STH :: Volume #13

#1206: Book of Time

„......” Human World's murder Saint does not whoosh, struggles furiously, but the body is disrupting, by flesh and blood flying in all directions that the Heaven and Earth great misfortune chops, the white bones are dense. “不......”人世间的杀圣嘶吼,奋力挣扎,但是身体还是在碎裂,被天地大劫劈的血肉横飞,白骨森森。 In Thunder Sea, flaming the prestige the light to dance in the air, that is the moon, Sun, Five Elements, Primal Chaos and other great misfortune, heavenly palace ups and downs, that is the lightning condenses. 雷海中,一道道更为炽威的光在飞舞,那是太阴、太阳五行混沌等各种大劫,更有一座座天阙在沉浮,那是闪电凝聚而成。 heavenly punishment that Ye Fan, Monkey and Ji Zi transcends tribulation, bends/bow can be said as the whole world being difficult to see, has not seen such fearsome lightning glow in this Realm. 叶凡猴子姬子渡劫,弓来的天罚可以说是举世难见,在这个境界从来没有见过这么可怖的电芒 Three Emperor's Child bend heavenly punishment, visions shakes All Heavens, thunder light puts on the past and present, shone eternal immortal light. 三位帝子天罚,异象诸天,雷光穿古今,照耀出了永恒的仙光 This is not the Sanctification great misfortune, but actually had no time to let by Saint Tribulation, divided murder Saint disintegrated several times, is unable to get rid. 这并不是成圣大劫,但却被圣人劫不遑多让,劈的杀圣都解体数次了,无法摆脱。 But that white skeleton, Divine fire in head even more was finally gloomy, destroy both body and soul at present. 而那具白骨架,头颅中的神火终于是越发的暗淡了,形神俱灭就在眼前。 Archaic Divine Dynasty's two big Powerhouse are unable to save the situation, they are more painful than and difficult Ye Fan, what because faces is three tribulations punishes! 远古神朝的两大强者无力回天,比叶凡他们更痛苦与艰难,因为面对的是三种劫罚! „......” murder Saint yelled, at the point of death must draw in Emperor's Child. “啊......”杀圣大叫,临死也要拉上一个帝子 What a pity he was hard to achieve wishes, Human World hidden the wonderful technique in mortal world could not display, was shelterless, flash by heavenly punishment dividing. 可惜他难以如愿,人世间隐于红尘中的妙术施展不出,无处藏身,一瞬间就会被天罚给劈出来。 Ji Zi blood-stained, in Heavenly Tribulation naturally impossible lossless, but actually and is not affected much, the Void dog crack cuts one, Heaven and Earth changes colors, Fiendgod phantom roars, that white skeleton ripping open. 姬子身上血迹斑斑,在天劫中自然不可能无损,但是却并无大碍,虚空犬裂斩一出,天地失色,神魔虚影怒号,将那具白骨架给撕开了。 Arrogant......” this is huge roaring, spreads over the breakage Primal Chaos Immortal Earth, some people directly shaken fleshly body blast out, changes into blood mist. “傲呃......”这是一声巨大的咆哮,传遍破裂的混沌仙土,一些人直接被震的肉身炸开,化为血雾 Saint was cracked the body, this is one seals the holy war, Ji Zi transcends tribulation perfection, showed him to be possible the mechanical reactance Saint's strength! 一位圣者被裂了躯体,这是一场封圣战,姬子渡劫圆满,展现出了他可力抗圣人的实力! Everyone has a parched mouth, a Emperor's Child level character rises, informed his domineering and unusualness, henceforth Between Heaven and Earth were many unignorable person. 所有人都口干舌燥,一位帝子级人物崛起,昭告了他的强势与超凡,从此天地间多了一尊不可忽视的人杰。 Another side Saint Sovereign's Son roared, executed a law Heaven and Earth divine ability, able to support both heaven and earth, does not know that many times, exceeded the great mountain big. 另一边圣皇子咆哮,施出一个法相天地神通,顶天立地,也不知高大了多少倍,超越了巨山。 This is huge golden Saint Ape, each hair glitters the fine glow, Cui Can is eye-catching, roars the broken universe, shakes the rotten landscape, grasps the piercing the Heavens black big stick, stands in Thunder Sea, brandishes to pound to Human World's murder Saint. 