STH :: Volume #2

#102: Chapter 102 predicts real

Sends the gray Old Lunatic fork to cry is also noisy, is upon the jump in the mountain, the clothing is clumsygets up to be ancient, does not seem like this Era clothing. 发苍苍的老疯子叉哭又闹,在大山中跑来跑去,衣衫拙愕”起来非常古旧,根本不像是这个时代的服饰。 Not far away, Ye Fan whole face inconceivable is expression, really six thousand years ago characters? Rather extremely shocked everybody, in his heart surging drop day wild waves. 不远处,叶凡满脸不可思议的神『色』,难道真的是六千年前的人物?未免太过惊世骇俗了,他心中涌起滴天骇浪。 Ye Fan once in the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary life after a period of time, had certain understanding of this/should faction, oldest that Supreme Elder is about several hundred years old that's all, is the famous elder of being a rear survival. 叶凡曾经在灵墟洞天生活过一段时间,对该派有一定的了解,年纪最大的那位太上长老也不过数百岁而已,已经算是硕果仅存的名宿了。 At present if this Old Lunatic six thousand years ago characters, were too simply groundbreaking! What concept is such long age? Bridged over the long historical years, passed through many or light/only, bright or dark Era, is completely one living the history book, really makes people unable to imagine. 眼前这个老疯子若是六千年前的人物,简直太具有震撼力了!这样悠长的年岁是什么样的概念?跨过了漫长的历史岁月,贯穿了诸多或光,明或黑暗的时代,完全就是一部活着的历史书,实在让人无法想象。 But another side, that miser makes people feel similarly shocking, can recognize this Old Lunatic, mostly is also the same period character. It seems like in the ordinary old woman with village to have no difference. But its age actually dumbstruck with feeling dizzy, this is one type not only shocks and strange feeling. 而另一边,那个老抠同样让人感觉震惊,能够认出这老疯子,多半也是同时期的人物。看起来与乡村中的普通老太太没什么区别。但其年龄却让人发懵与眼晕,这是一种既震撼又怪异的感觉。 Obstructs day 102 遮天102 Ye Fan's is lost in thought that suddenly he dumbfounded all of a sudden, that old pivot shaft vanished silently, simply has not seen her to have any movement. Disappears baseless, does not seem to appear generally. 叶凡的怔怔出神,突然他一下子呆住了,那个老枢无声无息的消失了,根本没有见她有任何动作。就凭空不见了,好像从来没有出现过一般。 Died all diedthat Old Lunatic also to go far away gradually. “死了”全都死了”那个老疯子也渐渐远去。 At this moment, outside many 's flushes away to mountain small towns, all rushes to be first, Ye Fan is perplexed, follows in these people behind, wants to look at an outcome. 就在这时,很多人向大山外的小镇冲去,全都争先恐后,叶凡不明所以,跟在那些人的身后,想去看个究竟。 Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family must enter Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land finally!” 摇光圣地姜家终于要进入荒古禁地了!” Ye Fan knew from the discussion of people, Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family must walk into the mountain, now is calling the manpower, if willing to join them, may obtain the resistance curse Spirit Medicine. 叶凡从众人的议论声中得知,摇光圣地姜家要进山了,现在正在召集人手,若是愿意加入他们,可获得抵抗诅咒的灵『药』 Outside that small town gathered massive cultivator, all in waiting for two super major powers is distributing Spirit Medicine, 1 hour, in the small town transmitted rumble the sound in the past, has probably the mighty force to gallop. 那座小镇外聚集了大量的修士,全都在等着两个超级大势力分发灵『药』,足足过去半个时辰,小镇中才传来隆隆之响,像是有千军万马在奔腾。 Several hundred Knight sit well on various mystical barbarian beast, murderous aura soars to the heavens, fighting intent is soaring, flushed from the small town, all Mutant Beast god splendor twinkles, the scales are all dense. All the foot does not moisten, takeoffs three chi (0.33 m) high, gallops in Void, probably the tsunami sweeps across generally. 数百名骑士端坐在各种神异蛮兽上,杀气冲天,战意高昂,从小镇中冲了出来,所有异兽皆神辉闪烁,鳞甲森然。全都脚不沾地,离地三尺高,在虚空中奔腾,像是海啸一般席卷而来。 