STH :: Volume #10

#922: To life-forbidden zone

Void Mirror, Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot and Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron three Emperor Weapon fight, earth-shattering, does not know that many of submit and fall in the place, trembling with fear, move cannot move. This Small World was crushed most probably, was connected with the outside world in one, this way world no.1 Divine Dynasty tallest ancestral temple will become tribulation ash in years past. 虚空镜吞天魔罐龙纹黑金鼎三件帝兵争锋,石破天惊,也不知有多少人伏倒在地,战战兢兢,一动不能动。这个小世界被粉碎了大半,与外界相连在了一起,再这样下去昔年天下第一神朝最高祖庙将成劫灰 dragon roar is ear-spitting, over ten thousand black big Soaring Dragon are spatial, their end in Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron, Dragon's Head to the day, each are the number completely by ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), fearsome boundless, like the mountain, scale each of Black Gold casting has the shutter is so big thickly, twinkle metallic luster. 龙吟震耳,上万条黑色的大龙腾空,它们的尾端全部在龙纹黑金鼎内,龙首向天,每一条都长达数以万丈,可怖无边,粗如山岳,黑金浇铸的鳞片每一枚都有门板那么大,闪烁金属光泽。 The Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron ups and downs, over ten thousand black True Dragon prance in the cauldron mouth, flows out ten thousand wisps of immortal light, there dense piece, the huge dragon body terrifying is boundless. 龙纹黑金鼎沉浮,上万头黑色的真龙在鼎口腾跃,流出万缕仙光,那里氤氲一片,巨大的龙躯恐怖无边。 Void Mirror, the light beam is astonishing, no one can face , the projected light beam is more flaming than Sun does not know many times, that is Immortal Sword divine light in clank calls continuously, cuts to kill all, chops on that infinite Black Dragon, shakes the world resonantly. 虚空镜,光束惊人,没有一个人可以正视,射出的光束比太阳炽盛也不知多少倍,那是一缕缕仙剑神光在铮铮而鸣,斩杀一切,劈在那无穷的黑龙身上,响音震世。 This is the ultimate Dao immortal prestige, Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron contends with Void Mirror, both are the priceless immortal treasures, luckily no knock down on the ground, otherwise the land must destroy. 这是极道仙威,龙纹黑金鼎抗衡虚空镜,两者都是无价仙宝,幸亏没有打落在地上,不然大地必毁。 Ye Fan kills, Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot also captures, the pot mouth puts out trillion wisps of multi-colored sunlight, gorgeous, cloud and steam luxuriant glow, the peerless beautiful woman appears, dim and is not real. 叶凡杀到,吞天魔罐亦攻入,罐口吐出亿万缕霞光,一片绚丽,云蒸霞蔚,恍惚间有一个绝代丽人浮现,朦胧而不真实。 The Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron big quake, over ten thousand black signs of the dragon with reciting, an immortal embryo in the cauldron mouth appear intermittently, send out the immeasurable light, might lift the rosy cloud to fly upwards was the same, resists Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot. 龙纹黑金鼎大震,上万条黑色的大龙同吟,在鼎口内一尊仙胎隐现,发出无量光,像是要举霞飞升了一样,对抗吞天魔罐 Bang “轰” This finally first layer Small World severe tremor, outside the ancestral temple and Five Colored Alter of abatement ground, other all destroy, becomes fine powder, blended with Greater World thoroughly in one. 这最后一重小世界剧震,除却地上的祖庙与五色祭坛外,其他全毁,成为了齑粉,彻底与大世界交融在了一起。 destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth! 毁天灭地 Buzz “嗡” Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron expresses a cry, under lets fall tens of thousands of wisp of black light, all signs of the dragon submerge in the cauldron, the immortal embryo is also reserved, turns into eternal immortal light breaking space to go together. 