STH :: Volume #1

#57: One page of Gold Book

In the middle of these Powerhouse, if only by the speed, without doubt is the Monster Race young girl of that full blonde, her pair of wings fans, in the sky has two golden lightnings to delimit probably, her first to before ancient palace, extends the pair of wings toward shutting tightly the Five Colors jade gate pushes. 在这些强者当中如果单论速度的话,无疑是那个满头金发的妖族少女,她双翼扇动,天空中像是有两道金色的闪电划过,她第一个冲至古殿前,伸展双翼向着紧闭的五色玉门推去。 „” “哧” However, what unexpected is, piece of Five Colors divine light runs out, raised to fly her at the scene, was better than her big monster to link like this was turning 56 somersaults. Others held breath cold air, does not dare to be negligent, all took out own weapon, rushes in abundance goes, wants to open the monster emperor tomb bedroom. 但是,让人意想不到的是,一片五色神光冲出,当场将她掀飞了出去,强如她这样的大妖都连着翻了五六个跟头。其他人倒吸了一口凉气,不敢大意,全都祭出自己的武器,纷纷冲上前去,想要开启妖帝陵寝。 Entire ancient palace is built up by the Five Colors divine jade sacrifice, probably cut the space and time to come, making people from Ancient Desolate feel a precipitation of time, but also the aura of some history. ancient palace that clear sparkles, inscribes many ancient writing in its foundation place, the dragon shape writing is vigorous, the phoenix shape writing flies upwards, the Black Tortoise shape writing sinks to congeal, the Qilin shape writing atmosphere, such as the dragon-like phoenix, such as the turtle Qilin, the iron hook silver delimits, boundless powerful, Emperor Monster Race before precisely Ancient Desolate article. 整座古殿五色神玉祭炼而成,像是从荒古划破时空而来,让人感觉到了一种时间的沉淀,还有的历史的气息。晶莹闪闪的古殿,在其根基处刻有不少古老的文字,龙形文字苍劲,凤形文字飞扬,玄龟形文字沉凝,麒麟形文字大气,如龙似凤,如龟似麟,铁钩银划,磅礴有力,正是荒古前的妖族帝文。 These writing have the mysterious strength, people several impacts, are shaken by Five Colors divine light that they past fly, is inaccessible, cannot open the ancient palace front door. 这些文字具有神秘的力量,众人几次冲击,都被它们流转出的五色神光震飞,难以接近,不能推开古殿的大门。 Bang “轰” Several big monster and Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Powerhouse strikes with joint forces, purple copper furnace, golden sword and Eight Trigrams (gossip) mirror and flood dragon scale blade hit simultaneously on the ancient palace front door, finally shook it, opens wide a slit in rumble the sound. 几位大妖与灵墟洞天强者合力一击,紫色铜炉金剑、八卦镜、蛟鳞刃等同时撞在古殿的大门上,终于撼动了它,在隆隆声响中敞开一道缝隙。 Immediately, a Ancient Desolate aura front surface throws, a powerful life fluctuation such as desert in turbulent, outside everyone will raise to fly at the scene. 顿时,一股荒古的气息迎面扑来,一股强大的生命波动如瀚海在汹涌,当场将外面的所有人都掀飞了出去。 Thump “咚” That depressed and powerful sound was more fearful, the complexion of people on the scene changes, felt ache that the heart place transmitted. However no one stays, after steady immobilized figure, first flushes away toward grand ancient palace. 那种沉闷而有力的声响更加可怕了,在场众人的脸色都是一变,感觉到了心脏处传来的疼痛。但是没有人停留,稳定住身形后,第一时间向着宏伟的古殿冲去。 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 The magnificent light twinkle, various weapon turnover divine light, do not break diplomatic relation to strike, makes the intermittent sonorous sound, Monster Race Powerhouse and human cultivator pushes before Five Colors ancient palace, the fight erupted again, no one wants to make the opposite party act swiftly to get there first, thinks that first to/clashes. 