STH :: Volume #1

#55: Monster Emperor Tomb tomb

Spirit Ruins Sanctuary several elders to Pang Bo take action, an old person's body runs out of a red light, turns into a scarlet big net, mesh clear, is glittering the bright red ray, probably the red agate sacrifice refining up, obstructs to gather together to go to Pang Bo. 灵墟洞天的几位长老对庞博出手,其中一个老人的身体冲出一片红光,化成一张赤色的大网,网丝根根晶莹,闪烁着鲜红的光芒,像是红玛瑙祭炼而成,向庞博遮拢而去。 Pang Bo death aura at this moment heavy, the complexion is wooden, only has the both eyes green light to be sparkling, he outstretches both hands, by holding a day of potential supports upwardly, wants to rip open the red big net. 此刻的庞博死气沉沉,脸色木然,唯有双目绿光烁烁,他伸开双手,以托天之势向上撑去,想要把红色的大网撕开。 Another elder body blooms purple light, a Purple Gold Eight Trigrams (gossip) mirror appears in the hand, turns the hand goes to the Pang Bo photo, purple light radiate all around, the ray is blazing, the shining purple light covers Pang Bo immediately, decides him in that comes, misty Purple Qi passes in its surroundings. 另一名长老身体绽放出一道道紫光,一个紫金八卦镜出现在手中,翻手向庞博照去,紫霞四射,光芒炽烈,灿灿紫光顿时将庞博笼罩,将他定在那来,蒙蒙紫气在其周围流转。 Brushes “刷” The red big net falls smoothly, the Pang Bo cover in inside, tied up a solidity sleepily. At this time Mr. Wu Qingfeng went forward, and referred to like the sword, magnificent light radiate all around, by divine force seal Pang Bo, making him be hard to move. 红色的大网顺利落下,将庞博罩在里面,困缚了个结结实实。这时吴清风老人上前,并指如剑,光华四射,以神力封印庞博,让他难以动弹一下。 Ye Fan most is worried is Pang Bo, saw that several elders take him, and that old person is very calm, finally showed a happy expression, immediately makes his loosen exhale, expected that cannot have the major problem. 叶凡最担心的就是庞博,看到几位长老将他拿下,且那位老人都很从容,最后更是露出了一丝笑意,顿时让他松出了一口气,料想不会有大问题。 Thump “咚” In the crater transmits the depressed sound again, this Ye Fan is prepared early, revolves the profound law of «Dao Scripture» recording, the golden luminous spot in Sea of Bitterness overflows faint trace divine shine immediately, flows to his heart, in an instant makes him feel that felt better, is not several incomparable like the first times like that aches. 火山口内再次传来沉闷的声响,这一次叶凡早有准备,运转《道经》所记载的玄法,苦海内的金色光点顿时溢出丝丝神华,流向他的心脏,刹那间让他感觉好受了很多,不像前几次那般疼痛无比。 The Ye Fan attention observes, discovered that these super ominous birds and beasts all cannot help but shivered several, but more than ten elder also bodies of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary one stiff, all came under the influence. This makes him quite surprised, has eaten holy fruit, has drunk Divine Spring, was really shedding body, exchanging bones, did not compare cultivation base as well as Wheel of Life and Sea of Bitterness, only by the current body and spirit, he as if not compared with these elder difference in many. 叶凡注意观察,发现那些超级凶禽猛兽全都不由自主颤动了几下,而灵墟洞天的十几位长老也都身体一僵,皆受到了影响。这让他颇为惊讶,食过圣果,喝过神泉,果然是脱胎换骨了,不比较修为以及生命之轮苦海,单以目前的体魄来说,他似乎并不比这些长老差上多少。 Thump and thump and thump “咚”、“咚”、“咚” Also is one after another three dull thumping sounds, the gap is very short, in the crater the magma is turbulent, blazing rays rushed to high sky, at night such as turned into the daytime. 又是接连三声闷响,间隔很短,火山口内岩浆汹涌,一道道炽烈的光芒冲上了高天,黑夜如化成了白昼。 In this moment, magma gurgling, flowed from the crater, that light shining ancient palace floated directly, passed sends out powerful life aura. 在这一刻,岩浆汩汩,自火山口流了出来,那座光灿灿的古殿直接浮了上来,透发出一股强大的生命气息。 On the volcano, the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leaders as well as four Supreme Elder, the body all blooms magnificent light, approaches to go slowly forward. Another side, several big monster that turns into the human form also takes a step forward, the magma that fearless runs out , the eye does flicker is staring at that ancient palace, before arriving at crater, sweeps to several human cultivator. 