STH :: Volume #13

#1228: Gods

~ date: ~ September 18 ~ ~日期:~09月18日~ Many attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ Junzige ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~君子阁~ ~ aoye ~aoye The Quasi-Emperor corpse, the standing tall and erect universe deep place, top of the head Nine Heavens, foot treads Nine Nethers, Sun, Moon and Stars regarding its revolving, the opens the mouth hangs the Milky Way. 准帝尸体,高耸宇宙深处,头顶九天,脚踏九幽,日月星辰围绕其旋转,张口就是一挂天河。 This grade of scene, the shocking world, anybody saw that the metropolis/can double strand fights the war, the heart and gall is all cold. 这等场面,震惊人世,任何人见到都会双股战战,心胆皆寒。 That thick black hair can compare Star River, ancient bronzes color body after does not know that many ten thousand years were not decayed, still flashing gloss. 那浓密的黑发堪比星河,古铜『色』的肌体历经也不知多少万年都了不腐朽,依然闪动光泽。 Obstructs day 1226 遮天1226 Quasi-Emperor Magical Artifact, where does it hide?” Although that only Golden Crow is trembling, but also is very excited, stares at this corpse to watch. 准帝法器,它藏在哪里?”那只金乌虽然在发颤,但是却也无比激动,盯着此尸观看。 That is incomparably precious Divine Artifact, could make him peep at the supreme prove the Dao deep meaning, because this grand boundless corpse perishes because of prove the Dao. 那将是一件无比珍贵的神器,也许能让他窥视到无上证道奥义,因为此雄伟磅礴的尸体是因证道而亡。 Ye Fan also fully realized, the importance of this place nature, is very precious, Quasi-Emperor in this die, certainly congealed the Heaven and Earth mystery, being ambitious prove the Dao will be none who does not crazy. 叶凡也深知,这个地方的重要『性』,无比宝贵,一位准帝在此殒落,一定凝结出了天地的奥秘,有志证道者莫不会疯狂。 Actually is the corpse, is the law Dao Principle, why like this real? great changes and dismal that belt/bring the bloodstain face, the closed pupil, whether there is performing, is extremely expressive, as if the error goes to the life. 究竟是尸体,还是法相道则所化,为什么这样的真实?那带着血迹的面部,紧闭的眸子,有无尽的沧桑与悲凉,太过传神,仿佛过失去生命。 Primal Chaos Qi winds around, if the Quasi-Emperor corpse still the splitting heaven and earth apart failure, ended the life in this, has magnificent peak to crash Abyss. 混沌气缭绕,准帝尸体犹若开天辟地失败,在此终结了一生,有辉煌绝巅坠落进深渊 Well, some people came.” The Ye Fan idea, pursued his person one batch to rush to this place, hid in secret, all shocks, but actually does not dare to act rashly. “咦,又有人来了。”叶凡主意到,追击他的人又有一批赶到了此地,都隐藏在暗中,全都震撼,但却不敢妄动。 Because this place was too fearful, even Ancient Saint comes this, is fearful and apprehensive, but actually no one retreats, because they know the value of this place. 因为这个地方太可怕了,即便是古圣来此,都胆战心惊,可却没有一个人退走,因为他们都知道这个地方的可贵。 Bang! 轰隆! Suddenly, Between Heaven and Earth exudes one to thunder, the Ancient Saint soul that shakes has almost the hole, each and every one complexion is pale, the body shivers. 突然,天地间发出一声轰鸣,震的古圣的魂魄都差点出窍,一个个脸『色』苍白,躯体颤抖。 This huge Quasi-Emperor corpse moved endless Dao Runes to be reserved, his body in contraction adscription slowly. 这尊庞大的准帝尸身动了无尽的道纹内敛,其躯体在收缩缓缓的归于一点。 Was his wants Change into Dao? 他这是要化道了吗? Trim Star Domain shook, sent out the eternal desolate air/Qi, this corpse unceasing fuzziness, all day of Dao Spirit reserved, to a point gathered precisely his frontal bone, was Immortal Altar. 整片星域都摇动了起来,散发出了万古苍凉之气,这尊尸体不断的模糊,所有天道神则都内敛,向其中一点聚去正是他的额骨,也就是仙台 Really is the Law method, is not the real Quasi-Emperor body!” Golden Crow trembles was saying, he actually cannot withstand this fluctuation as Ancient Saint, the whole body crack, a pain shouted, turns into the golden light to go far away together. “果然是法则法相,并非真实的准帝体!”金乌哆嗦着说道,他身为一名古圣却承受不住这种波动,浑身龟裂,一声痛呼,化成一道金光远去。 