龙纹黑金鼎发出道鸣,垂落下成千上万缕乌光,所有大龙都没入鼎内,仙胎亦内敛,化成一道永恒的仙光破空而去。 The Flick­er­ing Light's people fled, fights again like this, they must have the big calamity, the Ancient Great Emperor's weapon showdown, is soul-stirring. 摇光的人都遁走了,再这样战下去,他们必然要有大厄难,古之大帝的兵器对决,最是惊心动魄。 Human Race's Great Emperor grasps Emperor Weapon to cut the stars, the might is peerless, even their these descendant stimulate to movement, may still make the entire Ancient Star sores all over the eye, life-force not save. 人族大帝手持帝兵可以斩下星辰来,威力绝伦,即便是他们这些后人催动,也可让整颗古星满目疮痍,生机不存。 Everyone released a long breath, just now may be called one unite the world crisis, even Central Province Four Great Divine Dynasties was frightened, for fear that the emperor prestige spreads. 所有人都长出了一口气,方才堪称一场戮世危机,连中州四大神朝都惊悚了,生怕帝威蔓延。 The blue sea fluctuates, the bright moonlight overhangs, this was Bright Moon Rises Above the Sea visions, Ji Haoyue looks at one to here, put away Void Mirror descended in the place. 碧海起伏,明月高挂,这是海上升明月异象,姬皓月向这边看了一眼,收起虚空镜降落在地。 The Ye Fan nod expressed thanks, returns Five Colored Alter, without Emperor Weapon major powers all backed up, does not dare to compete with them, Heavenly Sovereign's Son wait/etc. also does not know where, no longer appeared. 叶凡点头致谢,退回五色祭坛,没有帝兵大势力皆倒退,不敢与他们争夺,天皇子等亦不知去了哪里,不再显现。 Why is incomplete?” Ye Fan stares blankly, means that how hasn't Five Colored Alter all really crossed Starry Sky? “为什么是残缺的?”叶凡发怔,真的没有一丝办法,五色祭坛不全如何横渡星空 Here has Teleportation Formation, seemed to be the person to go in a moment ago.” The Ji Ziyue beautiful pupil glances to the mountain massif. “这里有一个传送阵,刚才似有人进去了。”姬紫月美眸瞟向山体上方。 Five Colored Alter constructs hillside, had piece of stone platform to this not far away, the years left behind the motley mark , many people for the trace that to delimit to carve, complicated mysterious was unsolvable. 五色祭坛依山而建,离此不远处有一片石台,岁月留下了斑驳印记,亦有不少人为划刻的痕迹,繁奥不可解。 Miracle, this is transmission ancient formation of Ancient Great Emperor level, is this must to lead to where?” big black dog exclaimed in surprise, in eye fiery, that rubs fled. “神迹,这是古之大帝级的传送古阵,这是要通向何地?”大黑狗惊叹,眼中火热,蹭的一声窜了过去。 It starts to carve fast, this type of thing to it priceless, really must thoroughly comprehend, can enjoy life-long, this magic formation and thing of Heaven and Earth most source is connected. 它开始快速摹刻,这种东西对它来说无价,真要悟透,可以受用终生,这种法阵天地最本源的东西相连。 Huo Lin'er and Huo Qizi also go forward, stand in Ye Fan, Ji Ziyue and the others the back, other cultivator does not dare to approach, can only look greedyly, such Teleportation Formation of Ancient Emperor level mostly to lead to an inconceivable place. 火麟儿火麒子也上前,站在叶凡姬紫月等人的背后,另外的修士则不敢靠近,只能眼馋的看着,这样一个古帝级的传送阵多半通向一处不可思议的地方。 Before central ancestral temple, various major powers all move, the control has emperor Sovereign Weapon immortal Inheritance to look to here, some people are approaching, they realized that this ancient Teleportation Formation possible value to be higher, perhaps to lead to Emergence Divine Dynasty most core is. 中心祖庙前,各大势力皆动,掌控有帝皇兵的不朽传承向这里望来,有人在逼近,他们意识到这个古老的传送阵可能价值更高,也许通向羽化神朝最核心的所在。 The atmosphere was even more tight, the four directions focus attention on, the all directions focus, all stares at this place, the aura of Immemorial Sovereign soldier is filling the air, may hit very much, filled murderous intention. 