STH :: Volume #2

#101: Cauldron prestige

Chapter 101 第101章 Cauldron prestige 鼎威 Ye Fan does not have the slight pity to Han Feiyu, does not know that slapped many faces, feeling were sour, finally threw it on the ground, he stood up, walked toward others, pitiful yell sound immediately continuously. 叶凡韩飞羽无丝毫怜悯之心,也不知道抽了多少巴掌,感觉手都酸了,最后将其扔在地上,他站起身来,向着其他人走去,惨叫声顿时此起彼伏。 Ye Fan do not hit again, was about to kill.” Zhang Wenchang expression is very anxious. 叶凡不要再打了,快出人命了。”张文昌神『色』很紧张。 „, Their lives are very don't worry hard.” “不用担心,他们的命都很硬。” Until passes 7½ minutes, here thoroughly is pure, everyone fainted. 直至又过去半刻钟,这里才彻底清净下来,所有人都昏死了过去。 Obstructs day 101 遮天101 Ye Fan looked in the small tavern that lethargic old person, looks to several wineshops in distant place, this calls a halt, asked in a low voice: „The old person in tavern......” 叶凡看了看小酒馆中那个暮气沉沉的老人,又向远处的几个酒肆望了望,这才停手,低声问道:“酒馆中的老人……” Here opens the people in tavern with me is the same kind of person, no talent, half a lifetime wastes time, before arriving at old also no achievement, but does not want to leave......” Zhang Wenchang to sigh. “在这里开酒馆的人都和我是同一类人,没有什么天分,半生蹉跎,临到老也没有什么成就,但又不想离开……”张文昌叹了一口气。 Ye Fan nods, then said in a low voice: You said that to me these people of situations, having a look at me to help you solve the future trouble thoroughly.” 叶凡点了点头,而后低声道:“你给我说说这几人的情况,看看我能不能彻底帮你解决后患。” You...... do not use this, really does not need like this!” Zhang Wenchang startled repetitive shaking the head. “你……不用这样,真的不需要这样!”张文昌惊的连连摇头。 Sees this simple simple-hearted old schoolmate, Ye Fan sighs, patted his shoulder gently, said: I chaotic will not come, you gave me to say in detail, how otherwise to settle?” 看着这个朴实木讷的老同学,叶凡叹了一口气,轻轻拍了拍他的肩头,道:“我不会『乱』来,你给我详细说一说,不然怎么善后?” After Ye Fan listens carefully, sneers saying: Does not have Spring of Life Realm's Elder Sister, dares is so rampant, humiliates the same side......” 叶凡仔细听完后,冷笑道:“不就是有一个命泉境界的姐姐吗,就敢如此嚣张,欺凌同门……” Zhang Wenchang sighs, said: Has light/only has the darkness, has the black white/in vain, where is the same, is impossible is the good people, is impossible is the evil people, the good and evil intermingled, cannot get used to seeing also can only endure......” 张文昌叹了一口气,道:“有光就有暗,有白就有黑,在哪里都一样,不可能都是好人,也不可能都是恶徒,良莠不齐,看不惯也只能忍……” The Ye Fan's state of mind is not very calm, said: I all solve them, then kills Chen Feng Elder Sister, looks that you were insulted by them, in my heart difficult secure.” 叶凡的心绪很不平静,道:“我将他们所有人全都解决,然后再将陈枫姐姐干掉,看着你被他们欺辱,我心中难安。” Zhang Wenchang hears these words, is not only moved and was afraid, preventing him from continue say, latter looked toward left, said: Do not stir up trouble, you do not understand to practice, after because ate that holy fruit , the physique far supernormal person, can defeat these people, but you are unable to imagine Spring of Life Realm's cultivator to have how fearfully......” 张文昌听到这些话语,既感动又害怕,阻止他继续说,向左后看了看,道:“千万不要惹事,你不懂得修行,只是因为吃了那种圣果后体质远超常人,才能够打败这些人,但是你根本无法想象命泉境界的修士有多么可怕……” Ye Fan smiles, said: Relax, I chaoticwill not come here 『.” 叶凡笑了笑,道:“放心吧,我不会在这里『乱』来。” Zhang Wenchang complexion suddenly changed changed, said: You hurry, otherwise they woke up, invited that woman, the trouble was big, even if were Yiyi left seclusion cannot prevent.” 