STH :: Volume #1

#100: Looks for the tooth everywhere

Lies Zhang Wenchang lifts head comes on the liquor table, quickly wipes the tears mark on face with the sleeve, covers sad depressed and sadness, makes the smiling face, said: Does not do right by several, I drank, thought of some past events, some mood out-of-control.” 趴在酒桌上张文昌抬起头来,急忙用袖子擦去脸上的泪迹,掩去悲郁与哀伤,强作笑颜,道:“对不住几位,我喝多了,想到了一些往事,情绪有些失控。” Ye Fan sends out a sigh in the heart, this old schoolmate crosses is very unpleasant, the shame to the wife, missing has not seen the child, the sentiment is difficult to control self, cries, after these people taunted, actually must cover sadly, apologized to others, what kind of one mood at this moment was? 叶凡在心中发出一声叹息,这个老同学过的很不如意,愧对妻子,思念从来没有见过的孩子,情难自禁,失声痛哭,被这几人嘲讽后却要掩去哀伤,向别人赔不是,此刻是怎样的一种心情? This time Zhang Wenchang double temple is graying, two swelling, the tears mark has not done, hides in that sad depressed of heart and moved can definitely by the bystander sensation, this let the Ye Fan's stingy ruthless twitch, this old schoolmate really did not accommodate very much easily, a very simple and simple-hearted man, unexpectedly to present this position. 此时的张文昌双鬓斑白,两眼肿胀,泪迹未干,藏在心底的那种悲郁与伤感完全可以被外人感知到,这让叶凡的心狠狠的抽动了一下,这个老同学真的很容不易,一个很朴实与木讷的男人,竟到了如今这步境地。 Half waste old man, we are disinclined to lower oneself to the same level with you, is you cries not to close our anything matter. However, your friend speech to/clashes very much, we want to know with him.” “半废老头,我们懒得跟你一般见识,就是你哭死也不关我们什么事。不过,你这位朋友说话很冲,我们想跟他认识认识。” On that several faces has the taunt color, arrives at the liquor table near, occupies a commanding position to overlook Ye Fan and Zhang Wenchang, but Han Feiyu is show(s) one sneers, stares at Ye Fan saying: Really is it's a small world, I have thought you died in that stretch of ruins, has not thought of here the chance encounter, more than two years passed, I want to ask you to be intimate always.” 那几个人脸上带着嘲讽之『色』,来到酒桌近前,居高临下俯视着叶凡张文昌,而韩飞羽更是『露』出一丝冷笑,盯着叶凡道:“真是人生何处不相逢,我一直以为你死在那片废墟中了,没有想到在这里巧遇,两年多过去了,我无时无刻不想找你亲近亲近。” Obstructs day 100 遮天100 Ye Fan tranquil sitting there, for oneself but actually one glass of liquor, very at will with calm, carries the wine glass, drank, said: It's a small world...... I heard these words unexpectedly, on a person injures someone inadequately instead causes self infliction, how does not know this time to be able.” He thought of Elder Han, at this moment hears Han Feiyu to say the similar words, in his heart thought that is really strange. 叶凡平静的坐在那里,为自己倒了一杯酒,很随意与从容,端起酒杯,一口喝了下去,道:“人生何处不相逢……我居然又听到了这句话,上一个人害人不成反害己,不知道这一次会怎样。”他想到了韩长老,此刻听到韩飞羽说出同样的话,他心中觉得甚是怪异。 You are very actually calm, do not do intentionally calmly, today no one saved you, I must peel your skin exactly!” At this point, the Han Feiyu frown stood upside down, the look is very scary, complexion seems very fierce, he is hard to forget that initially the beaten savagely scene, punctured probably always grips generally in his at heart. “你倒是很沉稳,不要故作冷静了,今天没有人救得了你,我要活剥了你的皮!”说到这里,韩飞羽的双眉倒立了起来,眼神很骇人,脸『色』显得非常狰狞,他难以忘记当初被暴打的情景,像是一根刺一般始终扎在他的心里。 Junior Brother Han, he and do you have resentful? Giving us was good, projects on directly remnantly, here does not need what scruples.” 