STH :: Volume #13

#1227: Quasi-Emperor

The jet black universe, stars, such as diamond crustifications on the black cloth, delimit point magnificent light in ice-cold.( «» Net .com) 漆黑的宇宙,星辰点点,如一颗颗钻石镶嵌在黑布上,在冰冷中划出点点光华。(《》网.com) Even if knows the Everlasting Main Star Coordinate unable one step to arrive, Star Portal has the limit, is inferior to Five Colored Alter, needs to penetrate the universe repeatedly, can arrive finally. 即便知晓永恒主星的坐标也不能一步到达,星门有限制,不如五色祭坛,需要多次穿透宇宙,才能最终降临。 This time journey is not lonely, Saints pursued, wants to conduct the sure-kill to him, for half a month he crossed in Starry Sky, saw several batch of enemy traces. 这一次的旅途并不孤独,诸圣追击了下来,想要对他进行绝杀,这半个月来他在星空中横渡,见到了数批敌踪。 He does not have to enter eagerly eternal, crosses in piece of strange Star Domain, leaves behind some clues, leading the enemy to travel all over. 他没有急于进永恒,在一片陌生的星域中横渡,留下一些线索,带着敌人四处旅行。 „” “咻” Bright golden light has delimited, that is Golden Crow Race's Saint, penetrated the strange universe, vanished in the dark end. 一道灿烂的金光划过,那是金乌族的圣人,穿透了陌生的天宇,消失在了黑暗的尽头。 Some Saint no small matter, actually has strange secret artifact, can rely on fleshly body to cross in the universe. 个别圣人非同小可,竟然带有诡异的秘器,能在宇宙中凭借肉身横渡。 Magical Artifact that the god feather of Quasi-Emperor refines can tear the universe, after the space coordinate of localization short distance, can travel, is really a marvelous work!” 准帝的神羽炼制成的法器可以撕裂宇宙,定位短途的空间坐标后,可以旅行,真是一件神品!” Ye Fan this several days is observing that only Golden Crow, refining up the weapon that to deeply feel surprised regarding by Golden Crow feather, guessed that possibly is Ancient that plume feather that killed Great Yi's Golden Crow Quasi-Emperor offers a sacrifice. 叶凡几日都在观察那只金乌,对于以金乌羽炼成的兵器深感惊讶,猜测到了可能是上古的那位杀了大羿的金乌准帝的翎羽祭成。 „......” “嗷......” Roared, probably a Immemorial Blue Dragon, shook through Divine Consciousness, resounded through this piece of jet black Star Domain unexpectedly, penetrated this place. 一声咆哮,像是一头太古苍龙,通过神识震出,竟响彻了这片漆黑的星域,穿透到了此地。 That is black Ancient Desolate great hou, steps on the broken asteroid across the sky, side following mandrill, in addition a spaceship. 那是一头黑色的荒古巨犼,踩碎一颗小行星横空而过,旁边跟着山魈,此外还有一艘宇宙飞船。 This is a hindrance strange combination, the Nine Firmament Holy Land mandrill, the Four Forms Holy Land number by ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high black great hou, all before is Ancient Desolate , the seal gets down, crystallizes the Saint-level spaceship to travel together with the science and technology, is very strange. 这是一阻怪异的组合,九霄圣地的山魈,四象圣地的数以万丈高的黑色巨犼,全都是荒古前封印下来的,与科技结晶圣级飞船同行,很是诡异。 Altar!” “祭坛!” The Ye Fan heart play jumps, saw one team of enemies, they from emerge out of thin air in the dark universe, goes out from Domain Portal. 叶凡心头剧跳,又见到了一队敌人,他们从在黑暗的宇宙中凭空出现,从域门中走出。 That is a black slate, above has the blood to flow, is not dry, looks very terrifying, the diameter five meters, are carrying two people, whole body black clothes, silent appearance. 那是一块黑色的石盘,上面有鲜血流淌,还未干涸,看起来很恐怖,直径五米,载着两人,全身黑衣,无声无息的出现。 Then, their slates are hidden, was received to a person in within the body, vanishes does not see. 而后,他们脚下的石盘就此隐没,被收入到一人的体内,消失不见。 This is what slate, can cross the universe, but can also along with them the line!” The Ye Fan pupil light is blazing, sees this most precious object for the first time.