STH :: Volume #13

#1208: Foreign Domain ends

The MM Ye Fan character character is sonorous, loud and clear, stands erect in the vault of heaven, put out to Saint killed the sound! MM叶凡字字铿锵,掷地有声,屹立在苍穹上,对一位圣人吐出了杀音! Boasts shamelessly, do you want to offend Human Race Saint?” Nine Firmament Holy Land Old Woman backs up while Yin sad saying. “大言不惭,你想冒犯人族圣者吗?”九霄圣地老妪一边倒退一边阴恻恻的说道。 You may once see me to fear Saint, the Immemorial Myriad Clans photo have killed do not harm, had executed murder Saint a moment ago, will I therefore submit?” Ye Fan indifferent saying. “你可曾见到我惧怕过圣人,太古万族都照杀不误,刚才更是格杀过一位杀圣,我会因此而屈服?”叶凡冷漠的说道。 His look is firm and resolute, the pupil light is sharp, the whole body is shining, each pore is sending out to fight the air/Qi, the deep aura, hopes just like a god turbulently! 他神色坚毅,眸光锐利,浑身都在发光,每一个毛孔都在散发战气,渊海般的气息汹涌而出,宛若一尊神愿! You have offended Ancient Race, but also wants to oppose with Human Race, but when the time comes is really the world-wide all enemy, the world does not have the place of your taking shelter again!” Nine Firmament Holy Land Old Woman called out. “你已得罪古族,还想与人族对立吗,到时候可真是举世皆敌,天下再无你容身之地!”九霄圣地老妪叫道。 You can represent entire Human Race? If Human Race were such as you really has no chance generally.” Ye Fan ridiculed, on the face had one to despise, said: Even my real world-wide all enemy, you not in so-calledenemy , because you are unqualified, only Nine Firmament Holy Land that's all, at the worst level flat!” If Ye Fan first several are in sharp opposition, calls to account, then behind was the satire of not covering up as well as looked down upon, worked as Saints to truncate the faces of these people with the major ancient sect surface. No one has thought that Ye Fan domineering such, a language heavenshaking, threatened to want level flat Holy Land, this was what kind of treason and heresy!? “你能代表的了整个人族吗?人族若都是如你们一般真的没有希望了。”叶凡嘲弄,脸上带着一丝蔑视,道:“即便我真的举世皆敌,你们也不在所谓的‘敌,内,因为你们不够资格,区区一个九霄圣地而已,大不了平掉!”如果说叶凡前几句还是针锋相对、进行责问,那么后面就是不加掩饰的讽刺以及看不起了,当着诸圣地与各大古教的面削这些人的脸。谁都没有想到叶凡这么的强势,一语震天下,扬言要平掉一个圣地,这是何等的“大逆不道”!? You...... do not revere to Saint, must think that not the world no one may make you, in front of Saints background, you also insufficiently looks.” The Old Woman complexion is pale. “你......对圣人不尊,莫要以为天下无人可制你,在诸圣底蕴面前,你还不够看。”老妪脸色铁青。 „The Human Race Saint shame, your treason and heresy, does not want to bully master Miezu.” Four Forms Holy Land that old man rides on the golden eyes bluish green scale beast, calling out of color severe inside diameter, unceasing backing up. 人族圣者不可辱,你大逆不道,想欺师灭祖。”四象圣地的那位老者骑在金睛碧鳞兽上,色厉内径的叫道,不断的倒退。 I admire your courage.” Ye Fan sneers, compels forward. “我佩服你们的勇气。”叶凡冷笑,向前逼去。 golden blood energy just like a desert, blotting out the sky rushed, the pressed person must suffocate, that golden eyes bluish green Linshou wail, knelt to bend down on the ground, the old man fell down, the body shivered, facing Saint Might, was hard self-made shivering. 黄金血气宛若一片瀚海,铺天盖地的澎湃了过去,压的人要窒息,那头金睛碧鳞兽哀鸣,跪伏在了地上,老者栽倒,身躯颤抖,面对圣威,难以自制的颤抖。 At the same time, that Old Woman also complexion snow white, the whole body trembles, the joint flip-flop keeps ringing, the knees broke off, knelt. 同一时间,那名老妪也脸色雪白,浑身哆嗦,骨节噼啪响个不停,双膝折断,跪了下来。 These people struggle fiercely, but the body is uncontrolled, cannot withstand this power and influence, is weak, such as facing gods. 