STH :: Volume #13

#1238: Kills the bureau

Fingernail big soft sprout, in Flame Qilin palm flowing veiled Xianhui, making his palm refer to green and lush, Immortal Qi overflows.( «» Net .com) 指甲盖大的嫩芽,在炎麒的手心流动蒙仙辉,让其掌指都绿莹莹,仙气四溢。(《》网.com) Huo Qizi met, the pupil shoots divine glow, believes firmly unmistakably, this indeed is the god leaf bud that has not grown into, may save others a life. 火麒子接了过去,眸射神芒,确信无误,这的确是一枚未长成的神叶芽,可救人一命。 various Kings was alarmed, shocks none who does not, the Immortality Elixir relations are really big, among the Immemorial years only have Ancient Sovereign to have, will follow their life. 诸王被惊动,莫不震撼,不死仙药关系甚大,太古年间唯有古皇才能拥有,会伴随他们一生。 At the present hears drying up Ancient Star to have Tree of Life, how can not move, this is can live the god reason of second. 而今听闻一颗枯竭的古星生命之树,怎能不动心,这是能够让人活出第二世的神缘。 Nine Phoenix King, we should first start off, late goes to step words to be able by Fire Qilin Cave obtained.” 九凰王,我们应该抢先上路,晚去一步的话必会被火麟洞所得。” Various clans all cannot peaceful, they be able to drop out all for Immortality Elixir, once obtains regarding a full ethnic group has the drastic effect. 各族皆不能宁,为了不死仙药他们可以抛下一切,一旦得到对于一个足族群来说有巨大的影响。 This several days their seal and trap Everlasting Main Star, but actually cannot attack, so might as well captures another big Good Fortune with it. 几日他们封困永恒主星,可是却攻不进去,与其如此还不如去夺得另一场大造化 Crashes in that piece of Star Domain, seizes Ancient Life Tree!” “冲进那片星域,夺来生命古树!” Some Ancestral King start off, unites in together, formed a powerful strength, they know only have sticking together, can compete with the Immemorial Sovereign clan. 一些祖王上路,联合在一起,形成了一股强大的力量,他们知晓唯有抱团,才能竞争过太古皇族。 We also start off, will not have the false from this soft sprout, really has undying medicine!” Huo Qizi said. “我们也上路吧,从这枚嫩芽来看绝不会有假,真的有一株不死药!”火麒子道。 I once heard in the universe to have Tree of Life, is one in immortal medicine, has not thought to have facing its one day.” In Flame Qilin Great Saint pupil fiery. “我曾听闻宇宙中有一株生命之树,是仙药中的一种,不曾想会有面对它的一天。”炎麒大圣眸中火热。 This regarding Fire Qilin Cave is a chance of a lifetime, they had completely the advantage, came Great Saint, and grasped the Qilin stick, who with fighting? 这对于火麟洞来说是一个千载难逢的机会,他们占尽了优势,来了一位大圣,且手持麒麟杖,谁与争锋? This is Fire Qilin Cave will move toward the magnificent omen! 这是火麟洞将走向辉煌的预兆! Sets sail, marches the Five Gods star!” Fire Qilin Cave also leaves, under the command of Flame Qilin, some Ancestral King followed, crashed in the universe. “启航,进军第五神星!”火麟洞亦动身,在炎麒的统帅下,一些祖王跟随,冲进了宇宙中。 But long trapped/sleepy Everlasting Main Star cannot break, transfers the revolutions to attack another place possibly to have bigger Good Fortune, how should in the choices people heart understand. 长困永恒主星而不能破,转转攻另一地可能会有更大的造化,该怎样取舍众人心中明白。 The captives are many enough, various clans have the guide, enormous and powerful, charged into Smooth Seeker Star Domain, then jumps to the Five Gods star. 俘虏足够多,各族都有向导,浩浩荡荡,先后冲向坦牟星域,而后又跃迁向第五神星。 „The Qilin divine medicine seed of my clan fell into the Human Race's Saint Physique hand, could not seek him, is unable to take back, if at the present obtains Ancient Life Tree, is a compensation.” “我族的麒麟神药种子落入了人族圣体手中,一直寻不到他,无法收回,而今若是得到生命古树,也算是一种补偿。” In universe Mother Ship, the Fire Qilin Cave's person is all encouraged, following their various clan Ancient Saint also to rotate the thoughts, tactful expression respective wish.( «» Net 7 * 宇宙母船中,火麟洞的人全都振奋,追随他们的各族古圣也都在转动心思,委婉的表达各自的心愿。