STH :: Volume #10

#924: Sakyamuni Buddha Forbidden Artifact

Li Xiaoman came, appears in the time of key finally is going to depart, in pupil ice-cold not covers up with murderous intention, walks slowly and aimlessly step by step, in the hand held a crack image of Buddha, Buddha’s radiance to protect its body. 李小曼来了,在最后将要离去的关键的时刻出现,眸子中的冰冷与杀机不加掩饰,一步一步踱来,手中托有一个龟裂的佛像,佛光护住了其躯。 Li Xiaoman!” Ye Fan shouts out, Blood Qi is all over the body exuberant, although cannot rush, but also is extremely prosperous, can be said as a miracle in this life-forbidden zone. 李小曼!”叶凡大喝,通体血气旺盛,虽不能澎湃而出,但却也极度鼎盛,在这生命禁区中可以说是一种奇迹。 Clang “锵” Among the Li Xi­aoman's fingers divine glow for the first time presently, that is manifestation of cultivation, this is the incomparable terrifying matter, in this Ancient Desolate banned the Dao Severing king to come to change into every body, but her cultivation actually retained. 李小曼的指间神芒乍现,那是道行的体现,这是无比的恐怖的事,在这荒古禁中斩道的王进来都化为了凡体,而她的道行却保留了下来。 Li Xiaoman murderous intention is fearful, the electricity shoots to come, the snow clothes dances in the air, she seems like a white light, to peak, take action is quickly brutal, the palm refers to the tangential Ye Fan's neck, this is must cast off his head. 李小曼杀机慑人,电射而来,雪衣飞舞,她像是一道白光,快到极致,出手无情,掌指切向叶凡的颈项,这是要摘掉其头颅。 Works as “当” Ye Fan does not have magical power, lost cultivation, can only depend on the fleshly body resistance, hits with that sparkling stone light in the same place, sends out a heavenshaking sound! 叶凡没有法力,失去了道行,只能靠肉身对抗,与那莹光撞在一起,发出一声震天响! What, this is how possible, why hadn't she been truncated falls is mortal flesh?” This side Central Province, everyone dumbfounded, inconceivable is looking at all these. “什么,这怎么可能,她为什么没有被削落为凡胎?”中州这一边,所有人都呆住了,不可思议的望着这一切。 In the place life-forbidden zone, even Archaic Saint rushes only to cherish hatred, in recent years have several batch of Ancestral King wanted to pick nine wonderful divine medicine to be defeated thoroughly. 在处生命禁区内,连远古圣人闯来都只能饮恨,近几年有数祖王深入想要采摘九妙神药都失败了。 Li Xiaoman in powerful impossible to be on par with Saint even, how she can be well, and used cultivation, can she with Divine Silkworm Princess and Victorious Battle Buddha compare? 李小曼即便在强大也不可能与圣人比肩,她怎么能无恙,且动用了道行,难道她能与神蚕公主斗战胜佛并论吗? Was the image of Buddha in her hand has an effect, protects her, and in addition held its cultivation and magical power!” Sovereign Black stubbornly is staring at the White Clothed female on Five Colored Alter. “是她手中的佛像起了作用,护住了她,且加持了其道行法力!”黑皇死死的盯着五色祭坛上的白衣女子。 That is peerless Forbidden Artifact that...... the Quasi-Emperor sacrifice refining up!” Duan De has seen innumerable grave treasure, but by scared stiff, that absolutely is the super treasure. “那是……准帝祭炼出的绝世禁器!”段德见过无数墓葬奇珍,但还是被惊住了,那绝对是超级宝贝。 Holds a small image of Buddha in the Li Xi­aoman's left hand, casts by the bronze, but the fist is high, wear a look of the color of sorrow, lifelike, looks obsoletely, must rust probably generally. 李小曼的左手中托着一尊小佛像,以青铜铸成,不过拳头高,面带悲苦之色,栩栩如生,看着很陈旧,像是要生锈了一般。 