STH :: Volume #13

#1205: Seizes Emperor Weapon

Right, how you have background, but must die!” Ye Fan is in sharp opposition. ** “是吗,你们有底蕴又如何,还都是要死!”叶凡针锋相对。** Haha......” Human World's murder Saint has hair dishevelled freely, the white bones stubble revealed that but in cold and gloomy laughing, is still icing the cold air to overflow, said: Acts recklessly!” “哈哈......”人世间的杀圣尽管披头散发,白骨茬都露了出来,但依然在在森冷的大笑,冰寒气四溢,道:“不知死活!” The distant place, Saint Might is enormous and powerful, several old Saint come, silent, is staring at that ancient white bones palace. 远处,圣威浩荡,几位老圣人现身,沉默不语,盯着那片古老的白骨殿堂。 Everyone dies, does not need to live.” In the bone palace spreads together the dignified sound, killing intent such as the vastness curls together generally. “所有人都死吧,没有必要活下来。”骨殿中传出一道威严的声音,一道杀念如汪洋一般卷来。 This absolutely existence that crawls from mountains of corpses & seas of blood, year after year day after day is killing people every time, can grow to this step. 这绝对是从尸山血海中爬出来的存在,年复一年日复一日每时每刻都在杀人,才得以成长到这一步。 An old man walks silently, skinny, the hair has fallen the light, the eye socket gets sucked, body is withered, almost lost the life characteristics. 一个老者无声无息走来,皮包骨头,头发早已落光,眼窝深陷,肌体干瘪,几乎失去了生命特征。 Saint King Realm! 圣人王境! This is one to kill prove the Dao, achieved fearsome existence of Saint King Realm, no one has thought, will have this grade of old assassin to resurface. 这是一个以杀证道,达到了圣人王境的可怖存在,谁也没有想到,会有这等老杀手复出。 He belongs to Human World, couple days ago enter the world, in deep sleep Divine Source hundreds of thousands years, lived this. 他属于人世间,前几天才出世,沉睡神源内十几万年了,活到了这一世。 Yin Qi sways, presents another black-clothed person in its side, the physique withered, although is not Saint King, but also is murder Saint. 阴气拂动,在其旁边出现另一尊黑衣人,形体枯槁,虽然不为圣人王,但也是一尊杀圣 Two big Archaic Divine Dynasty are very lucky, selected some background in secret location accidentally, at the present keeping watch in this, making this place impregnable. 两大远古神朝很幸运,在一处密地偶然掘出了部分底蕴,而今坐镇于此,让此地固若金汤。 In their presents several savage aura behind, unexpectedly is three Ancient Race people, arrived at one with Archaic Assassin Divine Dynasty. 在他们的身后又出现几道凶残的气息,竟是三位古族人,与远古杀手神朝走到了一起。 This really comes as a surprise to person, this is Archaic Divine Dynasty important location, how to come three Ancient Race? 这实在出乎人的预料,这本为远古神朝重地,怎么来了三位古族? Sovereign Black is astonished, because it discovered. Among the bone architectural complexes has altar twinkle dim light, that three Ancestral King were summoned. 黑皇惊异,因为它发现。骨建筑群间有一座祭坛闪烁幽光,那三位祖王是被召唤过来的。 Assassin Divine Dynasty has the contact with certain Ancient Race in secret, three people the first time are came this, the pupil light flashes on and off erratically, sizes up everywhere. 杀手神朝与某些古族暗中有往来,三人似是第一次来此,眸光明灭不定,四处打量。 Ye Fan fearless, said: You think that resurfaces two murder Saint, three can Ancestral King escape the destruction again in addition the fate? Who also does not think is encircles you today!” 