Boundless coercion vibrates ten directions, several hundred Knight whole bodies cover the divine iron mail-armor and helmet, only then a pair of eyes reveal outside, harnesses in barbarian beast treads the day gradually on, is getting higher and higher to the ground, the sky and land are all trembling, the air/Qi of withering covered the entire small town and surrounding region. 一股磅礴的威压震动十方,数百名骑士全身都覆盖有神铁甲胄,只有双眼睛『露』在外面,驾驻蛮兽渐渐踏天而上,离地面越来越高,天空与大地全都在颤栗,肃杀之气笼罩了整座小镇以及周围的地域。 Rumble “轰隆隆” In several hundred powerful Knight behind, presents 50 bronze war chariot, above black blood stained, covered entirely the slash sword hole, records their magnificence, passes is sending the ancient and desolate aura. 在数百名强大的骑士身后,出现五十辆青铜战车,上面黑血斑斑,布满了刀痕剑孔,记述着它们的辉煌,透发着古老与苍凉的气息。 50 bronze ancient war chariot steamroll cross the sky, makes the deafening sound, is ordinary like the tsunami, cultivator on war chariot passes the terrifying fluctuation that sends out to be fiercer than these Knight, the vault of heaven seemed to be ground by them quickly, the wheel rolling, ancient war chariot ascends to the upper air. 五十辆青铜古战车碾压过天空,发出震耳欲聋的声响,如同海啸一般浩大,战车上的修士比那些骑士透发出的恐怖波动还要剧烈,天穹似乎都快被它们碾碎了,车轮滚动,古战车升腾到高空上。 After ancient war chariot, dozens Dao Spirit rainbows shoot up to the sky, cultivation base of these people are obviously higher plans. These people are protecting two special Emperor's Carriage. 在古战车之后,数十道神虹冲天而起,这些人的修为明显更高一筹。这些人在守护着两辆特别的辇车 phoenix cry resounds through the horizon, nine different bird whole body feathers wool extremely brilliant, glitters together the Dao Spirit splendor, magnificent light is radiant, they have the body of all colors, is several meters, like legend in Phoenix Divine Bird. drawing five color god car(riage) is rising to the vault of heaven on. 凤鸣响彻天际,九只异禽全身羽『毛』极其绚烂,闪烁出一道道神辉,光华璀璨,它们具有五彩之身,皆长达十几米,像极了传说中的神鸟。拉着一辆五『色』神车升到到天穹上。 That nine different bird within the body flow absolutely have Phoenix Divine Blood, is the god descendant.” “那九只异禽体内绝对流淌有神血,是神乌的后裔。” Is the Flickering Light Holy Land nine phoenix Morning Sun car(riage)s. It is said. The non- strength extraordinary elder cannot ride this type of car(riage).” “是摇光圣地的九凤朝阳车。据说。非实力超绝的长老不能坐此这种车。” Perhaps such elder, a person destroys completely the Yan Country six Sanctuary luck cangues sufficiently,” “恐怕这样的长老,一个人就足以灭掉燕国的六处洞天福枷,” Numerous cultivator outside small town in incessantly discussing, all show(s) surprised expression, such powerful lineup are really all astonishing. 小镇外的众多修士全都在议论纷纷,皆『露』出吃惊的神『色』,这么强大的阵容实在让人吃惊。 Suddenly, barbarian beast roaring sound shaking high sky, both ears buzzes, the soul also shivers, Mutant Beast of nine taking the form of gold god monkeys is drawing Divine Red Clouds twinkle jade carriage, mounts the clouds and rides the mist, makes the intermittent startling thunderclap sound, ascended in the vault of heaven from the small town in 突然,蛮兽的咆哮声震动高天,让人双耳嗡嗡作响,灵魂都随之颤动,九头形似黄金神狙的异兽拉着一辆神霞闪烁的玉辇,腾云驾雾,发出阵阵惊雷声响,自小镇中升腾到了苍穹上 This is Jiang Family's god monkey Emperor's Carriage, non- Jiang Family direct line Powerhouse cannot ride, certainly is the elder level character!” “这是姜家的神狙辇车,非姜家直系强者不能乘坐,一定是个长老级人物!” Obstructs day 102 遮天102 The people cannot bear the exclamation, Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family obviously were under fully the initial capital, won to Sacred Medicine of Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land deep place. 众人忍不住惊叹,摇光圣地姜家明显是下足了血本,对荒古禁地深处的圣『药』志在必得。 At this moment, an old man in the rainbow the line, arrived at the sky outside small town, is overlooking the people, said: Our Spirit Medicine are limited, is impossible to distribute at will, to receive, when the time comes must obey our dispatches.” 