这些人剧烈挣扎,但是身体却不受控制,承受不住这种威势,全都瘫软,如面对神明。 Ye Fan may fight Saint at the present, each wisp of aura not weak Saint of overflow, naturally lets they felt such as to the mountain, such as near great mountain oppression. 叶凡而今可战圣人,溢出的每一缕气息都不弱圣者,自然让他们感觉到了如对高山、如临大岳的般的压迫。 Is the old man of head also has that Old Woman, body many splits, splashes the blood, has hair dishevelled, blood-stained, kneels in Void! 为首的老者还有那个老妪,躯体多处裂开,溅出血液,披头散发,血迹斑斑,跪在虚空中! Saint Might sweeps together, charges into Ye Fan, must imprison him, Saint take action in secret, the legend dignified sound, said: Sufficed!” 一道圣威扫来,冲向叶凡,要将他禁锢,暗中的圣者出手,传说威严的声音,道:“够了!” „Did you say enough enough? I handle affairs have not been one's turn you to say this and that!” Ye Fan does not regress, even if the future is Saint, he still fearless, is very discontented with this conduct. “你说够了就够了?我行事还轮不到你来说三道四!”叶凡并不退步,即便来者是圣人,他也无惧,对这种做派很不满。 He shakes the fist directly, is simple and direct, light beam dazzling, ripped open the universe, shook dispersed that piece of Saint Might. 他径直挥拳,简单而直接,光束刺目,撕开了天宇,震散了那片圣威 The atmosphere in field was tight immediately, Ye Fan enough domineering, even Saint dares to disobey, pursued the bang to kill on the difference! 场中的气氛顿时紧张了起来,叶凡可谓足够强势,连圣人都敢拂逆,就差追上去轰杀了! youngster you are obstinate, and is aggressive, disciplines defective, I educate your today.” This Saint is very discontented, the words are very cold. 年轻人你刚愎自用,且咄咄逼人,欠缺磨练,我今日教育你一番。”这个圣者很不满,话语很冷。 not to have this day next within, if some people can educate me not to turn on you!” Ye Fan disregards another's feelings. 冇“这天下间,若是有人可以教育我也轮不上你!”叶凡不留情面。 „Are you speak to the senior ancient like this? Did not understand that respects the past worthies.” Calling out that Old Woman has hair dishevelled. “你就是这样对前辈古人说话吗?不懂得尊重前贤。”那名老妪披头散发的叫道。 Place where some you spoke.” Ye Fan frowns, the pupil light has swept, she big mouth spits blood immediately, is broken many by the bone that this powerful imposing manner presses. “哪里有你说话的地方。”叶凡横眉,眸光扫过,她顿时大口吐血,被这种强大的气势压的骨头断了多根。 In view of Human Race Saint, you...... treason and heresy.” Another old man also called out. “针对人族圣者,你......大逆不道。”另一名老者也叫道。 Ye Fan one step treads, immediately makes it fly horizontally, covered with blood, is then staring at the universe somewhere, said: Wei Yi Great Saint went to Foreign Domain games Ancient Race, what you made as Human Race Saint, here suspended the qualifications of past worthies Ancient Saint with me, pressed me by the body not to have share, being worth me respecting?” 叶凡一步踏出,顿时让其横飞,血肉模糊,而后盯着天宇某处,道:“卫易大圣域外古族了,你身为人族圣者都做了什么,在这里跟我摆前贤古圣的资格,以身冇份压我,值得我尊敬?” Bang!” “轰!” Responded his is a earth yellow not to have color big hand, circumference is over ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) fully, the pressed and covered got down, momentum heaven shaking! 回应他的是一只土黄冇色的大手,方圆足有上万丈,压盖下来,声势惊天! This is the Ancient Saint indifferent brutal response, wants town/subdues not to have to press him, is sending out inviolable coercion, represented the Between Heaven and Earth law. 这是古圣冷漠无情的回应,要镇冇压他,散发着不可侵犯的威压,代表了天地间的法度。 