Ye Fan silent backing up far away from this place, silently the attention, the Dao Principle method that this Quasi-Emperor left behind too was also terrifying, was the aura that this type rushed normally is not the average person can withstand merely. 叶凡也无声的倒退远离此地,默默关注,这个准帝留下的道则法相真的太恐怖了,仅仅是这种正常澎湃出的气息也不是一般人可以承受的。 Rumble Great Dao vibrates ancient Star Domain, when just like the sound of Absolute Beginning, inaugurates from the universe transmits probably, lets person of sign that agolden saying can make a deaf person shock has comprehending dao. 隆隆大道震动古老的星域,宛若太初之音,恍惚间像是从宇宙初开时传来,振聋发聩让人有悟道的迹象。 Ye Fan sits cross-legged in Mother Ship, earnestly listens respectfully, insight, further rams own Dao Fruit with rapt attention, estimates this Between Heaven and Earth Dao Traces. 叶凡盘坐在母船中,认真聆听,凝神感悟,进一步夯实自己的道果,揣摩这天地间道痕 Bang!” “轰!” Finally, the last loud sound huge Quasi-Emperor corpse gloomy Dao Principle blended the shining white frontal bone of that corpse surely. 终于,最后一声巨响庞大的准帝尸身暗淡了千万道则都融汇进那尸体的莹白额骨。 Although there broke to pieces, fresh blood dripping however was still control of say/way, became the home to return to place. 尽管那里碎掉了,鲜血淋淋但是依然是道的主宰者,成为归宿地。 Obstructs day 1226 遮天1226 Finally, Quasi-Emperor vanished, he changes into ray of light continuously, dispersed in the universe, in the frontal bone most shocking one bunch just like the Milky Way, submerged above its top of the head Ancient Star directly. 最后,准帝消失了,他化为一缕缕的道光,散在了宇宙中,其中额骨内最惊艳的一束宛如天河,直接没入其头顶上方的古星 That once was a life source area, moved toward the end point because of his prove the Dao, became a dead star, at the present life-force does not have certainly. 那曾经是一处生命源地,因他证道而走向了终点,成为一颗死星,而今生机绝无。 Universe peaceful, thorough belonged to the deathly stillness, did not have a sound, a piece is dark and ice-cold, does not have visions again 宇宙安静了下来,又彻底的归于了死寂,没有了一点声息,一片黑暗与冰冷,再无一丝异象 Only then that once life-bearing ancient planet was somewhat strange, recorded once dismal, is telling a Ancient disaster. 只有那颗曾经的生命古星有些怪异,记录了曾经的悲凉,讲述着上古的一场的大难。 shuā! 刷! The a ray of light color plunged Ancient Star fast, the speed achieved peak, this obviously was Saint, wanted to search for this ancient stars supreme secret. 一道光彩快速扑向古星,速度达到了极致,这显然是一位圣人,想要搜寻这颗古老星辰的无上大秘。 Ye Fan just about to moves, but actually stopped, after some people, sends first , came from the universe deep place long and loud cry, Divine Consciousness is astonishing. 叶凡刚要动,但却又停下了,有人后发先至,从宇宙深处长啸而来,神识惊人。 This is Powerhouse, the stature is absolutely slender, the white hair hangs loose, shoulders a black sword, but the twinkling, strong prestige aura compels the person. 这绝对是一个强者,身材修长强健,白发披散,背负一口黑剑,瞬息而至,强威气息迫人。 He first step entered Ancient Star, during reviews of that coldly, sweeps to the universe, making person one constrain, such as falling icehouse. 他先一步进入了古星,那冷冷的回眸间,扫向宇宙时,让人一阵压抑,如坠冰窖。 The Ye Fan mind moves, this is the super fearful character, is not the person of pursuit, is from where comes, how suddenly to appear?! 叶凡心神一动,这是超级可怕的人物,并非追击的人,是从何的而来,怎么突然出现了?! precisely because, him has not so acted rashly, because this was too fearful, this is piece of strange Star Domain, has changed into the deathtrap many years, how will Powerhouse cross hence? 正是因为如此,他没有妄动,因为这太可怕了,这可是一片陌生的星域,早已化为死地多年了,怎么会有一位强者横渡至此? He can a person walk in the universe, absolutely is a peerless character who makes the person scalp send to explode, how otherwise dares so! 