叶凡无惧,道:“你以为复出两尊杀圣,再加上三位祖王就能逃过覆灭的下场?也不想想今日都是谁来围剿你!” Hey, who is the prey. A while from being clear.” Human World's murder Saint said, struggles and shouts in Heavenly Tribulation. “嘿,谁是猎物。一会儿自见分晓。”人世间的杀圣说道,在天劫中挣扎、嘶吼。 Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son act together. Flushes away depending on Heavenly Tribulation forward, binds to lead two should tribulation the person, to that several emergying Ancient Saint. 叶凡姬子圣皇子一起行动。挟天劫向前冲去,裹带着两个“应劫”的人,对上了那数位新出现的古圣 Kills!” “杀!” Ice-cold aura sends out together, king of Di opposite murder Saint drinks, ices the dense/woods piercing chill in the air to fill Primal Chaos Divine Soil. 一道冰冷的气机发出,对面的杀圣之王低喝,冰森刺骨的寒意弥漫混沌神土 Meanwhile. Ten thousand Dao Spirit light rise together simultaneously, ran out from its back bone palace, interrupted several people of ways. 同时。万道神光并起,自其背后的骨殿中冲出,截断了几人的去路。 Previous Killing Formation is only the overture, may obliterate Ancient Grand Array comprehensive resurrecting of myriad things truly!” The grating sound conveys. “此前的杀阵只是序曲,真正可磨灭万物的上古大阵全面复活吧!”刺耳的声音传来。 Bang “轰” The dreadful fluctuation of energy spreads, is turbulent to this direction, light beam trillion wisps. 滔天能量波动传出,向这个方向汹涌,光束亿万缕。 Ye Fan, Monkey and Ji Zi to resist Heavenly Tribulation at the same time. Also some trembling feeling, killing the tribulation was boundless, if not Thunder Sea arrived, they will work as. 叶凡猴子姬子抗天劫的同时。亦有了一阵颤栗的感觉,杀劫无边,若非雷海降临,他们将首当其中。 This is piece of vast ancient formation. Trim dry Primal Chaos Immortal Earth carved completely formation marks, surrounded everyone, without escape route. 这是一片浩大的古阵。整片干涸的混沌仙土都刻满了阵纹,将所有人都包围在内,没有退路。 ! 咻! The king of that murder Saint disappeared all of a sudden, launched the assassination of terrifying, charged into Saint of distant place. 那位杀圣之王一下子消失了,展开了恐怖的刺杀,冲向了远方的圣人 Archaic Divine Dynasty wants to seal up this place, catches the whole lot in a dragnet the people, the slaughter falls several Saint that invades one's territory. 远古神朝想封闭此地,将众人一网打尽,屠掉来犯的几位圣人 A fierce vibration, the king and Eccentric Mansion's old Mansion Lord showdown murder Saint struck. Kills has not succeeded, but makes in various Holy Land's person heart raise haze. 一声剧烈的震动,杀圣之王与奇士府的府主对决了一击。袭杀未成功,可是却让诸圣地的人心中升起一层阴霾。 Two Great Divine Dynasties is secure! 两大神朝有恃无恐! Ancient gods will. The full recovery, crushes all intruder. Ruins life-force!” murder Saint shouted. “古老的神明意志。全面复苏吧,粉碎一切入侵者。毁掉生机!”一位杀圣喝道。 The Grand Array aura was even more terrorist, dry Primal Chaos Immortal Earth was the seclusion place of past gods, left behind fearsome incomplete magic formation. 大阵的气息越发恐怖了,干涸的混沌仙土是昔日神明的闭关地,留下了可怖的残缺法阵 This place leaps ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) light immediately, piece of chaos, Essence Qi surrounds everyone, wants comprehensive refining. 这个地方顿时腾起万丈光,一片大乱,精气将所有人都包围在内,想要全面炼化 Killing Formation, cuts to me!” Sovereign Black bellows. 杀阵,给我斩!”黑皇大吼。 