就在这时,一名老者驻虹而行,来到了小镇外的上空,俯视着众人,道:“我们的灵『药』有限,不可能随意分发,如果想领取的话,到时候必须听从我们的调度。” Under a noise, such condition some strict twelfth branch, many people worried immediately was regarded the cannon fodder, withdraws directly. 下方顿时一片喧嚣,这样的条件有些苛亥,许多人都担心被当成炮灰,直接退出。 Went too far, I will not receive, when the time comes perhaps dies does not know how dead.” “太过分了,我绝不会领取,到时候恐怕死都不知道怎么死的。” Leaves them to use, such Spirit Medicine is too hot, I do not dare to take.” “留给他们自己用吧,这样的灵『药』太烫手,我可不敢拿。” Also some cultivator remained, is planned completely turbid water touching fish, after leading Spirit Medicine, leaves directly, is not ready to accept assignment. That old man in sky continues to carry over sound, the sound wave vibration upper air, said: We will not regard the cannon fodder anybody, so long as with our same onset and retreat 也有部分修士留了下来,完全是打算浑水『摸』鱼,领完灵『药』后直接走人,不听从调遣。天空中的那名老者继续传声,音波震动高空,道:“我们不会将任何人当成炮灰,只要与我们同进退就可以” Many people do not believe, raised the question, the above that old man explained patiently. Finally, many people remained, but most people chose the onlooking, without participation. 很多人都不相信,提出质疑,上方的那名老者耐心解释。最终,有不少人留了下来,但绝大多数人选择了旁观,没有参与。 After 1 hour, Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family's troops start to set out to the mountain deep place, massive cultivator follow in behind, did not strive for capturing Sacred Medicine. Only strove for picking some Spirit Medicine to be able. In fact, few people want to enter Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, is only thinking that the peripheral region searches, no one for Spirit Medicine own nature life bets. 半个时辰后,摇光圣地姜家的人马开始向大山深处进发,大量的修士跟随在后面,不求夺得圣『药』。只求采到一些灵『药』便可。事实上,没有几人想进入荒古禁地,都只在想外围地域搜索一番,没有人会为了灵『药』将自己的『性』命赌进去。 Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family's troops, although the ostentation in the small town is very big, but after entering the remote mountain, everyone restrained the powerful aura, must low-key low-key, before then to shock other cultivator that's all. 摇光圣地姜家的人马虽然在小镇时排场很大,但进入深山后所有人都收敛了强大的气息,要多低调有多低调,在此之前不过是为了震慑其他修士而已 Around Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land has many powerful Mutant Beast, even if Powerhouse in Holy Land, may not defeat, we must be divided into seven groups of troops, enters the life-forbidden zone from the different routes,” 荒古禁地周围有很多强大的异兽,纵然是圣地中的强者,都不一定能够战胜,我们要分成七组人马,从不同的路线进入生命禁区,” No one has thought, Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family will make such decision in the remote mountain, following cultivator look at each other in blank dis­may, does not know that which group follows is good. 谁也没有想到,摇光圣地姜家会在深山中做出这样的决定,后面的修士面面相觑,不知道跟着哪一组为好。 Has thoughts active cultivator to say with a smile: This also with thinking? Nine Fengzhou 7 labor have that Emperor's Carriage to fly to Neijia, we follow approach 有心思活跃的修士笑道:“这还用想吗?九凤州”七工有那辆辇车飞向那甲,我们就跟随向哪 But, the people who all made such plan was disappointed, nine phoenix Morning Sun car(riage)s all vanished with that Divine Red Clouds shining Emperor's Carriage suddenly do not see. Lost the trace. 可是,所有做出这样打算的人都失望了,九凤朝阳车与那辆神霞灿灿的辇车眨眼间全都消失不见。失去了踪影。 Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land mysterious immeasurable, any powerful cultivator, so long as enters, might be truncated the completion mortal, two elders will not penetrate, they will aid us in the surrounding, helping us clean threatening Mutant Beast.” 荒古禁地神秘莫测,任何强大的修士只要进入,都有可能会被削落成凡人,两位长老不会深入,他们将在外围接应我们,帮我们扫除有威胁的异兽。” When hears such explanation, the people are very disappointed. 当听到这样的解释,众人都很失望。 