韩师弟,他与你有怨?交给我们好了,直接打到残,在这里无需什么顾忌。” This waste speech flushed a moment ago very much, even if has not annoyed Junior Brother Han, we are impossible to let off him.” “刚才这个废物说话很冲,就算是没有惹过韩师弟,我们也不可能放过他。” Several people sneer wear a look, must begin. 几人面带冷笑,就要动手。 Zhang Wenchang quickly stands up, said: Several Senior Brother Junior Brother, like this, he should not be only an average person, does not want 『』 to come chaotically.” 张文昌急忙站起身来,道:“几位师兄师弟,你们不要这样,他只是一个普通人,不要『乱』来。” Half waste old man you are staying at the same time, here not your anything matter.” One of them disdaining color, is wear a look of impatient, pushed to stagger Zhang Wenchang, nearly fell down. “半废老头你一边呆着去,这里没你什么事。”其中一人面带不屑之『色』,非常不耐烦,一把将张文昌推了一个趔趄,险些栽倒。 „When you just crossed the threshold, the Ma Yun elder regards a treasure you, finally how? However first melted Sea of Bitterness that's all by luck, useful, the time is long, thoroughly by striking back primary form......” “你刚入门时,马云长老把你当成块宝,结果怎样?不过是侥幸先化开了苦海而已,有什么用处,时间一长,彻底被打回原形……” Half waste old man you are short in this are in the way, if not Liu Yiyi is protecting you everywhere......!” The person of speech sneers again and again, although has not said the following words, but who knows his meaning. “半废老头你少在这碍事,如果不是柳依依处处护着你……嘿!”说话的人冷笑连连,虽然没有说出后面的话,但是谁都知道他的意思。 Several, I apologized to you, if you are unsatisfied, comes to me, do not press my friend.” Zhang Wenchang puts out a hand to block several people, keeps off Ye Fan behind. “几位,我给你们赔不是了,如果你们不满意,冲着我来吧,不要难为我这个朋友。”张文昌伸手拦住几人,将叶凡挡在身后。 Half waste old man, you really thinks oneself were a character, thinks well, what thing you were?” Middle a person satisfied, contemptuously did not sweep his one eyes, numerous shoves open him, shouts: Make way!” “半废老头,你真以为自己是个人物了,好好想想,你算是什么东西?”当中一人非常不满意,轻蔑的扫了他一眼,重重的将他推开,喝道:“闪开!” Ye Fan supports Zhang Wenchang, takes a fast look around several people, said: What thing are you?” 叶凡张文昌扶住,扫视几人,道:“你们又算什么东西?” Ye Fan...... Zhang Wenchang quickly do not prevent Ye Fan like this, did not make him continue again, then went forward again, said: Several really do not do right by, my friend is only an ordinary mortal, do not care, if in the heart is angry comes to me, do not press him.” 叶凡不要这样……”张文昌急忙阻止叶凡,不让他再继续说下去,而后再次上前,道:“几位真的对不住,我这个朋友只是一个普通的凡人,你们不要在意,如果心中有气就冲着我来吧,不要难为他。” Was that youth of head is impatient, could not bear again, seizes Zhang Wenchang collar, said: You really think that Liu Yiyi can support the waist to you, the words that does not want dead roll the distant point to me!” 为首的那个青年早已不耐烦,再也忍不住,揪住张文昌的衣领子,道:“你真以为柳依依能够给你撑住腰吗,不想死的话给我滚远点!” Lets loose him!” Ye Fan still sits there, has not set out, carries one glass of liquor, sprinkled directly on the face of that person. You court death!” Was that male complexion of head gloomy to the extreme, pushes out Zhang Wenchang, brandishes the palm of the hand to pull out toward the Ye Fan's face on. “放开他!”叶凡依然坐在那里,没有起身,端起一杯酒,直接泼在了那个人的脸上。“你找死!”为首的那名男子脸『色』阴森到了极点,一把将张文昌推了出去,抡起巴掌向着叶凡的脸上抽来。 Ye Fan sits there has not moved, puts out a hand to hold the palm of the hand that only brandishes, makes an effort to turn, ka-cha a resounding, breaks off his wrist/skill directly, becomes the fishhook shape. Then he lifts the hand, according to the face of this person is slap, numerous pulling out above. 