STH :: Volume #15

#1436: Chapter 1436

Moo......” “哞……” The Barbaric Ox wave erupted together, making the universe blast open, Sun, Moon and Stars simultaneously shake, almost must crash. //- < books pavilion >- //( shuhaigecom- < books pavilion >- entire writing) 一道莽牛波爆发,让天宇都炸裂了,日月星辰齐摇,几乎全都要坠落了下来。//-<书海阁>-//(shuhaigecom-<书海阁>-全文字) Ox Demon King take action, he turned into black Barbaric Ox, stands outside danger zone, four hooves are sturdy, such as supports a day of pillar/backbone, his able to support both heaven and earth, the shoulder above submerges in the cloud layer, seeming like the military might is boundless! 牛魔王出手,他化成了一头黑色的莽牛,站在绝地外,四蹄粗壮,如撑天支柱,他顶天立地,肩头以上没入云层中,看起来威武磅礴! This is a scary scene, such a great cow, the whole body black wool lets fall like a waterfall, the huge build is huger than and vigorous all mountains, the cloud layer under its, ox back and ox head appeared in the fog, seemingly shocks immeasurable. 这是一幅骇人的场面,这样一头巨牛,浑身黑毛如瀑布般垂落,巨大的体形比所有山岳都庞大与雄浑,云层在其身下,牛背与牛头等都出现在云雾上,看起来震撼莫测 The dark clouds surges, on, Ox Demon King shouts dreadfully, in the fog a pair of fearful pupil is sending out the indifferent and brutal light, pair of black huge horn punctures the crack vault of heaven. He , the can compare mountain ridge equally big black bull horn holds to Fiendgod burial land, there ten thousand peak simultaneously shake, make the ear-spitting sound. 黑云翻腾,滔天而上,牛魔王嘶吼,雾霭中一对可怕的眸子散发着冷漠而无情的光,一双黑色的巨大犄角刺裂苍穹。他地下头,堪比山岭一样大的黑色牛角捅向神魔葬地,那里万峰齐颤,发出震耳的声响。 Bang! 轰隆! Ox Demon King was very cruel, opened up the powerful offensive, wants to break open this danger zone, it stood in the surrounding, selected a mountain side peak with the bull horn. 牛魔王很暴戾,展开了强大的攻势,亦是想破开这处绝地,它站在外围,以牛角将一片山峰挑了起来。 This is the fearful scene that one type startled regrets, Great Saint the main body, roars the broken vault of heaven, the black fog is dreadful, raises it one after another mountain peak by the great corner/horn. 这是一种让人惊憾的可怕场面,一位大圣化出本体,吼碎苍穹,黑雾滔天,以巨角掀其一座又一座山峰。 Great Dao's divine music thunders, the ancient symbol twinkles, appear on each mountain massif, suppress Ox Demon King, the divine force tide rushes, in mountain massif blood impact! 大道神音轰鸣,一个又一个古符闪烁,出现在在每一座山体上,镇压牛魔王,神力潮汐澎湃,山体内血液冲击! Like coping with Holy Spirit is ordinary, these mountain peak manifest Great Dao deep meanings, present rune, has a air pressure Myriad Worlds might, making the Old Ox body play tremble, dēng dēng dēng backed up, the corners of the mouth bleed unceasingly. 如同对付圣灵一般,这些山峰显化大道奥义,出现一个又一个符文,拥有一种气压万界的威力,让老牛身子剧颤,蹬蹬蹬倒退了出去,嘴角不断淌血。 The people are terrified, Ox Demon King has not entered danger zone truly, but encountered such backlash in the surrounding by unparalleled divine force take action, if enters the center intermittently, mostly life danger. 众人悚然,牛魔王并未真正进入绝地,只是在外围以盖世神力出手就遭到了这样的反噬,若是阵阵进入腹地,多半性命危矣。 This is Immemorial Fiendgod Dao Lineage and deep meaning, could not decode, two Great Saint take action flew back without any results, had some injuries by own body. 这是太古神魔道统与奥义,破解不了,前后有两尊大圣出手都无功而返,让自己的身体出现了一些伤害。 First has Holy Spirit. Latter has Ox Demon King, is the outstanding people in Great Saint, but ate invisible losses, cannot decode this place. Does not have the means to go in thoroughly. 前有圣灵。后有牛魔王,都是大圣中的佼佼者,可是都吃了个暗亏,不能破解此地。没有办法深入进去。 No wonder for these years only then the god can go, has the truth, buried Immemorial Fiendgod ancient land to fill the crisis, so long as these Inheritance appeared, obliterated Great Saint level Powerhouse sufficiently. 