气氛愈发紧张了,四方瞩目,八方聚焦,全都盯着此地,太古皇兵的气息弥漫,很有可能打过来,充满了杀机 „It is not right, although that Teleportation Formation is the emperor level, but is uncoordinated with this place, probably afterward carved, makes it so in a hurry, is only small-scale Formation Altar.” “不对,那个传送阵虽然是帝级的,但与此地不协调,像是后来刻成的,匆匆使然,只是一个小型的阵台。” Right, although is very ancient, but does not seem like Emergence Divine Dynasty to carve, intercepts a section of Five Colored Alter person behavior seem like.” “没错,虽然很古老,但不像是羽化神朝自己所刻,倒像是截取走一截五色祭坛的人所为。” The Grandmaster level character who here studies Ancient magic formation many, does not miss Sovereign Black several points, a beginning observation, compares after earnestly, saw the profound and abstruse principles, drew such conclusion. 这里不乏研究上古法阵宗师级人物,不差黑皇几分,始一观察,认真比对后就看出了玄机,得出了这样的结论。 murderous aura collects, the whether it is Ancient Great Emperor's weapon or Immemorial Sovereign's Magical Artifact stopped the fluctuation, has not compelled the pressure again forward gently, the atmosphere many. 杀气敛去,无论是古之大帝的兵器还是太古皇的法器都止住了波动,没有再向前逼压,气氛和缓了不少。 big black dog takes out several Divine Source, inserts in the stone platform scoop channel, this ancient Teleportation Formation shone immediately, scratches have the gold thread to move, finally interweaves door. 大黑狗取出几块神源,嵌入石台的凹槽内,这个古老的传送阵顿时亮了起来,一条条刻痕有金线在移动,最后交织成一道门户 Different from other Dao Runes, these runic patterns interwine, forms a real gateway, the frame casts just like the gold, splendid. And, the gate other aspect scene is clearly discernible, probably stepped to arrive at the destination, rather than crossed Void. 不同于其他道纹,这些纹络交织在一起,形成一个真实的门户,框架宛如黄金铸成,熠熠生辉。且,门另一面的景象清晰可见,像是迈过去就到了目的地,而非横渡虚空 That was......” everyone dumbfounded, first heaved in sight was Five Colored Alter, was very grand, but was incomplete. “那是……”所有人都呆住了,首先映入眼帘的就是一座五色祭坛,很宏伟,但却并不齐全。 It is naturally unadorned, has great changes of history, that is accumulation of time, each stone has a brand mark of years, told the timeless truth, nothing can long-time indestructible. 它自然古拙,有历史的沧桑,那是时间的积淀,每一块石都有一段岁月的烙印,讲述了亘古不变道理,没有什么可以长久不灭 How somewhat to look familiar?” Some people reveal the color of confusing, for a while cannot think. “怎么有些眼熟?”有人露出迷惑之色,一时想不起来。 Ye Fan petrify, all of a sudden was immediately ignorant, because he knows where instantaneously this was, braved death to come and go out! 叶凡当即石化,一下子就懵了,因为他瞬间知道这是什么地方了,曾经冒死出入过! Sovereign Black inlaid two Divine Source to the scoop channel, this golden gateway enlargement, another side scene was even more clear, the people send out one piece to call out in alarm immediately. 黑皇又向凹槽中嵌了两块神源,这道金色的门户放大,另一边的景象越发清晰了,众人立时发出一片惊呼。 Many people knew, this ancient Teleportation Formation to lead to where, above piece of jet black Abyss, Five Colored Alter is actually motionless, death aura heavy. 许多人都知晓了,这个古老的传送阵究竟通向何方,在一片漆黑的深渊上方,五色祭坛一动不动,死气沉沉。 The surroundings have Nine Holy Mountains, was they encircles was forming that being too deep to see the bottom big deep pool together, pitch-dark, making the person mind be able help sinking to fall. 周围有九座圣山,是它们合围在一起形成了那个深不见底的大渊,黑洞洞,让人心神都忍不住要沉坠进去。 Unexpectedly is...... Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land!” People are startled to regret. “竟然是……荒古禁地!”