STH :: Volume #13

#1237: Tree of Life

God first step, names as the Five Gods star this life ancient land, this doubtable has the special significance, other four Ancient Star? 神抢先一步,将此生命古地命名为第五神星,这让人怀疑是否有特别的意义,难道还有其他四颗古星? No major powers withdraws, flushes away completely forward, goes to the Five Gods star from Smooth Seeker Star Domain, is far away, many people die of the midway, at the present will soon see Tree of Life, who will give up. sacred hall latest chapter .com 没有一个大势力退出,全部向前冲去,从坦牟星域来到第五神星,路途遥远,不少人死于中途,而今即将见到生命之树,谁会放弃。圣堂最新章节.com This stars are not big, probably soon dried up, the life fluctuates is very weak.” “这颗星辰并不大,像是快要枯竭了,生命波动很弱。” Even after, ripple on the lide detection device is still very slight, disappointing people rather somewhat, this is not a huge planet. 即便是临近后,生命探测器上的波纹也很轻微,让人未免有些失望,这不是一颗庞大的行星。 It covers the lead saying that was cut off the line of sight, is hard to scan the ground scenery.” “它笼罩着铅云,阻隔了视线,难以扫描地上景物。” The people are astonished, how the common cloud layer can prevent the universe Mother Ship's exploration, but this dark grey fog actually interrupted various inductions. 众人讶异,一般的云层等怎么能阻挡宇宙母船的探索,可是这暗灰色的雾霭却截断了各种感应。 The stars are very small, naturally is relative Everlasting Main Star. 星辰真的很小,当然是相对永恒主星而言。 Ye Fan is staring at the large screen, watches the data that various types scan to learn, this star size and Earth are similar, but the life aura is very weak. 叶凡盯着大屏幕,观看各种扫描出的数据得悉,此星大小与地球相仿,但生命气息很弱。 The dusky mist covers is an expert on-board, making this place seem like piece of dejected, how does not know the ground real situation. 灰蒙蒙的雾气笼罩在行星上,让此地看起来一片萧索,不知地上真实情况如何。 Landing, gets ready for action!” “降落,做好战斗准备!” First universe Mother Ship crashed in the fog, falls to the land, delimits together the silver-gray gloss, other organizations see that also follow suit. 第一艘宇宙母船冲进了雾霭,向大地落去,划出一道银灰色的光泽,其他组织见状也纷纷效仿。 Quick, people spread the screams, is bigger than disappointedly joyfully, this is a dreary planet, high ridge, great mountain, big gully and other places, the dead wood takes root, extends to the day. Almost cannot see the green, everywhere is the vegetation of withering, has probably suffered a disaster, the entire stars lost the vitality/angry. 很快,人们传出了惊呼声,失望大于喜悦,这是一颗惨淡的行星,高岗、巨山、大壑等地,枯木扎根,伸展向天。几乎看不到绿色,到处都是枯萎的草木,像是遭受过一场劫难,整颗星辰失去了生气。 Ye Fan revealed the look of surprise, in just now flash, he has an misconception, this Ancient Star was very once big, but the failure, caused getting smaller, was a bit like with Earth. 叶凡露出异色,在方才的一瞬间,他生出一种错觉,这颗古星曾经很大,只不过衰竭了,导致越来越小,与地球有点像。 This is trend life end point stars, final life-force should in the past several thousand years vanish.” Senior mercenary Huo Bai said. “这是一颗走向生命终点的星辰,最后的生机应该就是近几千年来消失的。”老佣兵霍白说道。 The ground lake was dry, the grand mountain massif is no longer grand, death aura heavy, old tree that fall the light leaf will drop down momentarily, many some cliff marks of waterfall closure. 地上的湖泊都干涸了,许多雄伟的山体不再壮丽,死气沉沉,一株株落光叶子的老树随时会倒下,更有许多瀑布断流的崖痕。 This disappointing, when a life moves toward end of days, what Divine Tree but can also have? Had carried off mostly. 这让人失望,当一处生命地走向末日,还能有什么神树?多半早已被人带走了。 Well, looks quickly, there also a little green life.( «» Net .com)” “咦,快看,那里还有一点绿色生命。(《》网.com)” In Ye Fan their warships, a mercenary is staring at a cliff on screen, there life fluctuates is very slight, the green light drags. 叶凡他们的战船内,一个佣兵盯着屏幕上的一处山崖,那里生命波动很轻微,绿光摇曳。 