(《》网7* Flame Qilin Great Saint said: everyone felt relieved, if helps me obtain the valuable tree, certainly will pick the fresh and tender divine medicine bud to deliver Powerhouse on the scene.” 炎麒大圣道:“诸位放心,若是助我得到宝树,一定会采摘鲜嫩神药芽送予在场的强者。” Obtains the affirmative answer, the Saints great happiness. 得到肯定的答复,诸圣大喜。 Also some people reminded, said: Great Saint please pay attention, Nine Phoenix King wait/etc. also started off separately, although they cannot raise compare with you, but if takes the favorable position, may have the accident/surprise.” 也有人提醒,道:“大圣请留心,九凰王等也都分头上路了,虽说他们不能与你相提并论,但若是抢占先机,可能会有意外。” Has Qilin divine staff in the hand, who counter the day, everyone may feel relieved greatly.” Fire Qilin Cave another Saint said. “有麒麟神杖在手,谁都逆不了天,诸位大可放心。”火麟洞另一位圣者说道。 They to peak, after the multiple spatial transitions, rushed to the Five Gods star quickly. 他们快到极致,经过多次的空间跃迁,赶到了第五神星。 „, It is not careful these gods, from Sea of Consciousness of these captives we are not difficult to see, this influence is very strong, cannot be underestimated.” “唔,小心那些神,从那些俘虏的识海中我们不难看到,这股势力很强,不容小觑。” Universe Mother Ship arrived, falls on the Five Gods on-board, gray fog is shaken dispersed, making gloomy Heaven and Earth have a vitality/angry. 宇宙母船降临,落在第五神星上,灰色的雾霭都被震散了,让灰暗的天地有了一丝生气。 In the ground has great war, is very intense, God Organization several expert with Ancestral King great war, are in the upper hand. 地面上有大战,很是激烈,神组织的几位高手正在与祖王大战,占了上风。 Some Ancestral King first rush, finally was actually created and was blocked. 祖王抢先赶到,结果却遭创、受阻。 „It is not right, in my heart is a little anxious!” Huo Qizi stands erect in this stretch of drying up land, the heart appears haze. “不对,我心中有点不安!”火麒子屹立在这片枯竭的大地上,心头浮现一层阴霾。 What's wrong?” Flame Qilin Great Saint frowns to ask. “怎么了?”炎麒大圣蹙眉问道。 It’s nothing, perhaps is my misconception, heart uneasy, we careful are wonderful.” Huo Qizi said, had arrived here, the words that retreats again cannot be justified. “没什么,也许是我的错觉,心头不宁,我们小心为妙。”火麒子说道,已经到了这里,再退走的话说不过去。 Flame Qilin Great Saint came.” First batch of rushing Ancestral King see them, requests reinforcements together. 炎麒大圣来了。”第一批赶到的祖王见到他们,一起求援。 Flame Qilin takes a step, Great Saint coercion blots out the sky, probably a vastness swept across, several gods who immediately shake fly horizontally, fresh blood dripping. 炎麒迈步,大圣威压铺天盖地,像是一股汪洋般席卷了出去,顿时震的几位神横飞,鲜血淋淋 whether it is Everlasting Main Star major powers, is a god, Ancient Race Ancestral King that also or first rushes to changes color, this domineering fully showed all, they had no chance. 无论是永恒主星大势力,还是神,亦或是先赶到的古族祖王都变色,这种强势足以说明了一切,他们没希望了。 The Flame Qilin looking disdainfully world, Great Saint completely reveals dignifiedly, entire Ancient Star, as he takes a step to shiver, follows behind more than ten Ancestral King in it, is the different races. 炎麒睥睨天下,大圣威严尽显,整颗古星都在随着他迈步而颤抖,在其身后跟着十几位祖王,属于不同种族。 This is an absolute incomparable strength, either one cannot contend! 这是一股绝对无匹的力量,任何一方都不能抗衡! mountain range deep place, completely silent, that Tree of Life brilliant lights and vibrant colors, resembles horned dragon to be dormant, brilliance trillion wisps. 山脉深处,鸦雀无声,那株生命之树流光溢彩,似一条虬龙蛰伏,光辉亿万缕。 No one dares to contend, Great Saint arrive in person, has the invincible aggression, everyone does not dare with it facing, low the head.( «» Net 7 * 谁也不敢抗衡,一位大圣亲至,具有无敌的霸气,所有人都不敢与之正视,都低下了头颅。(《》网7* Haha......” Flame Qilin laughs, the person who shakes is binaural, some Powerhouse direct disintegrations, turned into blood mist. “哈哈......”