STH :: Volume #13

#1203: murder Saint

Chapter 1201 murder Saint 第1201章杀圣 xiū xiū xiū ......” 咻咻咻咻......” Grating sharp sound breaking space comes, 9990 silver divine arrow penetrate Void, killing intent is dreadful, was only that aura lets many direct disintegrations, did not want the true arrow prestige! 刺耳的尖厉声音破空而来,九千九百九十道银色神箭穿透虚空,杀意滔天,光是那种气机就让许多人直接崩碎了,就更不要真正的箭威了! 9999 arrows, each silver arrow feather flowing Saint Might, world who can withstand? This is grinds kills! 九千九百九十九道箭,每一道银色的箭羽都在流动圣威,世间谁可承受?这是碾杀! Bang “砰” The Great Expansion Holy Land ice drills Stoneman to be killed, each silver long arrow seems like a sledgehammer to pound on his body, the deafening, great strength is boundless! 大衍圣地的冰钻石人遭受射杀,每一杆银色的长箭都像是一柄大锤砸在他的身上,震耳欲聋,巨力无边! He is first flown horizontally, was pierced the body by some thick long silver arrows that dozens arrows shoot, sends out the pitiful yell.( Renews this/Ben book latest chapter) 他先是被数十箭射的横飞而起,接着又被一些粗长的银箭洞穿了身体,发出惨叫。(更新本书最新章节) This is a puppet of Saint level, but actually suffered the heavy losses in shocking magic formation! 这是一具圣人级的傀儡,但是却在惊世法阵中遭受了重创! Dao Traces before its is densely covered, Divine Order Chain interweaves, ten thousand wisps of thousand, formation is rune, but actually cannot block, was all shot through. 在其身前道痕密布,秩序神链交织,一条条、一道道,万缕千丝,化成为符文,但却根本挡不住,全被射穿。 In the dazzling ray, the dense and numerous arrow feathers fall, shot the hedgehog this Stoneman, then the explosion, changed into the dreadful fluctuation of energy loudly. 在刺目的光芒中,密密麻麻的箭羽落下,将此石人射成了刺猬,而后轰然爆炸,化为滔天能量波动。 If no ancient formation protection, this piece of Primal Chaos Divine Soil will ruin thoroughly, this place anything cannot be left over, this strength is centralized and vast ji. 若是无古阵守护,这片混沌神土将彻底毁掉,此地什么都剩不下,这种力道过于集中与浩犄。 „......” Great Expansion Holy Land Sect Master angrily roars, this is a massive loss, he actually cannot change the result. “啊......”大衍圣地教主怒吼,这是一场巨大的损失,他却改变不了结局。 9990 Saint arrows fire, ruins several Saint sufficiently, waits for progression the execution ground of existence preparation specially for this reason. 九千九百九十道圣箭齐发,足以将数位圣人毁掉,专为此等级数的存在准备的杀场。 Otherwise will not call it gods Killing Formation! 不然也不会称之为神明杀阵! Also does not know that many Holy Land troops turned into the blood light/only, large expanse of person die, even called out pitifully finally sends out on destroy both body and soul in groups without enough time. 也不知有多少圣地人马化成了血光,成片的人殒落,最后连惨叫都来不及发出就成群的形神俱灭 Bang! 轰! Sovereign Black is roaring, 108 place lord Formation Altar, 360 five Dao Spirit gates, are unceasingly bright, 3600 big ray of light sweep together, stops the Saint arrow. 黑皇怒吼着,一百零八座主阵台,三百六十五道神门,不断明亮起来,三千六百种大道光一起扫出,阻拦圣箭。 This is a frigid resistance, this grade of Killing Formation might is infinite, the diameter has been possible the murder Saint person is not and two...... Sichuan, but was the large expanse of appearance changed into life danger zone here! 这是一场惨烈的对抗,这等杀阵威力无穷,都已径可杀圣人了不是一座、两座......