难怪这么多年来只有神可以进去,不是没有道理,葬有太古神魔古地充满了危机,只要那些传承浮现,足以磨灭大圣强者 everyone stares is making anything, take action, breaks this place together. Lifts Mythological Era nine heavy ancient coffin, suppress God Domain, otherwise I and other dangers, will certainly be defeated by one by one, loses the life.” Human Race Dao Protector Qi Tian leaves ranks, shouts to various Great Saint. 诸位愣着做什么,一起出手,破掉此地。抬出神话时代九重古棺,镇压神域,不然我等危矣,必将会被一一击破,丢掉性命。”人族护道者戚天出列,对诸大圣喊道。 The distant place, the Ye Fan pupil light is indifferent, this old bastard also came. Aims at him repeatedly, should better not to meet, otherwise the old fogy may execute the violent treachery. 远处,叶凡眸光冷漠,这个老东西也来了。前后多次针对他,最好不要相见,不然老家伙可能会施毒手。 This old goods are not the thing. Read h-u-n to mix * h-u-n- < books pavilion >- please with me to keep firmly in mind to favor Tyrant, put to death me several times and others, must guard, had better be able ask an opportunity first to get rid of him.” Dragon Horse wicked saying. “这老货最不是东西。跟我读h-u-n混*h-u-n-<书海阁>-请牢记偏袒霸王,几次诛杀我等,一定要防备,最好能找个机会将他先干掉。”龙马恶狠狠的说道。 A various Great Saint tumult, quick tranquil , there is nothing hesitant, coming this to break open Fiendgod jointly buries the earth, will otherwise not appear. 大圣一阵骚动,很快平静了下来,没有什么可犹豫的,来此就是为了联手破开神魔葬土,不然也不会露头。 Bang!” “轰隆!” So many apex character take action, attack, even Immemorial Fiendgod Inheritance still received the big vibration. The symbol of these most front is somewhat gloomy. 这么多绝顶人物出手,攻向一点,即便是太古神魔传承也受到了大震动。那些最前沿的符号有些暗淡。 At the same time, in the split mountain massif the bloody water is turbulent, the huge bone extension, has the life probably, in slowly retreat. 同一时间,裂开的山体中血水汹涌,巨大的骨头伸展,像是有生命,在慢慢后退 Mountain massif is creeping along, difficult Dao Spirit words legend not for empty. Really has this type of thing? First melts Land Dragon, then melts Heavenly Dragon, becomes Immortal Spirit!” The people held breath cold air. “山体在爬动,难道神话传说不为虚。真有这种东西?先化地龙,再化天龙,成为仙灵!”众人倒吸了一口凉气。 This place buries Immemorial Fiendgod, about becomes piece of fearful danger zone in the same place, over ten thousand Inheritance, mountain massif manifest ancient symbol, represents Great Dao, smelts in together, after long years changes to Land Dragon, becomes a new life body also possibly to have. 这个地方葬有太古神魔,合在一起成为一片可怕绝地,上万种传承,一座山体显化一种古符,代表一则大道,熔炼在一起,经过漫长岁月后化作地龙,成为一个新的生命体也不是没有可能。 flying sword leaps high sky, a beginning appearance, Mountains and Rivers changes colors, Sun and Moon lost radiance, swing gets down, below many mountain peak cleavages! 一口飞剑腾上高天,始一出现,山河失色,日月无光,轮动下来,将下方诸多山峰劈裂! large bell long, after a Great Saint brain raises, expands to scatter everywhere the say/way wave, hits to Fiendgod mountain ridge, its prestige Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, fell just like the sky pressure. 大钟悠悠,自一位大圣脑后升起,扩撒出漫天的道波,撞向神魔山岭,其威惊天动地,宛若苍宇压落了下来。 The purple star sand sprinkles, covers entirely the sky, enlarges unceasingly, was just like a big star to each finally, the terrifying is peerless, the oppression boundless land must ruin. 紫色星沙洒落,布满天空,不断放大,到了最后每一颗都好比一颗大星,恐怖绝伦,压迫的苍茫大地都要毁掉了。 ...... …… Various Great Saint take action, peerless aggressive, divine might is cold, struck in one together, Fiendgod burial land must cave, shattered many mountain peaks, must ruin this place. 大圣一齐出手,绝世霸气,神威凛凛,共同击于一处,神魔葬地都要沉陷了,将很多山峰震裂,要毁掉此地。 However, most fearful is not the mountain massif, but is its implication Great Dao, these ancient symbol were gloomy, but in the irrigation of blood after the mid-hill, ray Great Saint, resists various say/way again, must in turn suppress Great Saint! 