STH :: Volume #13

#1201: Human World

Chapter 1199 Human World 第1199章人世间 Small Spiritual World is disintegrating, contains the Ancient Great Saint's magic formation brand mark, fluctuation god sobbing immortal that spreads startled, the demon crying ghost is howling, the terrifying shakes the world. 神灵小界在瓦解,蕴含古之大圣的法阵烙印,扩散出的波动神泣仙惊,魔哭鬼嚎,恐怖震世。 Several people bring the blood, without Green Cauldron, has possibly been split up, falls from the sky. 几人身上都带着血,若是没有绿鼎,可能早已四分五裂,就此陨落。 Goddess Furnace is well, because it is Great Saint Magical Artifact, but the people have not achieved this progression, cannot bear dashing of this Great Saint level in its interior. 神女炉无恙,因为它是大圣法器,可众人没有达到这个级数,在其内部亦受不了这种大圣级的冲撞。 Died......” on Dragon Horse the bloodstain to be motley, when it again then, discovered that the Saints 500-600 people all extinguished, no lived. “都死了......”龙马身上血迹斑驳,它再回头时,发现诸圣地500-600人全灭,没有一个活下来。 Although Ye Fan took out Green Cauldron, but the green light covers the range to be limited, is not a large area of resistance, but an instinct protects. 叶凡虽取出了绿鼎,但绿光笼罩范围有限,并不是大面积的对抗,只是一种本能的自护。 Outside abatement Ji Zi, Saint Sovereign's Son, Sovereign Black, Qi Luo and the others, that Saint-level universe Mother Ship partly has even destroyed, Li Heishui coughs up blood to fall down. 除却姬子圣皇子黑皇齐罗等人外,连那艘圣级宇宙母船都已半毁,李黑水咳血倒在地上。 This service broken Holy Artifact destroyed 78, may not impedance that heaven's might, Ancient Great Saint's magic formation, be possible to cut moon/month to divide the star, many Saint also can only cherish hatred jointly. 这一役残破的圣器共毁了七八件,不可阻抗那种天威,上古大圣的法阵一出,可斩月劈星,多名圣人联手也只能饮恨。 The people are silent, Hell was really ruthless enough, does not hesitate to ruin since ancient times rare Small Spiritual World, this was aiming at Heavenly Jade's Stone Plaza Wei Yi and Eccentric Mansion's old Mansion Lord and other Saint to attack, but the trap of preinstall. 众人默然,地狱真的够狠,不惜毁掉古来难得一见的神灵小界,这是在针对天璇石坊卫易奇士府的府主等多位圣人共来袭而预设的陷坑。 „......” Some Saints people have weak Divine Consciousness, but must vanish into thin air immediately, the blood bone has turned into the mud, to read the wail remnantly. “啊......”诸圣地个别人还有微弱神识,不过马上就要烟消云散了,血骨早已化成烂泥,以残念哭嚎。 I and other destroy both body and soul......” panic-stricken crying out in grief, actually cannot change anything. “我等形神俱灭......”惊恐的哀叫,却改变不了什么。 Here became worthy of the reputation Hell, trim small ruins, Great Saint magic formation ruptured, the final sound was shaken the powder by aftermath. 这里成了名副其实的地狱,整片小界毁掉,大圣法阵崩开,最后的声息被余波震散。 Bang!” “轰!” murder Saint took out Goddess Furnace, is all over the body bright, the light wave is clear, erases that final Killing Formation trace, this place restored tranquilly. 杀圣祭出神女炉,通体灿烂,光波粼粼,将那最后的杀阵痕迹抹去,此地恢复了宁静。 The Saints army all extinguishes! 诸圣地大军全灭! Hell was ruthlessly spicy and decisive, discards came to the invariable lair eternally, was attacked to visit for the first time, detonated this place directly. 地狱狠辣而果断,舍弃了万古来不变的巢穴,第一次被人攻上门,就直接引爆了此地。 Only what rejoices, only then Ye Fan they several crucial people come, has not led Village of Celestial Court descendant, otherwise the consequence is dreadful. 唯一庆幸的是,只有叶凡他们几位关键性的人进来,并未带领天之村后人,不然后果不堪设想。 Kills only! Hell and Human World must extinguish, dare pit this Sovereign, the den are discovered, looked where you can escape!” Sovereign Black bare teeth grins, scours bloodstain. “杀净!地狱人世间必灭,敢坑本皇,老巢都被发现了,看你们能逃到何方!”黑皇呲牙咧嘴,擦净身上的血迹。 