STH :: Volume #13

#1235: Star Domain great war

great war so frigid, Starry Sky is sprinkling the blood, Saint die will follow has the large expanse of meteorite combustion, becomes the cosmic dust. 大战是如此的惨烈,星空都在洒血,一位圣人殒落会伴随有成片的陨石燃烧,成为宇宙尘埃。 Bang! 轰! The Dao Spirit prestige erupts extremely, the Fire Qilin Cave's Great Saint pupil opens and closes, the universe was torn, projects two not to know that is many li (0.5 km) lightning. 道神威爆发,火麟洞的大圣眸子开阖间,宇宙都被撕裂了,射出两道也不知长达多少里的闪电。 In his hands has a bright weapon, all over the body blue clear, beautiful dazzling, ancient Sovereign prestige boiling. 在他的手中持有一杆灿烂的兵器,通体蓝的晶莹,美的炫目,古皇威沸腾 This is Qilin stick that shakes Immemorial! 这就是名震太古麒麟杖! It casts by Eternal Blue Gold, Cui Can is eye-catching, the stick end is a Qilin head, lifelike, Sovereign prestige that sending out blots out the sky, as if past Highest Paragon resurrected. 它是以永恒蓝金铸成,崔璨夺目,杖端是一个麒麟首,栩栩如生,散发铺天盖地的皇威,仿佛昔日的无上至尊复活了。 Fire Qilin Cave's Great Saint holds it to wield forward, strikes to Star Domain front that Everlasting Main Star, must strike to break out this life source area. 火麟洞的大圣持它向前挥动,击向星域前方那颗永恒主星,要一击劈开这处生命源地。 The bright blue light, such as Star River falls in torrents, the vast tide is boundless, takes away as many things as possible, that spaceship large expanse of smashing, collapses at the first blow. 灿烂的蓝光,如星河倾泻,浩潮无边,席卷而去,那宇宙飞船成片的粉碎,不堪一击。 Cold snort/hum transmits, blazing the prestige the light to be eye-catching, cuts the blue light, goes against Sovereign prestige to come, but extremely fast, strikes the Qilin stick unexpectedly horizontally! 一声冷哼传来,炽威的光夺目,斩开蓝光,逆着皇威而来,极速而至,竟然横击麒麟杖! The ultimate Dao resistance launched, Everlasting Main Star immortal immortal clothes enter the world, battle armour of gods was put on the ancient times on the body, great war Fire Qilin Cave's Great Saint. 极道对抗展开了,永恒主星的不朽仙衣出世,古代神明的战甲被人穿在了身上,大战火麟洞的大圣 That is the say/way spreads out the immortal clothes of gods, sacred extraordinary, can sweep away Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!” “那是道衍神明的仙衣,神圣超绝,可以横扫九天十地!” Across Everlasting Main Star transmits calls out in alarm, this battlesuit is lost does not know that many ten thousand years, everyone is seeking, has not thought in today's enter the world. 永恒主星各地传来惊呼,这件战衣失传也不知道多少万年了,人人都在寻找,没有想到在今日出世 This is a crashing big collision, both sides killed now Sun and Moon lost radiance, Star River is gloomy, all Ancient Saint all flee flies to escape, avoids aftermath. 这是一场激烈的大碰撞,双方杀了今日月无光,星河暗淡,所有古圣全都亡命飞遁,避开余波 Otherwise keeping off flees, aftermath place visited anything of Dao Spirit prestige does not exist extremely, Fire Qilin Cave's Great Saint holds the Qilin stick is not in the upper hand, the say/way spreads out a Divine Clothes attack and defense body, that person is also Great Saint, became the enormous threat to other party. 不然的话挡者披靡,极道神威的余波所过之处什么都不复存在,火麟洞的大圣麒麟杖也不占上风,道衍神衣攻防一体,那个人也是大圣,对他造成了极大的威胁。 Two people ripped open the universe, the revolution ultimate Dao immortal prestige, killed the Starry Sky deep place, had the planet to be cut open unceasingly, the tactical situation was intense, making people scared. 两人撕开了宇宙,运转极道仙威,杀进了星空深处,不断有行星被切开,战况激烈,让人胆寒。 Kills......” “杀啊......” Big Dipper Ancestral King with also launched the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering big showdown with eternal Saint, the fight scene is grand, soul-stirring. 北斗祖王与与永恒的圣人也展开了惊天动地的大对决,战斗场面壮阔,惊心动魄。 