STH :: Volume #13

#1236: Immortal clothes

! 咻! Boundless stars were cut as two halves, Qilin stick can compare heavenly sword, has peerless sharp, a stroke, the gigantic stars must ruin gently continually. «» Net .com 一颗磅礴的星辰被切为两半,麒麟堪比天剑,拥有绝世锋锐,轻轻一划,连硕大的星辰都要毁掉。《》网.com Its blue clear, beautiful dazzling, the representative supreme power and influence, is Ancient Sovereign's divine staff, on may hit the immortal, getting down may cut down the Saint, brilliance bright past and present. 它蓝的晶莹,美的炫目,代表无上的权势,为古皇的神杖,上可打仙,下可伐圣,光辉烁古今。 Fire Qilin Cave's Great Saint Flame Qilin holds it to fiercely attack, the large expanse of meteorite was swept the dust, among this universes nothing can block, even Star River is not good. 火麟洞的大圣炎麒持它猛攻,成片的陨石被扫成尘埃,这宇宙间没有什么能够挡住,即便是星河也不行。 But such long time passed by, he can never beat the opponent, this is also Great Saint, magical power acquires understanding of esoteric teachings, shows disdain for ten thousand spirits, absolutely is the enemy. 可是这么长的时间过去了,他始终不能拿下对手,这也是一个大圣,法力通玄,傲视万灵,绝对是一个劲敌。 Shook the universe thunderously, the opposite party attacked, simple fist fair and honest, gentle and mild, agreed without consultation the day of Dao Spirit prestige, had a air/Qi to swallow the potential of Mountains and Rivers. 雷鸣震宇宙,对方又攻了过来,简单的一拳中正平和,暗合天道神威,拥有一种气吞山河之势。 The immortal clothes that in the ancient times the gods remained was not big machine armor, was personal, looked like with Big Dipper battlesuit very much, what inscribing was Heaven and Earth Sovereign Dao. 古代神明遗存下来的仙衣并非高大的机甲,非常贴身,与北斗战衣很像,铭刻的是天地皇道 This person wears the valuable clothes, method heaven defying, striking power whole world difficult, every is one time the raging waves curls ten thousand li (0.5 km), this fist broke a planet instantaneously! 此人身穿宝衣,手段逆天,攻击力举世难匹,每一次都是狂涛卷万里,这一拳瞬间震碎了一个行星! Fire Qilin Cave's Great Saint Flame Qilin frowns, according to grasping the situation, the Everlasting Star Domain person relies upon outside, oneself are hard can accomplish all the good fortune, but why this person has subversive like this. 火麟洞的大圣炎麒蹙眉,依据掌握的情况,永恒星域的人仰仗外器,自身难以功参造化,可是此人为何这样具有颠覆性。 He can see, the opposite party striking power super song person, to Great Dao's understood that reached the rare altitude, is one is difficult to seek the rival, but lonely person. 他能够看出,对方攻击力超级悚人,对大道的理解达到了罕见的高度,是一个难寻敌手而寂寞的人。 Flame Qilin is a status very special person, is not Immemorial last years cultivator, the age is more ancient, is the giant of Fire Qilin Cave resurgence period, was sealed in Divine Source, awakens in this life. 炎麒是一个身份很特别的人,并非太古末年的修士,年代更为古老,是火麟洞中兴时期的巨擘,被封神源中,在今世觉醒。 He grasps the Qilin stick, was dyed the clear blue color all over the body, the murderous aura volume universe, making Sun and Moon Star River change colors, fights the air/Qi to rush. 他手持麒麟杖,通体都被染成了晶莹的蓝色,杀气卷天宇,令日月星河都失色,战气澎湃。 Bang! 轰! He wields the scepter, contains the supreme wonderful technique, made Qilin, the high energy was trillion zhang (3.33 m), Heaven Swallowing accepts, covered the opposite party. 他挥动权杖,蕴含无上妙术,打出了一头麒麟,高能有亿万丈,吞天纳地,将对方覆盖。 The large expanse of meteor appears, crashes to the distant place, is this strikes create, Starry Sky big shake! 