Goes to Human World!” Ye Fan said, the group rip open Void, enters into Domain Portal, catches up to another killer ancestral land. “去人世间!”叶凡说道,一行人撕开虚空,迈入域门,赶向另一处杀手祖地 Late at night, the moonlight is gentle, hangs magnificence Luojing, in the land covers white light smoke, the element is pale. 后半夜,月光柔和,垂华落菁,大地上笼罩一层白色的薄烟,素淡宁静。 The mountain village is tranquil, backs on a short mountain, houses set out in neat order, mulberry grove Large expanse, bamboo grove quiet green jade, before the village , the farmland is fertile, crisscrossing communications. 山村宁静,背靠一片矮山,屋舍俨然,桑林成片,竹林幽翠,村前农田肥沃,阡陌交通。 This is a small mountain village, the chicken dog heard occasionally, in the fish pond has the frog at the cry, although there is an insect sound, seems has serenely peaceful. 这是一个小山村,鸡犬偶闻,鱼塘中有蛙在鸣,虽有虫音,却显得有幽宁 So many for ten thousand years, no one knows, Human World on hidden in this piece such as paradise the place of country, the entrance is outside the village a dry well. 这么多万年来,没有人知晓,人世间就隐在这片如世外桃源的乡野之地,入口就是村外一口枯井。 At this time, army dense piece, such as steel jungle, motionless, already this place blockade, several Saint hidden in secret, keeps silent, stops up in this place. 此时,大军黑压压一片,如钢铁丛林,一动不动,早已将此地封锁,几位圣人隐在暗中,默不作声,堵在此地。 When Ye Fan, Saint Sovereign's Son wait/etc. went to Hell, had another group of Holy Land's people to arrive at this place early, was sealed until now old Saint including Ji Family that. 叶凡圣皇子等去地狱时,早有另一批圣地的人到了此地,包括姬家那位被封至今的老圣人 Surprisingly, Jiang Family at the present Holy Lord Jiang Yifei arrived personally, sits down a gold to roar, strolls in the moonlight the line, his elegant scholarly, unusual refined. 让人惊讶的是,姜家而今的圣主姜逸飞亲自到了,坐下一头黄金吼,踏月而行,他飘逸儒雅,超凡脱俗。 Another side, Jade Lake Saintess White Clothed dances in the breeze, such as surging waves Fairy, simple and beautiful transcend worldly affairs under moonlight, if Moon Palace Master near world. 另一边,瑶池圣女白衣飘舞,如凌波仙子,在月光下清丽出尘,若广寒宫主人临世。 Village of Celestial Court person main force centralized in Hell, but various Holy Land's people the main force strongly here, join forces at the present. 天之村的人将主力集中在地狱,而诸圣地的人将主力集中在此,而今会师。 In addition, Great Expansion Holy Land Holy Lord arrives, came some weight figures eventually. 此外,大衍圣地圣主亲临,终究是来了一些重量级人物。 But Purple Mansion Saintess also left seclusion, as Innate Dao Embryo, at the present her not eating the food of common mortals, celestial or angelic appearance stainless, Purple Qi is dense, the whole person and say/way coincide, raise hand to lift in the feet, One with the Heaven, profound immeasurable, so many years never take action, does not know that achieved what kind of position. 紫府圣女出关,身为先天道胎,而今她不食人间烟火,仙姿无垢,紫气氤氲,整个人与道相合,举手抬足间,天人合一,高深莫测,这么多年从未出手,不知达到了何等境地。 Attacked the Hell people dead......” “攻打地狱的人都死了......” Saints gathers after this place head hears, all frowns, although these not elite, could not injure the foundation, but also was a big setback. 诸圣地聚在此地首脑听闻后,全都皱起了眉头,那些虽非精锐,伤不了根基,但也是个不小的挫折。 We have the reason to believe, this place is also kills the bureau mostly.” Old Holy Lord said. “我们有理由相信,这个地方也多半是个杀局。”一位老圣主说道。 Human World and Hell prestige moves the eternity, the world all fears, lair indestructible, Inheritance is unceasing, even declines still to have one day of return. 人世间地狱威名名动千古,天下皆惧,巢穴不灭,传承不断,即便衰落下去也有归来的一日。 At the present, their not Fusheng situation, generally speaking in weak period, but is not general major powers may shake. 而今,他们不复盛况,总的来说处在虚弱时期,但是也不是一般的大势力可撼动的。 