Ye Fan lifts the fist bang day, six true meaning are invincible, the ancient microcosm in the samsara, counter empties on, strikes to that piece of Saint Might! The golden fist destroys the hardest defenses, resisted that earth yellow not to have color big hand unexpectedly, connects the collision, does not drop the wind, even Primal Chaos Qi hit. 叶凡举拳轰天,六道真义无敌,古老的小宇宙在轮回,逆空而上,击向那片圣威!金色的拳头无坚不摧,竟将那个土黄冇色的大手抵住了,接连碰撞,不落下风,连混沌气都打出来了。 When the god fog vanishes, when the universe star splendor sprinkles, people discovered that Ye Fan stands erect there, the whole body is lossless. 当神雾消失,宇宙星辉洒落下来时,人们发现叶凡屹立在那里,周身无损。 He compels again forward, to Old Woman also has old man take action that rides golden eyes bluish green Linshou. 他再次向前逼去,对老妪还有骑金睛碧鳞兽的老者出手 youngster you extremely burnt ruthlessly, wants to remove the Holy Land's person to be inadequate?” In the dark universe, that Saint pronounced again, unusual anger. 年轻人你太过狠辣了,难道还想除掉圣地的人不成?”黑暗天宇上,那个圣者再次发音,非常的愤怒。 „The Saints fame is not bad, may have a handful people actually such as the mouse excrement, now I must do removes them.” Ye Fan got down the killer. 诸圣地名气不算坏,可有一小撮人却如老鼠屎,我现在要做的就是除掉他们。”叶凡下了杀手。 „......” Old Woman did not yell. “不......”老妪大叫。 In the universe, Saint got angry, downward take action, Dao Traces falls continuously, actually being hard town/subdues not to have presses Ye Fan. 天宇中,圣人怒了,向下出手,一缕缕道痕落下,却始终难以镇冇压叶凡 Originally is mountain chi, is this your highest heaven room Holy Land's background?” Ye Fan laughs, so-called Saint dingAncient demon. “原来是一个山魑,这就是你们九霄室圣地的底蕴?”叶凡大笑,所谓的圣人只是一叮】上古精怪。 This was the Nine Firmament Holy Land past mountain protecting beast, was sealed this, became angry out of shame, starts Holy Might overflowing the Heavens, must with his dying war. 这是九霄圣地昔日的护山兽,被封到了这一世,恼羞成怒,发动滔天圣威,要与他死战。 I said that Human Race Saint how so, mountain Chi also dares to rebel, go away!” Industry every shouts out. “我就说人族圣者怎么如此,一只山魑也敢来作乱,滚!”业凡大喝 No one can see to have anything, in the universe the ji fierce confrontation, angrily roars to transmit finally, mountain Chi cuts the expansive sky, fleeing that does not return. 没有人能看到发生了什么,天宇上ji烈交锋,最终一声怒吼传来,山魑划破长空,头也不回的遁走了。 Various Holy Land's person look at each other in blank dis­may, Ye Fan may really be aggressive, expelled Saint! Although that is mountain chi, but came from Holy Land after all, must have the forte. 圣地的面面相觑,叶凡可真是生猛,打跑了一个圣人!尽管那是一个山魑,但毕竟来自圣地,必有过人之处。 I must faint, did he...... expel Nine Firmament Holy Land Saint?” “我要昏了,他......将九霄圣地圣人打跑了?” Then just arrived at half Saint Realm, he...... expelled Saint!” “这才刚刚到半圣境,他就......赶走了一位圣者!” People stare dumbfounded, Ye Fan's is obvious to all strongly, this result really a little makes one unable to speak. 人们瞠目结舌,叶凡的强势有目共睹,这个结果实在是有点让人说不出话来。 Between Heaven and Earth is reasonable, if said does not pass, there is still one killed the character!” Ye Fan shouted in view of Four Forms Holy Land and Nine Firmament Holy Land person, makes a great show of one's talents. 天地间有道理,若是讲不通,还有一个杀字!”叶凡针对四象圣地九霄圣地的人喝道,锋芒毕露。 ! 咻! Two ray of light depart, Old Woman rides to sit the golden eyes bluish green Linshou old man frontal bone to be pierced with that all falls down in Void, was executed the life. 道光飞出,老妪与那位骑坐金睛碧鳞兽的老者额骨被洞穿,全都栽倒在虚空中,被毙性命。 Then no one dares to burst in methodical extinguishing to kill the Archaic Divine Dynasty's killer, cleans up the aftermath. 接下来再无人敢乱闯有条不紊的灭杀远古神朝的杀手,收拾残局。 