STH :: Volume #15


~ date: ~ October 22 ~ ~日期:~10月22日~ The gods fight the eruption, is such sudden, God Domain is greatly turbulent, this is a disaster that is inconceivable. 神战爆发,是如此的突然,神域大动荡,这是一种难以想象的灾难。 The new and old god takes turn, is always bloody and cruel, the person who only if the god assigns succeeds to the throne, otherwise Heaven and Earth will change into the scene of carnage, blood incarnadine land. 新老神交替,从来都是血腥与残暴的,除非神指定的人继位,不然天地将化为修罗场,鲜血会染红大地。 God Domain is vast, but almost the scrap, two terrifying coercion eruptions, launched the intense big resistance, the terrifying is dreadful, probably raging waves strikes the shore, flows in backward Nine Layers of Heaven just like the vastness. 神域浩大,但是几乎炸碎,两股恐怖的威压爆发,展开了激烈的大对抗,恐怖滔天,像是惊涛拍岸,宛若汪洋倒灌九重天 Statue for, unexpectedly is really you- azure deep, in the past competed with the loser of god position with me, has not died!” The old god bellows. He stands erect in the shrine, although the exterior belief strength is gloomy, but the body shines from inside to outside, is still very radiant. “塑像为真,竟然真的是你-青冥,当年与我竞争神位的失败者,还没有死!”老神大吼。他屹立在神坛上,虽然外部的信仰力暗淡,但是身体由内向外发光,依然很璀璨。 You made a mistake, my non- is blue, that is my grandfather, he does not have Ancient Life Tree, impossible such as you so to live second, I am the azure feather day, will make funeral arrangements for you, recaptures to belong to all of my clan!” “你错了,我非青冥,那是我的祖父,他没有生命古树,不可能如你这般活出第二世来,我是青羽天,将为你送终,夺回属于我族的一切!” This is a supernatural might Middle-Aged man, is exactly the same as the idol that various clan secrets consecrate, the grand appearance is great, the looking disdainfully world, the pupil is profound, the big body has a fearful dignity. 这是一个神武的中年男子,与各族秘密供奉的神像一模一样,雄姿伟岸,睥睨天下,眸子深邃,高大的躯体有一种慑人的威严。 Very usurps the throne randomly, when his heart executes!” The old god bellows, a palm pats forward, blots out the sky, making outside God Domain various Great Saint shock. “乱贼篡位,其心当诛!”老神大吼,一掌向前拍来,铺天盖地,让神域外诸大圣震撼。 This as if took that step, the strength made people frightened. Words that but examines carefully, does not look like, many traces may seek, does not seem like Quasi-Emperor Realm. 这似乎迈出了那一步,实力让人惊悚。可是细看的话,又不太像,多少还是有些痕迹可寻,不像是准帝境 Bang “轰隆” The azure feather day does not fear happily, soars to the heavens on, raises hand to shake hardly, no fearing intent, is calm and calm, shouts: In the past my grandfather was divine son, actually usurped the throne by you. Murders to kill old god » kills my clan, you are the chaotic thief of usurping the throne, when today executes you, but also God Domain ringing universe!” 青羽天怡然不惧,冲霄而上,举手硬撼,没有一丝的惧意,从容而镇定,喝道:“当年我祖父为神子,却被你篡位。弑杀老神》杀我族,你才是篡位的乱贼,今日当诛你,还神域一个朗朗乾坤!” Do not say person vibration that Foreign Domain comes, is God Domain one unrest, but Indigenous People is severe tremor, various clans remembered an aging past event. 不要说域外来的人震动,就是神域都一阵骚乱,而原住民更是剧震,各族都想起了一件陈年旧事。 The high-rank of old god was very ignominious, murders to kill the predecessor, seized the god position, expelled past divine son. The long years passed by the almost quick annihilation in the years. 老神的上位很不光彩,弑杀了前任,夺走了神位,赶走了昔日的神子。漫长岁月过去几乎快湮灭在岁月中了。 