STH :: Volume #10

#923: Ascends Five Colored Alter to fight finally

You may, if wants, first not to say other, only Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land this closes is very sad. Drew back 10,000 steps saying that was you can successfully step Ancient Starry Sky Road, arrived at Other Shore smoothly, what to do if were comes to naught?” Monkey earnest saying. “你可要想好了,先不说其他,单是荒古禁地这一关就很难过。退一万步说,就是你能成功踏上星空古路,顺利到达彼岸,万一是一场空怎么办?”猴子认真的说道。 This has possibly, even if untold hardships step the return trip, Ye Fan may not see his parents, so many years passed by, perhaps already the people are no longer the same. 这不是没有可能,即便千辛万苦踏上归程,叶凡也不一定能见到他的父母,这么多年过去了,也许早已物是人非。 Perhaps really comes to naught, vertical turns over to the native land, possibly anything could not see, but I , if not go back, will regret life-long.” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “也许真的是一场空,纵归故土,也可能什么都见不到了,但我如果不回去,将会遗憾终生。”叶凡自语。 Calculates earnestly, he has left the Earth twenty years, at that time the parents had revealed the senile, so many years all might happen in the past. 认真算来,他已经离开地球二十几年了,那时父母就已显老态,这么多年过去一切都有可能发生。 Did not have the time, at the present Ye Fan really cannot stay, if went back again late for several years, that had almost no suspense with anticipating, these years in his heart was hard to be tranquil, always had an anxiety. 没有时间了,而今叶凡真的不能多停留,若是再晚回去几年,那几乎没有什么悬念与期待了,这些年来他心中难以宁静,总有有一种焦虑。 Regardless of finally how, even if were the worst matter happened, I must go back, otherwise my life will not feel at ease.” “无论结果如何,哪怕是最坏的事情发生了,我也要回去,不然我这一生都都不会安心。” No matter the road ahead how, Ye Fan must rush, the sentiment of person, the nature of person, he is hard to give up here all, but is impossible to throw down the parents not to attend. 不管前路如何,叶凡都要闯回去,人之情,人之性,他难以割舍这边的一切,可却也不可能丢下父母不顾。 You...... take care, I will pray for you every day.” The Ji Ziyue eye pupil brings mist, with the hand direction vault of heaven, told him, if thought of the old friend, every night can look, in the world shortest and longest distance was the mind. “你……保重,我每天都会为你祈福。”姬紫月眼眸带着一层水雾,用手指向天穹,告诉他如果想念故人,每晚可以仰望,世上最短与最长的距离都是心灵。 Really must walk, if the fatality of this world completely, I wanted some day you to step the return trip.” Qi Luo sighed, patted the Ye Fan's shoulder. “真的要走了,若是尘缘尽了,我希望有一天你能踏上归程。”齐罗叹道,拍了拍叶凡的肩头。 People know, this is almost impossible, if no accident/surprise, this possibly was they sees Ye Fan for the last time, because they did not know the Big Dip­per Star Domain's Coordinate, how can he come back? 人们知道,这几乎不可能,若无意外,这可能是他们最后一次见到叶凡了,因为连他们都不知北斗星域的坐标,他怎能回来? This Poor Daoist actually wants to go together with you, goes to Starry Sky another end to conduct the great archaeological research, what a pity that place is hard to practice, I do not dare to go.” Duan De goes forward to say goodbye. 贫道其实很想与你同去,去星空另一端进行伟大的考古研究,可惜那个地方难以修行,我不敢去。”段德上前告别。 Gives you, when a while enters the life-forbidden zone uses.” The big black dog opens the mouth puts out amethyst small bottle gourd, but the thumb is big, after opening , the multi-colored sunlight spurts thinly, strongly fragrant fragrant, making one have to lift the feeling of rosy cloud flying upwards, whole body pore open up. “给你,一会儿进入生命禁区时用。”大黑狗张口吐出一个紫玉小葫芦,不过拇指大,打开后霞光喷薄,馥郁芬芳,让人有举霞飞升之感,浑身毛孔都舒张了开来。 undying divine medicine! 不死神药 Everyone was shocked, ten thousand have not thought that on greediest shameless Big Dog has this type of thing, the critical moment is willing to take unexpectedly. 