STH :: Volume #13

#1202: Heavenly Domain

The fog flows slowly, the deathly stillness is the eternal subject, no sound, this is Foreign Domain, piece of Heavenly Domain that leaves the land, to keep aloof. 雾霭缓缓流动,死寂是永恒的主题,没有一点声音,这就是域外,一片离开大地、高高在上的天域 In fact yes, these misty fog clouds are not the mist, but is true Primal Chaos, here extremely desolated, is retaining most primitive aura. 事实上是,那些蒙蒙雾霄也不是雾气,而是真正的混沌,这里极其的荒芜,保留着最原始的气机 Regarding cultivator, Primal Chaos is precious source energy, if can refining, be able to melt the magic weapon vicious tendencies, may develop the secret of Heavenly Dao. The person who however can use are not many, may derive to the Saint boundary with body refinement. 对于修士来说,混沌是宝贵的源气,若是能炼化,能化法宝戾气,可演天道之秘。然而能利用的人不多,到了圣人境才可汲取与炼体 Overlooks under Foreign Domain, huge stars incomparable grand and beauty, but it actually is also is only one grain in various Heavenly Stars, it may be said that is insignificant. 域外俯瞰下方,一个巨大的星辰无比的壮阔与美丽,而它却也是只是诸天星辰中的一粒,可谓是沧海一粟。 Underlying here, thoroughly is far away from Ancient Star, if not discovered that group of Coordinate, who can seek?” “隐伏在此,彻底远离古星,若非发现那一组坐标,谁能够寻到?” Archaic Divine Dynasty remains to be good the escape route, had a premonition that the situation was not wonderful, gave up past ancestral land, pours also resolute.” 远古神朝早已留好到了退路,预感到了处境不妙,放弃了昔日的祖地,倒也果决。” This is Foreign Domain, had a distance to life-bearing ancient planet, if not Sovereign Black Formation Altar were powerful enough and mysterious, how the average person can cross this. 这已是域外,离生命古星有段距离了,若非黑皇阵台足够强大与神秘,一般人怎能横渡到此。 Immortal Ascension Road is going to open, some time ago two terrifying killing ancestors rushed in false Immortal Gate strongly, afterward makes Two Great Divine Dynasties have a premonition that the crisis, prepared general retreat. 成仙路将要开启,不久前两位恐怖的杀祖强势闯进了伪仙门,事后让两大神朝预感到了危机,做好了全面撤退的准备。 Was sought finally, cannot let go a person!” Old Hilt roared, stood side Qi Luo, he must revenge for seven uncle. “终是被寻到了,绝不能放走一个人!”老刀把子咆哮,站在齐罗身边,他要为七位叔伯报仇。 murder Saint has restored calmly, look indifferently, not happy no worries, at this time only then a thought that ruins Hell and Human World, making seven child blood souls be able to rest. 杀圣早已恢复冷静,神色漠然,无喜无忧,此时只有一个念头,毁掉地狱人世间,让七位亲子的血魂能够安息。 Heavenly Domain, this is piece of Primal Chaos dry, is an inborn narrow and small space and time, becomes a small universe, after being dug, can change into the paradise. 天域,这是一片混沌枯地,是一个天生的狭小时空,自成一个小天宇,被开掘出来后能够化为乐土。 The Ferocity's big grave, false Immortal Gate of some time ago appearance, that was discovered true Primal Chaos Divine Soil, internal life-force was vigorous, the implication had various ancient medicine and divine treasure, was Small World. 狠人的大墓,还有不久前的出现的伪仙门,那是被发现的真正的混沌神土,内部生机勃勃,蕴含有各种古药神珍,是一个小世界 But this universe, is this Primal Chaos Divine Soil post-dryout turns into, lost 90% spiritual energies, but also is rare treasured land. 