Sakyamuni Buddha! 释迦牟尼 The Western Desert Buddhism person also came, has the Divine Monk pupil to split lightning glow, recognized that image of Buddha, sucked in an cold air/Qi, that is the demon shells in their eye. 西漠佛教的人也来了,有神僧眸绽电芒,认出了那尊佛像,倒抽了一口冷气,那是他们眼中的魔壳。 This is Quasi-Emperor Forbidden Artifact!” “这是准帝禁器!” It resisted Desolate Force temporarily, overflow mysterious aura, and Buddha’s radiance in addition holds on Li Xiaoman, made its cultivation also, and made fleshly body firm. 它暂时抵住了荒的力量,溢出神秘气机,且佛光加持到李小曼身上,令其道行还在,且让肉身坚固不朽。 Luckily that Buddha whole body is the crack, almost fell apart, otherwise Ye Fan danger!” Qi Luo said. “幸好那尊佛浑身都是裂纹,几乎朽坏了,不然叶凡危险了!”齐罗道。 Nevertheless, the image of Buddha in Li Xiaoman hand is still very terrifying, soars slowly, hangs above the top of the head, plain and nature, in addition holds her fleshly body and cultivation. 尽管这样,李小曼手中的佛像依然很恐怖,缓缓腾空而起,悬在在头顶上方,古朴而自然,加持她的肉身道行 Clang!” “铿!” She may resist with Ye Fan fleshly body, sends out the intermittent metal vibrato, holds after the Quasi-Emperor Forbidden Artifact Law in addition, her had immortal characteristics all over the body, the can compare ancient Sovereign blood lineage/vein reincarnation. 她可与叶凡肉身对抗,发出阵阵金属颤音,经过准帝禁器法则加持,她的通体有了一丝不朽的特性,堪比皇血脉转世。 This is a dangerous showdown, two people act like the passing clouds and flowing water, seemingly was full of the aesthetic sense, but murderous intention, various killing types such as the antelope hangs the corner/horn not to have the mark to be possible step by step to seek. 这是一种危险的对决,两人动作如行云流水,看起来充满了美感,但步步杀机,各种杀式如羚羊挂角无迹可寻。 Ye Fan has to be startled, his fleshly body is how powerful, however may shake with him in this place Li Xiaoman unexpectedly hardly, this surpassed the common sense, two people have no words, coming up is Life and Death preying. 叶凡不得不惊,他的肉身何其强大,但是在这个地方李小曼竟可与他硬撼,这超出了常理,两人没有任何话语,上来就是生死搏杀。 Only those who make one rejoice, that bronze image of Buddha will collapse, the crack like the spider web, along with the time lapse were more, was corroded by Desolate Force, obviously the difficult cauldron to be long-time. 唯一让人庆幸的是,那个青铜佛像将崩,裂纹如蛛网,随时间推移更加的多了,受荒的力量侵蚀,显然难鼎长久。 Because, Forbidden Artifact can only use that's all several times, let alone is this place, although there is a strange mystery, but the time one long ruins inevitably. 因为,禁器本身就只能用几次而已,更何况是这种地方,虽有诡异的奥妙,但时间一长必然毁掉。 At the same time, Ji Ziyue, Dongfang Ye wait/etc. think the twelve years ago matter, Li Xiaoman evolved a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden big alligator at that time, pursues to nine dragons pulling a coffin, definitely also drew support from this Buddhism Forbidden Artifact. 同一时间,姬紫月东方野等都想到了十二年前的事,那时李小曼演化出一条万丈长的金色大鳄,追向九龙拉棺,肯定也是借助了这件佛教禁器 The Li Xiaoman element hauling, such as drives a horse dragon-like, the palm departs a rainbow especially, turns into an immortal blade, stands chops Ye Fan's top of the skull, is ruthlessly spicy and brutal. 李小曼素手牵引,如驭龙般,掌特间飞出一条虹,化成一把仙刃,立劈叶凡的天灵盖,狠辣而无情。 „” “啪” Ye Fan shifts one step to the right side, the hand pinches the sword secret art, the palm refers to cut out, cuts immediately divine glow radiate all around in the rainbow glow, dislodges one wisp hunchback the dazzling light, disintegrated this struck B 叶凡向右侧横移一步,手捏剑诀,掌指切出,斩在虹芒上顿时神芒四射,撞出一缕偻刺目的光,瓦解了这一击乙 And, his upper body is motionless, right leg swing, such as an iron whip same pulled out, although does not have cultivation and magical power, Void that however pure fleshly body presses twisted, the strength that this strikes can be inferred! 且,他上身不动,右腿轮动而起,如一根铁鞭一样抽了过来,尽管没有道行法力,但是纯粹的肉身压的虚空都扭曲了,这一击的力量可见一斑! The words that any Sect Master level character, the Dao Severing king is even intimate must skeleton to become mud, change into the meat sauce, certain death without doubt, no suspense. 任何一位教主级人物,甚至斩道的王挨上的话都得胎骨成泥,化为肉酱,必死无疑,没有一点悬念。 Because, this is Human Race's Saint Physique strikes, even be only the strength of pure physical body, can still sure-kill matchless Powerhouse, this be one of basic reasons this physique can the world sweep away all obstacles vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 因为,这是人族圣体的一击,即便只有纯肉体的力量,也可以绝杀不世强者,这就是此种体质能纵横天下所向披靡的根本原因之一。 Li Xiaoman such as a supple willow tree, the lower part has not moved, after the upper part supine, probably does not have the bone, has avoided swiftly and fiercely this strikes. 李小曼如一株柔柳,下半身未动,上半身后仰,像是没有骨头,躲避过这凌厉的一击。 The vitality surges rapidly, sending out one was fearful the bellow, the Ye Fan's leg cutting the immortal whip is more terrifying, is pasting above the Li Xi­aoman's head, pulled out broke to pieces Void! 元气急骤涌动,发出了一阵可怕得轰鸣声,叶凡的腿比斩仙鞭还恐怖,贴着李小曼的头颅上方而过,抽碎了虚空 And, this type of astral wind makes its pure white forehead have a wisp of bloodstain, black hair crashed, danger and danger, without evading, her small head must be kicked 10 million peach blossoms to open. 且,这种罡风让其洁白的额头都出现一缕血痕,一片青丝都坠落了下来,险而又险,若是没有躲过,她的螓首必会被踢个千万朵桃花开。 Buzz “嗡” Void shivers, the evil customs caress the face, attack to Ye Fan. Some other person take action, although cannot use magical power and cultivation, but fist strength unparalleled, this is a Dao Severing King! 虚空颤抖,恶风扑面,攻向叶凡。另有人出手,尽管不能动用法力道行,但是拳力无双,这是一个斩道的王者! His crystal white/in vain is all over the body transparent, probably a crystal person, in within the body flowing peerless strength, the potential sinking strength is fierce, is more tyrannical than the common Dao Severing King body, hit Void ruptured. 他通体晶白透明,像是一个水晶人,体内流动绝世力量,势沉力猛,远比一般的斩道王者躯体强横,打的虚空崩开了。 What, this is Stone King, the body shell is powerful, hardly may destroy!” “什么,这是一尊石王,体壳最是强大,几乎不可摧毁!” Central Province this side people call out in alarm, this is a big monster, obviously comes with Li Xiaoman together, common take action sure-kill Ye Fan. 中州这一边众人惊呼,这是一位大妖,显然是与李小曼一起来的,共同出手绝杀叶凡 This is the world the rare diamond monster, once Dao Severing, body almost unparalleled in the world!” “这是世所罕见的金刚妖,一旦斩道,躯体几乎天下无双了!” The so-called diamond monster, is not Heaven and Earth breeding nine orifices Holy Spirit, although is Stoneman, but the essence is different, he is the firm Jinzhou stone obtains enlightenment the person. 