所有人都惊呆了,万没有想到最为贪婪无耻的大狗身上有这种东西,关键时刻竟然舍得拿出来。 Where do you from make?” Several people cannot believe. “你从哪弄来的?”几人都不敢相信。 Divine Phoenix dances in the air, the scarlet rosy cloud sprinkles, immortal light, the delicate fragrance greets the nostrils, in amethyst small bottle gourd is closing a phoenix bird probably, has shocking visions to wind around. 神凰飞舞,赤霞洒落,仙光点点,清香扑鼻,紫玉小葫芦内像是关着一只凰鸟,有惊世异象缭绕。 This is Great Emperor Without Beginning's Undying Divine Phoenix Medicine!” big black dog said. “这是无始大帝的不死神凰药!”大黑狗道。 Naturally, this possibly is not entire divine medicine, middle only has four drops of Divine Phoenix medicines blood essence, each drop may the Life and Death flesh white bones. 当然,这不可能是一整株神药,当中仅有四滴神凰药的精血,每一滴都可生死人肉白骨。 Counts years ago, it almost died, was rescued by the Little Baby's tears, then it to defend oneself, entered Purple Mountain, took several drops of Divine Liquid from that immortal medicine on, has brought on the body. 年前,它差点死掉,被小囡囡的眼泪所救,而后它为了防身,进入了紫山,自那株仙药上取了几滴神液,一直带在身上。 That damn bird becomes a spirit, but also knows therefore, I die to beg hundred Lai Cainong to come four drops, said that anything are not many gives.” “那该死的鸟成精了,还是故识呢,我死乞百赖才弄来四滴,说什么也不多给。” No one has thought that the big black dog final moment suddenly was so natural one time, must know past it often did swindle friends & family the matter, sees the treasure to snatch, place visited mouth awry bottle gourd cannot be left over. 谁也没有想到大黑狗最后关头突然这么大方了一次,要知道昔日它常干“杀熟”的事,见宝就抢,所过之处连个歪嘴葫芦都剩不下。 You gave us holy fruit and True Dragon undying medicine bubble, this lack this type of thing to pass one's life, has not changed the mind to hurry to accept while this Sovereign.” big black dog bare teeth said. “你将圣果真龙不死药液滴都给了我们,这次自己缺少这种东西度命,趁本皇没有改变主意赶紧收下吧。”大黑狗呲牙道。 Ye Fan has not declined, is going to cross to walk, he really needs this type of thing to maintain life. Monkey they want holy fruit and True Dragon solution also he, was rejected, four drops of Immortal Phoenix fluid feet, enough he came and went out several times. 叶凡没有推辞,将要横渡而走,他真的需要这种东西保命。猴子他们欲将圣果真龙药液还他,被拒绝了,四滴仙凰液足矣,足够他出入几次了。 The medicine alarmed neighbor everyone fragrant, the greedy vision looks, but saw that amethyst bottle gourd holds in the Ye Fan hand no one dares to begin, all does not dare to annoy this deicide. 药香惊动了附近所有人,许多贪婪的目光望来,但是见到紫玉葫芦持在叶凡手中没有一个人敢动手,皆不敢惹这尊杀神。 Bon voyage!” Several people know how, regardless of unable to leave behind Ye Fan, can only see off for it, offers the sincere blessing. “一路顺风!”几人知道无论如何也留不下叶凡了,只能为其送行,送上真挚的祝福。 You must take care!” Ye Fan visits them, wants everyone forever the brand mark in the hearts. “你们也要保重!”叶凡看着他们,想将每一个人永远烙印在心间。 Then, he has turned around resolutely, both hands circulation Divine Red Clouds, this corner/horn incomplete Five Colored Alter by put away, fell into his Space Artifact, will make up the Complete Perfection altar. 而后,他毅然转过身,双手流转神霞,这角残缺的五色祭坛收起,落入他的空间法器中,将去补全真正的祭坛。 Ancient Race as well as other Human Race major powers, many people are unwilling, but actually does not dare to stop, Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot ups and downs, no one is willing therefore to wage a war, because is only corner/horn altar that's all, uses embarrassedly greatly. 古族以及其他人族大势力,许多人都不甘,但却未敢阻拦,吞天魔罐在沉浮,没有人愿因此而大动干戈,因为只是一角祭坛而已,难堪大用。 The Ye Fan stride goes, enters that ancient Teleportation Formation, moves toward that to say Golden Gate, will go far away. 叶凡大步而去,进入那座古老的传送阵,走向那道黄金门,将就此远去。 