STH :: Volume #15

#1435: Field littered with corpses

Wū wū......” “呜呜......” The Immortal Tears Emerald Gold ruler turns into together green light, crushes dozens Divine Mountain, enters the God Domain deep place, direct impact ancient palace goes, must loot there grand palace thin. «» 仙泪绿金尺化成一道碧光,击碎数十座神山,打进神域深处,直冲一座古殿而去,要细洗劫那里的宏伟殿。《》 Holy Spirit, Ox Demon King, the grey flood dragon and gold/metal Chan and others take action, attack God Domain one after another, disrupts here order, wants to let this place fission, with the aim of competing for Ancient Life Tree . 圣灵牛魔王、灰蛟、金蟾等相继出手,攻打神域,扰乱这里的秩序,想让此地分裂,以便争夺生命古树等。. Not is only Foreign Domain various Great Saint, is some Other Shore powerful itinerant cultivator, and apex characters in various clans could not repress, for these years God Domain rules Other Shore , without to contend, at the present finally falls into the hopeless situation, they hit a person when he is down, wants to rob various scripture and Divine Artifact. 不仅是域外大圣,就是彼岸一些强大的散修,以及各族中的绝顶人物按捺不住了,这么多年来神域统治彼岸,无可抗衡,而今终于陷入绝境,他们落井下石,也想抢夺各种经文神器 Heaven and Earth turning upside down, almost in the flash, in God Domain Rivers of Blood, many apex characters kills forward, lets the god army rout, the casualty is serious. 天翻地覆,几乎在一瞬间,神域血流成河,诸多绝顶人物向前扑杀,让神军溃败,死伤惨重。 After all, had just survived a catastrophe, both gods died, the new and old god presented the tragedy alternately, at the present the God Domain without owner, the will of the people are anxious, had the big turbulence, the best period of precisely invasion, opportunity must not be lost, loses no longer! 毕竟,刚经历过一场浩劫,前后两位神都死了,新老神交替出现了惨剧,而今神域无主,人心不安,发生了大动荡,正是入侵的最佳时期,机不可失,失不再来! „......” Pitiful yell sound continuously, frightening, everywhere is the war cries, has the corpse to crash from the vault of heaven everywhere. “啊......”惨叫声此起彼伏,让人恐惧,到处都是喊杀声,到处都有尸体从天穹上坠落。 Golden Snake Young Gentleman, Earth Corpse, Heaven Devouring Beast, Sang Gu wait/etc. saw that revealed the look of surprise, they want in the exterior impact, to grab some important personages, interrogates and tortures, understands the God Domain secret. 金蛇郎君地尸吞天兽桑古等见状,都露出异色,原本他们只是想在外部冲击,劫掠走一些重要人物,进行拷问,了解神域的秘密。 Has not thought to evolve at this time unexpectedly this step, it can be said that the heaven-sent opportunity, kept a formation diagram final fear also to vanish to Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure. 不曾想此时竟演变到了这一步,可以说是天赐良机,对灵宝天尊所留阵图最后的一丝恐惧也消失了。 Because the people had seen, this god attempts is hardly steerable, the old god died, the new god war casualty extinguishes, others do not have the absolute control to it, can only , no matter what it recovers and attacks independently. 因为众人已经看出,这幅神图几乎不可控制,老神死去,新神殇灭,其他人对它没有绝对的掌控力,只能任其自主复苏与攻伐。 This god attempts very terrifyingly, but ten directions has not all killed, protects Ancient Life Tree, has not lowered too many divine punishments, has not conquered by killing these armies. 这幅神图很恐怖,但是并未十方俱杀,守护生命古树,并没有降下太多的神罚,没有血洗这些大军。 Bang!” “轰!” In God Domain four main halls change into the flying ash one after another, was kicked by Foreign Domain Great Saint, razes to the ground that four Holy Mountain. All Buddhist scriptures were won completely. 