but also wants to struggle a struggle, otherwise all will turn into the eastern running water diligently. 摇光圣地姬家的高手,自古殿冲出后神色都不是很好看,大声的命令周围的人截住那口水晶棺,而这时灵墟洞天的掌门与太上长老也神色难看的冲了出来,他们不想放弃,尽管来了这么多人,但还想争上一争,不然所有努力都将化成东流水。 As for several big monsters, then angriest, on the face wrote all over being unwilling, but facing so many Human Race Powerhouse, they have a mind to be incapable, runs out of the encirclement ring, prepares to act according to circumstances. 至于几位大妖,则最为愤怒,脸上写满了不甘,但是面对这么多的人族强者,他们有心无力,冲出包围圈,准备见机行事。 Ji Family's 18 ancient war chariot, the platoon becomes the battlefield, keeps off in the sky, blocked here, intercepts that crystal sarcophagus. But Flickering Light Holy Land these cultivator also acted, or rides barbarian beast, either the control god rainbow, rushes directly. 姬家的十八辆古战车,排成战阵,挡在天空中,封锁了这里,拦截那口水晶棺。而摇光圣地的那些修士也都行动了起来,或骑蛮兽,或驾驭神虹,直接冲了上去。 The non- full scale long crystal sarcophagus was surrounded immediately, at this time Powerhouse that to/clashes from monster Emperor Tomb Tsukanaka all rushed, almost searches the hand simultaneously, grasps forward. 不足尺长的水晶棺顿时被困住,这个时候从妖帝坟冢中冲出来的强者全都赶到了,几乎同时探手,向前抓去。 Bang “砰” Several pairs of big hands found out, held the crystal sarcophagus, naturally these big hands condensed by magnificent light, was not the real palm of people, they while competing for crystal sarcophagus, is spelling to fight mutually. 足足有十几双大手探出,抓住了水晶棺,当然那些大手都是以光华凝聚而成的,并不是众人的真实手掌,他们在争夺水晶棺的同时,也在互相拼斗。 Ji Family's 18 ancient war chariot all encircled, but the Flickering Light Holy Land person advances freely and quickly, is ugly in the Supreme Elder facial color that this moment Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader also two fortunately survive, their absolute strengths are very strong, however actually appears the person to be only helpless before so many people. 姬家的十八辆古战车全都围了上来,而摇光圣地的人更是纵横驰骋,在这一刻灵墟洞天的掌门还有两位幸存下来的太上长老面色难看,他们的绝对实力很强,但是在这么多人面前却显得人单势孤。 Naturally, Pang Bo is loner one, but he actually does not give up, Monster Qi soars to the heavens, green light that in the eye projects is several meters, was more powerful than the imposing manner. 当然,庞博更是孤家寡人一个,但是他却不放弃,妖气冲天,眼中射出的绿光的已经长达十几米,比刚才的气势还要强盛。 ka-cha ka-cha 喀嚓喀嚓 At this moment, the crystal sarcophagus cannot bear the impacts of so many Powerhouse, slowly is cracked, then bang disrupted. 就在这时,水晶棺承受不住这么多强者的冲击,慢慢龟裂,而后砰的一声碎裂了开来。 Bang “轰” At this moment, a dreadful monster strength erupts in an instant, shook to fly everyone, no one can withstand this wild strength. 就在这时,一股滔天的妖力刹那间爆发而出,将所有人都震飞了出去,没有一个人可以承受这股狂暴的力量。 But Ji Family's ancient war chariot, keeps off in the frontline that four direct smashing, above 12 cultivator seem like the yellow sand stack, turned into fine powder in the flash. 姬家的战车,挡在最前方的那四辆直接粉碎,上面的十二位修士像是黄沙堆积而成的,在一瞬间化成了齑粉 The Flickering Light Holy Land similar loss is serious, more than ten people were twisted by this dreadful monster strength fully broken, turned into blood mist with barbarian beast directly, dies a violent death. 摇光圣地同样损失惨重,足有十几人被这股滔天的妖力绞碎,连人带蛮兽直接化成了血雾,死于非命。 Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader with two Supreme Elder complexions snow white, flies upside down several hundred meters away, the steady immobilized figure, powerful such as they were also nearly created. 灵墟洞天的掌门与两位太上长老脸色雪白,倒飞出去数百米远,才稳定住身形,强大如他们也险些遭创。 Distant place, in Ye Fan heart one tight, for fear that Pang Bo has the accident/surprise, although unknown existed to lead the body, but that after all was Pang Bo's fleshly body. 