叶凡坐在那里没有移动,伸手将那只抡过来的巴掌抓住,用力一扭,“喀嚓”一声脆响,直接将其手腕折断,成为了鱼钩状。而后他抬起手来,照着这个人的面庞就是一巴掌,重重的抽在了上面。 “pā” “啪” Very resounding slap, can clear saw that face is distorting, then the tooth falls off, the blood blowout, an entire portrait puppet flies upside down generally 78 meters away, numerous falling on the ground. 非常响亮的耳光,可以清晰的看到那张脸在变形,而后牙齿脱落,鲜血喷出,整个人像个木偶一般倒飞出去七八米远,重重的摔在地上。 No matter what no one has thought that can be such a result, that person made several on the ground, has not crawled actually, his both ears buzzed, the mind was murky, the head almost pulled out the crack, yelled: Killed him to me!” 任谁也没有想到会是这样一个结果,那个人在地上挣动了几下,硬是没有爬起来,他的双耳嗡嗡作响,头脑昏昏沉沉,头颅差点被抽裂,大叫道:“给我杀了他!” Obstructs day 100 遮天100 Han Feiyu quite knew about Ye Fan, first drew back, simultaneously reminded to others, said: Be careful, this waste physique is special, the strength is greatly infinite, should not be held by him, attacks him by far, the direct took out weapon, cuts the meat sauce him!” 韩飞羽叶凡比较了解,第一时间退了出去,同时向其他人提醒,道:“小心,这个废物体质特殊,力大无穷,千万不要被他抓住,远远的攻击他,直接祭出武器,把他斩成肉酱!” These words rather some that he said late, the Ye Fan's speed was too fast, clutched a man directly, pro and con two slap, its murkiness of pulling out, the quarrel/corners of the mouth bloody water long class/flow, carry the scarecrow general probably, treated as the weapon to brandish it directly. 他说的这些话未免有些晚了,叶凡的速度太快了,直接将一名男子揪了过去,正反两个耳光,将其抽的昏昏沉沉,口角血水长流,像是拎稻草人一般,直接将其当作武器抡动了起来。 Bang bang “砰砰” The Ye Fan's strength and speed are fearful, brandish to begin the man, plunges his cultivator three, the pounded pitiful yell was flying upside down, those present heard the sound of bone disruption. 叶凡的力量与速度非常可怕,抡动手中的男子,将三名扑向他的修士,砸的惨叫着倒飞了出去,在场的人都听到了骨头碎裂的声响。 Draws back quickly, do not approach him!” Han Feiyu yelled. “快退,不要靠近他!”韩飞羽大叫。 Where reminded with him to some present also people, opposite that seems like very delicate youngster simply is human form barbarian beast, was too simply wild nature, carrying a big living person is looking like pinches a toothpick general, pounded others rolled everywhere. 到了现在哪里还有人用他提醒,对面那个看起来很清秀的少年简直是一个人形蛮兽,简直太野『性』了,拎着一个大活人就像是捏着一根牙签一般,将其他人砸的满地滚。 Junior Brother Han you did not say he is the waste?” 韩师弟你是不说他是废物吗?” How will this waste have such divine force?” “这个废物怎么会有这样的神力?” The remaining several people have a lingering fear, complexion bad interrogation Han Feiyu. 剩下的几人心有余悸,面『色』不善的质问韩飞羽 Truly is only a waste, he cannot practice, is only strength big that's all, so long as does not approach him, cutting to kill him to be easy.” On Han Feiyu face show(s) fierce sneering. “确实只是一个废物,他不能够修行,只是力气大而已,只要不靠近他,斩杀他轻而易举。”韩飞羽脸上『露』出狰狞的冷笑。 Everyone took out the respective weapon, the time magnificent light twinkle, the azure wood seal, the cold crowbar, the scarlet blood lance all hung in in the air, aimed at Ye Fan. 所有人都祭出了各自的武器,顿时间光华闪烁,青木印、寒铁尺、赤血矛等全都悬在空中,对准了叶凡 „To let the words that he dies, your took out weapon, I did not mind regards the human shield freely him.” Ye Fan waves the human form weapon, careless saying, copes with these Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator, he does not need violent reveal strength. “想让他死的话,你们尽管祭出武器,我不介意将他当成人肉盾牌。”