人们惊憾。 Even, can see Holy Mountain -and-a-half person of high not dead valuable trees with woof Divine Spring, making the will of the people ancient banner drag. 甚至,可以看到一座圣山的一株半人高的不死宝树与一汪神泉,让人心旌摇曳。 How to lead to there, was actually who to interrupt Five Colored Alter, its in Abyss entrance?” People consider, in heart non-solution. “怎么会通向那里,究竟是谁截断了五色祭坛,将其封在深渊入口处?”人们思量,心中无解。 This is demon earth, who whether it is approaches will have the Life and Death calamity, particularly under Abyss has desolate, has unknown fearful existence, may seize the life and years. 这是一处魔土,无论是谁临近都会有生死厄难,尤其是深渊下有“荒”,有未知的可怕的存在,可夺生命与岁月。 Really is Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, may believe firmly without doubt!” “真的是荒古禁地,可确信无疑!” People find it hard to believe that this ancient Teleportation Formation was too mystical, unexpectedly to lead to a life-forbidden zone, and is so unusual, forms leaf of Golden Gate, opposite all clearly discernible, one step is getatable. 人们都觉得不可思议,这个古老的传送阵太神秘了,竟通向一处生命禁区,且如此奇特,形成一扇黄金门,对面的一切清晰可见,一步就可到达。 Must know here, but Central Province, steps one step to arrive at Eastern Wilderness' Southern Region at this time. The great distance does not know that many ten thousand li (0.5 km), the mortal must walk hundreds and thousands of th, the cultivator flight words also takes more than ten years. 要知道这里可是中州,此时迈一步就能到东荒的南域。相隔也不知道多少万里,凡人要走成百上千世,修士飞行的话也需要十几年。 Many people impulsed, there has nine wonderful divine medicine of Divine Silkworm clan, at the present is divided into nine, now can say close, if overrunning could dig to 12. 许多人都冲动了,那里有神蚕一族的九妙神药,而今被人分成了九株,现在可以说近在咫尺,若是冲过去说不定能挖到一两株。 Bang!” “轰!” Almost in the flash, this place boiling, many people could not repress, wants to overrun to pick undying divine medicine, in the past taught to spend the endless mental effort not to attain respectively, at the present opportunity at present. 几乎是在一瞬间,这个地方沸腾了,许多人都按捺不住,都想冲过去采摘不死神药,当年各教费了无尽心力都未有所获,而今机会就在眼前。 Especially Ancient Race, could not sit still, especially Powerhouse of Divine Silkworm clan flew the altar at that time, to at present, stubbornly is staring at the front. 尤其是古族,更是坐不住了,特别是神蚕一族的强者当时就飞上了祭坛,到了眼前,死死的盯着前方。 Ye Fan they have not prevented, to observe calmly the development, they fully realize the fearfulness of that place, even if can go in may not arrive at the divine medicine near. 叶凡他们并未阻止,静观事态发展,他们深知那个地方的可怕,即便能进去也不一定可以到达神药近前。 Brushes “刷” Some people could not bear, twenty Dao Body shades crash in Golden Gate, is expert, one step falls, appeared on Five Colored Alter. 有人忍不住了,二十几道身影冲进黄金门,全都是高手,一步落下,都出现在了五色祭坛上。 Here person turned very quiet, close attention. Twenty people drop on Five Colored Alter, the appearance is fast, people can see them to be silver-haired clearly, the skin fold, this lets in the person heart the fear. 这里的人屏住了呼吸,密切的关注。二十几人跌落在五色祭坛上,容貌快速衰老,人们可以清楚的见到他们白发苍苍,皮肤褶皱,这一幕让人心中恐惧。 Some people jump high, want to charge into Holy Mountain to pick undying divine medicine from Five Colored Alter, what however frightened is, they had lost magical power and cultivation, falls directly Abyss, cannot fly. 有人高高跃起,想要从五色祭坛上冲向圣山采摘不死神药,然而让人惊悚的是,他们早已失去了一身法力道行,直接坠进深渊,根本不能飞行。 „......” “啊……” This desperate, they were stranded on Five Colored Alter, the hanging altar right above Abyss, how many Holy Mountain cliff wall also big section distances from, these people loses cultivation and magical power cannot fly, is only possible vertical to leap by fleshly body is so far? 这令人绝望,他们被困在五色祭坛上了,悬空的祭坛在深渊正上方,距离几座圣山的崖壁还有一大段距离,这些人失去道行法力不能飞行,单以肉身怎么可能纵跃那么远? The pitiful cry transmits, is on Five Colored Alter, to Abyss, desolate the aura is strongest, they are deteriorating fast, some people are skinny, the eye socket gets sucked, punishes the light white/in vain, was like the skeleton, fearful incomparable. 悲惨叫声传来,身在五色祭坛上,正对深渊,“荒”的气息最为浓烈,他们在快速衰败,有的人已经是皮包骨头,眼窝深陷,白发落光,跟骷髅一样了,可怕无比。 And 1-2 people understand magic formation, takes out Formation Altar, wants to cross runs away, but is useless, Dao Runes in this life-forbidden zone was obliterated, is unable to play any role. 其中1-2懂得法阵,取出阵台,想要横渡逃走,但是根本无用,在这处生命禁区内道纹被磨灭,无法起到任何作用。 Here person is scared, rejoiced secretly has not crashed in Golden Gate, otherwise is also such fate, almost does not have the way out. 这边的人胆寒,暗自庆幸没有冲进黄金门,不然的话也是那样的下场,几乎没有生路。 This life-forbidden zone is impossible to carve divine marks, cannot cross , in only has special magic formation of this Ancient Great Emperor level to enter, but to them actually is also only the blind alley. 这处生命禁区根本不可能刻出神纹,不能横渡,也唯有这座古之大帝级的特别法阵可入内,但对于他们来说却也只是死路。 „......” “啊……” The person pitiful yell on Five Colored Alter, many people accelerate to dash, prepare to leap Void, arrives on Holy Mountain, but actually under crash one after another in Abyss, exudes the senile and rending pitiful yell sound. 五色祭坛上的人惨叫,许多人加速飞奔,准备跃过虚空,到达圣山上,但是却一个接一个的坠落下深渊内,发出衰老而撕心裂肺的惨叫声。 Demonic Land! 魔地 Originally is this, Five Colored Alter needs to make up, no wonder nine dragons pulling a coffin set sail to have the accident/surprise in the past, because only the altar is incomplete!” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “原来是这样,五色祭坛需要补,难怪当年九龙拉棺启航出现意外,只因祭坛是残缺的!”叶凡自语。 little Ye do not walk, was too dangerous.” Ji Ziyue pours down to sob. 小叶子你不要走了,太危险了。”姬紫月泫然欲泣。 Did not have the time, perhaps shortly after Five Colored Alter will also sink to fall in Abyss, I did not have the means that furthermore the years are unable Deprivation my life span, I once to come and go out safely.” Ye Fan sets firm resolve. “没时间了,也许不久后五色祭坛还会沉坠深渊内,我没有办法等下去了,再者岁月无法剥夺我的寿命,我曾平安出入过。”叶凡下定了决心。 Well, some people crossed!” People send out to call out in alarm. “咦,有人横渡过去了!”人们发出惊呼。 Also some people step into Teleportation Formation, crashes on Five Colored Alter, this is Ancient Race that lives the wing, flutters immediately, flies to Holy Mountain. 又有人踏入传送阵,坠落五色祭坛上,这是一个生有羽翼的古族,立刻振翅,向圣山飞去。 He...... success!” “他……成功了!” Many people gripped tightened the fist, however waited for his is actually a narrow escape, just crashed when Abyss, the wings crushed immediately, he led the way staggering, finally fell on the cliff. 许多人攥紧了拳头,然而等待他的却是九死一生,刚坠落在深渊上时,羽翅当即粉碎,他踉踉跄跄前行,最终还是倒在了山崖上。 Although he failed, but the person of Ancient Race within grows bright wing is none who does not excited, wants to brave hardships and dangers, wrestles to wrestle! 尽管他失败了,但是古族中生有神翼的人莫不心动,都想涉险,搏上一搏! Cannot wait, I should start off, otherwise they rush like this, may direct Desolate Slave.” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “不能等了,我该上路了,不然他们这样闯下去,可能会将荒奴引出来。”叶凡自语。
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