STH :: Volume #13

#1204: background

I looked that your non- person ghost not ghost old dog commits suicide to consider as finished! ” Dragon Horse does not visit murder Saint in eye them facing this, coarse words direct export. 我看还是你这个人不人鬼不鬼的老狗去自杀算了!”龙马面对这个不将他们看在眼中的杀圣,糙话直接出口。 big black dog did not like listening, glowered, refutes:, B talked nonsense, his nonsense was inferior! ” ” 大黑狗不爱听了,怒目而视,反驳道:,B胡说八道,他狗屁不如!”” Right, he boasts shamelessly, but also wants to make us commit suicide. old bastard has not awaked, oneself die! ” Dragon Horse clamored. 对,他大言不惭,还想让我们去自杀。老东西还没睡醒吧,自己去死!”龙马叫嚣。 Facing such two coarse goods, the god came to the cheeks twitch, don't the words of what dirty person dare to say? 面对这样两个糙货,神来了都得脸颊抽搐,什么埋汰人的话不敢说? ! 咻! Kills off to curl together, cuts thousand army horizontally, covers big black dog and Dragon Horse under, Human World's murder Saint was gloomy the face to get down the killer. 一道杀光卷来,横斩千军,将大黑狗龙马都笼罩在下方,人世间的杀圣阴沉着脸下了杀手。 When! 当! Masako take action, the pitch-black big iron rod in hand hit with Saint unexpectedly struck, sends out the bright glow, although is backing up, but not may not strive for hegemony. 雅子出手,手中的乌黑大铁棍竟与圣人撞了一击,发出灿烂的芒,虽然在倒退,但是并不是不可争雄。 This is murder Saint, magical power is boundless, the special murder Saint person, rushed to the illustrious prestige! 要知道,这可是一位杀圣,法力无边,专杀圣人,闯下了赫赫威名! murder Saint of the world world strikes has not become, immediately from vanished same place, integrates in the nihility, same time boundless killing intent shakes Four directions. ” 人间世的杀圣一击未成,当即从原地消失了,融入虚无中,同时间无边杀意四野。” 噗” Dragon Horse spat a blood at the scene, big black dog also shook, the erectness, two retreat were well-grounded, steps on 'Travel' Character Secret Art to back up. 龙马当场吐了一口鲜血,大黑狗也是一震,直立而起,两条后退着地,踩着行字诀倒退。 , L gives you opportunity suicide, does not grasp, then my each and every one delivers you to start off! ” Human World's murder Saint cold sound said. ,L给你们机会自杀,不把握好,那么我一个个送你们上路!”人世间的杀圣寒声道。 He is still the stance that a thunder keeps aloof, overlooks the people, regards them such as the ant insect, has not treated as the opponent, wants to lift in the hands to eliminate extinguishes. ” 他依然是一雷高高在上的姿态,俯视众人,视他们如蚁虫,未当作对手,想要抬手间除灭。” Old sword child hand, your end of days to! ” The Ye Fan body combustion, turns into Imperishable Golden Body, attacks forward, he looks to put on Void, the Six Paths Reincarnation Fist intent is invincible, crushes the myriad things! 老剑子手,你的末日到了!”叶凡躯体燃烧,化成不灭金身,向前攻去,他望穿虚空,六道轮回拳意无敌,粉碎万物! Between Heaven and Earth, the probably golden lightnings are dancing in the air, Ye Fan and murder Saint shook several fists hardly, sent out the dazzling light. ” 天地间,像是有一道道金色的闪电在飞舞,叶凡杀圣硬撼了几拳,发出了刺目的光。” Extremely strong, can collide with me, I believe that is you are person, comes the extraordinary talent eternally, but how does this have to be able? ” Human World's murder Saint is sneering in secret again and again, said:, The person you lived late for 500 years, I not to the opportunity that you grow, today I am to caress kill the talent, the matters of line of that extinction, making you die in the cradle! ” ” 实力很强,能与我碰撞,我相信是你们都是人杰,是万古来了不得的天才,但这有能如何?”