神域内接连四座大殿化为飞灰,被域外大圣攻进,将那四座圣山夷为平地。所有藏经全部被夺走。 But at this time God Domain Saintess was also narrow escape, was chased down by Sang Gu, Great Demonic God, Emperor Sky and God Race celestial female, blood incarnadine body, defeated escapes. 而这个时候神域圣女也是险死还生,被桑古大魔神帝天神族天女追杀,鲜血染红了躯体,一路败逃。 Several Palace Lord in great war Ox Demon King, Holy Spirit wait/etc., were under the unimaginable pressure, this regarding God Domain is a catastrophe. 几位殿主则在大战牛魔王圣灵等,遭遇了不可想象的压力,这对于神域来说是一场浩劫。 Several gods are always furious, one of them eye of zi wants to crack, the opens the mouth is clear roar. In the forehead departs a god drum. He grasps the drumstick, makes an effort to stroke. 几位神老震怒,其中一人目眦欲裂,张口就是一声清啸。眉心中飞出一张神鼓。他手持鼓槌,用力击打。 Thump, thump and thump...... 咚、咚、咚...... The heavenshaking demon sound gets up, the skulls of many people split. The whole body is the blood, immediately is killed violently. 震天魔音响起,许多人的头骨都裂开了。浑身是血,在第一时间毙命。 Especially Other Shore itinerant cultivator, was full of the awe to God Domain. At this time saw that the god always assumed an awe-inspiring pose, all backed up like surging tides, does not dare at the storm. 尤其是彼岸散修,对神域本身就充满了敬畏。这个时候见到神老发威,全都如潮水般倒退,不敢在强攻。 Stands firm, my God Domain after the immeasurable tribulation, has encountered many disasters, has never deteriorated, but is some Foreign Domain demon that's all, calculated anything!” God old shouts out. “稳住,我神域历经无量劫,遭遇过诸多大难,从未衰败过,不过是一些域外魔头而已,算的了什么!”一位神老大喝 Several other gods old one vertical counts by ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) away, to that most sacred and ancient short mountain on. They cut open the chest, no matter what the heart blood drips to fall, the drop looks very short in this, but the position is actually equal to the mountain massif of Buddhism Mt. Xumi. 另外几位神老一纵就是数以万丈远,到了那座最为神圣与古老的矮山上。他们切开胸口,任心头血淌落,滴在这座看起来很矮,但是地位却等同于佛教须弥山的山体上。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Believes the strength to rush sacredly, strikes the day just like the vastness, must sweep across the Foreign Domain's star, the raging waves break in the universe. Fearful incomparable. 神圣信仰力澎湃,宛若汪洋击天,要将域外的星斗席卷了下来,狂涛冲入宇宙。可怕无比。 God has died, I and others for the god the line, asking Holy Mountain to grant me and other Gods strengths, the guardian spirit territory, pursued the demon!” “神已死,我等代神而行,请圣山赐予我等诸神的力量,守护神域,驱逐魔头!” These god old together shouts out. The sound is ear-spitting, making trim God Domain shiver. At the same time this diminutive, but the ancient mountain ray with overpowering momentum was more abundant, submerges them, making several people all over the body radiant, probably arrive at world several to the god. 这几名神老一起大喝。声音震耳,让整片神域都在颤抖。同一时间这座矮小、但是却气势磅礴的古山光芒更盛了,将他们淹没,让几人通体璀璨,像是几位至神降临世间 Mythological Era nine heavy ancient coffin retreated, here Faith Power becomes invincible big Killing Weapon, they were covered by divine light, had a huge strength. 神话时代九重古棺退走了,在这里信仰之力又成为了无敌的大杀器,他们被神光笼罩,拥有了一种庞大的力量。 God Domain ancient formation resurrecting!” 神域古阵复活!” Several gods always bellow, Heaven and Earth severe tremor, the four directions all tremble, in the rumble, Divine Mountain vibration, on each mountain peak presents ancient rune one after another, irons on the vault of heaven. 