所谓的金刚妖,并不是天地孕育的九窍圣灵,虽然同是石人,但本质不一样,他是坚固的金州石得道化人而成。 Bang “砰” His swing nearly transparent fist, reflects Sun seven colors divine light, shook with Ye Fan hardly struck, not broken body, its firm and powerful conceivable. 轮动近乎透明的拳头,反射太阳的七色神光,与叶凡硬撼了一击,并没有碎体,其坚固与强大可以想象。 Such big diamond, can carve many diamonds, this type of thing obtained enlightenment the monster, no wonder there is an immortal god body!” Ye Fan talked to oneself, even his palm refers to one painful. “这么大一块金刚石,能雕琢出多少钻石来,这种东西得道成妖了,难怪有不朽神躯!”叶凡自语,连他的掌指都一阵生疼。 On this moment, Fallen Feather Race Old King also oversteps Golden Gate to appear on Five Colored Alter, in addition matchless expert of other clans, 78 people enclosed Ye Fan Ye Fan, in the mouth holds spiritual medicine almost already Dao Severing! 就这一刻,堕羽族老王者也踏过黄金门出现在五色祭坛上,加上其他族的不世高手,共有七八人将叶凡叶凡围上了,口中都含着灵药几乎都已斩道 pā! 啪! This is contending of pure strength, almost everyone has rare treasure almost can compare incomplete Holy Weapon, cannot use magical power and cultivation, the sharpness of weapon is they kills Ye Fan's to rely on only! 这是纯力量的抗衡,几乎每个人都持有异宝几乎堪比残缺的圣兵,不能动用法力道行,兵器的锋锐是他们杀伤叶凡的唯一凭仗! Because, the abatement has Quasi-Emperor Forbidden Artifact Li Xiaoman and inborn beyond the diamond big monster that is difficult to be bad, fleshly body of others impossible to fight with Human Race's Saint Physique, so long as were hit certain death without doubt. 因为,除却拥有准帝禁器李小曼与天生难坏的金刚大妖外,其他人的肉身不可能与人族圣体争锋,只要被打中必死无疑。 Bang “砰” Ye Fan displayed his fearful side in this moment, fleshly body did not go bad, Blood Qi like the sea, swept away all obstacles to seem like a lightning the same as attack. He still sweeps away all obstacles under besieging of people, the golden right fist rumbled Ran mud Dao Severing person, the flesh and bone splashes everywhere. 叶凡在这一刻表现出了他可怕的一面,肉身不坏,血气如海,所向披靡像是一条闪电一样冲击。他在众人的围攻下依然所向披靡,金色的右拳将一位斩道者轰成了冉泥,血肉与骨头四处飞溅。 Then, Ye Fan jumps, such as the arrow of cloud penetration, be common just like can the flight, heaven defying on, Ancient Race that lives divine wings one flies high to hold, its said exactly tearing in sky, under sprinkles the big piece blood rain. 而后,叶凡跃起,如穿云之箭,宛若能飞行一般,逆天而上,将一位生有神翅古族一把凌空抓住,将其活说撕裂在天空中,洒落下大片的血雨。 This was a Dao Severing King dies like this!” “这是一位斩道的王者就这样死了!” This side Central Province, the people are fearful and apprehensive, Ye Fan in the life-forbidden zone is nearly invincible, pure fleshly body simply is a human form weapon, If the Gods block, then kill the Gods, if the Buddhas block, then kill the Buddhas. 中州这一边,众人心惊肉跳,在生命禁区中叶凡近乎无敌,纯粹的肉身简直就是一把人形兵器,神挡杀神,佛挡弑佛 Ye Fan when the whereabouts, like the lightning, the head puts one's foot down on to dive quickly, a pair of golden fist bang kills to Li Xiaoman, crushed the vacuum to carry under the arm a piece of vault of heaven to pound probably. 