川而是成片的出现将这里化为了生命绝地! Does not have crowd certain death that Holy Artifact protects without doubt, must have by the strength defense of ancient Saint-level, moreover needs about to resist in the same place together. This large expanse of Killing Formation showdown, the fierce confrontation, that fluctuation is not the average man can face, fresh/live faces change into withered bone, becomes tribulation ash. 没有圣器守护的人群必死无疑,必需有以古圣级的力量防御,而且需要合在一起共同抵御。这成片的杀阵对决,剧烈的交锋,那种波动不是常人可以面对的,一张张鲜活的面孔化为枯骨,成为劫灰 How many magic formation does Assassin Divine Dynasty have? This is everyone the answer of trembling wants to know, because is Ancient Saint leaves behind, attack power was too big. 杀手神朝有多少法阵?这是所有人在颤栗中想知道的答案,因为全都是上古圣人遗留下来的,杀伤力太大了。 Sovereign Black angrily roars to hide behind Goddess Furnace barks wildly while offers a sacrifice to Formation Altar, the material that these years saves all built. 黑皇怒吼躲在神女炉后方一边狂吠一边祭阵台,这些年来积攒的材料全搭进去了。 Its heart in the drop blood, uses all, cast many peerless magic formation, but in consumption rapidly, the loss is at this moment huge. 它的心都在滴血,倾尽所有,铸成了诸多绝世法阵,可此刻却在急速的消耗中,损失巨大。 Damn Archaic Divine Dynasty, how many kill the Daoist magic treasure, how to consume not?!” “该死的远古神朝,到底有多少杀道法宝,怎么耗之不尽?!” The Heavenly Domain deep place two Great Divine Dynasty's ancestor level characters were also ignorant, this is the accumulation of all previous ancestor, murder Saint Formation Altar that leaves behind, combines was being known as together may kill Deity! 天域深处两大神朝的祖宗级人物也懵了,这可是历代先祖的积累,留下的杀圣阵台,组合在一起号称可射杀神灵! However, at this time actually collapses one after another, their faces twitched, loves dearly awfully, is more uncomfortable than Sovereign Black. 然而,此时却一座接着一座的崩坏,他们的的脸都抽搐了,心疼的要命,比黑皇还难受。 Piece of Formation Altar is Ancient Saint Killing Formation, defends the piece to combine in groups in together, is absolutely shocking, is actually in obliteration one after another. 一片阵台就是一座古圣杀阵,这么成群戍片组合在一起,绝对是骇人听闻的,可是却在接连的磨灭。 Is several Saint enters in magic formation, at this time was also ruined, did they block unexpectedly?!” “就是几位圣人进入法阵中,此时也被毁掉了,他们居然挡住了?!” Kills, kills, kills, kills, kills!” Sovereign Black killed insanely, Goddess Furnace, when took responsibility formation flag , when threw the center. “杀,杀,杀,杀,杀!”黑皇杀疯了,将神女炉当作主阵旗,哐当一声掷到了中央。 The people are pale, big black dog must go crazy is really fearful enough, gave to throw the Great Saint weapon, other Holy Artifact defended luckily, otherwise troubled in a big way. 众人脸色发白,大黑狗要发狂真够可怕,将大圣兵器都给扔出去了,幸好还有其他圣器防御,不然麻烦大了。 However the effect is evident, by Ancient Great Saint's Magical Artifact as first formation flag, that power and influence blots out the sky, the repelling universe, opposite party from disintegrations one after another, the vast ji energy rewinds! 不过效果是显著的,以上古大圣的法器作为第一阵旗,那种威势铺天盖地,摧破乾坤,对方的阵自一座接着一座的崩碎,浩犄能量倒卷! Was insane, was really insane!” “疯了,真的疯了!” This is real extinguishing teaches great war, in the past great war also only this much of dark age, related to so many Killing Formation ancient altar.” “这是真正的灭教大战,过去黑暗年代的大战不过如此,涉及到了如此多的杀阵古台。” whether it is enemy and ourselves scared stiff, could not bear terrified, this is one kills the tribulation absolutely, luckily both sides balance, if a side is slightly weak, is obliterated immediately. 