The spaceship has put an exquisite path, falls from the sky, on the cliff old tree and ancient vine entanglement, all withered the defeat. In that yellow Caojian, the medicinal herbs, are hanging more than ten green leaves, is releasing the final spiritual energy. 飞船划过一道优美的轨迹,自天空中落下,山崖上老树古藤纠缠,全都萎败了。在那黄草间,有一棵药草,挂着十几名绿叶,在释放着最后灵气。 The cabin door opens, the people go out one after another. 舱门打开,众人相继走出。 Half person of high old medicine, this is...... bluish green Lin is blue, can grow to this kind, at least 50,000 years of medicine ages, were small King Medicine!” “半人高的老药,这是......碧麟兰,能够生长到这等样子,最起码有五万年的药龄了,是一株小药王!” People sighed surprised, this was a valuable medicine, what a pity Heaven and Earth changed, it also deteriorated, supports by the original spiritual energy now, the value all lost. 人们一阵愕叹,这是一株宝药,可惜天地变化了,它也衰败了,靠原有的灵气支撑到现在,价值全失。 Senior mercenary Huo Bai digs out the surface, in underground discovered dry Dragon Vein, nods, the old medicine supports according to this. 老佣兵霍白掘开地表,在地下发现了干涸的龙脉,点了点头,老药是依此支撑下来的。 Pitifully, lamentable, we discovered finally the life star, actually ran a fruitless errand.” Other mercenaries are depressed. “可惜,可叹,我们终于发现了生命星,却白跑了一趟。”其他佣兵沮丧。 The distant place spaceship has delimited, flushes away toward another position, that side as if had the new discovery. They also start off, some people discover a great tablet, broke open piece of restrictions, then a ancient building group emergence. 远处飞船划过,向着另一个方位冲去,那边似乎有了新的发现。他们亦上路,有人发现一块巨碑,破开了一片禁制,而后一片古建筑群出现。 Afterward, people take action, the cities of many abandonment appear from the seal, towers in the ground. 随后,人们出手,不少遗弃的城池从封印中现出,耸立在地面上。 Really has the life vestige, once one crowd of native, but does not know where at the present goes.” “果然有生命遗迹,曾经有一群土著,只是不知道而今去了哪里。” People crash in the city, searches in the building, what a pity does not have useful Object, mostly is the mortal remains. 人们冲进城池,在建筑物中搜索,可惜没有有用的器物,大多都是凡人所留。 Whole of cultivator on this stars the entrance moved away mostly, therefore is hard to discover their Inheritance.” “这颗星辰上的修士将山门等多半整体移走了,故此难以发现他们的传承。” Because, on these grand mountains, in the meteorological extraordinary big valley, obviously has the construction vestige that pulls out goes. 因为,在那些宏伟的大山上,还有气象非凡的大谷中,明显有许多拔地而去的建筑遗痕。 Lifts the clan to move, where did they arrive?” “举族迁徙,他们到了何方?” Should be the matter that nearly for tens of thousands years have.” “应该就是近几万年来发生的事情。” This planet also has the slight life fluctuation, underground should some Dragon Vein not have the failure.” “这颗行星还有轻微的生命波动,地下应该还有部分龙脉没有衰竭。” Soon, the distant place hears the fierce explosive sound, had Mother Ship to be attacked and sunk, sent out the dazzling light, many spaceships hurried. 不多时,远处传来剧烈的爆炸声,有母船被击沉,发出了刺目的光,许多飞船赶去。 Discovered a boundless altar, above has to consecrate Tree of Life soft sprout unexpectedly, Essence Qi rushes!” “发现了一座磅礴的祭坛,上面有竟供奉有生命之树嫩芽,精气澎湃!” Holy Light Mercenary Corps summoned their mercenaries, to there accumulation, wanted in minute one cup of beautiful thick soup, Ye Fan, Huo Bai and say/way first-grade to rush quickly. «» Net .com 圣光佣兵团召唤他们的佣兵,向那里聚集,想要分上一杯美羹,叶凡霍白、道一等快赶至。《》网.com This is by Fan Clan is discovered, they opened a seal scroll, reveals a small mountain-like altar, builds by the black crystal stone, is broad in scale. 这是被梵族发现的,他们揭开一张封印条幅,露出一座小山般的祭坛,以黑色晶石筑成,规模宏大。 Has many sacrificial offerings in altar center, such as the Saint bones and some dry bloodstains of several shining whites, have scattering Magical Artifact, most conspicuous is a central jade plate, keeps aloof, is lending the astonishing life aura. 