STH :: Volume #15

#1432: Usurping the throne

The mortal life can have several years, looks back again, the wrinkle has climbed up the face quietly, writes down the years the trace, the young person white head, the youth water passes. 凡人一生能有几个十年,再回首,皱纹已悄然爬上脸,写下岁月的痕迹,红颜化皓首,青春似水逝。 Ten years are really not short years, in the life of person pivotal, possibly remember with eternal gratitude, possibly resplendence, possibly dismal frustrated. 十年真的不是一段短暂的岁月,在人之一生中举足轻重,可能刻骨铭心,可能辉煌灿烂,可能悲凉失意。 The cultivator's life span is relatively long, ten years of perhaps snapping fingers flash, perhaps cannot be startled any mighty waves in the path of life. However, the Other Shore ten years, actually appear to stand out from the masses regarding all mighty people. 修士的寿命相对漫长,十年也许只是弹指一瞬间,在人生的轨迹中也许惊不起任何波澜。然而,彼岸十年,对于诸雄来说却显得与众不同 In the ten years being doomed makes the god unforgettable! 这十年注定让神难忘! He keeps aloof, Six Directions and Eight Desolates No-One Is Noble But I, is after ten years of years, his situation is worrying, the world was discussing that his life will come to the end, the life will not guarantee. 他高高在上,六合八荒惟我独尊,可是十年岁月过后,他却处境堪忧,天下都在议论他的生命走到了尽头,命将不保。 Obstructs day 1432 遮天1432 Replaces his position to Divine General, but enter the world, this rumor shook his foundation and position, most direct and obvious is the belief weakens, divine force sharp decline. 神将取代他的位置而出世,这种流言撼动了他的根基与地位,最直接与明显的就是信仰削弱,神力锐减。 The outside world does not understand, this belief strength means anything to him, once loses, under he may really drop the shrine, loses the dominant position. 外界不会明白,这种信仰力对他意味着什么,一旦失去,他可能真的会跌落下神坛,失去统治地位。 However, no matter what he sent out, to show can accomplish all the good fortune divine might, to sweep away Other Shore unable to change anything. 然而,任他出动,展现功参造化神威、横扫彼岸也改变不了什么。 The rumor rises from all directions, Divine General dies has taken root in people heart, many people believe that he is not really good, enters the late in life old age, has been unable to save the situation. 谣言四起,神将死已经在人们心中扎根,许多人相信他真的不行了,进入迟暮晚年,已经无力回天。 These factors superimposed mutually, had the dire consequence, did not believe purely, not in vast, divine halo of his outside the body is not that radiant, even can describe with the gloom. 这些因素相互叠加,产生了可怕的后果,信仰不纯净,不在浩瀚,他体外的神环已经不是那么璀璨,甚至可以用暗淡来形容。 Only when has he consumes the source, will have brilliance blotting out the sky. 唯有他耗费本源时,才会有光辉铺天盖地。 At the present, do not say is the outside world, is in God Domain some Palace Lord and gods is old, in the Dao Protector heart vacillated, thinks that he is possibly really marching into the old age. 而今,不要说是外界,就是神域中一些殿主、神老、护道者心中都动摇了,认为他可能真的在步入晚年。 My divine might is unparalleled, sweeping away All Heavens all regions is invincible, who can resist?” The god anger extremely, a person shouts, the trim God Domain fierce vibration that shakes in the shrine that keeps aloof. “吾神威盖世,横扫诸天万域无敌,谁能相抗?”神怒极,一个人于那高高在上的神坛嘶吼,震的整片神域剧烈抖动。 Unmanned response, big God Domain is completely silent. 无人回应,偌大的神域鸦雀无声。 Also can see 12 from here, the God Domain will of the people are not steady, many people are silent. Thinks saw some clue, started to haggle over in the heart earnestly. 从这里也能看出一二,神域人心不稳,许多人默然。自认为看出了一些端倪,都开始在心中认真计较了。 