STH :: Volume #10

#925: Li Xiaoman withers and falls

Six Paths Reincarnation Fist! 六道轮回拳 This is the matchless Fist Arts of record on Immortal Ascension Road, complicated mysterious immeasurable, has to seize the wonder of Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, is shocking Secret Technique, from ancient to present few people realize. 这是记载于成仙路上的不世拳法,繁奥莫测,有夺天地造化之妙,为惊世秘术,自古至今没有几人练成。 Ye Fan evolves this law, in this loses cultivation, unable to display in magical power Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, his pair of golden fist unexpectedly immortal light send out continuously. 叶凡演化此法,在这失去道行、不能施展法力荒古禁地中,他的一对金色拳头竟有一缕缕仙光发出。 My words are the Law, My body is the Dao!” Ye Fan in this moment, a clear(ly) became aware, the innermost feelings were elusive, both hands cannot help but paddled, with that Abyss resonance. 我言即法,我身即道!”叶凡在这一刻,有一种明悟,内心空灵,双手不由自主划动,与那深渊共鸣。 Bang “轰” As soon as he fights with the fists, the Dao Severing King who Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the pure fleshly body strength can press lowers the head, lets their magical power and cultivation is useless, has Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, to cut the prestige of ghost town/subdues god. 他一拳打出,天崩地裂,纯粹的肉身力量可以压的斩道王者低头,让他们的法力道行都无用,有惊天动地、斩鬼镇神之威。 „” “啪” Li Xiaoman has the bronze image of Buddha protection, is still injured, when these meets the approaching enemy time, in her mouth overflows a wisp of blood, the whole person staggers retreat, the chest fluctuates fiercely. 李小曼有青铜佛像守护,依然受了伤,这一次迎击时,她的口中溢出一缕鲜血,整个人踉跄后退,胸口剧烈起伏。 Saying Pang Bo was greatly wicked, I thought you am the big alligator!” Ye Fan drinks high, stands on Five Colored Alter, without magical power, does not have cultivation, but such as war-god same divine might is imposing. “说庞博是大恶,我看你自己才是大鳄吧!”叶凡高喝,站在五色祭坛上,没有法力,也无道行,但却如一尊战神一样神威凛然。 You do not believe that I, I had told you even in any case.” Li Xiaoman wipes the blood of corners of the mouth. “你不相信我就算了,反正我已经告诉了你。”李小曼擦去嘴角的鲜血。 Ye Fan laughs, said: „A number secondary kills me, another risks one's life with me, shares joys and sorrows, you said how makes me believe you, wants to estrange me and Pang Bo, your method rather missed!” 叶凡大笑,道:“一个数次要杀我,另一个与我出生入死,同甘共苦,你说让我如何信你,想要离间我与庞博,你的手段未免差了点!” Bang “轰” Li Xiaoman take action, just like Ascending To Become An Immortal, has the large expanse of light rain to fly all over the body, whole person Immortal Qi is hazy, she flies high flying, the delicate hands controlling dragon, separates Heaven and Earth, wants to lift Ye Fan's top of the skull. 李小曼出手,宛若羽化飞仙,通体有成片的光雨飞起,整个人仙气迷蒙,她凌空飞度,纤手驭龙,割裂天地,想掀开叶凡的天灵盖 The Ye Fan resistance, a pair of golden fist touches the thing to kill, may turn into fine powder all visible bodies, hit Heavenly Dao and cry, without cultivation, can the collapsing vault of heaven. 叶凡对抗,一双金色的拳头触物即杀,可将一切有形之体化成齑粉,打的天道和鸣,没有道行,也能震塌天穹。 The sonorous sound is lingering on faintly, probably such as Divine Emperor hammering, if the Immortal World weapon refining sound passed to the world of mortals, Ye Fan and Li Xiaoman great war, collides with that bronze image of Buddha, sparks/Mars scatters. 