Saint Killer Qi Luo sought four World Stone, obtained two Great Divine Dynasty's murder Saint wonderful techniques, and other divine material has not taken as for other slightly. 杀圣齐罗寻到了四枚世界石,得到了两大神朝的杀圣妙术,至于其他等神料丝毫未取。 Saints goes forward, starting to carve up immeasurable Treasure Depository this without doubt is astonishing may reorganize two Holy Land. 诸圣地上前,开始瓜分无量宝藏这无疑是惊人的可重组出两个圣地来。 Qi Luo does not struggle, not representative big black dog and Dragon Horse such person not take action, joins, participates to carve up various types of god materials to wish one could to catch the whole lot in a dragnet. 齐罗不争,不代表大黑狗龙马这样的人不出手,加入进来,参与瓜分各种神材等恨不得一网打尽。 „......” “啊......” Hell divine son yelled, by a Ye Fan direction, golden divine glow was shot through the skull, dies a violent death, huge divine ability cannot block. 地狱神子大叫,被叶凡一指点中,金色神芒射穿头骨,死于非命,天大的神通也挡不住。 The Human World's goddess cannot extremely a tribulation, die in the Ye Fan's hand, refers to the glow broken expansive sky her he nailing tight in the universe. 人世间的神女也未能太过一劫,亦死在了叶凡的手中,指芒破长空她他钉死在宇宙中。 In the end, two Great Divine Dynasty's divine son and goddess also died in the hand of old enemy, has not escaped this destiny. 到头来,两大神朝的神子与神女还都是死在了宿敌的手中,没有摆脱掉这一命运。 The Ye Tong whole body is the blood, the injury is heavy, his talent is astonishing, after Dao Severing, may with a Hell divine son war, although cannot extinguish the enemy also sufficiently to be but proud personally. 叶瞳浑身是血,伤势不轻,他天赋惊人,斩道后可与地狱神子一战,尽管未能亲手灭敌但也足以自傲了。 How long could not want, he can catch up, contended for more than two years with the Ye Fan past enemy in the past, the real aisle this may fight for the master! 要不了多久,他就可以赶上来,与叶凡昔日的敌人抗衡两年多过去,真的走道了这一步可代师而战了! Two Great Divine Dynasties collapse, vanishes into thin air henceforth. 两大神朝崩毁,从此烟消云散。 The Saints harvest is many, naturally excluding Four Forms Holy Land wait/etc., was all excluded, cannot be close to this place with every effort. 诸圣地收获甚丰,当然不包括四象圣地等,全都被排除在外,未曾尽力者根本不能接近此地。 The sound that „......” cries conveys, the ancient white bones palace was torn down, Saints welcomed withered bone of respective ancestors. “呜......”大哭的声音传来,古老的白骨殿堂被拆掉,诸圣地迎回各自先人的枯骨 Is impossible is the Saint bones, that is only small some that's all, the person outstanding skeleton of special physique accounted for many, mostly has not grown, even were still so astonishing enough. 不可能都是圣骨,那只是一小部分而已,特殊体质的人杰骸骨占了多数,大多未成长起来,即便如此也够惊人了。 Sovereign Black and Dragon Horse are full, gives to delimit that not to have share that Village of Celestial Court earns, fell, has not leaked one, has been short. 黑皇龙马可谓盆满钵满,将天之村应得的那冇份都给划,落了过来,并未漏过一件,少过一点。 This is an extraordinary wealth! 这是一笔惊人的财富! Buzz “嗡” The Purple Mansion Saintess whole body overflowing multi-colored sunlight, breaks distant place piece of Void, a dry corpse appears, rapidly restored life-force, wants to run away, this unexpectedly is King of Great Accomplishment. 紫府圣女浑身溢霞光,将远处一片虚空震碎,一具干尸出现,快速恢复了生机,想要逃走,这竟是一位大成王者 Has some fish slip through use rare treasure underlying here, Purple Mansion Saintess and say/way coincide, spiritual awareness is keen, these people do not have to hide. 有个别漏网之鱼利用秘宝隐伏在此,紫府圣女与道相合,灵觉敏锐无比,这些人无所遁形。 Finally cleans up the aftermath, Jiang Yifei, Jade Lake Saintess and other pupil light are radiant, walks forward , indicating to congratulate to Ye Fan and Saint Sovereign's Son, smooth transcends tribulation, cut to extinguish Divine Dynasty, this was a major success. 