Cuts to kill all Saint Beast, do not bleed off one, destroys completely completely!” “斩杀所有圣兽,不要放走一个,全部灭掉!” The Everlasting Main Star person bellows, their thorough Star Domain, the stars are shining, these are the powerful war tools, has deployed for many years, at the present applies. 永恒主星的人大吼,他们深入星域,一颗又一颗星辰在发光,这些都是强大的战争工具,早已部署多年,而今派上了用场。 Surrounds the eternal planet is completely the war fortress, the defenses of many ten thousand years ago lay out island chain, has the energy of attacking. 环绕永恒的行星全部都是战争堡垒,多少万年前布下的防御“岛链”,具备攻伐之能。 Weapon that to the utmost Dao Runes and science and technology unify this is, if at the present Immemorial Ferocious Beast opened the fierce pupil, passed sent out boundless murderous aura. 这是道纹与科技相结合的的极尽兵器,而今如太古凶兽般睁开了狰狞的眸子,透发出了无边的杀气 „......” “啊......” Ancestral King bleeds, the half body was punctured, fresh blood dripping, he was seriously battered, flew horizontally. 一位祖王喋血,半边身子被打穿,鲜血淋淋,他遭受重创,横飞了出去。 The Great Dao weapon also has the branch military to sweep away together, this is Star Domain that the blood dyes, launched unprecedented slaughtering and collision. 大道兵器还有科武共同横扫,这是血染的星域,展开了一场前所未有的杀戮与碰撞。 The blood is dripping, the fight is continuing, the planet is burning! 血在淌,战斗在继续,行星在燃烧! . “噗。 Another Ancestral King half head was crushed, the bright red blood and white brain fluid splash, his other alone items present the dead grey, filled being unwilling. 另一名祖王半颗头颅被击碎,鲜红的血与白色的脑浆溅起,他余下的独目出现死灰色,充满了不甘。 Tens of thousands of stars are projecting the light of destruction, this place was twisted death danger zone by the light beam! 成千上万颗星辰都在射出毁灭之光,这个地方被光束绞成了死亡绝地! Naturally, the loss of Everlasting Star Domain is also very big, although this is their main battlefield, lay out Great Dao Killing Formation one after another, as well as many branch military weapons, but still cannot completely get the advantage. 当然,永恒星域的损失也很大,尽管这是他们的主战场,布下了一座又一座的大道杀阵,以及诸多的科武兵器,但依然不能尽占优势。 Big Dipper was too powerful in Ancestral King . Moreover the quantity is not several people, but is coming in waves of various clan, the strength terrifying is shocking. 北斗祖王太强大了,而且数量不是几人,而是诸族的联袂而来,战力恐怖惊世。 The planets were broken out by Ancient Saint, deployment Dao Traces was extinguished, the weapon was destroyed, wears machine Powerhouse of armor as for these, has is torn into shreds much, the blood dyes Void. 一颗又一颗的行星被古圣劈开,部署的道痕被灭,武器被毁,至于那些身穿机甲的强者,更是有不少被人撕碎,鲜血染虚空 This is a miserable war! 这是一场惨战! both sides lose seriously, Ancestral King is Saint-level Powerhouse, dying anyone regarding this/should clan was a sad news, could not consume. 双方都损失严重,祖王圣级强者,死去任何一人对于该族来说都是一种噩耗,消耗不起。 The Everlasting Star Domain war fortification is many years of painstaking care crystallizes, tens of thousands of stars were built as the fortress, distributes in this piece of Star Domain, vast moist and broad. 永恒星域的战争工事是多年的心血结晶,成千上万颗星辰被筑为堡垒,分布在这片星域,浩潮而广阔。 When great war of this rank is for 50,000 years to come, this is the big collision between Star Domain! 这种级别的大战当属五万年来之最,这是属于星域间的大碰撞! Roar......” “嗷吼......” Vigorous Demonic Ox Race old Saint games arrive go crazy, display the law divine ability, instantaneous hundreds of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) high, changes into black Barbaric Ox, steps on the stars, angular point Sun and Moon, dashes about wildly in the universe! 大力牛魔族的老圣人到发狂,展出法相神通,瞬间数十万丈高,化为一头黑色的莽牛,踩踏星辰,角顶日月,在宇宙中狂奔! Its divine might song world, each galloping can tread the asteroids, ruins many war fortifications. 神威悚世,每一次奔腾都会踏碎一颗又一颗的小行星,将诸多战争工事毁掉。 