STH :: Volume #13

#1229: Saint Beast

The gods, his look such as the timeless cold ice, no joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, are indifferent, two fingers gripped, look looked. 神,他的神色如亘古不变的寒冰,没有什么喜怒哀乐,只有冷漠,两指夹住,看了又看。 The distant place, great hou is scared, the body shivers, it is Four Forms Holy Land mountain protecting Divine Beast, happen to saw Golden Crow to be killed, turns around to escape. 远处,巨犼发毛,身躯颤抖,它是四象圣地护山神兽,正好见到金乌丧命,转身就逃。 He never has such frightened, only sees a similar fearful man when the Ancient Desolate age, he does not know the enemy. 他从来没有这么恐惧过,只在荒古年代时见一个类似的可怕男子,他知道绝不可敌。 „” “咻” The white hair man washes one's hands, that golden god feather departs, but breaking space, Ancient Desolate great hou yelled, the huge body projects endless Divine Order Chain, various ancient weapon are uneven. 白发男子抖手,那根金色的神羽飞出,破空而至,荒古巨犼大叫,庞大的身体射出无尽秩序神链,各种古兵齐出。 The result cannot change, a blood splash splashes, its head was penetrated by the golden god feather, Primordial Spirit was killed. 结果不能更改,一朵血花溅起,它的头颅被金色神羽穿透,元神被杀。 Everything may become vulnerable sad howl, its unusual being unwilling, but the look actually lost the brilliance, becomes dead grey, pushed gold mountain jade column to pound in the dust. 一声地动山摇的悲吼,它非常的不甘,可是眼神却失去了光彩,成为一片死灰色,推金山倒玉柱般砸在了尘埃中。 „......” “啊......” Meanwhile, the second pitiful yell sound gets up, not far away another Saint was pierced the frontal bone by Golden Feather, face upwards to fall down in the pool of blood. 与此同时,第二道惨叫声响起,不远处另一位圣人金羽洞穿额骨,仰天栽倒在血泊中。 Flings Golden Feather, executes two Saints continually, the white hair man expression is invariable, ancient well does not have the wave, probably did an insignificant matter. 甩出一根金羽,连毙两圣,白发男子表情不变,古井无波,像是做了一件微不足道的事。 Here does not have Quasi-Emperor Magical Artifact, does not have the rare treasure, some are only sad with tong, I do not hope that some people come this to disturb!” The god indifferent opens the mouth, in spacious death on-board reverberation. “这里没有准帝法器,也无秘宝,有的只是悲与恸,我不希望有人来此打搅!”神冷漠的开口,在空旷的死星上回荡。 Then, he soars, submerges in Star Domain, turns into the electric light to charge into the universe deep place together, precisely that Big Dipper position. 说罢,他腾空而起,没入星域中,化成一道电光冲向宇宙深处,正是北斗方位。 Examined carefully words, frightened, this is a terrifying speed of limit! 细看的话,会让人惊悚,这是一种极限的恐怖速度! His a while disappearance a while appears, the body is getting more and more fuzzy, finally fleshly body ripped open the universe directly, charges into the ice-cold and dark unknown place. 他一会儿消失一会儿浮现,身体越来越模糊,最后肉身直接撕开了宇宙,冲向冰冷与黑暗的未知处。 Is this how powerful person? It is not good to estimate. Because he has not sent out oneself Source Aura. 这是一个多么强大的人?不好估量。因为他没有散发出自己的本源气息 However. Only depending on its one strikes can easily cut to kill several Ancient Saint, his strength is absolutely shocking, and can cross the universe by fleshly body. 但是。仅凭其一击就能够轻易斩杀几位古圣来看,他的实力绝对骇人听闻,且可以凭借肉身横渡天宇。 „A danger coefficient is the 5-Star level god!” “一个危险系数为五星级的神!” Ye Fan looks at his back one to ponder over. Big Dipper really wanted the chaos, various heaven defying and mysterious characters got together, in the future must have unrivalled great war. 