little Ye!” Ji Ziyue cries, falling of tears doubling, the shining white elegant face teardrops fell, moistened the front piece. 小叶子!”姬紫月大哭,眼泪成双的落下,莹白的俏脸泪珠滑落,打湿了衣襟。 The Ye Fan heart has the bitterness, in the mouth mutters, waves the arm, looks at several people, he does not abandon, but has not actually chosen. 叶凡心有酸涩,口中喃喃自语,挥动手臂,看着几人,他也不舍,但却没有选择。 Do not forget, here has one group of old friends and others you to return.” “不要忘记,这边有一群故人等你归来。” Although several people said like this, but actually knows, this possibly was they sees Ye Fan for the last time, the dry lonesome universe was too vast, this life was hard to meet by chance. 几人虽然这样说,但是却知道,这可能是他们最后一次见到叶凡了,枯寂的宇宙太浩瀚,今生都难以相逢了。 Bye!” Ye Fan turns around resolutely, advances to Golden Gate. “再见!”叶凡毅然转身,迈向黄金门内。 Looks back again, that purple clothes female also, waving of effort, loud is shouting anything, diligently in smiling, but on the shining white face is hanging the clear tears. 再回首,那个紫衣女子还在,用力的挥手,大声的喊着什么,努力在笑,可是莹白的脸上挂着晶莹的泪水。 Ye Fan tore off Jade Pendant, changes to a ray of light to pass on, fell into the Ji Ziyue's hand. 叶凡将一枚玉坠扯下,化作一道光传了过来,落入姬紫月的手中。 In Starry Sky another side, this is a busy semi-transparent jade seed material, clear beautiful, almost no slight defect, was Ye Fan brought many years of thing personal. 星空的另一边,这是一枚无暇的羊脂玉籽料,晶莹美丽,几乎没有一点瑕疵,是叶凡贴身带了多年的东西。 Is going to take a long journey, does not want to say too, do not stay behind is moved, only had this thing to keep commemorating, Ye Fan took a step, set off the journey. 将要远行,不想说太多,不要留下更多伤感,仅有此物可以留作纪念了,叶凡迈步,就此踏上了征程。 Monkey, Duan De, Sovereign Black, Dongfang Ye wait/etc. is also focusing attention on, delivers him to take a long journey. 猴子段德黑皇东方野等也在注目,送他远行。 Ye Fan......” Ji Ziyue cries. 叶凡……”姬紫月大哭。 Dongfang Ye and the others are also in the eye becomes rough, once fought side-by-side together, once risked one's life together, once the world, actually has to separate together vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered at the present, living far apart, this life is difficult to meet. 东方野等人也是眼中发涩,曾经一起并肩作战,曾经一起出生入死,曾经一起纵横天下,而今却不得不分离了,天各一方,今生再难相见。 Sees again, friends of mine!” This is the Ye Fan final words, vanishes from ancient Teleportation Formation. “再见了,我的朋友们!”这是叶凡最后的话语,从古老的传送阵上消失。 The world outstanding heroes are observing calmly, is startled, they looked, Ye Fan is going to go far away, leaves this world! 天下群雄都在静观,全都大吃一惊,他们看出来了,叶凡将要就此远去,离开这个世界! Human Race's Saint Physique must depart!” 人族圣体要离去了!” Leaves for 12 years to return, at the present perhaps really must depart forever, will not come back, this Between Heaven and Earth was short of contender on emperor road!” “一别十二年回归,而今恐怕是真的要永远离去了,再也不会回来,这个天地间少了一位帝路上的争雄者!” This obviously is an important matter, stirred a great unrest, ancestral temple noisy, many people discussed. 这显然是一件大事,引发了一片轩然大波,祖庙一片嘈杂,许多人都议论了起来。 Without a doubt, the future world will lack unparalleled Powerhouse, this was the important matter that everyone can foresee, Human Race's Saint Physique will vanish from this world, was short of his participation. 毫无疑问,未来的天下将缺少一位盖世强者,这是所有人都能预见的大事,人族圣体将从这个世界消失,少了他的参与。 On the road that Great Emperor fights was short of the Saint Body great accomplishment participation, some are not very really perfect.” 大帝争锋的路上少了大成圣体参与,真的有些不够完满。” have several position Ancient Sovereign's Son enter the world also foot, otherwise some day Saint Physique great accomplishment, refers to erratically will have many heroic die, perhaps also little endless white bones and blood.” 