张文昌脸『色』突然变了又变,道:“你赶紧走吧,不然等他们醒来,将那个女人请来,麻烦就大了,纵然是依依出关也阻止不了。” I, if leaves like this, they will be mad scatter in your head.” “我若是这样走掉,他们岂不是将气都撒在你的头上。” All right, they do not dare to kill me, kills in the same side for no reason the person, must pay with a life by the life, you do not need to worry for me, hurries to leave here!” Zhang Wenchang anxious pushing Ye Fan, urged that he flees quickly. “没事,他们不敢杀我,无故杀死同门中人,要以命偿命,你不用为我担心,赶紧离开这里!”张文昌焦急的推叶凡,催促他赶快逃离。 At this moment, Ye Fan felt that the ground Han Feiyu and Chen Feng awoke to transfer, he said immediately loudly: Good, such being the case, I flee from here immediately.” 就在这时,叶凡感觉地上的韩飞羽陈枫醒转了过来,他顿时大声道:“好,既然如此,我马上逃离这里。” Said that these words, he stepped on several feet on the face of Han Feiyu and Chen Feng layer on layer/heavily, two people of ground was tolerating the severe pain, has not called, they pretended dusk fan, after preparation and other Ye Fan left, immediately asks the person to intercept him halfway. 说完这些话,他在韩飞羽陈枫的脸上重重的踩了几脚,地上的两人强忍着剧痛,都没有叫出来,他们装作昏『迷』,准备等叶凡离开后,立刻去请人半路截杀他。 Walks quickly.” The Zhang Wenchang intense and anxious urging, said: Outside entrance has rivers, I remember that your water nature is very good, after going out, you jump in the river to walk randomly directly, hides in as far as possible underwater, otherwise, that woman can fly, quick will discover you.” “快走吧。”张文昌紧张而又焦急的催促,道:“山门外有一条河流,我记得你水『性』很好,出去后你直接跳进河中游走,尽量藏在水下,不然的话,那个女人能够飞行,很快就会发现你。” Good, I knew.” Ye Fan said loudly, then turns around to walk, Zhang Wenchang follows after sees off. “好,我知道了。”叶凡大声说道,而后转身就走,张文昌跟随在后相送。 Two people just departed, Chen Feng then sat all of a sudden, clenches jaws saying: „To walk...... is not easy, I must defeat the bone to raise the ash you!” 两人刚刚离去,陈枫便一下子坐了起来,咬牙切齿道:“想走……没那么容易,我要将你挫骨扬灰!” Meanwhile, Han Feiyu is also enduring the bone fracture severe pain, crawled, his both eyes murderous intention finishes reveal, said: Chen brother, asked your Elder Sister to chase down him quickly, must hold him, did not peel his skin exactly, hate of difficult solution heart!” 与此同时,韩飞羽也忍着骨折的剧痛,爬了起来,他双目杀机毕『露』,道:“陈兄,快去请你的姐姐追杀他,一定要抓住他,不活剥了他的皮,难解心头之恨!” Obstructs day 101 遮天101 After Ye Fan arrives at the entrance, then said to Zhang Wenchang: You could rest assured that will not have anything, hurries.” 叶凡来到山门后,回头对张文昌道:“你放心,不会有什么事,赶紧回去吧。” You walk quickly, must take care!” Zhang Wenchang urged, on the face filled anxiously. “你快走吧,一定要保重!”张文昌催促,脸上充满了焦虑。 Good, sees again!” The Ye Fan turning around stride departs. “好,再见!”叶凡转身大步离去。 Before Jade Cauldron sanctuary entrance, that rivers are very wide, is very rapid, Ye Fan walks toward the downstream along the rivers, has not run away, on the contrary walks is very slow, he is waiting for the pursuing troops. 玉鼎洞天山门前那条河流很宽,也很湍急,叶凡沿着河流向下游走去,并没有逃遁,相反走的很慢,他在等待追兵。 Now, he most self-confident is own speed, when he puts together completely the strength flight, the golden Sea of Bitterness great waves will soar to the heavens, and along with the thunder, his body will submerge by the golden light and lightning, the wind and thunder will be intermittent, speed quick inconceivable. 如今,他最自信的就是自己的速度,每当他拼尽力量飞行时,金『色』苦海就会浪涛冲天,且伴随着电闪雷鸣,他的身体会被金光与闪电淹没,风雷阵阵,速度快的不可思议。 