人世间的杀圣在暗中冷笑连连,道:,人你们晚生了五百年,我不给你们成长起来的机会,今日我就是要抚杀天才,行那绝灭之事,让你们死在摇篮中!”” Your words of old codger were too many, eats my stick! ” Saint Sovereign's Son bellows, everything may become vulnerable, black divine iron sweeps away the universe, pressed Primal Chaos Immortal Earth ruptured, hits to murder Saint. ” 老不死的你话太多了,吃我一棍!”圣皇子大吼,地动山摇,黑色神铁横扫乾坤,压的混沌仙土崩开,打向杀圣。” 咻” Kills off to raid together, is scratching the black iron rod, leaves behind a blood splash in the shoulder of Monkey. 一道杀光袭来,擦着黑铁棍而过,在猴子的肩头留下一朵血花。 Ji Zi take action, did not say a word, the body melted in Void, the big crack cut the display, had the universe explosion sound, gave to compel from the nihility murder Saint. 姬子出手,一言不发,身体融于虚空中,大裂斩展出,发生了宇宙爆炸般的声响,将杀圣生生从虚无中给逼了出来。 However, murder Saint eventually is murder Saint, may kill other Saint specially, in Ji Zi a sword light, most half body bloodstain chang falls. 不过,杀圣终究是杀圣,可专门杀其他圣人,姬子中了一道剑光,最半边身子都血迹徜落。 The Ye Fan impact, the whole body wonderful technique completely unfolds, the double fist wind and thunder writings, golden electric light, just like the lightning gods fist, evolve six true meaning. 叶凡冲击,浑身妙术尽展,双拳风雷大作,金色电光一道道,宛若闪电神明拳,演化六道真义 In his double fist gentleman blood-stained, but he does not care, still clings to for dear life, great war old murder Saint. ” 在他的双拳士血迹斑斑,但是他不在乎,依然是死缠,大战杀圣。” This old bastard is really thorny, no wonder the legend is specially is existence that the murder Saint person lives, on together at risk of life he! ” big black dog called out. 这个老东西真是棘手,难怪传说是专为杀圣人而生的存在,一起上拼死他!”大黑狗叫道。 In its mouth is roaring, forehead vertical eye projects black light to break the Saint defense, posed the serious threat to old murder Saint. ” 它口中吼着,眉心竖眼射出一道道乌光可破圣人防御,对老杀圣造成了严重的威胁。” motherfucker...... should this old fogy unable the promote step to be Saint King? ” Dragon Horse thought of a fearful matter. ” 妈的......这老家伙该不会晋阶为圣人王了吧?”龙马想到了一件可怕的事。” Is impossible, on extinguished him together! ” Dongfang Ye bellowed, controls Ancient Saint machine armor to clash. 不可能,一起上灭了他!”东方野大吼,驾驭古圣机甲冲了上来。 They know, Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son have enough energy, when true transcends tribulation, had not obtained the Heaven and Earth verification, the strength is truly proper, can fight a decisive battle! ” 他们知道,叶凡姬子圣皇子还有足够的底气,因为还未真正渡劫,得到天地印证时,实力才算真正到位,可以决战!” Kills, rubs him! ” Li Tian cries out strangely, controls the Ancient Saint battlefield tool also to arrive at present, double grasped a purple lance Zheng, the thorn collapses Void, aimed at the visualization the murder Saint back of the body. ” 杀,磨死他!”厉天怪叫,驾驭古圣战阵工具也到了眼前,双手持一杆紫色的矛铮,刺塌虚空,对准显形的杀圣后心。” Bang 砰” The Human World's murder Saint corners of the mouth exude brutal sneering, covers to kill off everyone, mysteriously appears and disappears, often vanishes. 人世间的杀圣嘴角泛起一丝无情的冷笑,将所有人都罩在杀光中,神出鬼没,不时消失。 Finally, Yan Yixi, Old Hilt and Yao Yuekong controlled Ancient Saint machine armor to clash, one crowd of person great war this fearful murder Saint. 最后,燕一夕老刀把子妖月空都驾驭古圣机甲冲了上来,一群人大战这位可怕的杀圣 This is the murder Saint might, these people encircle with joint forces kill, the short time cannot take unexpectedly, the opposite party fight experience was too rich and fearful. 这就是杀圣的威力,这些人合力围杀,短时间竟也拿不下,对方战斗经验太丰富与可怕了。 