而这处天宇,则是此种混沌神土干涸后化成的,失去了90%的灵气,但也是难得的宝地 This is the seclusion place that the Ancient gods abandon, although dry lonesome, but also is a good fortune, can unexpectedly by the Two Great Divine Dynasties discovery and digging, is really Good Fortune.” “这是上古神明废弃的闭关地,尽管枯寂了,但也是一场福泽,竟能被两大神朝发现并开掘出来,实属造化。” The Heavenly Domain entrance, a nihility, blends with the dark universe in the same place, if not Ye Fan and Sovereign Black simultaneous/uniform going forward tile unseal seal, people even if stands is still hard to send the winnow basket at present. 天域入口,一片虚无,与黑暗的宇宙交融在一起,若非叶凡黑皇齐上前瓦解封印,众人即便站在眼前也难以发箕。 Primal Chaos Qi was thicker, flows, inside piece of serenely peaceful, probably Immemorial Ferocious Beast that swallows the person opened the huge mouth, making one be awed at the sight. 混沌气更浓了,流淌出来,里面一片幽宁,像是一个吞噬人的太古凶兽张开了巨口,让人望而生畏。 People look at each other in blank dis­may, Saints no one is willing to step the first step, in must know, but two murder Saint, if take action, may let an immortal Inheritance destruction. 众人面面相觑,诸圣地无人愿迈第一步,要知道里面可是有两尊杀圣,若是出手,可能会让一个不朽的传承覆灭。 The Qi Luo look is tranquil, first walked, Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son follow closely , is wears Ancient Saint machine armor Dongfang Ye, Li Tian. 齐罗神色平静,第一个走了进去,叶凡姬子圣皇子紧随在后,而后是身穿古圣机甲的东方野厉天等。 Fears anything, this Sovereign could not bear early, must tidy up them to be complete!” big black dog clamored, valiant spirited, flushed, later was Dragon Horse. “怕什么,本皇早忍不住了,要收拾他们全部!”大黑狗叫嚣,雄赳赳气昂昂,也冲了进去,随后是龙马 Saints sees that move together, has killed this place, this fights inevitably, even if two murder Saint must destroy completely again terrifyingly, otherwise constant disorder and unrest! 诸圣地见状齐动,都已经杀到了此地,这一战不可避免,即便两尊杀圣再恐怖也得灭掉,不然永无宁日! Whish bang! 哗轰! Enters a dark space, the vanguard hundred zhang (333 m) is far, the front transmits the thunderous loud sound, a waterfall lets fall, blocks ancient cave. 走进一个黑暗的空间,前行百丈远,前方传来雷鸣的般的巨响,一道瀑布垂落,挡住一个古洞 This is...... the Primal Chaos waterfall!” “这是......混沌瀑布!” The people are startled, all opened the eye, this hole is Heavenly Domain must by ancient cave, block the way by this magnificent scene. 众人吃惊,全都睁大了眼睛,此洞才是天域的必经古洞,以此壮观景象拦路。 If the ordinary person must be blocked outside, cannot go through, this Primal Chaos waterfall falls, will be crushed including Dao Severing person, cannot withstand. 若是一般的人必会被阻在外面,根本穿行不过去,此混沌瀑落下,连斩道者都会被压碎,承受不住。 Gets up!” “起!” Ye Fan lightly shouted, took out Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, changes to the simple Great Dao carrier, ups and downs in the Primal Chaos waterfall, its interruption! 叶凡一声轻喝,祭出万物母气鼎,化作朴实的大道载体,在混沌瀑布中沉浮,将其截断! The people see that startled and envy, the incomparable envy, this grade is born the magic weapon immortal essence at the beginning of Heaven and Earth, the whole world is difficult to seek, is eternally rare, actually falls in his hands, Saints covets is unavailable. 众人见状,又惊又羡,无比嫉妒,这等诞生于天地之初的法宝仙粹,举世难寻,万古难得一见,却落于他的手中,诸圣地眼热却不可得。 