火山上,灵墟洞天的掌门以及四位太上长老,身体全都绽放出光华,缓缓向前逼近而去。另一边,几个化成人形的大妖也同时向前迈步,无惧冲出的岩浆,眼睛一瞬不瞬的盯着那座古殿,直至到了火山口前,才扫向几名人类修士 And, that both arms cover the guy of scale to shout to the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader: Human you went too far, the primitive ruins divide into two, you have Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, now comes to our domains to compete for Immortal Depository, wants to provoke the conflict?” 其中,那个双臂覆盖着鳞片的大汉冲着灵墟洞天的掌门喝道:“人类你们太过分了,原始废墟一分为二,你们已经拥有灵墟洞天,现在又来我们的地盘争夺仙藏,难道是想挑起争端吗?” Not far away, that as high as three meters, head lives a great man (Han) of pair of bull horn also to make the vigorous sound, shouted: „To make war, you bribe this ancient palace to give a try freely!” 不远处,那个高达三米、头上生有一对牛角的巨汉同样发出浑厚的声音,喝道:“想要开战,你们尽管染指这座古殿试试看!” The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader does not fear with four Supreme Elder, one of them goes forward, said: This stretch of ruins are my Human Race left behind, now the heavy treasure appears, I and others this seeks the chance, originally is fair, why not having is the place?” 灵墟洞天的掌门与四位太上长老并不惧怕,其中一人上前,道:“这片废墟本是我人族遗留,如今重宝显现,我等来此寻机缘,本是合情合理,有何不是之处?” This stretch of primitive ruins are our residences, naturally cannot allow you and others this to seize the treasure!” That does not have the arm, to live a pair of wing and young girl and coldly shouted of full golden long hair said: If you must bribe, do not blame our impolite!” “这片原始废墟是我们的居所,自然不能容你等来此夺宝!”那个没有手臂、生有一对羽翼、满头金色长发的少女和冷喝道:“如果你们非要染指,不要怪我们不客气!” Here is my Human Race loses the ruins, can you taking advantage of occupying here, how delimit occupy?” The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader does not fear, although the words are tranquil, but actually passes is sending a fearful imposing manner. “这里乃是我人族所遗废墟,你们不过是借居在此,怎可划地占据?”灵墟洞天的掌门并不惧怕,话语虽然平静,但却透发着一股慑人的气势。 My flood dragon clan ancestors have the last words, here at all is not your Human Race's native land, is the imperial capital of Monster Race prosperous period, here all do not have the least bit to relate with you.” That lives the alone corner/horn and abdomen to live the old flood dragon of sharp claws, although has not turned into the human form, but can actually the mouth spit the criticism/human language, its strength not compared with other person of weakness, but is not good at transforming carcasses that's all. “我蛟族祖先有遗言,这里根本不是你们人族的故土,乃是妖族鼎盛时期的帝都,这里的一切都跟你们没有半点关系。”那条头生独角、腹生利爪的老蛟,虽然没有化成人形,但是却能口吐人言,其实力并不比其他人弱,只不过是不善于蜕变兽体而已 Is impossible, here all buildings are the Human Race's styles, has the what business department with Monster Race?” Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Supreme Elder interrogated. both sides struggle to hold, does not yield mutually respectively, all for ancient palace that's all in magma. “不可能,这里的所有建筑物都是人族的风格,与妖族何干系?”灵墟洞天的一名太上长老质问。双方争持,各不相让,一切都是为了岩浆中的古殿而已 Thump “咚” In ancient palace often makes the depressed sound, even if several big monster as well as Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leaders and the others, somewhat cannot withstand in so the short distance, the complexion is not very attractive. 古殿内不时发出沉闷的声响,纵然是几名大妖以及灵墟洞天的掌门等人,在如此近距离内也有些承受不住,脸色都不是很好看。 boiling magma, red unusual beautiful, gushes out unceasingly outward, such as the bright red bloody water is common, that light shining ancient palace raises slowly, is going to being separated from the crater gradually. 