You must die completely!” The Wang Sen of leng murder Saint saying, revolution magic formation, wants to cut open Heavenly Tribulation, saves the two. “你们全部要死!”杀圣之王森冷的说道,运转法阵,想要剖开天劫,将那两人救出来。 Has entry but no exit, you also come in!” Ye Fan scolds lightly, has Ji Zi to flush away with Saint Sovereign's Son forward. “有进无出,你也进来吧!”叶凡轻叱,与圣皇子还有姬子向前冲去。 Kills to me!” “给我杀!” In dry Primal Chaos Divine Soil divine marks appears, ancient formation is even incomplete, but is extremely still fierce, strangles to death the four directions, without the Holy Artifact protection cannot live. 干涸的混沌神土神纹浮现,古阵即便残缺,但也极其厉害,绞杀四方,没有圣器防护根本活不下来。 The Goddess Furnace ups and downs, protected Li Tian, Dongfang Ye, Yan Yixi and the others under. 神女炉沉浮,将厉天东方野燕一夕等人护在下方。 But various Holy Land's people also change color, deals with killing of killer while haunches the light screen, respective resistance. 而诸圣地的人也都变色,一边应付杀手的袭杀一边撑起光幕,各自抵抗。 The Purple Mansion Saintess body bank presents Old Woman, unexpectedly is Saint, obviously is this/should Holy Land's background, protected them. 紫府圣女身畔出现一个老妪,竟是一位圣者,显然是该圣地的底蕴”,护住了她们。 On the Jiang Yifei head presents terrifying Divine Furnace, the ups and downs, sends out a wisp of extremely Dao Spirit prestige, this is Emperor Weapon replica! 姜逸飞头颅上又出现一座恐怖的神炉,沉沉浮浮,散发出一缕极道神威,这是一件帝兵仿品! Everyone starts off!” “所有人都上路吧!” In Ancient magic formation kills off, two Great Divine Dynasty's person brutal saying, three Ancestral King walk in addition in familiar ancient formation, launched the sure-kill. 上古法阵杀光中,两大神朝的人无情的说道,加上三位祖王行走在熟知的古阵中,展开了绝杀。 Sovereign Black angrily roars, its Killing Formation might is infinite, doing to Formation Altar are not many, protects the Village of Celestial Court person is not a problem, wants to destroy this place to have very big difficulty. 黑皇怒吼,它的杀阵威力无穷,奈何所余阵台不多了,护住天之村的人还不成问题,想要摧毁此地有很大的难度。 Haha......” in Heavenly Tribulation, Human World's murder Saint, although disrupted several times, but reorganizes, is still laughing brutally. “哈哈......”天劫中,人世间的杀圣虽然碎裂了几次,但都又重组,依然在残酷大笑。 Destruction!” That white bones are also whooshing, in the skull Divine fire does not extinguish. “毁灭吧!”那具白骨也在嘶吼,头骨中神火不熄。 First destroys completely you two!” Ji Zi said. “先灭掉你们两个!”姬子说道。 murder Saint in Thunder Sea installs, if crazy, said: I must make you understand, Divine Dynasty cannot enrage, original Origin Self want to lie concealed, you are also actually in hot pursuit, will degenerate into the prey.” 雷海中的杀圣装若疯狂,道:“我要让你们明白,神朝不可触怒,原本我们想隐伏了,你们却还穷追不舍,将沦为猎物。” Ye Fan cold Smile, the corners of the mouth reveal one wisp to sneer, shouts to the distant place: When Ji Family's senior not take action treats.” 叶凡冷哂,嘴角露出一缕冷笑,冲着远方喊道:“姬家的前辈不出手更待何时。” When Two Great Divine Dynasties wreaks havoc and depends on with three Ancestral King Ancient magic formation intense take action, the distant place transmits a vast fluctuation, the Ancient Great Emperor aura fills the air. 两大神朝与三位祖王肆虐、倚仗上古法阵激烈出手时,远方传来一股浩大的波动,古之大帝气息弥漫。 