At the present old god lived two lives, the person with Era has died with him certainly, he has a mind to cover the ignominious past events, naturally cannot be renown. Only elder of some large clans know. 而今的老神活了两世,与他同时代的人都早已死绝了,他有心掩盖不光彩的往事,自然不会举世皆知。唯有各大族的宿老知晓。 The old god shouted: Rebel. You come back also uselessly, your this clan from Foreign Domain, wants to subvert God Domain past, when executes, I bring order out of chaos, when the history left a good name.” 老神喝道:“叛逆。你回来也无用,你们这一族来自域外,昔日想颠覆神域,当诛,我拨乱反正,当青史留名。” The people had doubts, what said who what was really says was the false? However, at present all these are unimportant, must depend on the strength speech. 众人疑惑了,到底说的为真谁说的为假?不过,眼下这一切都不重要了,要凭实力说话。 „, Paragon Divine Artifact does not listen to your verbal command. Could not be telling, when I bring order out of chaos truly, but also God Domain radiant universe!” The azure feather day bellows. “老贼,连至尊神器都不听你号令。还不能说明问题吗,待我真正拨乱反正,还神域璀璨乾坤!”青羽天大吼。 Both fight intensely, great war in the same place, let the trim Heaven and Earth disintegration, God Domain was split up, will soon ruin. 两者激烈争锋,大战在一起,让整片天地都崩碎了,神域四分五裂,即将毁掉。 But at this moment, a short mountain as well as above the most ancient palace sends out the terrifying together divine force, wants vast many times compared with it vastness as well as Star Sea, instantaneous immobilized God Domain turned round the fissure. 而就在这时,一座矮山以及上面最古老宫殿共同散发出恐怖的神力,比之汪洋以及星海都要浩瀚很多倍,瞬间定住神域∞复了裂痕。 This is......” “这是......” The people are shocked, this is a God Domain most ancient mountain, might be called coexists with the world, has this world it to exist. 众人震惊,这是神域最古老的一座山,堪称与世并存,有这个世界它就存在了。 It most however is not high, is not conspicuous. However no one dares to blaspheme, this is the Paragon of Divine Mountain God Domain. Planting Ancient Life Tree that ancient mountain is more sacred. 它最然不高,也不显眼。但是没有一个人敢亵渎,这是神域至尊神山。比栽种有生命古树的那座古山还神圣。 Above has ancient palace, was known as that with the world with saving, never collapses, from history in world, not grandest, but absolutely is most mystical, during the god ordinary circumstances cannot step. 上面有一座古殿,号称与世同存,从未坍塌,自有史以来就在世间,并不是最宏伟的,但绝对是最神秘的,连神一般情况下都不能涉足当中。 This short mountain is the symbol of God Domain, is similar to the Buddhism’s Mt. Xumi, but the ancient palace position is equal to Great Thunderclap Temple, but here Taboo are more, does not make one settle down. 这座矮山是神域的象征,就如同佛门的须弥山,而此间古殿的地位则等同大雷音寺,不过这里禁忌更多,不让人驻足。 The mountain massif is ancient, has the fissure every inchs, but at this time actually shines suddenly, flows vast immeasurable Faith Power from the crack, peerless boundless. 山体古老,每一寸都有裂痕,而此时却突然发光,从裂缝中流淌出浩瀚莫测信仰之力,绝世磅礴。 This is not accumulation of one generation of gods obtained, but since the ancient times, the precipitations of god, so long as the follower facing God Domain, will have willpower to fly. 这可不是一代神的积累所得,而是自古以来,众神的沉淀,只要信徒面对神域,就会有念力飞来。 In some sense, this mountain are more than Faith Power that any god obtains, year after year, day after day, even every mountain, all over the body the to split open, at the present still becomes to the place of god highest sage. 从某种意义上来说,此山比任何一位神得到的信仰之力都多,年复一年,日复一日,即便是一座凡山,通体开裂,而今也成为至神至圣之地。 