沸腾的岩浆,红的异常妖艳,不断向外涌出,如鲜红的血水一般,那座光灿灿的古殿缓缓升起,渐渐将要离脱离火山口。 A big monster must go forward, but actually that old flood dragon blocks, said: Has waited for several days, cares about this time, making it break open restrictions before Ancient Desolate, do not intervene, so as to avoid has the accident/surprise.” 一名大妖就要上前,但却那条老蛟拦住,道:“已经等待数天了,难道还在乎这点时间吗,让它自行破开荒古前的禁制,不要去干预,免得发生意外。” Monster article, is my Monster Race's writing!” At this moment, that lived the two horns and three-meter great man (Han) to yell suddenly, said: Looks quickly, is Emperor Monster Race's the article, is one generation of Monster Emperor remains inevitably!” “妖文,是我妖族的文字!”就在这时,那个头生双角、高达三米的巨汉突然大叫了起来,道:“快看,是妖族的帝文,必然是一代妖帝所留!” Entire ancient palace is built up by the Five Colors divine jade sacrifice, all over the body clear, the magnificent light twinkle, is really mystical, inscribes many ancient writing in its foundation place, some shapes like Dragon and Phoenix, some look like Black Tortoise Qilin, Emperor Monster Race before precisely Ancient Desolate the article. 整座古殿五色神玉祭炼而成,通体晶莹,光华闪烁,甚是神异,在其根基处刻有不少古老的文字,有的形如龙凤,有的酷似玄龟麒麟,正是荒古前的妖族帝文。 Human you also had what words saying that fast left, this was Great Emperor before my Monster Race Ancient Desolate remains, related with your no least bits.” “人类你们还有什么话说,速速离开,这是我妖族荒古前的一位大帝所留,与你们无半点关系。” At this moment, ancient palace divine light sparkles, the boundless aura that shows a fearful heart and soul, all colors divine shine winds around, is really uncommon. 此刻,古殿神光闪闪,透出出一股慑人心魄的磅礴气息,五彩神华缭绕,甚是不凡。 The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader hears this word, first changes color, then stares at ancient palace carefully to watch, finally probably remembered anything, shows the incomparably exciting look, said: I knew, here is Eastern Wilderness Monster Race last Great Emperor's buries the bone place!” 灵墟洞天的掌门闻听此言,先是变色,而后盯着古殿仔细观看,最终像是想起了什么,露出无比激动的神色,道:“我知道了,这里是东荒妖族最后一位大帝的埋骨处!” Several big monsters hear this word, the changes countenance, is all staring at that Five Colors ancient palace all, earnest and careful watching, they are surprised. 几位大妖闻听此言,无不变色,全都盯着那座五色古殿,认真而又仔细的观看,他们惊疑不定。 That old flood dragon erectness, finds out the half body forward, expression grave, finally trembling sound said: Truly is my Monster Race's Great Emperor imperial mausoleum, with not the slightest difference that the ancestor described!” 那条老蛟直立而起,向前探出半截身躯,神色凝重,最后颤声道:“确实是我妖族大帝的陵寝,与祖先所描述的一般无二!” No matter what no one has thought, is built ancient palace that becomes by Five Colors divine jade, is the grave of Monster Race last emperor, unexpectedly deep conceals under the volcano, becomes less crowded until today's seal, along with the magma comes up turbulently, sees Heavenly Sun again. 任谁也没有想到,由五色神玉堆砌而成的古殿,乃是妖族最后一位帝王的坟冢,竟深藏于火山下,直到今日封印松动,随岩浆汹涌上来,才重见天日 Eastern Wilderness last unifies Monster Race's Great Emperor, is he, certainly is he!” The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader talked to oneself unceasingly, the look is somewhat absent-minded. 东荒最后一位统一妖族的大帝,是他,一定是他!”灵墟洞天的掌门不断自语,神色有些恍惚。 Several big monsters on the scene are righteous immediately, the old flood dragon said: You know well, here is my Monster Race last Divine Emperor grave, has no relations with your Human Race, fast retreats.” Several other big monsters all erupt the power and influence beyond comparison, dreadful Monster Qi shoots up to the sky rolling, immediately camouflaged trim Starry Sky, here filled the air/Qi of withering. 