Even if cannot really be victorious, I can also run away......” “纵然真的打不过,我也可以逃走……” The time passes by merely 7½ minutes, the upstream in this rivers then transmits the sound of breaking space, several person's shadow controlling rainbows clash. 时间仅仅过去半刻钟,这条河流的上游便传来破空之响,数道人影驭虹冲来。 „To walk...... is not easy!” Blue clothes female lightly shouted, clothes sleeve dances in the breeze, flap flap makes noise, lands on the front, blocked the Ye Fan's way. “想走……没那么容易!”一个蓝衣女子轻喝,衣袂飘舞,猎猎作响,降落在前方,挡住了叶凡的去路。 Afterward, another three people also fly, interrupted the Ye Fan's escape route, encircles him in the center. These four people all are Spring of Life Realm's cultivator, two male and two female, is the 28 or 29-year-old appearance, expression is all bad, simply has not treated as the living person to look Ye Fan. 随后,另外三人也飞至,截断了叶凡的退路,将他围在中央。这四人皆是命泉境界的修士,两男两女,全都是二十八九岁的样子,神『色』皆不善,根本没有将叶凡当作活人看。 Ye Fan is staring at front that appearance beautiful blue clothes female, asked: „Are you Chen Feng Elder Sister?” 叶凡盯着前方那个容貌姣好的蓝衣女子,问道:“你是陈枫姐姐吗?” Yes!” The blue clothes female surface sinks like the water, icy looks at Ye Fan, said: Small age take action is then sinister, if makes you grow up, has not known that must have many people to meet with a disaster, today eradicates your disaster.” “是!”蓝衣女子面沉如水,冷冰冰的看着叶凡,道:“小小年纪便出手毒辣,如果让你长大,还不知道要有多少人遭殃呢,今天就铲除你这个祸害吧。” Ye Fan does not lose one's temper, said: Really is the joke, actually who is sinister, who is damages, I think that you are very clear.” 叶凡并不动怒,道:“真是笑话,究竟谁毒辣,谁是祸害,我想你心里很清楚。” The blue clothes female occupies a commanding position, is overlooking him, said: Your what meaning, did take action offend somebody is rational?” 蓝衣女子居高临下,俯视着他,道:“你什么意思,出手伤人还有理了?” Your younger brother are what person you can not know that arrogant, insults the same side, but also threatened that must hit remnantly me, is not as skillful as others, after being taught, asks you to intercept me, you may really be his good Elder Sister, is really a mother lives, 』 is the same includingnature.” “你弟弟是什么样的人你能不知道吗,飞扬跋扈,欺辱同门,还扬言要将我打残,技不如人,被教训后,又找你们来截杀我,你可真是他的好姐姐,果然是一个妈生的,连品『性』都一样。” You...... court death!” The blue clothes female has not thought that Ye Fan dares to contradict like this she, complexion is ugly. “你……找死!”蓝衣女子没有想到叶凡敢这样顶撞她,脸『色』非常难看。 Side that three people have not all placed in Ye Fan the eye, a man opens the mouth to say careless: Chen Yu you invited us, made a fuss over a trifling matter, does not absolutely need to drag in lots of people, was not an ordinary mortal, had anything to distinguish with the ants, massacred to consider as finished directly, rubbish with his what Xu.” 旁边那三人全都没有将叶凡放在眼中,其中一个男子漫不经心的开口道:“陈玉你将我们都请来,也太小题大做了,根本没有必要兴师动众,不就是一个普通的凡人吗,跟蝼蚁有什么区别,直接杀掉算了,跟他何需废话。” Hurries to solve, does not need to waste the time.” “赶紧解决掉,没有必要浪费时间。” I first go back, deals with such mortal, a finger can select dead, where need we come to here.” “我还是先回去吧,对付这样的凡人,一个手指头就可以点死,哪里需要我们来这里。” The other two are direct, had treated as the deceased person Ye Fan, simply does not have to see him. 另外两人更是直接,早已将叶凡当作了死人,根本没有正眼看他。 First do not kill him, keeps...... the upstream in rivers to hear the shout to me, Chen Feng is running fast. “先不要杀他,给我留着……”河流的上游传来喊声,陈枫正在快速奔跑而来。 