铿锵之音不绝于耳,像是如神帝打铁,又如仙界炼兵的声音传到了下界,叶凡李小曼大战,与那青铜佛像碰撞,火星四溅。 You believe Pang Bo, then I asked you, in the past nine dragons pulling a coffin set sail in Mount Tai, how did he appear?” Li Xiaoman shouts a question, the black hair dances in the air, the pupil splits the color glow. “你相信庞博,那么我问你,当年九龙拉棺泰山启航,他是怎样出现的?”李小曼喝问,青丝飞舞,眸绽彩芒。 In Ye Fan heart one cold, when years ago toward Mount Tai, Pang Bo not on the scene, after the people crash in the coffin, some time discovers him, at that time frightened many people, but Pang Bo had explained at that time, no one had suspected. 叶凡心中一凛,当年前泰山时,庞博并不在场,众人坠落进棺中后一段时间才发现他,当时惊吓住了不少人,不过当时庞博解释过了,谁也没有怀疑。 „A person who he comes out, is actually anything, you think!” Li Xiaoman said. “他是多出来的一个人,究竟是什么东西,你自己想吧!”李小曼道。 The Ye Fan back has the firing in bursts to be cool, in the past really had some questionable points, when was together with Pang Bo knew the whole story, talks about the past events simply not to have a flaw, possibly was not false was right. 叶凡脊背有点发凉,当年确有一些疑点,可是与庞博相处时知根知底,谈及往事根本没有一点破绽,不可能是假的才对。 His was distracted by Li Xiaoman is seized the opportunity, bronze image of Buddha took out, if not the whole body crack, can directly great accomplishment's King crush to death. 他这一走神被李小曼抓住了机会,青铜佛像祭出,若非浑身龟裂,可以直接将大成的王者镇死 Luckily it fell apart, even this still almost makes Ye Fan eat one to owe greatly, after fist big bronze statue brain, raises round Buddha’s radiance, the Ye Fan bone that such as Treasured Wheel same shakes ka-beng ka-beng the resounding, almost the break, in the mouth spouts a blood. 幸亏它朽坏了,即便这样也差点让叶凡吃一个大亏,拳头大的青铜雕像脑后升起一轮佛光,如宝轮一样震的叶凡骨头嘎嘣嘎嘣脆响,差点断裂,口中喷出一口血。 He has a change of heart fast, at present does not think time, the front archenemy is not very common, possibly is related with that big alligator, even the slightest misstep will suffer a loss mostly. 他快速收心,眼下不是多想的时候,前方的大敌很不一般,可能与那条大鳄有关,稍有不慎多半会吃大亏。 You have not been Li Xiaoman, depending on your method, does not need to estrange like this, wants to cope with me to put out the real skill to come freely!” After Ye Fan ponders earnestly, thinks that Pang Bo possibly is not greatly wicked, the opposite party should in intentionally randomly his mind. “你早已不是李小曼,凭你的手段,根本不用这样离间,想对付我尽管拿出真本事来吧!”叶凡认真细想后,认为庞博不可能是大恶,对方应是在故意乱他心神。 Today you cannot get away, should receive you by today!” In the Li Xiaoman eye pupil the golden light is flaming, seems two Divinity to sit cross-legged, cultivation depth even more, Sakyamuni Buddha image of Buddha magnificent light shone, cut the crack Void. “今天你走不了,到了今日该将你收掉了!”李小曼眼眸中金光炽盛,似有两尊神祇盘坐,道行越发的深了,释迦牟尼的佛像光华普照,将虚空都切裂了。 You kept on proclaiming slander Pang Bo, what can know itself to make? Today my suppress you!” Ye Fan shouts out, a take action crazier tyrant, almost must shake broken Nine Heavens, murderous intention reveals completely. “你口口声声污蔑庞博,可知自己又做了什么?今天我镇压了你!”叶凡大喝,出手更加狂霸,几乎要撼碎九天,杀机毕露。 Ye Fan you do not have the opportunity, your end of days.” Li Xi­aoman's pupil also ice-cold incomparable, probably two cold deep pool same to terrify people. 