Another side, Qi Luo and Hell murder Saint also fought intensified, in Heaven and Earth appear and disappear from time to time, the hand-held terrifying Holy Artifact fierce junction struck, this was Divine Principle to bumping, was the Great Dao's bombardment, following Heavenly Dao was thunderous. ” 另一边,齐罗地狱杀圣也战到了白热化,在天地中时隐时现,手持恐怖圣器剧烈交击,这是神则的对碰,是大道的轰击,伴随天道雷鸣。” You must die! ” Human World's murder Saint said while and outstanding heroes showdown, right now left, virtually impossible to guard against. 你们这些人都要死!”人世间的杀圣一边说一边与群雄对决,忽左忽右,防不胜防。 Ye Fan has warning sign, sound transmission, said in secret: ” Careful, he grasped me and others, perhaps will have third murder Saint to appear! ” 叶凡心生警兆,暗中传音,道:”小心点,他抱住了我等,也许会有第三尊杀圣出现!” He thought that old murder Saint uses the psychology that they young and impetuous, vie for supremacy, constrains everyone, to opportunity of third murder Saint assassination. ” 他觉得老杀圣利用他们年轻气盛、争强的心理,将所有人拖住,给第三尊杀圣暗杀的机会。” 噗” The fearful premonition comes true, Two Great Divine Dynasties competed to present third Saint, Qi Luo almost cherished hatred, encountered an assassination. 可怕的预感成真,两大神朝竞出现了第三尊圣人,齐罗差点饮恨,遭遇了一次暗杀。 That evening ”, if the Foreign Domain startled immortal, is sharp and fearsome, is radiant and eye-catching, since the shoulder of Qi Luo pricks rests in the cavity, only almost pierced his top of the skull. ” 那一夕”若域外惊仙,犀利而可怖,璀璨而夺目,自齐罗的肩头刺入休腔内,只差一点就洞穿了他的天灵盖。” 噗” Dragon Horse almost makes one stand chops is two, the blood long class/flow. After this murder Saint causes heavy losses to Qi Luo, sweeps away to come to this piece, Li Tian machine armor was also ripped open. 龙马差点让人立劈为两段,鲜血长流。这位杀圣重创齐罗后,向这片横扫而来,厉天的机甲也被撕开了。 Human World and Hell hasn't background lost? In the people heart sinks! ” 人世间地狱底蕴未曾丢失?众人心中一沉!” Attacks my Divine Dynasty dead! ” Human World's murder Saint laughs cruelly. ” 攻我神朝者都去死!”人世间的杀圣残忍大笑。” You draw back! ” Ye Fan secretly sound transmission. MM 你们都退!”叶几暗自传音。MM At the same time, third murder Saint comes, making the people be startled, unexpectedly is a snow white skeleton, grasps one to kill the sword, magnificent light radiate all around. ” 同一时间,第三位杀圣现身,让众人都吃了一惊,竟是一具雪白的骷髅,手持一口杀剑,光华四射。” This was born the Divine fire mouth by the puppet murder Saint skull that in your ancestors Dao Bone pieced together...... ” 这是以你们的先人道骨拼凑成的傀儡杀圣头骨中诞生了神火口......” In people heart one cold, this is hard to deal with existence, is equal to murder Saint, what carrying/sustaining is Archaic Divine Dynasty's killing intent and will. 众人心中一寒,这可是一个难缠的存在,亦等同于一位杀圣,承载的是远古神朝的杀念与意志。 Dongfang Ye, Yan Yixi, Dragon Horse, Sovereign Black and the others backed up decisively, they know that what Ye Fan and Saint Sovereign's Son want to make, not in waiting at this moment? 东方野燕一夕龙马黑皇等人都果断倒退了,他们知道叶凡圣皇子想做什么,不就是在等待这一刻吗? murder Saint Life and Death decisive battle of Qi Luo and Hell, inextricably involved, each one paid the serious price. 齐罗地狱杀圣生死决战,难解难分,各自都付出了惨重的代价。 Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son look is indifferent, is stranded together forward, has that white bones facing Human World's murder Saint, first erupted the eye-catching light. 叶凡姬子圣皇子神色冷漠,一起向前困去,面对人世间的杀圣还有那具白骨,第一时间爆发出了夺目的光。 They choose simultaneously transcends tribulation, launches an attack in this Primal Chaos Immortal Earth, in the world has several people of controllable own Heavenly Tribulation, is passive transcends tribulation. 他们选择同时渡劫,在这混沌仙土中发难,世上有几人可控自己的天劫,都是被动渡劫 At the present, three big Emperor's Child level characters all 3 moved heavenly punishment, just like the myth, making the player and enemy change color, in the heart braves the cold air. 