The Han Feiyu hand is also covering the chest, the corners of the mouth overflowing blood, to/clashes to here, clenches jaws, shouts: Cannot let his happy dying!” 韩飞羽也手捂着胸口,嘴角溢血,向这边冲来,咬牙切齿,喊道:“不能让他痛快的死去!” „Did you really regard the deceased person me?” Ye Fan looks at the near four people, looks to Chen Feng and Han Feiyu of not far away, a corners of the mouth show(s) smile. “你们真将我当成死人了?”叶凡看着近前的四人,又望向不远处的陈枫韩飞羽,嘴角『露』出一丝笑容。 Obstructs day 101 遮天101 Side, a man scoffs to say with a smile: You think that can also live is leaving?” 旁边,一个男子嗤笑道:“你以为还能够活着离开吗?” Another female despising color, said wear a look of: Acts recklessly, the mortal like you, my spittle can want your life, kills you with being run over and dying a stinking insect has no difference.” 另一名女子面带轻蔑之『色』,道:“不知死活,像你这样的凡人,我一颗唾沫星子就可以要你的命,杀你跟碾死一只臭虫没什么区别。” „The next generation should not be so rash, otherwise, will also be the same to today, dies does not know how dies.” Another man ridicules to say. “下辈子不要这么莽撞,不然的话,还将跟今天一样,死都不知道怎么死的。”另外一个男子揶揄道。 The Chen Yu blue clothes is floating, murderous intention on face collects gradually, said: Kills him truly to smear my hand, leaves that boy surnamed Han to kill, so as to avoid also the person in gate gossipped.” 陈玉蓝衣飘飘,脸上的杀机渐渐敛去,道:“杀他确实污我的手,留给姓韩的那个小子杀吧,也免得门中的人说闲话。” Looks that Chen Feng and Han Feiyu must rush to here immediately, Ye Fan shakes the head to smile, then sighs, said: Really struggles to rush to lose one's life.” 看着陈枫韩飞羽马上就要赶到这里,叶凡摇头笑了笑,而后叹了一口气,道:“真是争着抢着来送命啊。” The words fall finish, Ye Fan launches an attack suddenly, plunged man a three meters away directly, the palm of the hand brandished layer on layer/heavily. 话语落毕,叶凡突然发难,直接扑向三米外的一名男子,巴掌重重的抡动了出去。 A mortal executes the killer suddenly, several people on the scene have not guarded, the Ye Fan's speed was too fast, looks like one simply like lightning, arrived at the near of that man all of a sudden, slap pulled out to fly it, person eardrum that the sound shook buzzed. 一个凡人突施杀手,在场几人都没有防备,叶凡的速度太快了,简直就像是一道闪电般,一下子就到了那个男子的近前,一巴掌将其抽飞了出去,声音震的人耳鼓嗡嗡作响。 “pā” “啪” This records big of slap strength to be inconceivable! 这记耳光力量之大难以想象! The head of that man splits directly, in the eye filled feared and unwilling, has not understood until death, a mortal so will be why fearful, he by racket while still alive. 那个男子的头颅直接裂开,眼中充满了恐惧与不甘,至死都没有明白,一个凡人为什么会这么可怕,他被活活的拍死了。 But in this process, another female also sends out a pitiful yell, Ye Fan took out Gold Book is covering golden Divine fire Sun probably, to/clashes, cut his head directly, the blood spout, the corpse throws down on the ground. 而在这个过程中,另外一名女子也发出一声惨叫,叶凡祭出金书像是笼罩着黄金神火太阳,一冲而过,直接将其头颅切割了下来,鲜血喷涌,死尸摔倒在地上。 This was the instant matter, Ye Fan directly solves two Spring of Life Realm's cultivator, Chen Yu also had that male fast retreat, distinguished took out own weapon, kept off before the body. 这不过是刹那间的事情,叶凡直接解决掉了两名命泉境界的修士,陈玉还有那名男子快速后退,分别祭出自己的武器,挡在身前。 This is......” they feel the whole body to feel cold, has not thought that this delicate youngster is so at present terrorist, lifted in the hands to execute their two companions. “这是……”两人感觉浑身发冷,万万没有想到眼前这个清秀的少年这么恐怖,抬手间毙掉了他们的两名同伴。 „The words that you spoke suit you similarly.” Ye Fan shakes the head, said: Dies does not know how dead......” “你们说的话同样适合你们自己。”