几位神老大吼,天地剧震,四方皆颤,在隆隆声中,一座又一座神山抖动,每一座山峰上都出现一个古老的符文,烙在天穹上。 This is God Domain Grand Array that only then the god can open, at this time, several gods always using Secret Art that the ancestor left behind, for the god the line, obtained the leading power, resurrected ancient formation. 这是只有神才能开启的神域大阵,这个时候,几位神老利用祖宗留下的秘法,代神而行,取得了主导权,复活了古阵 In an instant, this place was different immediately, all mighty people all flew to draw back, feels a greatest pressure, the mind wanted the scrap. 刹那间,这个地方顿时不一样了,诸雄全部飞退,感受到了一种莫大的压力,心神都要炸碎了。 Golden Snake clan three Young Gentleman, Sang Gu, Gold Eating Beast, Earth Corpse and other each and every one spiritual awareness are keen, all immediately retreats, is spatial as for various Great Saint eyelashes, deeply feeling the fluctuation is vast, frowns draws back temporarily. 金蛇族三位郎君桑古食金兽地尸一个个灵觉敏锐,全都在第一时间退走,至于诸大圣眼睫毛都是空的,深感波动浩大,也都蹙眉暂退。 Paragon Divine Artifact, invited suppress various enemy.” 至尊神器,请镇压诸敌。” Several god eldest children shouted, the whole body illumination, exhausted ability to stimulate to movement Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure formation diagram, this was a tremendous strength invests, for the god the line, controlled Paragon. 几位神老大呼,浑身发光,竭尽所能催动灵宝天尊阵图,这是一种巨大的力量投入,代神而行,掌控至尊器。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Other Shore Indigenous People, somewhat unruly itinerant cultivator slow one step, was swept by formation diagram divine light, at the scene broken is tribulation ash. 彼岸原住民,有些桀骜的散修慢了一步,被阵图神光扫中,当场碎为劫灰 Bang! 轰隆! This is one kills by mistreatment, no one has thought, several gods old controlled Paragon quickly, does not give them the opportunity, even Foreign Domain various Great Saint ate the bitter fruit. 这是一场虐杀,谁也没有想到,几位神老这么快就掌控了至尊器,不给他们机会,连域外大圣都吃了苦果。 Because, Palace Lord and god in God Domain old are all staring at them, these person of massive destructive forces, were regarded as the biggest threat by God Domain, at this time stimulated to movement the god chart to pursue the bang to kill. 因为,神域中的殿主、神老等全都在盯着他们,这些人破坏力巨大,被神域视为最大的威胁,这个时候催动神图追着轰杀。 Let success go to the head, even if the god died, still kills formation diagram, naturally by the person control of God Domain.” Some people all regrets. “得意忘形了,即便神死了,也还有杀阵图,自然会被神域的人掌控。”众人皆有些后悔。 “噗” Stoneman stuffy, an arm blasts out, although had not been swept by the god chart, but a wisp of fluctuation spreads, made him suffer the heavy losses. 石人一声闷哼,一条手臂炸开,虽然未被神图扫中,但是一缕波动扩散过来,还是让他遭受了重创。 He was really a moment ago fierce by the sextant attack, by Holy Domain the envy and hate, was certainly paid attention at this time with emphasis, from locked him from the beginning, lets his narrow escape. 他刚才以量天尺攻击甚猛,被圣域所忌恨,这个时候当然重点关注,自一开始就锁定了他,让他险死还生 Ox Demon King bellows, a lower half body cuns (2.5 cm) break, becomes continuously blood mist, he makes an effort to pat Void, throws down an arm for dying, escaped into not the bright Void channel. 牛魔王一声大吼,下半截身子寸寸断裂,成为一缕缕血雾,他用力一拍虚空,又丢下一臂替死,遁入了未明的虚空通道。 No one has thought, God Domain counter-attacks so rapidly, almost must disintegrate a moment ago, was attacked like this, was almost doomed to extinguish taught, finally finally actually stood firm. 