叶凡在下落时,快如闪电,头下脚上俯冲下来,一双金色的拳头轰杀向李小曼,粉碎了真空像是挟带一片天穹砸了下来。 Bang “砰” Li Xiaoman took out Quasi-Emperor Forbidden Artifact, that bronze image of Buddha flew, welcomed to Ye Fan, the brilliance filled the air, although physique crack, but actually also formidable. 李小曼祭出准帝禁器,那尊青铜佛像飞起,迎向叶凡,光辉弥漫,尽管形体龟裂,但却也让人生畏。 The Ye Fan opens the mouth puts out together innate essence, cannot use cultivation, but its long air/Qi still, making the body fly upside down all of a sudden but to/clashes in another side. 叶凡张口吐出一道先天精气,不能动用道行,但其悠长的气还在,让身子一下子倒飞而去冲在另一边。 Buzz “嗡” The body at the in the air transition, his right leg sway swept layer on layer/heavily, pressed Void thunders, fierce shaking. Then, bang his right leg same kicks broken Blood Lightning Royal Clan a head of Dao Severing person with strong physique, under the blood and brain fluid collapse flow senile corpse crashes endless Abyss. 身体在空中转折,他右腿横摆重重的扫了出来,压的虚空轰鸣,剧烈摇动。而后,砰的一声他的右腿跟钢筋铁骨一样将血电王族的一个斩道者的头颅踢碎,鲜血与脑浆崩流衰老的死尸坠落下无尽深渊 His body has not fallen to the ground, leapt with the aid of the strength of that foot a moment ago to another side, a right arm show/unfolds, pushes out horizontally, a sound of bone split sends out, he vertical to the Fallen Feather Race Dao Severing Old King side, shakes completely his breastbone, making his body be split up, falls Abyss. 他的身体还未落地,借助刚才那一脚之力跃向另一边,右臂一展,横推了出去,咯嚓一阵骨裂的声音发出,他纵到了堕羽族斩道老王的身边,将其胸骨全部震断,令其身体四分五裂,坠进深渊 All these happen in In the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, will draw near peak, Ye Fan is in the sky on the sure-kill three King, startled people all petrify, scared. 这一切都是在电火石花间发生的,快到了极致,叶凡身在天空中就绝杀了三位王者,惊的人们无不石化,一阵胆寒。 Bang,......” “砰,啪……” This is fearful murdering, Ye Fan fiercely competes and successfully competes, although the rival nearly Dao Severing, the vitality was powerful, however is useless in this place notebook, is still senile. 这是一场可怕的杀伐,叶凡越战越勇,敌手虽然都近乎斩道了,生命力强大,但是在这个地方本本无用,依然在衰老。 ............ “啊…………” A pitiful yell transmits, a Ye Fan fist will penetrate the chest of another Dao Severing King, shatters it, the blood same splattered with the creek. 一声惨叫传来,叶凡一拳将穿透另一位斩道王者的胸膛,将其震裂,鲜血跟小河一样喷溅了出来。 “噗” The next quarter is more frigid, Ye Fan holds another Dao Severing king by extremely fast, steps his foot, holds another foot, sets up it while still alive chops on Five Colored Alter! 下一刻更为惨烈,叶凡极速将另一位斩道的王抓住,踩住其一只脚,抓住另一只脚,将其活活立劈在五色祭坛上! When sees this, various Immemorial clan also no one dare to send for take action again, like this aggressive, who can resist with all one's strength? Above Ancient Desolate Abyss, Saint Physique is invincible, such as vivid. 当看到这一幕,太古各族再也无人敢派人出手,这样的生猛,谁能力敌?在荒古深渊上方,圣体无敌,如生龙活虎。 Works as “当” Ye Fan great war has cultivation Li Xiaoman, while with that diamond big monster resistance, two people collides in often to send out one string of brilliant sparks/Mars together, is ordinary with meteors. 叶凡一边大战拥有道行李小曼,一边与那金刚大妖对抗,两人碰撞在一起不时发出一串绚烂的火星,跟一颗颗流星一般。 