Everyone frowns, if tonight idle work, then for a long time, the people must in the future facing fearful killed, that is a nightmare. 每个人都皱起了眉头,今夜若无功,那么将来在很长时间内,众人都要面对可怕的袭杀了,那将是一场噩梦。 Two murder Saint...... even defends again strictly, that will still be a catastrophe, will not remove, many people will want the head/number of people to fall to the ground, even was destroyed Dao Lineage. 两尊杀圣......即便防御再严密,那也将是一场大祸,不除掉的话,许多人都要人头落地,甚至被毁道统 Steps into Human World's profound, inside mountains are attractive, the transpiration of multi-colored sunlight in the mountain peaks, just like a school of fairyland, some sect Lingqin beasts appears and disappears, does not seem like the state of killer. 踏进人世间的玄界,里面山川灵秀,霞光在山峰间蒸腾,宛若一派仙境,有各宗灵禽瑞兽出没,不像是杀手的国度。 Universe Mother Ship across the sky, destroys the entrance forcefully, making the channel expand innumerable times, murderous intention erupted, has the Divine Dynasty's killer to counter-attack. 宇宙母船横空,强行摧毁入口,让通道扩大了无数倍,杀机爆发,有神朝的杀手反击。 People have not advanced recklessly, stand in the surrounding, stimulates to movement magical power to sweep away the front, making the front killer blood spatter in all directions, light fog transpiration, skeleton one piece by piece. 人们没有冒进,站在外围,催动法力横扫前方,让前方的杀手鲜血迸溅,光雾蒸腾,尸骨一片片。 Can determine, this place giant has withdrawn.” After the people observe carefully, draws such conclusion, is ordinary with the defense when Hell, thinks the fierce confrontation, making the people enter the jar, extinguishes completely kills. “可以确定,此地巨头早已撤走。”众人仔细观测后,得出这样的结论,与在地狱时的防御一般,想激烈对抗,引众人入瓮,全部灭杀。 What to do?” Everyone greatly is anxious, if not destruction two Great Holy Land, will face in the future is a nightmare! “怎么办?”所有人都大急,若是不覆灭两大圣地,日后将会面对是一场噩梦! whether it is abundant god such as jade Jiang Yifei, Jade Lake Saintess that rises above worldly affairs simple and beautiful wait/etc., all frowns, this makes everyone anxious. 无论是丰神如玉的姜逸飞,还是清丽绝俗的瑶池圣女等,全都蹙眉,这让每一个人都不安。 Makes me give a try, to rouse Innate aura, looks whether some sensation special situations.” Purple Mansion Saintess said, sits cross-legged in the one side, by own talent divine technique, melted in this piece of Great Dao, roused trim Small Spiritual World. “让我来试试看,以勾动先天气机,看一看能否感知一些特别的情况。”紫府圣女说道,盘坐在一旁,以自己的天赋神术,融在了这片大道中,勾动整片神灵小界 Innate Dao Embryo, is very mystical, with Em­press Mother of West is the same physique, the world rumor, the Great Emperor Without Beginning's mother is this physique, the terrifying is also boundless. 先天道胎,无比神秘,与西皇是同一种体质,世间传言,无始大帝的母亲也是此种体质,恐怖无边。 They are intimate with Great Dao inborn, can peep completely a piece of Heaven and Earth secret! 他们天生亲近大道,能够窥尽一片天地的秘密! The people hope for, stopped the attack, protects her in the central, static waiting. 众人希冀,停止了攻击,将她护在中央,静静的等待。 Purple Mansion Saintess, bright eyes good look around, closed the eye, long eyelash tremor, body insightful like white jade, spills over the clear gloss, ray of light projected continuously, blends in this piece of profound. 紫府圣女,明眸善睐,闭上了眼睛,长长的睫毛颤动,肌体通透如白玉,泛出晶莹的光泽,一缕缕道光射出,交融在了这片玄界中。 Heaven and Earth hands over safe, she becomes only in brilliance, is dim and holy, eternal great changes Great Dao comes to coincide with him friendly, mysterious incomparable. 天地交泰,她成为光辉中的唯一,朦胧而圣洁,万古沧桑大道都来与他相融相合,神秘无比。 At this time, the Daoist magic nature, she becomes the Great Dao's incarnation, evolves here all secret, wants to approach the past scenery again. 此时,道法自然,她成为了大道的化身,演化这里的一切秘,想再向昔日的景。 