无论是敌我都惊住了,忍不住悚然,这绝对是一场杀劫,幸亏双方平衡,若是一方稍弱,都会立刻被磨灭。 formation marks finally gloomy, everywhere in confusion, is the god material fragment, the treasure that ancient Formation Altar exhausts does not know many, at the present actually becomes the waste material. 阵纹终于暗淡了下去,满地狼藉,全都是神材碎片,古阵台耗去的瑰宝也不知多少,而今却成为了废料。 Magnanimous murderous aura diverges slowly, inexhaustible dismal raises with great changes, this is calling out in grief of ancient artifact, fights all destroys. 海量的杀气慢慢散去,无穷无尽的悲凉与沧桑升起,这是古器的悲鸣,一战全毁。 After for a long time, people recover, complexion snow white, estimates the language to shiver. 很长时间后,人们才回过神来,脸色雪白,估语颤抖。 How many Ancient Saint magic formation altogether ruined?...... Has 18 probably.” “总共毁掉了多少古圣法阵?大概......有十八座吧。” Estimate were too few, minimum over 20, even possibly achieved 36!” “估算太少了,最起码二十座以上,甚至可能达到了三十六座!” Is hard to talk clearly, was too terrifying, continuous Large expanse, plundering the light is infinite, flaming eye-catching, cannot count.” “难以说清,太恐怖了,连绵成片,劫光无穷,炽盛夺目,数不过来。” Only has the diameter calendar to understand, otherwise to this terrifying is also only a concept of number, rather than palpitation of mind. 唯有径历才能明了,不然对这种恐怖也只是一个数字的概念,而不是心灵的悸动。 The fragments, were everywhere rare since ancient times, people were silent, the shoulder weapon, controls war chariot , to continue to go forward. 遍地碎料,古来少见,人们沉默了,手持兵器,驾驭战车,继续前进。 Today a war, killed this Heaven and Earth, does not have the road to draw back, only had to destroy completely two big Archaic Divine Dynasty to feel at ease. 今日一战,杀到了这番天地,早已没有路可退可言,唯有灭掉两大远古神朝才能安心。 After having gone through the place of destruction, breaks mountain ridge and zero alignment that ten thousand years giant tree the mountain, partly collapses successively to appear in the road ahead. 穿行过毁灭之地后,断山、半塌的山岭、调零的万载巨木陆续在前路上出现。 No one makes noise, is alerting. 没有人出声,全都在戒备。 Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son walk in the frontline, fighting intent is soaring, but others mostly are very heavy, the people mood is different. 叶凡姬子圣皇子走在最前方,战意高昂,而其他人则大多无比沉重,众人心情不同。 These is primarily like Ye Fan, Dongfang Ye and other madmen time tempering oneself, several Ancient Saint take action that does not plan to bring up the rear. 叶凡东方野等狂人这一次以磨砺自己为主,一直不打算请压阵的几位古圣出手 But Great Expansion Holy Land and other loss serious Inheritance, then the heart in the drop blood, wishes one could immediately to ask Wei Yi to go all out, fights to the death with Archaic Divine Dynasty. 大衍圣地等损失惨重的传承,则心在滴血,恨不得立刻请卫易拼命,跟远古神朝决一死战。 Saint Ape grasps black divine iron, the looking disdainfully people, the golden hair twinkle, aggressive boundless, said: Has something to put on a long face, Two Great Divine Dynasties is the best hone, today kills a happiness, on again a stair on the path of cultivation road!” 