然而,最为可怕的不是山体本身,而是其蕴含的大道,那些古符暗淡了,但是经过山腹内血液的浇灌,再次光芒大圣,对抗诸道,要反过来镇压大圣 Daoist magic 3000, blend a furnace, the Saints beginning of the universe, Primal Chaos strikes!” 道法三千,融汇一炉,诸圣混元,混沌一击!” Has Great Saint to shout out, making the people make the source strength, blends in the same place, changes into plain Primal Chaos Law, disintegrates this mountain. 大圣呼喝,让众人打出本源力,融汇在一起,化为古朴的混沌法则,瓦解此山。 Without a doubt, so many Great Saint collaborate, is very terrifying, boundless boundless Dao Principle rushes, various Divine Order Chain, interweave vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, becomes the Primal Chaos sea that a piece turns wells up, above quarter completely symbol, is most fearful order Dao Principle. 毫无疑问,这么多大圣联手,十分恐怖,茫茫无边的道则澎湃,各种秩序神链纵横、交织,成为了一片翻涌的混沌海,上面刻满了符号,都是最可怕的秩序道则 Transmits along with a bellow, Law of people sweeps away the front, entered in mountain range, a mountain side body disruption, but has not unravelled. 伴随着一片轰鸣声传来,众人的法则横扫前方,打进了山脉中,一片山体碎裂,可并没有灰飞烟灭。 These mountain massifs just like having life, turns into horned dragon, follows the bloodshed to wind to crawl, give away a road unexpectedly automatically. 这些山体宛若有生命,化成虬龙,伴随血海蜿蜒爬行,竟然自动让出一条路。 Really hit!” The Ye Fan pupil splits the cold light, pays close attention to the front, various Great Saint really can compare old god, may come and go out in this piece of danger zone jointly. “果真打进去了!”叶凡眸绽冷光,密切关注前方,诸大圣联手果然堪比老神,可出入这片绝地中。 Even Immemorial Fiendgod Inheritance and deep meaning are still hard to prevent their footsteps truly, this is one crowd of strengths is extraordinary, excels by far major ancient territory Powerhouse. 即便是太古神魔传承与奥义也难以真正阻挡他们的脚步,这是一群实力超绝,冠绝各大古域强者 Suddenly, the distant place transmits greatest coercion, a god chart appears, depending on Heaven and Earth divine might, exudes bang the sound to press downward, stirring, must mop up various Great Saint. 突然,远处传来莫大的威压,一张神图出现,挟天地神威,发出轰隆声向下压来,震撼人心,要扫灭诸大圣 This is killing formation diagram that Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure leaves behind, always stimulated to movement by several gods, brings here, the prestige can be dreadful! 这是灵宝天尊所遗留下来的杀阵图,被几位神老催动,带到了这里,威能滔天! Really came, draws back!” “果然来了,退!” Ox Demon King, Holy Spirit and gold/metal Chan, Qi Tian and other each and every one turned into phantom, from vanishes same place, has not kicked danger zone to go, the choice crossed Void to flee. 牛魔王圣灵、金蟾、戚天一个个化成一道道虚影,从原地消失,并未攻进绝地去,选择横渡虚空遁走了。 At the same time, God Domain suffered the fearful attack, various Great Saint were divided into two batch, a group of people attack danger zone, must lift Mythological Era's Nine-layered Coffin, but another group of people defend outside God Domain, so long as discovers formation diagram to leave, strong fierce attack. 同一时间,神域遭受了可怕的攻击,诸大圣分成了两批,一批人进攻绝地,要抬出神话时代的九重棺,而另一批人则守在神域外,只要发现阵图离开,就会强猛攻击。 God Domain wants to prevent the Foreign Domain Great Saint's action, shovels to extinguish them, but Saints is also paying attention to their trends, divides forces to send out, to catch off guard, making them conclude cannot look at each other. If must offer a sacrifice to formation diagram to come out, must have is copied the consciousness of God Domain old nest. 神域想要阻止域外大圣的行动,将他们铲灭,而诸圣也在关注他们的动向,分兵出动,攻其不备,让他们收尾不能相顾。若是要祭阵图出来,就得有被抄神域老窝的觉悟。 In dazzling magnificent light, God Domain Grand Array was hit remnantly, many Holy Mountain collapses. Fatal, Great Saint rushes ahead to, directly soars Ancient Life Tree to go. 在刺目的光华中,神域大阵被打残了,诸多圣山崩坏。死伤惨重,大圣向里冲杀,直奔生命古树而去。 