叶凡望着他的背影一阵思忖。北斗真的要大乱了,各种逆天与神秘的人物齐聚,将来必有一场旷世大战 That is in Star Domain place of the most fearful turmoil, really does not know streams many blood. Must pile up many white bones, must die many people. 那将是星域中最可怕的动乱之地,真不知道流多少血。要堆积多少白骨,要死多少人。 A black slate appears, runic patterns is motley, the blood flows, it opens together Domain Portal, goes out of two black-clothed person, they arrive are dying on-board. 一块黑色的石盘出现,纹络斑驳,鲜血流淌,它撑开一道域门,走出两位黑衣人,他们降临在死星上。 Quick. They discovered the great grave, an exploration, actually has achieved nothing, in the big grave the white bones are infinite. death aura is extremely heavy, not Magical Artifact. 很快。他们就发现了巨坟,一阵探索,却一无所获,大坟中白骨无穷。死气极重,并无法器 Ye Fan sighs, perhaps the Quasi-Emperor prove the Dao failure, left behind the precious thing, but had been taken. 叶凡叹了一口气,准帝证道失败,也许留下了宝贵的东西,但早已都被人取走了。 But that god obviously was a moment ago significant with this star relations, will otherwise not so protect the great grave, way place, but also worships specially. 而刚才那个神显然与此星关系匪浅,不然不会如此护巨坟,路径此地,还特意来祭拜。 God. If I step most Powerhouse Smelting Trial Ancient Road, perhaps will also encounter.” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “神。我若踏上最强者试炼古路,也许还会遭遇到。”叶凡自语。 Vast universe. Boundless Starry Sky, the stars are immeasurable. But life ancient land is very rare, hardly may seek. 浩瀚的宇宙。苍茫的星空,繁星无量。而生命古地却十分罕见,几乎不可寻。 Ye Fan crossed did not know many piece of Star Domain, careful and earnest search, but do not say that the life star had presented the life trace place not obvious. 叶凡横渡了也不知道多少片星域,仔细而又认真的搜索,可是不要说生命星就是曾经出现过生命痕迹的地方都不可见。 If not has seen Foreign Domain Sages, knows clearly also has Fire Mul­berry, Heav­enspan, Curved Array and Flying Immortal and other life ancient land, he really suspected, the universe is dry lonesome. 若非见到过域外诸贤,明确知道还有火桑、通天、勾陈、飞仙等几处生命古地,他真的怀疑,宇宙是枯寂的。 Twenty days later, boundless stars lend the life aura of blotting out the sky to well up from that Star Domain deep place, symbolizes that Ye Fan arrived at Everlasting Star Domain. 二十几天后,一颗苍茫的星辰散发着铺天盖地的生命气息从那星域深处涌来,标志着叶凡重新降临到了永恒星域 After of several months, Ye Fan arrived at Everlasting Main Star once again, he felt an unusual atmosphere, various large clans are preparing. 时隔数月之久,叶凡又一次来到了永恒主星,他感受到了一种不同寻常的气氛,各大族都在备战。 Primesky City is a Everlasting Main Star most rich, magnificent, and reputable main city, situated in central ancestral land, fluctuates in his periphery dragon Ling, surging forward with great momentum, Dragon Qi transpiration on. 天元城永恒主星富盛名的一座主城,位于中央祖地,在其周围龙岭起伏,波澜壮阔,龙气蒸腾而上。 The western half in city, tall buildings are close, the skyscraping great building Songru clouds, have the aura of modernization, often obviously the spaceship takes off and lands. 在城中的西半部,高楼大厦鳞次栉比,一座座摩天巨楼耸入云霄,非常具有现代化的气息,不时可见飞船起降。 But in the Primesky City eastern half is another scene, is completely different, grand giant tower, ancient intent great changes palace, probably ancient Phoenix City. 而在天元城的东半部则是另一种情景,完全不同,宏伟的巨阙,古意沧桑的殿宇,像是一处古代凰城 Many buildings fly high, hang in the important universe, this is the great city that a piece modern and unifies classically, the population ten million. 