谁也没有想到,神域反攻是如此的迅疾,刚才都几乎要瓦解了,遭受这样的打击,几乎注定要灭教了,结果最终却又稳住。 Various Great Saint are resentful, facing Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure formation diagram, they are all repulsed, that murderous aura will pass through the past and present probably in the future, may not contend. 大圣愤懑,面对灵宝天尊阵图,他们全都败退,那种杀气像是贯穿了古今未来,根本不可抗衡。 The pitiful yell sound continuously, Holy Spirit and Ox Demon King pay the heavy price to run away, becomes symbol that the dam bursts a dike, various group of troops flee fly to escape, are utterly routed. 惨叫声此起彼伏,圣灵牛魔王付出惨重代价逃走,成为大坝决堤的标志,各路人马亡命飞遁,溃不成军。 This makes one be flabbergasted, the contrast, big of contrast was really astonishing, all fell. 这让人咋舌,先后对比,反差之大实在惊人,一切都掉了过来。 God Domain was covered by Grand Array. The mist is clear, the god roar demon howls, the strong winds writings, the flying sand and rocks, the scene is quite fearful, no one may attack again. 神域被一座大阵笼罩。雾气昭昭,神吼魔啸,狂风大作,飞沙走石,景象极为慑人,再也没有一人可攻进去。 In fact yes, God Domain attacked, stimulates to movement formation diagram. Sends out immeasurable murderous aura. Probably a Heaven and Earth great misfortune, outside killed God Domain field littered with corpses, blood to become river. 事实上是,神域攻伐了出来,催动阵图。发出无量杀气。像是一场天地大劫般,杀的神域外尸横遍野,鲜血成河。 Finally. In Indigenous People rebelling itinerant cultivator Great Saint was killed, alien race Great Saint in Foreign Domain guest was also extinguished, making one shock panic-stricken with. 最后。原住民中一位作乱的散修大圣被杀,域外来客中的一位异族大圣亦被灭,让人更加震撼与惊恐。 These gods are old as well as Palace Lord take action is brutal. Unceasing torture, turned into the scene of carnage here, blood meat paste thinned, the broken bone piles in heaps, unusual terrifying. 这些神老以及殿主出手无情。不断的虐杀,将这里化成了修罗场,血肉泥泞,碎骨成堆,非常的恐怖。 God Domain met with the great misfortune today, new and old god die, they also nearly were even lit the belief strength, belongs to the dust ash. It can be said that experienced fell greatly. The state of mind is miserable, rotten to the core, at this time gets the winning side, naturally is the sure-kill, kills the cold wind to roar, ghost crying god tong. 神域今日遭逢大劫,新老神都殒落了,连他们这些人也都险些被点燃信仰力,归于尘灰中。可以说,经历了大落。心境凄凉,糟糕透顶,此时占据上风,自然是绝杀,杀到阴风怒号,鬼哭神恸。 On this day is doomed to go down in history, outside God Domain become a mountain of skeleton. great bloodshed, does not know that many people, in dozens days blood mist wound around, not beam energy spread goes. 这一日注定要被载入史册中,神域尸骨成山流血漂橹,也不知道死了多少人,数十日内血雾缭绕,不能散去。 Moreover, God Domain launched the crazy retaliation. Will rebel and capture many Other Shore large clan even/including root in God Domain to wipe out, killed world entirely silent/solitary. 而且,神域就此展开了疯狂的报复。将作乱、攻入神域中的许多彼岸大族连根拔除,杀的天下俱寂。 This war. Died too many people......” Ye Fan to sigh lightly, he and Pang Bo, Dragon Horse and others has not entered the war, has not captured God Domain, actually witnessed all these. “这一战。死了太多的人......”叶凡轻叹,他与庞博龙马等并没参战,未曾攻入神域,却亲眼目睹了这一切。 Outside God Domain, a mud, these are bloody pulp, the mist are scarlet, that was the blood transpiration, filled the air in this place. 神域外,一片泥泞,那些都是血泥,雾气猩红,那是血蒸腾了起来,在此地弥漫。 