远处,叶凡心中一紧,生怕庞博出现意外,尽管被未知的存在主导了身体,但那毕竟是庞博的肉身 Monster Qi soars to the heavens, Pang Bo is safe and sound, he draws back is farther than anyone, as if has expected this result. 妖气冲天,庞博安然无恙,他退都比谁都远,似乎早已预料到了这一结果。 At this moment, the life aura can compare vastness that in the crystal sarcophagus of disruption erupts, presents everyone's life strength to superimpose not to have it simply to be powerful. 此刻,碎裂的水晶棺中爆发出的生命气息简直堪比汪洋,在场所有人的生命力量叠加起来都没有它强大。 In the endless monster strength source, unexpectedly is a bright red heart, only then the fist is so big, such as red agate generally clear radiant, magnificently intense blood-color divine shine winds around in the surroundings, the endless monster strength and powerful life aura precisely it diverges. 在无尽的妖力源头,竟然是一颗鲜红的心脏,只有拳头那么大,如红玛瑙一般晶莹璀璨,盛烈的血色神华缭绕在周围,无尽的妖力与强大的生命气息正是它所发散出来的。 Thump and thump and thump...... “咚”、“咚”、“咚”…… The sound of heartbeat spreads, it is trembling the beat that unexpectedly, has not lost life-force, this is a heart that has the strong vigor! 心跳的声音传出,它竟然在一颤一颤的跳动,没有失去生机,这是一颗具有强大活力的心脏! In this moment, no one can approach, this clear and bright red heart beats every time, makes the surrounding person feeling bloodlines spurt to open, blood vessel wants to rupture, the heart fierce ache of everyone, many corners of the mouth overflowing blood, is hard to support, fast flying upside down goes. 在这一刻,没有人可以靠近,这个晶莹而又鲜红的心脏每跳动一下,都让周围的人感觉血脉喷张,血管似欲爆裂,每个人的心脏都剧烈的疼痛,很多人嘴角溢血,难以支撑,快速倒飞而去。 A fearful heart, such normal beat, makes people unable to withstand merely! 一颗可怕的心脏,仅仅这样正常的跳动,就让人无法承受! „The heart of Great Emperor...... is my Monster Race one generation of Great Emperor's heart of the Buddha!” In the sky, several big monsters all shock incomparably, cannot bear exude the screams. 大帝之心……是我妖族一代大帝的圣心!”天空中,几名大妖全都震惊无比,忍不住发出惊呼声。 The heart of clear Monster Emperor is beating powerfully, then shoots up to the sky suddenly, turns into together blood-color divine light, charges into far spatial. 晶莹的妖帝之心有力的跳动着,而后突然冲天而起,化成一道血色的神光,冲向远空。 Blocks it, cannot put it to depart!” A Flickering Light Holy Land old person yelled, an anxiety of face. “拦住它,绝不能放它离去!”摇光圣地的一名老人大叫,一脸的焦急。 Intercepts it, spares nothing, imprisons it!” Ji Family's Powerhouse is also drinking to shout: That is the heart of Monster Race's Great Emperor, is his source of forces is, if were obtained by other big monsters, might accomplish Monster Race's Great Emperor very much again!” “截住它,不惜一切代价,禁锢它!”姬家的强者也在喝喊:“那是妖族大帝的心脏,是他的力量源泉所在,如果被其他大妖得到,很有可能会再次造就出一个妖族大帝!” When they issue the order, several big monsters had flushed, but there is a shadow mark together to be quicker than everyone, is Pang Bo, the whole person and Heaven and Earth coincides unexpectedly, turns into together the green light, suddenly vanishes does not see, almost goes far away with the heart of Monster Race's Great Emperor at the same time. 在他们下达命令时,几位大妖已经冲了出去,不过有一道影迹比所有人都快,竟是庞博,整个人与天地相合,化成一道绿光,眨眼消失不见,几乎同一时间随着妖族大帝的心脏远去。 Ji Family dispatched 82 ancient war chariot to pursue, but Flickering Light Holy Land also branched out enough half of troops, caught up with great speed. They leave behind half of manpower respectively, encircled the monster Emperor Tomb tomb. 姬家派遣出八两古战车追了下去,而摇光圣地也分出足足一半的人马,火速赶了下去。他们各自留下一半人手,将妖帝坟冢围了起来。 If we had known is monster Emperor Tomb tomb enter the world, said that anything also wants to report to come up, in a hurry however comes, our strength is insufficient!” A Flickering Light Holy Land old person sighed unceasingly. “若早知道是妖帝坟出世,说什么也要禀报上去,匆匆而来,我们这些人实力不足啊!”摇光圣地的一位老人不断叹气。 