STH :: Volume #10

#921: The emperor fights

This place is a little evil, how such big fog?” big black dog whisper. “这个地方有点邪,怎么这么大的雾?”大黑狗嘀咕。 The gray fog sinks thick like the wall, the scenery is unclear, Five Colored Alter in very far front, by lead fog a depression, this place death aura heavy, no vegetation, performing is the exposed ground. 灰色的雾霭沉厚如墙,景物不清,五色祭坛在很远的前方,透过铅雾给人一种压抑感,这个地方死气沉沉,没有一株草木,尽是裸露的岩土。 They walk together forward, only has the sound of footsteps in this spacious place, probably arrived at the Heaven and Earth end, lacks the vitality/angry, does not see the living. 他们一起向前走,在这空旷之地只有脚步声,像是来到了天地的尽头,缺少生气,不见生者。 Five Colored Alter is in sight, the years have not made it step, by mist, indistinct, dim, obviously it stands erect on the mountain massif, each Five Colors stone is one page of history. 五色祭坛在望,岁月没有让它跨掉,透过雾气,隐隐约约,朦朦胧胧,可见它矗立在山体上,每一块五色石都是一页历史。 Do not go forward, a while starts Five Colored Alter, will have big fluctuation of energy, in order to avoid injures.” Ye Fan facing several people, brings moved. “你们不要上前了,一会儿启动五色祭坛,会有很大的能量波动,以免伤到。”叶凡面对几人,带着一丝伤感。 Is going to leave depart, this is a life unforgettable mark, will span Star Domain to go, the acquaintance intersects, this possibly could not see, the great distance is too remote. 将要就此别离,这是人生一段难忘的印记,将跨越星域而去,相识相交一场,这一世可能都见不到了,相隔太遥远。 Compared to the vast universe, human was too tiny, the strength of poor a lot of th also can only in the ice-cold dry lonesome universe vanguard a tiny part from, accumulate by the light year, making one sigh with regret own insignificant. 相对于浩瀚的宇宙来说,人类真的太渺小了,穷千百世之力也只能冰冷枯寂的宇宙中前行一小段距离,以光年来累计,让人慨叹自身的微不足道。 Sees again, their speechless waving, can say anything by this moment, this walks possibly is the entire life. 再见了,他们无言的挥手,到了这一刻还能说什么,这一走可能就是一生一世。 Qi Luo, Monkey and Dongfang Ye their one by one went forward, makes an effort to pat Ye Fan and Pang Bo's shoulder, big black dog says goodbye in the way of alternative, opened big mouth to nip one ruthlessly, sore Ye Fan almost slap brandished. 齐罗猴子东方野他们一一上前,用力拍了拍叶凡庞博的肩头,大黑狗则以另类的方式告别,张开大嘴狠咬了一口,疼的叶凡差点一巴掌抡下去。 Ji Ziyue cries, static is looking at Ye Fan, reorganized a clothing for him, brings smiling, waves gently, under the clear tears fall the shining white cheeks. 姬紫月落泪,静静的望着叶凡,为他整理了一下衣衫,带着笑,轻轻挥手,晶莹的泪滑落下莹白的脸颊。 Ye Fan puts out a hand, scours the tears on face for her, then turns around, leaves does not need the moved multi- languages, all perform in do not call the turn, he and Pang Bo walks toward the fog deep place with stride. 叶凡伸手,为她擦净脸上的泪水,而后转身,离别无需伤感多语,一切尽在不言中,他与庞博大步向雾霭深处走去。 Heaven and Earth is silent, only then Ye Fan and Pang Bo's sound of footsteps, the fog is mobile, Five Colored Alter is getting more and more near, this two people are all very the way silent, particularly Pang Bo before entering this region has not spoken a few words. 天地寂静,只有叶凡庞博的脚步声,灰雾流动,五色祭坛越来越近,这一路上两人都很沉默,尤其是庞博在进入这片区域前就没有说过一句话。 Ye Fan thought of Divine Predictor, in his prediction had not seen that some person and he starts off together, and that Ancient Buddhist when Western Desert had not mentioned, this makes him throughout anxious, walks side-by-side with Pang Bo, top of the head Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, grasps Divine Beating Whip, avoids having the accident/surprise in this place. 叶凡想到了神算子,在他的预言中并未见到有人与他一起上路,且在西漠时那位古佛也未曾提到,这让他始终不安,与庞博并肩而行,头顶万物母气鼎,手持打神鞭,避免在此地出现意外。 Five Colored Alter to! 五色祭坛到了! The Ye Fan innermost feelings are excited, finally then looked at Ji Ziyue they, only saw several fuzzy shades are waving to him, he also wields leaves. 