叶凡挥了挥手中的人形兵器,漫不经心的说道,对付这些苦海境界的修士,他根本无需暴『露』实力。 Does not want, everyone is calmer.” Zhang Wenchang goes forward, surface reveal anxious color, keeps off before the Ye Fan's body, shouts to these people: He is not only the friend of mine, is the Liu Yiyi friend, you cannot like this to him......” “不要啊,大家都冷静一些。”张文昌上前,面『露』焦急之『色』,挡在叶凡的身前,对那些人喊道:“他不仅是我的朋友,还是柳依依的朋友,你们不能这样对他……” Half waste old man you go away to me, whom now lifts to come no matter uses, does not kill him to be difficult hate of my heart!” First pulled out that man who flies by Ye Fan slap, covered the swelling cheeks to crawl, in the eye the cold light sparkled, said: „Is Liu Yiyi very great? If she dares to send a punitive expedition, some people will naturally cope with her!” “半废老头你给我滚开,现在抬出谁来都不管用,不杀了他难出我心头之恨!”最先被叶凡一巴掌抽飞出去的那个男子,捂着肿胀的脸颊爬了起来,眼中寒光闪闪,道:“柳依依很了不起吗?她如果敢来兴师问罪,自然会有人对付她!” Looks at this very unpleasant old schoolmate, Ye Fan sighs lightly, patted his shoulder, whispered: „ You withdraw, their unable to cope with I said that these words, Ye Fan holds the arm of Zhang Wenchang, just right threw to fly him. 看着这位过的很不如意的老同学,叶凡轻叹了一口气,拍了拍他的肩头,低语道:“你退后,他们奈何不了我说完这些话,叶凡抓住张文昌的手臂,恰到好处的将他抛飞了出去。 Also is gawking doing, blew him to me exactly!” Is a that man gets angry said. “还愣着干什么,给我活刮了他!”为首那个男子怒道。 chī chī chī 哧哧哧 The sound of breaking space unceasingly, the azure wood seal, the cold crowbar, the scarlet blood lance such as cuts down fast, but. 破空之响不断,青木印、寒铁尺、赤血矛等如快速劈杀而至。 Ye Fan is calm and calm, wields begins the human form weapon, unceasing block. 叶凡从容而又镇定,挥动手中的人形兵器,不断封挡 "Ah...... you...... cut on me! ” “啊……你们……斩在我身上了!” Was caught the man in hand by Ye Fan, at this time was slightly sober, pitiful yell again and again, unceasing cursing of air/Qi. If not that several people receives deftly, this cultivator had been cut the round number section. 叶凡抓在手中的男子,这时稍微清醒了一些,惨叫连连,气的不断咒骂。如果不是那几人收手快的话,这名修士已经被斩成数段了。 Gives me on, I thought that he can all block, I must blow him exactly.” Is that man of head, complexion gloomy like the water, orders surrounding person again take action. “给我一齐上,我看他能不能全都挡住,我一定要活刮了他。”为首的那名男子,面『色』阴沉如水,命令周围的人再次出手 Obstructs day 100 遮天100 Chen Feng you are inadequate like this, I will be killed by you!” Was grasped cultivator in hand to yell by Ye Fan panic-stricken, but was pounded by the azure wood seal fainted. 陈枫你不成这样,我会被你害死的!”被叶凡抓在手中的修士惊恐大叫,但紧接着就被青木印砸的昏死了过去。 Surrounding person's man to that named Chen Feng always follows, all the took out weapon chops to cut forward, although is very careful, but often starts out blood-stained mouth on that human shield. 周围的人对那个名为陈枫的男子言听计从,全都祭出武器向前劈斩,尽管已经很小心,但还是不时在那名人肉盾牌身上开出一道血口子。 Ye Fan does not want to waste the time with them, cultivation base to Spring of Life Realm, strikes to kill Sea of Bitterness Realm's cultivator, if truly grinds the ants is so simple. He raises that man to keep off before the body, the body turns into the a ray of light shadow, before rushing to the male body of that named Chen Feng directly, before it had not responded grasps it in the hand. 叶凡不想与他们浪费时间,修为到了命泉境界,击杀苦海境界的修士,确实如碾碎蝼蚁那么简单。