他能够一个人在宇宙中行走,绝对是一个让人头皮发炸的绝世人物,不然何以敢如此! Ye Fan believes firmly that has not seen, but Golden Crow and mountain Chi and others chased down the person who he gets down actually not to know, and they same came from Big Dipper by for this reason the person, along clue that in Starry Sky leaves behind, is Green Copper Cauldron and Human Race's Saint Physique nature life. 叶凡确信没有见过,可是金乌、山魑等追杀他而下来的人却不知晓,以为此人与他们一样来自北斗,沿着星空中留下的线索,为绿铜鼎人族圣体的『性』命而来。 xiū! 咻! That only Golden Crow also moved, charges into that to be possible the dead star, turns into together the golden lightning, the twinkling, but. 那只金乌也动了,冲向那可死星,化成一道金『色』的闪电,瞬息而至。 Seven eight Dao Body shades rush over, the Ancient Star landing to that great husband, wants to seek for other vestiges on Quasi-Emperor Magical Artifact as well as Ancient Star. 七八道身影冲了过去,向那巨夫的古星降落,都想寻找准帝法器以及古星上的其他遗迹。 Such huge life ancient land, perhaps was born before Ancient Great Emperor, if there is Emperor Weapon to stay behind, that was more fearful. 这样巨大的生命古地,以前说不定诞生过古之大帝,若是有帝兵留下,那就更加的可怕了。 This perhaps is huge Good Fortune, everyone is holding such thought that will seek Immortal Weapon or ancient scripture will make a clan rise, prosperous number by ten thousand years. 这也许是一场天大的造化,每一个人都抱着这样的念头,寻到仙兵古经将会让一族崛起,兴旺数以万年。 Ye Fan also rushed, but has not actually arrived, by the universe Mother Ship scanning, all-around is staring below all, watches these people. 叶凡也赶到了,不过却没有降临,以宇宙母船扫描,全方位的盯着下方的一切,观看这些人。 The mountain collapses, the desert is dry, ancient cave lonesome crack, remnant of destroyed building, this is one piece ruined, anything did not exist, infertile, scarlet endless. 山岳倒塌,瀚海干涸,古洞寂裂,断壁残垣,这是一片破败地,什么都不复存在了,寸草不生,赤地无疆。 Past Quasi-Emperor proved Dao Fruit to be strange, had never heard the prove the Dao failure can implicate Ancient Star, he cultivated to know that was very extraordinary. 当年的准帝所证道果过于诡异,从未听说过证道失败会连累一颗古星,他所修知道很非凡。 Ye Fan by the universe Mother Ship careful scanning, on Ancient Star discovered finally luminous, the enmity only exceptionally locates, there has a stele, unexpectedly best pupil by ten thousand zhang (3.33 m)! 叶凡以宇宙母船仔细扫描,终于在古星上发现一点光亮,仇是唯异常处,那里有一块石碑,竟然高足以万丈! Obstructs day 1226 遮天1226 He becomes by together the crystal carved stone, inserting in the ground, has the great mountain that an altitude is similar there, is grand and grand. 他是以一块晶石刻成,『插』在地面上,在那里有一座高度相仿的巨山,宏伟而壮阔。 This Ancient Star, may have many palatial great mountain in the past, but actually all broke, besides this one, cannot preserve completely. 这可古星,过去可能会有很多巍峨的大岳,可是却全都断裂了,除此一座外,都未能完整保存下来。 „It is not right, the shape of this mountain seems like such strange, this seems like a big grave!” Ye Fan shock. “不对,这座山的形状看起来这么的怪异,这像是一座大坟!”叶凡震惊。 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high stele, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high great grave this is what kind of big and grand, stirring. 万丈高的石碑,万丈高的巨坟这是何等的高大与宏伟,震撼人心。 However when has experienced Quasi-Emperor past die the brand mark in this piece of Void scene saw at this time again these Ye Fan were not startled, quick calm. 不过已经见识到了准帝昔日殒落时所烙印在这片虚空的景象此时再见到这些叶凡也不是那么的吃惊了,很快就冷静了下来。 The great grave becomes dark red color all over the body, has probably soaked the blood, had been watered by all living things blood, created this grade of scene. Its nearby earth resists also becomes color Yin Qi to be extremely heavy secretly. 巨坟通体成暗红『色』,像是浸过血,被众生鲜血浇灌过,才造成了这等景象。就连它附近的土攘也成暗『色』阴气极重。 The elderly senior is not old, is about 30 years old, before being situated in the giant stele, silent motionless. 