光华闪烁,各种武器吞吐神光,不断交击,发出阵阵铿锵之音,妖族强者与人类修士挤在五色古殿前,战斗再次爆发了,谁都不想让对方捷足先登,都想第一个冲进去。 Before grand ancient palace, magnificent light is dazzling, Monster Qi soars to the heavens, both sides made True Fire, this time is the war of Life and Death, everyone does not keep contingency plan, the monster Emperor Tomb tomb was too to them important. 宏伟的古殿前,光华耀眼,妖气冲天,双方打出了真火,这一次是生死之战,所有人都不留后手,妖帝坟冢对于他们来说太重要了。 The blazing ray is glittering, the sky is trembling, various weapon turnover divine light, the impact, murderous aura passes through to the sky vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, divine force surges, before ancient palace, nearly boiling. 炽烈的光芒在闪烁,天空都在颤栗,各种武器吞吐神光,纵横冲击,杀气贯冲霄汉,神力涌动,古殿前近乎沸腾了。 great war is intense, the 7½ minutes time, Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Supreme Elder retreats in defeat again and again, is gradually weak, was pierced the chest by a big monster, heart of half disruption living pulled out, blood splattering, contaminates on the big monster body, making him seem like incomparably ominous crazy. 大战非常激烈,不过半刻钟的时间,灵墟洞天的一名太上长老节节败退,渐渐不支,而后被一名大妖洞穿了胸膛,半颗碎裂的心脏被活生生的掏了出来,鲜血喷溅,沾染在大妖的身体上,让他看起来无比凶狂。 Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader look ice-cold, both of his hands pinches finger joints with the thumb, puts the strange path in the sky, inspires purple copper furnace to vibrate, the endless purple fog fills the air, in an instant including inhales in two big monsters copper furnace. 灵墟洞天的掌门神色冰冷,他双手掐诀,在天空中划出奇异的轨迹,引动紫色铜炉震动,无尽紫雾弥漫而出,刹那间连将两名大妖吸入铜炉中。 Bang “轰” Purple Divine fire is dreadful, the rending pitiful yell sound sends out from copper furnace, two big monsters were smelted in the flash livingly, finally only flutters two wisps of light smoke. 紫色神火滔天,撕心裂肺的惨叫声自铜炉内发出,两名大妖在一瞬间被活生生熔炼,最后只飘出两缕轻烟。 Distant place, Ye Fan intermittent heart startled, this and other frigid preying are really fearful, he is somewhat hard to accept as modern people, he seriously was considering, when cultivator does have the significance, is worth. 远处,叶凡阵阵心惊,这等惨烈的搏杀实在可怕,作为一个现代人他有些难以接受,他在认真考虑,当一名修士到底有没有意义,值不值。 But at this time, more than ten ominous birds and beasts and Spirit Ruins Sanctuary on volcano elders also erupted great war, similarly frigid incomparable. Human form ferocious beast of extravagant mouth fang, lives half foot long wool, looks very fierce, at the scene elder tearing is two halves, the blood splash, the broken corpse crashes, horrible to look. Side, Spirit Ruins Sanctuary elder took out cuts the monster blade, sets up ominous bird chops for two halves, in dozens meters is the cold light, cuts monster blade magnificent light radiate all around, fresh blood dripping, horizontally in in the air, is really bloody. 而就在这个时候,火山上的十几头凶禽猛兽灵墟洞天的长老们也爆发了大战,同样惨烈无比。一头阔口獠牙的人形凶兽,生有半尺多长的兽毛,看起来非常狰狞,当场将一名长老撕裂为两半,鲜血飞溅,碎尸坠落,惨不忍睹。旁边,一名灵墟洞天的长老祭出斩妖刃,将一头凶禽立劈为两半,数十米内都是寒光,斩妖刃光华四射,鲜血淋淋,横在空中,甚是血腥。 In more than ten super ominous birds and beasts, is especially most fearful by the lightning bird, it has extremely fast, soars to the heavens on, finds out the golden sharp claws, grasps the crack an elder took out god drum at the scene, but the dive drives several hundred thunder and lightning at the appointed time, dense and numerous, the thunderclap is intermittent, the electric light is sparkling, probably several-meter sparking knife edges crashed. 