STH :: Volume #1

#58: Gold Book town/subdues Sea of Bitterness

The Ye Fan's heart thump thump thump speeds up beating, is completely because excited, he associated to «Dao Scripture» all of a sudden, Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leaders and several big monster Life and Death preying, mainly for «Dao Scripture» and a Eastern Wilderness' heavy treasure. 叶凡的心脏“怦怦怦”加快跳动,完全是因为激动,他一下子联想到了《道经》,灵墟洞天的掌门与几位大妖生死搏杀,主要就是为了《道经》与一件东荒的重宝。 This golden paper is extraordinary, probably is condensed by the essence of rainbow glow, lives the splendor shiningly, the shaken person cannot open eyes, and starts heavily, wants heavy many times compared with the metal. 这金色的纸张太不平凡了,像是由虹芒之精华凝聚而成,灿灿生辉,晃的人睁不开双眼,且入手沉甸甸,比金属都要重很多倍。 Perhaps merely one page of paper, over ten thousand characters...... Ye Fan is narrowing the eye fully, sizes up in the hand carefully the magnificent light radiant golden color paper, but transports/fortunes the full eyesight even if , can only see fuzzy outline that's all, these engrave handwriting Supreme Tenuity that was small. The pro and con all are the characters, dense and numerous, each character seems like stars, is blooming divine shine, very dazzling. “仅仅一页纸张,恐怕足有上万字……”叶凡眯着眼睛,仔细打量手中光华璀璨的金色纸张,但是纵然运足目力,也只能看到模糊的轮廓而已,那些刻印的的字迹太微小了。正反两面全都是字,密密麻麻,每一个字都像是一颗星辰,绽放着神华,非常刺目。 In Ye Fan heart difficult to be calm, without guessing wrong, this absolutely is «Dao Scripture», is thing that he most longs, without thinking obtained like this, he has not a real feeling. Makes an effort to pinch the dazzling golden paper in hand, crossing is very long he to be tranquil, he thought of whole face cyanogen Pang Bo in this moment, when wastes these corpses, looks at that to here, as if there is profound meaning. 叶凡心中难以平静,如果没有猜错的话,这绝对是《道经》,是他最为渴望的东西,没有想到就这样得到了,他有一股不真实的感觉。用力捏着手中的这张璀璨夺目的金色纸张,过了很久他才平静下来,在这一刻他想到了满脸青气的庞博,在将这些尸体打飞过来时,向这边望来的那一眼,似乎别有深意。 Is he hits intentionally?” Ye Fan thought of this possibility instantaneously. However, occupies unknown existence of Pang Bo body, should such good intention, how possibly for no reason not help him for no reason. “难道是他故意打过来的?”叶凡瞬间就想到了这种可能。但是,占据庞博身体的未知存在,应该不会这么好心,怎么可能会平白无故的成全他呢。 Is...... Pang Bo!” Ye Fan thought of a possibility quickly. “是……庞博!”叶凡很快想到了一种可能。 Pang Bo has been striving for the control of body, perhaps led the body in that instantaneously temporarily. However thinks after here, Ye Fan shakes the head, this possibility is minimal, Pang Bo can only disturb that unknown existence at most, perhaps is unable to get the winning side. 庞博一直在争夺身体的控制权,也许是在那个瞬间暂时主导了身体。不过想到这里后叶凡又摇了摇头,这种可能性微乎其微,庞博顶多只能干扰那个未知的存在,恐怕根本无法占据上风。 In moment of that Life and Death preying, if were disturbed, will have the sorrow of life...... Ye Fan to think deeply about the moment anytime, thinks that unknown existence and Pang Bo possibly compromised mutually, temporarily reached some agreement, the golden «Dao Scripture» person does not know that the ghost passed on unconsciously. “在那种生死搏杀的关头,如果被干扰,随时会有性命之忧……”叶凡思索了片刻,认为那个未知的存在与庞博可能互相妥协了,暂时达成了某种协议,将金色的《道经》人不知鬼不觉的传了出来。 Ye Fan more wants more to think that has the possibility very much, was Pang Bo helped him, «Dao Scripture» delivered, he talked to oneself: Pang Bo cannot have an accident......” 叶凡越想越觉得很有可能,是庞博成全了他,将《道经》送了出来,他自语道:“庞博千万不能出事啊……” Thinks the monster article that on the Pang Bo face appears, in the Ye Fan heart sinks, that unknown existence is very likely Monster Race, but unlike these big monsters obvious, does not dare the interest in Human Race's «Dao Scripture», perhaps wants to compete for the Monster Race's Great Emperor relic. 想到庞博脸上浮现出的妖文,叶凡心中一沉,那个未知的存在很有可能是妖族,但与那些大妖明显不同,对人族的道经》不敢兴趣,恐怕是想争夺妖族大帝的遗物。 