有数古皇子出世也足矣了,不然有朝一日圣体大成,指不定会有多少英雄殒落,也许也会少无尽的白骨与血。” Human Race many elder characters sighed secretly were a pity, Ye Fan receded, in some sense was a Human Race greatest loss. 人族许多老辈人物暗叹可惜,叶凡远走,从某种意义上来说是人族一种莫大的损失。 But some Ancient Race many people rejoiced, was short of Human Race's Saint Physique, future world as if bright many, can cut person brave that kills Primeval Sovereign eighth generation of grandsons, the pressed their younger generation cannot ventilate. 古族则有不少人庆幸,少了人族圣体,未来的天下似乎都光明了不少,能将元皇第八代孙斩杀的人英,压的他们年轻一代透不过气来。 This Jade Pendant......” Duan De is staring at the semi-transparent jade seed material in Ji Ziyue hand, it is pure naturally, without the slash, the red string is in the above, he cannot bear talk to oneself, said: With throwing that Jade Pendant on Without Beginning Dao stage looks like very much, should not be a samsara?” “这枚玉坠……”段德盯着姬紫月手中的羊脂玉籽料,它是纯天然而成,没有刀痕,红丝系在上方,他忍不住自语,道:“与扔在无始道台上的那枚玉坠很像,该不会是一个轮回吧?” He muttered in a soft voice, looked at Ji Ziyue, thinks that female Saint, startles shivers spirit, he robs a grave year to year, did not believe the samsara and a fate saying, otherwise he will not dig the grave. 他轻声咕哝,看了一眼姬紫月,想到了那位女圣,激灵灵打了个冷颤,他常年盗墓,根本不相信轮回与宿命一说,不然他也不会去掘坟。 However, this Jade Pendant as if really with throwing Jade Pendant of female Saint skull bank on the Without Beginning Dao stage looks like very much. 然而,这枚玉坠似乎真的与抛在无始道台上女圣头骨畔的玉坠很像。 Human Race's Saint Physique is not senile, is patching Five Colored Alter!” Many Ancient Race people call out in alarm, captured the past everyone's attention. 人族圣体未衰老,在修补五色祭坛!”许多古族人惊呼,将所有人的目光吸引了过去。 By Golden Gate obvious, above the Abyss grand altar was being complemented by Ye Fan, under the corner of that defect, fits together perfectly, unites with that main body, changes into a body. 透过黄金门可见,深渊上方的宏伟祭坛被叶凡正在补全,那缺失的一角落下,严丝合缝,与那主体合一,化为一体。 The Five Colors stone column fills in the center of Five Colors sacrificial altar, making it all of a sudden perfect, no longer the defect, changed into a complete whole. 更有一个五色石柱填入五色祭台的中心,让其一下子完满了,不再缺失,化为了一个无缺的整体。 Ye Fan swallows drop of Immortal Phoenix blood essence, then the big mouth drinks Divine Spring in Clean Jade Bottle, the appearance is not old, the body is immortal, Blood Qi is exuberant, the whole person is vivid, startled people are dumbfounded. 叶凡吞下一滴仙凰精血,而后大口饮玉净瓶中的神泉,容颜不老,身体不朽,血气旺盛,整个人生龙活虎,惊的人们目瞪口呆。 At this time, the races of Ancient Race many fresh wings dispatched into large quantities of expert respectively, in the crash altar, wanted to cross to the cliff of opposite shore on picks nine wonderful divine medicine. 此时,古族许多生翼的种族都分别遣入了大批高手,坠落祭坛上,想要横渡到对岸的山崖上采摘九妙神药 At this moment, the coming up in great numbers and from all sides accident, Fallen Feather Race Dao Severing king Bao has a crucial cornerstone, sneers again and again, flutters to fly to opposite cliff. 就在这时,横生变故,堕羽族一位斩道的王抱起关键性的一块基石,冷笑连连,振翅飞向对面的山崖上。 Human Race's Saint Physique you cannot get away, consume on Five Colored Alter!” He sneers densely. 人族圣体你走不了,耗死在五色祭坛上吧!”他森然冷笑。 This is nothing less than the poison, if Five Colored Alter cannot start, is equivalent to danger zone, was too far from the cliff wall, without cultivation and magical power cannot jump onto Holy Mountain, Ye Fan in dire straits there. 这不可谓不毒,五色祭坛如果不能启动,就相当于一处绝地,距离崖壁太远了,没有道行法力根本不能跃上圣山,会将叶凡困死在那里。 Wonderful, originally cuts to kill Human Race's Saint Physique is so simple, only need move out a stone, he died without the burial ground.” Some Ancient Race life big comprehension. “妙,原来斩杀人族圣体这么简单,只需搬走一块石,他就死无葬身之地了。”