STH :: Volume #13

#1207: Divine Dynasty collapses

~ date: ~ September 18 ~ ~日期:~09月18日~ Many attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ «» ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~《》~ ~ aoye ~aoye Chapter 1205 Divine Dynasty collapses 第1205章神朝 Dry Primal Chaos Divine Soil is split up, cannot bear the impact of incomplete magic formation Thunder Tribulation and ancient gods remained, the star splendor sprinkles. 干涸的混沌神土四分五裂,承受不住雷劫与古代神明遗存下来的残缺的法阵的冲击,星辉洒落进来。 Various Holy Land's people are dumbfounded, expansion of the war situation quick not as everyone expected, Human World and Hell murder Saint died, the white skeleton also melts tribulation ash. 圣地的人目瞪口呆,战局发展之快出乎所有人的预料,人世间地狱杀圣都死了,白骨架亦化劫灰 Obstructs day 1205 遮天1205 The Ye Fan strength is above the imagination powerful, butchered two Saint personally, will overawe the world absolutely! 叶凡战力之强大超乎想象,亲手宰了两位圣者,绝对将威震天下! People know, so long as finished this match, entire Ancient Star will vibrate greatly, Human Race's Saint Physique informed the world with the magnificent score, he came back! 人们知晓,只要此役结束,整颗古星都将大震动,人族圣体用辉煌的战绩昭告世人,他又回来了! Hell and Human World destruction nears, everyone also stares is making, together take action, cleans up the aftermath.” 地狱人世间覆灭在即,诸位还愣着作甚,一起出手,收拾残局。” The fight had not ended, because some Archaic Divine Dynasty also killers live, is the direct descendant elite, if runs away, years later must become the hidden danger. 战斗并未结束,因为远古神朝还有部分杀手活下来,全都是嫡系精英,若是逃走,若干年后必成隐患。 Qi Luo one breaks the head in hand, charges into the white bones palace. 齐罗一把震碎手中的头颅,冲向白骨殿堂。 Do not bleed off, takes revenge for the ancestor!” “一个都不要放走,为先祖复仇!” Welcomed the head of Archaic founder, the snow completely shame and shame, destruction Two Great Divine Dynasties!” “迎回远古祖师的头颅,雪尽耻与辱,覆灭两大神朝!” Shouted " kill " heavenshaking, true murder Saint die, but can also turn what storm? People all charge into go. 喊杀震天,真正的杀圣殒落了,还能翻的出什么风浪?人们全都冲向前去。 Saints rouses, preying, rushes courageously to the white bones palace, because that is two Great Divine Dynasty's foundations and ancestral land, the accumulation of endless years, must have immeasurable Treasure Depository. 诸圣地振奋,奋勇搏杀,闯向白骨殿堂,因为那是两大神朝的根基与祖地,无尽岁月的积累,必有无量宝藏 In the bone palace skinny silhouette, the pupil light/only blue is together spooky, the finger with the pitch-black iron hook, will lift the hand on letting one group of intruders turned into blood mist. 骨殿中一道枯瘦的身影,眸光碧幽幽,手指跟乌黑的铁钩般,抬手将就让一群闯入者化成了血雾 murder Saint! 杀圣 murder Saint, sends out dreadful killing intent, observed closely everyone indifferently, probably ancient corpse, the ice is cold. 还有一位杀圣,散发出滔天的杀意,冷漠的盯住了所有人,像是一具古尸,冰寒刺骨。 Two Great Divine Dynasties digs out ancestral land, only discovered some background, dig out king of the murder Saint, was lived by the Wei Yi fear, follows the universe deep place. 两大神朝掘开祖地,只发现了部分底蕴,挖出一具杀圣之王,被卫易慑住,跟随去了宇宙深处。 murder Saint stays behind, is this person, he wants to flee, wants to lie concealed the assassination, but does not have the opportunity, Qi Luo has locked him. 还有一位杀圣留下,就是此人,他想遁走,也想隐伏下来暗杀,可是没有机会,齐罗早已锁定他。 Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son just the promote step, compelling pressed to come together, gave to surround him. 叶凡姬子圣皇子刚刚晋阶,一同『逼』压而来,将他给围住了。 Awoo......” Sovereign Black cried loud and long, just now fought is very inconvenient, at the present roars, stormed, it can threaten Saint absolutely. 嗷呜……”黑皇长啸,方才一战很不顺手,而今咆哮,也冲闯来,它绝对能威胁到圣人 Another side, Purple Mansion Holy Land's that Old Woman pupil light profound, looked, meets take action momentarily. 另一边,紫府圣地的那位老妪眸光湛湛,亦望了过来,随时会出手 Kills!” “杀!” This person but actually also simple, attacks to kill on own initiative to Qi Luo this inborn enemy, thinks as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, opens a bloody road. 此人倒也干脆,主动攻杀向齐罗这个天生的对头,想摧枯拉朽,开辟出一条血路。 Obstructs day 1205 遮天1205 With is murder Saint, he knows that only some got rid of Qi Luo since birth hope, will otherwise be doomed to tie down, was difficult the life the opportunity. 同为杀圣,他知道唯有干掉齐罗才有生的希望,不然注定会被缠住,难有活命的机会。 The head of Qi Luo, clear ancient pagoda appears, cast by the Saint bone, defends the attack, the hand Sinochem blood blade cut open the universe, inspired the splendor of star moon/month to sweep, such as hung the Milky Way to let fall, imposing manner such as deep. 齐罗的头上,一座晶莹的古塔浮现,以圣骨铸成,防御住了攻击,手中化血刀剖开了乾坤,引动星月之辉扫来,如一挂天河垂落,气势如渊海。 He loses seven child, at the present the whole person is a special condition, Essence, Qi and Spirit increases peak, fighting intent is soaring, there is an invincible spirit. 他丧失七位亲子,而今整个人都处在一种特别的状态,精气神攀升到极致,战意高昂,有一种无敌的气概。 This murder Saint was created at the scene, staggers to back up, the light of that star moon/month pounded completely on his body, the joint made noise, breaks off dozens. 这位杀圣当场遭创,踉跄倒退,那星月之光全部砸了在他的身上,骨节作响,折断数十根。 great killing techniques is useless, was encircled in middle, can only make fighting of trapped/sleepy beast. 杀生大术无用,被人围在当中,只能做困兽之斗。 The Saint Ape child swing big iron rod, is playing a Zhangxian drum probably, wind and thunder Grand Array, the sound is sad, pulled out Void exuded the demolition sound that pounded. 圣猿轮动大铁棍,像是在敲一张仙鼓般,风雷大阵,声音沉闷,将虚空都抽砸的发出了爆破声。 murder Saint was pushed in the middle, evades not to be possible to evade, draws back does not have to draw back, meets the approaching enemy passively, coughs up blood by the mouth that in this great strength shakes. 杀圣被人挤在中间,避无可避,退无可退,被动迎击,被这股巨力震的口中咳血。 Now the world, how many people there are able with the Ancient Sovereign's heir to compete fleshly body? 当今之世,有几人能与古皇的子嗣比拼肉身 Ji Zi both hands balance, about in the same place, shape, if the full moon, hangs in the head, sent out the dazzling light, just like round of Divine Moon. 姬子双手相抵,合在一起,状若满月,悬于头上,发出了刺目的光,宛若一轮神月 ancient mirror change form, appears in his both hands, is auspicious in its head aura, fast shooting together terrifying immortal glow! 一枚古镜化形而出,在其双手间浮现,在其头上气息祥和,快速『射』出一道恐怖的仙芒! "puff" “噗” Around chest of murder Saint translucent, was put on a scary blood hole by shooting, the breastbone breaks many, the half body was been incarnadine by the blood. 杀圣的胸部前后透亮,被『射』穿出一个骇人的血洞,胸骨断裂多根,半边身子被血染红。 The murder Saint pupil light flashes on and off erratically, he by several big expert encirclements in central, shown fearsome aura was pressed his must suffocate, such as the falling mire, is very difficult to revolt. 