叶凡你没有机会,你的末日到了。”李小曼的眸子也冰冷无比,像是两口寒潭一样瘆人。 Two *** war, fierce incomparable, is very special in this place Ye Fan's Six Paths Reincarnation Fist, often delimits the immortal mark, making Abyss thunder. 两***战,剧烈无比,在这个地方叶凡的六道轮回拳很特别,不时划出仙纹,让深渊都为之轰鸣不已。 don't tell me, Immortal Ascension Road is not Realm, but has real Ancient Road, under this Ancient Desolate Abyss? This guess makes Ye Fan startle shivers spirit. 难道说,成仙路不是一种境界,而是有一条真实的古路,在这荒古深渊下?这个猜测让叶凡激灵灵打了个冷颤。 If the institute is correct, then the path under Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land is really extraordinary! But henceforth can also speculate that past Heavenly Jade lineage/vein used the strength of entire teaching to attack this place the mystery. 如果所想正确,那么荒古禁地下的道路真是了不得!而从此也能推测出当年天璇一脉举全教之力攻打此地的奥秘了。 At this time cannot be distracted, the Ye Fan fast put away train of thought that invests into this great war, Six Paths Reincarnation Fist, crushes Heaven and Earth! 此时不能走神,叶凡快速收起思绪,投入到这场大战中,六道轮回拳一出,粉碎天地 Bang “轰” Ye Fan is supernaturally brave, a fair and honest, gentle and mild boxing leaves, Nine Holy Mountains is shaking, it can be imagined strength of terrifying how pure fleshly body! 叶凡神勇无敌,中正平和的一拳击出,九座圣山都在摇动,可想而知纯肉身之力多么的恐怖! The Li Xiaoman withdrawing step, does not dare to bump that hardly to the golden fist, strikes his wrist/skill by the slender white hands, intercepts its vein, must break his physique, take action cunning and ruthless spicy. 李小曼向后撤步,不敢硬碰那对金色的拳头,以纤纤玉手击其手腕,截取其脉络,要断其筋骨,出手刁钻而狠辣。 Above her top of the head, that bronze image of Buddha dangles nine waterfall same Buddha’s radiance, represented perfection, in addition held on her body, let its have a strange strength. 在她的头顶上方,那个青铜佛像垂下九道瀑布一样的佛光,代表了一种圆满,加持在她的身上,让其拥有一种诡异的力量。 But the Ye Fan's golden color fist is brilliant, can say that the fist strength is unparalleled! He shakes gently, to returning receives, such as two god of thunder hammers same knock off, welcome to Li Xi­aoman's finger bone. 叶凡的金色拳头绚烂夺目,可以说拳力盖世!他轻轻一震,向回一收,如两柄雷神锤一样敲落,迎向李小曼的指骨 The ear-spitting sound sends out, Li Xiaoman backed up fast, snow white such as both hands of jade in convulsion, refers to the seams having the blood to drip, cannot interrupt the Ye Fan physique, injures itself on the contrary. 震耳的声音发出,李小曼快速倒退了出去,雪白如玉的双手在痉挛,指缝间有鲜血淌出,未能截断叶凡筋骨,反倒是伤到了自己。 Great Buddha resounds, above its top of the head bronze small Buddha shone, turns into the weapon bang to kill to the Ye Fan's frontal bone, arrived just like Quasi-Emperor Sakyamuni Buddha! 宏大的佛号响起,其头顶上方的青铜小佛发光,化成了兵器轰杀向叶凡的额骨,宛如准帝释迦牟尼降临! The bronze fell apart likely freely, but is Quasi-Emperor refining up after all, boundless fluctuation of energy strangely big, the overturns that Ye Fan shook, under crashed Five Colored Alter. 青铜像尽管朽坏了,但毕竟是准帝所炼,磅礴能量波动奇大,将叶凡震的倒翻了出去,坠落下五色祭坛 No!” “不!” This side Central Province, many people call out in alarm, Ji Ziyue, Sovereign Black and the others zi want to crack, this result was too brutal. 中州这一边,许多人惊叫,姬紫月黑皇等人目眦欲裂,这个结果太残酷了。 Might as well, almost falls down, he held the Five Colored Alter border.” Qi Luo said solemnly. “无妨,差一点掉下去,他抓住了五色祭坛的边沿。”