在祭坛最中心有不少祭品,如几块莹白的圣骨、一些干涸的血迹、还有散落的法器,最显眼的莫过于中心的一个玉盘,高高在上,散发着惊人的生命气息。 In the pure white jade plate has a about 0.33m long layer, above has more than ten deep green clear tender eyes, Essence Qi winds around, but was actually sealed up by the jade plate, cannot leak. 洁白的玉盘中有尺许长的一段嫩枝,上面有十几枚碧绿晶莹的嫩眼,精气缭绕,不过却被玉盘封住了,不能外泄。 Ancient Life Tree!” 生命古树!” The person who catches up with calls out in alarm, the fight was therefore. 赶来的人惊呼,刚才的战斗就是因此而起。 This is Ancient Life Tree tenderest one string of god buds, is its essence.” “这是生命古树最嫩的一串神芽,是其精华。” Some people clash forward, several Saint bones in result discovery altar, in that dry blood trough, as well as other Magical Artifact all sent out the light, swept away them. 有人向前冲,结果发现祭坛上的几枚圣骨,还有那干涸的血槽中,以及其他法器全都发出了光,将他们横扫了出去。 Altar has powerful restrictions, ten thousand storms, do not decode carefully.” “祭坛有强大的禁制,万不可强攻,小心破解。” All troops take action, wants to disintegrate the ancient altar together, the Tree of Life layer appeared, this absolutely is the marvelous work treasure medicine, can the Life and Death flesh white bones, contain the Great Dao fragment. 各方人马一起出手,想瓦解古老的祭坛,生命之树的嫩枝出现了,这绝对是神品宝药,能生死人肉白骨,亦蕴含大道碎片。 Ye Fan frowns, he does not have to go forward rashly, distant attention. Senior mercenary Huo Bai is also jibber jabber, stands after the crowd. 叶凡蹙眉,他没有贸然上前,远远的关注。老佣兵霍白也是神神叨叨,站在人群后。 God Organization came, that black Mother Ship blots out the sky, covers in the above, shoots one bunch of dazzling light, will forbid to disintegrate the part. 神组织来了,那艘黑色的母船铺天盖地,覆盖在上方,射下来一束刺目的光,将禁止瓦解了部分。 Life Divine Tree, Heaven, really discovered this Immortality Elixir!” “生命神树,天啊,真的发现了这株不死仙药!” Suddenly, the distant place hears the screams, Mother Ship is fighting, Powerhouse in governing is spatial and good, the fierce conflict, submerged in a mountain side range completely. 突然,远方传来惊呼声,母船在战斗,强者在御空而行,剧烈冲突,全部没入了一片山岭中。 Bang! 轰! Meanwhile, this altar mist and dust soars to the heavens, began to break through by the people together, in the confusion does not know that was won Tree of Life soft sprout by whom. 与此同时,这片祭坛烟尘冲天,被众人一起动手攻破了,在混乱中不知被谁夺走了生命之树嫩芽 Inside and outside hundred the mountain range deep place, the multi-colored sunlight soars to the heavens, the auspicious color is vigorous, the great distance may clean to see, many people turn around to flush away, a tiny part soft sprout compared to true Ancient Life Tree could not be regarded anything. 百里外的山脉深处,霞光冲霄,瑞彩蓬勃,相隔很远都可清洗见到,许多人掉头冲去,相对于真正的生命古树来说一小段嫩芽算不得什么了。 A short hundred li (0.5 km) road, many people bleed, to reduce the competitor, plots mutually, even the gods were attacked in secret, universe Mother Ship damaged one. 短短百里路,不少人喋血,为了减少竞争对手,相互暗算,连神都被人暗中攻击了,宇宙母船破损了一块。 People crashed in mountain range in the chaos, leaves behind many corpses and bloodstains, a Immortal Divine Tree value can Great Emperor change countenance, let alone is these people. 人们在大乱中冲进了山脉,身后留下不少尸体与血迹,一株不死神树的价值可以大帝动容,更何况是这些人。 „......” “啊......” The pitiful yell sounds transmit, dozens over a hundred people were killed, actually cannot be close to the wonderful tree, here has song world magic formation. 一片又一片的惨叫声传来,数十上百人丧命,却不能接近妙树,这里有悚世法阵 Palatial mountain range, the grand peak, this should be piece of treasured land that contains Immortal Qi, has to leap the air/Qi of meteorology immortal flying sovereign, what a pity at the present is dry. 