杀圣眸光明灭不定,他被几大高手合围在中央,透出的可怖气机压他的要窒息,如坠泥沼,很难反抗。 "Aoooo...... ” Sovereign Black bellows, the copper head iron arm, direct pounces upon suddenly, that is only big claw with hill pressed. “嗷吼……”黑皇一声大吼,铜头铁臂,直接一个猛扑,那只大爪子跟一座小山似的的压了下来。 At the same time, Ye Fan goes forward, Imperishable Golden Body is magnificent, the body covers visions, wants bare-handed to execute the archenemy. 同一时间,叶凡上前,不灭金身光辉灿烂,身体笼罩异象,想徒手格杀大敌。 The blood splash blooms, how murder Saint can keep off lives in killing of flock of tigers, Sovereign Black almost his heart pulling out, but Ye Fan tears off his right arm directly, Holy Blood drippings, is bloody and cruel. 血花绽放,一位杀圣怎能挡的住群虎的扑杀,黑皇差点将其心脏给掏出来,而叶凡则直接将其右臂扯下,圣血淋淋,血腥而暴戾。 Slaughter Saint! 屠圣! Is impossible to have any suspense, these expert move, this person wants the escaping ratio to ascend to heaven difficultly. 根本不可能有任何悬念,这几位高手同动,此人想逃生比登天都难。 Finally fires, they made into one group of blood mist murder Saint, only leaves the Qi Luo exploration Primordial Spirit of four cracks. 最后一击发出,他们将杀圣打成了一团血雾,只将四裂的元神留给齐罗探索。 Four World Stone, are we will open gods small the basis!” murder Saint put away is sad, a show(s) wisp of happiness color. “四块世界石,将是我们开辟神明小界的根本!”杀圣收起伤悲,『露』出一缕喜『色』。 Hell and Human World destruction, their ancestor were born respectively precious World Stone, was collected in this. 地狱人世间都覆灭了,他们的祖界各自诞生了一枚珍贵的世界石,被收藏在此。 But dry Primal Chaos Divine Soil is the marvelous work in small, was born two World Stone, at the present received the bone palace, the value is immeasurable. 而干涸的混沌神土更是小界中的神品,诞生了两块世界石,而今收在骨殿中,价值无量。 Obstructs day 1205 遮天1205 Clash/To, the ancient palace in sacred relic many, can make up for the losses of our service!” Saint Killer Qi Luo said. “冲,古老的殿堂中圣物诸多,可以弥补我们这一役的损失!”杀圣齐罗道。 Sovereign Black and Dragon Horse without demur, take to one's heels to dash about wildly, charge into the palace, started in history the craziest big looting, sees anything to receive anything. 黑皇龙马二话没说,撒丫子狂奔,冲向殿堂,开始了史上最疯狂的大洗劫,见什么收什么。 Finally, even was not involved in the Magical Artifact space several beautiful woman killers carefully. 最终,甚至将几位美女杀手都不小心卷入了法器空间内部。 Kills......” “杀啊……” In this moment, Sects killed insanely, previously did not see take action, at this time all such as fierce tiger descended the mountain, aggressive incomparable. 在这一刻,诸教都杀疯了,早先不见出手,此时全都如猛虎下山,生猛无比。 Various Holy Land's people all go to the ancient palace, no one is willing to fall behind half step. 圣地的人全都冲着古老殿堂而去,谁都不肯落后半步。 war chariot rumble, steamroll excessively broken Dao Traces, army endless, destroys ancient palace, symbolizes Archaic Divine Dynasty from now on the destruction. 战车隆隆,碾压过残破的道痕,大军无尽,摧毁一座座古殿,标志着远古神朝自此覆灭。 The men shouting and horses neighing, various Holy Land's reinforcements arrived, a leader barbarian beast mount oversteps the expansive sky, stepped on collapsed the universe, such as one steel mighty currents curled. 人喊马嘶,诸圣地的援军到了,一头头蛮兽坐骑踏过长空,踩塌了天宇,如一片钢铁洪流卷来。 Middle really has Saint! 当中竟然有圣人 When the final moment, carves up Treasure Depository, some Holy Land background set out, lets the Village of Celestial Court person unstated criticism and anger. 