The group file, all walked, entered in the front paradise across ancient cave finally, immediately induced great changes and grand, whether there is spiritual energy completely headed on. 一行人鱼贯而入,全都走了进去,穿过古洞终于进入了前方的乐土内,顿时感应到了一股沧桑与壮阔,更有无尽的灵气扑面而来。 Even Primal Chaos Divine Soil is dry, spiritual energies insufficient original 10%, are higher than exterior Greater World, is practicing treasured land. 即便混沌神土干涸,所余灵气不足原来的10%,高于外部大世界,是一处修行的宝地 Palatial Spiritual Mountain, the light green god valley, the jade belt mountain stream, ding-dong the Divine Spring eye, ancient medicine in crevice, making in the person heart tremble. 巍峨的灵山,葱绿的神谷,玉带般的溪水,叮咚的神泉眼,还有石缝中的古药,让人心中一颤。 If lives in seclusion in this, is ideal, if Two Great Divine Dynasties is dormant for several thousand years, reappears enters in the later generation inevitable strength greatly, threatens across the world. 若是在此隐居,再理想不过,如果两大神朝蛰伏几千年,再现于后世必然实力大进,威胁天下各地。 In the open valley land, several giant skeletons, are flowing the pale golden gloss, is Immemorial Variation, died does not know since many years, retained. 开阔的谷地中,几具巨大的骨骼,流动着淡金色的光泽,都是太古异种,死去也不知多少岁月了,保留至今。 Many people swallow the saliva, this is in Primal Chaos Divine Soil the original life, achieved Saint-level absolutely, the bloodlines dried up to pass away in this, actually did not have Change into Dao. 许多人咽口水,这是混沌神土内原本的生灵,绝对都达到圣级了,血脉枯竭老死于此,竟然没有化道 This is the most ideal Artifact Refining material, making one be jealous! 这是最理想的炼器材料,让人眼红! everyone first these, first remove two big giants to be important leave alone!” Old Hilt said. 诸位先别管这些,先除掉两大巨头要紧!”老刀把子说道。 Across this region, the genuine mountain door shield in the front, invisible murderous aura was filling the air, was close to most fearful important location to this place. 穿过这片区域,真正的山门挡在了前方,无形的杀气在弥漫,到了此地才接近最可怕的重地 „No one can act rashly, will otherwise possibly have to kill the tribulation!” Sovereign Black reminder. “谁都不要妄动,不然可能会有杀劫!”黑皇提醒。 However, its words just fell, huge sword qi has swept, dozens people cut off around the middle, yelled sad and shrill, the bodies of these halves bring the big piece blood to tumble. 然而,它话语刚落,一道巨大的剑气扫过,数十人被拦腰斩断,凄厉大叫,这些半截的躯体带着大片的血在翻滚。 What's the matter?” Flickering Light Holy Land a face of elder was at that time green. “怎么回事?”摇光圣地的一位宿老的脸当时就绿了。 ancient medicine......” disciple shouted miserably. 古药......”一位弟子惨呼道。 Only because of picks stone cliff the valuable medicine on 30,000 years of medicine age, triggered restrictions, making one group of people encounter the calamity, to here step by step murderous intention. 只因去采摘石崖上的一株三万年药龄的宝药,触发了禁制,让一群人遭遇厄难,到了这里可谓步步杀机 Kills, the Two Great Divine Dynasties affirmation had found that we come in!” “杀吧,两大神朝肯定早已发现我们进来!” Universe Mother Ship lifted off, sent out a light that flaminged the prestige, the Great Dao's rune brand mark in the front, clamped the entrance for the flat land! 宇宙母船升空,发出了一道炽威的光,大道符文烙印在前方,将山门夹为了平地! Bang!” “轰!” The fearful aura eruption, a palatial boundless shadow appeared, sent out the Ancient Saint fearful and apprehensive aura, divided forward. 