In my standing erect shrine, who with resists, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths I for peak.” God shouts out, is nearly crazy, because he had a premonition anything, indifferent is staring at keeping aloof Void. “吾屹立神坛上,谁与相抗,九天十地我为峰。”神大喝,近乎疯狂,因为他预感到了什么,冷漠的盯着高高在上的虚空 The shrine is grand, must be higher than a big truncation compared with a palatial mountain. He sends out all generations not bad divine light with the shrine together. Dazzling, overlooks the world. 神坛宏伟,比一巍峨的山岳还要高出一大截。他与神坛一起散发万劫不坏的神光。璀璨夺目,俯视天下。 No one responded to him, only then his own looking disdainfully four directions. The grand appearance is unparalleled, sends out is letting aura that All Heavens trembles. This really seems like an outstanding god, however makes one have the suspicion to his dominant position now. 没有人回应他,只有他自己睥睨四方。雄姿盖世,散发着让诸天都战栗的气机。这真的像是一个盖代神主,然而如今却让人对他的统治地位产生了怀疑。 The shrine seems like divine gold to cast. paramount to great, sends out the immeasurable light, the air pressure is eternal, Four directions ancient wood Large expanse , the blue stone alley is winding. 神坛像是神金铸成。至高至伟,散发无量光,气压万古,四野古木成片,有一条青石小路在蜿蜒。 The most loyal maid comes along the alley, trembling with fear, kneels on the ground, kotows to the shrine, said: Your majesty. Even your god is great, still works as the careful years to be brutal, should make the plan early.” 一个最为忠心的婢女沿着小路而来,战战兢兢,一头跪在地上,对神坛叩首,道:“陛下。即便您神伟盖世,也当小心岁月无情,应早做打算。” You were also suspecting that I am not good?” God shouts out, the whole body is forever glorious, if radiant divine halo in outside the body desert fluctuating, turbulently under. “你也在怀疑我不行了吗?”神大喝,浑身光芒万丈,体外的璀璨神环若瀚海般起伏,汹涌而下。 'pu' sound, that maid becomes one group of blood mist. With the wind however disperses, does not see. 噗的一声,那个婢女成为一团血雾。随风而散,就此不见。 Bang! 轰隆! The distant place, the huge idol exudes bang the sound one after another, shivers fiercely, that is god died during meditation of all previous generations remains. Probably has the feeling. 远处,一座又一座巨大的神像发出轰隆声,剧烈颤抖,那是历代的神坐化所留。像是对此有感。 Obstructs day 1432 遮天1432 An old sound conveys, said: God. paramount control, you are omnipotent, but cannot resist the years eventually, has the Paragon also difficult catch wheel to return.” 一个苍老的声音传来,道:“神。至高的主宰者,你无所不能,可终究是抵不住岁月,就是拥有至尊器也难挡轮回。” God expression was more indifferent, pupil light circulation, straight shooting from that radiant shrine, has not actually sought the goal. 神『色』更加冷漠了,眸光流转,从那璀璨的神坛上直『射』而下,却没有寻到目标。 God Domain the big quake, almost everyone expression is immediately panic-stricken, did some people start to challenge the dignity of god? Perhaps...... new must be born to Divine General! 神域顿时大震,几乎每一个人都神『色』惊恐,有人开始挑战神的威严了吗?也许……新的至神将要诞生了! Four directions is silent, had no sound again, the trim Heaven and Earth aphonia, died general dry lonesome. 四野寂静,再也没有任何声息,整片天地都失音了,死一般的枯寂。 Clumsy mischief-doer, in my eyes is clay chickens and pottery dogs, collapses at the first blow, dares to appear, complete smashing!” The divine might strict sound spreads over God Domain, making everyone tremble. “跳梁小丑,在吾眼中不过是土鸡瓦狗,不堪一击,胆敢出现,全部粉碎!”神威严的声音传遍神域,让每一个人都一颤。 This boundless divine might made people feel his great strength, a probably unattainable milestone, eternal standing erect above shrine, coercion whole wide world. 这种磅礴神威让人感受到了他的强大,像是高不可攀的一座丰碑,永恒的矗立在神坛上方,威压八荒。 