STH :: Volume #1

#56: Heart movement

In the ancient building group under volcano a streak of divine light shoots up to the sky, divine shine is radiant, outshines the nighttime sky, flies toward the mountain peak that Ye Fan is, this makes him one startled immediately, thinks that had expert to discover him, turned very quiet, hidden after a giant stone motionless. 火山下的古建筑群中一道神虹冲天而起,神华璀璨,照亮夜空,向着叶凡所在的山峰飞来,这顿时让他一惊,以为有高手发现了他,屏住呼吸,隐在一块巨石后一动不动。 Brushes “刷” The god rainbow to/clashes , the Wu Qingfeng elder descends on the mountain, places a secret place Pang Bo, then soars to the heavens to go, converges with others, goes forward to the volcano together. 神虹冲至,吴清风长老降落在山上,将庞博放在一处隐秘的地方,而后冲天而去,与其他人汇合,一起向火山上前进。 Ye Fan exits after the giant stone, walked fast. At this moment, Pang Bo by Spirit Ruins Sanctuary several elder seals, both eyes had been shut tightly, the body is stiff, moves cannot move, the body has cyanogen, the complexion is not very normal, under the body surface has gloomy blue-green magnificent light to flow indistinctly slowly. 叶凡从巨石后转出,快速走了过来。此刻,庞博已被灵墟洞天的几位长老封印,双目紧闭,身体僵硬,一动不能动,身上有一股青气,脸色很不正常,体表下隐约有一道道暗淡的青绿色光华在缓缓流动。 Is what thing entered his body?” Ye Fan does not dare to touch the Pang Bo's body at will, after all by several elder seals, had divine force to fluctuate. “到底是什么东西进入了他的身体?”叶凡不敢随意触碰庞博的身体,毕竟是被几位长老封印的,有神力在波动。 At this moment, the crater atmosphere is exceptionally tight, human cultivator and Monster Race confront, both sides play out, does not yield mutually respectively, great war is ready to be set off. 此刻,火山口气氛异常紧张,人类修士妖族对峙,双方剑拔弩张,各不相让,大战一触即发。 The old flood dragon erectness of whole body scarlet scale sparkle, such as a section of blood-color Great Wall stands generally there, strength feeling shocking, he shouted loudly: „The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary person, you really wants to break for several hundred years does the peace, make war with us?” 浑身赤色鳞片闪耀的老蛟直立而起,如一段血色的长城一般立在那里,给人震撼性的力感,他大声喝道:“灵墟洞天的人,你们真的想打破数百年来的安宁,与我们开战吗?” The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader argued strongly based on reason, did not make concessions, said: „The Eastern Wilderness Human Race's most precious object must take back, how could to fall in your Monster Race hand. As for immortal standard «Dao Scripture» that important one volume, this/should saw Heavenly Sun again, vanished on the ten thousand years years in the Eastern Wilderness land, was grasped by Human Race by rights ought to again.” 灵墟洞天的掌门据理力争,毫不退让,道:“东荒人族的至宝必须收回,岂能落在你们妖族手中。至于仙典《道经》那至关重要的一卷,更该重见天日了,在东荒大地上消失上万载岁月,理当重新被人族掌握。” Monster Race young girl who that lives a pair of golden wing, pretty moving, the voice is also very interesting to listen, has the magnetism, but actually the unusual domineering, filled killing intent, said: This is my Monster Race's Great Emperor grave, was pulled the Human Race's heavy treasure by you with «Dao Scripture», clearly thinks the highwayman Monster Emperor imperial mausoleum, but must find such excuse. If you are ready to go to war, goes forward freely!” 那个生有一对金色羽翼的妖族少女,靓丽动人,嗓音也很动听,带着磁性,但却非常的强势,充满了杀意,道:“这是我妖族大帝的坟冢,偏偏被你们扯出人族的重宝与《道经》,分明是想抢盗妖帝的陵寝,还要找这样的借口。