最终收拾完残局,姜逸飞瑶池圣女等眸光璀璨,向前走来,对叶凡圣皇子表示恭喜,顺利渡劫,斩灭神朝,这是一场大捷。 Hell and Human World destruction, but great war has not actually stopped the dagger-axe, universe deep place Wei Yi is confronting with Myriad Dragons Nest's Great Saint Qian Lun, used the ultimate Dao weapon. 地狱人世间覆灭,但大战却还未止戈,宇宙深处卫易在与万龙巢的乾仑大圣对峙,动用了极道兵器。 When Ye Fan, Saint Killer Qi Luo, Ji Zi wait/etc. overtook expression grave, this is a decisive battle of Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the victory and defeat is difficult to predict inevitably. 叶凡杀圣齐罗姬子等赶过去时神色凝重,这必然是将是一场天崩地裂的决战,胜负难料。 Fellow Daoist please appease anger, all things peace is precious. 道友请息怒,万事和为贵。 In this Life and Death opposite direction time, the old sound transmits, seems like simple silhouette appearance that if still old farmer, Great Saint Hun Tuo kept off between both sides. 就在这生死相向的时刻,苍老的声音传来,一个看起来犹若老农的朴实身影出现,浑拓大圣挡在了双方中间。 Ye Fan, Monkey and the others were speechless, great war must have this antique each time finally, the association/will catches up to mediate a quarrel at crucial moments, no matter is useful or not. 叶凡猴子等人都无言了,每次大战最终都少不了这个老古董,总会于关键时刻赶来劝架,不管有用与否。 Qian Lun brother, Wei Yi Fellow Daoist, since your my path of cultivation, arriving at this is not easy, Immortal Ascension Road will open, why to divide Life and Death in this time, injured friendly.” 乾仑兄,卫易道友,你我修道至今,走到这一步不容易,成仙路将开启,何必于此时分生死,伤了和气。” Two Great Divine Dynasties collapses, the result is doomed, Qian Lun frowns, finally indifferently, Wei Yi has not closed on, both sides tacit receiving hand. 两大神朝崩,结局注定,乾仑蹙眉,最终漠然,卫易也没有进逼,双方默契的收手了。 The Heaven Falls and Earth Rends big showdown has not appeared, ends, a catastrophe disappears to unload imperceptibly. 天崩地裂的大对决没有出现,就此落幕,一场浩劫消卸在无形中。 Through this event, Ancient Race is thorough dreaded, does not dare to probe, thought that the Human Race's water was too deep! 经此一役,古族是彻底的忌惮了,再也不敢试探,觉得人族的水太深了! Past, Ge Jiuyou shocked Myriad Clans, unexpectedly are also at the present many Great Saint, usually did not show one's self, the critical moment can stand. 昔日,盖九幽震慑万族也就罢了,而今居然又多了一位大圣,平日间不显山不露水,关键时刻能站出。 This jumps to have the deterrent force compared with Human Race Saint together! 这远比人族圣者一起跳出来更有威慑力! Because they do not know whether Human Race also has such underlying peerless Powerhouse, really touches does not permit. And, through this service, Ancient Race saw that various Holy Land's water are also very deep, has background, making them alert. 因为他们不知人族是否还有这样隐伏的绝代强者,实在是摸不准了。且,通过这一役,古族看出诸圣地的水亦很深,有底蕴未出,让他们警醒。 Two big Archaic Assassin Divine Dynasty destruction......” “两大远古杀手神朝覆灭了......” The news spreads, entire Ancient Star is a piece of suck in a cold breath sound, all shocks, is very frightened. 消息传出,整颗古星都是一片倒吸冷气的声音,全都震撼,无比惊悚。 This is giant storm! 这是一场巨大的风暴! What, Green Copper Cauldron appeared, in Human Race's Saint Physique Ye Fan?” In the disturbance, this news was passed on, initiates great billows. If ( to be continued ) you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power.) “什么,绿铜鼎出现了,在人族圣体叶凡手里?”在风波中,这则消息被人传了出来,更是引发一场巨澜。(未完待续)如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。)
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