Enters the life-forbidden zone to have not fresh, we look from afar, don't join in the fun.” “进入生命禁区有死无生,我们还是远远的看着吧,不要凑什么热闹了。” At that moment, many cultivator back down. Stopped in abundance, no longer advance. Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family, vast 『』 『』 the brigade is divided into seven fast, flies far to spatial, from different position advances. 当下,有不少修士打了退堂鼓。纷纷停了下来,不再前进。摇光圣地姜家,浩浩『荡』『荡』的大队快速分成七股,飞向远空,从不同的方位前进。 Ye Fan looked, center decides to follow that share of troops. He has not flown in the sky, but goes forward in the mountain forest of ground. Although many people flinched. But had massive cultivator to follow, Ye Fan walked was very slow, until everyone went far away, he with. 叶凡看了看,决定跟随正中那股人马。他没有在天空中飞行,而是在地面的山林中前进。虽然有不少人退缩了。但还是有大量的的修士追随了下来,叶凡走的很慢,直至所有人都远去,他才跟了下去。 withered bone is boundless, mountains of corpses & seas of blood, it came at this moment, silver-haired Old Lunatic suddenly appears, in Ye Fan's not far away, he also pursued unexpectedly. 枯骨无边,尸山血海,它又来了”就在这时,白发苍苍的老疯子突然出现,就在叶凡的不远处,他居然也追了下来。 Elderly man you said credible?” “老人家您说的靠谱吗?” Everyone will die his stupid talking to oneself. “所有人都会死”他痴痴呆呆的自语。 Why does the old person of acting like a madman always say like this? Really somewhat lets person scared, but thinks of him to be unconscious, Ye Fan relaxed, impossible to flinch because of several words, must collect Sacred Medicine, this will concern his future. 疯疯癫癫的老人为什么总是这样说?实在有些让人发『毛』,可是想到他神志不清,叶凡又放松了下来,不可能因几句话而退缩,必须要采集到圣『药』,这关乎到他的未来。 Obstructs day 102 遮天102 Ye Fan continues to start off, Old Lunatic distant flinging in behind. 叶凡继续上路,将老疯子远远的甩在了后面。 The front cultivator majority are flying, therefore the speed is quick. After 2 hours, arrived was away from Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land more than 200 li (0.5 km) mountain range. Arrived this primitive region, barbarian beast were many immediately much. But cultivator is numerous, Mutant Beast chooses to evade to draw back completely, made way by far the path. 前方的修士大多数都在飞行,因此速度很快。一个时辰后就来到了距离荒古禁地二百余里的山脉中。到了这片原始地域,蛮兽顿时多了不少。但修士众多,异兽全部选择避退,远远让开了道路。 This is very the way smooth, Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family's person perhaps from life-forbidden zone already less than 100 li (0.5 km), no danger.” “这一路上很顺利,摇光圣地姜家的人恐怕距离生命禁区已经不足一百里了,根本没有什么危险。” Perhaps, they really can collect Sacred Medicine, or do we also arrive at the Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land's edge to transfer the revolutions?” “或许,他们真的能够采集到圣『药』,要不我们也到荒古禁地的边缘去转转?” Front many cultivator were discussing, they pursue, has not met in any dangerous heart somewhat to relax unavoidably. 前方很多修士在议论,他们一路追下来,没有遇到任何危险心中不免有些放松。 Roar “吼” Suddenly, the roaring sound that the primitive mountain range deep place transmits the terrifying, the remote front, hears the intermittent panic-stricken scream, many cultivator fast to returning to escape. 突然,原始山脉深处传来恐怖的咆哮声,遥远的前方,传来阵阵惊恐的喊叫声,很多修士快速向回逃来。 Walks quickly, Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family's this group of troops were complete!” “快走,摇光圣地姜家的这组人马全完了!” Many cultivator controlling rainbow returns, on the face filled panic-stricken expression, does not want to stay, escapes toward the mountain. What had?” Following cultivator puzzled asking. 很多修士驭虹逃回,脸上充满了惊恐的神『色』,一刻也不想停留,向着大山外逃去。“发生了什么?”后面的修士不解的问道。 Front presented powerful Mutant Beast, swallowed Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family's Knight most probably. A claw cranked up fine powder 78 bronze ancient war chariot, including roaring nine, was killed by shock entirety of circumference one li (0.5 km) person.” “前方出现了一头强大的异兽,一口将摇光圣地姜家的骑士吞食了大半。