如果你们不惜一战的话,尽管上前!” The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader is unafraid, is strong, said: Is and is not, we open ancient palace apparent. Without the Eastern Wilderness Human Race's most precious object with «Dao Scripture», we carry a rod and asks for punishment immediately, allows somebody to have his own way handling. If there is a that two kinds thing, whatever we carry off, how? This also avoided a battle, is good in both sides.” 灵墟洞天的掌门并不心虚,也非常强硬,道:“是与不是,我们打开古殿便知。如果没有东荒人族的至宝与《道经》,我们立刻负荆请罪,听凭处置。如果有那两样东西,任凭我们带走,如何?这样也避免了一场争斗,于双方都有好处。” That lives the two horns and three-meter great man (Han), the sound such as large bell is vibrating, making person eardrum buzz, said: Heavy treasure that without you said with «Dao Scripture», when the time comes you will definitely pester endlessly, leaves behind other Object to assert that under Monster Emperor is that two kinds thing. I most am do not find to you, calls white black, confuses right and wrong, distorting the facts, is your specialties. The Monster Race's Great Emperor imperial mausoleum does not allow you to blaspheme!” 那个头生双角、高达三米的巨汉,声音如大钟在震动,让人耳鼓嗡嗡作响,道:“如果没有你所说的重宝与《道经》,到时候你们肯定会胡搅蛮缠,将妖帝遗留下的其他器物硬说是那两样东西。我对你们最是了解不过,指鹿为马,混淆是非,颠倒黑白,是你们的拿手好戏。妖族大帝的陵寝不容你们亵渎!” The atmosphere is getting more and more tight, both sides are not all willing to make concessions half step, saw that this combat general is inevitable. 气氛越来越紧张,双方全都不肯退让半步,眼看这一战将不可避免。 Your these big monsters went too far, today in any event, we must take back belong to Eastern Wilderness Human Race's sacred relic.” The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader attitude is firm, stepped again on own initiative forward one step. “你们这几位大妖太过分了,今天无论如何,我们都要收回属于东荒人族的圣物。”灵墟洞天的掌门态度坚决,再次主动向前迈了一步。 This is you compels our take action!” The beautiful young girl pair of wings show/unfolds of that full golden hair, tens of thousands of say/way golden color god feather seems like golden divine arrow to pierce to go to the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader generally. “这是你逼我们出手!”那个满头金发的美丽少女双翼一展,成千上万道金色神羽像是黄金神箭一般向灵墟洞天的掌门洞穿而去。 The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader big sleeve brandishes, immediately has misty Purple Qi to fill the air, then the angry sea in surging forward, prevents that endless god feather probably before. 灵墟洞天的掌门大袖挥舞,顿时有蒙蒙紫气弥漫而出,而后像是怒海在汹涌澎湃,将那无尽的神羽阻挡在前。 Kills!” The Monster Race young girl voice is cold, body divine light blooms, the yellow golden god feather blots out the sky immediately, the dense and numerous, radiant rays link up into a single stretch, probably a golden unescapable net camouflaged the vault of heaven, washes out the purple mist, covers the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader. “杀!”妖族少女声音冷冽,身体神光绽放,黄金色的神羽顿时铺天盖地,密密麻麻,璀璨光芒连成一片,像是一张金色的天罗地网遮蔽了苍穹,冲散紫色雾气,将灵墟洞天的掌门覆盖。 In the leader body of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary runs out of purple copper furnace, immediately Purple Qi soars to the heavens, magnificent light radiate all around, purple divine glow vibrates to go toward the surroundings, all golden god feather completely cuns (2.5 cm) breaks, finally bang one sound changed becomes everywhere golden light, forms one blazing golden energy fluxes, dazzling incomparable. 灵墟洞天的掌门身体中冲出一个紫色的铜炉,顿时紫气冲天,光华四射,紫色的神芒向着周围震动而去,所有黄金神羽全部寸寸断裂,最终“砰”的一声化成漫天金光,形成一片炽烈的金色能量流,刺目无比。 