叶凡摇了摇头,道:“连死都不知道是怎么死的……” complexion of Chen Yu and that man is difficult to see the extreme, what words have not said that soar, wants to fly to escape to go. 陈玉和那名男子的脸『色』难看到极点,什么话也没有说,腾空而起,就想飞遁而去。 But not far away, Chen Feng also had Han Feiyu dumbfounded thoroughly, cannot believe that simply own eye, two Spring of Life Realm's cultivator died a violent death instantaneously, making their heart and gall all cold. 而不远处,陈枫还有韩飞羽彻底呆住了,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,两个命泉境界的修士瞬间死于非命,让他们心胆皆寒。 Where walks!” “哪里走!” Ye Fan's Gold Book crashes in the body, golden small cauldron departs in an instant, such as the golden lightning caught up with that man together generally. 叶凡的金书冲进身体,一尊金『色』小鼎刹那间飞出,如一道金『色』的闪电一般追上了那名男子。 Clang clang “锵锵” Two metal vibratoes send out, two Spiritual Treasure of that man were all crushed, golden small cauldron pierced his head, to/clashes, the corpse crashes in the place directly. 两声金属颤音发出,那名男子的两件灵宝全都被击碎,金『色』小鼎洞穿了他的头颅,一冲而过,死尸直接坠落在地。 golden small cauldron has not stayed, caught up with Chen Yu fast, the golden light is radiant, destroys the hardest defenses, crushes the Chen Yu three treasures one after another, turns into fine powder. 金『色』小鼎并没有停留,快速追上了陈玉,金光璀璨,无坚不摧,接连将陈玉的三件宝物粉碎,化成齑粉 No!” Chen Yu yelled panic-stricken, displays divine ability, dazzling flame refer to from her palm depart, charge into golden small cauldron, simultaneously she in in the air paddles again and again, several thunder and lightning chop to fall, in sky a brilliance. “不!”陈玉惊恐大叫,展出神通,一片刺目的火焰从她的掌指间飞出,冲向金『色』小鼎,同时她在空中连连划动,数道雷电劈落而下,天空中一片绚烂。 However, all these are unable to prevent small cauldron, its golden light is flaming, is extremely dazzling, destroys the hardest defenses, pierced the Chen Yu forehead at the scene, leaves behind a thumb-thick blood hole, the corpse crashes under. 但是,这一切根本无法阻挡小鼎,它金光炽盛,极其炫目,无坚不摧,当场洞穿了陈玉的额头,留下一个拇指粗细的血洞,死尸坠落而下。 small cauldron lives the splendor shiningly, flew, is eye-catching, seems like Dao charm as if made by heaven. 小鼎灿灿生辉,飞了回来,非常夺目,看起来道韵天成 I anticipate One Artifact Breaking Ten Thousand Techniques at that moment!” “我期待一器破万法那一刻!” magnificent light flashes, small cauldron submerges in the Ye Fan's body, vanishes does not see. 光华一闪,小鼎没入叶凡的身体中,消失不见。 divine force that my Golden Sea of Bitterness to stand out from the masses , contains is many times of average man, without disappointing me......” Ye Fan to this fights not too many feelings, from seeing these four people he knows, certainly can cut to massacre. “我的金『色』苦海与众不同,所蕴含的神力是常人的很多倍,没有让我失望……”叶凡对这一战并没有太多的感慨,自见到这四人时他就知道,一定能够斩杀掉。 Not far away, Chen Feng and Han Feiyu complexion is pale, turns around to escape, their both legs is shivering, sways in the process of running, two people are scared. 不远处,陈枫韩飞羽面『色』惨白,转身就逃,他们的双腿的都在颤抖,在奔跑的过程中摇摇晃晃,两人可谓吓破了胆。 Since had come, do not go back.” Ye Fan several steps arrived at their near, puts out a hand to press forward, Chen Feng is killed violently at the scene, numerous throwing down in dust. “既然已经来了,就不要回去了。”叶凡几步就到了他们的近前,伸手向前按去,陈枫当场毙命,重重的摔倒在尘埃中。 Han Feiyu yelled panic-stricken: Do not kill me...... I am......” 韩飞羽惊恐大叫:“不要杀我……我是……” You are who no matter uses, your great uncles I was cut.” “你是谁都不管用,你叔公都我被斩了。” What? You......” Han Feiyu surface like dying embers, desperate yelled: No!” “什么?