不少建筑物凌空,悬在重要天宇中,这是一片现代与古典相结合的巨城,人口数量数以千万。 God blue fort will start to auction tonight one time massively, the blood of Saint Beast is going to sell, priceless, can make a family's overall strength promote a big truncation.” “神蓝堡今晚将开始一次大规模的拍卖了,圣兽的血液将要出售,价值连城,可以让一个家族的整体实力就此提升一大截。” „, Really is not beckoning, that is Saint Beast, the divine nature and Holy Force in his bloodlines decomposes, may let one clan bloodlines powerful many times.” “唔,真是让人心动,那可是一头圣兽,将其血脉中的神性与圣力分解出,可让一族血脉强大很多倍。” Before an old castle in Dongcheng District, many people are surrounding, there has a giant billboard, on the screen some goods that broadcast is going to auction. 在东城区的一处古堡前,许多人都在围观,那里有一个巨大的广告牌,屏幕上正在播放将要拍卖的一些物品。 The street is open, Ye Fan arrived at the near along the ancient rock road, looked at a while look earnestly quite strangely, the Saint Beast blood of god blue fort auction came from Ancient Race unexpectedly, that was Ancestral King. Was cut to kill in the previous time campaign, because only he lives a pair of antler, the torso is higher than on a section human, is regarded as Saint Beast. 街道开阔,叶凡沿着古代的石路走到近前,认真看了一会儿神色相当的怪异,神蓝堡拍卖的圣兽血竟源自古族,那是一位祖王。被人斩杀于上次的战役中,只因他生有一对鹿角,躯干比人类高上一截,就被认作是一头圣兽 Person that being proud of Everlasting Main Star and can be inferred proudly, solemn one generation of Ancestral King will be regarded as a wild animal. 永恒主星的人那种自负与骄傲可见一斑,将堂堂一代祖王都认作是一种野兽。 Ancestral King that Big Dipper keeps aloof, ends up such a fate, actually is also a sorrow. Some time ago, explored beginning this's Powerhouse in advance when attained the major success, swept away all obstacles, after result two days, had peerless expert enter the world, cut to kill them. 北斗高高在上的祖王,落得这样一个下场,却也是一种悲哀。不久前,先行探索到此的强者初时获大捷,所向披靡,结果两日后就有绝世高手出世,将他们纷纷斩杀。 „, Did not say that Monster God also has Imperishable Golden Body to be possible really is not the thing, the Big Dipper wild animal runs amuck, Saint Beast are many, is fearful place, they are so unexpectedly cruel, making my Everlasting Main Star person enter the jar.” “唔,说起来,那个妖神还有不灭金身可真不是东西,北斗野兽横行,圣兽很多,是一处可怕之地,他们居然如此阴损,引我永恒主星的人入瓮。” Yes, that batch of Saint Beast attacked finally, luckily Imperial Seal Saint take action, will otherwise really have a blood calamity.” “是啊,最终那批圣兽攻伐了过来,幸亏銮封圣者出手,不然真会有一场血祸。” Big Dipper that place is very fearful, it is said searches their Divine Consciousness, discovered that there also has Saint Beast of higher equivalent, perhaps will hit.” 北斗那个地方很可怕,据说搜索他们的神识,发现那里还有更高等阶的圣兽,也许会打过来呢。” Bullies my Everlasting Main Star no one, Imperial Seal and other peerless Powerhouse did not say, in the future there will become hunting field that was ambitious prove the Dao, Saint Beast resources endless.” “欺我永恒主星无人吗,銮封等几位绝世强者不是说了吗,将来那里会成为有志证道者的狩猎场,圣兽资源无尽。” This is only an encouragement, hopes that descendant rises spiritedly that's all, who can prove the Dao, who can become in the ancient times gods general existence of?” “这只是一种勉励,希望后人奋起而已,谁能证道,谁能成为古代神明一般的存在?” Ye Fan is listening to people's discussion, knows gradually some influences that fights. This match ended. Let the Everlasting Main Star person alert, is no longer arrogant. 叶凡听着人们的议论,渐渐知道了那一战的一些影响。此役落幕。让永恒主星的人警醒,不再自大。 