God Domain fell into tranquilly, has not known how long, the vision of god shifted the most sacred place to God Domain, there has ancient mountain, flows the life the strength, no one can approach, examined carefully words is more boundless than it shrine. 神域陷入了宁静,也不知道过了多久,神的目光转移向神域中最为神圣之地,那里有一座古山,流淌生命的力量,没有人可以靠近,细看的话的比之神坛还要磅礴。 This is life ancient mountain, is the restricted area of God Domain most core, no one can visit, usually has the Paragon protection, only may brightly there deep sleep. 这便是生命古山,是神域最核心的禁地,谁都不能踏足,平日间有至尊器守护,唯有神可在那里沉睡。 On the mountain, the fog is mobile, Essence Qi like the creek, various brilliance drips to fall. 山上,雾霭流动,精气如小河,各种光辉淌落。 In ancient Divine Mountain, Ancient Life Tree, the branch is rough, bark to split open, probably dragon scales. Branch vigorous extension, full tree branches and leaves emerald green clear, lives the splendor sparklingly, casts just like deep green immortal gold/metal, bright eye-catching. 在古老的神山上,有一种生命古树,主干粗糙,树皮开裂,像是一片又一片的龙鳞。枝桠苍劲伸展,满树枝叶翠绿晶莹,烁烁生辉,宛若一块块碧绿的仙金铸成,灿烂夺目。 Life Essence Qi thick being able to melt, makes here sacred incomparable, was just close as if to want the emergence to fly upwards, wool hole opens all over the body, fills the life essence to. 生命精气浓的化不开,让这里神圣无匹,刚一接近就仿佛要羽化飞升,通体『毛』孔张开,向里灌生命精华。 I have Ancient Life Tree, who can Deprivation my years?” The gods bellow, grey white sending silk powder chaotic, the dance, the pupil even more was with the wind fearful. “我还有生命古树,谁能剥夺我的岁月?”神大吼,灰白『色』的发丝散『乱』,随风狂舞,眸子越发慑人了。 divine light submerges him, cannot see the appearance/portrait, this is only show(s) silhouette, making one understand that his age was really big. 神光将他淹没,看不见真容,这是仅『露』出身影,让人明白他的年岁真的不小了。 Your majesty has taken the Ancient Life Tree essence, lived second, even if had it, still does not have any effect.” The distant place, many ancient idols vibrate again, spread this together sound. “陛下已经服食生命古树精华,活出了第二世,即便拥有它,也没有任何效果了。”远处,诸多古老的神像再次震动,传出这样一道声音。 The people startle greatly, really some people in the challenge god, enter God Domain with its dialogue, strength that one fights? 众人大骇,真的有人在挑战神,进入神域与其对话,有一战的实力吗? Bang! 轰隆! The grand shrine tremor, the god flies to, descends in the idol, the silvery ripples spread, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, the fuzzy physique will detain together, 'pu' sound changed into the dust it, from now on God Domain will restore tranquilly. 宏伟的神坛颤动,神飞临而下,降落在神像上,银『色』涟漪扩散,毁天灭地,将一道模糊的形体拘禁了出来,噗的一声将其化为了尘埃,自此神域恢复了宁静。 No matter what said, the god lost the absolute rule, whether it is really marched into the old age, was planned, fully explained that will be near the big storm, I and other self-preservation were important.” “不管怎样说,神失去了绝对的统治,无论是真的步入了晚年,还是被人算计了,都足以说明将有一场大风暴将临,我等自保要紧。” After this is a god always goes out God Domain, to a few words that the person on one's own side said that showed the subtlety and fearfulness of situation, the person of warning and suggestion being intimate with. 这是一个神老走出神域后对自己人说出的一句话,彰显了局势的微妙与可怕,警告与暗示亲近之人。 As long as lives the person in God Domain to know, the new and old god alternately is not always the steady transition, will follow has the bloody storm, most fearful. 但凡生活在神域中的人都知道,新老神交替从来都不是平稳过渡的,会伴随有血腥风暴,最为可怕。 The history showed more than once, the bloody samsara has been performing, people believe, in the years, Other Shore will turn into the bloodshed over the following hundred years. Becoming Hell, everybody feels insecure. 