你……”韩飞羽面如死灰,绝望的大叫道:“不!” Elder Han below you!” Ye Fan is neat, one finger points out, making Han Feiyu be killed violently thoroughly. 韩长老在下面等你呢!”叶凡非常干净利落,一指点出,令韩飞羽彻底毙命。 Is clean processing, Ye Fan just stood up, the horizon transmitted the sound of breaking space, white hair and ruddy complexion and divine poise & sagelike features old person brings Zhang Wenchang to fly, fast landing under. 将现场处理干净,叶凡刚刚站起身来,天际就传来了破空之响,一个鹤发童颜仙风道骨的老人带着张文昌飞来,快速降落而下。 Thank God, you are safe and sound.” Zhang Wenchang is excited, ran fast, said: I invited the Ma Yun elder, he will deliver you to depart.” “谢天谢地,你安然无恙。”张文昌非常激动,快速奔跑了过来,道:“我将马云长老请来了,他将送你离去。” Ye Fan is very affected, says with a smile: Felt relieved, my life was very hard.” 叶凡很感动,笑道:“放心好了,我的命很硬。” You......” at this moment, Ma Yun elder expression changes suddenly, he smelled the bloody flavor, is staring at Ye Fan, said: „Did you all kill them?!” “你……”就在这时,马云长老神『色』骤变,他闻到了血腥的味道,盯着叶凡,道:“你将他们全都杀了?!” They want to kill me, without the means that I have no recourse to counter-attack.” Ye Fan tranquil replying. “他们想杀我,没有办法,我迫不得已反击。”叶凡平静的答道。 This old person is not strange regarding Ye Fan, three years ago are he brings back to Jade Cauldron sanctuary Liu Yiyi and Zhang Wenchang, is he first sees Ye Fan's Ancient Desolate Saint Physique. 这个老人对于叶凡来说并不陌生,三年前就是他将柳依依张文昌带回玉鼎洞天的,也是他最先看出叶凡的荒古圣体 You......” Ma Yun elder, although divine poise & sagelike features, seems like very transcend worldly affairs, but at this moment actually show(s) killing intent. “你……”马云长老虽然仙风道骨,看起来很出尘,但是此刻却『露』出杀意 „The Ma Yun elder I have been very respectable you, from meets for the first time, I thought that you are a charitable elder, hopes that do not disappoint me, rights and wrongs, I think that you should understand and know.” At this point, Ye Fan ascends to the midair in slowly, golden Divine fire in outside the body flaming combustion, such as descending to earth Divinity is ordinary , to continue saying: Depending on my speed, you cannot block me.” 马云长老我一直很尊敬您,从第一次见面时,我就觉得您是一位慈善的长者,希望您不要让我失望,是非曲直,我想您应该明白与知晓。”说到这里,叶凡缓缓升腾到半空中,黄金神火在体外熊熊燃烧,如临尘神祗一般,继续道:“凭我的速度,您拦不住我。” „Can you...... cultivation unexpectedly?!” On the face of Ma Yun elder full is shocking expression, talked to oneself: You are Ancient Desolate Saint Physique, is unable to cultivate...... the present actually to achieve Spring of Life Realm obviously, Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land's holy fruit has such wonderful effectiveness. This cultivation speed...... was too terrifying.” “你……竟然可以修炼?!”马云长老的脸上满是震惊的神『色』,自语道:“你是荒古圣体,明明无法修炼……现在却达到了命泉境界,难道荒古禁地的圣果有这样的神效。这种修炼速度……太恐怖了。” Lucky that's all.” “侥幸而已。” „Are you willing to join my Jade Cauldron sanctuary?” On the face of Ma Yun elder filled hope expression. “你愿意加入我玉鼎洞天吗?”马云长老的脸上充满了希冀的神『色』 Your good intention I declined with thanks, I was used to slackly, is really not suitable joins any Sect.” “您的好意我心领了,我自由散漫惯了,实在不适宜加入任何门派。” expression of Ma Yun show(s) regret, sighed: On the same day we were mistaken, keeps them out you unexpectedly......” 马云『露』出非常后悔的神『色』,叹道:“当日我们都走眼了,竟将你拒之门外……” How does horse elder you prepare to handle the matter of today?” Ye Fan tranquil asking. “马长老您准备怎样处理今日之事?”叶凡平静的问道。 