Ye Fan sees that also sat cross-legged, who he revolves Starry Sky another shore to obtain «Vedic Scripture» that records, the reversal time, traces the source, must reappear the past scenery. 叶凡见状,也盘坐了下来,他运转星空另一岸得到的《吠陀经》中记载的古法,逆转时光,追溯本源,也要再现过去的景。 The sacred say/way wave spreads, Saint Physique and Dao Embryo had the induction unexpectedly, the promote each other, making this Heaven and Earth Great Dao instantaneous blend comprehensively, submerges two people. 神圣道波扩散,圣体道胎竟然生出了感应,相互促进,让这天地大道瞬间全面交融下来,将二人淹没。 The people are startled, revealed the look of surprise. 众人大吃一惊,都露出异色 Sovereign Black a moment ago also in resentful, at this time is very excited, in a low voice shouting: Innate Saint Physique Dao Embryo, reappears the Great Emperor Without Beginning same person!” 黑皇刚才还在愤懑,此时却无比激动,低声嘶吼着:“先天圣体道胎,再现无始大帝一样的人吧!” Bang! 轰! Finally shakes, Ye Fan and body bright were Purple Mansion Saintess opened the eye like the jade, revealed startled accommodates, Great Dao traceless, had been cut, this place has not left behind anything. 最后一震,叶凡肌体明净如玉般是紫府圣女都都睁开了眼睛,露出惊容,大道无痕,早已被斩,此地没有留下什么。 It is not able to find out by secret inquiry, Human World's murder Saint does is very clean, all passing gave to cut off! 无法探知,人世间的杀圣做的很干净,将所有过往都给斩断了! What to do? Some Holy Land incomparably regretted, after this match, must have a great misfortune, how facing two murder Saint anger, even if sets out background, is still more unfortunate than fortunate to murder Saint, this is to kill the fresh devil specially. 怎么办?一些圣地无比后悔,此役过后,必有一场大劫,如何面对两位杀圣的怒火,即便是出动底蕴,对上杀圣也凶多吉少,这是专为杀而生的恶魔。 This may should do!?” “这可如何是好!?” In the future will probably have a bloody battle, does not know that must die many people, cannot destruction Two Great Divine Dynasties, face them to retaliate in the future endlessly.” “日后少不了一场血战,不知要死多少人,不能覆灭两大神朝,未来将面对他们无休止的报复了。” Damn, why can like this!” “该死,为何会这样!” People apprehension, grips the tight fist, walks back and forth, no idea, is too late to regret. 人们忧惧,攥紧拳头,走来走去,没有任何办法,悔之晚矣。 Ye Fan stands up, looks to Qi Luo, said: I go, comes out its complete belt/bring.” 叶凡站起身来,看向齐罗,道:“我进去,将它完好的带出来。” Saint Killer Qi Luo nods, said: Be careful, although did not have murder Saint keeping watch, but must pay attention, if touched Great Saint level magic formation, this place anything could not be left over.” 杀圣齐罗点头,道:“小心,虽然没有杀圣坐镇了,但还是要注意,若是触及大圣法阵,此地什么都剩不下。” What you are saying, are the means inadequate?” The people are astonished, looks. “你们在说什么,难道还有办法不成?”众人惊异,一齐望来。 Good, Archaic Divine Dynasty must extinguish!” Ye Fan nods. “不错,远古神朝必灭!”叶凡点头。 He takes a step to move toward the distant place, Ji Family's Saint, Wei Yi, Qi Luo and Eccentric Mansion's old Mansion Lord and Northern Region first Great Bandit wait/etc. were uneven, walked. 他迈步走向远方,姬家的圣人卫易齐罗奇士府的府主北域第一大寇等齐出,走了过来。 Ye Fan takes out broken Green Cauldron, during oneself take a step to enter, sits cross-legged, please several Saint take action, offer a sacrifice to this cauldron to enter the Small Spiritual World deep place him. 叶凡取出一口残破的绿鼎,自己迈步而入,盘坐当中,请几位圣人出手,祭此鼎将他打进神灵小界深处。 The distant place, the people are shocked, various Holy Land's people look to that copper rust are motley, looks like scrap copper and iron ancient cauldron, suddenly could not speak. 远处,众人震惊,诸圣地的人都望向那口铜锈斑驳,看起来如废铜烂铁般的古鼎,一时间都说不出话来。 This was...... the past years......” “这是......当年......” „The Emergence Divine Dynasty ancestral land biggest winner...... is he!” 羽化神朝祖地最大的赢家......