Blonde few Goddess colors ice-cold, a pair of wings show/unfolds, pair of golden Divine Sword flies to shoot, all over the body clear, the god splendor is shining, the golden light of winding around seems like the flame in flaming to burn generally, cuts to kill to go toward the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader. 金发少女神色冰冷,双翼一展,一对黄金神剑飞射而出,通体晶莹,神辉灿灿,缭绕的金光像是火焰一般在熊熊燃烧,向着灵墟洞天的掌门斩杀而去。 The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader puts out a hand gently a point, purple copper furnace shoots up to the sky immediately, the endless purple fire spout, covers that two golden Divine Sword, the blazing combustion, wants it at the scene refining. 灵墟洞天的掌门伸手轻轻一点,身边的紫色铜炉顿时冲天而起,无尽紫色大火喷涌了出来,将那两把黄金神剑笼罩,炽烈燃烧,想要将其当场炼化 Bang “轰” Two Divine Sword seem like two lightnings, in everywhere purple magnificent light attacks, the sky of vibration is shaking gently. 两把神剑像是两道闪电,漫天紫色的光华中冲击,震动的天空都在轻轻摇颤。 Kills!” “杀!” Blocks them!” “挡住他们!” At this moment, several other big monster all take action, here Monster Qi soars to the heavens immediately, the murderous aura direct impact sky, monster strength surging forward, such as the desert is fluctuating, raging waves thousand heavy, sweeps across the upper air. 就在这时,其他几位大妖全都出手,这里顿时妖气冲天,杀气直冲霄汉,妖力汹涌澎湃,如瀚海在起伏,惊涛千重,席卷高空。 At the same time, Spirit Ruins Sanctuary four Supreme Elder, all takes a step forward, in Sea of Bitterness divine force source boiling, divine light was all over the body brilliant, illuminated the trim sky, will attack to near Monster Qi twists the powder completely, four big Powerhouse simultaneously take action. 同一时间,灵墟洞天的四位太上长老,也全都向前迈步,苦海神力源泉沸腾,通体神光绚烂,照亮了整片天空,将冲击至近前的妖气全部绞散,四大强者同时出手 Here Monster Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, divine shine soars to the heavens, several big monster and human Powerhouse great war again and again, multi-colored sunlight radiate all around, various weapon everywhere dance in the air, making the nighttime sky shine like the daytime. 这里妖气纵横,神华冲天,几位大妖与人类强者大战连连,霞光四射,各种武器漫天飞舞,让夜空亮如白昼。 The god drum, the immortal lamp, copper furnace, golden sword and Eight Trigrams (gossip) mirror, the blood blade and flood dragon scale blade, has on the side of the life probably, turnover divine light, presses together, collides unceasingly, the sonorous sound is lingering on faintly, every is the contest of divine force one time, making the sky tremble lightly. 神鼓、仙灯、铜炉金剑、八卦镜、血刀、蛟鳞刃等,像是有生命一边,吞吐神光,挤在一起,不断碰撞,铿锵之音不绝于耳,每一次都是神力的较量,让天空都在轻颤。 But at this time, all over the body was glittering, the lightning glow sparkling lightning bird, resembled the silver centipede that the silver casting became and other super ominous bird barbarian beast also to arrive at the crater. At the same time, Wu Qingfeng and other Spirit Ruins Sanctuary elders, rushed to here from another side, confronts with these super ominous birds and beasts. Among them great war will also soon open. 而这个时候,通体金光闪闪、电芒烁烁的闪电鸟,还有似白银浇铸而成的银蜈蚣等超级凶禽蛮兽也全都来到了火山口。同一时间,吴清风灵墟洞天的长老们,也从另一侧赶到了这里,与这些超级凶禽猛兽对峙。他们之间的大战也即将开启。 The distant place, in the Ye Fan heart difficult to be calm, distant waiting and seeing, crater above great war makes him turn one's thoughts toward a loved one dizzily, yearns. 远处,叶凡心中难以平静,远远的观望,火山口上方的大战让他神驰目眩,向往不已。 