Several times, it crashes in the big planet, submerges the center of the earth deep place, is then violent makes, the entire stars 45 fissions, seem like splitting heaven and earth apart ferocious beast to hatch from the great egg, shock everybody. 有几次,它冲进较大的行星中,没入地心深处,而后猛烈一挣,整颗星辰四五分裂,看起来就像是一头开天辟地凶兽从巨蛋中孵出,惊世骇俗。 This is shocking great war! 这是一场耸人听闻的大战! Beginning Monarch Race Powerhouse is the magical power direct access to the highest authorities, his eye pupil sweeps, many spaceship disintegrations, will lift in the hands the war fortress to destroy one after another. 始王族强者更是法力通天,他眼眸一扫,诸多宇宙飞船崩碎,抬手间将一座又一座战争堡垒摧毁。 This clan is honored as in the Immemorial ten big royal families the strength first, has the truth, his opens the mouth attracts, gave to swallow several asteroids, frightened the Everlasting Main Star person to shiver. 该族被誉为太古十大王族中战力第一,不是没有道理,他张口一吸,将几颗小行星都给吞掉了,吓到永恒主星的人颤抖。 These Saint Beast ominously were too crazy, starts all defenses, must block them!” “这些圣兽太凶狂了,启动所有防御,一定要挡住他们!” Everlasting Star Domain Powerhouse yelled, this is a catastrophe, the Foreign Domain Saint Beast strength powerful unprecedented, so many people arrive, it may be said that huge disaster. 永恒星域强者大叫,这是一场浩劫,域外圣兽的战力之强大前所未有,这么多人一齐降临,可谓天大的灾难。 From the single strength, they are inferior to Immemorial Royal Clan, if from the Saint-level Powerhouse quantity, they cannot compare. 从单人战力上来说,他们不如太古王族,而若从圣级强者的数量上来讲,他们更是比不上。 Eternal can depend on is various war fortifications that tens of thousands of years continually improve, built a fearful execution ground this piece of Star Domain. 永恒所能倚仗的就是成千上万年来不断完善的各种战争工事,将这片星域打造成了一片可怕的杀场。 Without these covers entirely the destructive strength the planet, the Everlasting Main Star front door had been broken through, the calamity has arrived inevitably. 如果没有这些布满毁灭性力量的行星,永恒主星的大门已被攻破,厄难必然已经降临。 „......” “啊......” Yin Demon Race Ancestral King relies on the movement to be excellent, may go everywhere and come and go out in Sun and Moon, wants to ambush the line, enters the eternal front door, but also was actually hit by ten eight Dao Spirit light, destroy both body and soul. 阴魅族的一位祖王自恃身法绝妙,可上天入地、出入日月中,想要潜伏而行,进入永恒大门,但是却被十八道神光同时击中,形神俱灭 Immemorial Royal Clan is fearful, the non- strength is less, but was this piece of Heavenly Domain was too fearful, the Everlasting Main Star all previous generations arrangement in the incisiveness that this moment displayed, even some Ancient Saint person of die. 太古王族心寒,非战力不及,而是这片天域太可怕了,永恒主星历代的布置在这一刻发挥的淋漓尽致,连古圣都有人殒落 Ancient Race knows the reason that the Everlasting Main Star person had not launched an attack a while ago finally, in waiting today's opportunity, behind more powerful reinforcements for coping has exposed these war fortification gains don't equal the loss prematurely. 古族终于知晓永恒主星的人前段时间没有发难的原因,一直在等待今日的机会,为了对付后面更为强大的援军过早暴露这些战争工事得不偿失。 They are bearing patiently, waits for our armies to arrive until today reveals the fang to cause heavy losses to me truly and others!” “他们在隐忍,直到今日等我们大军降临才真正露出獠牙想要重创我等!” Only depends on these Great Dao's rune, the Saint-level weapon is hard to block us to catch the whole lot in a dragnet has a dream, kills their cleanness, so long as rushes, this Ancient Star ended!” “不过仅凭这些大道符文,还有圣级武器难以挡住我们想要一网打尽更是做梦,杀他们个干净,只要闯过去,这颗古星就完了!” The Ancient Race rush, eye pupil cold brutal cutting to these planets, the blood and destruction light of also dances in the air. 古族冲杀,眼眸冷冽无情的斩向那些行星,鲜血与毁灭之光同时飞舞。 This fight intensely and was above the imagination of people pitifully, both sides have not as if realized opposite party like this. 这场战斗的激烈与悲惨超乎了人们的想象,双方似乎都没有意识到对方会这样的强。 Bang! 