这是一头巨大的金色圣猿,每一根毛发都闪烁精芒,崔璨夺目,吼碎天宇,震烂河山,手持捅破天的黑色大棍,站在雷海中,抡砸向人世间的杀圣 murder Saint angry roar, the denouement, he crawls from mountains of corpses & seas of blood, now is exhausted, dragging revealing the body of white bones to launch various Secret Technique, kills to the front. 杀圣怒啸,英雄末路,他是从尸山血海中爬过来的,现在却精疲力竭,拖着露出的白骨的身子展开各种秘术,杀向前方。 pà cá 啪嚓 It is not how resounding sound transmits, the flesh fell one piece broken, the murder Saint right arm and half body caved, then broke off. 并不是多么响亮的声音传来,血肉碎掉一片,杀圣右臂与半边身子都塌陷了下去,而后折断。 Saint Sovereign's Son angrily roars, pitching Between Heaven and Earth, high over ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), this is one may the picking the stars and seizing the moon golden giant ape, unfolded the boundless power and influence, caused heavy losses to Ancient Saint. 圣皇子怒吼,俯仰天地间,高逾万丈,这是一头可摘星捉月的金色巨猿,展动了无边的威势,重创了一位古圣 People holding breath cold air, Ancient Race, saw particularly again brilliance years that Battle Saint Sovereign rises, fearful and apprehensive. 人们倒吸凉气,尤其是古族,恍惚间再次见到了斗战圣皇崛起的光辉岁月,心惊胆颤。 As we all know, the road of Saint Sovereign's Son rise was irresistible, at the present promotes half-Saint, had may the anti- Ancestral King strength! 所有人都知道,圣皇子崛起之路不可阻挡了,而今晋升到了半圣,有了可抗祖王的实力! to destroy indiscriminately!” 玉石俱焚!” ten directions all extinguishes!” 十方皆灭!” In vast Thunder Sea, Human World's murder Saint also has that white skeleton to spread the cruel Divine Consciousness fluctuation, their knew, but actually also wants to draw in a person to be buried along with the dead. 在汪洋般的雷海中,人世间的杀圣还有那具白骨架传出残忍的神识波动,他们的知道完了,但却也想拉上一个人陪葬。 The body is tattered, their Primordial Spirit were struck by lightning, the dispirited cannot withstand, but actually turns into two ray of light to clash forward, respectively killing to Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son. 躯体破烂,他们的元神在遭受雷击,萎靡不堪,可是却化成两道光向前冲来,分别扑杀向姬子圣皇子 The people change color, murder Saint goes all out, the show/unfolds moves Human World's Taboo Secret Technique, absolutely is a disaster, they burn the life mark, may show to strike shockingly. 众人变色,杀圣拼命,展动人世间的禁忌秘术,绝对是一场大难,他们燃烧生命印记,可展现出惊世一击。 Fast draws back!” The distant place, people call out in alarm. “速退!”远处,人们惊呼。 Putting up a last-ditch struggle, is stranded the fighting of person beast to be most fearful, even the slightest misstep, the original victor may fall into the perdition. 垂死挣扎、困兽之斗人最为可怕,稍有不慎,原本的胜利者可能会陷入万劫不复之地。 Ye Fan take action, stands erect in Void, the black hair like the waterfall, accepts thunder baptism fleshly body, in the forehead magnificent light flashes, golden tiny being holds the cauldron, achieved peak of speed. 叶凡出手,屹立虚空中,黑发如瀑,接受雷霆洗礼肉身,眉心内光华一闪,一个金色的小人抱鼎而出,达到了速度的绝巅 To the utmost sublimation! 极尽升华! The bracelet has the fetter of meat shell, from Divine Form, emerges, this is a say/way again changes, Primordial Spirit and Dao Fusion, holds the cauldron to strike. 跳脱出肉壳的束缚,从神形中冲起,脱胎而出,这是道的再变,元神合道,抱鼎一击。 The time as if solidified, the space cannot become prevents, golden tiny being becomes only of Between Heaven and Earth, attracted bent everyone's vision. 时间仿佛凝固了,空间不能成为阻挡,金色的小人成为了天地间的唯一,吸弓了所有人的目光。 “噗” This strikes shocking world, will display a future to be possible in the Human Race's Saint Physique elegant demeanor on the emperor road striving for hegemony! 