圣猿子手持黑色的神铁,睥睨众人,金色毛发闪烁,霸气无边,道:“有什么可哭丧着脸的,两大神朝是最好的磨刀石,今日杀个痛快,在修道路上再上一个台阶!” „!” “咻!” The fearful sword light appears together, passes through to Saint Ape back of the head, ruthless spicy, but unfeeling, towering appearance, silent, must strike to be killed violently. 一道可怕的剑光出现,贯穿向圣猿后脑,狠辣而绝情,突兀的出现,无声无息,要一击毙命。 This type of secret kills the technique to be extremely fearful, has almost hidden the truth from everyone, Saint Sovereign's Son does not allow to send in the middle evades. 这种隐秘杀术太过可怕,几乎瞒过了所有人,圣皇子在间不容发间躲过。 Qi Luo instantly take action forward detachment, however the blood light appears in his back together, cut out together fearful wound. 齐罗刹那出手向前劈去,然而一道血光在他的后背出现,切出一道可怕的伤口。 Used diversionary tactics, has murder Saint to appear, bent Qi Luo to pay attention to Saint Ape, but the real goal was he. 声东击西,有杀圣出现了,弓齐罗关注圣猿子,而真正的目标是他。 Qi Luo is wounded, even the brow has not wrinkled, vanishes the 'pu' sound blood light to sprinkle another piece of Void to cut a bloodstain same place. 齐罗受创,连眉头都没有皱下,原地消失噗的一声血光洒落将另一片虚空斩出一道血痕。 Qi Luo has discovered the opposite party, returns the favor, two people fight very strangely, does not have the shadow invisible. 齐罗已发现对方,还以颜色,两人交手非常的诡异,无影无形。 !” “噗!” Under the bloody water sprinkles the expansive sky, Ji Family more than ten Powerhouse calls out pitifully, cannot avoid, was defended by the Saint's bloody water for withered bone at the scene. 血水洒落下长空,姬家十几位强者惨叫,未能避开,被圣人的血水当场戍为了枯骨 „......” “啊......” A sad and shrill pitiful yell sends out, the Sect Master head of Great Expansion Holy Land tumbles, the anger opened the eyes headless corpse to pour in the pool of blood. 一声凄厉的惨叫发出,大衍圣地教主头颅滚落,怒睁双眼无头尸体倒在了血泊中。 His Primordial Spirit just flushed to be pierced by the blood-color killing sword together, vanishes into thin air at the scene. 他的元神刚冲起就被一道血色的杀剑洞穿了,当场烟消云散。 Kills......” “杀......” The people angry roar, the fear yelled, many executioners appear, close, hides in Void, launches the assassination. 众人怒吼,恐惧大叫,诸多刽子手出现,近在咫尺,藏匿虚空中,展开暗杀。 Many people call out in alarm, was punctured thoroughly the frontal bone dead a violent death, this is the trump card in killer is sending out! 许多人惊叫,被刺透额骨死于非命,这是杀手中的王牌在出动! Where walks!” “哪里走!” Li Tian, Dongfang Ye and the others angrily roared, the comprehensive counter-attack, killing, they study diligently Celestial Court's to take a life forward greatly not, the fearless this type kills to say Secret Technique. 厉天东方野等人怒吼,全面反击,向前扑杀,他们钻研过天庭的杀生大未,无惧此种杀道秘术 Stealthy, dies to me!” “鬼鬼祟祟,给我死!” Saint Sovereign's Son roared, whole body golden glow a big magnificence burst, the body seemed like the gold to cast, the swing big stick, pounded old assassin. 圣皇子一声咆哮,浑身金芒大盛,躯体像是黄金铸成,轮动大棍,将一位老杀手砸了出来。 Was this person fell the Great Expansion Holy Land Sect Master slaughter a moment ago, he was a Dao Severing King, was extraordinary, has almost killed over a hundred people in the flash. 就是此人刚才将大衍圣地教主屠掉,他是一位斩道的王者,实力出众,几乎在一瞬间已杀死上百人了。 No suspense, almost in breaths, this trump card killer is broken the muscle booklet by the bone that a Monkey stick pulls out, becomes a beach mud. 没有任何悬念,几乎是在一息间,这位王牌杀手就被猴子一棍抽的骨断筋折,成为一滩烂泥。 , and ...... 