在十几头超级凶禽猛兽中,尤以闪电鸟最可怕,它具有极速,冲天而上,探出金色的利爪,当场将一名长老祭出的神鼓抓裂,俯冲而至时更是带动来数百道雷电,密密麻麻,雷声阵阵,电光烁烁,像是一根根长达数十米的闪亮刀刃坠落了下来。 ka-cha 咔嚓 Spirit Ruins Sanctuary that elder controls the god rainbow to clash, but is still not able to evade, radically quickly several hundred lightnings, by electricity whole body burned black, shivered several, crashes in the crater, was embezzled by the turbulent magma. 灵墟洞天的那名长老驾驭神虹冲起,但依然无法避过,根本快不过数百道闪电,被电的浑身焦黑,颤抖了几下,坠落进火山口内,被汹涌的岩浆吞没。 This great war filled bloody with slaughtering, human and Monster Race had the casualties mutually, is fighting tooth and nail, wants first to break in monster Emperor Tomb Tsukanaka. 这场大战充满了血腥与杀戮,人类与妖族互有伤亡,全都在搏命,都想最先冲入妖帝坟冢中。 This is the cultivator's life......” Ye Fan talked to oneself, in his heart is not very tranquil, this imagines with him the governing rainbow, but the line and life of free and unfettered Between Heaven and Earth is completely different. “这就是修士的生活吗……”叶凡自语,他心中很不平静,这与他想象中的御虹而行、逍遥天地间的生活完全不一样。 Perhaps, different cultivator have the different roads.” At this point, his vision is limpid, reveals the firm and resolute color, said: Since chose this path, must walk step by step. My destiny cannot control in others' hand, I must grow stronger......” “或许,不同的修士有不同的路吧。”说到这里,他目光清澈,露出坚毅之色,道:“既然选择了这条道路,就要一步一步走下去。我的命运不能掌控在别人的手中,我要变强……” Suddenly, a light sound interrupted the Ye Fan's train of thought that the Pang Bo whole body cyanogen of ground is hazy, and there is a blue-green ray to shine slowly in his body surface. 突然,一声轻响打断了叶凡的思绪,地上的庞博浑身青气迷蒙,且有青绿色的光芒在他的体表慢慢亮起。 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 Together the ray of light bunch from the Pang Bo's within the body circulation, that is Wu Qingfeng elder lay out Dao Runes, the seal strength of leaving behind, however all flushed at this moment, seal expiration! 一道道光束自庞博的体内流转而出,那是吴清风长老布下道纹,留下的封印力量,然而此刻全都冲了出来,封印失效了! At the same time, the green spooky ray blooms in Pang Bo's Sea of Bitterness, his body shakes, that both eyes brush opened, projects two green glow, strange monster is incomparable. 同一时间,绿幽幽的光芒在庞博的苦海绽放,紧接着他的身体一震,双目刷的一声睁开了,射出两道绿芒,妖异无比。 Meanwhile, in the Pang Bo's forehead also has a face on presents strange rune, some are the insignificant stripes, some taking the form of writing. 与此同时,在庞博的额头还有脸上出现一道道奇异的符文,有些是无意义的条纹,有的则形似文字。 rune of these doubtful writing, or take the form of Dragon and Phoenix, either just like Black Tortoise, Flying Dragon Snake that but also some such as wind. 那些疑似文字的符文,或形似龙凤,或犹如玄龟,还有的如蜿蜒的螣蛇 Ye Fan immediately one startled, although he cannot recognize these rune significances, but actually listens to pass on the law elder to mention, this clearly looked like the Monster Race's writing. 叶凡顿时一惊,他虽然不能认出那些符文的意义,但是却听传法长老说起过,这分明像极了妖族的文字。 In Pang Bo eyes green spooky, his straight sat, then silent standing up, coldly looks to Ye Fan, seeming like wants to begin, the palm that however lifts is actually shivering, some do not run errands. 庞博双眼中绿幽幽,他直挺挺的坐了起来,而后无声的站起,冷冷的看向叶凡,似乎是想动手,但是抬起的手掌却在颤抖,有些不听使唤。 Pang Bo......” the Ye Fan loud summon, he knows that the Pang Bo's will thorough deep sleep, has not certainly been capturing the control of body. 