The blood scatters, has peerless Palace Lord die, even if in God Domain has terrifying magic formation, but is still difficult to be hard to block thoroughly. Is Great Saint what kind of character? The joint attack, the day must tremble. They advance, attacks and captures the important place unceasingly. 鲜血四溅,有绝世殿主殒落,即便神域中有恐怖的法阵,但也难难以彻底挡住。大圣是何等人物?联手进攻,天都都要颤栗。他们一路推进,不断攻克要地。 Foreign Domain Great Saint in the past was in a state of disunity, at the present of one mind, the abatement kills outside formation diagram no one to shake and execute them very much truly, was supernaturally brave irreversible. 域外大圣过去是一盘散沙,而今很齐心,除却杀阵图外没有人可以真正撼动与格杀他们,神勇不可挡。 On this day, God Domain loses seriously, was almost seized thoroughly, Divine Mountain that Ancient Life Tree is was hit the crack. Some Great Saint almost killed this place. 在这一日,神域损失惨重,差点被人彻底占领,生命古树所在的神山都被打裂了。有大圣几乎杀到了此地。 Finally frequently, several gods always held formation diagram to hurry back, are startled various Great Saint. Defended God Domain, Ancient Life Tree wait/etc. were well. 最后时刻,几位神老持阵图赶回,惊走了诸大圣。守住了神域,生命古树等无恙。 After this day, God Domain cannot be aloof, the heart dreaded, no matter what various Great Saint jointly who must be scared, chases down, definitely rear area will be sneak attacked, does not chase down, Great Saint will definitely lift jointly that ancient coffin. 自这一日后,神域也不能超然了,心有忌惮,诸大圣联手任谁都要发毛,追杀出去,必然会被人偷袭后方,不追杀出去,大圣联手肯定会将那口古棺抬来。 The Other Shore atmosphere was tight, fills is going the great war smell of gunpowder. The situation deteriorates day by day, God Domain possibly really must be greatly turbulent. 彼岸的气氛非常紧张,充满了将要大战的火药味。形势一天比一天恶化,神域可能真的要大动荡了。 Bang!” “轰隆!” various big ~ ~ the- Saint collaborates again, captures danger zone for the second time, making here ancient symbol soar to the heavens, a haziness, many Land Dragon tumble. The Great Dao deep meaning rushes. 诸大~~-圣再次联手,第二次攻入绝地,让这里古符冲天,一片迷蒙,诸多地龙翻滚。大道奥义澎湃。 This makes the God Domain people restless, seemed like put up at the fire of high-piled firewood, but anxious, wants to prevent, may fear that was sneak attacked the rear, cannot protect oneself. 这让神域众人如坐针毡,又像是被架在了火堆上,无奈而又焦虑,想去阻挡,可又怕被人偷袭大后方,不能自保。 Has not chosen. First, spares nothing, Faith Power of release immortal Divine Mountain, guardian spirit territory. Second, goes to formation diagram took out, must extinguish them kills, preventing them to obtain ancient coffin, otherwise my God Domain danger.” “没有选择了。第一,不惜代价,释放不朽神山的信仰之力,守护神域。第二,将阵图祭出去,务必将他们灭杀,阻止他们得到古棺,不然我神域危矣。” Several gods always shout, now does not have to choose, if otherwise looks helplessly Great Saint lifts that ancient coffin, God Domain must destroy. 几位神老嘶吼,现在没得选择,不然若是眼睁睁看着大圣将那口古棺抬出来,神域必毁。 That short mountain, is the position is equal to Mt. Xumi, ancient Divine Mountain that but the strength is actually far less than started to release the immortal halo after this day, Faith Power turned into the sea, submerged God Domain, protects ancient land. 那座矮山,也就是地位等同须弥山、但实力却远不如的古老神山在这一日后开始释放不朽光环,信仰之力化成了海洋,将神域淹没,守护古地 Then, the god chart departs, sweeps away world all suspicious people, prevents various Great Saint to attack danger zone, must execute them completely. 而后,神图飞出,横扫天下所有可疑之人,阻挡诸大圣进攻绝地,要将他们全部格杀。 both sides entered the seesaw battle, various Great Saint impossible large-scale launch bombardment entered danger zone, can only disperse to be close from the different positions in secret. 双方进入了拉锯战,诸大圣不可能大规模的发动轰击而进入绝地了,只能分散开来从不同方位暗中接近。 However this was too dangerous, may stimulate to movement to kill the formation diagram god always to discover momentarily, also in Immemorial Fiendgod Inheritance by danger zone may be obliterated. 