STH :: Volume #15


The gods died, the azure feather day also dies young, resembles the moth in that raging fire, to the forward flight, actually also can only degenerate into the dust diligently, with the wind however disperses. 神死了,青羽天亦殇,似那烈火中的飞蛾,努力向前飞,却也只能沦为尘埃,随风而散。 The new and old two generations of gods take turn, making Foreign Domain various Great Saint keep silent, was compelled to be dormant the entire 20 years, now two big top powerhouse unexpectedly simultaneously die. 新老两代神交替,让域外大圣都噤若寒蝉,被逼蛰伏整整二十年,如今两大至强者竟然同时殒落 Cursed place, is actually called God Domain, is a sorrow, is the glory in unfortunate ± person eyes, the shackles of the world, accompanies my life, buries I......” old god to unravel in the fire, the words are desolate, but the look is tranquil, probably completely understood world all, silhouette is fuzzy, vanishes in the flame. “被诅咒的之地,却被称作神域,是一种悲哀,亦是不幸±人眼中的荣耀,人间的牢笼,伴我一生,葬我一世......”老神在道火中灰飞烟灭,话语苍凉,但神色平静,像是看透了世间一切,身影模糊,于火光中消失。 The azure feather day is disappointed, is turning into the dust the instance, cannot bear shout, the silhouette ash, only leaves behind together the sound, said: Idles one's time away, senile appearance, exhausted the painstaking care, is inferior to accidental, laughable, pitiful, lamentable, buries the field in God Domain, listens respectfully to my own town/subdues soul tune......” 青羽天怅然,在化成尘埃的瞬间,忍不住嘶吼,身影化灰,只留下一道声音,道:“蹉跎了岁月,衰老了容颜,耗尽了心血,不如一个偶然,可笑,可悲,可叹,在神域葬场,聆听我自己的镇魂曲......” Two big top powerhouse are on the wane, no suspense, in the sky that giant sarcophagus lies, sends out continuously Dao Runes, melts turning into light to atomize Primal Chaos, lets the bloodlines of God Domain often die. 两大至强者凋零,没有一点悬念,天空中那口巨大的石棺横陈,散发出一缕缕道纹,化光化雾化混沌,让神域的血脉不时殒落 „......” “啊......” Between Heaven and Earth boundless one piece, is shouts the sound everywhere, the struggling sound, many idol disintegrations, dense and numerous silhouette clash, works loose the place of this destruction. 天地间茫茫一片,到处都是嘶吼声,挣扎声,不少神像崩碎,密密麻麻的身影冲起,挣脱这片毁灭之地。 The gods are old, Palace Lord, Saintess and other major Powerhouse quick despaired, desperate cutting goes to Faith Power in within the body, this is their shackles, moves toward the origin of death. 神老、殿主圣女等各大强者都快绝望了,拼命的斩去体内的信仰之力,这是他们的枷锁,是走向死亡的根由。 God Domain, usually sacred auspicious, strange flower is in full bloom, jade grass spreads out on the floor, the spirit bird dance in the air, the auspicious beast presents, at the present is one piece is gloomy, massive silhouette rush to the sky, the roar vibrates Nine Heavens, is escaping. 神域,平日间神圣祥和,奇花盛开,瑶草铺地,灵禽飞舞,瑞兽呈现,而今却是一片愁云惨淡,大量的身影冲上天空,吼声震动九天,全都在逃命。 Bang! 轰隆! In an ancient Divine Mountain, formation diagram shaking of Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure, sends out immortal divine might, resists that giant sarcophagus, keeps off it in Void large hole, has not made it crash. 一座古神山上,灵宝天尊阵图摇动,散发出不朽的神威,对抗那口巨大的石棺,将其挡在虚空大洞中,并未让它坠落下来。 Meanwhile, God Domain most sacred ancient mountain, covers entirely on the crack mountain massif. Overflows the vast general sacred strength, although is turning into the flame, flaming combustion, but is also preventing the great coffin. 与此同时,神域最神圣的古山,布满裂纹的山体上。溢出汪洋一般的神圣之力,虽然在化成火焰,熊熊燃烧,但是也在阻挡巨棺。 everyone move together, stimulates to movement formation diagram, keeps off that ancient coffin, cannot make it press to fall, otherwise I and other dangers!” God old shouts out. 诸位齐动手,催动阵图,将那口古棺挡回去,不能让它压落,不然我等危矣!”