成片的陨星出现,坠落向远方,全都是这一击所造成的,星空大震荡! However, eternal Great Saint still fearless, is under the oppression of Qilin idol, in the mouth scolds lightly, forehead ray of light soars to the heavens, resisted this to strike with the aid of gods battlesuit. 然而,永恒的大圣依然无惧,身在麒麟神像的压迫下,口中轻叱,眉心道光冲天,借助神明战衣抗住了这一击。 The flaming fierce immortal fire combustion, eternal Great Saint whole body Golden-Red Clouds sprinkles the universe, making Star Domain vibrate, his immortal clothes at the light cry, the back appears many Dao Runes, condenses the round number ten golden war swords, chops forward. 熊熊烈仙火燃烧,永恒的大圣浑身金霞洒满宇宙,让星域抖动,他的仙衣在轻鸣,背后浮现出诸多道纹,凝聚成数十把金色的战剑,一齐向前剁去。 In bright immortal light, Qilin was cut, Fire Qilin Cave's Great Saint Flame Qilin backs up, the chest fluctuated, was under certain impact, he is staring at the opponent stubbornly. 在灿烂的仙光中,麒麟被斩,火麟洞的大圣炎麒倒退,胸膛起伏,受到了一定的冲击,他死死的盯着对手。 Golden light flowing, Everlasting Star Domain Great Saint puts on golden Divine Clothes, the body is covered by the clear unusual brightness, this is the mail-armor and helmet that Dao Tribulation Yellow Gold casts, the whole world is difficult to seek second.( «» Net .com) 金色的光流动,永恒星域大圣穿有黄金神衣,躯体被晶莹的宝光覆盖,这是道劫黄金铸成的甲胄,举世难寻第二副。(《》网.com) Immortal Tears Emerald Gold, Eternal Blue Gold, Dao Tribulation Yellow Gold wait/etc., each divine gold is rarely the world, Ancient Great Emperor not necessarily enough obtains difficultly. 仙泪绿金永恒蓝金道劫黄金等,每一种神金都是罕世的,古之大帝都不一定难够得到。 This immortal clothes material is pure, all over the body golden yellow bright, dazzling, seems like a war-god that its Master serves as contrast. 这件仙衣材料纯净,通体金黄剔透,璀璨夺目,将其主人衬托的像是一个战神。 Obviously, the age of this person is very big, the gray sending silk hangs loose, the eye pupil is profound, he seems like does not belong to this Era. 显然,此人的年岁很大,灰色的发丝披散,眼眸深邃,他像是不属于这个时代 Under this is million years ago say/way spreads out the gods to leave behind the mail-armor and helmet, is lost does not know that many ten thousand years, the Everlasting Main Star people could not even seek the whereabouts, actually in today's enter the world. 这是百万年前的道衍神明遗留下的甲胄,失传也不知都多少万年了,连永恒主星的人都一直寻不到下落,却在今日出世 The fight opens again, Flame Qilin Great Saint is supernaturally brave, the Qilin scepter in hand dances in the air up and down, delimits immortal light, making the universe thunder, but easily interrupted Star River. 战斗再次开启,炎麒大圣神勇,手中的麒麟权杖上下飞舞,划出一道道仙光,让宇宙都轰鸣了起来,可轻易截断星河 However, Everlasting Star Domain Great Saint wears the say/way to spread out Divine Clothes, magical power excels by far for a while, cuns (2.5 cm) close on, domineering incomparable. 然而,永恒星域大圣身着道衍神衣,法力冠绝一时,寸寸进逼,强势无匹。 Bang!” “轰!” In it behind, the golden say/way sword dances in the air, dozens swing, cut the front planets, Flame Qilin has to evade its front temporarily. 在其身后,金色的道剑飞舞,数十柄轮动,将前方一颗又一颗行星斩掉,炎麒都不得不暂避其锋。 Fire Qilin Cave's Great Saint frowns, more hits is the heart startled, the opposite party is not weak in him, wants to decide the victory and defeat, is difficult. 火麟洞的大圣蹙眉,越打越是心惊,对方不弱于他,想分出胜负,非常艰难。 You are not Everlasting Star Domain cultivator, they do not pay great attention to dig body Treasure Depository, depends on foreign object, but your strength actually apex.” The Flame Qilin old Saint opens the mouth, is staring at his eye. “你不是永恒星域修士,他们不注重开掘身体宝藏,倚仗外物,而你实力却绝顶。”炎麒老圣开口,盯着他的眼睛。 