Thinks that is common immortal residence that's all, has not thought that unexpectedly is the Monster Race's Great Emperor grave, was too unexpected, this vibrates the Eastern Wilderness' important matter sufficiently!” Ji Family's Powerhouse also regrets constantly, they also do not have to report to come up, the direct belt/bring person to/clashes. “以为不过是一座寻常的洞府而已,没有想到竟然是妖族大帝的坟冢,实在太出乎意料了,这是足以震动东荒的大事!”姬家的强者也后悔不迭,他们亦没有禀报上去,直接带人冲来。 The distant place, Ye Fan is extremely shocking, in the middle of these people, has about ten people is not weak in the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader at least, but is not coarse from their words, they are not Flickering Light Holy Land and Ji Family's true Powerhouse, this has to be frightening. 远处,叶凡非常震惊,这些人当中,最起码有将近十人不弱于灵墟洞天的掌门,但是从他们话语中不难听出,他们并不是摇光圣地姬家的真正强者,这不得不让人心惊。 Several Great Holy Land have these Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family is really the colossi that are inconceivable! 大圣地还有那些荒古世家果然是难以想象的庞然大物! Li Zhangmen, you whether obtains legend that volume «Dao Scripture» in?” A Flickering Light Holy Land old man inquired to the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader. Since knows after this is the Monster Race's Great Emperor grave, he knows immediately this place buried important sacred relic. “李掌门,你们是否已经得到传说中的那卷《道经》?”摇光圣地的一位老者向灵墟洞天的掌门询问。自从知道这是妖族大帝的坟冢后,他立刻知道了此地到底埋葬了何等重要的圣物 Outside Monster Race heavy treasure that abatement Monster Race's Great Emperor used, certainly also had other third layer Divine Depository: «Dao Scripture», Eastern Wilderness Human Race's most precious object and Monster Race's Great Emperor remains. 除却妖族大帝生前使用的妖族重宝外,一定还有另外三重神藏:《道经》、东荒人族的至宝、妖族大帝的遗体。 And, the monster strength source---- heart of Monster Race's Great Emperor, breaking space has gone, could overtake to is very difficult to say. Regardless the Monster Race's Great Emperor heavy treasure outside, another two Eastern Wilderness Human Race's sacred relic, are Flickering Light Holy Land and Ji Family wins. 其中,妖族大帝的妖力源泉――――心脏,已经破空而去,能否追截到很难说。抛开妖族大帝的重宝外,另外两件东荒人族的圣物,是摇光圣地姬家志在必得的。 In leader heart of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary bitter and astringent, has not reported Flickering Light Holy Land ahead of time, finally anything still has not obtained, one had only known, not, if sends out a huge favor. He hurries to explain in detail: First Level Divine Depository «Dao Scripture» vanishes into thin air, only leaves behind a spatial box, no one sees True Scripture. The accident/surprise first opened Third Level Divine Depository, Monster Race's Great Emperor heart also breaking space. Now is only left over Second Level Divine Depository, just broke open half restrictions that's all, expects the Eastern Wilderness Human Race's most precious object also in inside. In addition, Monster Race's Great Emperor has used these Monster Race heavy treasures, some.” 灵墟洞天的掌门心中苦涩,没有提前禀告摇光圣地,结果依然什么也没有得到,早知如此,不若送出个天大的人情。他赶紧详细解释道:“第一重神藏道经》不翼而飞,只留下一个空盒子,没有人看到真经。意外先打开了第三重神藏,妖族大帝的心脏也破空而去了。如今只剩下第二重神藏,刚刚破开一半禁制而已,料想东荒人族的至宝还在里面。此外,妖族大帝生前使用过的那些妖族重宝,想必也有一些。” That curls Dao Scripture to vanish into thin air unexpectedly, how can like this?!” Flickering Light Holy Land Powerhouse also has the Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Ji Family's person, all flickers is staring at the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader, resembles does not believe. “那卷道经竟然不翼而飞,怎么会这样?!”摇光圣地强者还有荒古世家姬家的人,全都一瞬不瞬的盯着灵墟洞天的掌门,似根本不相信。 