这一击惊艳世间,表现出了一个将来可在帝路上争雄的人族圣体的风采! The fire of Primordial Spirit in white Gujia departs was held the cauldron to pound by golden tiny being, is split up at the scene, cannot block this to strike. 白骨架中飞出的元神之火被金色小人抱鼎一砸,当场四分五裂,不能挡住这一击。 Arrogant, zi......” “傲呃,鼒......” That rolls Divine fire to be angry, is also panic-stricken, is wailing and yelling, puts up a last-ditch struggle, however actually no helps. 那团神火愤怒,同时惊恐,哀嚎与大叫着,垂死挣扎,然而却于事无补。 The golden tiny being cauldron, lets fall next ten thousand wisps of Origin Qi, the fast enlargement, suppress, also has no suspense once again, pounded the flying ash it! 金色小人的鼎,垂落下万缕母气,快速放大,又一次镇压而下,再也没有任何悬念,将其砸成了飞灰! Died, Saint Primordial Spirit was extinguished...... people to have a big shock like this, is at a loss for words. “死了,一位圣者元神就这样被灭了......”众人大惊失色,全都张口结舌。 Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron and Ye Fan transcends tribulation, Realm is together same, at the present is born to be lost in thought to reveal one's aspirations in Thunder Sea, the might is infinite. 万物母气鼎叶凡一起渡劫,境界相同,而今在雷海中诞生出了神明志,威力无穷。 It was consistent with Ye Fan Realm throughout, achieved half Saint Realm, may fight Saint with its Master generally, as immortal material that Ancient Great Emperor can have, was cast the cauldron many years, the might was infinite. 它与叶凡境界始终一致,达到了半圣境,与其主人一般可战圣人了,身为古之大帝才能拥有的仙料,被铸成鼎多年,威力无穷。 Half Holy Artifact, half-Saint...... had the half-Saint barrier...... actually to cut murder Saint......” “半圣器,半圣......有半圣壁垒......可是却能斩杀圣者了......” Ancient Race many complexions snow white, the third Emperor's Child level character informed the world in this moment by its strength, the domineering rise, no one may keep off! 古族不少人脸色雪白,第三位帝子级人物在这一刻以其实力昭告天下,强势崛起,无人可挡! Another side, Human World's murder Saint Primordial Spirit stream of light plunges Monkey, the fierce and ominous offense, pledging to fight to the death to draw in him. 另一侧,人世间的杀圣元神似一道流光般扑向猴子,狰狞而凶戾,誓死要拉上他。 I caused heavy losses to by Heavenly Tribulation, 50% of strength insufficient most flourishing boundary, but must draw in the middle of your three one is not the issue!” “我被天劫重创,实力不足全盛境的50%,但是要拉上你们三个当中的一个也不是问题!” This is being unwilling, contains the boundless resentment, wants to make Saint Sovereign's Son be buried along with the dead! 这是一种不甘,蕴含无边怨气,想让圣皇子陪葬! However the result is unexpected, after Ye Fan, sends first , after striking kills that to roll Divine fire, under the golden tiny being body presents Divine Skin, carried him to reverse the time probably, along the time river on, blocked murder Saint. 然而结果出乎预料,叶凡后发先至,击杀那团神火后,金色小人身下出现一张神皮,载着他像是逆转了光阴,沿着时间长河而上,挡住了杀圣 Quickly to inconceivable, making one unable to respond. 快到不可思议,让人反应不过来。 This is Book of Time, recorded Celestial Court's Inheritance, is Ye Fan brings from Undying Mountain, is Divine Skin. 这是时间之书,记载了天庭的古法传承,是叶凡不死山中带出来的,为一张神皮 Above was dense and numerous, carves completely the small character, at this time turned into rune, bloomed, the brand mark in Void, protected Ye Fan in the center. 上面密密麻麻,刻满了小字,此时都化成了符文,绽放而出,烙印在虚空中,将叶凡护在中央。 Each character bright eye-catching, probably casts by divine gold, each bright light, character character heavy like mountain, may be called shocking. 每一个字都灿烂夺目,像是以神金铸成,各个烁光,字字沉重如山,堪称惊世。 Golden tiny being sits cross-legged on this Divine Skin, Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron is separated from the bosom, hangs in the head, advances together with it, but presented another weapon in the hand. 