Who said that Artifact Refining cannot pass peak, world Daoist magic myriad, some people can the calligraphy and painting obtain enlightenment, how can't outside call Nine Heavens?” “谁说炼器就不能通绝巅,世间道法万千,有人可以书画得道,怎就不能以外器鸣九天?” Flame Qilin heard that in heart one cold, this absolutely is a character who is difficult to annoy, touched own road, with the aid of outside evident proof oneself body. 炎麒闻听心中一凛,这绝对是一个难惹的人物,触摸到了自己的路,借助外器明证己身。 gradually, two people were about the strength to use up, Ancient Sovereign Weapon was how fearful, can the Great Saint suck dry, become the skeleton bone while still alive, for a long time got down they to be weak, corners of the mouth overflowing blood. 渐渐地,两人都快力竭了,古皇兵何其可怕,能够将大圣活活吸干,成为骷髅骨,长时间下来他们都不支了,嘴角溢血。 Great Saint please return at once, Everlasting Main Star was about unable to defend, a catastrophe approached, loss of life.” Weak wailing transmits from Starry Sky. 大圣请速回,永恒主星快守不住了,一场浩劫来临,将生灵涂炭。”虚弱的哀嚎从星空中传来。 Everlasting Main Star Great Saint changes color immediately, the full silver gray sends the silk to dance but actually, he turns around to walk, rips open the universe, to returning hurries. 永恒主星大圣顿时变色,满头灰色发丝倒舞,他转身就走,撕开宇宙,向回赶去。 Where walks!” “哪里走!” Fire Qilin Cave's Flame Qilin Great Saint stops, in the hand bright cuts open Void like the blue diamond Qilin stick, strikes horizontally, wants to tie down him. 火麟洞的炎麒大圣阻拦,手中剔透如蓝钻般的麒麟杖切开虚空,横击而出,想将他缠住。 Said the fire spout, the golden roaring flame soared, the say/way spread out the Divine Clothes brilliance over a hundred million wisps, if resplendent the gods, he struck to the after shock, accelerated to go far away. 道火喷涌,金色烈焰飞腾,道衍神衣光辉上亿缕,灿若神明,他向后震了一击,加速远去。 However, actually almost him kills from huge Qilin that in the Qilin stick departs, making the bloodstain in its overflowing many more than ten wisps.( «» Net 7 * 然而,自麒麟杖内飞出的巨大麒麟却差点将他扑杀,让其口中溢出的血迹多了十几缕。(《》网7* Flame Qilin laughs, said: Cannot get away, only if you pay the corresponding price, otherwise can only look that was ruined eternal.” 炎麒大笑,道:“走不了,除非你付出相应的代价,不然只能看着永恒被毁掉。” Pursues escapes, great war is continuing, between both the blue light and golden light often burst out, will frequently ruin Star River, if others here, meet the cold sweat all over the body. 一追一逃,大战在继续,两者间蓝光与金光不时迸发,动辄就会毁掉星河,若是其他人在此,一定会冷汗遍体。 Everlasting Star Domain, great war to the final stage, spaceships blasted out, the each and every one asteroid burns, the trim Star Domain flame soars to the heavens, such as end of days approaches. 永恒星域,大战到了最后阶段,一艘艘宇宙飞船炸开,一个个小行星燃烧起来,整片星域都火光冲天,如末日来临。 The pitiful yell sound fluctuates, that is aftermath that Divine Consciousness is defeated and dispersed, the biography to ten directions, Everlasting Main Star Powerhouse retreats in defeat again and again, cannot resist Ancient Race. 惨叫声起伏,那是神识溃散的余波,传向十方,永恒主星强者节节败退,抵挡不住古族 Under Nine Phoenix King and leadership of Qilin Heavenly King, Ancient Race advances bravely fiercely, irresistible, cuts one to injure the Saint's war fortification everywhere, fast advancement. 九凰王、麟天王的带领下,古族勇猛直前,势不可当,斩掉一处处可伤圣人的战争工事,快速推进。 „......” “啊......” Cao Family Saint was selected to kill with the bull horn by Vigorous Demonic Ox Race old Saint, dies in Starry Sky. 曹家的一个圣人大力牛魔族的老圣人以牛角挑杀,死在星空中。 