一位神老大喝 Everyone together take action. Several big Palace Lord and gods old have Saintess to contend jointly. Now Paragon Divine Artifact is they live disappears to be at only. 所有人一起出手。几大殿主与神老还有圣女联手抗衡。现在至尊神器是他们活下来的唯一消所在。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the ancient coffin play trembles, dropped one to recover from ¢ treasure Heavenly Venerate ancient formation diagram to that Void large hole independently, blocked its way. 天崩地裂,古棺剧颤,向那虚空大洞中跌落回去一段距离¢宝天尊的古阵图自主复苏了,挡住了它的去路。 Mythological Era Nine-layered Coffin, by the heart blood irrigation of old god. At the present opens eight unexpectedly, the final level has also split, presents continuously terrifying aura. 神话时代九重棺,被老神的心头血浇灌。而今竟然打开了八层,最后一层也已经裂开,出现一缕缕恐怖的气机 In this moment, All Heavens and Myriad Worlds seemed tranquil, the shouting sound of God Domain people also vanished, everyone such as the falling icehouse, all knelt to bend down. 在这一刻,诸天万界都仿佛宁静了下来,神域众人的嘶吼声也消失了,所有人都如坠冰窖,全都跪伏了下来。 Bang! 轰隆! In this moment, the final level sarcophagus also lifted an corner/horn, Great Emperor Void's ancient coffin almost will open thoroughly. Reveals coercion that makes people be unbearable. 就在这一刻,最后一层石棺也掀开了一角,虚空大帝的古棺几乎将彻底打开。露出一股让人难以承受的威压 Ancient Great Emperor Human World, is fluctuating just like piece of Divine Sea presently, vibrates Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, do not say is in God Domain, is the person also all guts trembles. 古之大帝将现人世间,宛若一片神海在起伏,震动九天十地,不要说是神域内,就是外界的人也全都胆颤。 Carves in this time, people only have a movement, that is kneels to bend down. Lie prostrate in worship! 于此时刻,人们只有一个动作,那就是跪伏。顶礼膜拜! Including could not endure from Foreign Domain's various Great Saint, knelt down most probably, kotowed, this was one sends the fear in ancient bone, shivered from the deep place of soul. Awes to Ancient Great Emperor. 包括来自域外的大圣也忍受不了,大半都跪下了,进行叩首,这是一股发古骨子中的恐惧,自灵魂的深处颤抖。对古之大帝敬畏。 Bang! 轰隆! Myriad Worlds shakes, Great Dao's divine music resounds 万界摇动,大道神音响起 …… …… Since the ancient times, few has seen the complete emperor corpse, at the present is going to present the world, the people naturally anticipated, big fear that simultaneously one type is hard to recount. 自古以来,几乎无人见过完整的帝尸,而今将要出现人间,众人自然期待,同时有一种难以述说的大恐惧。 Ancient Great Emperor, living Era is too far, is impossible to meet, this perhaps is the time that people can result in only see. 古之大帝,活着的时代太远,不可能相见,这也许是人们唯一可以得见的时刻。 Bang! 轰隆! The formation diagram recovery of Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure, obliterated the big piece the bloody water on sarcophagus, that is the heart blood of old god, preventing it to play the role, does not make ancient coffin open. 灵宝天尊阵图复苏,将石棺上的血水磨灭了大片,那是老神的心头血,阻止它发挥作用,不让古棺打开。 Sees this scene, people one disappointment, will soon see Ancient Great Emperor, was actually prevented, will miss this only opportunity. 见到这一景象,人们都一阵的失望,即将见到古之大帝,却又被阻挡了,将错过这唯一的机会。 ka-cha! 喀嚓! However, the sound that a sarcophagus moves sends out, probably the world in the disintegration, the Mythological Era Nine-layered Coffin final level coffin lid opened, steadfast movement. 然而,一声石棺移动的声音发出,像是世界在崩碎,神话时代九重棺最后一层棺盖揭开,坚定不移的移动。 Bang, the Primal Chaos fog is dreadful, that place mysterious immeasurable, ancient coffin opened most probably, but is actually not able to act again, the heart blood of old god only infiltrates little, insufficient, is hard to open thoroughly. 轰隆一声,混沌雾霭滔天,那个地方神秘莫测,古棺打开了大半,但却再也无法动作了,老神的心头血只渗进去少许,不足,难以彻底开启。 