STH :: Volume #1

#54: ancient palace

It seems like, the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary elders were alarmed, were catching up one after another to here.” “看来,灵墟洞天的长老们都被惊动了,正在陆续向这里赶来。” At this moment, the weather has gotten dark, in sky stars. 此刻,天色已经黑了下来,天空中繁星点点。 Two people led the way again several li (0.5 km), arrives at ruined places, here infertile, is completely scorched earth, the cornerstone that only then splits, and rubble of disruption, other anything does not have. 两人再次前行了数里,不知不觉间来到一片破败之地,这里寸草不生,完全是一片焦土,只有裂开的基石,以及碎裂的瓦砾,其他什么也没有。 In the dim light of night, here passes is sending mysterious aura, has the light black fog to wind around. 在夜色中,这里透发着一股神秘的气息,有淡淡的黑雾在缭绕。 „, Over ten thousand years, how in this vestige not to have grown the plant over the past several thousand years since birth, is really somewhat strange, can be called a stretch of barren land, the place that the bird does not defecate.” The Pang Bo somewhat discontented whisper, he was feeling some hunger and thirst at this time, wants to pick some wild fruits to appease hunger cannot. “都已经过去数千年、上万年了,这片遗迹中怎么还没有生长出植物,真是有些怪异,称得上一片不毛之地,鸟都不拉屎的地方。”庞博有些不满的嘀咕着,他这时感觉有些饥渴,想摘些野果子充饥都不能。 He just said that these words, suddenly was hit by a great strength on the body, staggering, the plump, throws down in the darkness. Ye Fan stares dumbfounded, hardly can believe own eye. That Pang Bo rubs jumped, then watches, immediately felt scalp tingles with numbness, fast retreat. 他刚说完这些话,突然被一股巨力撞在身体上,踉踉跄跄,扑通一声,摔倒在黑暗中。叶凡瞠目结舌,几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。庞博蹭的一声跳了起来,回头观看,顿时感觉头皮一阵发麻,快速后退 In front, an ice-cold corpse static there, old skin is wrapping the bone horizontally, just like the withered firewood general, unexpectedly is a dry corpse. 就在前方,一具冰冷的尸体静静的横在那里,老皮包裹着骨头,犹如干枯的木柴一般,竟然是一具干尸。 Dry corpse that this...... what's the matter, where comes?” Pang Bo feels is somewhat scared, unfathomable mystery was pounded by a dry corpse, no matter what who must feel uneasy. “这……怎么回事,哪来的干尸?”庞博感觉有些发毛,莫名其妙被一具干尸砸中,任谁都都要感觉不安。 Ye Fan also surprised uncertain, he had not noticed how a moment ago the corpse appears. They to size up unceasingly all around, this deeply worried ruins spacious, besides the rubble of ground, anything does not have. But is so, more makes people feel that in heart difficult secure, here is one piece is abandoned the endless years ancient land, perhaps really has some dirty things. 叶凡也惊疑不定,他刚才没有看到尸体是如何出现的。他们不断向四外打量,这片焦灼的废墟一片空旷,除了地面的瓦砾外,什么也没有。但越是如此,越让人感觉心中难安,这里是一片被废弃无尽岁月的古地,或许真的存在着一些不干不净东西。 The weather is getting more and more black, the star light is gloomy, the ruins surrounding darkness, has the light mist to wind around. 天色越来越黑,星光暗淡,废墟周围一片漆黑,有淡淡的雾气在缭绕。 How gloomy, more and more cold......” Pang Bo was somewhat afraid, the whole body braves the cold air, said: This corpse from crashing......” “怎么阴森森的,越来越寒冷了……”庞博有些心虚,浑身冒凉气,道:“这具尸体到底从坠落出来的……” We hurry to leave here.” Ye Fan thought that some are not wonderful, this place is not suitable stays for a long time. “我们赶紧离开这里吧。”叶凡觉得有些不妙,此地不宜久留。 This is what bird place, so to be how weird!” Pang Bo said in a low voice, the back whiz whiz braves the cold air. “这是什么鸟地方,怎么这么邪门!”庞博低声说道,脊背嗖嗖冒寒气。 Bang “砰” At this moment, Pang Bo was pounded to turn again in the place, he crawled rolling, were many a dry corpse in its side. 就在这时,庞博再次被砸翻在地,他一骨碌爬了起来,在其身边又多了一具干尸。 