巍峨的山脉,壮丽的高峰,这原本应该是一片蕴含仙气宝地,有腾仙飞皇之气气象,可惜而今干涸了。 The old wood, is dry, mostly fell down, will step on to decay immediately broken, in this mountain side lineage/vein most deep place, the green rosy cloud was steaming, an immortal tree took root in the central forest land. 老木很多,全都干巴巴,大多都倒在了地上,踩上去会立时朽碎,在这片山脉最深处,绿霞腾腾,一株仙树扎根在中心林地中。 There other vegetation withered, the spring water lost the spiritual energy, only then one meter high old tree of pool is sending out Essence Qi. 那里其他草木都枯萎了,泉水失去了灵气,只有池畔的一株一米都高的古树在散发精气 As a tree, it is very short, high one meter two, are the tree trunk is vigorous, split piece by piece old skin, probably horned dragon is dormant in this. 作为一株树来说,它真的很矮,最高不过一米二,可是树干苍劲,裂开了一片片老皮,像是一条虬龙蛰伏在此。 The above leaf green rosy cloud twinkle, such as immortal rainbows dance in the air, the light fog is hazy, seemingly wonderful unparalleled, making one be intimate with. 上面的叶子绿霞闪烁,如一道道仙虹飞舞,光雾迷蒙,看起来神妙无双,让人亲近。 But this place also being correct sound rumble, makes a sound regarding the old tree, probably exuded the splitting heaven and earth apart primitive sound. 而这个地方亦有道音隆隆,围绕着古树而响,像是发出了开天辟地的原始之声。 Really is Ancient Life Tree, cannot think that...... it stayed behind unexpectedly!” “真的是生命古树,想不到......它竟被留下了!” Everyone was excited, many people cannot bear face upward to shout, this simply is the huge god reason, is not unimaginable big Good Fortune. 所有人都激动了,不少人忍不住仰天嘶吼,这简直是天大的神缘,是一场无法想象的大造化 The ground has many corpses, has the big piece bloodstain, obviously had fight a moment ago, everyone cannot approach, can only wait and see from afar. 地上有很多尸体,更有大片的血迹,显然刚才发生了争抢,所有人都不能靠近,都只能远远观望。 This place has a stele, God Organization appears, is reading earnestly , some major powers people go forward. 此地有一块石碑,神组织出现,正在认真研读,亦有一些大势力的人上前。 Above recorded some secret. This ancient land is dry, they have to lift the clan to move, had serious internal fight on the way, was under the universe creatures attack of terrifying, nearly all extinguishes, old Saint breaks through at risk of life, brought back to the former home grounds Ancient Life Tree. 上面记载了一些秘辛。该古地干涸,他们不得不举族迁徙,在途中发生了严重的内斗,而后遭遇了恐怖的宇宙生物袭击,近乎全灭,一位老圣者拼死突围,将生命古树带回了故地。 By under the stele, the piece of Change into Dao trace, only remains together the shining white bone, old Saint already died during meditation many years. 石碑旁,有一片化道的痕迹,只残留下一块莹白的骨头,老圣者早已坐化很多年了。 so that's how it is, this life ancient land person was struck to kill in the universe, mostly extermination of the clan.” 原来如此,这处生命古地的人被击杀在了宇宙中,多半灭族了。” soft sprout in that altar is he offers, is imploring Heaven to aid his clansman?” “那祭坛上的嫩芽是他献上的,在祈求上苍护佑他的族人吗?” Many people suddenly, then look Yin clear uncertain, in their hearts anxious, does not have the means to go forward. 许多人恍然,而后神色阴晴不定,他们心中焦急,却没有办法上前。 magic formation of here unexpectedly Great Saint level, several Saint attack, all the severe wound draws back, others died directly. 这里竟有一座大圣级的法阵,前后有几位圣人冲击,全都重伤而退,其他人则直接死亡。 This is Great Saint magic formation, is Powerhouse of same progression comes not necessarily to break through, only if there is to wear gods machine armor, otherwise is unable to enter.” “这可是大圣法阵,就是同级数的强者来都不见得能攻破,除非有身着神明机甲,不然无法入内。” One group of people first are desperately happy then, the Divine Skin ancient scroll record of Xutuo Clan to, them seek this Ancient Star finally, but in the end was actually such a result. 一群人先喜而后绝望,须陀族神皮古卷记载为真,最终他们寻到了这颗古星,可到头来却是这样一个结果。 