一爪将七八辆青铜古战车拍成了齑粉,连吼九声,将方圆一里人的全部震死了。” Was too fearful!” “太可怕了!” Jiang Family and Flickering Light Holy Land middle of the mill team has not escaped from a person, all died!” 姜家摇光圣地的中路队伍没有逃出一个人,全都死亡了!” Hears the person who escapes to say like this, many heart and galls all are cold, what kind of barbarian beast this is, was too simply fearful, unexpectedly all extinguished everyone. 听到逃回来的人这样说,很多人都心胆皆寒,这是怎样的蛮兽啊,简直太可怕了,居然全灭了所有人。 Ye Fan thought that is not very right, according to the view of the world, outside Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, although many powerful Mutant Beast. However will not aim at cultivator slightly should not frigidly is so right specially. 叶凡觉得很不对劲,按照世人的说法,荒古禁地外虽然有很多强大的异兽。但是不会特别针对修士小不应该这么惨烈才对。 Suddenly, mountain range of distant place transmits the fluctuation of energy of intermittent terrifying, when are not many hears many cultivator's pitiful yell sound, massive cultivator in a terrified way run away. 突然,远方的山脉传来阵阵恐怖的能量波动,不多时传来众多修士的惨叫声,大量的修士惶恐逃遁。 What had?” “发生了什么?” Has peerless Mutant Beast to appear, tore into shreds frontline everyone, Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family no one lives to escape, all died.” “有绝世异兽出现,将最前方的所有人都撕碎了,摇光圣地姜家没有一个人活着逃回来,全都死了。” After rear cultivator hear, all panic-stricken. Another team of troops curtains extinguish, this is really more than people expected. 后方的修士听后全都惊恐。又一队人马幕灭,这实在超出众人的意料。 Ye Fan even more feels uneasy, but also without enters Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land truly, two pairs of troops perished. This is not the good sign, he did not control self to remember that insane old man. 叶凡越发感觉不安,还没有真正进入荒古禁地,就有两对人马灭亡了。这可不是什么好兆头,他不自禁想起了那个疯老头。 Suddenly, the phoenix cry sound resounds through the horizon, nine different bird whole body feathers wool extremely brilliant, the ray is radiant, probably flaming Divine fire is burning, draws one five color god car(riage) to cut the expansive sky. 突然,凤鸣声响彻天际,九只异禽全身羽『毛』极其绚烂,光芒璀璨,像是熊熊神火在燃烧,拉着一辆五『色』神车划破长空。 Flickering Light Holy Land elder take action, then did not need to escape finally, he will certainly destroy completely front several ferocious beast.” Everyone thinks like this. 摇光圣地的长老终于出手了,这下不用逃了,他一定会灭掉前方的几头凶兽。”所有人都这样认为。 However, in an instant, expression of people all changed, because, that nine phoenix Morning Sun car(riage)s are running away unexpectedly! 但是,就在刹那间,众人的神『色』全都变了,因为,那辆九凤朝阳车居然是在逃遁! Heaven. That unexpectedly is the Péng bird in legend!” 天啊。那竟然是传说中的鹏鸟!” The horizon, a giant bird blocks the sky. The pair of wings extends the foot have several hundred meters, is all over the body dazzling, god splendor dazzling, probably the golden casting, is all over the body shining, such as piece of golden clouds, clash fast, it is pursuing that nine phoenix Morning Sun car(riage)s. 天际,一头巨鸟遮天蔽日。双翼伸展开来足有数百米长,通体璀璨夺目,神辉刺目,像是黄金浇铸而成,通体金灿灿,如一片金『色』的云朵,快速冲来,它正在追逐那辆九凤朝阳车。 Sees this, Ye Fan has nothing hesitant, directly to returning flees, the mountain range deep place is not absolutely normal, various powerful Mutant Beast all appeared, even the Flickering Light Holy Land elders can only escape, was too unusual! 见到这一幕,叶凡没有任何犹豫,直接向回奔逃,山脉深处绝对不正常,各种强大的异兽全都出现了,连摇光圣地的长老都只能逃命,太反常了! „Do the Old Lunatic words want to become true?” In Ye Fan heart some scared, he controlling rainbow line in mountain forest. Has not shot up to the sky, feared that was detected by fearful Mutant Beast. 老疯子的话语难道要成真?”叶凡心中有些发『毛』,他在山林中驭虹而行。没有冲天而起,怕被可怕的异兽发觉。 …… 佩, Suddenly, the front transmits the intermittent panic-stricken pitiful yell, massive cultivator such as tide water escapes generally to the remote mountain. 突然,前方传来阵阵惊恐的惨叫,大量的修士如『潮』水一般向深山中逃来。 Front has the barbarian beast anti- road, hurries to escape!” “前方有蛮兽阻路,赶紧逃!” Was too frigid, several hundred people see in a blink unexpectedly, was crushed blood mist “太惨烈了,数百人竟在一眨眼见,被粉碎成血雾 Ye Fan sudden headache, the circuit was even interrupted by Mutant Beast immediately, this is really not the good news, only what he rejoices, had not rushed to the sky a moment ago, otherwise was also mostly dangerous. 叶凡顿时一阵头大,连回路都被异兽截断了,这实在不是什么好消息,他唯一庆幸的是,刚才没有冲上天空,不然的话多半也危险了。 This primitive mountain range big chaotic, has terrifying barbarian beast to block off, numerous cultivator start the crosswise flight, wants to break through. 这片原始山脉一片大『乱』,前后都有恐怖的蛮兽堵截,众多修士开始横向飞行,想要突破出去。 Suddenly, calls out in grief to transmit intermittently, nine phoenix Morning Sun car(riage)s was intercepted the way for the seventh time, the giant Péng bird is swift and fierce, the blooming golden light, blots out the sky all over the body, has torn the different bird of two taking the form of phoenixes while still alive. 突然,阵阵悲鸣传来,九凤朝阳车第七次被截住去路,巨大的的鹏鸟凌厉无比,通体绽放金光,铺天盖地,已经将两头形似凤凰的异禽活活撕裂。 The angry long and loud cry transmits, in nine phoenix Morning Sun car(riage)s runs out of an old person, his within the body departs one scarlet such as the great seal of blood, the fast enlargement, like the mountain, falls to go toward that Péng bird pressure suddenly greatly. 愤怒的长啸传来,九凤朝阳车内冲出一个老人,他体内飞出一个赤红如血的大印,快速放大,眨眼间大如山岳,向着那那头鹏鸟压落而去。 The brilliant golden light soars to the heavens, stretches the state ominous body to erupt dazzling, golden wings stands cuts, in the sky sends out, the sound loud sound, divided to fly that blood color great seal at the scene. 绚烂金光冲天,绷州凶身体爆发出刺目的米莫,金翅立斩,天空中发出,声巨响,当场将那座血『色』的大印劈飞了出去。 Meanwhile, before Péng bird body, presents a golden vortex, probably huge Sea Eye is ordinary, has that old person to swallow to nine phoenix Morning Sun car(riage)s fast. 与此同时,鹏鸟身前出现一个金『色』的漩涡,像是一口巨大的海眼一般,快速将九凤朝阳车还有那名老人向里吞噬。 Huge golden vortex. Let below mountain shake, resembling to eradicate. Swallows all directions all visible thing. 巨大的金『色』漩涡。让下方的大山都摇动了起来,似要连根拔起。吞噬八方一切有形之物。 Calls out in grief to transmit, Mutant Beast of that several taking the form of phoenixes was all embezzled by the golden vortex, can clear sees these five color different bird smashing, turns into the big piece blood mist, vanishes in a puff of smoke thoroughly, but five that multi-colored sunlight winds around color god car(riage) also turned into fine powder at the scene. 悲鸣传来,那几头形似凤凰的异兽全都被金『色』的漩涡吞没了进去,可以清晰的看到那些五『色』异禽粉碎,化成大片的血雾,彻底灰飞烟灭,而那辆霞光缭绕的五『色』神车也当场化成了齑粉 That old person beard and hair all opens, within the body runs out of the innumerable ray, is all kinds of Spiritual Treasure, cuts to kill to the golden wings Péng bird. 那名老人须发皆张,体内冲出数不清的光芒,全都是各种各样的灵宝,斩杀向金翅鹏鸟。 That Péng bird was too but powerful, thousands of root Golden Feather wool all blooms all over the body divine shine, shooting like the sharp sword golden light, everywhere Spiritual Treasure were blocked completely, even crushed much. 可是那头鹏鸟太强大了,通体千万根金羽『毛』全都绽放神华,『射』出一道道如利剑般的金光,漫天的灵宝全部被挡住,甚至粉碎了不少。 Certainly!” “绝!” Extinguishes!” “灭!” Kills!” “杀!” Three characters such as the heavenly thunder vibrates, trim primitive mountain range in rumble makes noise, three characters that in that old population drinks, seems strange demonic power slightly to let Péng bird one shaking. 三个字如天雷震动,整片原始山脉都在隆隆作响,那个老人口中喝出的三个字,似有着奇异的魔力小让鹏鸟都一阵摇动。 