一些古族生灵大悟 eye of zi that Ji Ziyue, Monkey and the others looked at wants to crack, this was too poisonous, seizes a stone, making the entire altar an isolated island, compelling Ye Fan to enter cannot enter, draws back cannot draw back, by while still alive in dire straits! 姬紫月猴子等人看的目眦欲裂,这实在太毒了,夺走一块石,让整座祭坛都成为了一座孤岛,逼得叶凡进不能进,退不能退,将被活活困死! Was too virulent!” big black dog got angry, but actually cannot help, to also useless. “太恶毒了!”大黑狗怒了,但却帮不上忙,冲进去也无用。 Ye Fan!” The Ji Ziyue willow-leaf eyebrows are but actually vertical, a pair of nimble and resourceful big eye is staring these Ancient Race. 叶凡!”姬紫月柳叶眉倒竖,一双灵动的大眼瞪着那些古族 Damn!” Even Qi Luo murderous aura is dense, however actually cannot help. “该死!”连齐罗杀气森然,然而却帮不上忙。 Ancient Race some *** smiles, this result went beyond their expectation, Human Race's Saint Physique, although is going to depart, but eventually is unsafe, perhaps only has the deceased person most not to threaten. 古族一些***笑,这个结果超出了他们的预料,人族圣体虽然将要离去,但终究是不保险,也许唯有死人才最没有威胁。 Kills you- Lu Donglai!” The Fallen Feather Race Dao Severing King who moves out a cornerstone earliest sneers again and again, was full of the color of satire. “杀你者--陆东来!”最早搬走一块基石的堕羽族斩道王者冷笑连连,充满了讽刺之色。 His younger brother Lu Dongfa dies of the hand of Ye Fan, at the present naturally to revenge, unexpectedly, has such strategy, must the Ye Fan sure-kill. 他的弟弟陆东法死于叶凡之手,而今自然是为报仇,出其不意,生出这样的计策,要将叶凡绝杀。 But in this moment, part of the lives that lives the wing acted, subordinates the different races, wants to destroy Five Colored Alter, does not give a Human Race's Saint Physique opportunity. 而在这一刻,又有一部分生有羽翼的生灵行动了起来,隶属不同种族,想要破坏五色祭坛,不给人族圣体一丝机会。 Dozens over a hundred Dao Body shades shake out, does not attend to the time not many quite the same as, wants to throw off the altar, or sinister smile, either cold Chi, was full of the pleased color, some person incomparable virulence. 数十上百道身影扑落下来,浑然不顾自身时间无多,想掀翻祭坛,或阴笑,或冷嗤,充满了快慰之色,有些人无比的恶毒。 You, when I was, even in this life-forbidden zone, were not you can bring disgrace on, vertical was half-Saint comes to bully me also to die!” The Ye Fan cold sound said, the full black hair dances in the air, pupil light cold lightning is ordinary. “你们当我是什么人了,即便在这生命禁区内,也不是你们能辱没的,纵为半圣来了欺我也得死!”叶凡寒声道,满头黑发飞舞,眸光似冷电一般。 His bellows, Nine Holy Mountains is thundering, enters Ancient Desolate Abyss more than ten people of shaking crash, startled all Ancient Race change color none who does not. In this place, Ye Fan, although does not have cultivation and magical power, but inborn divine force fleshly body still, washes one's hands to shake dozens over a hundred quick sources, such as comet across the sky. 他一声大吼,九座圣山都在轰鸣,将十几人震的坠落进荒古深渊,惊的所有古族莫不变色。在这个地方,叶凡虽没有道行法力,但是天生神力肉身还在,抖手震出数十上百快源,如彗星横空。 and ...... “噗”、“噗”…… The pitiful yell sound resounds almost at the same time, all people who plunge Five Colored Alter were hit, the Saint Physique's strength is how big, they were put on by source Cave directly, under fresh blood dripping, crashes Abyss, strikes to be killed violently. 惨叫声几乎在同一时间响起,所有扑向五色祭坛的人都被击中,圣体的力道何其大,他们直接被源石洞穿,鲜血淋淋,坠落下深渊,都是一击毙命。 At the same time, Ye Fan jumps high, has flown across Abyss unexpectedly all of a sudden, falls to Holy Mountain. 同一时间,叶凡高高跃起,竟然一下子横越过深渊,落向圣山上。 Everyone is dumbfounded, is this how powerful fleshly body? In losing magical power and in cultivation situation, unexpectedly is so far by the pure physical strength jump, surpassed the understanding of people simply, is this fleshly body limit? Everyone by subdued! 