叶凡内心激动,最后回头看了一眼姬紫月他们,只见到了几道模糊的影在向他挥手,他亦挥别。 However, when he turned around again dumbfounded all of a sudden, Pang Bo disappeared, into thin air! 然而,当他再次转身时一下子呆住了,庞博不见了,人间蒸发! Pang Bo!” 庞博!” Ye Fan yelled, the foot steps on 'Travel' Character Secret Art, turns into a ray of light to go through in this place, powerful Divine Consciousness emits, searches his trace. 叶凡大叫,脚踩行字诀,化成一道光在这个地方穿行,强大的神识放出,搜索他的踪影。 The trace is floating, Pang Bo seems like has not appeared generally, has sought less than wisp of aura radically, the whole person lives the non- person to refuse stubbornly to see the corpse, strangeness that could not say. 踪影飘然,庞博像是从来没有出现过一般,根本寻不到一缕气机,整个人活不人死不见尸,说不出的诡异。 This violated the common sense, Ye Fan's Divine Consciousness is how powerful, a person wants silent departure is not impossible, only if he is Saint! 这违反了常理,叶凡的神识何其强大,一个人想要无声无息的离开根本不可能,除非他是圣人 In this moment, his cold sweat flowed, this outcome what's the matter, how Pang Bo disappeared, to be how silent, probably melted in the gray fog. 在这一刻,他的冷汗流了下来,这究竟是怎么回事,庞博怎么不见了,怎么无声无息,像是融于灰色雾霭中了。 What had?” Qi Luo, Monkey and the others heard the cry, all flushed. “发生了什么?”齐罗猴子等人听到叫声,全都冲了过来。 Ji Ziyue is very anxious, by nimble and resourceful sees him greatly, others also perceived that was not wonderful, how a big living person will disappear baseless, turning around instantaneous that's all! 姬紫月很紧张,以灵动的大眼看着他,其他人也都觉察到了不妙,一个大活人怎么会凭空消失,一个转身的瞬间而已 „, He is very don't worry safe, has not had any danger.” Old Blind Person said, takes out a soul lamp, the flame is flaming, steaming beat. “不用担心,他很安全,并没有发生任何危险。”老瞎子道,取出一盏魂灯,火光炽盛,腾腾跳动。 Before this is they come, Old Blind Person requests everyone to in the point, avoids dispersing to happen by some chance accidentally/surprisingly does not know, at this time was to have a use finally. 这是他们进来前,老瞎子要求每个人必须点上的,避免万一分散而发生意外都不知,此时终是派上了一点用场。 Whether to seek him by this?” Ye Fan asked. “能否以此寻到他?”叶凡问道。 Cannot, only be able to know that his condition is good, cannot seek.” Old Blind Person said. “不能,只能知道他的状况还好,不能藉此寻找。”老瞎子道。 They are incomprehensible, Pang Bo vanished suddenly, according to the soul lamp comes to see him not to have the danger, how to disappear? 他们都不能理解,庞博怎么突然消失了,依据魂灯来看他并没有危险,怎么会不见了呢? We look to look, but does not want the independent person to act.” Qi Luo urged, the abatement outside him, several other people were 22 in the same place, to sought all around. This place is a little strange, their took out Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot, Hell's Soul Suppressing Pagoda, mace. “我们来找找看,但千万不要单独一个人行动。”齐罗叮嘱,除却他外,另外几人都是两两在一起,向四外寻找。这个地方有点诡异,他们祭出吞天魔罐地狱镇魂塔狼牙棒等。 Pang Bo!” 庞博!” Ye Fan yelled, however is empty, this place is very peaceful, outside the abatement fog anything does not have. 叶凡大叫,然而空空荡荡,这个地方很安静,除却灰雾外什么也没有。 Several people circled a great-circle, cannot discover the Pang Bo's shadow, does not know where he is. 几人绕了一大圈,根本不能发现庞博的影子,不知他身在何方。 Makes me come in the divination an trigram.” Old Blind Person said, lifts the hand to sprinkle next several turtle shell, arranges an inexplicable strange shape. “让我来卜上一卦。”老瞎子道,抬手洒下几块龟甲,排列出一种莫名的怪状。 In due east!” “在正东!” They set out, pursued fast, far away from this place, resembles unexpectedly must run out of this piece of Small World. 他们起身,快速追了下去,竟是远离此地,似是要冲出这片小世界 After 7½ minutes, Old Blind Person practices divination once again, according to the trigram shape showed that the position was farther, said: He left this ancestral temple, the long journey went!” 