Who...... who does not have the public-spirited, how to tumble the corpse.” This joke is not funny, two people whole body sends coolly, had goosebumps, all around unceasing glance. “谁……谁这么没公德心,怎么乱丢尸体。”这个笑话一点也不好笑,两人浑身发凉,起了一身鸡皮疙瘩,不断的扫视四周。 Two withered corpses, on the ground, the body hold to some clothing horizontally, touched to turn into the powder gently, does not know that had many years. 两具干枯的尸体,横在地上,身上粘着一些衣物,轻轻触碰一下就变成了粉末,也不知道存在多少年了。 You are anything, comes out!” “你到底是什么东西,出来!” Bang “砰” Another corpse appears, knocked Pang Bo. 又一具尸体出现,将庞博撞翻了出去。 Your Sir, looked that my Pang quite bullies!” Pang Bo while alarmed and afraid, is somewhat indignant, Ye Fan in side, unexpectedly by not pounding. “你大爷的,看我庞某人好欺负吧!”庞博在惊惧的同时,有些愤愤不平,叶凡就在旁边,居然没有挨砸一下。 Is what ghost thing, hurries!” Ye Fan drinks lowly. “到底是什么鬼东西,赶紧出来!”叶凡低喝。 Bang “轰” Ancient ruins outbreak an earthquake, raised to fly Ye Fan, but Pang Bo is also in an extremely difficult situation, tumbling to be very far. 古老的废墟突然发生了一阵大地震,将叶凡生生掀飞了出去,而庞博也狼狈不堪,翻滚出去很远。 Bang and bang and bang...... “砰”、“砰”、“砰”…… This time, is not only Pang Bo, is Ye Fan is also hit again and again, ancient corpse drop from the clouds, pounded to turn two people. If the common flesh and blood, at this moment perhaps the bone has broken the muscle booklet, is their physique is superior, has not had the danger. 这一次,不光是庞博,就是叶凡也连连遭受撞击,一具又一具的古尸从天而降,将两人砸翻了出去。如果是寻常的血肉之躯,此刻恐怕已经骨断筋折,也就是他们两人体质超常,才没有发生危险。 In the ground presents dozens corpses, here Yin Qi is dense, cold piercing, probably fell in the icehouse general, two people was scared, does not know why will have all these. 地面上出现数十具尸体,这里阴气森森,寒冷刺骨,像是坠到了冰窖中一般,两人一阵发毛,不知道为什么会发生这一切。 Brushes “刷” In this moment, Ye Fan felt that own back all fine body hair set upright, has probably anything to be close fast. His does not return, quickly flushes away forward, then shifts the body fast, hides to the one side, rapidly like lightning. 就在这一刻,叶凡感觉自己的后背所有寒毛都倒竖了起来,像是有什么东西在飞快接近。他头也不回,急忙向前冲去,而后又快速横移身体,躲向一旁,迅如闪电。 Two green spooky rays scraped past with him, stop beyond dozens meters, probably Ghost Fire was ordinary, unceasing beat. Meanwhile, this stretch of ruins, jet black like black ink, pitch-dark, the stars in sky were submerged, cannot see again. 两道绿幽幽的光芒与他擦身而过,停在了数十米外,像是鬼火一般,不断的跳动。与此同时,这片废墟,漆黑如墨,伸手不见五指,天空中的星辰都被淹没了,再也看不到。 Was haunted!” Pang Bo subconscious traces to the side, what a pity Great Thunderclap Temple Bronze Plaque has not brought to come out. “闹鬼了!”庞博下意识的向身边摸了摸,可惜大雷音寺铜匾没有带出来。 At this moment, beyond abatement that two green spooky ray, their anything could not see, black fog covered the thorough trim ruins. Two groups of green lights can have the wash bowl is so big respectively, probably two groups of Ghost Fire, seem like a pair of giant pupil, Yin Qi in the black fog is dense. 此时此刻,除却那两道绿幽幽的光芒外,他们什么也看不到,一股黑雾将彻底整片废墟覆盖了。两团绿光分别能有脸盆那么大,像是两团鬼火,又像是一对巨大的眸子,在黑雾中阴气森森。 Really has the dirty dirty thing!” Ye Fan and Pang Bo were anxious immediately. “真有不干不净的脏东西!”叶凡庞博顿时紧张了起来。 Brushes “刷” This time, two groups of green light traveling speed are fast, suddenly arrived at the near, is still plunges Ye Fan, Pang Bo wants to help, but was actually pounded to fly by 45 dry corpses. 这一次,两团绿光移动速度非常快,眨眼间就来到了近前,依然是扑向叶凡,庞博想要帮忙,但是却被四五具干尸砸飞了出去。 The green light speed is getting more and more fast, locked Ye Fan completely, in its surroundings right now left, magnificent light flashes, two green lights vanishes finally does not see, submerges in his body completely. 绿光速度越来越快,完全锁定了叶凡,在其周围忽左忽右,最终光华一闪,两道绿光消失不见,全部没入他的身体内。 