而今,三大帝子级人物全都三动了天罚,宛若神话,让敌我双方都变色,心中冒凉气。 Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son killing, two big murder Saint in middle, goes all out to attack, making them follow transcends tribulation. 叶凡姬子圣皇子扑杀,将两大杀圣堵在当中,拼命攻伐,让他们跟着渡劫 This is a disaster, the boundless thunder and lightning is born, crazy bang place, was submerged by the electricity sea immediately, spreads roaring of murder Saint. 这是一场大难,无边的雷电降世,狂轰此地,顿时被电海淹没了,传出杀圣的咆哮。 With the Qi Luo great war murder Saint complexion miserable concubine, this grade of Heavenly Tribulation is falling, he thought that oneself old buddy also has that bone Saint more unfortunate than fortunate. 正在与齐罗大战杀圣脸色惨妾,这等天劫落下,他觉得自己的老搭档还有那具骨圣凶多吉少。 Bang! 轰! Boundless Heavenly Tribulation drops from the clouds, the savage excess, this is not lightnings, is this sea, flaming eye-catching. ” 茫茫天劫从天而降,凶残的过分,这不是一道道的闪电,是这一片海洋,炽盛夺目。” ...... ” 啊......” Many killers yelled, vanishes in a puff of smoke, the underlying in secret, met take action momentarily, but actually becomes tribulation ash at this moment. 许多杀手大叫,灰飞烟灭,原本隐伏在暗中,随时会出手,但此刻却成为了劫灰 Human World's murder Saint also has that white bones to angrily roar, outward impact, but Ye Fan also had Ji Zi as well as Saint Sovereign's Son locked them, such as the shadow along with the shadow, let their together transcends tribulation. 人世间的杀圣还有那具白骨怒吼,向外冲击,但是叶凡还有姬子以及圣皇子锁定了他们,如影随影,让他们一起渡劫 This is one kills the tribulation, two Great Saint divided bruised and lacerated, are miserable beyond description, angry roar continues. 这是一场杀劫,两大圣人都被劈的皮开肉绽,苦不堪言,怒啸不止。 Heaven and Earth boiling, Thunder Tribulation just had the flaws that this place chops, soon collapse. 天地沸腾了,雷劫刚一出现就将此地劈的千疮百孔,即将崩毁 People's surprised discovery, Zhou Kun has many Killing Formation and Dao Traces, at this time all bright, resists the tribulation light, is the Saint level. 人们吃惊的发现,周困有许多杀阵道痕,此时全都明亮了起来,对抗劫光,都是圣人级的。 This to ruin Qi Luo and Ye Fan preparation fearsome magic formation, at the present actually becomes Holy Force that arrives at resist Heavenly Tribulation. ” 这原本是为葬送齐罗叶凡而准备的可怖法阵,而今却成为了抵抗天劫圣力。” old bastard, send you off! ” divine might of Saint Sovereign's Son in Heavenly Tribulation is cold, grasps clubs greatly to Human World's murder Saint. ” 老东西,送你上路!”圣皇子天劫神威凛凛,手持大棍打向人世间的杀圣。” Domestic animal...... 牲...... Ji Zi is also very direct, Void Technique is infinite, coordinates Heavenly Tribulation, submerged that white bones, making its even/including be hit hard. 姬子亦很直接,虚空术无穷,配合天劫,将那具白骨淹没了,让其连遭重击。 The Ye Fan's back five treasured sword wheels cut, Five Colors divine light soars to the heavens, is driving the dreadful thunder and lightning, cuts down Human World's Ancient Saint. 叶凡的背后五柄宝剑轮斩下来,五色神光冲霄,带动着滔天的雷电,劈杀人世间的古圣 In dazzling magnificent light, Human World's murder Saint is in an extremely difficult situation, other sending out, shape, if the malicious ghost, the eye were red. 在刺目的光华中,人世间的杀圣狼狈不堪,彼头散发,状若恶鬼,眼睛都红了。 He withstood the attacks of three big expert, was divided by the lightning unceasingly, the bone revealed that in thunder light great killing techniques no matter used, this was the trial of Heaven and Earth, needed the absolute strength to caress the alley. 他承受了三大高手的攻击,更是被闪电不断劈中,骨头都露出来了,在雷光杀生大术都不管用,这是天地的审判,需要绝对的实力去抚衙。 