轰! severe tremor, the large expanse of blood light sent out the front piece of meteor to blast out completely, the steel war fortress changed into the scrap copper and iron in abundance. 一声剧震,成片的血光发出前方一片陨星全部炸开了,钢铁战争堡垒等纷纷化为废铜烂铁。 The phoenix called Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, the scarlet rosy cloud and divine marks everywhere, Nine Phoenix King presented Divine Phoenix that he such as the bath fire lived, sent the silk to dance in the air, the pupil split cold lightning, lifted in the hands as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, swept away many fortification. 凰鸣惊天动地,赤霞与神纹漫天,九凰王出现了他如浴火而生的神凰,发丝飞舞,眸绽冷电,抬手间摧枯拉朽,横扫诸多防御工事。 Broke through, Nine Phoenix King broke through to Great Saint Realm!?” Some Ancient Race people called out in alarm, cannot bear look askance to see his incomparable strength. “突破了,难道九凰王突破到大圣境界了吗!?”古族有人惊呼,忍不住侧目看到了他不可比拟的战力。 A phoenix recited, Nine Phoenix King sent out blood-color Divine Order Chain, just like the plume feather of Immortal Phoenix, the supernatural might was dreadful, one 100,000 zhang (3.33 m), a fist wielded such as the phoenix to spread the wings in it to shoulder to reappear huge Fire Bird, submerged the front. 一声凤吟,九凰王散发出血色的秩序神链,宛若仙凰的翎羽,神武滔天,一步十万丈,一拳挥出如凤凰展翅在其背负浮现出一头巨大的火鸟,没入了前方。 „......” “啊......” The pitiful yell transmitted an incomparably giant planet to be smelted by him, changed into the magma, then becomes universe tribulation ash. Two powerful characters run out, the whole body is the fire, even Primordial Spirit in frontal bone is burning, rending pitiful yell. 惨叫传来一颗无比巨大的行星被他熔炼,化为了岩浆,而后又成为了宇宙劫灰。两个强大的人物冲出,浑身是火,连额骨内的元神都在燃烧,撕心裂肺的惨叫。 This is two Ancient Saint, wails to struggle, absolutely did not have the fresh hope, the sound was fast, turns into two hard cokes, Divine Consciousness completely extinguished. 这是两名古圣,哀嚎挣扎,根本就没有了生的希望,声息快速虚弱,化成了两具焦炭,神识尽灭。 The eternal Saint quantity cannot compare with Big Dipper, each Ancient Saint is the old ancestor, regarding a large clan important. 永恒的圣人数量不能与北斗相比,每一个古圣都是老祖,对于一个大族来说至关重要。 At this time died all of a sudden two people, this naturally is a heavy loss, two Great Clan angry roar, the eye was red. 此时一下子死去两人,这自然是一种重大的损失,两大家族怒吼,眼睛都红了。 „Did Nine Phoenix King become Great Saint?” 九凰王成为大圣了吗?” Should not have, but also has almost not broken through the shackles.” “应该还没有,还差一点没有冲破桎梏。” The Ancient Race person is also startled, function of Powerhouse of Nine Phoenix King this grade of progression in battlefield was too big, the strength is exceedingly high, can sweep away a side, but this invincible imposing manner is fatal, making the rival scared. 古族的人也在吃惊,九凰王这等级数的强者在战场上的作用太大了,战力通天,可以横扫一方,而这种无敌气势更是致命的,让敌手胆寒。 Kills, this war destroys completely eternal Saints, I and others arrived comprehensively, controls this star!” Nine Phoenix King said, he to the front, a scarlet blood dreadful arrow, has the potential of conquering the whole world probably, sweeps away various Xing. “杀,此战灭掉永恒诸圣,我等全面降临,掌控此星!”九凰王道,他冲在前方,像是一根赤血滔天的箭头,带着席卷天下之势,横扫诸星。 Kills, is shattered Everlasting Main Star to near, full power take action!” Many Ancestral King responded, follows, such as a mighty current killed to forward horizontally. “杀啊,破灭永恒主星在即,全力出手!”诸多祖王响应,跟随在后,如一股洪流般横杀向前。 Nine Phoenix King is Blood Phoenix Mountain the lord of future, the method is exceedingly high, kills person scalp tingles, no one can prevent his footsteps. 九凰王血凰山的未来之主,手段通天,杀到人头皮发麻,没有人能阻挡他的脚步。 In addition, Fire Qilin Cave's Qilin Heavenly King also came, shares the honor with him, is killing spree (rampage), the horizontal volume forwards, meets no resistance. 