在最后的关头,瓜分宝藏之际,有的圣地底蕴都出动了,让天之村的人腹诽与愤怒。 Ji Family, Jade Lake, Feng Clan and say/way one, Purple Mansion, Jiang Family and other Holy Land somewhat are also indifferent, facing these congenial ancient sect, is very discontented. 姬家瑶池风族、道一、紫府姜家圣地亦有些冷漠,面对这几个投机的古教,很是不满。 This bone palace has my Four Forms Holy Land one.” An old man rides to sit on the golden eyes bluish green scale beast, loud shouting, bringing one crowd of Powerhouse to approach. “这骨殿有我四象圣地一份。”一个老者骑坐在金睛碧鳞兽上,大声的喝道,带着一群强者临近。 When great war does not see their traces, hides when finally, carves up Archaic Divine Dynasty Treasure Depository truly, actually to before most, detains the Celestial Court's person. 大战时不见他们的踪影,躲在最后,真正瓜分远古神朝宝藏时,却冲在最前,拦阻住了天庭的人。 Who you are, when great war may once strive, why just now doesn't see?” Old Hilt asked. “你们是谁,大战时可曾出力,方才为何不见?”老刀把子问道。 I and other Inheritance were remote, named Four Forms Holy Land, in this bone palace has my older generation skull, at the present will welcome.” The old men said. “我等传承久远,名为四象圣地,这骨殿中有我先辈头骨,而今将迎回。”老者说道。 Naturally must have my Nine Firmament Holy Land.” Another side, ancient war chariot drive, each rusty stain is motley, but has the terrifying to fight the air/Qi to wind around, is treasure weapon. “自然也少不了我九霄圣地。”另一侧,一辆辆古老的战车驶来,每一辆都锈迹斑驳,但是却有恐怖战气缭绕,全都是宝兵 Another Great Holy Land arrives, must carve up Treasure Depository, a moment ago when great war, does not know that which corner hides, not in former rush. 又一大圣地到来,要瓜分宝藏,刚才大战时,也不知躲在哪个角落,并未在前冲杀。 Really is the joke, when should strive disappears, rushed to the frontline to this moment each and every one, don't you dislike shamefacedly?” A Village of Celestial Court old man said. “真是笑话,该出力时不见踪影,到了这种关头一个个冲到了最前方,你们不嫌羞愧吗?”天之村一位老者说道。 I and others did one's best to come, did not say other, only ancestor's withered bone lies in this, in has the qualifications to enter, where had a need for your Celestial Court evil remnants saying, earnest thin, when you also the receive examined to punish, when executed!” Old Woman Yin sad saying of Nine Firmament Holy Land. “我等尽心尽力而来,不说其他,单是祖先的枯骨横陈于此,就有资格入内,哪里用得着你们天庭余孽多说,认真细算起来,你们也当接收审罚,当诛!”九霄圣地的一位老妪阴恻恻的说道。 Two big Archaic Divine Dynasty Inheritance endless years, puncture the Saint photo do not harm, accumulation Divine Depository is simply inestimable, no one has many conceivably. 两大远古神朝传承无尽岁月,连圣人都照刺不误,积累的神藏简直不可估量,没人可以想象有多少。 Perhaps can reorganize two Great Holy Land to come instantaneously, to be jealous, they clash to carve up, is person nature greed makes it so. 也许瞬间就可以藉此重组出两大圣地来,让人眼红,他们冲来瓜分,自是人『性』贪欲使然。 But was actually the Village of Celestial Court person wears a fearful big hat to be excessive at this time, his heart may execute! 可此时却为天之村的人扣上一个可怕的大帽子就过分了,其心可诛! Ye Fan left ranks, frowns to stand, stared, in the mouth only had a character, said: "Scram!" 叶凡出列,横眉而立,瞪了过去,口中只有一个字,道:“滚!” Person the shadow of famous tree, Ye Fan world so many years, has killed Ancient Sovereign's Son, challenge world various Ancestral King, since bloody battle, are prestigious, these person of expression stagnate immediately, although is extremely angry, but does not dare to get angry. 