As for breaking in the mountain and big rift valley spatters in all directions many broken bone pieces, scarlet point, horrible to look at! 至于断山、大裂谷中更是迸溅上了很多碎骨头片,猩红点点,惨不忍睹! No one has been learned to attend the meeting so, fight that the new and old god launches alternately not so frigid, all mighty people attacked God Domain actually to spark such a catastrophe. 谁都没有料到会如此,新老神交替展开的战斗都未曾这般惨烈,诸雄进攻神域却造成了这样一场浩劫。 In the following several months, often has Great Saint to knock at the gate, attacks God Domain, naturally is Ox Demon King, Holy Spirit and gold/metal Chan, Ancient Race top powerhouse and Human Race Dao Protector wait/etc., all from Foreign Domain. 在接下来的几个月里,不时有大圣叩关,攻打神域,自然是牛魔王圣灵、金蟾、古族至强者人族护道者等,皆来自域外 Naturally, they are not True Body attack, but attacks in other methods, otherwise no one is able to face Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure killing formation diagram. 当然,他们并不是真身攻来,只是以其他手段攻伐,不然谁也无法面对灵宝天尊的杀阵图 What a pity, these people all defeated, was killed some incarnations, each one took out Great Saint also announced disintegrates, person of True Body was killed, the rout turned over. 可惜,这些人全都败了,被杀了一些化身,各自所祭出大圣阵亦宣告瓦解,还有一人真身被杀,大败而归。 „To break through God Domain, only if has Emperor Weapon, otherwise cannot accomplish absolutely.” People clearly recognized this reality, even if the god died, this place still peerless powerful, the bystander is hard to attack and capture, in God Domain experts as common as the clouds, is terrifying. “想要攻破神域除非有帝器,不然绝对办不到。”人们认清了这个现实,即便神死了,这个地方也绝世强大,外人难以攻克,神域高手如云,非常恐怖。 In addition, that although cannot compare Mt. Xumi, but to have ancient mountain of similar position to make various Great Saint in God Domain frightened similarly, precipitated too many belief strength, once gallops, If the Gods block, then kill the Gods, if the Buddhas block, then kill the Buddhas! 此外,那座虽然比不上须弥山、但所在神域拥有类似地位的古山同样让诸大圣恐惧,沉淀了太多的信仰力,一旦奔腾出来,神挡杀神,佛挡弑佛! Various Great Saint do everything possible, collects the ancient book in various Other Shore clans, seeks for the flaw. 大圣想尽办法,在彼岸各族搜集典籍,寻找破绽。 Finally, some God Domain interior people divulge secret, glances through the old book after several months, the god is old, Palace Lord wait/etc. understand finally, God Domain is one by the place of curse. 最终,神域内部有人泄露出一则秘辛,经过几个月翻阅古籍,神老、殿主等终于明白,神域是一处被诅咒之地。 Exactly said, once had Paragon to inhibit somebody's activities, at this moment under formation marks, making here different. 确切的说,曾经有至尊画地为牢,在此刻下阵纹,让这里变得不一样了。 So long as the gods derive Faith Power, was equal is taken the shackles, some day, may become the fatal flaw, Great Emperor's corpse baleful aura wait/etc. may light the belief strength, making God Domain disintegrate and collapse instantaneously. 神只要汲取信仰之力,就等同于被带上了枷锁,有朝一日,可能会成为致命的缺陷,大帝的煞气等可点燃信仰力,让神域瞬间瓦解、崩溃。 The God Domain people are scared, finally understands the old god in knowing Mythological Era Nine-layered Coffin crashes after Other Shore, reason that does not dare to examine. Understands he nearly ruins the God Domain origin to be at with the aid of ancient coffin. 神域众人胆寒,终于明白了老神在得知神话时代九重棺坠落在彼岸后,一直不敢去查看的原因。更明白了他借助古棺险些毁掉神域的根由所在。 