( «» Net .com) “这是什么石盘,可以藉此横穿宇宙,还能随他们而行!”叶凡眸光炽热,第一次见到这种至宝。(《》网.com) Ancient Great Emperor's Five Colored Alter and Ancient Sovereign Divine Altar and Everlasting Main Star Star Portal, this is several that he knows may penetrate the universe the shortcut, cannot think that are also at the present many one type. 古之大帝的五色祭坛古皇神台永恒主星星门,这是他所知道的几种可穿透宇宙的捷径,想不到而今又多了一种。 How however that black slate saw that is very ominous, runic patterns is motley, above fresh blood dripping, flows along the ancient mark, it belongs to Foreign Domain Saints. 不过那黑色的石盘怎么看都很不祥,纹络斑驳古老,上面鲜血淋淋,沿着古痕流淌,它属于域外诸圣 This was the sixth group of people, it seems like chased down my person really much, some wills in Green Copper Cauldron, some to execute my life purely.” “这是第六批人了,看来追杀我的人真的不少,有的志在绿铜鼎,有的纯粹是为毙我性命。” In the Ye Fan eye flashes magnificent light, for half a month, observes each group of rivals earnestly, carefully treats. 叶凡眼中闪动光华,这半个月来,认真观察每一批敌手,谨慎对待。 He believes that the true army in finally, has not rushed, or must arrive at Everlasting Main Star to meet. Because that group of Ancient Race troops have another goal, the expedition is eternal, captures the evolution fluid. 他相信真正的大军在最后,还没有赶至,或者说是要到永恒主星才能相遇。因为那批古族人马还有另外一个目的,远征永恒,夺取进化液。 After Ye Fan grasps universe Mother Ship, the control that could be skilled, unceasing circling, led the way in the jet black universe did not know far. 叶凡掌握宇宙母船后,早已能够精熟的操控,不断的兜圈子,在漆黑的宇宙中前行了也不知多远。 These distances depend on the flight only the words, even Saint several hundred cannot fly, he goes via everywhere ancient land, wants to keep in the dry lonesome universe some person forever homes. 这些路程单靠飞行的话,即便是圣人几百世也飞不完,他路经一处处古地,希望将一些人永远的家留在枯寂的宇宙中。 Meanwhile, he is also exploring, after grasping this Saint-level Mother Ship, never has like this happily has gone through the universe, at the present does not know has crossed many strange ancient land. 同时,他也在探索,掌握了这艘圣级母船后,还从来没有这样痛快的穿行过宇宙,而今也不知横渡过了多少陌生的古地 Suddenly, the fearful aura sends out together from Star Domain of distant place, just like a Star River disintegration, such as the flood is dreadful, but impact on. 突然,一道可怕的气息自远方的星域散发过来,宛若一片星河崩碎了,又如洪水滔天,冲击而至。 Saint-level Ancient Ship is shaking unexpectedly, almost crashes, making in the person heart constrain, intermittent anxious. 圣级古船居然在摇动,差点坠落,让人心中压抑,阵阵不安。 What is that? Ye Fan reveals grave expression, front strange Star Domain has a powerful fluctuation of energy, penetrated in the universe sea unexpectedly. 那是什么?叶凡露出凝重之色,前方的陌生星域有一股强大的能量波动,竟穿透到了宇宙海中。 His Mother Ship has Great Emperor Without Beginning's Heaven Deceiving Formation Marks, does not expose independently, will not reveal the trail to be detected, covers aura, the fumble goes forward. 他的母船无始大帝的欺天阵纹,不自主暴露,不会露出形迹被人发觉,掩去气机,向前摸索而去。 Powerful vitality/angry, front has life-bearing ancient planet!” “强大的生气,前面有一颗生命古星!” Ye Fan flushes away forward, shortly after rushes, this is piece of strange ancient Star Domain, desolate, atmosphere and great changes...... also such mood fluctuate. 叶凡向前冲去,不久后赶至,这是一片陌生的古星域,苍凉、大气、沧桑......亦有一种这样的情绪波动过来。 If torrential great river, if the hurricane volume ten thousand mountains, sweep away all, sad intent contain one type peerless aggressive! 