He along avenue stand forth, saw several famous, the Inheritance remote auction room. Similarly must auction the Saint Beast blood, skeleton, horn. 他沿着大街向前走去,又见到了几个负有盛名、传承久远的拍卖行。同样要拍卖圣兽血液、骨骼、犄角等。 Previous great war Ancient Race almost die, was carved up by various major powers completely, some people put out the flesh that do not need partially to auction. 上一次大战古族几乎全部殒落,被各大势力瓜分,有些人拿出部分不需要的血肉等来拍卖。 Starry Sky deep place, in huge Mother Ship. The Ancient Race true army arrived several days ago, no is a weak one, understood in secret some situations, many complexions are pale. 星空深处,一艘巨大的母船中。古族真正的大军在数日前就到了,没有一个是弱者,暗中了解到了一些情况,许多人脸色铁青。 My was Vigorous Demonic Ox Race regarded Saint Beast?” Well-built, lives black ox hair, to sway a pair of black horn Ancient King indignant sound to say. “我大力牛魔族被当成了圣兽?”一头体格健壮、生有一身黑色牛毛、摇晃着一对黑犄角古王愤声说道。 His ox muzzle was almost mad crookedly, in the emitting white smoke, the Ancient Race how self-respect, is actually regarded the wild animal outward at the present. 他的牛鼻子差点气歪了,在向外喷吐白烟,古族何其自尊,而今却被人当成了野兽。 Very good. So mean I and others, my Blood Phoenix Mountain the bone of Ancient Saint was even being auctioned, regarded Saint bird, this time does not put down them. I alienate oneself in this!” “很好。如此轻贱我等,连我血凰山古圣的骨头都被在拍卖,当成了一只圣禽,这次不扫平他们。我自绝于此!” Blood Phoenix Mountain Ancestral King talked to oneself, he is the Immemorial Sovereign clan, usually keeps aloof, lives to have the human body, although some clansmen have the birds characteristics, but cannot become the beast the shame. 血凰山的一位祖王自语,他是太古皇族,平日高高在上,生具人体,虽然有的族人有禽鸟特征,但也不能被人辱成禽兽。 These are the powerful Immemorial great clans, looks down upon Human Race, at the present is been mean by another Ancient Star life. Really makes them angry. 这些都是强大的太古巨族,看不起人族,而今却被另一颗古星的生灵轻贱。实在让他们愤怒。 Enemy raids!” “敌袭!” The giant alarm sound resounded in Everlasting Main Star everywhere, making each large clan prepare great war. 巨大的警报声在永恒主星四处响起,让每一个大族都做好了大战的准备。 Ye Fan is also startled. Looks up to the sky, but has not actually seen Saint to arrive. The battleships are lifting off. 叶凡也是一怔。仰望天空,但却并未见到圣人降临。只是有一艘艘战舰在升空。 Discovery enemy trace, but it is reported that several Great Clan lost universe Mother Ship, in addition reaches as high as eight unexpectedly, certainly was that crowd of Saint Beast attacks, but this time they were very discrete, has not come immediately, kept the escape route for oneself.” “并未发现敌踪,可是据传有几大家族都丢失了宇宙母船,加起来竟然高达八艘,一定是那群圣兽又攻来了,不过这一次他们很谨慎,没有立刻现身,为自己留了退路。” „, Imperial Seal Saint and other peerless strong people have don't worry been waiting for them to appear, the divine nature that it is reported that in the blood of these Saint Beast condenses can refine, changes into a main material, with quenching the evolution fluid.” “不用担心,銮封圣者等绝世强人一直在等待他们出现,据传这些圣兽的血液中凝聚的神性可以提炼出来,化为一种主料,用以淬炼进化液。” Everyone was discussing, Everlasting Main Star fills a tension-filled atmosphere, although they felt the superiority feeling, however one crowd Saint Beast attacks is very fearful. 所有人都在议论,永恒主星弥漫起一种紧张的气氛,他们虽然充满了优越感,但是一群“圣兽”攻来还是很可怕的。 The Ye Fan corners of the mouth exude one to sneer, the two sides are not good stubble, is best an intense big collision, suffers some hardships respectively. 