Only almost!” Some people sighed lightly. “只差一点!”有人轻叹。 Shut up, once Ancient Great Emperor's Coffin opens, no one is able to expect will have anything, best open not!” “闭嘴,古之大帝的棺椁一旦开启,谁都无法料到会发生什么,最好还是莫开!” From Foreign Domain's various Great Saint, such as Ox Demon King and Stoneman Holy Spirit wait/etc. many knew, each and every one expression grave, many of them kneel in Void. 来自域外的大圣,如牛魔王石人圣灵等多少知道一些,一个个神色凝重,他们当中很多人都跪在虚空中。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Suddenly, in that ancient coffin Primal Chaos fog boiling, in presents together fuzzy silhouette suddenly, as if sat, seems like a ray of light to delimit the all mighty people heart. 突然,那口古棺混沌雾霭沸腾,于一刹那间出现一道模糊的身影,仿佛坐了起来,又像是一道光划过诸雄的心田。 Then, works as one, ninth level coffin cover Yaluo, thorough closed, a slit has not stayed behind. 而后,哐当一声,第九层棺盖压落,彻底的闭合了,一丝缝隙都没有留下。 What I saw, the probably person sat, whether true or false, he how also active?!” “我见到了什么,好像有一个人坐了起来,是真是假,他怎么还能动?!” „It is not right, that is only a ray of light, flashes not to have, is not the corpse is moving, but has boundless immeasurable coercion!” “不对,那只是一道光,一闪而没,并非尸体在动,不过却拥有一种磅礴莫测威压!” ...... ...... The people startle greatly, is scared, Ancient Great Emperor Coffin trembles is as good as splitting heaven and earth apart, mixing is hazy, Four directions severe tremor, various Heavenly Stars shake. 众人大骇,全都发毛,古之大帝棺椁一颤不亚于开天辟地,混度迷蒙,四野剧震,诸天星辰都摇动。 What a pity, it closed, does not give the opportunity of descendant observation, actually does inside how, have the corpse unable to talk clearly. 可惜,它闭合了,不给后人观察的机会,里面究竟如何,到底有没有尸身不能说清。 „Do you...... look at Finally?” Ye Fan felt that own sound trembles, looks to Pang Bo, Dragon Horse, Golden Lion and the others, on his face wrote all over shocked with the look that cannot believe. “你们......看到了吗?”叶凡感觉自己的声音发颤,看向庞博龙马黄金狮子等人,他的脸上写满了震撼与不敢相信的神色。 The people cause suspicion, severe tremor was too a moment ago quick, they only see together the fuzzy light flash, that should some people not sit up, according to their speculations, in coffin possibly already no one, Great Emperor Change into Dao. 众人都生疑,刚才剧震太快,他们只见到一道模糊的光闪过,那应该不是有人坐起,按照他们的推测,棺中可能已经无人,大帝化道了。 However, at this time sees the Ye Fan's look, they are startled, as if own eye has leaked anything. 然而,此时见到叶凡的神色,他们都是一怔,似乎自己的眼睛漏过了什么。 I saw a person, he is Great Emperor Void, is exactly the same as a old friend!” Ye Fan said in a low voice. “我见到了一个人,他难道是虚空大帝吗,与一位故人一模一样!”叶凡低声道。 What person?” Pang Bo reveals the color of doubts, Dragon Horse gathers up to come, anxious is hopeful. “什么人?”庞博露出疑惑之色,龙马凑上前来,紧张中充满期待。 Ordinary silhouette, is very together ordinary, is far from handsome, said that not grand appearance great n belongs to mortal world all living things.” Ye Fan said. “一道平凡的身影,很普通,谈不上英俊,也说不雄姿伟岸n归于红尘的众生相。”叶凡说道。 When Dragon Horse brain neutrality presented a Dao Body shadow, but actually cannot determine, anxious asking: Who?” 龙马脑子中立时出现了一道身影,但是却不敢确定,急切的问道:“谁?” Ji Zi!” Ye Fan do not believe that person and Ji Zi are exactly the same, the same face, same ordinary, flashes past. 姬子!”叶凡自己都不相信,那个人与姬子一模一样,同样的面庞,同样的平淡无奇,一闪而过。 Even the fathers and sons can't resemble? This makes in the Ye Fan heart palpitate, was really an excellent likeness. Or does not have the different places. The makings are exactly the same. 即便是父子也不能这么相像吧?这让叶凡心中一阵悸动,实在是太神似了。或者说没有不同处。气质都一模一样。 