如滔滔大江,若飓风卷万山,横扫一切,悲意中蕴含一种绝世霸气! Really is life ancient land!” “真的是一处生命古地!” Ye Fan believes firmly, this piece of Star Domain has certainly giant stars, perhaps also has no time to let compared with it Big Dipper life, in front. «» Net .com 叶凡确信,这片星域一定有一个巨大的星辰,恐怕比之北斗的生命地也不遑多让,就在前方。《》网.com Finally, he rushed to the regional center of fluctuation, saw an incomparable picture shocking unexpectedly. 终于,他赶到了波动的区域中心,竟见到了一幅无比震撼性的画面。 There has a giant! 那里有一个巨人! He stands erect in the universe, high does not know many, cannot look at the end, withstand/top into the universe deep place, the foot steps on the endless nether world. 他屹立在宇宙中,高也不知多少,望不到尽头,顶入宇宙深处,脚踩无尽幽冥。 In its side, the stars winds around, Sun and Moon revolve, this is an unimaginable heavenly body, compared with it Sun, Moon and Stars big, not only many times. 在其身边,星辰缭绕,日月旋转,这是一个不可想象的天体,比之日月星辰都大了不只多少倍。 Roar......” “吼......” His opens the mouth howls, hangs the Milky Way unexpectedly, falls in torrents, making one be at a loss for words, cannot believe this fact. 他张口一啸,竟是一挂天河,倾泻而出,让人张口结舌,不敢相信这一事实。 This is a life, is bigger than celestial body, stands in Star Domain, the pitching world, shows disdain for the universe myriad things. 这是一个生灵,却比星体都要大,站在星域中,俯仰人间,傲视宇宙万物。 What is this? Is the gods is inadequate, this also shocked. 这是什么?难道是神明不成,这也太震撼了。 His Divine Consciousness fluctuated was too vast, spread over this piece of strange Star Domain unexpectedly, making one want to pay homage , the terrifying was boundless. 神识波动太浩瀚了,竟传遍这片陌生的星域,让人想要膜拜下去,恐怖无边。 This is what fearful existence, what Realm achieved? 这是何种可怕的存在,到底达到了什么样的境界? That runic patterns spreads continuously, making him the ancient Star Domain center, true splitting heaven and earth apart, that Primal Chaos Qi ajar his body. 那一缕缕纹络蔓延出来,让他成为了古星域的中心,真正的开天辟地,那混沌气半掩其躯体。 This should be a man, vigorous powerful, universe Mother Ship rises, can see its upper part, the black hair hangs loose, such as Star River lets fall. 这应该是一个男子,雄健有力,宇宙母船上升,能够看到其上半身了,黑发披散,如星河般垂落。 Right, even the stars are sending among the silk, without its is long and huge! 没错,连星辰都在发丝间,没有其长与巨大! This makes Ye Fan be hard to say the words to come, has not looked like has shocked today, what kind of person is this? 这让叶凡难以说出话来,从来没有像今天这么震撼过,这到底是怎样的一个人? He crosses endless dry lonesome Star Domain, a life star may not seek, actually saw that here such can step on collapses the Star Domain Deity. 他横渡无尽枯寂的星域,连一颗生命星都不可寻到,却在这里见到这样一个能踩塌星域的神人。 Ye Fan felt supreme Great Dao, letting is going Sanctification he to suffocate, if did not have the Green Cauldron sending out multi-colored sunlight, this Mother Ship may split. 叶凡感受到了一种无上大道,让将要成圣的他都窒息,若无绿鼎散发霞光,这艘母船可能会裂开。 Extremely terrifying, when is far away, felt this piece of strange Star Domain life aura, was so only strong depending on a person. 太过恐怖,难怪相距很远时,就感受到了这片陌生星域的生命气息,仅凭一个人就如此浓烈。 The Ye Fan control spaceship, around him, side the huge Deity, changed to by far since then its front, does not dare to alarm. 叶凡驾驭宇宙飞船,远远绕着他,从此巨大的神人侧面,转到了其前面,不敢惊扰。 He knows that perhaps this and other powerful existences have discovered him, in this case, might as well is greatly natural, has the respect far view. 他知道这等强盛的存在也许已发现了他,若是这样的话,还不如大大方,带着敬意远观。 