金色的小人盘坐在这张神皮上,万物母气鼎脱离怀抱,悬在头上,与其共进,而在手中出现了另外一件兵器。 Celestial Court's supreme scepter!” 天庭的无上权杖!” Human World's murder Saint yelled, seems panic-stricken, this golden scepter once took to two Great Divine Dynasty's endless coercion, past shock and awe time. 人世间的杀圣大叫,似乎非常惊恐,这杆黄金权杖曾带给两大神朝的无尽的威压,昔日震慑时间。 This is weapon that only then Great Saint can stimulate to movement, others are unusable, but he as if forgot, only remembers its hundreds of thousands years ago nightmarish prestige energies. 这是只有大圣才能催动的兵器,其他人不能用,但是他似乎忘记了,只记得它十几万年前噩梦般的威能。 Mouth. “嘴。 The golden scepter splits murder Saint Primordial Spirit for two halves, has not had the special prestige to present, is only pure firm immortal that's all. 黄金权杖将杀圣元神剖为两半,并未有特别威能呈现,只是单纯的坚固不朽而已 “噗” In the Ye Fan hand another weapon appears, precisely Divine Beating Whip, is Primordial Spirit Weapon, special murder Primordial Spirit, pulls out the fragment this murder Saint Divine Consciousness. 叶凡手中另一件兵器出现,正是打神鞭,是一种元神兵,专杀人元神,将此杀圣神识抽成碎片。 „......” Human World's murder Saint yelled sad and shrill. “啊......”人世间的杀圣凄厉大叫。 Above under the Ye Fan top of the head Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron shakes, lets fall silk ribbon Great Dao Origin Qi, will have fallen into alarmed and afraid the deicide Primordial Spirit fragment steamroll to become fine powder. 叶凡头顶上方万物母气鼎一震,垂落下丝绦般的大道母气,将早已陷入惊惧中的杀神元神碎片碾压成了齑粉 Has all things to perform in In the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, people want to prevent are not good, was too quick, Book of Time made golden tiny being penetrate the shackles of space and time probably. 所发生诸事尽在电火石花间,人们想阻挡也不行,太快了,时间之书让金色的小人像是穿透了时空的桎梏。 The rare treasure one after another shows, will deter and divine ability | energy displays respectively, lets cherishing hatred that this murder Saint can only be unwilling. 一件接一件的秘宝展现,将威慑与神能分别发挥出来,让这位杀圣都只能不甘的饮恨。 Died, may kill Saint's murder Saint to drop the curtain, dies in Heavenly Tribulation. 死了,一位可杀圣人的杀圣就此落下了帷幕,死于天劫中。 Far and near completely silent, only then that huge Thunder Tribulation is still continuing, in that light screen three such as silhouette of being an excellent likeness demon stands erect, is lending the immortal aura. 远近鸦雀无声,只有那巨大的雷劫还在继续,那光幕中三道如神似魔的身影屹立,散发着不朽的气息。 Two murder Saint levels exist, like this by three half-Saint killing, what news is this? Passing on crazy. 两位杀圣级存在,就这样被三位半圣给杀了,这是一则什么样的消息?传出去会让人疯狂。 The half-Saint barrier...... could not prevent their footsteps! 半圣壁垒......阻挡不了他们的脚步! Why do you snatch my enemy?” Saint Ape child said one discontentedly. “你干吗抢我的敌人?”圣猿子不满的说了一句。 Three people immovability, before the frontal bone, sits cross-legged tiny being, accepts the lightning baptism, to is the whale attracts finally drinks like a fish, accepts to the mouth vast Thunder Sea. 三人不动如山,额骨前都盘坐一个小人,接受闪电洗礼,到了最后更是鲸吸牛饮,将汪洋般的雷海向口中纳去。 Three Emperor's Child are motionless, sublimates in the sea of thunder and lightning, changes the physique and Primordial Spirit comprehensively, undergoes quenchings. 三尊帝子一动不动,于雷电的海洋中升华,全面改变体质与元神,经受淬炼。 The distant place, the Great Saint Qian Lun pupil light flash moves, several Ancestral King killing intent is not covers up in it behind, once this grade of character grows, cannot hug the front! 