齐罗沉声道 Really, a hand holds the altar corner, makes an effort to dig up, his whole person soars to the heavens on, falls in the altar, again facing Li Xiaoman. 果然,一只手抓住祭坛一角,用力一扒,他整个人冲天而上,落在祭坛内,重新面对李小曼 ka-cha 喀嚓 Fist big bronze Buddha is Forbidden Artifact, use is limited, just now sends out strikes like this shockingly, particularly in this restricted area, damaged immediately, fissure deepens, will be soon stave. 拳头大的青铜佛乃是禁器,使用次数有限,方才发出这样惊世一击,尤其是在这处禁地,顿时损毁了一些,身上的裂痕加深很多,即将破碎。 Ye Fan anything had not said that after jumping onto the altar, starts to kill greatly, Six Paths Reincarnation Fist was evolved peak Realm by him, the immortal mark is densely covered, appears before his body, all over the body probably in embed a Dao Spirit link. 叶凡什么也没有说,跃上祭坛后开始大杀,六道轮回拳被他演化到了极致境界,仙纹密布,出现在他的身前,通体像是镶嵌上了一道神环。 Supernaturally brave, invincible! 神勇,无敌! Ye Fan comes up is six fists, the hit Li Xiaoman big mouth spits blood, incarnadine snow clothes, almost flies horizontally, can clear hears the sound of its bone break. 叶凡上来就是六拳,打的李小曼大口吐血,染红了雪衣,几乎是横飞出去的,可以清晰的听到其骨头断裂的声音。 „......” “啊……” A Li Xiaoman long and loud cry, in the forehead magnificent light a big magnificence burst, golden silhouette takes a step to go out, fast enlargement, this is golden Divine Alligator! 李小曼一声长啸,眉心中光华大盛,一个金色的身影迈步走出,快速放大,这是一条金色的神鳄 Alligator Ancestor divine fetus, really hides in your Immortal Altar!” The Ye Fan's pupil all of a sudden was only cold. 鳄祖神胎,果然躲在你的仙台内!”叶凡的眸光一下子就冷了。 By the present, I looked that who can save you!” Golden divine fetus and Li Xi­aoman's fleshly body unites, the whole person sends out immortal splendors. “到了现在,我看何人能救你!”金色的神胎李小曼的肉身合一,整个人散发出一道道仙辉。 divine fetus, that is together the light of Primordial Spirit, can grow is brand-new, was Monster Race has been lost does not know that many ten thousand years of supreme methods cast. 神胎,那是一道元神之光,可以成长为一个全新的自我,为妖族早已失传也不知多少万年的无上法门铸成。 Pitifully, you are monster embryo that's all that initially becomes, but also has not grown, today I received you!” Ye Fan does not fear, but in the heart is actually one astringent, some of his premonitions, Li Xiaoman likely happened early accidentally/surprisingly, at the present it seems like real. “可惜,你不过是一个初成的妖胎而已,还远未成长起来,今日我收了你!”叶凡不惧,但是心中却是一涩,他早有预感,李小曼可能发生意外了,而今看来成真。 „......” “啊……” Two people all bellow, intense great war, the fists and feet collides, holds the leg to divide, astral wind flap flap, sonorous ear-spitting, Life and Death preying! 两人全都大吼,激烈大战,拳脚碰撞,掌腿劈动,罡风猎猎,铿锵震耳,生死搏杀! At this time, there are Ancient Race that lives divine wings much arrives at the altar, then flies to opposite Holy Mountain, does not dare to involve in this great war, only wants to pick to nine wonderful divine medicine, but was curled, was shaken the fragment by two people, fresh blood dripping. 此时,有不少生有神翅古族降临祭坛,而后向对面的圣山飞去,不敢介入这场大战中,只想采摘到九妙神药,但还是被卷了进来,被两人震成碎块,鲜血淋淋 Li Xiaoman, you also in?” Ye Fan drinks to ask. 李小曼,你到底还在不在?”叶凡喝问道。 Nature, sometimes her is I, sometimes I am she, coexists to stand. She with the aid of my strength, I observes and emulates another world in her heart, this wisdom-radiance could be as good as comprehending dao in 1000!” “自然在,有时她是我,有时我是她,并存而立。