Under, Zhang Wenchang thorough dumbfounded, looks that by Ye Fan that the brilliant golden light covers, he felt that some are unbelievable. 下方,张文昌彻底的呆住了,怔怔的看着被绚烂金光笼罩的叶凡,他感觉有些难以相信。 That several people nature I know.” The Ma Yun elder sank recitation the long time, said: You...... walk.” “那几人的品『性』我知道。”马云长老沉『吟』了半晌,才道:“你……走吧。” Many thanks senior.” Ye Fan continues to open the mouth, said: I want to carry off Wenchang.” “多谢前辈。”叶凡继续开口,道:“我想带走文昌。” „Are you worried about him?” The Ma Yun elder shakes the head, said: Initially, was I brings back to the gate Wenchang and Yiyi, was insufficient to their looking, today I receive Wenchang am disciple, from now on no one will dare the shame again he.” “你是在担心他吗?”马云长老摇了摇头,道:“当初,是我将文昌与依依带回门中的,对他们的关照并不够,今日我将文昌收为弟子,今后没有人再敢辱他。” I felt relieved, many thanks horse elder.” “那我就放心了,多谢马长老。” Under, Zhang Wenchang such as in the dream, felt that all these are very not real. 下方,张文昌如在梦中,感觉这一切都很不真实。 Asked the senior my matter do not say.” “请前辈不要将我的事情说出去。” Ma Yun nods, said: I understand.” 马云点了点头,道:“我明白。” Ye Fan descends in the place, arrives at the Zhang Wenchang near, said: Sees again, later I will also come to see your.” 叶凡降落在地,来到张文昌近前,道:“再见了,以后我还会来看你的。” Until Ye Fan departs is very long, Zhang Wenchang is still looking at the direction that he goes far away silently. 直到叶凡离去很久,张文昌还在默默的看着他远去的方向。 You, although was simple-hearted, but is good-hearted, the sincerity was the good fortune......” the Ma Yun elder walked, patted his shoulder, then looked that to direction that Ye Fan departed, was lost, does not know that is thinking anything. “你虽然木讷了一些,但心地善良,厚道就是福气啊……”马云长老走了过来,拍了拍他的肩头,而后看向叶凡离去的方向,怔怔出神,不知在想些什么。 After two days, Ye Fan hears Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Jiang Family and Flickering Light Holy Land collaborates, will soon enter Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, after he obtains the news, catches up fast to there. 两日后,叶凡听闻荒古世家姜家摇光圣地联手,即将进入荒古禁地,他得到消息后,快速赶向那里。 The life-forbidden zone of that terrifying is located in the Yan Country center region, can set out to there from each direction, but because Jiang Family and Flickering Light Holy Land adopted the route, come cultivator almost all chose this position. 那处恐怖的生命禁区位于燕国中心地域,从各个方向都可以向那里进发,但由于姜家摇光圣地确定了路线,闻讯而来的修士几乎全都选择了这个方位。 Had passed for several days, Jiang Family and Flickering Light Holy Land Powerhouse lives in a small town outside mountain, the meaning of still not having left, other cultivator have to pace back and forth outside the mountain. 已经过去了数天,姜家摇光圣地强者住在大山外的一座小镇上,依然没有动身的意思,其他修士也都只好在大山外徘徊。 Ye Fan wants to be alone thorough, after understanding some situations, his cold sweat again and again, decides to follow in Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family's behind. 叶凡本想独自深入的,但是当了解到一些情况后,他冷汗连连,决定跟在摇光圣地姜家的身后。 Makes them first go facing the danger, I in behind turbid water touching fish.” 『』 Being puzzled of Sacred Medicine to his tempting was too big, regardless of being dangerous, he must collect, he biggest advantage is to take holy fruit, can resist the curse in restricted area. “让他们先去面对危险,我在后面浑水『摸』鱼。”圣『药』对他的诱『惑』太大了,无论多么危险,他必须要采集到手,他最大的优势是服食过一种圣果,可以抵抗禁地中的诅咒。 The mountain exterior region, can see many strange faces every day, Eastern Wilderness' cultivator in unceasing catches up, the person are getting more and more. 