历史不止一次证明,血腥轮回一直在上演,人们相信,在接下来的百年岁月里,彼岸将会化成血海。成为地狱,将人人自危。 God Domain, was all of a sudden lonelier, various Great Commander, many god army, and god is old, Dao Protector was silent, silently the development of attention situation. 神域,一下子冷清了很多,各大统领,诸多神军,以及神老、护道者都闭口不言,默默关注局势的发展。 Obstructs day 1432 遮天1432 God is not good, the new god was born. everyone worships as early as possible. So as to avoid will be criticized in the future.” “神不行了,新神已经诞生。诸位趁早敬拜。免得将来被清算。” Other Shore, the rumor rises from all directions, various discussions are unceasing. The secret has set up a new idol in many large clans, his supernatural might enforces, sends out brilliant appearance all over the body. 彼岸,谣言四起,各种议论不断。在许多大族中已经秘密树立起一座新的神像,他神武而严肃,通体散发宝辉 This is one Middle-Aged god. Seeming like the grand appearance is great, is more real than the fuzzy old idol, mold unexpectedly is True Body. 这是一个中年神只。看起来雄姿伟岸,比之模糊的老神像更加真实,塑造的竟然是真身 Is born to the god azure feather day, when this world stands!” “至神青羽天降世,此世当立!” The entire world big vibration, the new god is born, the named azure feather day, spread to world, the large clan who some want to speculate starts to worship ahead of time, shocks the world. 全天下大震动,新神诞生,名为青羽天,传入了世间,一些想投机的大族提前开始敬拜,震撼天下。 Afterward. The news disclosed that across the idol secret, the large clan almost started to mold in secret, the provide against contingencies, many strong clans started to consecrate in the shrine. 随后。消息走漏,神像秘传各地,大族几乎都开始暗中塑造,以备万一,更是有许多强族开始供奉在神龛中。 Regarding the god, this obviously is a disaster nature consequence, belief strength rapid drop. From question, to present does not believe that world is believing to him, the dignity was challenged, the dynasty of god is going to disintegrate. 对于神来说,这显然是一种灾难『性』的后果,信仰力急骤下降。从质疑、到现在的不信服,世间对他在相信,威严被挑战,神之王朝将要瓦解。 This is a fearful drastic change, after this day. He obtains the belief strength to be short to letting the person does not believe, did not have the god splendor all over the body. Only can depend on own strength to revolve. 这是一种可怕的剧变,自这一日后。他获得信仰力少到让人不相信,通体都没有了神辉。只能靠自身力量运转。 Otherwise, his True Body will appear, reveal in world, lacked that dignified feeling. 不然,他真身都会显现,『露』在世间,缺少了那种威严感。 This is Faith Power, if the will of the people are not steady, may consume rapidly, the fast drop, is not that reliable. 这就是信仰之力,若是人心不稳,可能会急骤消耗,快速下降,并不是那么的可靠。 But in these ten years, the first under the heavens demon gains resounding fame, renown, because he wants appearance several times every year, outside the free and unfettered method, has provoked divine might, but the god actually cannot do. 而在这十年中,天下第一魔头声威大震,举世皆知,因为他每年都要『露』面几次,一直逍遥法外,挑衅神威,可是神却不能奈何。 It can be said that the dignity of god was offended, he is this field of endeavor's first person, becomes this world's largest heresy, in many eyes he is one must lag behind the diehard in shrine the god, is the world's largest devil. 可以说,神的威严受到冒犯,他是此道第一人,成为了这个世界最大的异端,在许多人眼中他是一个要把神拉下神坛的顽固分子,是人间最大的恶魔。 Hides in mountain valley practices is also hit, Fuck, cursed the new god who that will usurp the throne to succeed to the throne died a violent death on the same day!” In Yin-Yang mountain valley, Dragon Horse wicked saying. “躲在山谷中修行也中枪,尼玛的,诅咒那个将篡位的新神在继位当天就暴毙!”