炎麒大笑,震的人双耳生疼,一些强者直接崩碎了,化成血雾 This is the Great Saint's power and influence, even Saint cool to the foot, Flame Qilin was staring at that Ancient Life Tree from the beginning earnestly, eyes two small Sun, simultaneously overflows continuously murderous aura. 这就是大圣的威势,连圣人都从头凉到了脚,炎麒认真盯着那株生命古树,双眼似两只小太阳,同时溢出一缕缕杀气 In people trembling with fear, terrified, in the sky broadcasts together the indifferent sound, said: You were too rather overbearing!” 就在人们战战兢兢、惶恐不安时,天空中传来一道冷漠的声音,道:“你未免太霸道了!” God Organization came the person, the odd person who wears the mask went out from Ancient Ship, overlooks Flame Qilin, the pupil light similar terrifying was boundless, crushed the following mountain peak. 神组织来人了,一位戴着面具的怪人从古船中走出,俯视炎麒,眸光同样的恐怖无边,将下面的山峰都压碎了。 Go away!” “滚!” The Flame Qilin pupil light is callous, quite aggressive, even if had learned that the god is very fearful, but actually does not care at this time, the right hand holds the Qilin stick of blue light twinkle, to day detachment. 炎麒眸光冷酷,相当的霸气,即便早已得悉神很可怕,但是此时却不在乎,右手持蓝光闪烁的麒麟杖,向天劈去。 You......” “你......” The God Organization Great Saint heart is startled to regret, rips open Void, avoids ultimate Dao Sovereign prestige, although he responded rapidly, but received affect. 神组织大圣心头惊憾,撕开虚空,躲避极道皇威,尽管他反应迅疾,但还是受到了波及。 The Qilin stick smashing universe, aftermath curls ten thousand li (0.5 km), presses meat paste this person of lower half body, suffered the heavy losses. 麒麟杖粉碎乾坤,余波就卷万里,将此人下半截身子压成肉泥,遭受了重创。 The gods do not dare to stay, turn around to escape into the universe deep place, vanishes does not see! 神再也不敢停留,转身遁入宇宙深处,消失不见! This is a shock and awe, sets up the prestige with Great Saint, people are none who does not scared, at the present who dares with it striving for hegemony? All backs up. 这是一种震慑,拿一位大圣立威,人们莫不胆寒,而今谁敢与之争雄?全都倒退。 Foreign Domain, Ye Fan and senior mercenary Huo Bai sees this, the pupil is a contraction, the sovereign Dao Spirit prestige cannot block! 域外,叶凡与老佣兵霍白见到这一幕,瞳孔都是一阵收缩,皇道神威不可阻! Oh, this Old Man had a premonition that became real, this place may want Rivers of Blood, the gods to be routed, if their Lord God came, perhaps one will kill the tribulation greatly!” Huo Bai said. “唉,老朽预感成真了,这个地方可能要血流成河,神都被杀退了,若是他们的主神前来,恐怕会有一场大杀劫!”霍白说道。 He is mutant, in mercenary is a legend, otherwise also less than now, has an instinct exactly, fell back on beyond the Heavens with Ye Fan generally, gave up competition of Ancient Life Tree. 他是一个异人,在佣兵界是一个传奇,不然也活不到现在,拥有一种本能,同叶凡一般退到了天外,放弃了生命古树的争夺。 Cannot break through Everlasting Main Star, obtained immortal medicine, the human affairs was difficult to predict, was really a day reason.” Flame Qilin Great Saint talked to oneself, callous sweeping to the Everlasting Main Star person, murderous intention reveals completely. “攻不破永恒主星,却得到了一株仙药,世事难料,真是一场天缘。”炎麒大圣自语,冷酷的扫向永恒主星的人,杀机毕露。 Everyone was low the head, however the person brings fearless smiling, very bright, faces up to with him. 所有人都低下了头颅,然而却有一人带着无惧的笑,非常的灿烂,与他正视。 Who are you?” Flame Qilin asked. “你是何人?”炎麒问道。 Kills your people!” A opens the mouth, the look is indifferent to fame or gain, the step is calm, is calm. “杀你们的人!”道一开口,神色恬淡,步履从容,非常镇静。 Everyone one startled, shows the inconceivable look, who this is, dares to speak to Great Saint? 所有人都一惊,露出不可思议的神色,这是什么人,竟敢对一位大圣如此说话? Saints revealed the look of surprise, some Ancient Race smiled cruelly, the young man who this seems like the sunlight brings about own destruction simply. 诸圣露出异色,一些古族残忍的笑了,这个看起来很阳光的年轻男子简直是自寻死路。 