可怕的气机爆发,一片巍峨磅礴的黑影浮现,发出了古圣都心惊肉跳的气息,向前劈来。 This is one crowd of big swords, exactly said that is the sword common mountain peak! Each mountain peak inserts the clouds, several hundred over a thousand and in the same places, are grand and grand, each just like a sharp sword, straight up and down. 这是一群大剑,确切的说是剑一般的山峰!每一座山峰都插入云霄,数百上千座并在一起,宏伟而壮阔,每一座都宛如一柄利剑,直上直下。 sword qi said surely, the mountain peak projects divine light, sweeps, this kills the tribulation, is Killing Formation of Saint level. 剑气千万道,山峰射出神光,一道道的扫来,这是杀劫,是一片圣人级的杀阵 Universe Mother Ship was swept to fly, if not opened the energy passport, possibly has disintegrated, the striking power is extremely astonishing. 宇宙母船都被扫飞了出去,若非开启了能量护照,可能已经解体,攻击力极其惊人。 xiū xiū xiū ......” 咻咻咻咻......” sword qi like the glow, sweeps away, was almost the flash, the Saints have several hundred people sliced off the head, was separated the body, was cut the meat sauce, blood splash. 剑气如芒,横扫而过,几乎是一瞬间,诸圣地中有数百人被削掉了头颅,被割裂了躯体,被斩成了肉酱,血花一朵朵。 This is the attack of Saint level, the people naturally cannot block! 这是圣人级的攻击,众人自然挡不住! Bang!” “轰!” Saint Might leaps, Saints brought Legacy Holy Weapon, first took out, blocked the attack finally, protected others. 圣威腾起,诸圣地带来了传世圣兵,第一时间祭出,总算挡住了攻击,护住了其他人。 Martial Uncle, how you, awoke quickly!” A youngster shakes an old body. 师叔,你怎么了,快醒一醒!”一个少年摇动一个年老的躯体。 Junior Sister, do not rest, opens the eye quickly!” A young men is holding female cultivator. 师妹,不要睡,快睁开眼睛!”一个青年男子抱着一个女修士 Various noises and sad sounds get up, two big Assassin Divine Dynasty very fearsome, has not sent out the disciple disciple under Saint-level, coming up is the sure-kill. 各种嘈杂声与悲音响起,两大杀手神朝很可怖,根本就没有派出圣级下的弟子门徒,上来就是绝杀。 Broken!” “破!” Saint Killer Qi Luo bellows, stimulates to movement Great Saint's Magical Artifact Goddess Furnace, in the pupil a stretch of cavity, sent out Celestial Court's great killing techniques. 杀圣齐罗一声大吼,催动大圣的法器神女炉,眸子中一片空洞,发出了天庭的杀生大术 Bang! 轰! Several hundred over a thousand sword mountain blasts, the ancient Saint-level fluctuation is fierce, disintegrated just like Starry Sky, proliferation. 数百上千座剑山一座座的炸开,古圣级波动剧烈,宛若星空解体了,扩散而出。 The Saint-level sword mountain is shattered, turns into the turbulent flow, put down this region, becomes a stretch of barren land. 圣级剑山破灭,化成乱流,扫平了这片区域,成为一片不毛之地。 Tiny ants, dares to gnaw on the big dragon, sought Heavenly Domain, your do not want to live!” The fearsome sound sends out, the trim space is shivering. “渺小的蝼蚁,也敢在巨龙身上啃噬,寻到了天域,你们一个也别想活!”可怖的声音发出,整片空间都在颤抖。 Qi Luo leads to flush away forward, fearless this threat, in hand the blood blade glow is several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m), has swept away innumerable restrictions, making the forbidden area change into the thoroughfare. 齐罗带队向前冲去,无惧这种威胁,手中的化血刀芒长达数万丈,横扫过无数的禁制,让禁区化为了通途。 Blazing killing off of prestige to fly together, Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son resist together, may cut the Saint's terrifying undulatory motion to disperse this type in Void. 