人的名树的影,叶凡天下这么多年,杀过古皇子,叫板过天下诸祖王,一路血战至今,威名赫赫,这些人神『色』顿时一滞,虽然极度愤怒,但是也不敢翻脸。 Ye Fan your moves the world, but truly a coercion side, but must speak a principle character, why not to make me and others occupy the bone palace, aren't they Celestial Court evil remnants?” The Four Forms Holy Land hostage asked. 叶凡你名动天下,确实可威压一方,但也要讲一个理字,凭什么不让我等占据骨殿,他们不是天庭余孽吗?”四象圣地的人质问。 They also belong to Assassin Divine Dynasty, is evil remnants when kills, I and others said isn't right?” Nine Firmament Holy Land Old Woman sneers. “他们也属于杀手神朝,是当杀的余孽,我等说的不对吗?”九霄圣地的一位老妪冷笑。 Bang! 轰! The Ye Fan's body sent out the immeasurable light, golden blood energy submerged this place, proliferation, such as vast Hao 『』. 叶凡的身体发出了无量光,黄金血气将此地淹没,扩散而出,如汪洋般浩『荡』。 "puff" “噗” Front these people mouths cough up blood, flew horizontally, several old man complexion are also pale, backs up step by step. 前方那些人大口咳血,横飞了出去,几位老者也都脸『色』苍白,一步一步倒退。 „Do you want to court death?” Ye Fan expression is indifferent, words quite direct, disregards another's feelings. “你们想找死吗?”叶凡神『色』冷漠,话语相当的直接,毫不留情面。 „Do you...... want to face universal condemnation?!” They color severe Neiren calling out. “你……想冒天下之大不韪吗?!”他们『色』厉内荏的叫道。 The Ye Fan sound color entirely severe, shouted loudly: Past Celestial Court to become smoke/tobacco, had been broken through by Saints, destruction cleanness. Celestial Court that I create, no longer is what Assassin Divine Dynasty, throws filthy water to my sect, directs the catastrophe in me and others, his heart may execute!” 叶凡声『色』俱厉,大声喝道:“昔日的天庭早已成烟,被诸圣地攻破,覆灭了个干净。我所创的天庭,不再是什么杀手神朝,向我教泼脏水,引大祸于我等,其心可诛!” His voice like the blade, cuts in the hearts of everyone, the pupil light has swept the place, these people evade to draw back, does not dare with it facing up. 他声音如刀,斩在每一个人的心间,眸光扫过之处,这些人避退,不敢与之正视。 Ye Fan is Imperishable Golden Body, Blood Qi exuberant world-wide difficult, takes a step forward, these person of each and every one that shakes coughs up blood to back up, almost at the scene disintegration. 叶凡不灭金身,血气之旺盛举世难匹,向前迈步,震的这些人一个个咳血倒退,差点当场崩碎。 You......” “你……” Even Celestial Court is not killer evil remnants, you have what right to block me and others the white bones palace, Hell and Human World's Treasure Depository are the world, has me and other.” “就算天庭不为杀手余孽,你有什么权利阻我等进白骨殿堂,地狱人世间的宝藏属于天下,自有我等一份。” Although these people complexion snow white, backing up cannot help but, but in the mouth actually does not submit. 这些人虽脸『色』雪白,不由自主的倒退,但口中却不屈服。 „When joke, great war where you, how disappear, all shrinks in the final side, when to carved up Treasure Depository anyone is more positive than!” Ye Fan takes a fast look around this several Holy Land, complexion is indifferent and ice dense/woods are incomparable. “笑话,大战时你们在哪里,怎不见踪影,全都缩在最后方,到了瓜分宝藏时比谁都积极了!”叶凡扫视这个几个圣地,脸『色』冷漠与冰森无比。 Behind, Sovereign Black, Dragon Horse, Dongfang Ye and including Saint Sovereign's Son, each and every one all opposed nonchalantly, forward compelling. 后方,黑皇龙马东方野、包括圣皇子在内等,一个个全都横眉冷对,向前『逼』来。 