Flame Qilin laughs, shakes the head, even Everlasting Main Star Great Saint wore the say/way to spread out the immortal clothes to defeat in his hand, who in this piece of universe was also his opponent? 炎麒大笑,摇了摇头,连永恒主星大圣身穿道衍仙衣都败在了他的手中,在这片宇宙还有谁是他的对手? In any event Ancient Life Tree was his it's in the bag, the gods cannot prevent, let alone was a young fellow. 无论如何生命古树都是他的囊中之物,神都阻挡不了,更何况是一个毛头小子。 I also once young frivolous, but has not actually looked like you to clash, this is not young and vigorous, but is stupid, are you courting death?” Flame Qilin Great Saint said. “我也曾年少轻狂,可却没有像你这么冲,这已不是血气方刚,而是愚蠢,你在找死吗?”炎麒大圣说道。 In his hands, Qilin divine staff flashes the clear blue light, is seemingly dreamlike, here he then controls, no one can disobey! 在其手中,麒麟神杖闪动晶莹的蓝光,看起来如梦似幻,在这里他便是主宰,谁都不能拂逆! Laughable, challenges Great Saint, really overreaches oneself, when the next generation will cultivate the behavior must understand the awe.” Some Ancient Race sneer, satirized. “可笑,向一位大圣挑战,真是不自量力,下辈子做人时要懂得敬畏。”一些古族冷笑,纷纷讽刺。 „When right, a while starting off, remembers you have spoken words.” Smiled, tooth snow white, very bright, a golden sending silk dances in the breeze, smooth mild-mannered. “是吗,一会儿上路时,记住你们自己说过的话。”道一笑了,牙齿雪白,非常的灿烂,一头金色的发丝飘舞,光滑柔顺。 The shadow in Huo Qizi heart was thicker, this is an intuition of instinct, he one step goes forward, holds on Flame Qilin to shout lowly: Walks!” 火麒子心中的阴影更浓了,这是一种本能的直觉,他一步上前,拉住炎麒低喝道:“走!” In the Flame Qilin heart shakes, he knows in the clan this Ancient Sovereign's Son, the instinct is especially keen, immediately wields divine staff, the detachment, wants to cut to extinguish forward one, simultaneously rips open Heaven and Earth to depart. 炎麒心中一震,他知晓族内这位古皇子,原始本能格外敏锐,当下挥动神杖,向前劈去,想要斩灭道一,同时撕开天地离去。 Said that one by one flashed not to have, to arrive at the Ancient Life Tree bank. 一一闪而没,来到了生命古树畔。 In that same place, terrifying light leaps, a heavy/thick golden wall blocked Ancient Sovereign Weapon struck, made the sonorous sound. 在那原地,恐怖的光腾起,一堵厚重的黄金墙挡住了古皇兵的一击,发出了铿锵之音。 He how did one step enter into Great Saint magic formation?” Many people are frightened. “他怎么一步就迈入了大圣法阵中?”很多人惊悚。 This what's the matter, the golden wall to/clashes together, unexpectedly blocked ultimate Dao Sovereign Weapon!” “这到底是怎么回事,一道黄金墙壁冲起,居然挡住了极道皇兵!” Many people yelled, had a premonition the important matter is not wonderful, at the same time, entire Ancient Star shook, Heaven and Earth was sealed, is unable to open Star Portal, cannot tear to pieces Void. 许多人大叫,预感大事不妙,同一时刻,整颗古星都摇动了起来,天地被封,无法打开星门,不能撕破虚空 I and others your many days.” A smile, the smile is auspicious, is very easy to make the life have the favorable impression. “我等你们很多天了。”道一微笑,笑容祥和,很容易让人生出好感。 Everyone one dumbstruck, Ancient Race, is in the heart trembles particularly, the impact, wanted first to leave this star to say in abundance again. 所有人都一阵发懵,尤其是古族,更是心中一颤,纷纷冲击,想要先离开此星再说。 Flame Qilin Great Saint look cold to the extreme, grasps Ancient Sovereign Weapon to stand again forward chops, however the golden god wall spans, is unable to penetrate. 炎麒大圣神色冷到了极点,手持古皇兵再次向前立劈,然而金色神墙横亘,无法击穿。 Everyone had a premonition that the important matter is not wonderful, Ancient Race Saints about in the same place, in their hearts sends coolly, crashed into others' bureau. 所有人都预感到大事不妙,古族诸圣合在一起,他们心中发凉,坠入了别人的局中。 