His forehead opened vertical eye to be small unexpectedly shooting three purple glow, coordinating him to drink three character heavenly sound, pierced three blood holes on the Péng bird body of golden all of a sudden. 他的额头竟张开了一只竖眼小『射』出三道紫芒,配合他喝出三字天音,在金『色』的鹏鸟躯体上一下子刺穿出三个血洞。 The song of the birds crack day, the golden Péng bird soars to great heights, sprinkles the blood of next piece of golden fluid, but the wound stopped in an instant, it dived fast. 鸟鸣裂天,金『色』的鹏鸟展翅高飞,洒落下一片金『色』的血『液』,但刹那间伤口就止住了,它快速俯冲了回来。 That old person's body enlarges rapidly, in an instant able to support both heaven and earth, becomes one compared with the mountain also high giant, finds out the big hand to grasp toward the Péng bird, will want tearing. 那个老人的身体急速放大,刹那间顶天立地,成为了一个比山岳还高的巨人,探出大手向着鹏鸟抓去,想要将之撕裂。 Previously was shaken that scarlet great seal that flew also to fly back, the pressure fell under. At the same time, his only vertical eye change form becomes a purple great sword suddenly, stood to divide. 早先被震飞的那个赤红的大印也重新飞回,压落而下。同一时间,他的那只竖眼突然化形成一把紫『色』的巨剑,立劈了下去。 The Flickering Light Holy Land elder displays various big divine ability, wants the suppress Péng bird. However, at this moment his thorough despaired, golden wings Péng bird change form becomes round golden Sun, flaming burnt, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light submerges Heaven and Earth. 摇光圣地的长老展出各种大神通,想要镇压鹏鸟。但是,就在这时他彻底的绝望了,金翅鹏鸟化形成一轮金『色』太阳,熊熊燃烧了起来,万丈金光淹没天地 The purple great sword silent disintegration, the scarlet great seal decomposes fast, the Flickering Light Holy Land elder atomizes at the scene, becomes a piece of blood light, finally vanishes in a puff of smoke, vanishes in Between Heaven and Earth thoroughly. 紫『色』的巨剑无声的崩碎,赤红的大印快速分解,摇光圣地的长老当场雾化,成为一片血光,最终灰飞烟灭,彻底消失在天地间 In primitive mountain range, numerous cultivator heart and galls are all cold, Flickering Light Holy Land elder destroy both body and soul this was too accidental/surprised and shocking. 原始山脉中,众多修士心胆皆寒,摇光圣地的长老形神俱灭这实在太让人意外与震惊了。 „The solemn Flickering Light Holy Land elders turned into the flying ash, this Péng bird was too fearful Ye Fan to talk to oneself. “堂堂摇光圣地的长老都化成了飞灰,这头鹏鸟太可怕了”叶凡自语。 Péng bird like the immortal, among not descending to earth, is its descendant “鹏鸟如仙,不临尘间,是它的后裔” Hears this word, Ye Fan quickly turns head, discovered that unexpectedly is that acting like a madman old person, does not know when appears in not far away. 闻听此言,叶凡急忙回头,发现竟是那个疯疯癫癫的老人,不知何时出现在不远处。 …… 佩, The pitiful yell sound continuously, often transmitted the person who small escaped a moment ago crosswise to draw back. Each direction presented terrifying Mutant Beast, does not know that extinguished killed many cultivator. 惨叫声此起彼伏,不时传来小刚才横向逃去的人又都退了回来。各个方向都出现了恐怖的异兽,也不知道灭杀了多少修士 Some Jiang Family's god monkey car(riage) people call out in alarm. 姜家的神狙车有人惊叫。 The horizon, nine Mutant Beast whole bodies are all covering the scale of golden, is winding around the shining god splendor, draws Emperor's Carriage to clash, jade carriage clear sparkles. auspicious red clouds ten thousand, are really uncommon. 天际,九头异兽浑身皆覆盖着金『色』的鳞片,缭绕着灿灿神辉,拉着一辆辇车冲来,玉辇晶莹闪闪。瑞霞万道,甚是不凡。 Jiang Family's elder also at-large!” 姜家的长老也在逃!” What's the matter, why can like this?” “到底怎么回事,为什么会这样?” Everyone dumbfounded, nine golden god monkeys such as stray dog flee generally, are drawing steamroll of Emperor's Carriage rumble in the sky, a whole body is the old person of blood stands on jade carriage, furiously rear area resistance chasing down of that barbarian beast. 所有人都呆住了,九头黄金神狙如丧家之犬一般奔逃,拉着辇车在天空中隆隆碾压而过,一个浑身是血的老人站在玉辇上,奋力抵抗后方那头蛮兽的追杀。 