Has not listened to Ji Zi to say is like his father appearance, when they asked the Great Emperor Void entire life matter, Ji Zi was silent shaking the head. Are not many speaks anything. 从来没有听姬子说过与其父容貌相同,每当他们问起虚空大帝生平事时,姬子都是沉默的摇头。不多讲什么。 But in a moment ago, Ye Fan saw fuzzy silhouette and Ji Zi that in ancient coffin the Primal Chaos fog turned into not the slightest difference, this makes him shock inexplicably. 可是就在刚才,叶凡见到了古棺混沌雾霭化成的一道模糊身影姬子一般无二,这让他震撼莫名。 The old god dropped the heart blood on Mythological Era Nine-layered Coffin to exhaust thoroughly. Was swept to extinguish by Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure formation diagram of carry-over, ancient coffin dang the sound transmits, connects Nine Layers Coffin one by one closed, covered up the truth. 老神滴落在神话时代九重棺上的心头血彻底耗尽了。被灵宝天尊的遗留的阵图一扫而灭,古棺咣当声传来,接连九层棺椁逐一闭合,掩盖了真相。 Bang! 轰隆! large hole in Void is fuzzy, that ancient coffin goes far away, crashes has the habitat to Supernatural Being Fluid, has not arrived in God Domain. 虚空中的大洞模糊,那口古棺远去,坠落向神魔液出产地,并未降临在神域中。 In God Domain, people such as Mongolian pardon, all released a long breath. Everyone includes the most powerful god to be old, Palace Lord collapsed, with the death was such near. 神域内,众人如蒙大赦,全都长出了一口气。所有人包括最强大的神老、殿主等都虚脱了,与死亡是如此之近。 In the ancient times Great Emperor's Coffin simply was the God Domain difficult adversary, can obliterate here all, had the Paragon god chart luckily, independent resurrecting, blocked this big destruction. 古代大帝的棺椁简直就是神域的克星,可以磨灭这里的一切,幸好有至尊神图,自主复活,挡住了这场大毁灭。 Everyone knows, God Domain starting from this day no longer in the past. Will have the significant change for the first time, Faith Power exposes such fatal shortcoming. Enjoys the human food, to have God Domain Powerhouse of god position, definitely does not dare Faith Power refining in within the body. 谁都知道,从这一日起神域将不复以往。会发生重大变革,信仰之力第一次暴露出这么致命的缺点。享受人间烟火、有一席神位的神域强者,肯定不敢将信仰之力炼化在体内了。 In this moment, acted from Foreign Domain's Great Saint, silent. Rushes in God Domain solitarily, when until approaching to plant the Ancient Life Tree Divine Mountain launches an attack. 就在这一刻,来自域外的一位大圣行动了起来,无声无息。只身闯进神域,直到临近栽种有生命古树的神山时才发难。 He finds out big hand. To put in order an old tree pulling out, this time elects is good, the new and old two generations of gods died, the God Domain chaos, the god is old, Palace Lord wait/etc. each one was just out of danger, Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure formation diagram has not hung in this place. 他探出一只大手。想要将整株古树给拔走,这个时机选的再好不过,新老两代神死去,神域大乱,神老、殿主等各自刚脱离险境,灵宝天尊阵图也未悬于此地。 However, a Heaven Falls and Earth Rends sound makes a sound, vault of heaven ruptured, Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure formation diagram sweeps falls kills off together, aura is dreadful, is just like an ancient Star Domain smashing! 然而,一声天崩地裂的声响唤来,苍穹崩开,灵宝天尊阵图扫落下一道杀光,气机滔天,好比一片古星域粉碎! The huge fluctuation of energy transmits, changes into a piece of tribulation light, obliterates that big hand at the scene, becomes piece of blood mist. 巨大的能量波动传来,化为一片劫光,当场将那只大手磨灭,成为一片血雾 This Great Saint shouts, pours to put below that also takes, turns around to walk, does not want many entanglements. But, he underestimated the deployment of God Domain, on this mountain formation marks appears, light mark ten thousand, making here the execution ground. 这尊大圣一声嘶吼,倒也拿的起放的下,转身就走,并不想过多的纠缠。可是,他低估了神域的部署,这座山上阵纹浮现,光痕万道,让这里成为杀场。 