白发人并不苍老,不过三十岁左右,立于巨大的石碑前,默默无语一动不动。 Golden Crow and mountain Chi, the great monkey are searching in the different regions, finally does not have to spend, neared the great grave. 金乌、山魑、巨狙等在在不同的地域寻觅,最终一无所花,也都先后接近了巨坟。 mountain Chi the body is withered, in the eye socket the ray talked to oneself green and glossily in a low voice, said: This great grave has space magic formation, the interior does not know is grand, the Ancient Great Emperor's tomb is inadequate, certainly has Divine Depository.” 山魑躯体干枯,眼窝中光芒绿油油低声自语,道:“这座巨坟有空间法阵,内部不知多么壮阔,难道古之大帝的坟墓不成,一定有神藏。” Its touring great grave, lands in, wants to seek for the entrance. 登临巨坟,降落在上,想要寻找入口。 However in this right, he discovered a pair of ice-cold pupil light, such as the knife same went into his heart, in coldly visits him. 然而就在这对,他发现了一双冰冷的眸光,如刀子一样扎进了他的心中,正在冷冷的看着他。 What do you...... want to make?” Solemn Saint-level expert, looking disdainfully world, but it was observed closely by this pupil light after at this time, actually shivered the body and heart is fearing. “你……想做什么?”堂堂一位圣级高手,睥睨天下,可是此时它被这眸光盯住后却颤抖了身与心都在惧。 A clang chilly vibrato that callous elderly senior drew out the back black heavy sword, was away from ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) away to stand to divide. 锵的一声清冽颤音那冷酷的白发人拔出了背后的黑『色』重剑,隔着万丈远立劈了下来。 mountain Chi is angry, revolution magical power, a took out soldier, exhausts ability to attack forward, prevents this to strike. 山魑大怒,运转法力,祭出道兵,竭尽所能向前攻去,阻挡这一击。 However, this is unproductive! 然而,这是徒劳的! The black heavy sword falls, his say/way soldier, Divine Principle, secretary and others collapsed completely, the body was stood chops for two halves, the painstaking care drippings, the Primordial Spirit annihilation, two halves blood corpse falls but actually, falls under the great grave. 黑『色』的重剑落下,他的道兵、神则、秘书等全部崩溃,身体被立劈为两半,心血淋淋,元神湮灭,两半血尸倒落,坠在巨坟下方。 Powerful, fearful and callous...... Ye Fan judges fast, this person absolutely is an extremely dangerous character! 强大、可怕、冷酷……叶凡快速做出评价,这个人绝对是一个极度危险的人物! Only one sword that's all, gave to set up mountain chi of Saint level divided, probably cut a mosquito, insignificant. 仅一剑而已,将一位圣人级的山魑就给立劈了,像是斩了一只蚊子,微不足道。 Soon, transmits the sound of breaking space, four Saint level characters rush to here from the different positions, descended in dark red color in great grave, wants to explore. 不多时,又传来破空之响,四位圣人级人物从不同方位赶到这里,降落在了暗红『色』的巨坟上,亦是想探索。 However, waits for their is a dragon recitation the metal vibrato, the white hair callous man, draws out the black long sword again, sweeps away. 然而,等待他们的又是一声龙『吟』般的金属颤音,白发冷酷男子,再次拔出黑『色』长剑,横扫而过。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The pitiful yell sound continuously, four Ancient Saint cut in two at the waist completely, the first half body and lower half body separate, fresh blood dripping, the pitiful condition is astonishing, even this person strikes cannot block. 惨叫声此起彼伏,四位古圣全部被腰斩,上半段身体与下半截身子分开,鲜血淋淋,惨状惊人,连此人一击都挡不住。 Quick, their sad howl also stopped, because after a sword, the body break, Primordial Spirit also broke to pieces unexpectedly, dies a violent death. 很快,他们的悲吼也止住了,因为一剑过后,身体断裂,元神竟也碎了,死于非命。 Ye Fan in Foreign Domain, by Mother Ship, the clarity that all these look, held breath a cold air/Qi, said 5-Star level the danger coefficient direct promotion of this person! 叶凡域外,透过母船,将这一切看的真真切切,倒吸了一口冷气,将此人的危险系数直接提升道了五星级 Only uses a sword, four Ancient Saint are also killed violently. 仅出一剑,四位古圣同时毙命。 