ancient mirror soars, ten thousand wisps of Great Dao silk ribbons let fall, its magnificent light passes through the past and present, the prestige can be matchless! 一枚古镜腾空,万缕大道丝绦垂落,它光华贯穿古今,威能举世无匹! The radiant light beam shines from that mirror surface, ancient formation in ruptured, Primal Chaos Divine Soil was cracked, is disintegrating slowly. 璀璨的光束自那镜面照耀出来,古阵都在崩开,混沌神土都龟裂了,在慢慢瓦解。 This is a suffocating prestige energy, even Saint trembled! 这是一股让人窒息的威能,连圣人都颤栗了! Void Mirror, the Ancient Great Emperor's weapon was really brought. This is a huge killing tribulation.” Some people yelled, the killers were startled. 虚空镜,古之大帝的兵器果然被带来了。这是一场天大的杀劫。”有人大叫,杀手们惊慌了。 Mysterious ancient formation that at this moment, this Primal Chaos Divine Soil remains, by unceasing obliteration, was being cut. 此时此刻,这混沌神土遗存下来的神秘古阵,被不断的磨灭,在被斩掉。 Ji Family's Saint brutal take action, above its top of the head, Emperor Void the mirror rotation, that dazzling light beam does not have the thing broken. According to approaching the king of murder Saint. 姬家的圣人无情的出手,在其头顶上方,虚空帝镜转动,那刺目的光束无物不破。照向杀圣之王。 Brush! 刷! Has saying that this murder Saint king terrifying to peak. Did not allow to send to hide in the middle unexpectedly. 不得不说,这个杀圣王恐怖到了极致。竟然在间不容发间躲了过去。 “噗” Blood light collapse, in its side, Ancient Race Ancestral King yelled, became one group of blood mist by the mirror illumination directly, the skeleton not saves. Dying a violent death. 血光崩散,在其旁边,一位古族祖王大叫了一声,直接被镜光照成了一团血雾,尸骨无存。死于非命。 Everyone is frightened, flickered to kill Ancient Saint unexpectedly! 所有人惊悚,竟瞬杀了一位古圣! Is this fearful strength? Simply shocking! 这是何等可怕的力量?简直骇人听闻! That ancient mirror is plain, the lost splendor of shining may sweep kills all lives, no one can the mechanical reactance. 那枚古镜古朴光洁,照耀的出神辉可扫杀一切生灵,没有人可以力抗。 This is the Ancient Great Emperor's weapon, recovers in a Saint's hand, splitting heaven and earth apart. Destroys the universe, penetration, present, in the future, omnipotent, Saint is among breaths becomes beach bloody pus. 这就是古之大帝的兵器,在一位圣人的手中复苏,开天辟地。摧毁天宇,贯通过于、现在、未来,无所不能,圣人都是一息间成为一滩脓血。 Buzz “嗡” Ancient Void Mirror transfers again. Once again to transferring these people, two Great Divine Dynasty's people trembled, cannot move, the murder Saint kings can only evade to draw back. 虚空古镜再转。又一次对转了那些人,两大神朝的人颤栗,动弹不得,杀圣王都只能避退。 Also is together the blood light flash, second Saint-level Ancestral King by mirror light tearing, became Blood Qi, disperses in Between Heaven and Earth. 又是一道血光闪过,第二位圣级祖王被镜光撕裂,成为一道道血气,散在天地间 When everyone Fellow Daoist has not come treats, seizes the Emperor Weapon opportunity at present!” With that murder Saint rapid calling out of Qi Luo great war. 诸位道友还不现身更待何时,夺帝兵的机会就在眼前!”与齐罗大战的那位杀圣急促的叫道。 In ancient palace that altar magnificent light twinkle. Presents seven eight Dao Body shades, unexpectedly is Ancestral King. Is person of Blood Qi pressed and covered Sun and Moon, cultivation ice crown place. 古殿中那座祭坛光华闪烁。出现七八道身影,竟然都是祖王。为首一人血气压盖日月,道行凌冠此地。 