半刻钟后,老瞎子又一次占卜,依据卦象显示位置更远了,道:“他离开了这片祖庙,远行而去!” Why can like this?” How many people are unable to understand, Pang Bo ran silently, why hasn't greeted with how many people? “为什么会这样?”几人都无法理解,庞博怎么无声无息的跑了,为何都没有与几人打声招呼? You for my Dharma Protector, I occupy big trigram a time!” Old Blind Person said. He takes out a shining white such as jade turtle shell, each piece is the antiques of last year, polished clear translucent, crash-bang a sound, sprinkles place, Old Blind Person knits the brows said long time: He already at several million li (0.5 km) accident/surprise.” “你们为我护法,我来占一次大卦!”老瞎子道。他取出一把莹白如玉的龟甲,每一片都是上年头的古物,被打磨的晶莹透亮,“哗啦”一声响,洒落一地,老瞎子皱眉良久才道:“他已经在数百万里意外了。” Several people are at a loss for words, this obviously was crosses Starry Sky to go, otherwise possibly so to be how quick! 几人张口结舌,这明显是横渡星空而去了,不然怎么可能这么快! „It is not right, was inside and outside ten million, should toward Eastern Wilderness.” Old Blind Person said. “不对,是数以千万里外了,应该是朝着东荒而去了。”老瞎子道。 „, Pang Bo he was so insane, what was this is making?” Sovereign Black bare teeth. “这么远,庞博他疯了吗,这是在做什么?”黑皇呲牙 I do not believe in evil doctrines, looks that this place has what strangeness!” Ye Fan turns head, walks toward that fog of distant place, must re-enter. “我就不信邪了,看一看这个地方到底有什么古怪!”叶凡回头,向远处的那片雾霭走去,要重新进入。 You notice not to have, Pang Bo has been very a moment ago silent, perceived anything at that time, but why had not said to us.” Ji Ziyue is very careful. “你们注意到没有,庞博刚才一直很沉默,是不是那时觉察到了什么,可是为何没有对我们说。”姬紫月很细心。 Several people are one cold, that's true, Pang Bo was very a moment ago sad, a few words had not said. 几人都是一凛,确实如此,刚才庞博很沉闷,一句话都没有说。 The Ye Fan stride crashes in the fog, before returning to Five Colored Alter again, sudden one startled, he induced several wisps of powerful aura, rumbled to kill to him fast. 叶凡大步冲进雾霭中,再次回到五色祭坛前,突然一惊,他感应到了几缕强大的气息,快速向他轰杀而来。 Bang!” “砰!” The Ancient Race person appeared, they also regard as important to Five Colored Alter especially, legends say in the remote Immemorial years, they come from Foreign Domain, must come this to rob. 古族人出现了,他们对五色祭坛也格外看重,相传在遥远的太古年间,他们都是自域外来的,也要来此抢夺。 “噗” The Ye Fan pupil is very cold, a fist rumbles, hit the blood rain to flutter about a Dao Body shadow at the scene, a Sect Master level character body died at the scene. 叶凡眸子很冷,一拳轰出,将一道身影当场打了个血雨纷飞,一位教主级人物当场身死。 Blocks him!” Several *** drinks, they are attempting to take away Five Colored Alter, if Ye Fan they come again late one step, this altar moved out. “拦住他!”几***喝,他们正在尝试收走五色祭坛,如果叶凡他们再晚来一步,这座祭坛就被搬走了。 Courts death!” “找死!” When Monkey, Dongfang Ye wait/etc. all together take action, particularly Qi Luo take action, even the Dao Severing king must cherish hatred in this, after several pitiful yells, these people all die. 猴子东方野等全都一起出手,尤其是齐罗出手时,连斩道的王在此都只得饮恨,几声惨叫过后,这几人全死。 Ye Fan jumps on, side suddenly experienced the fluctuation of terrifying, two big Assassin Divine Dynasty King of Great Accomplishment reappear, carries Holy Weapon to cut to kill. 叶凡腾身而上,旁边突然出现了恐怖的波动,两大杀手神朝大成王者再现,拎圣兵斩杀。 Bang “轰” Ye Fan shakes the cauldron, head Myriad Things Origin Energy lets fall, the Nine Colored flame same rushed like the desert, the half sky that burns caved, presents black holes. 叶凡震鼎,头上的万物母气垂落,九色火焰如瀚海一样澎湃了出去,烧的半边天空都塌陷了,出现一片黑洞。 However, precisely this fire directed many people, people naturally know that the Five Colored Alter importance, many people clash to compete. 然而,也正是这一场大火将很多人都引了过来,人们自然知道五色祭坛的重要性,不少人冲来争夺。 