What is most essential, Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure formation diagram sweeps the next four terrifying light beams, startled regrets, this four handles in ancient Heavenly Venerate Spring of Life killed the sword, destroys the hardest defenses. 最为关键的是,灵宝天尊阵图扫下四道恐怖的光束,让人惊憾,这相极了古天尊命泉中的四柄杀剑,无坚不摧。 This is with the strength, summoned? Killed the appearance of mustard just like four handles, stood chops, this Great Saint cannot send out one pitiful yell with enough time. 这是借力,还是召唤?宛若四柄杀芥的出现了,立劈而下,这位大圣连惨叫都未能来得及发出一声。 “噗” He turned into blood mist, the shining white bone block blasted out, then also an cuns (2.5 cm) break, entire had the body and Primordial Spirit becomes the ashes, relationship of form and spirit entirely leisurely/scatter, did not exist. 他化成了血雾,莹白的骨块炸开,而后又寸寸断裂,整具身体与元神成为了灰烬,形神俱散,不复存在。 Moo......” “哞......” A Barbaric Ox roar vibrates Star River, Ox Demon King startled and anger. Because, he almost also acts with that person, only missed half that's all, took the favorable position, touches extremely the Dao Spirit chart, making him very passive. 一声莽牛吼震动星河,牛魔王又惊又怒。因为,他与那个人几乎同时行动,只差了半步而已,被人抢占先机,触动极道神图,让他非常被动。 However his True Body has not passed, direct took out shiny Vajra Cutter, turned into a Dao Spirit link, must that Ancient Life Tree to the set, detain in the hand. 不过他的真身并未过去,直接祭出了锃亮的金刚琢,化成一道神环,要将那生命古树给套在当中,拘禁到手里。 Saw that Great Saint falls from the sky, he is from the beginning cool to the foot, receives Vajra Cutter fast, what a pity all without enough time. 见到一尊大圣陨落,他从头凉到脚,快速收金刚琢,可惜一切都来不及了。 The Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure god chart flashes, once again under lets fall a beam of light, happen to strikes on Vajra Cutter, what a pity this highest level Great Saint Artifact, blasted out at the scene, becomes the silver detritus. 灵宝天尊的神图一闪,又一次垂落下一道光束,正好击在金刚琢上,可惜了这件最顶级的大圣器,当场炸开,成为银色的碎屑。 Heart of Ox Demon King in drop blood, this is the most precious object that in their clan treasure house all top divine material smelt to cast together, finally ruined. 牛魔王的心都在滴血,这是他们一族宝库中所有顶级神料熔炼在一起才铸成的至宝,结果就这么毁掉了。 This is one type really lets the deterrent that the person guts trembles, various Great Saint are all scared, once the Ancient Great Emperor's weapon resurrects, strikes lets their body dies and Dao disappears sufficiently. 这是一种真让人胆颤的威慑,诸大圣全都胆寒,古之大帝的兵器一旦复活,一击就足以让他们身死道消 Bang!” “轰隆!” The distant place also has young Paragon take action, Golden Snake Young Gentleman is chasing down young god army to command, wants to seize a living witness, understood that the God Domain secret, good to enter thoroughly, competes for the god to bury. 远处亦有年轻的至尊出手,金蛇郎君正在追杀一位年轻的神军统领,想要捉一个活口,了解神域的秘密,好彻底进入,争夺神葬。 Immemorial Fiendgod descendant Sang Gu and copper Ant Queen and God Race celestial female, Earth Corpse, Great Demonic God wait/etc. happen to meets God Domain Saintess, besieges and pursues to block off, must the control in the hand. 太古神魔的后代桑古、铜蚁王神族天女地尸大魔神等则正好遇到神域圣女,围追堵截,要将控制在手。 Kills......” “杀啊......” Shouted " kill " heavenshaking, had Great Saint also in secret take action, did not attack at one fell swoop, but is seizing the important personage, wants to understand God Domain various secrets through them. 喊杀震天,有大圣也暗中出手,并非是一举攻进去,而是在掳重要人物,想通过他们了解神域的各种秘密。 This is a great misfortune, various Great Saint and young Paragon that since Foreign Domain arrives are dormant for 20 years later finally take action. 这是一场大劫,自域外降临的诸大圣、年轻的至尊蛰伏二十年后终于出手了。 , ,
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