一道炽威的杀光飞起,叶凡姬子圣皇子共同对抗,将这种可斩圣人的恐怖波动震散在虚空中。 The front is a piece of jade stage, each crystal resplendent is transparent, murderous aura endless, float in midair, let fall the desperate aura. 前方是一片玉台,每一座都晶灿透明,杀气无尽,悬浮在半空中,垂落下了让人绝望的气息。 Although three big Emperor's Child level characters broke killing off, but that aura overflowed a big piece, the rear area spreads the intermittent pitiful yell sound. 三大帝子级人物虽然震碎了杀光,但是那种气机还是溢出了一大片,后方传出阵阵惨叫声。 Saints instantaneous more than 300 people, is the body explodes breaks to pieces to perish, cannot withstand the ancient Saint King aura and killing intent. 诸圣地瞬间死了三百余人,全都是身体爆碎而亡,承受不住古圣王的气息与杀意 The front is Killing Formation of Saint King level! 前方是一座圣人王级的杀阵! When really Holy Land was the ant insect? Gives me to break!” Jiang Yifei rides to sit in the golden roar, charges into the front, in his top of the head, presents Divine Furnace, nine Divine Bird circle, round of Sun, the terrifying was in the sky boundless, resists Saint King Killing Formation. “真当圣地是蚁虫了吗?给我破!”姜逸飞骑坐在黄金吼上,冲向前方,在他的头顶上,出现一座神炉,九只神鸟盘旋,一轮太阳当空,恐怖无边,对抗住了圣人王杀阵 Bang!” “轰!” He lifts hand one finger/refers, this Divine Furnace flies, flushed away forward, falls blasts out in Killing Formation at the scene. 他抬手一指,这座神炉飞起,向前冲去,落在杀阵中当场炸开了。 The boundless light fog flies, the fierce energy almost shatters this piece of Primal Chaos Divine Soil, gave to level Killing Formation, became the poor soil. 无边的光雾飞起,剧烈能量几乎将这片混沌神土震裂,将杀阵都给抹平了,成为赤土。 The people held breath cold air, this is Forbidden Artifact, is more powerful than general Holy Artifact! 众人倒吸了一口凉气,这是一件禁器,比一般的圣器都要强大! Imitates Forbidden Artifact that Eternal Universe Emperor Furnace becomes, needs to consume many Heaven and Earth treasure, does not need to stimulate to movement magical power, it revolves, but also only has use opportunity that's all time.” “模仿恒宇帝炉而成的一件禁器,需要耗费许多天地奇珍,无需催动法力,它自行运转,但却也只有一次使用机会而已。” An old person whispered, speculated the truth. 一位老人低语,推测出了真相。 Jiang Family's background is frightening, they are good at the sacrifice building up Forbidden Artifact, imitates own emperor furnace to refine the so fearful weapon, may send out a wisp of emperor prestige, the twinkling levels Saint King Killing Formation, makes people think terrified. 姜家的底蕴让人心惊,他们擅长祭炼禁器,模仿自家的帝炉炼出如此可怕的兵器,可发出一缕帝威,瞬息抹平圣人王杀阵,着实让人觉得悚然。 Obviously, Jiang Yifei this struck Two Great Divine Dynasties gives subdued, quiet twinkling, no sound. 显然,姜逸飞这一击将两大神朝都给镇住了,沉静了瞬息,没有一点声音。 If this grade of Forbidden Artifact pounds on the body of murder Saint, can fall to the slaughter mostly! 若是这等禁器砸在杀圣的身上,多半也能给屠掉! However this eventually is Object, is not the living person, murder Saint can evade, pondered is hard to threaten. 不过这终究是器物,不是活人,杀圣可以避过,细想来还是难以威胁到。 Suddenly, the spooky sound transmits, the Hell town/subdues soul tune resounds, this is the attack of murder Saint, the sound wave is more fearful than sword qi, everywhere, penetrates Void, cuts to kill the people. 