Ye Fan calms the mind, searched several other corpses carefully, again no discovery. The golden paper only then one page of that's all, the light is shining and heavy, feels like holding a treasure house, making him have a serious pressure, in fact this page of Gold Book are more precious than any Treasure Depository. 叶凡静下心来,将其他几具尸体仔细搜索了一遍,再无任何发现。金色的纸张只有一页而已,光灿灿、沉甸甸,感觉像是在捧着一座宝库,让他有一股沉重的压力,事实上这一页金书比任何宝藏都要珍贵。 Ye Fan wants to look at an outcome, the centralized spirit, communication golden Sea of Bitterness, exhausts ability the revolution eyesight, wants to know that this page of Gold Book recorded anything. In Sea of Bitterness has faint trace golden glow along the body on, condensed Ye Fan's both eyes, making his pupil a little select golden splendour to glitter. 叶凡想要看个究竟,集中精神,沟通金色的苦海,竭尽所能运转目力,想要知道这页金书到底记载了什么。苦海中有丝丝金芒沿着身体而上,凝聚到了叶凡的双目,让他的瞳孔有点点金辉在闪烁。 Wheel and Sea Volume!” 轮海卷!” In this page of Gold Book section start, three big ancient character can see clearly, probably three bright moonlight decide there, live the splendor brightly, the magnificent light circulation. Looks again downward, handwriting small many, can see the typeface reluctantly, but makes people feel the both eyes stabbing pain, these ancient character bloom divine light, likely the gold/metal needle generally to shooting, more to watch more cannot see clearly, both eyes punctured swelling, the ache is incomparable. 在这页金书的起始处,有三个较大的古字可以看清,像是三轮明月定在那里,皎洁生辉,光华流转。再向下看,字迹小了不少,勉强能够看到字体,但是却让人感觉双目刺痛,那些古字绽放神光,像金针一般冲射而出,越是想观看越看不清,双目被刺的肿胀,疼痛无比。 Merely in a flash, Ye Fan's both eyes then become red, is extremely bitter, cannot help but drips many tears. He quickly put aside the vision, the pupil center point selects golden splendour to diverge, passes a quarter to restore. This makes him very surprised, watches normally, although is unable to see clearly these ancient character, but is actually insufficient stabbing pain both eyes. But building up faint trace divine force in both eyes, stares at this page of «Dao Scripture», actually nearly injures to the pupil, lets the person surprise. 仅仅一瞬间,叶凡的双目便变得通红,极其酸涩,不由自主淌下很多泪水。他急忙移开目光,瞳孔中点点金辉散去,过了片刻钟才恢复过来。这让他很吃惊,正常观看,虽然无法看清那些古字,但却不至于刺痛双目。而集结丝丝神力于双目,凝视这页《道经》,却险些伤到瞳孔,让人诧异。 This page of «Dao Scripture» really extraordinary......” “这页《道经》果真非凡……” Ye Fan did not lose heart, rested a while, the centralized spirit, communicated Sea of Bitterness again, exhausted ability the revolution eyesight. However this time does not look at the section start, but looks at the reverse final several characters directly. 叶凡不死心,休息了一会儿,再次集中精神,沟通苦海,竭尽所能运转目力。不过这一次并不是看起始处,而是直接看反面的最后几个字。 Wheel and Sea Volume finishes!” 轮海卷毕!” Finally four ancient character, such as outset that three characters are ordinary, obviously big many, is very easy to see clearly, such as Bright Moon Rises Above the Sea, the multi-colored sunlight sprinkles. 最后四个古字,如起始那个三字一般,明显大了不少,很容易看清,如海上升明月,霞光洒落。 Similarly, beyond abatement these four characters, the reverse other characters are unable to distinguish, because each small ancient character seems like round miniature Sun, radiant dazzling, the Dao Spirit splendor probably gold/metal needle departs together generally, the pupil of stabbing pain person, burning discomfort. 同样,除却这四个字外,反面的其他字也无法辨出,因为每一个微小的古字都像是一轮微型的太阳,璀璨耀眼,一道道神辉像是金针一般飞出,刺痛人的瞳孔,火辣辣的难受。 Ye Fan quickly puts aside the vision, in his heart a fierce beat, almost can determine now, this volume of Gold Book are " Dao Scripture » most important outset volumes! 