Even if they ruin this Ancient Star, this mountain range can still retain, cannot obtain Divine Tree, this type defends treasure mountain spatially, but cannot result in makes people extremely unwilling aggrievedly. 他们即便毁掉这颗古星,这处山脉也能保留下来,得不到神树,这种空守宝山而不能得的憋屈让人极度不甘。 God Organization is also helpless, they came four people, no Great Saint, all the pupil light flash moves, flashes on and off erratically. 神组织也无奈,他们来了四人,没有一位大圣,皆眸光闪动,明灭不定。 Immortal Divine Tree in legend, the disappearance endless years, reappears at the present, are unreachable.” In the people heart has a bug to gnaw probably. “传说中的不死神树,消失无尽岁月了,而今再现,却不能得到。”众人心中像是有一只小虫在啃噬。 Returns to Everlasting Main Star, invites Dao Runes attainments profound Powerhouse, does not believe unable to open this place!” “返回永恒主星,去请道纹造诣高深的强者,不信打不开此地!” Finally, after dozens over a hundred side attempts, leave behind a Earth Corpse body, some large clans in abundance start off, charge into Everlasting Star Domain. 最终,在数十上百侧尝试、又留下一地尸体后,一些大族纷纷上路,冲向永恒星域 They put together the speed and racing against time, thinks that first returns eternal, takes the favorable position, making in the clan elder wait/etc. please have the person of high skill to disintegrate this place, captures immortal medicine. 他们拼速度、抢时间,都想第一个回到永恒,抢占先机,让族内宿老等请出高人瓦解此地,夺得仙药 Fire Qilin Cave's Flame Qilin Great Saint led Ancestral King blocking Everlasting Main Star, their several attacks are unable to break through the Ancient Sovereign Great Dao's protection, paid the price of blood in vain. 火麟洞的炎麒大圣率领祖王永恒主星给封锁了,他们几次进攻都无法突破古皇大道的守护,白白付出了血的代价。 There has Star Portal to open, Ancient Sovereign Great Dao blocks this star, even they cannot rush. , presents several groups of people, grasps.” “那里有星门打开,古皇大道封锁此星,连他们也闯不进去。唔,又出现几批人,都抓过来。” Person who hurries back from the Five Gods star, first was detected, was abducted by dropping from the clouds Ancestral King instantaneously, each and every one complexion snow white. 从第五神星赶回的人,第一时间就被发觉,瞬间被从天而降的祖王掳走,一个个脸色雪白。 Great Saint, we discovered a heaven shaking news!” Fire Qilin Cave's Saint nearly shivers, passed on to Flame Qilin Great Saint quietly. 大圣,我们发现了一则惊天的消息!”火麟洞的一位圣人近乎颤抖,悄声转告炎麒大圣 Sir Nine Phoenix King, was the big deal, Starry Sky of distant place...... really had undying medicine!” Another side, some people reported to the Blood Phoenix Mountain director. 九凰王大人,出大事了,远方的星空......竟然有一株不死药!”另一边,有人向血凰山的主事者禀告。 At the same time, Qilin Heavenly King and other Ancient Saint also knew, each and every one all shocks, arraigns these captives personally, watches their Sea of Consciousness, all shock. 同一时间,麟天王等其他古圣也都知晓了,一个个全都震撼,亲自去提审那些俘虏,观看他们的识海,无不震惊。 Really is immortal medicine soft sprout, this is...... Ancient Life Tree!” Flame Qilin Great Saint cannot be tranquil, many cultivator come back to request reinforcements from the Five Gods star, finally was grasped completely. One of them takes advantage to capture soft sprout in that altar randomly, although only then fingernail size, but Immortal Qi is dense, at this time illuminated Flame Qilin and Huo Qizi face chest cavity. “真的是仙药嫩芽,这是......生命古树!”炎麒大圣不能平静,诸多修士从第五神星回来求援,结果全部被抓。其中一人在那祭坛上趁乱夺得一枚嫩芽,虽然只有指甲盖大小,但是却仙气氤氲,此时照亮了炎麒火麒子的脸膛。 Must obtain this Immortal Divine Tree, each immortal medicine contains is letting the Immemorial Sovereign infatuated secret!” Flame Qilin is staring at soft sprout of palm, made the decision fast. “一定要得到这株不死神树,每一株仙药都蕴含着让太古皇都痴迷的秘密!”炎麒盯着掌心的嫩芽,快速做出了决定。
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