Day perishes I to be eternal, for these years, we expedite each region, called reveres in Star Sea, in the end annoyed so many Saint Beast unexpectedly.” “天亡我永恒吗,这么多年来,我们远征各地,称尊星海中,到头来竟惹出这么多的圣兽。” Big Dipper Saint-level Powerhouse are too much, making the Everlasting Main Star person desperate, only this position has more than ten Ancient Saint, each magical power is exceedingly high! 北斗圣级强者过多,让永恒主星的人绝望,仅这个方位就有十几位古圣,各个法力通天! Their no choices, charge into Everlasting Main Star, could not fight in Starry Sky, the fortification was almost destroyed most probably. 他们没的选择,冲向永恒主星,在星空中战不下去了,防御工事几乎被摧毁了大半。 Million years ago have been born the gods, for hundreds of thousands of years the magnificence, did the radiant eternal civilization come to the end point today?” Even Saint despaired. “百万年前诞生过神明,数十万年来的辉煌,璀璨的永恒文明难道在今日走到了终点吗?”连圣人都绝望了。 Everlasting Star Domain, whether it is cultivator or the mortal watched by the screen this post-war, from the beginning cool to foot, this fought them to rout. 永恒星域,无论是修士还是凡人透过屏幕观看到这一战后,都从头凉到了脚,这一战他们大败。 The bloody fact, the result has been doomed, will drop the final curtain. 血淋淋事实,结局已注定,将落下最后的帷幕。 Heaven, is how unfair, making me eternal prosperous since, why can destroy suddenly?” “上苍啊,何其不公,让我永恒繁盛至今,为何突然要毁灭?” Why wū wū...... will have so many Saint Beast, this does not conform to the common sense, Big Dipper that Ancient Star so will be how fearful.” “呜呜呜......为什么会有这么多圣兽,这不符合常理,北斗那颗古星怎会如此可怕。” People sorrow Hu, weeping bitterly, cannot accept this fact, they defeated, the main force drew back, perhaps will be put down. 人们哀呼、痛哭,不能接受这个事实,他们战败了,主力都退了回来,也许将会被扫平。 A Everlasting Main Star piece is gloomy, the sorrowful weeping sound rises from all directions, even Saint defeated, their what course to follow, the life may end today. 永恒主星一片愁云惨淡,哀哭声四起,连圣人都战败了,他们何去何从,生命可能会在今日全部结束。 Roar......” “吼......” Suddenly, a long and loud cry transmits, magnificent light of Dao Tribulation Yellow Gold immortal clothes illuminated the trim universe, Everlasting Main Star Great Saint ripped open Star Domain, flushed. 突然,一声长啸传来,道劫黄金仙衣的光华照亮了整片宇宙,永恒主星大圣撕开星域,冲了回来。 Fast draws back!” “速退!” Nine Phoenix King changes color, he will also almost become Great Saint, Divine Consciousness is keen, splits the universe, bringing Saint to flee fast. 九凰王变色,他还差一点就会成为大圣,神识敏锐,裂开天宇,带着身边的圣人快速遁走了。 Others also felt that the important matter is not wonderful, all flies to escape, the ultimate Dao immortal prestige was away from piece of stars to press, making their bodies want to crack. 其他人也感觉大事不妙,全都飞逃,极道仙威隔着一片繁星压了过来,让他们身体欲裂。 The Divine Consciousness organing shakes the universe, finally three Saint slow one step, just stepped into Domain Portal, was swept by that golden immortal light, become blood mist including snort/hum cannot snort/hum one. 神识啸音震乾坤,终是有三位圣人慢了一步,刚踏进域门,就被那黄金仙光扫中,连哼都没有能够哼一声就成为了血雾 Everlasting Main Star Great Saint came back, but actually pays a big price, in the mouth coughs up blood, the say/way spread out golden Divine Clothes to be incarnadine. 永恒主星大圣回来了,不过却付出不小的代价,口中咳血,道衍黄金神衣都染红了。 Leaves behind Divine Clothes!” Fire Qilin Cave's Flame Qilin Great Saint pursues, holds up blue divine staff to divide forward. “留下神衣!”火麟洞的炎麒大圣追到,举起蓝色神杖向前劈来。 golden light flashes, the say/way spreads out the immortal clothes to protect the lord, penetrates Heaven and Earth, flies to fall to front that giant stars. 