突然,幽幽之音传来,地狱镇魂曲响起,这是杀圣的攻击,音波比剑气还可怕,无处不在,穿透虚空,斩杀众人。 Saints brought Holy Artifact, cannot defend unexpectedly, Hell town/subdues soul tune ten directions all kills, in this in an instant, pū pū the sound is lingering on faintly, more than 400 people die a violent death, turned into bloody pulp completely, horrible to look at! 诸圣地带来了圣器,竟然防不住,地狱镇魂曲十方皆杀,在这刹那间,噗噗噗声不绝于耳,四百余人死于非命,全部化成了血泥,惨不忍睹! Great Expansion Holy Land old Holy Lord goes crazy, dying mostly is their elites, prepared Saint level Killing Formation, the arrange/cloth has not left with enough time, people who these hold formation flag died! 大衍圣地的老圣主发狂,死的大多都是他们的精英,原本准备了一座圣人杀阵,还未来得及布出,这些持阵旗的人都死了! Kills to me!” “给我杀!” As his bellows, whole body glittering and translucent, drills general Stoneman to clash just like the ice, submerges the front, bellows fiercely! 随着他一声大吼,一个浑身晶莹剔透,宛若冰钻一般的石人冲起,没入前方,剧烈大吼! This is silly puppet of Saint level, is one of the Great Expansion Holy Land background, was brought this place, launched the crazy attack. 这是一个圣人级的傻儡,是大衍圣地底蕴之一,被带到了此地,展开了疯狂的攻击。 At the same time, Ye Fan cried loud and long, golden Blood Qi from top of the skull, such as a sharp sword punctured thoroughly the vault of heaven, he shook "Om" Character heavenly sound, reduced and solved the Hell killing tune, blocked this killed the tribulation, rear no one again die. 同一时间,叶凡长啸,金色血气天灵盖冲起,如一把利剑刺透天穹,他震出唵字天音,化解地狱的杀曲,挡住了这场杀劫,后方无人再殒落 Gives me dead!” “都给我去死!” Sovereign Black roared, a moment ago it to front to break formation, facing killing bent/tune head worked as, the eardrum is almost torn, overflows a continuously bloodstain, at this time got angry, continual took out Formation Altar, swept away the front. 黑皇咆哮,刚才它冲在前方破阵,面对杀曲首当其中,耳膜差点被撕裂,溢出一缕缕血迹,此时发怒,连续祭出阵台,横扫前方。 In dazzling killing off, Sovereign Black Formation Altar as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, the Hell town/subdues soul stage annihilation, disintegrated this piece of Demonic Land. 在刺目的杀光中,黑皇阵台摧枯拉朽,将地狱镇魂台湮灭,瓦解了这片魔地 The people are crazy, rushed ahead together upwardly, projected on this place, people thought that was not far from the Archaic sacred palace. 众人疯狂,一起向上冲杀,打到了此地,人们觉得离远古神圣殿堂不远了。 „......” “啊......” Kills......” “杀啊......” The war cry is shocking, pitiful yell sound also continuously. 喊杀声震天,惨叫声也此起彼伏。 Kills this step, finally encountered with two Great Divine Dynasty's old assassin, after tackling a everywhere difficulty, the killer corpse on the ground, was cut to unite at the scene, the blood flows. 杀到这一步,终于是与两大神朝的老杀手遭遇了,攻克一处处难关后,杀手伏尸,被斩戮在当场,鲜血流淌。 All of you must die!” An old sound conveys, brings densely with killing intent, said: Opens gods magic formation, gives me refining everyone!” “你们所有人都要死!”一个苍老的声音传来,带着森然与杀意,道:“开启神明法阵,将所有人都给我炼化!” Opens your two masters, mops up to me!” Sovereign Black opened third vertical eye, took out dense and numerous Formation Altar. “开启你二爷,都给我扫灭!”黑皇睁开了第三只竖眼,祭出密密麻麻的阵台
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