Ye Fan!” Pang Bo calls out in alarm, but does not have the means to prevent all these. 叶凡!”庞博惊叫,但是却没有办法阻止这一切。 At the same time, Ye Fan felt that in Sea of Bitterness sheet ice is cold, probably was frozen generally, the profound law that his hurried revolution Dao Scripture records, a little golden light blooms in an instant. 同一时间,叶凡感觉苦海内一片冰寒,像是被冻结了一般,他急忙运转道经所记载的玄法,刹那间有一点金光绽放而出。 Rumbleeeeee 隆隆隆 The sound eruption of tsunami, Ye Fan's Sea of Bitterness turned into a piece of golden vastness, in surging forward, two groups of green light volumes in high sky. 海啸的声音爆发而出,叶凡的苦海化成了一片金色的汪洋,在汹涌澎湃,将两团绿光卷上了高天 Bang “轰” severe tremor, two groups of green lights such as frightened general, flushed from Ye Fan's Sea of Bitterness, avoided by far, at the same time Ye Fan's Sea of Bitterness returns to instantly normal, the yellow pisolite big golden light, Divine Lantern decides probably generally there. 一声剧震,两团绿光如受惊一般,自叶凡的苦海冲了出来,远远的躲避了出去,与此同时叶凡的苦海刹那恢复平静,一点黄豆粒大的金光,像是神灯一般定在那里。 Brushes “刷” The green light speed is extremely fast, after running out of Ye Fan's Sea of Bitterness, directly soars Pang Bo to go, suddenly submerges in his body. Pang Bo only cursed one with enough time, then straight pouring on the ground, this makes Ye Fan be startled, rushes over fast. 绿光速度极快,冲出叶凡的苦海后直奔庞博而去,眨眼间没入他的身体内。庞博只来得及咒骂了一句,而后便直挺挺的倒在了地上,这让叶凡大吃一惊,快速冲了过去。 Pang Bo you how?” 庞博你怎么了?” However, but also without he arrived at the near, Pang Bo then turns over/stands up to sit, both eyes become green spooky, stands up instantaneously, sends out low and deep roaring, probably the wild animal is common, coldly looks to Ye Fan, stared for several minutes, puts aside the vision. 然而,还没有等他来到近前,庞博便翻身坐了起来,双目变得绿幽幽,瞬间站起,发出一声低沉的咆哮,像是野兽一般,冷冷的看向叶凡,足足盯了数分钟时间,才移开目光。 You are anything, leaves his body.” Ye Fan drinks lowly. “你到底是什么,离开他的身体。”叶凡低喝。 Bang “轰” At this moment, the strong winds writings, the trim ruins flying sand and rocks, the black fog is turbulent, Pang Bo stands there, the uncombed hair dances in the air, then departs suddenly with stride, surroundings dozens ancient corpse all float, with him, as soon as takes off to the ruins deep place. 就在这时,狂风大作,整片废墟飞沙走石,黑雾汹涌,庞博站在那里,乱发飞舞,而后突然大步离去,周围数十具古尸全部漂浮而起,跟着他一起飞向废墟深处。 Here instantaneous restored to sobriety and calmness, inundates Heavenly Stars to reappear in the vault of heaven, distant can see, Pang Bo such as flies to go, the surroundings black fog fills the air, the dust sand tumbles, binds to bring dozens ancient corpse, goes far away gradually. 这里瞬间恢复清明,漫天星辰重新出现在苍穹上,远远的可以看到,庞博如飞而去,周围黑雾弥漫,尘沙翻滚,裹带着数十具古尸,渐渐远去。 Pang Bo!” Ye Fan yelled, took a step to pursue in behind. 庞博!”叶凡大叫了一声,迈步在后面追了下去。 Pang Bo speed at this moment was too fast, compares favorably with sufficiently the control god rainbow, but the group these elders, with lightning speed, disappear in the Ye Fan's line of sight instantaneously. 只是,庞博此刻的速度太快了,足以比得上驾驭神虹而行的那些长老,风驰电掣,瞬间就消失在叶凡的视线内。 After Pang Bo was occupied the body, Life and Death is difficult to predict, in this moment, Ye Fan is anxious, does to cannot catch up with the opposite party. 庞博被占据身体后,生死难料,在这一刻,叶凡焦急无比,奈何根本追不上对方。 Front, air-to-air remote, Ye Fan does not have other choice, starts to set out to the ruins deep place, now cannot attend to the consideration front being dangerous. 前方,空空渺渺,叶凡没有别的选择,开始向废墟深处进发,现在根本顾不上考虑前方到底有多么危险。 