My God Domain belief strength is matchless, developed peak quickly, some ancient Paragon worried, inhibits somebody's activities, defined me and others.” “我神域的信仰力举世无双,快发展到极致了,有古代至尊担忧,画地为牢,限定了我等。” The flaw of non- belief strength, but was God Domain has sickness. 非信仰力之缺陷,而是神域“有恙”了。 A descendant of God Domain lineage/vein, within the body brand mark got down this curse, so long as therefore derives the belief strength, was equivalent took the shackles, did not meet the emperor corpse, once there is this baleful aura invasion, here became an scene of carnage inevitably. 神域一脉的后代,体内烙印下了这种诅咒,故此只要汲取信仰力,就相当于带上了枷锁,不遇到帝尸也就罢了,一旦有这种煞气入侵,这里必然成为一片修罗场。 This was ancient Paragon restricts the God Domain method. 这是古代至尊制约神域的手段。 Ye Fan also heard this secret, in the heart suddenly, these days he has been pondering over, since the Faith Power drawback were so big, why Amitabha also wanted started a Sect, the collection belief. Major ancient territory have his Dao Lineage, the endless belief spans Void, flowed to Mt. Xumi. 叶凡也听到了这则秘辛,心中恍然,这些日子他一直在思忖,既然信仰之力弊端这么大,为何阿弥陀佛还要创教,收集信仰。各大古域都有他的道统,无尽信仰跨越虚空,流淌向了须弥山。 Originally, the belief strength is not fatal, was God Domain is mainly cursed, in the ancient times Paragon divided into the shackles it, therefore here presented the catastrophe. 原来,信仰力本身并不是致命的,主要是神域被诅咒了,古代至尊将其划为了牢笼,故此这里出现了大灾难。 Ye Fan talked to oneself, said: Also harms me to think that the belief strength in cauldron cannot use, so that's how it is. However this type of thing eventually is foreign object, cannot rely on, cannot refine into within the body, otherwise new and old god how to go so far as to both perishes, eventually is the unreliable this strength.” 叶凡自语,道:“害得我还以为鼎中的信仰力不能用了,原来如此。不过这种东西终究是外物,不能依赖,不可炼入体内,不然新老神何至于双双殒命,终究是靠不住此力。” God Domain initiates an attack, next looks for the Foreign Domain demon all over the sky, so long as discovered, must suppress and kill it, this let various Great Saint and young Paragon falls into to the crisis. 神域主动出击,满天下寻找域外魔头,只要发现,必镇杀之,这让诸大圣与年轻的至尊都陷入到危机中。 Finally some Great Saint collaborate, arrives produces outside Supernatural Being Fluid danger zone, must rush jointly, Great Emperor Void's ancient coffin true lifts, feeds in God Domain, ruins there! 最后一些大圣联手,来到出产神魔液绝地外面,要联手闯进去,将虚空大帝的古棺真正的抬出来,送进神域,毁掉那里! The situation deteriorates, does not die continuous, Foreign Domain's Great Saint was compelled this step, can only take risks, if successful, God Domain greatly broken, Ancient Life Tree will exchange ownerships. 形势恶化,不死不休,域外的大圣被逼到了这一步,只能铤而走险了,若是成功,神域大破,生命古树将易主。 Golden Snake Young Gentleman, Sang Gu, Heaven Devouring Beast, Earth Corpse, Great Demonic God, Emperor Sky wait/etc. also came, watches various Great Saint. 金蛇郎君桑古吞天兽地尸大魔神帝天等也都来了,观看诸大圣施法。 Holy Spirit strikes, punctures a mountain peak, is it is not broken, the mountain massif splits, inside to/clashes a blood river, incessant, blots out the sky. 圣灵一击,打穿一座山峰,可是它却未碎,山体只是裂开,里面冲起一片血河,滔滔不绝,铺天盖地。 This made the people hold breath cold air, were these mountains the meat mountains? The long years passed by, unexpectedly blood. 这让众人倒吸了一口凉气,这些山都是肉山吗?漫长岁月过去了,竟还有血液。 Although they had heard, this is Fiendgod burial land, but personally sees at the present, cannot bear be startled. 虽然他们早已听说,这是神魔葬地,但是而今亲眼所见,还是忍不住吃惊。 