庞博……”叶凡大声呼唤,他知道庞博的意志并没有彻底沉睡,一定是在夺取身体的控制权。 Hears this summon, that body shook, the monster mark on forehead and face also changed pale many. However, a low and deep roar spreads, the Pang Bo's body shakes violently, then blue-green magnificent rays of light, on his forehead and face covered entirely the monster mark, finally slowly tranquil. 听到这声呼唤,那具身体摇动了起来,额头与脸上的妖纹也变淡了不少。但是,一声低沉的吼声传出,庞博的身体猛烈一震,接着青绿色的光芒大盛,他的额头与脸上布满了妖纹,最后慢慢平静了下来。 At this time, he is no longer staring at Ye Fan, but turned around to look to volcano there, in the mouth made the hoarse sound: Lets your seal that's all intentionally......” 这时,他不再盯着叶凡,而是转身望向火山那里,口中发出嘶哑的声音:“故意让你们封印而已……” In Ye Fan heart immediately one startled, this occupies the Pang Bo body unknown exists seems fearful. 叶凡心中顿时一惊,这个占据庞博身体的未知存在似乎很可怕。 At this time, fight before ancient palace even more intense, the palace gate had been shoved open, both sides battled before the big palace gate, the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader also had two big monsters to step a foot. 这时,古殿前的战斗越发的激烈,殿门已经被推开,双方在大殿门前激战,灵墟洞天的掌门还有两名大妖已经跨进去了一只脚。 At this moment, Pang Bo then swept Ye Fan, then soars suddenly, turns into together the green light, charges into above crater that ancient palace. 就在这时,庞博回头扫了一眼叶凡,而后突然腾空而起,化成一道绿光,冲向火山口上方的那座古殿 The battle before ancient palace is intense, reaches a stalemate, has the casualties mutually. Pang Bo suddenly appears, immediately makes the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary elders reveal the startled color, but after several big monsters see monster mark on his forehead and face, surprised uncertain. 古殿前的争斗非常激烈,相持不下,互有伤亡。庞博突然出现,顿时让灵墟洞天的长老们露出惊色,而几名大妖见到他额头与脸上的妖纹后,也惊疑不定。 However at present no one can attend to him, the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader also two big monsters march into ancient palace simultaneously, Pang Bo leave behind together afterimages in the sky, followed closely three Powerhouse to clash. 不过眼下没有人顾得上他,灵墟洞天的掌门还有两位大妖同时步入古殿,庞博在天空中留下一道残影,紧随着三名强者冲了进去。 In the sky a brilliance, the remaining two Supreme Elder also several big monsters also crashed in the palace. But, lightning bird and other super ominous birds and beasts, as well as Spirit Ruins Sanctuary ordinary elders, all soars, charges into ancient palace. 天空中一片绚烂,剩下的两位太上长老还有几名大妖也先后冲进殿宇内。而下方,闪电鸟等超级凶禽猛兽,以及灵墟洞天的普通长老们,也全都腾空而起,冲向古殿 Thump “咚” At this moment, the depressed sound in palace sends out again, was more violent than and strong before. 就在这时,殿宇中的沉闷声响再次发出,远比以前猛烈与强劲。 “噗” The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary two elders at the scene are big mouth to spit blood, drew back staggering. But an arm thick silver centipede whole body crack, resembles the insect body that the silver casting becomes later is an cuns (2.5 cm) break, crashed from ancient palace on. 灵墟洞天的两名长老当场大口吐血,踉踉跄跄退了出来。而一条手臂粗的银色蜈蚣则浑身龟裂,随后似白银浇铸而成的虫体更是寸寸断裂,自古殿上坠落了下去。 Body Barbaric Ox, lives the lion and ferocious beast of whole body densely covered azure scale, as high as several meters, the hill rushes to the midair probably generally, but was just close to ancient palace being spurted the blood by the depressed sound vibration big mouth, a heart of disruption was coughed at the scene. 