All living things are trembling. Many people almost kneel on the ground directly, cannot withstand this desert coercion. 众生都在颤栗。许多人差点直接跪在地上,承受不住这股瀚海般的威压 Great Saint Qian Lun...... unexpectedly is Myriad Dragons Nest's Ancient Race Great Saint!” 乾仑大圣......竟然是万龙巢的古族大圣!” He comes depending on Ancient Sovereign Weapon!” “他挟古皇兵而来!” People call out in alarm, complexion snow white, had a premonition that the important matter is not wonderful, all shivered. 人们惊呼,脸色雪白,预感到大事不妙,全都颤抖了。 I have said that who is the prey to makes known finally, all are you compel!” murder Saint gloomy saying of Hell. “我说过,谁是猎物到最后才揭晓,一切都是你们逼的!”地狱杀圣阴森的说道。 Obviously, they early and Ancient Race has the relation, but to does not have not to disclose this place, today after being compelled the dead end, let loose all directly. 显然,他们早与古族有联系,不过到是没有没有透露过此地,今日被逼上绝路后,才直接放开了一切。 This was the extremely serious consequence, Archaic Divine Dynasty and Immemorial Sovereign clan Myriad Dragons Nest gathered one, light/only thinks to let person scalp tingles. 这是极其严重的后果,远古神朝太古皇万龙巢凑到了一块,光想想就让人头皮发麻。 Various Holy Land's person heart sank! 圣地的人都心都沉了下去! In the original estimate, there is Saint to bring up the rear, the shovel puts down Divine Dynasty should not to have the issue, has not thought that their background came out, moreover plans early. 在原本的预想中,有圣人压阵,铲平神朝应该没有问题,不曾想他们的底蕴出来了,而且也早有算计。 Did not fear that you do not come, feared that you did not appear, seized our Ancient Sovereign Weapon, now repaid on by Emperor Weapon!” Myriad Dragons Nest's Great Saint Qian Lun quiet cold saying. “不怕你们不来,就怕你们不出现,夺走了我们一件古皇兵,现在就以帝兵来偿还好了!”万龙巢的乾仑大圣幽冷的说道。 People complexion is ugly, the Ancient Great Emperor's weapon cannot act rashly, has not thought today just suppress and kill Ancestral King, presented such catastrophe. 人们脸色难看,古之大帝的兵器不能妄动,不曾想今日刚一镇杀祖王,就出现了这样的大祸。 Everyone heart is very serious, Ge Jiuyou departed, entered the Star Domain deep place, otherwise Qian Lun also not necessarily dares to appear like this. 所有人心头都很沉重,盖九幽离去了,进入了星域深处,不然乾仑也不见得敢这样出现。 King of dark and cheerless laughing of murder Saint, such as the blunt knife blows the bone, said: Who is the prey? You must die!” 杀圣之王阴惨惨的大笑,如钝刀刮骨,道:“谁是猎物?你们都要死!” Ye Fan, Ji Zi and the others loathe the extreme about him, sank the face, Saint Sovereign's Son sneered, said: Your happy too early.” 叶凡姬子等人对他厌恶到极点,沉下了脸,圣皇子冷笑,道:“你高兴的太早了。” That that you want to invite perhaps cannot come, today keeps your life to deliver to Mt. Xumi, others all kill.” Hell murder Saint said that secure. “你想请的那位恐怕来不了,今日留你一命送到须弥山,其他人全杀。”地狱杀圣说道,有恃无恐。 Invited uncle take action!” Saint Sovereign's Son shouted loudly. “请叔叔出手!”圣皇子高呼。 However, has not been responded, the Primal Chaos Immortal Earth crack, in the universe the brilliance of stars sprinkles, actually does not see the Victorious Battle Buddha's trace. 然而,并未得到回应,混沌仙土龟裂,宇宙中星辰的光辉洒落进来,却不见斗战胜佛的踪影。 The people change color again, originally for the destruction Archaic Divine Dynasty's fight, unexpectedly related to so many people and influences, intriguing. 