Therefore, in its crack spout sacred willpower, lets God Domain four directions severe tremor, many people cannot bear kotow, was this ancient mountain thin God Domain, immobilized the universe. 故此,它的裂缝中喷涌出神圣念力,让神域四方剧震,许多人忍不住叩首,是这座古山薄了神域,定住了乾坤。 In sky intense great war, both fought, making Void crack, spread the universe, if not ancient Divine Mountain Faith Power in God Domain were extremely vast, unceasingly spout, immobilized earth, fire, wind, water, the under land all destroyed inevitably. 天空中激烈大战,两者争锋,让虚空崩裂,蔓延到了宇宙,若非神域中的古神山信仰之力太过浩瀚,不断喷涌,定住地火风水,下方大地必然全毁。 „Very terrifying, a foot almost stepped into Quasi-Emperor Realm, but cannot break through eventually!” This is the judgment that Foreign Domain various Great Saint make. “很恐怖,一只脚几乎踏入了准帝境,但终究未能突破进去!”这是域外大圣做出的判断。 They are truly powerful, is invincible in a territory, can sweep away the world, however such writes off our generation Great Saint in 20 years ago, should not easily achieve is right.” They had the doubts. “他们确实很强大,在一域无敌,能横扫天下,但是在二十年前那样抹杀我辈大圣,并不应该轻易做到才对。”他们生出了疑惑。 Perhaps can only think to use Paragon Divine Artifact to explain, otherwise is not true Quasi-Emperor Realm cultivation base such executes several Great Saint by it, obviously is impossible. 也许只能用神动用了至尊神器来解释,不然凭借其并非真正准帝境修为那样诛掉几尊大圣,显然不可能。 Bang! 轰隆! The stars of space were destroyed, both leap into the Foreign Domain battlefield, the fight is even more fearful, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, demons weeping, spirits crying. 天上的星辰都被打碎了,两者腾入域外战场,战斗越发可怕,天崩地裂,鬼哭神嚎 So many years you really did not have a progress, cultivation base forever the pavilion here, today send you off, ended the oppressive rule of God Domain!” The azure feather day was even more self-confident. He lifts in the hands picking the stars and seizing the moon, the strength may shake the god, sweeps away all obstacles, backs up one that the god forces, was at leeward. “老贼这么多年你真是没有一点长进,修为永远亭在了这里,今日送你上路,结束神域的黑暗统治!”青羽天越发的自信了。他抬手间摘星捉月,力可撼神,所向披靡,将神逼迫的一阵倒退,处在了下风。 Rebels, when really I can't receive you? These years bearing patiently to let you appears, today suppress and kill you!” Old god shouts out. “乱臣贼子,真当我不能收你吗?这么多年来的隐忍只是为了让你出现,今日镇杀你!”老神大喝 Suddenly, the god sound is shocking, such as resonant voice rings out, clear as a bell thunders, old god that gloomy belief strength suddenly flaming, he sent out the immeasurable light, sacred incomparable. 突然间,神音惊世,如黄钟大吕轰鸣,老神那暗淡的信仰力陡然间炽盛,他发出了无量光,神圣无比。 The iron grey sending silk hysterical/frenzy waves, the pupil seems like two bright as snow knife points, each pore in PF sword qi, each Daoist Priest is several hundred miles, the terrifying is dreadful. 灰白色的发丝狂乱舞动,眸子像是两道雪亮的刀锋,每一个毛孔都在剑气,每一道长达数百里,恐怖滔天。 The old god realized divine might in the true sense to be unparalleled, irresistible, with irresistible force, killed forward, must grind finalize the feather day. 老神实现了真正意义上的神威盖世,不可阻挡,势如破竹,向前杀去,要碾杀青羽天。 The people shock, held breath cold air from Foreign Domain's various Great Saint, finally understands why he can write off Great Saint, this Faith Power adds the body, making his half body enter Quasi-Emperor Realm. Almost waits, if based that Realm. 众人震撼,来自域外的大圣倒吸了一口凉气,终于明白他为何能抹杀大圣了,这种信仰之力加身,让他的半边身子进入了准帝境。几乎等若立足那个境界了。 