噗、噗、噗...... The blood light flashes before one after another, Ji Zi assumes an awe-inspiring pose, the Void big crack cuts vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, many killer tearing, melts defends blood, the skeleton not saves. 血光接连闪现,姬子发威,虚空大裂斩纵横,将诸多杀手撕裂,化戍一道道鲜血,尸骨无存。 The Ye Fan look is indifferent, whole body golden color Blood Qi turns into together the tornado, absorbed a killer of King of Great Accomplishment level, then a fist explodes its dozen in the sky, simple, but is cruel, the bone block and blood splash spatter in all directions. 叶凡神色冷漠,浑身金色血气化成一道龙卷风,将一位大成王者级的杀手生生摄取了出来,而后一拳将其打爆在天空中,简单而而暴戾,骨块与血花迸溅。 Purple Mansion Saintess displayed her place of terrifying before the world finally, coincided with Great Dao, raises hand to lift fully, wielded Heaven and Earth Law, all compelled one group of killers, element cut, the person who defended the piece melts in ray of light. 紫府圣女终于在世人面前表现出了她的恐怖之处,与大道相合,举手抬足,挥动天地法则,将一群杀手全都迫了出来,素手一斩,戍片的人熔化在道光中。 Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son move together, to Qi Luo there killing in the past, all rumbled violently strikes. 叶凡姬子圣皇子齐动,向齐罗那里扑杀过去,全都轰出了猛烈的一击。 Saint Killer Qi Luo also cried loud and long, melts the blood blade light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), cut open Heaven and Earth, cut to the opponent. 杀圣齐罗亦是长啸,化血刀光万丈长,剖开了天地,斩向对手。 Bang!” “轰!” In the fearful big showdown, Human World's murder Saint fled, left the battlefield, evaded to draw back on own initiative, only left behind a bloodstain. 在可怕的大对决中,人世间的杀圣遁走,离开了战场,主动避退,只留下一道血迹。 This is ancient murder Saint, before becoming enlightened Heaven and Earth has not changed, profound immeasurable, in ten thousand army such as into unmanned place, wants to walk is not difficult. 这就是古老的杀圣,成道天地未变前,高深莫测,在万军中如入无人之地,想走并不难。 He runs away toward the Heavenly Domain exit|to speak, wants to break through, but several Saint Might such as the ji sea curls, compels him! 他向着天域出口遁去,想要突围,但是几股圣威如犄海般卷来,将他逼回! murder Saint must escape, explained that they did not have the energy, we killed, do not bleed off.” Various Holy Land's people shouted, the morale inspires greatly. 杀圣要逃,说明他们没有底气了,我们杀,一个也不要放走。”诸圣地的人大喊,士气大振。 Ye Fan is actually the heart sinks, this murder Saint ruthless spicy resolute, does not want to escape, clearly came several Ancient Saint in the probe, now turned around to return, charged into the Heavenly Domain deep place. 叶凡却是心头一沉,这位杀圣狠辣果决,根本不是想逃,分明是在试探到底来了几位古圣,现在掉头而回,冲向了天域深处。 Kills......” “杀......” Shouted " kill " heavenshaking, this piece of Heavenly Domain boiling, Saints war chariot rumble made noise, the steamroll crossed the upper air, Holy Artifact recovers, hit together to the front. 喊杀震天,这片天域沸腾,诸圣战车隆隆作响,碾压过高空,圣器复苏,一起打向前方。 In following, they disintegrated some Ancient to kill Formation Altar, finally to most deep place, saw two fearful ancient palaces. 在接下来,他们瓦解了一些上古阵台,终于到了最深处,见到了两片可怕的古老殿堂。 There murderous aura like sea, white bone flashing gloss, the years are indelible, the large expanse of palace is the bone builds. 