她借助我的力量,我观摩她心中的另一个世界,这种慧光抵得上悟道一千年!” Alligator Ancestor, Li Xiaoman!” Ye Fan bellows, in his heart is hard to talk clearly what taste, at present only the war, pledges must eliminate that golden Divine Alligator. 鳄祖,李小曼!”叶凡大吼,他心中难以说清什么滋味,眼前唯有一战,发誓要杀灭那条金色的神鳄 I have searched clear, under Abyss have Immortal Ascension Road, not, if I hit you , helping you become an immortal!” Li Xiaoman lightly shouted, corners of the mouth brings brutal sneering. “我已经探清,深渊下有一条成仙路,不若我将你打下去,助你成仙吧!”李小曼轻喝,嘴角的带着一丝无情的冷笑。 Bang “轰” She stimulates to movement that bronze picture, this is brings from ancient planet Mars without a doubt, is Sakyamuni Buddha suppress 18 Hell divine object, at the present becomes its weapon on the contrary. 她催动那尊青铜像,毫无疑问这是从荧惑古星带来的,原本为释迦牟尼镇压十八层地狱神物,而今反倒成了其兵器。 Bronze image of Buddha just like having life, had supreme of divine might suppress 18 Hell, Ye Fan immediately the overturns, hid under Five Colored Alter automatically, both hands grabbed its bottom to turn from another position. 青铜佛像宛若有了生命,有镇压十八层地狱无上神威,叶凡当即倒翻了出去,自动躲在五色祭坛下,双手抓着其底部从另一个方位翻了上来。 Quasi-Emperor Forbidden Artifact! 准帝禁器 Once it assumes an awe-inspiring pose truly, no one is able to offend the front, even were suppressed by Desolate Force in this place, still hardly may resist with all one's strength. 它一旦真正发威,谁都无法撄锋,即便是在此地被荒的力量压制,也几乎不可力敌。 Suddenly, Li Xiaoman staggers, the bronze in hand almost crashes on the ground likely, Buddha’s radiance is abating, and were many a fissure above, is going the self-destruction. 突然,李小曼一个趔趄,手中的青铜像差点坠落在地上,佛光在消退,且在其上多了一片裂痕,将要自毁。 Ye Fan seizes this rare opportunity, rushes over, Essence, Qi and Spirit unites, probably fell into enlightenment state, evolves Six Paths Reincarnation Fist, trim Heaven and Earth Great Dao exudes the tsunami same bellow. 叶凡抓住这难得的机会,冲了过去,精气神合一,像是陷入了悟道境,演化六道轮回拳,整片天地大道发出海啸一样的轰鸣声。 “噗” The Li Xiaoman big mouth coughs up blood, the whole body bone breaks many, flew upside down, almost under Five Colored Alter on crash. 李小曼大口咳血,浑身骨头断裂多处,倒飞了出去,差一点就坠落下五色祭坛 Finally, she stopped the footsteps, puts out innate essence, that is Alligator Ancestor divine fetus the life essence, preventing the bronze resembles to ruin, making him preserve. 最终,她止住了脚步,吐出一口先天精气,那是鳄祖神胎的本命精华,阻止了青铜像毁掉,让其保存了下来。 Bodhisattva that Great Dao and cry, the golden body arhat and divine light wind around, has the Ancient Buddha, another spheres Li Xiaoman, all glitters from the bronze resembles. 一声大道和鸣,金身罗汉、神光缭绕的菩萨、还有上古的佛,一尊又一尊将李小曼围住,全都是自青铜像闪烁出的。 She will conduct strikes finally, but this Sakyamuni Buddha Forbidden Artifact will also move toward the life obviously the end point, was impossible to exist forever world. 她将进行最后一击,而这一次释迦牟尼禁器显然也会走向生命的终点,不可能在长存世间了。 Even if Quasi-Emperor Forbidden Artifact becomes the sediment broken is still Divine Artifact, has not ruined let alone, Alligator Ancestor divine fetus took out, does not hesitate to ruin it, it can be imagined that might! 