This is the Faith Power wondrous useOneself advance another to let since ancient times the innumerable Great Saint hopes about, but unreachable Realm Quasi-Emperor! 这就是信仰之力的妙用】行将自己推进了另一个让古来无数大圣渴望而不可及的境界-准帝! In my eyes, the so-called plot is a joke, you and others in the face of the absolute strength was no different is the clumsy mischief-doer, collapses at the first blow!” “在我眼中,所谓的阴谋不过是个笑话,在绝对的实力面前你等无异于是跳梁小丑,不堪一击!” The old god said densely, the whole body was submerged by the immeasurable light, only then a pair of pupil is radiant like the edible tulip, projects two different light beams, fuzzy silhouette is seemingly fearful boundlessly. 老神森然说道,浑身都被无量光淹没,只有一对瞳孔如金灯般璀璨,射出两道不同的光束,模糊的身影看起来可怕无边。 To belief force feedback of god highest sage, blots out the sky, comes. Almost must turn into the dust the azure feather day! 至神至圣的信仰力再现,铺天盖地,汹涌而至。几乎要将青羽天化成了尘埃! Moistened an emperor character, even if almost becomes Quasi-Emperor, Great Saint is still insurmountable heavenly moat, the impersonal force may resist. Non- Holy Force may resist. 沾了一个帝字,即便是差点成为准帝,于大圣来说也是不可逾越的天堑,非人力可抗。非圣力可抗。 In people heart imposing, this old god may really be able to bear patiently, for these years was questioned will die, did not point out frankly, for today's to pull a snake from its hole, kills the enemy at one fell swoop. 众人心中凛然,这个老神可真是能够隐忍的,这么多年来被人质疑将死,一直都不道破,就是为了今日引蛇出洞,一举毙敌。 Buzz prosperous!” “嗡隆!” However, matter came as a surprise to people, the azure feather day has not died, erupted the radiant light on his body similarly, as well as dreadful Faith Power. 然而,事情出乎了众人的预料,青羽天未死,在其身上同样爆发出了璀璨的光,以及滔天的信仰之力 You think that I do not know about Faith Power. How your years accumulation possibly consumes, but I just want to break your escape route, does not make the following belief strength belong to you.” Azure feather day shouts out. “你以为我对信仰之力不了解吗。你这么多年来的积累怎么可能耗掉,而我只不过是想断你后路,不让接下来的信仰力归你所有。”青羽天大喝 His divine radiance shines, making the trim Foreign Domain battlefield rumble move, star moon/month simultaneously fall, the Sun star is gloomy, might ruin this universe. 他身上神圣光辉普照,让整片域外战场隆隆而动,星月齐坠,太阳星暗淡,像是要毁掉这片天宇。 Your this lineage/vein...... opened in other ancient territory believed Inheritance, lit Divine fire, self seal for the god?” The old god is shocked, this is a true god return. Compared with difficult and fearful many times that he imagines. “你们这一脉......在其他古域开辟了信仰传承,点燃了神火,自封为神了?”老神震惊,这是一个真正的神回归。比他想象的棘手与可怕很多倍。 Good, my three generations tried hard, opened vaster belief strength ancient land, was more powerful than you!” The azure feather day bellows, forward rush. “不错,我祖孙三代努力,开辟了一个更为浩大的信仰力古地,比你更加强大!”青羽天大吼,向前冲杀。 so that's how it is. You had Divine Spark, Paragon Divine Artifact read your lineage/vein as well as your grandfather good. Therefore withdrew.” The old god talked to oneself. 原来如此。你具备了神格,至尊神器念你们这一脉以及你祖父之好。故此退出了。”老神自语。 Therefore you must defeat, accept your coming fate!” Azure feather day shouts out. “所以你必败,纳命来吧!”青羽天大喝 At the same time, in God Domain several god old magical power, break the god position of old god suddenly, and ancestral land of various large clans also had the same matter, the idol of old god is split up, was ruined. 同一时间,神域中几位神老猛然法力,将老神的神位砸碎,且各大族的祖地也发生了同样的事,老神的神像四分五裂,被人毁掉了。 