所有人都傻眼,这是多么强大的肉身?在失去了法力道行的情况下,居然以单纯的体力跳跃这么远,简直超出了人们的理解,这是肉身的极限吗?所有人都被镇住了! Bang “砰” Ye Fan depends on the fleshly body strength only, one vertical has leapt Abyss, arrived at this side, flying high kicked, trod on the body of Lu Donglai, stepped on him to descend on Holy Mountain. 叶凡单靠肉身的力量,一纵跃过深渊,来到了这一边,凌空一脚踢了下来,踏在陆东来的身上,踩着他降落在圣山上。 “噗” The strength of this foot is how big, stamped a bone to break the muscle booklet it at the scene, the chest gallery shakes, the four limbs were cut off, the bloody water splashed place. 这一脚的力量何其大,当场将其跺了个骨断筋折,胸廓震开,四肢断掉,血水溅了一地。 Does not need to say your name to me, because I do not need to know.” Ye Fan treads on his body, the words are very cold, lower the head to overlook. “没有必要对我说出你的名字,因为我不需要知道。”叶凡踏在他的身上,话语很冷,低头俯视。 You...... person?” Lu Donglai Dao Severing, for the degeneration birds most shocking rare talent, is the hope that the future and Imperial Clan strive for hegemony is, does not want actually to cherish hatred here. “你……还是人吗?”陆东来已经斩道,为堕落羽族最惊艳的奇才,是未来与皇族争雄的希望所在,不想却在这里饮恨。 His words were very obvious, are full of the shock with being unwilling, human that did not have the wings, without can use cultivation, rise with a jump unexpectedly, probably flew to be the same, crossed, this almost surpassed the limit of human body. 他的话语很明显,充满了震惊与不甘,一个没有羽翅的人类,在不能动用道行的情况下,竟然一跃而起,像是飞一样,横渡了过来,这几乎超越了人体的极限。 Guaranteeing exchange if not genuine, I am Human Race!” “如假包换,我是人族!” You......” Lu Donglai brings being unwilling, brings shock, dies a violent death. “你……”陆东来带着不甘,带着震撼,死于非命。 This side Central Province, people are frightened, Human Race's Saint Physique was too powerful, such body and spirit was really invincible, even Ancient Desolate Abyss may one vertical, absolutely was the Ancient Sovereign child matchless archenemy! 中州这一边,人们惊悚,人族圣体太强大了,这样的体魄真是无敌了,连荒古深渊都可一纵而过,绝对是古皇亲子不世大敌! He must depart luckily, perhaps will otherwise have Ancient Sovereign's Son die in the future.” Ancient Race elder Powerhouse sighed. “幸好他要离去了,不然将来也许会有古皇子殒落。”古族老辈强者叹道。 Ye Fan has not started off in a hurry, arrives at the Divine Spring bank directly, first is one drinks to heart's content, then takes out several Clean Jade Bottle, receives the water fast, although Space Artifact affected here minimal, but can install dozens over a hundred jin (0.5 kg). 叶凡没有匆匆上路,径直来到神泉畔,先是一阵痛饮,而后取出几个玉净瓶,快速收水,尽管在这里空间法器作用微乎其微了,但还是能装走数十上百斤。 Then, he folded nine wonderful divine medicine's branches and leaves, took a rhizome, this grasps that cornerstone to jump high, probably Golden Winged Peng same shoots, falls in the altar. 接着,他折了一些九妙神药的枝叶,取了一点根茎,这才抱住那块基石高高跃起,像是一只金翅大鹏一样一跃而过,落在祭坛上。 This side Central Province, many eyes were red, that is Divine Spring and undying divine medicine branches and leaves, is priceless divine object, simultaneously people heart was also startled, bringing the cornerstone to jump, the Ye Fan's physique was too astonishing. 中州这一边,许多人眼睛都红了,那可是神泉不死神药的枝叶,是无价神物,同时人们也更加心惊了,带着基石都能跃起,叶凡的体质太惊人了。 Crashes on Five Colored Alter, a Ye Fan pupil contraction, because steps several people from Golden Gate, drops from the clouds. 坠落在五色祭坛上,叶凡瞳孔一阵收缩,因为从黄金门迈过来几人,从天而降。 Incessantly a Dao Body shadow, but he only observed closely one of them, but neglected others, that is a White Clothed female, stands in the front, murderous aura flows, precisely Li Xiaoman! 不止一道身影,但是他只盯住了其中一人,而将其他人都忽略了,那是一个白衣女子,站在前方,杀气流动,正是李小曼
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