This grave buried entire Ancient Star sad with tong, trillion lives all bury in this, you step on and fall the full place can it be that.” Cold words, with the wind however sobs, he is callous and unattainable. “此墓埋葬了一整颗古星的悲与恸,亿万生灵皆葬于此,岂是你们踩踏与落足的地方。”寒冷的话语,随风而呜咽出,他冷酷而高不可攀。 Shortly , the golden light breaks out Void together, descended this place, Golden Crow appeared, it holds a golden god feather of Quasi-Emperor, seemed very careful. 不久后,一道金光劈开虚空,降落此地,金乌出现了,它持着准帝的一根金『色』神羽,显得很小心。 After great grave turns around, sees the elderly senior instantly, immediately the heart one tightly, said: Who friend are you?” 当从巨坟后转过来,见到白发人的刹那,顿时心头一紧,道:“朋友你是谁?” God!” White hair Powerhouse only puts out such a character, indifferent has a dignity, the looking disdainfully world. “神!”白发强者只吐出这样一个字,冷漠中带着一种威严,睥睨天下。 God?” Golden Crow swallowed saliva, did not control self to back up several steps, in its heart somewhat feared, this person spoke, was not the peerless terrifying, was proud, was very dangerous. “神?”金乌咽了一口唾沫,不自禁倒退了几步,它心中有些怕,此人如此说话,不是绝世恐怖,就是非常自负,很危险。 But Foreign Domain Ye Fan sees this secretly, actually shivers, god character was very strange, making him think heard that organization when Everlasting Star Domain. 域外叶凡见到这一幕后,却是打了个冷颤,神这个字很诡异,让他想到了在永恒星域时听到那个组织。 Hunts and kills to step onto Ancient Starry Sky Road's all Powerhouse, is extremely fearful!” When this is nine information that Ji Haoyue leaves behind, description about god organization. “猎杀走上星空古路的所有强者,极度可怕!”这是姬皓月留下的九则信息时,关于神这个组织的描述。 In addition, Everlasting Main Star person, is discusses expression changes, fears about them. 此外,永恒主星的人,也是谈神『色』变,对他们非常恐惧。 By him in Everlasting Star Domain such performance, Ns defeat the Saint level Mother Ship, contends with Ancient Saint, the opposite party must test him at first, finally said that wants him to join. 以他在永恒星域那样的表现,杀败圣人级的母船,抗衡古圣,对方起初还要考验他,最后才说要他加入。 This is one surreptitiously and may absolutely powerful organization quietly, but at present this person directly from the number is a god, has what to be connected inadequately? 这绝对是一个诡秘而强大可悄的组织,而眼前这个人直接自号为神,难道有什么关联不成? This powerful Golden Crow felt obviously was not wonderful, turns around to walk, but that white hair man ice-cold pupil light looks, immediately made him stiffen, endless murderous intention to the body, probably ten ten thousand heavenly sword arrived on his body, moved does not dare to move. 这只强大的金乌显然感觉到了不妙,转身就走,但是那个白发男子冰冷眸光望来,顿时让他僵住了,无尽杀机冲体,像是有十万天剑抵在了他的身上,一动不敢动。 God take action, without killing him, one detained from over ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) him. Golden Crow yelled, struggles fiercely, if the fly wasp shakes the tree, no use. 出手了,没有杀他,一把就将他从上万丈外拘禁了过来。金乌大叫,剧烈挣扎,但是如蚍蜉撼树,没有一点用处。 A god direction in his forehead, the read remembers, talked to oneself: From Big Dipper, to saving my time, happen to must crush Immortal Ascension Road.” 神一指点在他的额头,读取记忆,自语道:“来自北斗,到省却了我一番功夫,正好要去击碎成仙路。” "puff" “噗” After the god loosens the hand, Golden Crow just shot up to the sky, the Quasi-Emperor god feather that it holds reverses suddenly, gives the cleavage it is two halves. 当神松开手后,金乌刚冲天而起,它所持的准帝神羽突然倒转,将它自己给劈裂为两半。 Then, golden light flashes, charges into the ground, a plume feather of golden fell in the hand of god, he talked to oneself: Has Quasi-Emperor unexpectedly.”( To be continued. 而后,金光一闪,冲向地面,一根金『色』的翎羽落在了神的手中,他自语道:“竟有一位准帝。”(未完待续。 Many attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ Junzige ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~君子阁~ ~ aoye ~aoye
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