在场的几位大妖顿时理直气壮,老蛟道:“你知道就好,这里是我妖族最后一位神帝的坟冢,与你们人族没有任何关系,速速退走。”其他几位大妖皆爆发出无以伦比的威势,滔天妖气滚滚冲天而起,顿时遮蔽了整片星空,这里充满了肃杀之气。 The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader recovers, as if compares several big monsters to be excited, his trembling sound said: Here, although is the Monster Race's Great Emperor grave, but has my Human Race's heavy treasure, today just should take back.” 灵墟洞天的掌门回过神来,似乎比几位大妖还要激动,他颤声道:“这里虽然是妖族大帝的坟冢,但是却有我人族的重宝,今日正该收回。” Nonsense, will my Monster Race Divine Emperor grave, how have your Human Race's heavy treasure? You clearly want to steal my Monster Race's Great Emperor mausoleum!” “胡说八道,我妖族神帝的坟冢,怎会有你人族的重宝?你分明是想盗取我妖族大帝的陵墓!” Several big monsters all reveal the anger, goes forward, blocks the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader, prepares take action at any time. 几位大妖全都露出怒意,纷纷上前,挡住灵墟洞天的掌门,随时准备出手 The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader look returns to normal, said: I said is the facts. In years past, Eastern Wilderness Monster Race last Great Emperor can accomplish all the good fortune, split several tens of thousands years of Monster Race to unify in Eastern Wilderness together, posed the enormous threat to Eastern Wilderness' Human Race. A Eastern Wilderness Human Race's most precious object lost at that time, the legend was won by Monster Emperor. That shakes Eastern Wilderness' immortal standard---- «Dao Scripture», was analyzed at that time, lost very important one volume. The later generation, once some evidence pointed out, all are that Monster Race's Great Emperor behavior. To come, the Eastern Wilderness' most precious object, «Dao Scripture» most important one volume, here, should see Heavenly Sun today again!” 灵墟洞天的掌门神色恢复平静,道:“我所说的都是事实。昔年,东荒妖族最后一位大帝功参造化,将东荒分裂了数万年的妖族统一在一起,对东荒的人族造成了极大的威胁。东荒人族的一件至宝就是在那时丢失的,传说是被妖帝夺走。还有那名震东荒的仙典――――道经》,也是在那时被人拆分的,失去了非常重要的一卷。后世,曾有证据指出,一切都是那位妖族大帝所为。想来,东荒的至宝,还有《道经》最为重要的一卷,都在这里,今天合该重见天日!” Such remarks, several big monsters all one dull, then both eyes all reveal the incomparably blazing ray, even if Monster Race cannot cultivation Eastern Wilderness abstrusest Human Race immortal standard «Dao Scripture», they also decide to stay behind. As for that Human Race most precious object, if really exists, naturally cannot let off. 此话一出,几位大妖全都一呆,而后双目皆露出无比炽热的光芒,纵然妖族不能修炼东荒最深奥的人族仙典《道经》,他们也打定主意要留下。至于那件人族至宝,如果真的存在,自然也不能放过。 The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader has not feared intent, when with several big monsters confront, unexpectedly on own initiative forward stepped a stride. 灵墟洞天的掌门没有丝毫惧意,与几位大妖对峙时,竟然主动向前迈了一大步。 Thump “咚” ancient palace that is completed by Five Colors divine jade, makes a depressed sound again, the strength of seal is passing fast, it has almost risen the crater place completely, Xia splendor circulation, the Five Colors divine light twinkle, the Eastern Wilderness Monster Race last Great Emperor's grave will soon reappear world completely. 五色神玉建成的古殿,再次发出一声沉闷的声响,封印的力量在快速流逝,它几乎已经完全上升到了火山口处,霞辉流转,五色神光闪烁,东荒妖族最后一位大帝的坟冢即将完全重现世间 In the palace group under volcano, the lightning bird and other super ominous bird barbarian beast, Spirit Ruins Sanctuary more than ten elders, could not all have repressed, goes forward toward the mountain on slowly. 火山下的宫殿群中,闪电鸟等超级凶禽蛮兽,还有灵墟洞天的十几位长老,全都按捺不住,缓缓向着山上前进。 The distant place, Ye Fan witnessed all these, in his heart is not tranquil, but does not have the strength to go forward to compete, can only in this static watching. 远处,叶凡亲眼目睹了这一切,他心中非常不平静,但是却没有实力上前去争夺,只能在此静静的观看。
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