But all these are unproductive, a giant beast claw seemed like the hill to pat generally, broke Emperor's Carriage at the scene, became blood mist nine golden god monkey steamroll, shattered that old person! 但这一切都是徒劳的,一只巨大的兽爪像是小山一般拍了过去,当场将辇车砸碎,将九头黄金神狙碾压成血雾,将那名老人震裂! This shocks nature, lets everyone suck in a cold breath, this was too crazy, the Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family elders are hard to resist that barbarian beast to strike, this actually powerful Mutant Beast?! 这震撼『性』的一幕,让所有人倒吸冷气,这实在太疯狂了,荒古世家的长老都难以抵挡那头蛮兽一击,这究竟何等强大的异兽?! Deafening roaring makes the person soul tremble, the black fog turns wells up, that terrifying barbarian beast appeared True Body, fierce incomparable, stands is in the upper air of distant place, the frigid blood baleful aura breath makes the person whole body feel cold. 震耳欲聋的咆哮让人灵魂颤栗,黑雾翻涌,那头恐怖的蛮兽现出了真身,狰狞无比,立身在远处的高空上,惨烈的血煞气息让人浑身发冷。 It has the mountain is so giant fully, has extremely fearful constriction, the surroundings are winding around many black fog, the huge body is partly visible, physique Qilin, however actually lives nine giant snake heads, seems like especially fierce. 它足有山岳那么巨大,具有极其可怕的压迫感,周围缭绕着很多黑雾,庞大的躯体若隐若现,形体似麒麟,然而却生有九个巨大的蛇头,看起来格外的狰狞。 At the same time, each direction, presents more than ten tyrant certainly world one after another Mutant Beast, various, all the terrifying is incomparable, some turnover demons said that blocks the sky, physique greatly like mountain. Some Divine Red Clouds is all over the body radiant, brilliant eye-catching, exceeds the space fierce Yang. All mystical is incomparable. 同一时间,各个方向,相继出现十几头霸绝天下的异兽,各不相同,全都恐怖无比,有的吞吐魔云,遮天蔽日,形体大如山岳。有的通体神霞璀璨,绚烂夺目,胜过天上的烈阳。全都神异无比。 Each direction was surrounded, Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family seven groups of troops all extinguish! 各个方向都被包围了,摇光圣地姜家七路人马全灭! Follows on the heels and thinks that turbid water touching massive cultivator of fish were all surrounded, no one runs away. 跟在后面、想浑水『摸』鱼的大量修士全都被包围,没有一个人逃遁出去。 The Ye Fan's heart was at that time cool, the prediction of Old Lunatic as if wanted to become true! 叶凡的心当时就凉了,老疯子的预言似乎要成真了! Sad constraining, after instantaneous erupts, innumerable say/way monster evil magnificent light drops from the clouds, the terrifying fluctuation makes the hills shiver, all Mutant Beast all take action, extinguished jointly kills numerous cultivator. 沉闷的压抑,瞬间后爆发,无数道妖邪的光华从天而降,恐怖的波动让群山颤抖,所有异兽全都出手了,联手灭杀众多修士 In the mountain forest the pitiful yell is shocking immediately, life unceasing dissipation, blood incarnadine ground, the innumerable corpse falls down. 山林中顿时惨叫震天,生命不断的消逝,鲜血染红了地面,数不清的尸体倒在地上。 Several terrifying barbarian beast, each can kill Flickering Light Holy Land and Jiang Family's elder, now extinguishes kills surplus cultivator, is it may be said that easy. 十几头恐怖的蛮兽,每一头都可以杀死摇光圣地姜家的长老,现在灭杀剩余的修士,可谓轻而易举。 The piece quarter, the mountain forest turned into the blood color world merely, becomes the scene of carnage, the pitiful yell sound are getting fewer and fewer, the mountain forest was been incarnadine by blood mist. 仅仅片刻钟,山林就变成了血『色』的世界,成为了修罗场,惨叫声越来越少,山林都被血雾染红了。 Sees old person who acts like a madman also in not far away, has not left, Ye Fan rushes over fast, held his arm, said: You may really be the live ancestor!” 看到疯疯癫癫的老人还在不远处,没有离开,叶凡快速冲了过去,一把抓住了他的手臂,道:“你可真是活祖宗!” He does not know to go on living, stubbornly holds Old Lunatic not to drop, perhaps only then this old person can lead him to live to this place. 他不知道能不能活下去,死死的抓住老疯子不放手,也许只有这个老人才能够带着他生离此地。 Prediction of Old Lunatic real! 老疯子的预言成真了!
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