This is must break the simultaneous/uniform foundation, cuts to extinguish the belief root. 这是要断齐根基,斩灭信仰根源。 You......” old god are angry, cannot think that so many people betray, the subordinate held at crucial moments his blade. “你......”老神大怒,想不到这么多人背叛,部下在关键时刻捅了他一刀。 What is most fearful is in God Domain collapse of its god position, making his mind vibrate, the endless pure belief strength that within the body contains is unstable. 最为可怕的是神域内其神位的崩毁,让他心神震动,体内蕴藏的无尽纯净信仰力都不稳固了。 Bang!” “轰!” This fought almost lost the suspense, the old god routed, the belief strength was almost all scattered, the whole body combustion, turned into a wisp of flowing light to vanish in the universe. 这一战几乎失去了悬念,老神大败,信仰力几乎全部被打散,浑身燃烧,化成一缕流光消失在宇宙中。 The azure feather day is in charge of God Domain, obtains the god position, becomes this generation of control. 青羽天入主神域,得到神位,成为这一代的主宰者。 Obviously, the old god cannot turn what storm, frail, and belief strength was almost scattered, at the present does not have to enter the ability that God Domain strives for hegemony. 显然,老神翻不出什么风浪了,年老体衰,且信仰力几乎都被打散了,而今没有了进神域争雄的能力。 Frowns from Foreign Domain's various Great Saint, although the old god suffers defeat and flees, but God Domain has the new god to succeed to the throne, to them is not a good news. That Paragon Divine Artifact is Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure formation diagram, probably a Asura near in their heads, once were discovered certain death without doubt. 来自域外的大圣蹙眉,老神虽然败走,但是神域有新神继位,对他们来说不是一个好消息。那至尊神器灵宝天尊阵图,将像是一柄修罗近了在他们的头上,一旦被发现必死无疑。 However, the change of matter is not as people expected, has not ended, on the same day old god regression, entered produces in Supernatural Being Fluid danger zone. 然而,事情的变化出乎人们的预料,并未就此落幕,就在当日老神复归,进入出产神魔液绝地中。 This is fearful place, for these years also only has divine ability | energy enough to come and go out, the remainders is not all good. 这是一个可怕之地,这么多年来也唯有神能够出入,余者皆不行。 Said God Domain to the place of god, but you do not know its origin for the words of god “都说神域是至神之地,可是不为神的话你们根本不知它的来历 …… …… The old god talked to oneself, step by step stand forth. 老神自语,一步一步向前走去。 Ancient Great Emperor, lets existence that Gods has to awe. The corpse, its ghost, may make the curse double. Previously I do not dare to come this place, feared that Dao Fruit belonged to the nihility, at the present does not care, I must make the God Domain rebel be buried along with the dead!” 古之大帝,让诸神都不得不敬畏的存在。其尸,其煞,可让诅咒加倍。此前我不敢来此地,怕一身道果归于虚无,而今不在乎了,我要让神域叛徒陪葬!” The old god revealed True Body, without divine light protects the body, is only a skinny old man, true was frail, sending the silk is grayish white, body does not have the gloss, the flesh is withered, is widely divergent with ordinary day its sacred appearance. 老神露出了真身,没有神光护体,只是一个枯瘦的老者,真正的年老体衰了,发丝灰白,肌体没有光泽,血肉干瘪,与平日其神圣的样子大相径庭。 He knows how to come and go out danger zone, steps on the correct way, was directly thorough, evaded that fearful Fiendgod rune, close to that great coffin. 他知道如何出入绝地,踩在正确的路径上,径直深入,避过了那可怕的神魔符文,接近那口巨棺。 „......” He shouted, the whole body severe pain, Faith Power of its surviving in the photocombustion, that great coffin has demonic power probably, lets his whole body severe tremor, blazing up to soar to the heavens. “啊......”