By night, Ye Fan does not know that many li (0.5 km), approached ruins most deep place finally, here that depressed sound was more powerful, once in a while will resound. But just like is thrashing the heart of person general each time, Ye Fan complexion snow white, staggering, after his physique to here , can only be able to support that's all reluctantly, traded to be the average person, the heart has exploded inevitably broken 到了深夜时,叶凡也不知道走了多少里,终于逼近废墟最深处,在这里那种沉闷的声响更加有力了,每隔一段时间就会响起。而每次都犹如在捶打人的心脏一般,叶凡脸色雪白,踉踉跄跄,以他的体质到了这里后也只能勉强能够支撑而已,换作一般人,心脏必然早已爆碎 Here forest is gradually scarce, broken ancient building are getting more and more, the spiritual energy is also getting more and more rich, vigorous life-force, even must look like treasured land compared with Spirit Ruins Sanctuary. 这里林木渐渐稀少,残破的古建筑越来越多,灵气也越来越浓郁,有一股勃勃生机,甚至比灵墟洞天还要更像宝地 Thump “咚” Also is a depressed sound, Ye Fan climbs up a mountain, looks into the distance forward. So-called ruins most deep place in the front, the ancient building group is dense and numerous, although half collapsing, had turned into the ruins, but conceivable past broadness. 又是一声沉闷的声响,叶凡攀上一座高山,向前眺望。所谓的“废墟最深处”就在前方,古建筑群密密麻麻,虽然都已经半坍塌,化成了废墟,但是可以想象当年的恢弘。 But what is most astonishing, the continuous endless ancient building group, encircles unexpectedly in surroundings of volcano, there flame soars to the heavens, in the ring-like mountain pass really has the billowing magma in boiling, although has not flowed comes out, but is very scary, half sky heat. 而最让人吃惊的是,连绵无尽的古建筑群,竟然围在一座火山的周围,那里火光冲天,环形山口内竟然有滚滚岩浆在沸腾,虽然没有流出来,但却已经很吓人,将半边天空都烧红了。 The endless grand ancient building thing, encircles in the surroundings of this volcano, making the person feeling very strange. 无尽宏伟的古建筑物,围在这座火山的周围,让人感觉非常怪异。 Is extremely shocking in this moment Ye Fan, because he saw an inconceivable picture, as the boiling magma surges, in the crater clear grand ancient palace, the vicissitudes, often brave all over the body. 在这一刻叶凡非常震惊,因为他见到了一副不可思议的画面,随着沸腾的岩浆涌动,火山口内一座通体晶莹的宏伟古殿,浮浮沉沉,不时冒出来。 Thump “咚” The depressed sound sends out, from the volcano, or exactly said unexpectedly is, from that ancient palace that in the magma ups and downs, its light is shining, clear incomparable, aura of years is flowing, has the Dao Spirit rosy cloud together to past. 沉闷的声响发出,竟是来自火山内部,或者确切的说是,来自岩浆中沉浮的那座古殿,它光灿灿,晶莹无比,有一股岁月的气息在流淌,同时有一道道神霞在流转。 In the ancient building group under volcano, five meters Divine Bird, the golden light sparkle, the electric arcs wind around all over the body on the body, precisely two days ago with the lightning bird of scale Ape King preying, its perfect appearance here, the scale Ape King fate can be imagined. 火山下的古建筑群中,一只五米长的神鸟,通体金光闪耀,有一道道电弧缭绕在身上,正是两天前与鳞猿王搏杀的闪电鸟,它完好无损的出现在这里,鳞猿王的下场可想而知。 The lightning bird is the true super ominous bird, the Wu Qingfeng elder has the word, is he meets , can only detour to walk, it lords over in that stretch of built-up area, does not have any creatures dares to be close. 闪电鸟是真正的超级凶禽,吴清风长老有言,就是他遇到,也只能绕道而走,它独霸在那片建筑区中,没有任何生物敢接近。 Naturally, it is not only existence, in other architectural complexes, but also is distributing about 20 ominous bird and barbarian beast, is Variation, mostly hears something never heard of before to see what one never saw before, each mystical is incomparable. 当然,它并不是唯一的存在,在其他建筑群中,还分布着将近二十头凶禽与蛮兽,皆是异种,大多都闻所未闻见所未见,各个神异无比。 For example: The centipede that lives the silver wing, has the arm is so thick fully, is two meters, is all over the body sparking, probably silver casting, static bending down in stretch of ruins, other creatures do not dare to overstep half step. 如:一只生有银翅的蜈蚣,足有手臂那么粗,长达两米,通体闪亮,像是白银浇铸而成,静静的伏在一片废墟间,其他生物不敢逾越半步。 