However, when arrives at the upfront, is away from endless far, after seeing his face, he dumbfounded, cannot accept this fact. 然而,当来到正面,隔着无尽远,见到其面部后,他呆住了,不能接受这一事实。 The body is vigorous, the black sends the silk like the waterfall, can compare Star River same was long, filled shock. However, his face full was the bloodstain, frontal bone there thorough has fallen broken, white bones sparkling, fresh blood dripping. 躯体刚健有力,黑色发丝如瀑,堪比星河一样长,充满了震撼。然而,其面部满是血迹,额骨那里早已彻底碎掉,白骨莹莹,鲜血淋淋 His pupil closed, whether there has completely sadly, the whole person is motionless, stands here. 他的眸子闭合,有有无尽的悲伤,整个人一动不动,立在这里。 Died...... he actually dead.” Ye Fan is in a daze dull. “死了......他竟然死掉了。”叶凡呆呆发愣。 Immortal Altar falls broken, white bones clear, the blood dyes the surface, his Primordial Spirit dry completely, was impossible to have the life to stay behind. 仙台碎掉,白骨晶莹,鲜血染面,他的元神都枯尽了,不可能有生命留下。 That organing what's the matter, passed to this piece of Star Domain corner a moment ago, is how intrepid!?” Ye Fan is surprised. “可是刚才那啸音是怎么回事,传到了这片星域的角落,何其强悍!?”叶凡惊疑不定。 At present what sees has not been True Body, all were Dao Traces, listened to see a moment ago is the Dao Principle method that the past remained? 难道眼前所见到的是早已不是真身,一切都是道痕,刚才所听所见都是过去遗存的道则法相? Is this how powerful existence? Why die here, how will have such matter, strange Star Domain is filling his Dao Principle. 这是一个多么强大的存在?为何殒落在此,怎么会发生了这样的事情,陌生的星域都弥漫着他的道则 The Ye Fan earnest observation, was more surprised, above this huge corpse top of the head, Ancient Star, there evolved endless deep meaning, was born probably trillion lives, seeming to be many people are sorrowful. 叶凡认真观察,更为吃惊了,在这尊庞大的尸体头顶上方,有一颗古星,那里演化无尽奥义,像是诞生过亿万的生灵,似有很多人在悲恸。 Why can so?” “为何会如此?” He by the Mother Ship scanning, the earnest observation, obtained one to let his own being startled conclusion, that was huge life-bearing ancient planet, was actually the deathly stillness. 他以母船扫描,认真观察,得出了一个让他自己都吃惊结论,那原本是一颗庞大的生命古星,可是却死寂了。 This is many ten thousand the things of years ago, at the present becomes such a piece painstakingly. 这到底是多少万年前发生的事情,而今成为了这样一片苦地。 ! 咻! The golden light flashes through together, Golden Crow appears, it on Ye Fan through the road pursues here to the trace that they left, the body is shivering, was uncontrolled. If not it holds that golden god feather, perhaps the body must be cracked immediately. 一道金光闪过,一只金乌出现,它通过路上叶凡给他们留下的痕迹追到了这里,身躯在颤抖,不受控制。若非它持着那金色的神羽,恐怕身体立刻就得龟裂了。 What day...... did I see?” Old Golden Crow calls out in alarm, it is away from Ye Fan is not very far, its terrified divine sense fluctuates to be induced. “天......我看到了什么?”老金乌惊呼,它距离叶凡不是很远,其惶恐的神念波动可被感应到。 Quasi-Emperor!” It shivers was saying. 准帝!”它颤抖着说道。 Among the Ancient years, a Golden Crow clan presented Paragon, goes out from the god nest, overlooks ten thousand spirits, was altogether revered by that piece of universe. 上古年间,金乌一族出现了一位至尊,从神巢中走出,俯视万灵,被那片宇宙共尊。 At that time, he was very immature, witnessed the Golden Crow Quasi-Emperor supreme elegant demeanor, the god feather in his hand was that your majesty granted afterward. 那时,他还很幼小,目睹了金乌准帝无上风采,其手中的神羽就是那位陛下后来赐予的。 Right, he is Quasi-Emperor, wants heaven defying, finally prove the Dao failed, falls from the sky in this.” Old Golden Crow is trembling, pupil light actually flaming, this is Dao Earth, is supreme treasured land! “没错,他是一位准帝,想要逆天,结果证道失败了,陨落在此。”