Clang “锵” Qi Luo take action, chases down that King of Great Accomplishment, murderous aura fills the air, gray fog boiling. 齐罗出手,追杀那名大成王者,杀气弥漫,灰色雾霭沸腾 What, the altar is incomplete!” “什么,祭坛是残缺的!” Ye Fan is startled, after arriving Five Colored Alter his heart has one's heart sink with disappointment all of a sudden, this altar/jar constructs hillside, under cannot see anything, after coming up , the discovery is only corner/horn that's all. 叶凡大吃一惊,当登场五色祭坛后他的心一下子凉了半截,此坛依山而建,在下方看不出什么,上来后发现只是一角而已 The main body of altar seemed like intercepted, and at all was not the matter of recent years, looked at that ancient trace, considered to happen in Ancient Era. 祭坛的主体像是被人生生截取走了,且根本不是近年发生的事,看那古老的痕迹,当是发生在上古时代 Two Dao Body shades drop from the clouds, Huo Lin'er sends blue beautifully, bright eyes and white teeth, the smile is very sweet, falls with his elder brother Huo Qizi in the altar together. 道身影从天而降,火麟儿蓝发秀丽,明眸皓齿,笑容很甜,同其兄长火麒子一同落在祭坛上。 brother Ye how, my words not wrong, my clan old Ancestral King before died during meditation saw that we stand on Five Colored Alter shoulder to shoulder battle, really came true. And, the altar should quick complete complete, was patched.” Huo Lin'er faint smile. 叶兄怎样,我的话语没有错吧,我族一位老祖王坐化前见到我们并肩站在五色祭坛上作战,果然成真了。且,祭坛应该很快会完整无缺,被修补好。”火麟儿浅笑。 Bang “轰” The four directions, present massive expert, is unidentified, the concealment appearance/portrait, wants to take away the altar none who does not, simultaneously attacks to the three people in altar. 四方,出现大量的高手,身份不明,隐匿真容,莫不想收走祭坛,同时攻向祭坛上的三人。 Had on the other hand most kills off attacks to Ye Fan, he can speculate, had Assassin Divine Dynasty always killed the king, had Ancient Race Dao Severing Powerhouse, person who had fishing in troubled waters. 相对来说有大半杀光都攻向了叶凡,他可以推测出,有杀手神朝的老杀王,亦有古族斩道强者,更有浑水摸鱼的人。 Ye Fan killing spree (rampage), the visions display, Immortal King foot treads sees Nine Layers of Heaven to appear, grasps azure lotus, makes an effort to wield, dozens bodies break off, sprinkling of blood big pou big pou, incarnadine altar. 叶凡大开杀戒,异象展出,一尊仙王脚踏见九重天出现,手持一株青莲,用力一挥,数十具身体折断,鲜血大抔大抔的洒落,染红了祭坛。 Kills!” “杀!” Shouted " kill " heavenshaking, here also becomes the main battlefield, no one competed, once made war, all parties will go all out, massive expert flushed. 喊杀震天,这里也成为了主战场,没有人争夺也就罢了,一旦开战,各方就会拼命,大量的高手冲来。 When really our Holy Weapon and Emperor Weapon are a vegetarian?” Under the altar, Dongfang Ye and the others sneered, Hell town/subdues Soul Suppressing Pagoda and great mace rise together simultaneously, immediately skeleton Large expanse, will strike will have countless people to become tribulation ash. “真当我们的圣兵帝兵是吃素的?”祭坛下,东方野等人冷笑,地狱镇魂塔狼牙大棒并起,顿时尸骨成片,一击就会有无数的人成为劫灰 Bang “轰” Suddenly, the ultimate Dao Emperor Weapon power and influence reappears, terrifying Black Gold large cauldron ups and downs in the distant place, in the cauldron mouth flies a big dragon! 突然,极道帝兵威势再现,一口恐怖的黑金大鼎在远处沉浮,鼎口中飞来一条大龙! Clang!” “铿!” The Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot cry trembles, flies independently, pot top opens, the pot mouth is deep, if the bottomless pit, swallowed the black big dragon all of a sudden. 吞天魔罐鸣颤,自主飞起,罐盖打开,罐口深若无底洞,一下子将黑色的大龙吞了进去。 Ji Ziyue soars, descends on Five Colored Alter, stands with Ye Fan shoulder to shoulder, resists many rivals together. 姬紫月腾空而起,降落在五色祭坛上,与叶凡并肩而立,一起对抗诸多敌手。 younger sister Ziyue, don't worry.” Huo Lin'er chuckle, killed, in altar corpse Large expanse, blood splash. 紫月妹妹,不用担心。”火麟儿轻笑,也杀了过来,祭坛上死尸成片,鲜血飞溅。 