远处,乾仑大圣眸光闪动,在其身后有几位祖王杀意是不加掩饰的,这等人物一旦成长起来,不可搂锋! The final means cut to kill immediately, but they do not have the opportunity, the head of Great Saint Wei Yi, the Ancient Great Emperor aura fills the air, the light beam hundred million wisps, shine a well-illuminated universe, Star Domain in the trembling ticket. 最后的办法就是立刻斩杀,可是他们却没有机会,大圣卫易的头上,古之大帝气息弥漫,光束亿缕,照耀出一片通明的天宇,星域都在颤票。 That ancient mirror inscribed Ancient Great Emperor's supreme to be dignified, the carrying/sustaining invincible Dao Fruit, has recovered at the present, who dares to move heedlessly? 那枚古镜铭刻了上古大帝的无上威严,承载了无敌的道果,而今已经复苏,谁敢乱动? Void Mirror magnificent light overflows, just like Treasured Wheel, seems like the bright moonlight in the sky, under let fall the silk ribbon to cover the old Saint whole body, its complementing like a god. 虚空镜光华四溢,宛若一个宝轮,又像是明月当空,垂落下的丝绦将老圣人浑身都罩住了,将其映衬的如同一尊神。 Human Race formidable......” Great Saint Qian Lun sighed one. Air/Qi, before the body, Myriad Dragons Bell leaps slowly, such as True Dragon is born, the ancient Sovereign Dao air/Qi fills the air! 人族让人敬畏......”乾仑大圣叹了一。气,身前万龙铃缓缓腾动,如一头真龙降世,古皇道气弥漫! Walked Ge Jiuyou, does not want to present Wei Yi, Great Saint worthy of the reputation, holds to hold Void Mirror, who can easily speak suppress and kill? 走了一个盖九幽,不想又出现了一个卫易,一位名副其实的大圣,持掌虚空镜,谁人能轻言镇杀? Fellow Daoist, if thinks discuss the Dao, we go to the Starry Sky deep place.” Wei Yi said. 道友若是想论道,我们去星空深处。”卫易说道。 Good, by high under.” Great Saint Qian Lun nods, vanishes with it behind several Ancestral King together, turns into the flowing light, submerges the dark universe deep place. “好,论个高下。”乾仑大圣点头,与其身后的几位祖王一起消失,化成流光,没入黑暗的宇宙深处。 Wei Yi before several Saint just before parting, observed closely the king of that murder Saint, this person of skinny, look disastrous incident, fired into the universe. 卫易与几位圣人临去前,盯住了那位杀圣之王,此人皮包骨头,神色惨变,也冲向了宇宙中。 This grade of great person departs, people grew one finally. Air/Qi, this is a huge killing tribulation, does not want to bend these wind and cloud Ancient Saint. 这等大人物一离去,人们终于长出了一。气,这是一场天大的杀劫,不曾想弓来了这些风云古圣 Bang!” “轰!” Last loud sound, everywhere thunder light diverges, Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son transcends tribulation succeeds, heavenly punishment vanished. 最后一声巨响,漫天的雷光散去,叶凡姬子圣皇子渡劫成功,天罚消失了。 Everyone vitality prosperous prestige, in great spirits, swallows surrounding Essence Qi crazily, the supplementary energy. 每一个人都气血旺威,精神奕奕,疯狂吞噬周围的精气,补充能量。 Another side, Saint Killer Qi Luo startled certainly colorful, his becoming enlightened millenniums Hell murder Saint, cut his head at risk of life early, is observing broken Divine Consciousness in his frontal bone. 另一边,杀圣齐罗惊才绝艳,拼死了早他成道千年的地狱杀圣,斩下其头颅,正在观其额骨内的残破神识 He through these, saw oneself child some life paths, immediately cries and smiles, has hair dishevelled, a grief of face, cannot bear to the day bellows. 他通过这些,看到了自己亲子的部分人生轨迹,当即又哭又笑,披头散发,一脸的悲怆,忍不住对天大吼。 Now the beginning has a activity of light of big god, after fellow book friends register, may enter individual center to look, achieves the condition leads sign anything, can have the award, has not arrived at the condition does not need to subscribe the mouth to thank support specially, has the monthly ticket to throw to obstructing the day, last ten days of the month, the second monthly ticket should come out. 现在起点有一个大神之光的活动,各位书友登录后可进个人中心去看下,达到条件的去领标志什么的吧,能够有大奖,没到条件的也不用特别订阅口谢谢各位的支持,有月票投给遮天吧,下旬了,第二张月票应该出来了。
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