老金乌哆嗦着,眸光却炽盛了起来,这是一处道土,是无上宝地! The distant place, Ye Fan is startled, this is Quasi-Emperor, is not ancient God, is not he estimated that Great Emperor, has the performance of such can accomplish all the good fortune unexpectedly, shocked. 远处,叶凡吃惊,这是一位准帝,并非是古神,也不是他预想中的大帝,竟也有如此功参造化的表现,太震撼了。 This is the Dao Principle method, although the body die, has not obliterated, retained the same day scenery, his prove the Dao failure, implicates Ancient Star that he was born, same came to the end point of life with him.” “这是道则法相,身虽殒落,道还没有磨灭,保留了当日的景,他证道失败,连累了他所诞生的古星,与他一样走到了生命的终点。” This Golden Crow is only shivering, fears very much, but in the eye some hopes, here the responsibility cultivator was also too big! 这只金乌颤抖着,很是惧怕,但眼中也有希冀,这里于修士来说干系太大了! Among the Ancient years, I once witnessed that fortunately my clan your majesty tries a prove the Dao scene, withstand/top into the universe, foot treads the nether world, Sun, Moon and Stars surrounds, splitting heaven and earth apart, I cannot forget for a lifetime.” Old Golden Crow talked to oneself, he thought. 上古年间,我曾有幸目睹我族陛下尝试证道的一次景象,也是顶入宇宙,脚踏幽冥,日月星辰环绕,开天辟地,我一辈子也忘不了。”老金乌自语,他想到了很多。 Ye Fan shocks, Quasi-Emperor like this is unexpectedly powerful, so, the prove the Dao failure, implicated can compare Big Dipper with Purple Tenuity Ancient Star, becomes the deathly stillness place. 叶凡震撼,准帝竟然这样强大,如此了得,证道失败,连累了堪比北斗与与紫微的一颗古星,成为死寂地。 Was too strong, no wonder since the ancient times, Great Emperor can be counted on one's fingers, including Quasi-Emperor in addition so, is really shocking!” Ye Fan palpitation. “太强了,难怪自古以来,大帝屈指可数,连一位准帝尚且如此,真是让人震惊!”叶凡心悸。 He thought of Ge Jiuyou all of a sudden, this old man also reached this altitude, after Blood Qi has dried up, dropped. 他一下子想到了盖九幽,这个老头子曾经也达到过这种高度,血气枯竭后,才又跌落了下去。 Quasi-Emperor goes crazy comprehensively, enhances the strength to the boundary, will present such Dao Principle method, making all living things probably awe and tremble. 一位准帝全面发狂,将实力提升到至境,就会出现这样的道则法相,让众生都得敬畏与颤栗。 Ye Fan startled had a shiver spirit, what kind of say/way can this person prove? Implicated Ancient Star unexpectedly, let be born his ancient land dead. 叶凡激灵灵打了一个冷颤,此人到底要证怎样的道?竟连累了一颗古星,让诞生过他的古地都死亡了。 No wonder has this sad fluctuation, he was regretting, entire Ancient Star, trillion lives were buried along with the dead, raised his homeland withering away, this really may not withstand the heaviness.” Ye Fan sighed. “难怪有这种悲伤的波动,他是在后悔吗,一整颗古星,亿万生灵都陪葬了,养育了他的母地消亡,这实在是不可承受之重。”叶凡叹道。 Meanwhile, he and Golden Crow are ordinary, in the eye the light beam was astonishing, observed closely that declining Ancient Star, wanted to arrive there, perhaps will have the harvest of heaven defying! 同时,他与金乌一般,眼中光束惊人,盯住了那颗衰亡的古星,想要降临在那里,也许会有逆天的收获! A pitiful prove the Dao loser, good, the cultivator road in book, late stage also opened slowly, definitely has others to experience, the price is immeasurable, 3rd, the eternal 30 emperors, asked difficult prove the Dao Great Emperor, throws one to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket. 一位可怜的证道失败者,好吧,书里的修士路,后期也慢慢揭开了,也肯定有其他人要经历,代价无量大,三号了,万古三十帝,求各位艰难证道大帝们,投一张保底月票。 . . .
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