Ye Fan continues saying: Until now fights had not finished, Wei Yi Great Saint wait/etc. went to the Star Domain deep place and archenemy showdown, but my disciple is also fighting with all might with various enemy, what you made, impatient rushes to here to carve up Treasure Depository!?” 叶凡继续道:“直到现在战斗还未结束,卫易大圣等去星域深处与大敌对决,而我的弟子也在与诸敌拼杀,你们做了什么,迫不及待的跑到这里来瓜分宝藏!?” He angrily rebukes loudly, expression cold to the extreme. 他大声怒斥,神『色』冷到了极点。 The distant place, Ye Tong in great war, to Hell divine son, like that fought past the old enemy for the master who such as he said in the past! 远处,叶瞳正在大战,对上了地狱神子,如他当年所说的那般,代师而战昔日宿敌! He just Dao Severing, from the absolute strength was not the Hell divine son opponent, after all this was the peerless rare talent who Divine Dynasty trained, Dao Severing many years. 他刚斩道,从绝对实力上来说并不是地狱神子的对手,毕竟这是一个神朝培养出的绝世奇才,斩道很多年了。 However, Ye Tong actually does not flinch, even if the whole body is the blood, is seriously battered, is also preying, whets itself. 但是,叶瞳却并不退缩,哪怕浑身是血,遭受重创,也在搏杀,磨砺自己。 Naturally, Ji Zi and the others are paying attention, avoiding occurrence is really accidental. 当然,姬子等人都在关注,避免真的发生意外。 Another side, Xiao Qiao'er, Gu Lin and Gu Fei are also fighting, the Village of Celestial Court person is slaughtering with the killer. 另一边,小雀儿古琳古飞也在战斗,天之村的人在与杀手厮杀。 But Ji Family, Purple Mansion, Feng Clan, Jade Lake, Jiang Family and Solitary Dao Holy Land troops have not stopped, is still encountering with the other killers, cleans up the aftermath. 姬家紫府风族瑶池姜家道一圣地的人马也没有停下,依然在与余下的杀手交锋,收拾残局。 You may once fight, what strength have given, sheds a drop of blood? What face has to carve up Treasure Depository? Also hides malicious intent under a fair countenance, throws filthy water...... to roll to me to my Celestial Court!” Ye Fan aggressive saying, blocked everyone's road. “你们可曾战斗,出过什么力,流过一滴血吗?有什么脸面要来瓜分宝藏?还包藏祸心,向我天庭泼脏水……都给我滚!”叶凡霸气的说道,拦住了所有人的路。 These person of complexion snow white, could not speak, the each and every one corners of the mouth overflowing blood, fell back on the distant place. 这些人脸『色』雪白,说不出话来,一个个嘴角溢血,退到了远处。 youngster knows when to stop, does not want duo duo compelling person very......” an old sound to transmit, vibrates in Between Heaven and Earth, Saint Might fills the air. 年轻人适可而止,不要咄咄『逼』人太甚……”一个苍老的声音传来,在天地间震动,圣威弥漫。 world has a principle character, if could not convince to certain people, there is still one killed the character!” Ye Fan is in sharp opposition, in standing erect vault of heaven. 世间有一个理字,若对某些人说不通的话,还有一个杀字!”叶凡针锋相对,屹立苍穹上。 Faint, was misunderstood, I naturally hope that everyone has the words genuine subscription support of condition to obstruct the day, saw the person who genuine support are many, I naturally have an impulse and power. I was saying that big god activity light/only did not need to spend additionally, because that needs to subscribe author all books. Wipes away tears, obstructs the day to need the genuine subscription, asked the monthly ticket! 晕嘞,被误会了,我当然希望大家有条件的话正版订阅支持遮天,看到正版支持的人多,我自然也有一种冲劲与动力。我只是在说那个大神之光的活动就不用额外花费了,因为那个需要订阅一个作者所有的书。挥泪,遮天需要正版订阅啦,求下月票啦! ...... …… Many attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ «» ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~《》~ ~ aoye ~aoye
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