Qi Luo, Duan De and big black dog also fly, the landing here, has the Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot protection, this place no one dares to approach again, if all the tide backs up generally. 齐罗段德大黑狗亦飞起,降落在此,有吞天魔罐守护,这个地方再无人敢靠近,全都如潮水一般倒退。 Bang “轰” Only has Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron to sweep away all obstacles, still in attacking, the cauldron mouth immortal light soars to the heavens, it is recovering, leaps the scary power and influence, such as piece of Star Domain is collapsing, the universe seemed like must ruin. 唯有龙纹黑金鼎所向披靡,依然在攻击,鼎口内仙光冲天,它在复苏,腾起骇人的威势,如一片星域在崩溃,天宇像是要毁掉了。 The Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot ups and downs, auspicious red clouds spurts thinly, is not only black light, probably broken cocoon butterfly, must run out of one living Great Emperor comes, the interior had the Nine Colored divine light turnover to be uncertain, blocked the Black Gold cauldron. 吞天魔罐沉浮,瑞霞喷薄,不光是乌光,像是破茧化蝶,要冲出一尊活着的大帝来,内部有九色神光吞吐不定,挡住了黑金鼎。 Rumble “轰隆隆” Suddenly, such as the tsunami same sound sends out, nine scarlet flags drop from the clouds, bring the aura that destroys Heaven and Earth, must entire make the altar to level, turns into fine powder. 突然,如海啸一样的声音发出,九杆赤旗从天而降,带着毁灭天地的气息,要将整做祭坛抹平,化成齑粉 This is...... a Undying Heavenly Sovereign lineage/vein thing!” Ye Fan is terrified, he had once obtained 81 flags, similarly, has close aura. “这是……不死天皇一脉的东西!”叶凡悚然,他曾得到过八十一杆大旗,与此类似,有相近的气机 Heavenly Sovereign's Son, do you want to link our together suppress and kill by Forbidden Artifact?” Very silent Huo Qizi has revealed dense murderous intention, coldly stares far spatial. 天皇子,你想以禁器连我们一起镇杀吗?”一直很沉默的火麒子露出森然杀机,冷冷的凝望远空。 This is unusual Forbidden Artifact, the might is peerless!” Duan De quickly grasps the meaning of something, protects several people by Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot fast, temporarily did not confront with Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron. “这是超凡的禁器,威力绝伦!”段德一个激灵,快速以吞天魔罐护住几人,暂不与龙纹黑金鼎对峙了。 Bang “轰” Although Forbidden Artifact can only use that's all several times, but might strangely big is incomparable, let alone is a Undying Heavenly Sovereign lineage/vein thing, super terrifying, if not there is Emperor Weapon, other anything cannot block. 禁器虽然只能用几次而已,但威力奇大无匹,更何况是不死天皇一脉的东西,超级恐怖,若非有帝兵在,其他什么都挡不住。 Does not have the suspense, nine flags were crushed by Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot, turns into scarlet rosy clouds to dissipate in Heaven and Earth. However, the Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron power and influence actually won, takes this opportunity, in the cauldron mouth turns into an immortal embryo, the dive. 毫无悬念,九杆大旗被吞天魔罐粉碎了,化成一片赤霞消散在天地中。但是,龙纹黑金鼎的威势却更胜了,利用这个机会,鼎口内化成出一个仙胎,俯冲而来。 Was bad!” Duan De yelled, this is ultimate Dao recovers, by being prepared strikes to kill, inevitably fearful boundless. “坏了!”段德大叫,这是极道复苏,以有准备的一击杀来,必然可怕无边。 Might as well, Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot first in ancient times, matchless in the present, does not need to recover, oneself can fight!” Living air/Qi that Qi Luo sinks very much. “无妨,吞天魔罐冠古绝今,不用复苏,自己就能战!”齐罗很沉的住气。 Really, in Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot sends out a sigh, immortal light is infinite, such as the torrential river soars to the heavens on, blocked silhouette of that immortal embryo all of a sudden. 