他嘶吼了起来,浑身剧痛,其残存的信仰之力在化光燃烧,那口巨棺像是拥有一种魔力,让他浑身剧震,炽光冲霄。 Great Emperor ancient coffin overflows continuously Dao Traces, making Faith Power becomes the flying ash, such as the moth in flame, does not exist. 大帝古棺溢出一缕缕道痕,令信仰之力成为了飞灰,如火焰中的飞蛾,不复存在。 Old god almost ruin, at crucial moments one cruel-hearted, threw a belief strength actually, lost the god position thoroughly. 老神自身差点毁掉,于关键时刻一狠心,将一身的信仰力抛却,彻底失去了神位。 You and I are buried along with the dead!” He is roaring loudly, both hands paddle, fearful paths appear, then takes out together strange Divine Tablet, broke Heaven and Earth, ejects Void large hole to come, he rips open the chest, there unceasing bleeding, drops on Mythological Era Nine-layered Coffin, must open Coffin. “你们与我陪葬吧!”他大声吼着,双手划动,一道道可怕的轨迹出现,而后取出一块诡异的神碑,震碎了天地,击出一个虚空大洞来,他撕开胸膛,那里不断的淌血,滴落在神话时代九重棺上,要打开棺椁 Pitifully true ancient Divine Tablet.” He talked to oneself. “可惜了一面真正的古神碑。”他自语。 That large hole connection to God Domain, he wants to let Coffin suppress God Domain obviously, ruins there all belief strength, erases the god position, henceforth world is atheistic. 那个大洞连通向神域,显然他想让棺椁镇压神域,毁掉那里的一切信仰力,抹除神位,从此世间无神。 What he is making, where Ziyue and should Ji Haoyue, do not appear?” Saying of Pang Bo doubts. “他在做什么,紫月姬皓月在哪里,该不会要出现了吧?”庞博疑惑的说道。 Ye Fan has not said the sound, the close attention, they happen to arrive at this place, how wanted to examine the Ji Family brother and sister, does not want to see this scene. 叶凡没有言声,密切的关注,他们正好来到此地,想要查看姬家兄妹如何了,不曾想见到这一景象。 Bang!” “轰隆!” On this day the God Domain big quake, in Void presents large hole, under ancient coffin lies, lets fall endless Dao Runes, writes off the endless belief strength! 这一日神域大震,虚空中出现一个大洞,一口古棺横陈,垂落下无尽的道纹,抹杀无尽的信仰力! „......” The God Domain people are panic-stricken, all yelled. “啊......”神域众人惊恐,全都大叫。 “噗” Just mounted the azure feather day of god position to fly directly horizontally, because his body is burning, the infinite belief strength in within the body turned into the most fearful flame. 刚刚登上神位的青羽天直接横飞了起来,因为其身体在燃烧,体内的无穷信仰力化成了最为可怕的火焰。 Mythological Era nine heavy did ancient coffin, how bury Great Emperor...... this type of thing to appear in God Domain?” The azure feather shouted hugely, the whole body is cracked, the light of belief becomes most fearful Hell to refine the fire, making him change into a big torch. 神话时代九重古棺,葬有一位大帝......这种东西怎么出现在了神域?”青羽天大叫,浑身都在龟裂,信仰之光成为了最为可怕的地狱炼火,让他化为一个大火炬。 No!” Everyone yelled, some people are called the god to be old, has the lord of temple, has Saintess, they were also consecrated by the world, set up the god position, enjoys the world incense and candle, refines Faith Power. “不!”所有人都大叫,有些人被称作神老,亦有圣殿之主,更有圣女,他们也被世人供奉,立有神位,享世间香火,提炼信仰之力 At this time, these people also suffered the heavy losses, this is an unimaginable catastrophe, swept across trim ancient territory. 此时,这些人也都遭遇了重创,这是一场不可想象的浩劫,席卷了整片古域 „......” Always vanishes in a puff of smoke to the Great Emperor ancient coffin recent god with one, others were frightened to peak, all fled flies to escape, and fast discharged the belief strength in within the body, because was this type of thing is burning. “啊......”随着一位离大帝古棺最近的神老灰飞烟灭,其他人都惊悚到了极致,全都亡命飞逃,且快速将体内的信仰力排出,因为是这种东西在燃烧。 