但是这样太危险了,随时可能会被催动杀阵图的神老发现,亦可能会被绝地内的太古神魔传承磨灭掉。 This lets various Great Saint heart within grows sorrow, to them is very at present disadvantageous. 这让诸大圣心中生忧,目前对于他们来说很不利。 But what is most fearful, several gods always control formation diagram to be close to ancient coffin, they want to attempt with the aid of the god that giant sarcophagus give to seal up, or first obtains in the hand. 而最为可怕的是,几位神老驾驭阵图正在接近古棺,他们想借助神图将那口巨大的石棺给封住,或抢先得到手中。 Naturally, this has the price, they cut completely Faith Power, the accumulation of endless years became the nihility, believed the Dao Fruit turns into air. 当然,这不是没有代价,他们将一身的信仰之力都斩尽了,无尽岁月的积累成为虚无,信仰道果成空。 Otherwise, so long as close, them definitely will turn into tribulation ash, is difficult the means of livelihood. 不然,只要临近,他们必然会化成劫灰,难有活路。 This is a very stern and fearful fact, various Great Saint are anxious, all drew out the brow pressed, this way their situations are not very wonderful, perhaps will write off cleanly by God Domain one by one! 这是一个非常严峻与可怕的事实,诸大圣焦虑,全都蹙起了眉头,这样下去他们的情况很不妙,也许会被神域一一抹杀干净! Only fortunately, several big gods old even controls the god to attempt is still hard to come and go out in danger zone, has very big risk. Because, ten thousand peak simultaneously shake, Immemorial Fiendgod Dao Lineage ancient symbol is sparkling, with their fierce confrontation. 唯一值得庆幸的是,几大神老即便驾驭神图也难以在绝地中自行出入,有很大的风险。因为,万峰齐颤,太古神魔道统古符在闪耀,与他们激烈对抗。 And that giant sarcophagus buries Great Emperor, is close regarding other ultimate Dao weapon or the strength of Great Emperor level, natural repels, sent out terrifying Dao Runes. 且那口巨大的石棺葬有大帝,对于其他极道兵器或者大帝级的力量接近,有一种自然的排斥,散发出了恐怖的道纹 Both refuse to compromise, even if the god always has Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure kills formation diagram unable the earliest possible time to compel the near, do not say suppress with carrying off the sarcophagus. 两者僵持,即便神老拥有灵宝天尊的杀阵图也不能第一时间逼到近前去,就更不要说镇压与带走石棺了。 Well, Supernatural Being Fluid appeared, drips to fall and congeal repeatedly, is going to precipitate can compare undying medicine heaven defying divine object!” elder in God Domain calls out in alarm, is extremely shocking. “咦,神魔液又出现了,反复淌落、凝结,将要沉淀出堪比不死药般的逆天神物!”神域中的宿老惊呼,非常震惊。 Ten thousand peaks shake, the mountain massif crack, the glittering and translucent liquid drips to fall, gathers at foot, then goes toward the danger zone deep place class/flow. 万峰摇动,山体龟裂,晶莹剔透的液体淌落而下,聚集在山根处,而后向着绝地深处流去。 This is immortal fluid, the implication has the Immemorial Fiendgod Great Dao fragment, has active essence in their flesh, at the present gathers to danger zone most deep place, some are don't tell me inside people in refining this fluid?!” “这是一股仙液,蕴含有太古神魔大道碎片,更拥有他们血肉内的活性精华,而今向绝地最深处汇聚,难道说里面有人正在炼化此液?!” God Domain understood that in this secret person was shocked, always this is the exclusive big medicine of god, ten thousand years one presently, but this old god of does not dare to go, thinks that no one may result in the valuable fluid, all accumulates in inside, at the present it seems like at all is not that a matter. 神域了解此中秘密的人惊呆了,历来这都是神的专属大药,万载一现,而这一世的老神不敢进去,原以为无人可得宝液,全都积累在里面,而今看来根本不是那么一回事。 Various Great Saint also saw exceptionally, the each and every one look is excited, here big Good Fortune is more inferior than it God Domain, if can be in charge...... light/only to think to tremble. 大圣也看出了异常,一个个神色激动,这里的大造化比之神域都逊色,若是能入主进去……光想一想就让人颤栗。
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