果然,吞天魔罐内发出一声叹息,仙光无穷无量,如滔滔大河冲天而上,一下子挡住了那具仙胎的身影 Bang “轰” Probably the desert burst a dike, another direction transmits ultimate Dao coercion, together the terrifying light beam cover to Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron there, ancient mirror ups and downs. 像是瀚海决堤了,另一个方向传来极道威压,一道恐怖的光束罩向龙纹黑金鼎那里,一枚古镜在沉浮。 Elder Brother......” Ji Ziyue summon. 哥哥……”姬紫月呼唤。 Divine King Ji Haoyue appears, he is paying attention to oneself younger sister from beginning to end, when competes for immortal treasure in central ancient tower on behalf of the family also has not relaxed vigilantly. 神王姬皓月出现,他自始至终都在关注自己的妹妹,即便是代表家族争夺中心古阙中的仙珍时亦不曾放松警惕。 At this time, his take action, the blue sea is finally turbulent, bright moonlight in the sky, that is his visions, Ancient Void Mirror hangs above its top of the head, sends out together the terrifying light, shoots at Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron! 此时,他终于出手,碧海汹涌,一轮明月当空,那是他的异象,虚空古镜悬在其头顶上方,发出一道恐怖的光,射向龙纹黑金鼎 His black hair is thick, fighting intent heaven shaking, postures of one generation of Divine King completely obviously without doubt, looking disdainfully four directions. 他黑发浓密,战意惊天,一代神王之姿尽显无疑,睥睨四方。 Arrived at the present, Ji Haoyue future many people can expect, has boundless prospects, Divine Physique must blossom in radiant splendor in Eastern Wilderness, composes own myth. 到了而今,姬皓月的未来许多人都可以预料,前途无量,神体必会在东荒大放异彩,谱写出自己的神话。 This is the ultimate Dao immortal prestige, ancient mirror might heaven defying that Great Emperor Void leaves behind, such light beam as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, ruins Major Sect sufficiently, the flesh and blood is irreversible, only if Great Emperor comes back to life! 这是极道仙威,虚空大帝留下的古镜威力逆天,那样的光束摧枯拉朽,足以毁掉一个大教,血肉之躯根本不可挡,除非大帝复生! The Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron cry trembles, dragon roar is chilly, at its sound moves under Nine Heavens to shake Nine Nethers, shakes ten thousand wisps of immortal light fast, blocked destroys Heaven and Earth strikes. 龙纹黑金鼎鸣颤,龙吟清冽,其音上动九天下震九幽,快速震出万缕仙光,挡住了毁灭天地的一击。 Bang “砰” This Small World collapsed all of a sudden most probably, the vault of heaven destruction, was connected with the outside world in one, and terrifying Void Abyss proliferated at an exceptional pace to the distant place. 这个小世界一下子就崩溃了大半,天穹覆灭,与外界相连在了一起,且恐怖的虚空深渊以惊人的速度扩散向远方。 Everyone with amazement, this extinguishes the prestige of the world, if continues, not only this place will destroy, is Central Province the danger. 所有人都骇然,这是灭世之威,若是继续下去,不仅此地会毁,就是中州都将危矣。 Works as “当” Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot trembles, hangs above the Ye Fan top of the head, his walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger, the steps in Void, compels forward, shakes a continuously immortal prestige, with the Ji Haoyue same suppress Black Gold cauldron. 吞天魔罐一颤,悬在叶凡头顶上方,他龙行虎步,在虚空中踏步,向前逼去,震出一缕缕仙威,同姬皓月一样镇压黑金鼎。 Ended, Central Province had the disaster, Emperor Weapon recovered, all of a sudden was three, this was the emperor fights, will frequently ruin this piece of Continent!” Many Sect Master trembled. “完了,中州有大难了,帝兵复苏,一下子就是三件,这是帝战,动辄会毁掉这片大陆!”许多教主都颤栗了。 All these were too sudden, some time ago people were still restraining, at the present actually outbreak such matter, Dragon Marked Black Gold Cauldron, Void Mirror and Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot really must strike hardly, casual can hit to sink million li (0.5 km)! 这一切太突然了,不久前人们还在克制,而今却突然发生了这样的事,龙纹黑金鼎虚空镜吞天魔罐真要硬击,随便一件就可以打沉数以百万里!
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