At the present, this is fatal, can kill the god of death! 而今,这是致命的,可以杀死神! Everyone was shocked, including the god Foreign Domain's major strong clans, after obtaining the news, all catches up, dumbfounded looks at all these. 所有人都震惊了,包括神域外的各大强族,得到消息后,全都赶来,目瞪口呆的看着这一切。 Many people have known, Mythological Era Nine-layered Coffin arrives in Other Shore, sinks to danger zone, but no one knows, this copes with the God Domain strongest weapon unexpectedly. 很多人都已经知晓,神话时代九重棺降临在彼岸,沉入一处绝地,可是谁都不知,这竟然是对付神域的最强武器。 The person in God Domain suddenly, no wonder the old god is even more low-key for these years, had not penetrated that to locate danger zone, Supernatural Being Fluid appeared did not drink. 神域中的人恍然,难怪老神这么多年来越发低调,一直不曾深入那处绝地,连神魔液出现了也不去饮。 At this time, the azure feather days and major gods were old, Saintess, several big Palace Lord wait/etc. all flew to escape, with utmost effort removed Faith Power, simultaneously summoned Paragon Divine Artifact, resisted Nine-layered Coffin by formation diagram. 这个时候,青羽天、各大神老、圣女、几大殿主等全都飞逃,尽一切可能去除信仰之力,同时召唤至尊神器,以阵图对抗九重棺 Why like this, Great Emperor will Coffin how want suppress my God Domain?” “为什么会这样,大帝棺椁怎么要镇压神域?” Is...... the old god, he was insane, was he came back unexpectedly, must and others perish together with me.” “是......老神,他疯了,竟然是他回来了,要与我等同归于尽。” The God Domain person fear, all yelled. 神域的人恐惧,全都大叫。 The old god throws over to scatter sends, his chest cut open, what dropping is the genuine heart blood, a drop can be as good as hundred drops of Divine Blood, his within the body altogether does not have how much drops, at this time was exhausted by him. 老神披头撒发,他的胸膛剖开了,滴落的是真正的心头血,一滴抵得上百滴神血,他体内总共也没有多少滴,此时被他耗尽了。 The Nine-layered Coffin outer coffin needs Holy Blood and other irrigation to open, at the present has opened the number to be heavy, he must open completely, ruins this place. 九重棺椁需要圣血等浇灌才能打开,而今已经打开了数重,他显然是要全部开启,毁掉此地。 Seizes my god position, you must die!” He is laughing frigidly. “夺我神位,你们都要死!”他惨烈的大笑着。 Bang! 轰隆! The azure feather day blasted out, Faith Power of its within the body is extremely vast, is cuts radically not, burns and explodes in front of this opening great coffin. 青羽天炸开了,其体内的信仰之力太过浩瀚,根本是斩之不尽,在这口打开的巨棺面前燃烧、爆炸。 But the old god such as the moth in flame, soon will also become the flying ash! 而老神也如火焰中的飞蛾,即将成为飞灰! God died, God Domain starting from this day soulless!” In many human bodies the blood starts boiling. “神死了,神域将从这一日起无神!”许多人体内血液开始沸腾 Ox Demon King and Holy Spirit various Great Saint appeared, each and every one look change! 牛魔王圣灵都诸大圣都出现了,一个个神色异动! Sang Gu and Golden Snake Young Gentleman, Emperor Sky, Great Demonic God, Heaven Devouring Beast and God Race celestial female, Gold Eating Beast wait/etc. also appears, the each and every one look fluctuates immeasurable. 桑古金蛇郎君帝天大魔神吞天兽神族天女食金兽等也都出现,一个个神色变幻莫测 They know, in this world did not have the god also to mean no one can suppress them, tumultuous times arrived, Ancient Life Tree in God Domain, as well as Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure formation diagram will inspire the storm!( To be continued.. 他们知道,这个世上没有了神也就意味着再也没有人可以压制他们,一个乱世到来,神域中的生命古树,以及灵宝天尊阵图将引动风暴!(未完待续。。
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