他提着那名男子挡在身前,身体化成一道光影,直接冲到了那个名为陈枫的男子身前,在其还没有反应过来前就将其抓在手中。 "Ah...... ” this named Chen Feng man called out pitifully again and again, he was also regarded the human shield, the body had several wounds one after another “啊……”这个名为陈枫的男子连连惨叫,他也被当成了人肉盾牌,身体接连出现数道伤口 The surrounding person some feelings of being cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, Ye Fan seems like a lightning general immediately, walks randomly fast, bang bang bang the sound spreads unceasingly, everyone was patted turns in the place. 周围的人顿时有投鼠忌器的感觉,叶凡像是一道闪电一般,快速游走,“砰砰砰”的声音不断传出,所有人都被拍翻在地。 Only then Han Feiyu is struggling, prints took out azure wood again, pounds the pressure on fall to go toward Ye Fan, wants to be killed by shock it, however he discovered at this moment panic-stricken, just changed to azure wood treasure seal of grinding pan size, one was grasped by Ye Fan in the hand, firm cannot shake. 只有韩飞羽挣扎着,重新将青木祭出,向着叶凡砸压落而去,想要将其震死,然而就在这时他惊恐的发现,刚刚变化到磨盘大小的青木宝印,被叶凡一把抓在了手中,牢不可撼动。 Bang “砰” Han Feiyu all frightens the ghost to brave, his azure wood treasure seal by Ye Fan relaxed holds, then the back-hand, is wielding the dark green flyswatter to be generally easy simply probably, yes, in this moment, he felt that oneself looks like a fly. 韩飞羽吓得亡魂皆冒,他的青木宝印被叶凡轻松的抓住,而后反手拍了下来,简直像是在挥动苍蝇拍一般容易,是的,在这一刻,他感觉自己就像是个苍蝇。 ka-cha 喀嚓 The breastbone of Han Feiyu does not know that many roots, the big mouth spat blood, was patted directly turns in the place, is also hard to move again. 韩飞羽的胸骨也不知道断了多少根,大口吐血,直接被拍翻在地,再也难以动弹一下。 Before small wineshop, lay down a place person, all in painful ahem, no one can crawl, Zhang Wenchang of not far away hardly can believe that own eye, said: This......” 小酒肆前躺了一地人,全都在痛苦的哼唧着,没有一个人能够爬起来,不远处的张文昌几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛,道:“这……” Ye Fan carries these people, throws to one, then brandishes the big palm of the hand one by one, said: Depends on you also to bully the person? You who the waste that my cannot practice hits in the same old way look for the tooth everywhere.” 叶凡将这些人拎起来,扔到一处,而后挨个抡大巴掌,道:“就凭你们也想欺负人?我这个不能修行的废物照样打的你们满地找牙。” „......” “啪啪啪……” Ye Fan both hands gearing, big slap one blow then one blow enjoyed, the hit these person of saliva scatter, blood chaotic flies, the tooth loosen falls. 叶凡双手连动,大耳光一记接着一记的赏了出去,打的这些人口水四溅,鲜血『乱』飞,牙齿松落。 Everyone called out pitifully again and again, begged for mercy unceasingly. 所有人都惨叫连连,不断求饶。 Ye Fan looks certainly after Han Feiyu also to have Chen Feng with emphasis, like carrying damned dog them puts together abreast in row, big slap again and again, the palm of the hand brandishes unceasingly, the sound of clear slap is lingering on faintly. 叶凡当然是重点照顾韩飞羽还有陈枫,像拎死狗一样将他们并排放在一起,大耳光连连,巴掌不断抡动,清脆的耳光之响不绝于耳。 Ray that you......” Han Feiyu mouth and nose overflowing blood, in the eyes are full of the hatred. “你……”韩飞羽口鼻溢血,双目中充满怨毒的光芒。 “pā” “啪” The Ye Fan slap fan in the past, then clutched him, said: Really is it's a small world......” 叶凡一个耳光扇了过去,而后将他揪了起来,道:“真是人生何处不相逢……” After Han Feiyu hears those words, the air/Qi big mouth spits blood, the whole body shivers, almost passed away. 韩飞羽听到那句话后,气的大口吐血,浑身颤抖,差点一命呜呼。
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