金光一闪,道衍仙衣护主,穿透天地,飞落向前方那颗巨大的星辰上。 Bidding goodbye that you do not come out blames me being brutal, ruins this life-bearing ancient planet!” Flame Qilin indifferent saying, held up blue divine staff high. “你不出来的话别怪我无情,毁掉这可生命古星!”炎麒冷漠的说道,高高举起了蓝色的神杖 Now the evolution fluid was not that important, if can the valuable clothes of ancient gods, when the Ancient Sovereign's Son strength was enough its refining, appropriated to oneself, Fire Qilin Cave's background who can compare, will certainly unmatched in the world. 现在进化液都不是那么重要了,若是能够得到古代神明的宝衣,等到古皇子实力足够时将其炼化,据为己有,火麟洞的底蕴谁能相比,必将天下无敌。 Everlasting Main Star sorrow weeping sound, people four directions run, many Star Portal appear, many major powers wanted to be forced to leave native place, crosses the universe to go, lives the total ratio dead strongly. 永恒主星一片哀哭声,人们四方奔走,不少星门出现,许多大势力想要背井离乡,横渡天宇而去,活着总比死去强。 Has ultimate Dao Ancient Sovereign Weapon suppress here, who can depart?” Flame Qilin callous saying, the pressure falls the Qilin stick slowly, Sovereign prestige boiling, sweeps across Ancient Star. “有极道古皇兵镇压在此,谁能够离去?”炎麒冷酷的说道,缓缓压落麒麟杖,皇威沸腾,席卷古星 However in the meantime, good luck, revolve around Ancient Star vigorously, protected this place, did not allow Sovereign prestige to fall. 但是就在此时,一条条瑞气蓬勃而起,绕着古星旋转,将此地护住了,不允许皇威落下。 Flame Qilin is startled, he is pressing the Qilin stick, wants to cut open this on-board Continent, however was actually blocked by a fearful strength. 炎麒大吃一惊,他压着麒麟杖,原本想切开此星上的一块大陆,然而却被一股可怕的力量所阻。 Ancient Sovereign Great Dao!” 古皇大道!” He has to change color, remembered something, on the face Yin clear uncertain, finally put away silently Qilin stick. 他不得不变色,想起了一些事情,脸上阴晴不定,最终默默的收起麒麟杖。 What's the matter?” Having Saint is puzzled, goes forward to consult. “怎么回事?”有圣人不解,上前请教。 Has been born the Ancient Sovereign's stars, the brand mark has their Great Dao, wants to ruin, by certainly backlash.” Flame Qilin knits the brows to say. “诞生过古皇的星辰,烙印有他们的大道,想要毁掉,会遭受一定的反噬。”炎麒皱眉说道。 The people heard, stares blankly. 众人闻听,一阵发怔。 Was that Great Saint activation that a moment ago wears the Dao Tribulation Yellow Gold immortal clothes?” “是刚才那个身穿道劫黄金仙衣的大圣激活的吗?” Flame Qilin nods, said: Is he. This Ancient Star is very uncommon, astonishing, from ancient to present, has had two ancient Sovereign level characters at least, by two Great Dao asylums.” 炎麒点头,道:“是他。这颗古星很不凡,让人吃惊,自古至今,最起码出过两位古皇级人物,受两种大道庇护。” How like this, to consider as finished like this?” Other Ancient Race are anxious, wants to obtain Everlasting Main Star evolution fluid and other secrets. “怎么会这样,难道就这样算了吗?”其他古族急切,想得到永恒主星的进化液等秘密。 I have received enough them, unexpectedly called me and others is Saint Beast, wishes one could to clash killing spree (rampage) immediately, a slaughter cleanness!” Ancestral King of on the back grows black Péng wing said. “我早已受够了他们,居然称呼我等为圣兽,恨不得立刻冲进去大开杀戒,屠个干净!”一位背生黑色鹏翅的祖王说道。 After Flame Qilin ponders over earnestly, said: Do not act rashly, first waits, this place was born two Paragon, in cannot enter rashly, one kills the tribulation mostly.” 炎麒认真思忖后,道:“不要妄动,先等一等,此地诞生过两位至尊,不能贸然入内,多半有一场杀劫。” I hope that this place has a heir of gods to remain to accompany me to fight!” The Huo Qizi opens the mouth, the body is slender, both eyes like the electricity, are staring at Everlasting Main Star. “我希望此地有一个神明的子嗣留下来陪我一战!”