准帝禁器即便碎成渣子也是神器,更何况还没有毁掉,鳄祖神胎祭出,不惜将其毁掉,可想而知那种威力! In Ye Fan heart bottomless, but actually fearless, the swing golden fist, prepares to evade that the bronze alike point, looks for an opportunity to kill goes forward. 叶凡心中无底,但却无惧,轮动金色的拳头,准备避过青铜像的锋芒,寻机杀向前去。 Bang!” “轰!” Quasi-Emperor Forbidden Artifact assumes an awe-inspiring pose, sweeps across Heaven and Earth, oneself are disrupting, burnt, the terrifying to the extreme, three thousand golden body arhats, Bodhisattva, Ancient Buddhist and others chanted sutras together, forward suppress. 准帝禁器发威,席卷天地,自己在碎裂,燃烧了起来,恐怖到了极点,三千金身罗汉、菩萨古佛等一起诵经,向前镇压而来。 This power and influence, few may keep off! 这种威势,几乎无人可挡! No!” This side Central Province, Monkey, Sovereign Black *** called, even Qi Luo changed the color, this is the sure-kill! “不!”中州这一边,猴子黑皇等***叫,连齐罗都变了颜色,这是绝杀! Bang “轰隆” Suddenly, the strange matter happened, Li Xi­aoman's trembles suddenly, the bronze resembles crashes in Ancient Desolate Abyss, flood heaven's might potential vanishes does not see. 突然,诡异的事发生了,李小曼的手突然一哆嗦,青铜像坠落进荒古深渊内,滔天威势消失不见。 What did this...... have?” Everyone is puzzled. “这……发生了什么?”所有人都不解。 Ye Fan receives the fist not to live, shifts diligently, has not struck in its chest and belly place, but actually crushes one group of blood mist her right arm, splashed a he blood. 叶凡收拳不住,努力转向,没有击在其胸腹处,但却将她的右臂粉碎成一团血雾,溅了他一身的血。 Li Xiaoman!” He is puzzled. 李小曼!”他不解。 Being a mortal is very good, what a pity the time cannot reverse, forever could not return formerly.” In the Li Xiaoman eye pupil has mist, stands is lost in thought there. “做一个凡人真的很好,可惜时光不能逆转,永远也回不到从前了。”李小曼眼眸中有一丝水雾,站在那里怔怔出神。 Li Xiaoman you how, whether at the present is true you?” Ye Fan shouts a question. 李小曼你怎么了,而今是否才是真正的你?”叶凡喝问。 „Do you guess?” Li Xiaoman smiled, on the face is hanging two lines of clear tears, breaks the blood of arm place to drip to fall unceasingly, cannot stop. “你猜呢?”李小曼笑了,脸上挂着两行晶莹的泪,断臂处的鲜血不断淌落,根本止不住。 Sometimes is you, sometimes is Alligator Ancestor divine fetus......” Ye Fan visits her. “有时是你,有时是鳄祖神胎……”叶凡怔怔的看着她。 How to think as you like.” Li Xiaoman also smiles also cries, in the eye pupil has the golden light twinkle, murderous intention a while presents a while retrogression. “随你怎么想吧。”李小曼亦笑亦哭,眼眸中有金光闪烁,杀机一会儿出现一会儿消退。 Bang “轰” Terrifying murderous intention appears, the Li Xiaoman whole body golden light is flaming. Ye Fan lifts the fist, prepared fight. However, in this moment, Li Xiaoman actually made an unexpected movement, she jumped to jump in Ancient Desolate Abyss. 恐怖杀机出现,李小曼浑身金光炽盛。叶凡举拳,做好了战斗的准备。然而,在这一刻,李小曼却做出了一个让人意想不到的动作,她纵身跳进了荒古深渊 Final looking back, in the eye pupil reflects Ye Fan's silhouette, brings bright smiling, one wipes aggrieved, the tears fall, she such as the fireworks blooms, leaves behind together the eternal light, then vanished in the darkness. 最后的回首,眼眸中倒映出叶凡的身影,带着灿烂的笑,也有一抹哀怨,泪水滑落,她如烟花绽放,留下一道永恒的光,而后消失在了黑暗中。 Asked ***, Li Xiaoman withered and fell, our *** did not need the plate entire, summoned the brothers and sisters, requested that guaranteed a minimum *** support. 求***,李小曼凋落下去了,我们的***不需要盘整呀,呼唤兄弟姐妹,请求保底***支援。
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