If Ye Fan does not have the idea to that monster Emperor Tomb tomb, that is impossible, but he is having a mind weak that's all. He wants to obtain that volume «Dao Scripture», the name shakes the Eastern Wilderness' immortal standard, important one volume, was regarded as important by Monster Race's Great Emperor, the inevitable no small matter, is, because he who he is urgent to need at present lacks the following practicing method. 如果说叶凡对那妖帝坟冢没有想法,那是不可能的,只不过他是有心无力而已。他非常想得到那卷《道经》,名震东荒的仙典,至关重要的一卷,被妖族大帝所看重,必然非同小可,是他目前迫切所需的,因为他缺少后续的修行法门。 As for the so-called Eastern Wilderness Human Race heavy treasure, Ye Fan did not understand, no feeling, therefore is not excited, only has «Dao Scripture» lets his incomparable hope. 至于所谓的东荒人族重宝,叶凡并不了解,根本没有什么感觉,所以不怎么心动,唯有《道经》让他无比的渴望。 Although he obtained ancient scripture in bronze ancient coffin, how regardless to see that engraves several hundred ancient character in heart does not seem like says practices specifically, seem like a general outline, at all is not he can comprehend at present thoroughly. 他虽然在青铜古棺中得到了一篇古经,但是无论怎么看,那刻印在心中的数百古字都不像是讲具体修行的,倒像是一部总纲,根本不是他目前所能够参悟透的。 «Dao Scripture» heavenshaking, is the immortal standard in legend. For several tens of thousands years, in the vast boundless Eastern Wilderness land, only then several ancient scripture may with it compound, but actually never has to exceed completely. It recorded the method of mysterious practicing, from cultivating Wheel of Life and Sea of Bitterness opens, to linking up Heaven and Earth Divine Bridge, reaches to Other Shore, enters next in body to cultivate Mystic Realm, all has the detailed explanation, is Ye Fan urgently needs the supreme immortal standard. 道经》名震天下,是传说中的仙典。数万年来,在浩瀚无垠的东荒大地上,只有几部古经可与它并列,但却从来没有哪一部能完全超越。它记载了玄而又玄的修行的法门,从修炼生命之轮苦海开启,到贯通天地神桥,达至彼岸,进入身体内的下一个修炼秘境,全都有详细的讲解,是叶凡迫切需要的无上仙典。 Thump and thump and thump...... “咚”、“咚”、“咚”…… At this moment, the depressed sound resounds unceasingly, the probably heart is beating fiercely, crater Five Colors magnificent light soars to the heavens, in dreadful Monster Qi and vast divine force the sky fluctuates routs completely. 就在这时,沉闷的声音不断响起,像是有一颗心脏在剧烈跳动,火山口五色光华冲天,将天空中滔天的妖气与浩瀚的神力波动全部击溃。 Scarlet such as the magma of blood in boiling, surges along the crater unceasingly outward, half sky heat. That grand ancient palace, the ups and downs, vibrate in the magma, its light is shining, all over the body clear, is flowing the aura of years. 赤红如血的岩浆在沸腾,不断沿着火山口向外涌动,将半边天空都烧红了。那座宏伟的古殿,沉沉浮浮,在岩浆中震动,它光灿灿,通体晶莹,流淌着岁月的气息。 Bang “轰” Last severe tremor, ancient palace raises from the magma in slowly, complicated mysterious monster marks are partly visible, but cannot imprison ancient palace, no matter what it floats off. 最后一声剧震,古殿缓缓自岩浆内升起,一道道繁复玄奥的妖纹若隐若现,但已经不能禁锢古殿,任它浮起。 Rumbleeeeee 隆隆隆 The volcano shakes, grand ancient palace runs out of the crater, the dazzling ray illuminated this piece of ancient land, just like the daytime is ordinary, the stars of space completely gloomy, Five Colors divine light winds around. 火山摇动,宏伟的古殿冲出火山口,耀眼的光芒照亮了这片古地,犹如白昼一般,天上的星辰全部暗淡了下去,五色神光缭绕。 Several big monster and Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Powerhouse stops the battle immediately, all flushes away toward grand ancient palace, thinks that first opens the palace gate, enters inside, obtains Monster Race's Great Emperor Inheritance and Divine Depository. 几位大妖与灵墟洞天强者立刻停止争斗,全都向着宏伟的古殿冲去,都想第一个打开殿门,进入里面,得到妖族大帝传承神藏
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