The distant place, in the Saints person heart is scared, the fight evolved these step to let their intermittent lingering fear, if were involved, certain death without doubt. 远处,诸圣地人心中发毛,战斗演变到了这一步让他们阵阵后怕,若是卷入进去,必死无疑。 Everyone hides is very far, was for fear that touched, these was hidden concerned about ancestor's withered bone in this time, taught to set out some strengths respectively. 所有人都都躲的很远,生怕被触及到,这一次碍于祖先的枯骨被藏于此,各教都出动了部分力量。 But uses background truly actually very few, been perfunctory is in the majority, at the present under this type of environment maintains the strength is the best choice. 但真正动用底蕴的却少之又少,敷衍的居多,而今这种大环境下保存实力是最好的选择。 Great Expansion Holy Land was actually attentive, but is unlucky very much, the Saint level puppets made Assassin Divine Dynasty cutting, the loss was serious. ” 大衍圣地倒是用心了一些,可是很不走运,圣人级傀儡都让杀手神朝给斩了,损失惨重。” The juniors, you really think so, can destruction Two Great Divine Dynasties, naive the people who awfully, you invade one's territory must die! ” 小辈,你们真以为如此,就能覆灭两大神朝,天真的要命,你们来犯的人都要死!” In that Thunder Sea, the Human World's murder Saint whole body split, flesh splash, such as Malicious Ghost noisy wail. 在那雷海中,人世间的杀圣浑身都裂开了,血肉飞溅,如厉鬼般长嚎。 Similarly in the thunder, Ye Fan they do not feel better very much, often has the blood splash, achieved the Saint-level great misfortune, no one can pass with ease, otherwise that was not Heavenly Tribulation. ” 同样在雷霆中,叶凡他们自己也不是很好受,也不时有血液飞溅,达到了圣级的大劫,谁也不能轻松度过,不然那就不是天劫了。” Old fogies, your time of death to! ” The Ye Fan impact comes, his fleshly body quite hard, is Imperishable Golden Body, although is injured, actually cannot injure the source. 老家伙,你的死期到了!”叶凡冲击而来,他的肉身相当的坚硬,为不灭金身,虽有受伤,却也伤不到本源。 Ye Fan, Saint Sovereign's Son and Ji Zi together take action, main attack murder Saint, making it suffer the most fearful tribulation to punish, third layer deepened, several times were chopped into pieces the body. 叶凡圣皇子姬子一起出手,主攻这位杀圣,让其遭受了最可怕的劫罚,三重加深,几次被劈碎身体。 Meanwhile, another skeleton fears, he is the dying thing lives, now facing this Pure Yang electric light, trembling with fear, Divine fire in skull will be divided to extinguish momentarily. ” 同时,另一具骸骨更是惧怕,他是死物而生,如今面对这种纯阳电光,战战兢兢,头骨中的神火随时会被劈灭。” Fellow Daoist please leave, kills the enemy together, destroys completely invader, the important matter of scheme...... ” Human World's murder Saint sound transmission, he really could not insist in secret. 各位道友请出,一起杀敌,将来犯者都灭掉,图谋的大事......”人世间的杀圣暗中传音,他实在坚持不住了。 Bang! 轰! Several fearful aura clash, the universe wanted ruptured, unexpectedly murder Saint! ” 几道可怕的气息冲起,乾坤都要崩开了,竟然还有杀圣!” Human World and Hell background retained, all in this place! ” People changed the color, in the heart trembles. ” 人世间地狱底蕴保留了下来,全都在此地!”众人都变了颜色,心中发颤。” Invited everyone senior take action! ” The Ye Fan pupil light flash moves the gloss. 诸位前辈出手!”叶凡眸光闪动光泽。 Wei Yi and Northern Region first Great Bandit and Eccentric Mansion's old Saint and Ji Family's Saint appear, destruction final Divine Dynasty. ” 卫易北域第一大寇奇士府的圣人姬家的圣人都出现,将覆灭最后的神朝。” Did not fear that you do not appear, feared that you do not come, has been anticipating! ” In Thunder Tribulation, Human World's murder Saint mean calling out.( To be continued.) 不怕你们不出现,就怕你们不来,一直在期待!”雷劫中,人世间的杀圣阴狠的叫道。(未完待续。)
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