大山外部地域,每日间都可以看到很多陌生的面孔,东荒的修士在不断的赶来,人越来越多。 This several days Ye Fan has sauntered in the , obtained the valuable news. 几日叶凡一直在附近转悠,得到了很多有价值的消息。 In the past some Immortal Gate Holy Land attacked Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, the result thorough flying ash annihilation, from now on latter Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land became more fearful, had the greatest effect on cultivator, may imprison all divine ability and strengths, even can truncate the powerful character falls for the mortal. 当年某一仙门圣地攻打荒古禁地,结果彻底飞灰湮灭,自此后荒古禁地变得更加可怕了,对修士有莫大的影响,可禁锢一切神通与力量,甚至可以将强大的人物削落为凡人。 This to me, perhaps is an opportunity!” Ye Fan has not feared, in the eyes instead divine light deep and clear. “这对于我来说,或许是一种机遇!”叶凡没有惧怕,双目中反而神光湛湛 Also passed half a month, Jiang Family and Flickering Light Holy Land still have not left, seems waiting for anything. 又过去了半个月,姜家摇光圣地依然没有动身,似乎在等待着什么。 On this day, Ye Fan saw Zhou Yi, Wang Ziwen, Lin Jia and Li Xiaoman four people unexpectedly from afar, is protecting by Jiang Family and Flickering Light Holy Land many Powerhouse, enters that small town. 就在这一日,叶凡竟远远的看到了周毅王子文林佳李小曼四人,被姜家摇光圣地的诸多强者保护着,走进那座小镇。 Ye Fan frowns, he knows that these two definitely learned these people had come and gone out Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, wants to know the situation to them mostly, will make them travel together. 叶凡皱起了眉头,他知道这两家肯定得悉这些人曾经出入过荒古禁地,多半想向他们了解情况,甚至会让他们同行。 Died, died, everyone died......” silver-haired Old Lunatic to cry and smile outside the mountain, unceasing is repeating some words. “死了,死了,所有人都死了……”一个白发苍苍的老疯子在大山外又哭又笑,不断的重复着一些话语。 Ye Fan arrives at the near, asked to him: What is elderly man you saying?” 叶凡走到近前,向他问道:“老人家你在说什么?” Died, died, everyone died, so long as walks into the restricted area, no one can live......” he to cry and smile, acts like a madman, said: I have seen Rivers of Blood and skeleton such as the picture of mountain......” “死了,死了,所有人都死了,只要走入禁地,没有人能够活下来……”他又哭又笑,疯疯癫癫,道:“我已经看到血流成河、尸骨如山的画面……” You......” Ye Fan surprised uncertain is looking at him. “你……”叶凡惊疑不定的望着他。 Hurries to turn head, otherwise you must die......” this Old Lunatic to cry to smile, said: withered bone is boundless, mountains of corpses & seas of blood, it...... came......” “赶紧回头,不然你也要死……”这个老疯子哭哭笑笑,道:“枯骨无边,尸山血海,它……又来了……” Ye Fan hear of being confused, full are puzzled color. 叶凡听的一头雾水,满是不解之『色』。 In the meantime, not far away silent appearance Old Woman, looks at Old Lunatic of not far away, talked to oneself: Is he? Six thousand years ago, that incomparably prosperous Immortal Gate Holy Land all Powerhouse the destruction in Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, how I had not seen him......” 就在此时,不远处无声无息的出现一个老妪,怔怔的看着不远处的老疯子,自语道:“难道是他?六千年前,那个无比鼎盛的仙门圣地所有强者不都已经覆灭在荒古禁地中了吗,我怎么又看到了他……” Ye Fan hears these words, immediately feels sudden headache. 叶凡听到这些话语,顿时感觉一阵头大 withered bone is boundless, mountains of corpses & seas of blood, it...... came......” silver-haired Old Lunatic a while crying a while to smile, walked back and forth in the mountain exterior region. 枯骨无边,尸山血海,它……又来了……”白发苍苍的老疯子一会儿哭一会儿笑,在大山外部地域走来走去。
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