是他!” In the past, even Ancient Race various Kings, as well as various Sovereigns Dao Lineage was alarmed, the world shocked, goes to Central Province Dragon Vein to compete for Immortal Cauldron, finally let it go, today appears in the Ye Fan hand unexpectedly. 当年,连古族诸王,以及诸皇道统都被惊动了,天下震撼,去中州龙脉争夺仙鼎,结果不了了之,今日竟在叶凡手中出现。 Many person eyes are fiery, in the each and every one heart moves greatly, but actually does not dare to have anything to indicate that at the present several people can kill the words that Saint Physique, wants to seize are very difficult. 许多人眼睛火热,一个个心中大动,但是却不敢有什么表示,而今有几人能杀的了圣体,想夺过来的话很难。 This cauldron, needs so many people to stimulate to movement unexpectedly with joint forces, startled people could not speak. 此鼎,竟需要这么多人合力催动,惊的人们说不出话来。 ! 咻! The light green light flashes through together, the bronze tripod carried Ye Fan to cross, quick lightning, was indistinct felt unexpectedly Power of Time is reversing, the trim space seemed like remoulding, was extremely fearful and strange. 一道淡淡的绿光闪过,铜鼎载着叶凡横穿了进去,快过闪电,隐约间竟感到时间的力量在倒转,整片空间都像是在重塑,太过可怕与怪异了。 Ancient Saint magic formation is stopping, but was actually penetrated by this cauldron, attacks and captures restrictions, ejects a channel, melts a terrifying hole, put on. 上古圣人法阵在阻拦,但是却被此鼎穿透,攻克禁制,生生击出一条通道,化出一个恐怖的孔洞,穿了进去。 Everyone shocks! 所有人都震撼! After long, some people inquired, actually how to seek Two Great Divine Dynasties? 很久后才有人询问,究竟如何寻出两大神朝? Saint Killer Qi Luo is silent, on the face appears moved, moves toward the distant place slowly, back dejected, probably all of a sudden old 1000 years old. 杀圣齐罗沉默,脸上出现伤感,缓缓走向远处,背影萧索,像是一下子苍老了一千岁。 Old Hilt with, supported own grandfather. 老刀把子跟了上去,扶住自己的祖父。 A Village of Celestial Court old person sighed lightly, mentioned the secret facts. 天之村一位老人轻叹,讲出了隐情。 Saint Killer Qi Luo has seven children, in does not know that many years ago fed in Hell and Human World Hell small foothold respectively, but to seek two Great Divine Dynasty's important location, then tries to find out the final ancient palace. 杀圣齐罗有七个孩子,早在也不知多少年前就分别送进了地狱人世间地狱的小据点,只是为了寻到两大神朝的重地,而后摸索进最终的古老殿堂。 In this period had anything, no one knows, such long years, the Village of Celestial Court person had once seen Qi Luo has cried 56 times, each time sorrowful desire certainly. 期间发生了什么,谁也不知,这么漫长的岁月来,天之村的人曾见到过齐罗大哭过五六次,每一次都悲恸欲绝。 The final result is, Qi Luo adopted a grandson Old Hilt partner in the body bank, others think that is his biological grandson. Was needless to say also knows, his child wait/etc. died. 最终的结果是,齐罗抱养了一个孙子老刀把子伴在身畔,别人都以为是他的亲孙。不用说也知道,他的亲子等都死去了。 Seven child, if lives now, this/Ben on heir in groups, regarding in murder Saint body bank, but finally he actually alone. 七子若活到现在,本应子嗣成群,围绕在杀圣身畔,可最后他却只是孤零零。 My last uncle, bears patiently for more than 2000 years, successfully entered the Human World's most ancient palace hall in two years ago, how long has not died.” Old Hilt said. “我最后一位叔伯,隐忍两千多年,在两年前成功进入了人世间的古殿堂,可未过多久也死了。”老刀把子说道。 Human World and Hell ancestral land can discover, is this person of merit. 人世间地狱祖地之所以能发现,就是此人之功。 The Celestial Court destruction, small sun-dried shelled shrimp 2-3 live, shows improvement after illness until Qi Luo this generation, restored some vitalities. 天庭覆灭,只有小虾米2-3只活下来,直到齐罗这一代才有起色,恢复了一些元气。 Deterioration for a long time, predecessor using energy mental effort, only found 1-2 small footholds, Qi Luo endures suffering, making all child find the way to invest, such long years, infiltrate the highest ancient palace hall finally. 积弱已久,前人费劲心力,也只找到1-2小据点,齐罗忍痛,让所有亲子想办法投入进去,这么漫长的岁月,才最终打入最高古殿堂。 