I have Qilin divine staff, you think that can cope with me?” “我有麒麟神杖,你认为可以对付我吗?” hearing this laughs, places on the hand Tree of Life, Divine Red Clouds is gloomy, finally turned into a twig, can have the arm length, is not a complete old tree, falls into his palm. 道一闻言大笑,将手放在生命之树上,神霞暗淡,最后化成了一条枝杈,能有手臂长短,并非一株无缺古树,落入他的掌中。 Everyone stared in a big way the eye, inconceivable looks at this. 所有人都瞪大了眼睛,不可思议的看着这一幕。 At the same time magnificent light flashes, in his wrist/skill presents another emerald green soft sprout strip, entangles there, glittering and translucent, Essence Qi overflows. 同一时间光华一闪,他的手腕上出现另一根翠绿的嫩芽条,缠在那里,晶莹剔透,精气四溢。 People one startled, this is that layer in altar, above lacked a grain of immortal bud, the fracture is very new. 众人一惊,这是祭坛上的那根嫩枝,上面缺了一粒仙芽,断口很新。 Said with a smile: By Divine Skin ancient scroll, in addition Ancient Life Tree grain of soft sprout invited you, the expenditure was not very high.” 道一笑道:“以一张神皮古卷,再加上生命古树的一粒嫩芽将你们请来,花费也不算很高。” Flame Qilin is furious, in the palm grabs that immortal bud, flows the shining immortal splendor, wishes one could one to grasp broken. 炎麒震怒,掌心中抓着那颗仙芽,流动出灿灿的仙辉,恨不得一把抓碎。 Careful, do not ruin, perhaps this grain of immortal bud will rescue your life finally.” A smile. “小心一点,不要毁掉,说不定这粒仙芽最后会救你一命。”道一微笑。 You think kills I, Ancient Sovereign Weapon swept away the world, who may keep off!” In the Flame Qilin Great Saint heart is a little cold. “你以为杀的了我吗,古皇兵横扫天下,谁人可挡!”炎麒大圣心中有点冷。 Ancient Sovereign Weapon naturally is needs Ancient Sovereign's Formation to cope!” 古皇兵自然是需要古皇阵来对付!” Words fall finish, boundless divine light to/clashes, is centered on this mountain side lineage/vein, leaps the boundless immortal splendor, suppression seal entire Ancient Star. 道一话语落毕,无边的神光冲起,以这片山脉为中心,腾起无边的仙辉,镇封了整颗古星 This planet is very small, the light screen sweeps across, isolated with the universe it. 这颗行星很小,光幕席卷,将它与宇宙隔绝了。 „Who you are, grasps Ancient Sovereign magic formation unexpectedly?” The Flame Qilin cold sound asked. “你到底是什么人,竟掌握有古皇法阵?”炎麒寒声问道。 I do not have Ancient Sovereign's Formation, but knows this place also to remain to have some remnant formation, but I deeply have the research to it, therefore used, has been waiting for you to visit.” A opens the mouth. “我没有古皇阵,只是知晓此地还遗存有部分残阵,而我对它深有研究,故此利用了起来,一直在等你们上门。”道一开口。 In all person hearts raises cold air, so-called Divine Skin ancient scroll, that Tree of Life, is the bait, this is one kills the bureau! 所有人心中都升起一股寒气,所谓的神皮古卷,还有那生命之树,全都是诱饵,这是一个杀局! Depends on broken Killing Formation also to leave behind me, today I first execute your junior!” Qilin stick immortal light in Flame Qilin Great Saint hand blocks out the sun. “就凭一座残破杀阵也想留下我,今日我先毙了你这小辈!”炎麒大圣手中的麒麟仙光蔽日。 Right, why don't you dare to act rashly?” One self-poise. “是吗,那你为何不敢妄动?”道一镇定自若。 This King also arrived, broken Ancient Sovereign Killing Formation seems to be insufficient, but there are me to make up sufficiently!” Dao Tribulation Yellow Gold immortal light flashes, Everlasting Main Star Great Saint. 本座也到了,残破的古皇杀阵似乎不足,但有我足以弥补了!”道劫黄金仙光一闪,永恒主星大圣到了。 Defeated, dares to bluster!” Flame Qilin indifferent saying. “手下败将,也敢来逞勇!”炎麒冷漠的说道。 You really also think that I did defeat? All to seize Ancient Sovereign Weapon in your hand today!” The say/way spreads out Divine Clothes to be bright, a Dao Body shadow drops from the clouds, falls before a body, further protects it. “你真还以为我败了?一切都只是为了在今日夺你手中的古皇兵!”道衍神衣灿烂夺目,一道身影从天而降,落在道一的身前,进一步将其护住。 Cuts invader completely completely, solution eternal danger!” A sinking sound said. “将来犯者全部斩尽,解永恒之危!”道一沉声说道。
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