Kills!” “杀!” Ye Fan shouts out, whole person imposing manner firm as a mountain, although cannot use cultivation and magical power, but he is evolving Battle Saint Method, the golden palm refers to destroying the hardest defenses. 叶凡大喝,整个人气势如山似岳,虽然不能动用道行法力,但他还是在演化斗战圣法,金色的掌指无坚不摧。 take action of his crazy tyrant, chops a 108 palm, shakes with that diamond big monster solid hard, inborn flesh Holy Force heaven defying, even the sky may pat broken. 他狂霸的出手,足足劈出一百零八掌,与那金刚大妖结结实实的硬撼,天生血肉圣力逆天,连天空都可拍碎。 Bang “轰” A loud sound, was known as that the diamond not bad big monster whole body presents such as the different net equally dense and numerous fissures, then crash-bang a disintegration, he was killed by shock by Ye Fan while still alive! 一声巨响,号称金刚不坏的大妖浑身出现如殊网一样密密麻麻的裂痕,而后哗啦一声崩碎了,他被叶凡活活震死! What, diamond monster a lot of th is rare, is Between Heaven and Earth most fearful one strange monster, fleshly body is extremely powerful, unparalleled in the world, was actually hit to explode by Human Race's Saint Physique!” “什么,金刚妖千百世难得一见,是天地间最可怕的一种奇妖,肉身极度强大,天下无双,却被人族圣体打爆了!” This side Central Province, many people stare at to be dumbfounded, it can be said that the strongest collision, the victory and defeat made known a moment ago unexpectedly quickly, by fleshly body, who Human Race's Saint Physique can only the cherry front? 中州这一边,许多人瞪目结舌,刚才可以说是最强碰撞,胜负竟这么快就揭晓了,单论肉身,人族圣体谁可樱锋? Li Xiaoman, you have what helper, but also there is any method, performing to display! „ On Five Colored Alter, Ye Fan stand forth, is staring at that White Clothed female step by step. 李小曼,你还有什么帮手,还有什么手段,尽可展出!“五色祭坛上,叶凡一步一步向前走去,盯着那白衣女子。 Who is good, who is wicked, has not distinguished clearly to you now.” Li Xiaoman sighed lightly “谁是善,谁是恶,到了现在你还未分清。”李小曼轻叹 What are you saying? „ Ye Fan asked. “你在说什么?“叶凡问道。 Pang Bo, he is one greatly wicked.” The Li Xi­aoman's sound has the magnetism. 庞博呢,他才是一个大恶。”李小曼的声音带着磁性。 Ye Fan sneered at that time, Pang Bo's departs is a little truly strange, but if said that is greatly wicked, is obviously framing by planting stolen goods on the slander very much, because Pang Bo risks one's life with him, to his disadvantageous some to be the opportunity, and what is main is he trusts own instinct intuition. 叶凡当时就冷笑了起来,庞博的离去确实有点怪异,但如果说是大恶,那么很明显是在栽赃诽谤,因为庞博与他出生入死,若想对他不利有的是机会,且最主要的是他相信自己的本能直觉。 You are not former Li Xiaoman! „ Ye Fan closes on forward, evolves Six Paths Reincarnation Fist, even without cultivation and magical power, his fist potential still dominates certainly Heaven and Earth. “你已不是从前的李小曼!“叶凡向前进逼,演化六道轮回拳,即便没有道行法力,他的拳势依然霸绝天地 Suddenly, under Six Paths Reincarnation Fist and Ancient Desolate Abyss anything resonance, delimited hunchback unexpectedly the hunchback immortal mark! 突然之间,六道轮回拳荒古深渊下什么东西共鸣了起来,竟划出了一偻偻仙纹! In this moment, Ye Fan terrified, he thought of a matter, the legends say Samsara Fist record on the road of becoming an immortal, but Old Lunatic brought from Ancient Desolate Abyss it. don't tell me. 在这一刻,叶凡一阵悚然,他想到了一件事,相传轮回拳记载于成仙的路上,可是老疯子却将它从荒古深渊下带出来了。难道说.
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