此外,火麟洞的天王也来了,与他齐名,亦是大开杀戒,横卷向前,如入无人之境。 Various Everlasting Main Star fortification were captured unceasingly, the loss is serious, blood incarnadine universe. 永恒主星各种防御工事不断被拔掉,损失惨重,鲜血染红了宇宙。 Everlasting Main Star also has Powerhouse of this progression, but is actually overwhelmed by sheer numbers, from the Ancient Saint quantity, is unable in comparison. 永恒主星也有这个级数的强者,但是却寡不敌众,从古圣的数量上来说,无法与之相比。 This crowd of Saint Beast ominously were too crazy, so many people arrive together, really could not block, what to do can this?” The Everlasting Main Star person saw through the large screen the process that this fights, the double strand fights the war none who does not. The spout of blood, blasts of war planets, making their hearts cool. “这群圣兽太凶狂了,这么多人一起降临,真的挡不住了,这可怎么办?”永恒主星的人通过大屏幕见到了这一战的过程,莫不双股战战。鲜血的喷涌,一座座战争行星的炸开,让他们心都凉了。 „The plan caught the whole lot in a dragnet, uses the infinite war fortification to kill them horizontally, but presents several soon to become the Great Saint's arrow character now, broke through the numerous defenses, falls short! Imperial Seal, Overflowing Sift and other peerless Powerhouse where? If there are them to resist, Nine Phoenix King and Qilin in Heavenly King that Saint Beast wait/etc. will definitely halt, is impossible like this.” “原本计划一网打尽,利用无穷的战争工事横杀他们,可是现在出现了几个快要成为大圣的箭头人物,冲破了重重防御,功亏一篑!銮封弥罗等绝世强者在何方?如果有他们抵挡,那圣兽中的九凰王、麟天王等肯定会止步,绝不可能这样。” Xutuo Clan ............ is they and Foreign Domain's Saint Beast colludes surely, in this time took out Divine Skin ancient chart, opened eternal part of apex characters, caused this result. I have heard, possibly is Nine Phoenix King in that Saint Beast incites the behavior.” 须陀族............定是他们与域外的圣兽勾结,在这个时候祭出神皮古图,支开了永恒一部分绝顶人物,导致了这一结果。我已听闻,可能就是那圣兽中的九凰王指使所为。” The Everlasting Main Star person was terrified, the Saint Beast army arrives, the population is not many, but each is Ancient Saint, is a destructive catastrophe. 永恒主星的人惶恐了,圣兽大军到来,人数不是很多,但每一个都是古圣,是一种毁灭性的大灾难。 The Foreign Domain battlefield, the eternal person backs up unceasingly, cannot resist, is repulsed fast. 域外战场,永恒的人不断倒退,根本招架不住,快速败退。 „Can Heaven perish my Everlasting Country to be inadequate?” Waits for in home, through the large screen understood the mortal who this fights fears, all looks pale, thought that end of days approached. “难道上苍要亡我永恒国度不成?”守候在家中,通过大屏幕了解这一战的凡人恐惧无比,全都面色苍白,觉得末日来临了。 Damn Smooth Seeker Star Domain, why presented Ancient Life Tree at this time, can I end eternal?” The sorrowful call rises from all directions. “该死的坦牟星域,为什么这个时候出现生命古树,我永恒要完了吗?”哀呼声四起。 The universe deep place, ultimate Dao immortal prestige sending out, Fire Qilin Cave's Great Saint grasps the Qilin stick great war rival, they ruined many Ancient Star, Star River in gloomy, is close. 宇宙深处,极道仙威散发,火麟洞的大圣手持麒麟大战敌手,他们毁掉了不少古星,星河在暗淡,难分胜负。 This is the ultimate Dao resistance, is two ancient Sovereign level Paragon spans the space and time the big showdown! 这是极道对抗,是两位古皇级至尊跨越时空的大对决! In the universe, Huo Qizi dark violet color sends the silk to hang loose, stands in Void, the look is indifferent, gazes at Everlasting Main Star, the eye is looking to be going to enter, reveals one wisp to sneer. 宇宙中,火麒子一头蓝色发丝披散,站在虚空中,神色冷漠无比,注视着永恒主星,眼望将要杀入,露出一缕冷笑。 At the same time, remote Smooth Seeker Star Domain, one is also looking back, might penetrate universe Void, looks to put on Star River, staring is eternal. 同一时刻,遥远的坦牟星域,道一也在回首,像是要透过宇宙虚空,望穿星河,凝视永恒。
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