叶凡嘴角泛起一丝冷笑,两边都不是善茬儿,最好来一番强烈的大碰撞,各自吃些苦头。 That night, Primesky City is brilliantly illuminated, such as a huge Divine Bead embed in the land, between the long and ancient years, here once was born the gods, is central sacred land. 当夜,天元城灯火通明,如一颗巨大的神珠镶嵌在大地上,漫长而古老的岁月间,这里曾诞生过神明,一直是中心圣土 Many people are hoping for, many large clans think the auction competes, obtains the blood and skeleton of Saint Beast, the promotion family's strength. 许多人都在希冀,不少大族都想去拍卖会竞争,获得圣兽的血液与骨骼等,提升家族的实力。 Ye Fan walks in Primesky City, often is staring at the sky of haze, will feel tranquility before a great war, the violent storm in the future. 叶凡天元城内行走,不时盯着阴霾的天空,感受到了一种大战前的宁静,暴风骤雨将来。 Brush! 刷! stream of light delimited the expansive sky, the god blue old castle has vanished from the ground immediately, in the sky presented Three Heads Six Arms Ancestral King, from Chaotic Sky Race. 道流光划过长空,神蓝古堡立刻从地面消失了,天空中出现一位三头六臂祖王,来自混天族 His big sleeve shakes, the ground these grandest auction room submerged in his sleeve cuff one after another, this is move of named Universe Within A Sleeve Immemorial big divine ability. 他大袖一抖,地上那些最宏伟的拍卖行相继没入了他的袖口中,这是一招名为袖里乾坤太古神通 Because, these auction room abatement auction outside the Saint Beast blood, it is reported that the evolution fluid may have the next to last act sell. 因为,这些拍卖行除却拍卖圣兽血外,据传还有进化液可能会出压轴出售。 Came, when the main body you were many!” “来了,本尊等你们多时了!” A person of whole body purple light sparkle shoots up to the sky from the city, flies to the vault of heaven, grasps purple sacred sword, glittering and translucent, is the number hundred zhang (333 m), stands chops Chaotic Sky Race Ancestral King. 一个浑身都紫光闪耀的人从城中冲天而起,飞向天穹,手持一口紫色的圣剑,晶莹剔透,长达数百丈,立劈混天族祖王 Is Imperial Seal Saint three disciple, has his keeping watch, should be well!” In the city resounds many screams, shouted. “是銮封圣者的三弟子,有他坐镇,应该无恙!”城中响起很多惊呼声,纷纷大喊了起来。 Bang!” “轰!” On the vault of heaven, has a crashing collision, the empty day annihilated a big piece, two Saint great war, the black hole is boundless. 天穹上,发生出一次激烈的碰撞,虚天都湮灭了一大片,两圣大战,黑洞无边。 Silent, Mother Ship appears in the vault of heaven, the cabin door opens, ** Ancient King walks out, each and every one is very indifferent. 无声无息,一艘母船出现在苍穹上,舱门打开,**名古王向外走来,一个个都很冷漠。 Although some Powerhouse, but also with the aid of foreign object that's all, fighting cannot continue is too long!” “尽管有一些强者,但也都是借助外物而已,战斗不会持续太久!” This Ancestral King words just fell, a fierce large explosion happened, the universe Mother Ship flame volume sky of their behind that Holy Artifact rank, sends out the destructive fluctuation, cuns (2.5 cm) ruptured. 这位祖王的话语刚落,一声剧烈的大爆炸就发生了,他们身后的那艘圣器级别的宇宙母船火光卷霄汉,发出毁灭性的波动,寸寸崩开 „......” “啊......” Ancestral King is seriously battered, when this is Holy Artifact is blasting out, is equivalent to their self-destruction strength, suitable terrifying. 祖王遭受重创,这是圣器在炸开,相当于他们自毁时般的力量,相当的恐怖。 The fight starts, the collisions of two big Star Domain raised the curtains in this at night, has similar holy war to perform in other great cities!( To be continued......) 战斗就此开始,两大星域的碰撞在这个夜晚拉开了大幕,在其他巨城也有类似的圣战在上演!(未完待续......)
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