阴阳山谷中,龙马恶狠狠的说道。 Now the situation is very clear, this is a huge plot, some people of impatient, want to take the old god, but generation it, because Ye Fan never goes free, some people use him to add chaotically, blasphemed the old god. 现在情况已经很明朗,这是一个巨大的阴谋,有人迫不及待,想取老神而代之,因为叶凡从未去招摇过,有人利用他添『乱』,亵渎老神。 God anything Realm, becomes Ye Fan they biggest suspecting being puzzled, as if exceeds Great Saint, but this type some questionable points, incomprehensible. 神到底什么境界,成为了叶凡他们最大的疑『惑』,似乎超越大圣,但此种又有些疑点,让人不解。 They do not mix chaotically, because the outside world was too dangerous, powerful such as Ox Demon King and terrifying such as grasp Holy Spirit of Immortal Tears Emerald Gold ruler is very honest, various Great Saint have been dormant in the ten years. 他们并不去掺『乱』,因为外界太危险了,强大如牛魔王、恐怖如掌握有仙泪绿金尺的圣灵都很老实,诸大圣这十年来一直都在蛰伏。 Divine General dies, is born to the god, displaces, when the azure feather day stands!” 神将死,至神降世,取而代之,青羽天当立!” Time in a hurry, this is the second ten years! 时间匆匆,这是第二个十年! No one has thought, the offensive such overwhelming power of new god, very direct, starts flagrant usurping the throne, informed the world, will be in charge of God Domain. 谁也没有想到,新神的攻势这么威猛,非常的直接,开始明目张胆的篡位,昭告天下,将入主神域 The world is big chaotically, God Domain vibrates, various Great Commander and gods are old, Saintess and Palace Lord all anxious, does not know how to choose. 天下大『乱』,神域震动,各大统领、神老、圣女殿主都全都不安,不知如何选择。 I hold Paragon, who can strive for hegemony?” Old god shouts out. “吾掌至尊器,谁能争雄?”老神大喝 However, on this day, God Domain almost crashes, Paragon Divine Artifact does not obey its summon, the broken day goes, left from the shrine. 然而,就在这一日,神域几乎崩塌,至尊神器不听从其召唤,破天而去,自神坛上离开了。 God attempts the neutrality, two do not help!” God old surprised saying. “神图中立,两不相帮!”一个神老吃惊的说道。 Meanwhile, outside God Domain many people are shocked, Ox Demon King, Holy Spirit and gold/metal Chan, the grey flood dragon have been paying attention from Foreign Domain's Great Saint, see this from the beginning coolly to the foot. 与此同时,神域外许多人震惊,牛魔王圣灵、金蟾、灰蛟等来自域外的大圣一直在关注,见到这一幕都从头凉到脚。 God Domain Paragon Divine Artifact unexpectedly is formation diagram, looks above rune as well as flowing immeasurable murderous aura, clearly in four handles with ancient Heavenly Venerate Spring of Life kills sword common origin. 神域至尊神器竟然是一张阵图,看其上面的符文以及流动的出无量杀气,分明与古天尊命泉中的四柄杀剑同源 Is...... Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure formation diagram!” The people have to shock, if this thing in the hand, may result in four handles to kill the sword in the future, combines in together unmatched in the world. “是……灵宝天尊阵图!”众人不得不震撼,若是这宗东西在手,将来可得四柄杀剑,组合在一起天下无敌。 The gods attempt across the sky, ups and downs above God Domain, protection Ancient Life Tree, it rotates slowly, with overpowering momentum, can probably crush All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, the Primal Chaos fog hikes up, fearful boundless. 神图横空,在神域上方沉浮,守护株生命古树,它缓缓转动,气势磅礴,像是可以粉碎诸天万界,混沌雾霭飘起,可怕无边。 Is Immortal Beheading Formation Diagram, cannot think in this.” Finally this critical moment, Pang Bo and Ye Fan they also arrived, were observing in secret, wants to look how the true god fought! “是诛仙阵图,想不到在此。”最后这关键时刻,庞博叶凡他们也到了,在暗中观察,想看一看真正的神战如何!
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