Body Barbaric Ox, lives the lion and ferocious beast of whole body densely covered azure scale, as high as several meters, the hill stands probably generally in the ruins, monopolizes a region. 还有一头体似莽牛、生有狮子头、浑身密布青色鳞片的凶兽,高达十几米,像是小山一般立在废墟中,也独占一片区域。 creatures about 20 such terrors, have the fearfulness of explanation ruins deep place fully, at this moment they surround the volcano all round, is gazing at that intensely in ancient palace that in the magma unceasingly ups and downs. 将近二十头这样的恐怖的生物,足有说明废墟深处的可怕,此刻它们将火山团团包围,正在紧张的注视那在岩浆中不断沉浮的古殿 But at this time, Ye Fan discovered Pang Bo finally, is standing in stretch of ruins under volcano, his released a long breath. At this moment, the Wu Qingfeng elder also had several other old people to encircle it in middle, although did not have take action, but actually surrounded him. 而这时,叶凡终于发现了庞博,正站在火山下的一片废墟间,他长出了一口气。此刻,吴清风长老还有另外几名老人将其围在了当中,虽然没有出手,但是却将他困住了。 Spirit Ruins Sanctuary came about 20 old people, is similar to these ominous birds and beasts quantities, can say that the both sides strength is close. 灵墟洞天来了将近二十位老人,与那些凶禽猛兽的数量差不多,可以说双方实力接近。 That is......” “那是……” Suddenly, Ye Fan discovered that he little considers as finished several people, has creatures on the volcano, a two meters high guy, on the both arms covered the scale, under shine of magma, lives the splendor shiningly. But in his side young girl, she did not have the both arms, only lives a pair of golden wing, in addition the full long hair such as the gold thread is also common, sparkling. Treats as an equal to them, a great snake, the head new actor, the underbelly lives the sharp claws, went beyond the category of snake completely, is the flood dragon in legend. 突然,叶凡发现他少算了几人,在火山上也有生物,一个两米高的大汉,双臂上覆盖了鳞片,在岩浆的映照下,灿灿生辉。而在他的旁边还有一名少女,她没有双臂,只生有一对金色的羽翼,此外满头长发也如金丝一般,闪闪发光。与他们平起平坐的,还有一条巨蛇,头上生角,腹下生有利爪,完全超出了蛇的范畴,已经算是传说中的蛟。 In Ye Fan heart one cold, he thinks immediately, this is in the legend the big evil spirit, has been able to turn into the person. 叶凡心中一凛,他立刻想到,这是传说中大妖魔,已经可以化成人身。 „......” Ye Fan another startled, he discovers another side of the volcano, existences of three doubtful big monsters, a great man (Han), is extremely big and tall, the best pupil is three meters, although is the complete person, but the head actually lives two bull horn. “还有……”叶凡又一惊,他发现火山另一侧,还有三只疑似大妖的存在,其中一个巨汉,极其魁伟,高足有三米,虽然是完整的人身,但头上却生有两只牛角。 Meanwhile, Ye Fan also discovered 45 true human, a Spirit Ruins Sanctuary leader who seems like had once met by far, in his side also four white blanches must the old person, they are not far from the crater. 同时,叶凡也发现了四五名真正的人类,其中一个似乎是曾经远远见过一面的灵墟洞天的掌门,在他身边还有四个白发白须的老人,他们也距离火山口不远。 Is defers to the strength equivalent choice completely the position, under volcano have several ten ominous birds and beasts, Spirit Ruins Sanctuary one group of elders, but on the volcano is existence of higher first level, their goals are completely same, for ancient palace in magma. 完全是按照实力等阶选择的位置,火山下有数十头凶禽猛兽,还有灵墟洞天的一群长老,而火山上则是更高一级的存在,他们的目的完全相同,都是为岩浆中的古殿而来。 Various all in short supply gaze fire mountain pass, there magma boiling, the ancient palace ups and downs of god splendor twinkle, had Power of Time to past probably, making people feel Ancient Desolate aura. 诸强全都紧张的注视着火山口,那里岩浆沸腾,神辉闪烁的古殿沉沉浮浮,像是有时间的力量在流转,让人感觉到了一股荒古的气息。 Second arrived, one, but will be very mostly late, fellow book friends can tomorrow morning get up to look. 第二更到了,还有一更,但多半会很晚,各位书友可以明天早晨起来看。
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