火麒子开口,躯体修长强健,双目如电,盯着永恒主星 In the land, various large clans were all silent, at this time Great Dao Heaven Sealing, Star Portal does not even have the means to open, is unable to depart. 大地上,各大族全都沉默了,此时大道封天,连星门都没有办法打开,无法离去。 Examines Xutuo Clan strictly, must investigate thoroughly!” “严审须陀族,一定要查个清楚!” Good, Xutuo Clan harmed entire Ancient Star, they collude certainly with these Saint Beast, cause Divine Skin, causing Imperial Seal and Overflowing Sift peerless Powerhouse to depart, otherwise this service will not necessarily defeat.” “不错,须陀族误了整颗古星,他们一定与那些圣兽有勾结,弄出一张神皮,导致銮封弥罗的绝世强者离去,不然这一役不见得会败。” Many people were shouting, suggests to arrest Xutuo Clan everyone immediately. 不少人在叫嚷,建议立刻缉拿须陀族所有人。 Smooth Seeker Star Domain cold and cheerless, everyone had started off at this time, goes toward farther Star Domain, explores that life ancient land. 坦牟星域此时已冷冷清清,所有人都上路了,向着更远的一处星域而去,探索那处生命古地 Found, really has life-bearing ancient planet!” After two days, Powerhouse pleasantly surprised yelling of Mercenary Corps. “找到了,真的有一颗生命古星!”两日后,一个佣兵团强者惊喜的大叫。 And continues they to discover, many people have the induction, surveyed the life star unique fluctuation, universe Mother Ship flushed away forward. 并不止他们发现,许多人都有感应,探测到了生命星特有的波动,一艘艘宇宙母船向前冲去。 Abatement Cao Family, Infallible Sun Royal Family, Blue Sea Race, Fan Clan and other outside immortal Inheritance, Holy Light Mercenary Corps naturally also in the row, rushed to this piece of brand-new Star Domain. 除却曹家日不落王族沧海族梵族等不朽的传承外,圣光佣兵团自然也在列,赶到了这片全新的星域 Really has life stars!” “真的有一颗生命星辰!” Miracle!” “奇迹啊!” Everyone cheers, with difficulty, traveles across the star space, searched unexpectedly. 所有人都欢呼,千辛万苦,踏遍星宇,竟然寻觅到了。 In Ye Fan continuously sitting cross-legged spaceship, after Ancient Star he opened the pupil instantaneously, one type said that does not make a debut the unclear ominous shadow to float the heart. 叶凡一直盘坐飞船内,当临近古星后他瞬间睁开了眸子,一种说不出道不明的不祥阴影浮上心头。 If senior mercenary Huo Bai has a sleep/felt, he stands up in the cabin, talked to oneself: How I felt faced with imminent disaster, probably placed oneself in the execution ground.” 老佣兵霍白若有所觉,他在舱中站起,自语道:“我怎么觉得大难临头了,像是置身在了杀场中。” old Huo you had the misconception, finally sought this life-bearing ancient planet, will see Tree of Life in legend mostly, what sleep talking did you send?” Other mercenaries teased. “老霍头你又生出错觉了,终于寻到了这颗生命古星,多半会见到传说中的生命之树,你发什么梦呓?”其他佣兵取笑。 Oh, my old suddenly other skill does not have, but actually may be called mercenary to the expectation of Life and Death first, how otherwise the person with generation dead, I can also live.” Huo Bai said. “唉,我老霍别的本事没有,但是对生死的预料却堪称佣兵界第一,不然何以同代的人都死光了,我还能活下来。”霍白道。 Right that Uncle Huo you said that some people have a fearful instinct inborn, if you heart has a feeling, hurries to leave.” A opens the mouth, he is very the way amiable, the smile is lovable, and his golden hair is equally bright, at this time actually reveals the serious color. After saying, he looks back to look out the Star Domain deep place, the precisely Everlasting Main Star grid bearing, might completely understand anything. “霍叔你说的对,有的人天生有一种可怕的本能,你若是心有所感,还是赶紧离开吧。”道一开口,一路上他很随和,笑容可亲,与他的金发一样灿烂,此时却露出郑重之色。说完后,他回首遥望星域深处,正是永恒主星的坐标方位,像是要看透什么。
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