I do not believe in evil doctrines!” After Holy Spirit arrives at this world , the big feeling is aggrieved, was first suppressed 20 years by the old god, does not dare to make an appearance, then when attacking God Domain, by suppress and kill, the mood was been almost bad. “我就不信邪了!”圣灵来到这个世界后大感憋屈,先是被老神压制了二十年,不敢露面,而后又在攻打神域时,差点被镇杀,心情恶劣至极。 It face upwards the long and loud cry, the Immortal Tears Emerald Gold ruler from top of the skull departs, submerges front Fiendgod mountain ridge, the violent force strikes to pound. With dreadful green light, there severe tremor, many mountain peak ruptured, the blood splashes to be very high, probably entered in a piece of blood-color vastness. 它仰天长啸,仙泪绿金尺从的天灵盖中飞出,没入前方的神魔山岭,猛力击砸。伴随着滔天的碧光,那里剧震,诸多山峰崩开,血液溅起很高,像是打进了一片血色的汪洋内。 And in this moment, over ten thousand mountain peaks shakes, each to/clashes ancient symbol, probably samsara plate, steamroll common people, to his suppress. 并且就在这一刻,上万座山峰摇动,每一座都冲起一个古符,像是轮回盘,碾压苍生,向他镇压而来。 “噗” The Holy Spirit big mouth coughs up blood, flew horizontally, under the storm suffers a loss, even his Immortal Tears Emerald Gold ruler almost breaks off. 圣灵大口咳血,横飞了出去,强攻之下吃了大亏,连他的仙泪绿金尺都差点折断。 In that front, over ten thousand mountain peaks, present over ten thousand ancient symbols, each ancient symbol to stand out from the masses , represented paramount Great Dao. 在那前方,上万座山峰,出现上万个古老的符号,每一个古符与众不同,代表了一种至高大道 People suck in a cold breath, this is Immemorial Fiendgod Inheritance, is their big Dao's Embodiment, attacks this place, looks like resists with their Dao Lineage and deep meanings. 众人倒吸冷气,这是太古神魔传承,是他们大道的体现,攻击此地,就像是在与他们的道统与奥义对抗。 God Race celestial female Shen Lan stands in the distant place, all over the body illumination, luster of the skin clear, witnessed this, she is shivering, excited talking to oneself, said: This is Gods Inheritance, if during my God Race enters, aware middle over ten thousand ancient symbol, will be born Divine Venerate king lord!” 神族天女莘岚站在远处,通体发光,玉体晶莹,目睹了这一幕,她在颤抖,激动的自语,道:“这是诸神传承,若是我神族进入当中,了悟当中上万个古符,将会诞生出一个神尊王主!” Immemorial Fiendgod Inheritance, this is my say/way, if I in middle comprehending dao, sooner or later will meet unmatched in the world!” Immemorial Fiendgod descendant Sang Gu also shocks. 太古神魔传承,这是我的道,我若在当中悟道,早晚有一天会天下无敌!”太古神魔的后代桑古亦震撼。 The abatement beside them, Earth Corpse also trembles, so many skeletons turned into the mountain peak, this to him, cultivates corpse demonic path best Holy Land. 除却他们之外,地尸也是一颤,这么多的尸骸化成了山峰,这对于他来说,是修炼尸魔道的最佳圣地 Heaven Devouring Beast is also pupil light a big magnificence burst, if he swallows these Immemorial Fiendgod skeletons, perhaps then really can in the future Heaven Swallowing! 吞天兽也是眸光大盛,他若是将这些太古神魔的尸骸吞掉,那么将来也许真的可以吞天了! Ye Fan, Pang Bo and Dragon Horse also in secret, because they fully realized, many Great Saint collaborate the can compare old god, should be able to break open this place, perhaps Ji Ziyue and Ji Haoyue are going to appear. 叶凡庞博龙马也在暗中,因为他们深知,诸多大圣联手堪比老神,应该能够将此地破开,也许姬紫月姬皓月将要出现了。 The dear brothers and sisters, asked a monthly ticket, late October summon, everyone looks at the ticket warehouse, please under the support obstruct the day. Many thanks. 亲爱的兄弟姐妹,求一张月票,十月下旬的呼唤,各位看下票仓,请支持下遮天。多谢。 .. 。。
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