那里杀气如海,白色的骨质闪动光泽,岁月都难以磨灭,成片的殿宇都是骨头筑成的。 In the most centers of two palaces, has a special bone construction, the gloss is most fearful, has the skull of various Kings, there is Saint's withered bone, is bright and clear, the rug in palace is Divine Skin, digs up from Saint! 在两片殿宇的最中心,都有一座特别的骨质建筑,光泽最为慑人,有诸王的头骨,也有圣人的枯骨,灿烂而晶莹,殿宇中的地毯为神皮,是从圣人身上扒下来的! One flock of ants also dare to challenge the big dragon, I admire your courage, but actually also has to ridicule your stupidities!” “一群蝼蚁也敢向巨龙挑战,我佩服你们的勇气,但却也不得不嘲笑你们的愚蠢!” A dignified sound spreads from the bone palace, ancient, but great changes , an aggression, was full of the No-One Is Noble But I spirit. 一个威严的声音从骨殿中传出,古老而沧桑,也有一种霸气,充满了惟我独尊的气概。 Saint Killer Qi Luo bellows, said: How big dragon was exterminated the den, hid beyond the Heavens, Hell and Human World two big Archaic Divine Dynasty will extinguish, but also displayed your self-respect here, today all gives me dead!” 杀圣齐罗大吼,道:“巨龙何以被人剿灭了老巢,躲到了天外,地狱人世间两大远古神朝将灭,还在这里表现你们的自尊,今日全都给我去死!” He lost seven children, all perished for Two Great Divine Dynasties, paid with the price of blood and life, trades at the present all, in the heart sad angry arrived at the extreme. 他失去了七个孩子,全都是为了两大神朝而亡,付出了血与生命的代价,才换来而今的一切,心中悲怒到了极点。 You for murder Saint, I are also murder Saint, not today how, if between you and me launches showdown between a murder Saint?” Old sound brutal reverberation. “你为杀圣,我也为杀圣,不若今日你我间展开一场杀圣间的对决如何?”苍老的声音无情的回荡。 His becoming enlightened millenniums above, murderous aura boiling, the terrifying was boundless. However the Qi Luo non- average man, complies, to want the strength to shake established murder Saint at the scene. 他成道千年以上了,杀气沸腾,恐怖无边。不过齐罗非常人,当场答应,要力撼老牌杀圣 Another skinny silhouette appears, Human World's murder Saint reappears, the looking disdainfully outstanding heroes, do not spare a glance, probably does not care about the entrance also to have several Saint. 另一道枯瘦的身影浮现,人世间的杀圣再现,睥睨群雄,不屑一顾,像是根本不在意入口处还有几位圣人 He has swept various Holy Land's people, is staring at Saint Sovereign's Son, looks to Ji Zi, finally fell the torch pupil light on Ye Fan's. 他扫过诸圣地的人,而后盯着圣皇子,又看向姬子,最后将火炬般的眸光落在了叶凡的身上。 Commits suicide, This King gives the opportunity that you die happily.” “都自杀吧,本座给你们痛快死的机会。” Human World's murder Saint directs Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son, brutal saying, regarding the fact not apprehension that the people attack. 人世间的杀圣指点叶凡姬子圣皇子,无情的说道,对于众人攻进来的事实一点也不忧惧。 Who came uselessly, thinks that destruction Human World and Hell, that is dream of a fool, what Human Race's Saint Physique, the child of what Ancient Sovereign, is the ants, your each and every one must die!” “谁来了都无用,想覆灭人世间地狱,那是痴人说梦,什么人族圣体,什么古皇之子,都是蝼蚁,你们一个个都要死!” His words blow with the knife generally on the skin of people, cold and gloomy, but ices coldly, Saints has many cultivator unable to resist the murder Saint sound wave, fleshly body is split up, blood, Divine Consciousness also extinguishes. 他的话语跟刀子一般刮在众人的皮肤上,森冷而冰寒,诸圣地中有不少修士抵不住杀圣的音波,肉身四分五裂,鲜血一道道,神识亦熄灭。
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