叶凡急忙移开目光,他心中一阵剧烈跳动,现在几乎可以确定,这卷金书是《道经》最为重要的起始卷! So-called Wheel and Sea, does not need to want also to know that refers to Wheel of Life and Sea of Bitterness, is divine force source gurgling, but flows is, is the basis of practicing. No wonder the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader said that this is «Dao Scripture» most important one volume, because this is outset vol. 1 of this immortal standard, is the foundation of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) tall buildings. 所谓的轮海,不用想也知道是指生命之轮苦海,是神力源泉汩汩而流的所在,是修行的根本。难怪灵墟洞天的掌门说这是《道经》最为重要的一卷,因为这是此部仙典的起始第一卷,是万丈高楼大厦的根基。 Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Mr. Wu Qingfeng once had the word, cultivator wants Wheel of Life and Sea of Bitterness cultivate until peak, can profit life-long, becomes peak Powerhouse, it can be imagined Wheel and Sea Volume importance. 灵墟洞天吴清风老人曾经有言,修士只要将生命之轮苦海修到极致,就可以受益终生,成为顶峰强者,可想而知轮海卷的重要性。 Spirit Ruins Sanctuary grasped this volume of a sheet of scripture that's all, is remnant in remnant, occupies proportion less than 10%, can only communicate Sea of Bitterness that's all for just the basic immortal seedling, the following method, this has not made Ye Fan quite regrettable. At this moment, obtains complete Wheel and Sea Volume «Dao Scripture», making him be overjoyed, profits sufficiently life-long, this volume is complete cultivation system, can practice. 灵墟洞天不过掌握了这一卷的一篇经文而已,是残篇中的残篇,所占比例不足10%,只能供刚入门的仙苗沟通苦海而已,并没有后续的法门,这一直让叶凡颇为遗憾。此刻,得到完整的轮海卷道经》,让他喜出望外,足以受益终生,这一卷算是一个完整的修炼体系,可以一直修行下去。 Ye Fan cautious put away this page of Gold Book, he knows not to may divulge a secret, otherwise dies without the burial ground inevitably. Perhaps is the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader obtains, must seek help back that Holy Land's to shelter immediately, will otherwise have to extinguish the calamity of faction. Such a volume of «Dao Scripture» can be called is the priceless treasure, seems like active volcano that can erupt momentarily, the crisis of huge advantage and destruction coexists. 叶凡小心翼翼的收起这页金书,他知道万万不可走漏风声,不然的话必然死无葬身之地。恐怕就是灵墟洞天的掌门得到,也要立刻求助背后那个圣地的庇护,不然的话将会有灭派之祸。这样一卷《道经》称得上是无价之宝,同时也像是一座随时会喷发的活火山,天大的好处与毁灭的危机并存。 Obtains one page of Gold Book feet, is the huge pleasant surprise, Ye Fan does not want to stay for a long time in this, at present he does not have strength take action to compete for anything, only then recedes is the best plan. 得到一页金书足矣,已经是天大的惊喜,叶凡不想在此久留下去了,眼下他没有实力出手去争夺什么,只有远走才是上策。 He flushes away to the mountain fast, revolves the profound law of «Dao Scripture» recording, in Sea of Bitterness overflows gold threads immediately, flowed to all the limbs and bones, the whole body flesh and skeleton received moistening, immediately made his speed promote. 他快速向山下冲去,运转《道经》记载的玄法,苦海中顿时溢出一道道金丝,流淌向四肢百骸,浑身的血肉与骨骼都受到了滋润,顿时让他的速度提升了很多。 But at this moment, Ye Fan felt that a strange change, the golden paper in bosom seemed to be shivering. At first, he has not cared, until him felt finally suddenly a body icy coldness, the golden paper as if bumped into one with the flesh. 但就在这时,叶凡感觉到了一丝奇异的变化,怀中的金色纸张似乎在颤动。起初,他并没有在意,直到最后他突然感觉身体一阵冰凉,金色的纸张似乎与肌肤碰到了一起。 What's the matter, has not placed the post to place......” him quickly to stop to watch. However made the Ye Fan surprised matter happen, in bosom completely empty, that page of «Dao Scripture» vanished does not see. “怎么回事,并没有放在贴身处……”他急忙停下来观看。然而让叶凡吃惊的事情发生了,怀内空空如也,那页《道经》消失不见。 How possibly?!” Ye Fan finds it hard to believe the present fact simply, even if Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader take action, is hard to be silent, how to vanish to disappear suddenly? “怎么可能?!”叶凡简直难以相信眼前的事实,纵然是灵墟洞天的掌门出手,也难以无声无息,怎么会突然消失不见了呢? At the same time, he felt that life Essence Qi in within the body in boiling, the profound law of «Dao Scripture» recording revolved, was uncontrolled, let his Sea of Bitterness golden light a big magnificence burst. 