众人再一次变色,本是为覆灭远古神朝的战斗,竟涉及到了这么多人与势力,错综复杂。 Great Saint Qian Lun nods, said: Saint Sovereign's Son, your uncle cannot come, before is old , the senior may look to chat. I do not feel embarrassed you, will escort to return to Mt. Xumi you personally, but others must die!” 乾仑大圣点了点头,道:“圣皇子,你叔叔来不了,一位老前前辈可能会去找聊一聊。我也不为难你,将亲自将你护送回须弥山,但是其他人都得死!” Before its, purple True Dragon appears, each of body is a purple bell, the flashing brilliance visionally, this is shakes the eternal weapon- Myriad Dragons Bell! 在其身前,一条紫色的真龙浮现,躯体的每一节都是一枚紫铃,闪动梦幻般的光辉,这是就是名震万古的兵器--万龙铃! ancient Sovereign Qi breath filled the air, blocks the sky, shocked the heart of everyone, has not recovered, has made the people weak at the scene. 皇气息弥漫,遮天蔽日,震撼了每一个人的心,还未复苏,已然让众人瘫软在当场。 Granted you dead!” Great Saint Qian Lun ice-cold brutal saying, sweeps to everyone, including Saints. “赐予你们死亡!”乾仑大圣冰冷无情的说道,扫向所有人,包括诸圣 Fellow Daoist, you rather overestimated yourself.” In the meantime, Wei Yi goes out, the whole body sent out the surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries terrifying power. 道友,你未免过于高估自己了。”就在此时,卫易走出,浑身散发出了震古烁今的恐怖力量。 His white hair hangs loose, body dry defeat, but the whole body pore is overflowing one to say the machine at this time continuously, just like gods, frightened strength dreadfully on, if eternal Divine Furnace recovered. 他白发披散,身体枯败,但是此时浑身毛孔都在溢出一缕缕道机,宛若一个神明,让人惊悚的力量滔天而上,若是一尊永恒的神炉复苏了。 He borrows Void Mirror, hangs above own top of the head, the light may the shining past and present in the future. 他将虚空镜借来,悬于自己头顶上方,光可照耀古今未来。 Great Saint! 大圣! This not showing one's self old man, unexpectedly is existence of Great Saint level! 这位不显山不露水的的老者,竟然是一位大圣级的存在! The people with amazement, then feel relaxed, after all this was past Heavenly Jade three, obtained enlightenment in the most impossible Sanctification age, nature can accomplish all the good fortune, so many years passed, how possibly were mediocre! 众人骇然,而后又释然,毕竟这是当年的天璇三杰,在最不可能成圣的年代得道,自然功参造化,这么多年过去了,怎么可能是凡俗! This......” Ancient Race and Archaic Divine Dynasty by scared stiff. “这......”古族远古神朝都被惊住了。 Had nothing saying that first cut them!” Ye Fan is staring at murder Saint and white skeleton in Thunder Tribulation. “没什么可说的,先斩了他们两个!”叶凡盯着雷劫中的杀圣与白骨架。 Saint Sovereign's Son and Ji Zi nod, Thunder Tribulation is immeasurable, this murder Saint is pitiful, soon quick die, that white skeleton is also so, Divine fire in skull will extinguish. 圣皇子姬子点头,雷劫无量,这尊杀圣凄惨无比,即将快殒落了,那白骨架也是如此,头骨中的神火将熄。 These two Saint think will be rescued, can instead kill Ye Fan wait/etc., has not thought when trump card completely leaves, the opposite party does not drop the wind, had/left Great Saint! To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power. 这两个圣者都以为会获救,能反杀叶凡等,不曾想底牌尽出时,对方不落下风,也出了一尊大圣!未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。
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