还有一头体似莽牛、生有狮子头、浑身密布青色鳞片的凶兽,高达十几米,像是小山一般冲上半空,但刚接近古殿就被沉闷的声响震动的大口喷血,一颗碎裂的心脏当场被咳了出来。 Thump and thump and thump...... “咚”、“咚”、“咚”…… The depressed sound resounds unceasingly, super ominous birds and beasts and Spirit Ruins Sanctuary that elders most starts to clash all swayed the body to back up, all bled profusely from the head, is seriously injured. Strength slightly weak several people of also several ominous bird barbarian beast, died in inside directly, the chest split, blood splattering, cannot withdraw from ancient palace. 沉闷的声响不断响起,最开始冲进去的超级凶禽猛兽以及灵墟洞天的长老们全都摇晃着身体倒退了出来,皆七窍流血,身受重伤。实力稍弱的几人还有几头凶禽蛮兽,更是直接死在了里面,胸膛裂开,鲜血喷溅,未能退出古殿 The distant place, the Ye Fan shock, what kind of strength this Monster Emperor contained grave to background, unexpectedly so fearful. Although he is separated by very far, but still felt that more and more powerful strength, the depressed sound made him somewhat unable to endure. 远处,叶凡震惊,这妖帝的坟冢到底蕴含了怎样的力量,竟然如此的可怕。他虽然相隔很远,但是依然感觉到了越来越强盛的力量,沉闷的声响让他也有些吃不消了。 Grand ancient palace is shaking, inside person is battling, several big monsters are berating, the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader and Supreme Elder are also crying loud and long. 宏伟的古殿在摇动,里面的人在激战,几名大妖在喝斥,灵墟洞天的掌门与太上长老也在长啸。 Bang “砰” Blue-green light flashed, Pang Bo's silhouette appears in front of ancient palace, resembles to be rumbled to kill. His complexion is pale, flew several corpse numerous rackets of ground, does not know that contained how big strength, all charges into the mountain that Ye Fan is, numerous crash in place. 青绿色的光芒一闪,庞博的身影浮现在古殿门前,似是被人轰杀出来的。他脸色铁青,将地上的几具尸体重重的拍飞了出来,也不知道蕴含了多么大的力量,全都冲向叶凡所在的高山,重重的坠落在地。 In the Ye Fan heart moves, because he discovered Pang Bo that the whole face cyanogen winds around swept one to here, then angrily roars is crashing in ancient palace again. 叶凡心中一动,因为他发现满脸青气缭绕的庞博向这边扫了一眼,而后才怒吼着再次冲进古殿中。 Ye Fan turns inside out several corpses, the careful observation, then discovered on a barbarian beast corpse exceptionally, a little selected the extremely weak golden light unexpectedly in its wound place circulation, the words that did not examine carefully were hard to detect radically. 叶凡将几具尸体翻了过来,仔细观察,而后在一名蛮兽的尸体上发现了异常,竟有点点极其微弱的金光在其伤口处流转而出,不细看的话根本难以发觉。 What's the matter......” Ye Fan extends the take action finger/refers, searches that wound, he felt like bumped into anything, then by double referred to clamping. “怎么回事……”叶凡出手指,探进那道伤口,他感觉像是碰到了什么东西,而后以双指夹了出来。 Immediately, dazzling magnificent light clash, shining Ye Fan almost cannot open the eye. This is a golden paper, above is pasting the endless god splendor, brilliant eye-catching. 顿时,有一道道炫目的光华冲起,耀的叶凡几乎睁不开眼睛。这是一张金色的纸张,上面流转着无尽的神辉,绚烂夺目。 This page of golden paper are heavier than the metal, above was dense and numerous, carves innumerable ancient character, small hardly may watch, each ancient character seemed like stars to sparkle, magnificent light was radiant. 这页金色的纸张比金属还要沉重,上面密密麻麻,刻下了数不清的古字,微小的几乎不可观看,每一个古字都像是一颗星辰在闪耀,光华璀璨。 The Ye Fan's heart thump thump thump accelerated to beat immediately, felt somewhat has a parched mouth, is narrowed the eye that the god splendor on this golden paper shook. 叶凡的心顿时“怦怦怦”加速跳动了起来,感觉有些口干舌燥,被这金色的纸张上的神辉晃的眯起了眼睛。
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