同一时间,他感觉体内的生命精气沸腾,《道经》所记载的玄法自行运转了起来,不受控制,让他的苦海金光大盛 Well!” “咦!” Ye Fan is surprised, and in this moment, he felt that Sea of Bitterness is somewhat unusual, probably many any thing, in he is hurried regards. The scene that sees makes him dumbfounded, in that yellow pisolite big golden color Sea of Bitterness, presents one page of Gold Book unexpectedly! 叶凡非常吃惊,且就在这一刻,他感觉苦海有些异常,像是多了一件什么东西,他急忙内视。所见到的景象让他目瞪口呆,在那黄豆粒大的金色苦海中,竟出现一页金书 The golden paper changed small, the appearance of unfathomable mystery in that grain of golden Sea of Bitterness, this result made Ye Fan not recover good long while, the feeling was unthinkable. 金色的纸张变小了,莫名其妙的出现在那粒金色的苦海内,这个结果让叶凡好半天没有回过神来,感觉匪夷所思。 The profound law of «Dao Scripture» recording stops operating, all were tranquil, but in Ye Fan's golden color Sea of Bitterness were many one page of reductions Gold Book, how diligently, cannot shake its slightest, could not come out again. 道经》所记载的玄法停止运行,一切都平静了下来,但是叶凡的金色苦海内却多了一页缩小的金书,无论怎样努力,都不能撼动它分毫,再也出不来了。 Ye Fan is in a daze dull, perplexed, thought deeply about long time, does not understand why will have such matter. However, the body and golden Sea of Bitterness do not have the ill feeling, this makes him slightly relieved. 叶凡一阵呆呆发愣,不明所以,思索了很长时间,也不明白为什么会发生这样的事情。不过,身体与金色的苦海都没有不适的感觉,这让他稍稍安心。 After Ye Fan is tranquil, decides to depart, again starting to walk footsteps. 叶凡平静下来后,决定离去,再次迈开脚步。 Bang “轰” At this moment, the direction transmits the fierce sound, in the distant seeing sky that ancient palace is shaking, blooms the innumerable say/way multi-colored sunlight, had the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary elders to sweep to fly surrounding super ominous birds and beasts. 就在这时,身后的方向传来剧烈的声响,远远的看到天空中那座古殿在摇动,绽放出无数道霞光,将周围的超级凶禽猛兽还有灵墟洞天的长老们全都扫飞了出去。 „It is not good, I cannot leave!” Ye Fan really feels relieved big Pang Bo, although knows that stays here is also useless, cannot help. However, in his being able to pass heart that pass/test, cannot see the Pang Bo safe and sound difficulty-relief with own eyes, in his heart difficult secure, without the means departs. “不行,我不能离开!”叶凡实在放心不小庞博,尽管知道留在这里也无用,根本帮不上什么忙。但是,他过不去心中那一关,不能亲眼见到庞博安然无恙的脱困,他心中难安,没有办法离去。 Naturally, he will not impulse to handle affairs, these chose a farther mountain peak time, distant watching. 当然,他也不会冲动行事,这一次选了一座更远的山峰,远远的观看。 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 At this moment, the remote horizon, transmits sounds of the breaking space, the Dao Spirit rainbow flies together to here, enough have several ten. 就在这时,遥远的天际,传来一声声破空之响,一道道神虹向这里飞来,足足有数十道。 Rumble “轰隆隆” Afterward, has probably the mighty force to gallop, behind dozens Dao Spirit rainbows, hears the intermittent barbarian beast shouting sound, the mist tumbles, the rosy cloud obstructs the day. Dozens barbarian beast mount the clouds and ride the mist to come, in conducting the back is all carrying cultivator, although treads in the sky, but actually transmits the sound of intermittent bolt of lightning, probably the have several ten thousand armies killed together. 随后,像是有千军万马在奔腾,在数十道神虹后方,传来阵阵蛮兽的嘶吼声,雾气翻滚,云霞遮天。数十头蛮兽腾云驾雾而来,在背上皆载着一名修士,虽然是踏在天空中,但是却传来阵阵奔雷之响,像是有数万大军一起杀来了。 These barbarian beast are Variation that Ancient Desolate leaves behind, all the scales are dense, fierce incomparable, rides to sit in center that barbarian beast cultivator bosom is holding a flag, flap flap makes noise with the wind, the power and influence is dreadful, above writing has four large characters: Flickering Light Holy Land! 那些蛮兽都是荒古遗留下来的异种,全都鳞甲森森,狰狞无比,骑坐在正中那头蛮兽身上的修士怀中抱着一杆大旗,随风猎猎作响,威势滔天,上面书写有四个大字:摇光圣地
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