In the leader heart of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary becomes rough, endures in Eastern Wilderness also several ancient scripture with «Dao Scripture» raises compare, it is said all grasps in these hand of Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family, they have such is not times to " Dao Scripture » immortal standard, actually still wants to rob this volume of ancient scripture. The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader can only sigh in the heart, helpless shaking the head, said: We have not truly seen......” 灵墟洞天的掌门心中发涩,在东荒还有几部古经堪与《道经》相提并论,据说皆掌握在那些圣地荒古世家的手里,他们已经有了那样不次于《道经》的仙典,却依然想要抢夺这卷古经灵墟洞天的掌门只能在心中叹气,无奈的摇了摇头,道:“我们确实没有见到……” At this moment, the remote horizon, transmits the intermittent melodious heavenly music, more than ten females come lightly, has happen to flown from the Ye Fan top of the head, making in his heart be startled. 就在这时,遥远的天际,传来阵阵悠扬的仙乐,十几名女子翩然而来,正好从叶凡头顶上空飞过,让他心中一惊。 These more than ten women's all White Clothed wins snows, although is far from beautiful, but each simple and beautiful transcend worldly affairs, does not have the aura of this mortal world, they are lithe, flies to lightly, probably surging waves Fairy, elf that if dances, not eating the food of common mortals, the ultra dust is refined. 这十几名女子全都白衣雪,虽然谈不上绝美,但是各个清丽出尘,不沾染尘世的气息,她们轻盈无比,翩然飞至,像是凌波的仙子,又如起舞的精灵,不食人间烟火,超尘脱俗。 Some people play the bamboo flute lightly, melodious, is interesting to listen, also some people faint smile full, making one bathe in fresh air, the female who these such as have a beautiful face each such as exiles the immortal to be common, has transcend worldly affairs aura. 有的人轻吹竹笛,悠悠扬扬,非常动听,也有的人浅笑盈盈,让人如沐春风,这些如眉目如画的女子各个都如谪仙一般,带有一股出尘的气息。 Ye Fan surprised, thought that this is he imagines immortal cultivator, is seemingly elusive and elegant, controlling rainbow line, outside unique this mortal world, free and unfettered Between Heaven and Earth. 叶凡一阵惊讶,觉得这才是他想象中的修仙者,看起来空灵而又飘逸,驭虹而行,超脱尘世外,逍遥天地间 Cannot think that even/including Jiu not enter the world Jade Lake Holy Land was alarmed, expects soon, other Eastern Wilderness factions will come in swarms.” “想不到啊,连久不出世瑶池圣地都被惊动了,料想用不了多久,东荒其他各门各派都将蜂拥而至。” Jade Lake Holy Land always stands aloof from the world, does this time want to compete for the Monster Race's Great Emperor losing treasure?” 瑶池圣地向来与世无争,这次想争夺妖族大帝的遗宝吗?” Flickering Light Holy Land and Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Ji Family's person also spoke, since greeted to more than ten simple and beautiful young girls, was a probe. 摇光圣地荒古世家姬家的人同时出言,既是向十几名清丽的少女打招呼,也算是一种试探。 I and others passed by that's all, discovered that this place monster strength vast like sea, then came to find out, does not want to run into everyone.” A White Clothed female smiled faintly, later showed the serious look, said: Cannot think that was Monster Race's Great Emperor grave enter the world, expected that in following several days, will certainly shock the trim Eastern Wilderness land, endless Sect dispatched the person to come.” “我等不过是路过而已,发现此地妖力浩瀚如海,便过来一探究竟,不曾想遇到了各位。”一名白衣女子浅笑,随后又露出郑重的神色,道:“想不到是妖族大帝的坟冢出世了,料想在接下来的几日里,必将震动整片东荒大地,无尽的门派都遣人前来。” The distant place, Ye Fan is surprised, Flickering Light, Ji, Jade Lake these words may not be ordinary. Especially Jade Lake, left behind strong one in the Chinese myth, cannot think that is also the background is really unexpectedly big in this Starry Sky Other Shore. 远处,叶凡非常吃惊,摇光、姬姓、瑶池这些字词可都不一般啊。尤其是瑶池,在中国古代神话中留下了浓重的一笔,想不到在这星空彼岸竟也是来头甚大。
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