My last child...... succeeded, has not exposed, because was actually sent to dig a place, the people who goes together eliminated a potential informant.” “我的最后一个孩子......成功了,未曾暴露,却因被派去开掘一个地方,去同去的人都被灭口了。” Qi Luo indifferent saying, the eyeground deep place is the endless sadness. 齐罗漠然的说道,眼底深处是无尽的悲。 The fathers and sons bloodlines are interlinked, they have Secret Art, at the point of death first has the temporary mind reading, when two years ago that final youngest sons passed away, weeps blood to pass to him one group of strange Coordinate, but the soul strength is too weak, poured out without enough time, finally told him to engrave place in Human World, can search for and seize. 父子血脉相通,他们有一种秘法,临死前有短暂的心灵感应,两年前那最后的幼子魂断时,泣血传给他一组奇异的坐标,但魂力太弱,来不及倾诉完,最终告诉他刻印在人世间内一地,可以寻获。 Human World and Hell about knocked out Heavenly Domain in the same place, after digging, eliminated a potential informant the participants.” This is the judgment of Qi Luo. 人世间地狱合在一起凿出了一处天域,开掘好后,将参与者都灭口了。”这是齐罗的判断。 Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly, Human World's Small Spiritual World had the big collapse, Ancient Great Saint's magic formation recovered, all the people were shocked, strangle to death the myriad things, destroyed world all. 突然,人世间的神灵小界发生了大崩溃,古之大圣的法阵复苏,全民震动,绞杀万物,毁灭世间一切。 Everyone backs up, Ye Fan controlled Green Cauldron to clash. 所有人都倒退,叶凡驾驭绿鼎冲了出来。 What kind of?” Everyone rushes, surrounded him, intense inquiry. “怎么样?”所有人都冲了上去,围住了他,紧张的询问。 Succeeded, sought a Heavenly Domain Coordinate!” Ye Fan replied. “成功了,寻到了一处天域的坐标!”叶凡答道。 Saint Killer Qi Luo hears this word, cannot bear again, the muddy old tears tumble, body shivers, whether there has the extrication sadly also completely. 杀圣齐罗闻听此言,再也忍不住,浑浊的老泪滚落而下,身躯一阵颤抖,有解脱也有无尽的悲。 He is muttering, only has two characters: Child......” 他喃喃着,只有两个字:“孩子......” The chilly wind blows, the Between Heaven and Earth fog twines, people are all cheering, this means that Two Great Divine Dynasties may be destroyed completely thoroughly. 清冷的风吹来,天地间雾霭缭动,人们全都在欢呼,这意味着两大神朝可能会被彻底灭掉了。 People speculated that the general idea, the Assassin Divine Dynasty person definitely hid in that to locate Heavenly Domain, gave up since ancient times lair, is going to lie concealed. 人们都推测出了大概,杀手神朝的人肯定是躲进了那处天域,放弃了古来的巢穴,将要就此隐伏下来。 At this time only has Qi Luo to be desolate, for a very long time cannot say a few words, the body is shivering slightly, looks up to the horizon, Ren the tears drips to fall. 此时唯有齐罗落寞,久久不能说出一句话来,身躯在微微颤抖着,仰望天际,任老泪淌落。 Old Hilt went forward to support him, anything also said that only had accompanying in side. 老刀把子上前扶住了他,什么也说不出口,唯有相伴在旁。 Senior, we go to destruction Two Great Divine Dynasties!” Ye Fan said, at this time could not say anything, only had the thorough settlement enemy, was to he biggest consolation. “前辈,我们去覆灭这两大神朝!”叶凡说道,此时说不出什么,唯有彻底解决敌人,才是对他最大的慰藉。 Clash/To, killed them, does not remain!” “冲,杀了他们,一个都不留!” Kills, goes to that to locate Heavenly Domain, puts down thoroughly, making two big Archaic Divine Dynasty the history, vanishes into thin air in tonight!” “杀啊,去那处天域,彻底扫平,让两大远古神朝成为历史,在今夜烟消云散!” People angry roar. 人们怒吼。 Formation Altar has mailed out, Domain Portal has opened, everyone starts off, charges into that to locate Heavenly Domain. 阵台已经寄出,域门已经打开,所有人都上路,冲向那处天域 This is piece of ancient land, really in Foreign Domain, had Primal Chaos Qi to wind around, was separated from the Ancient Star ground, can be discovered was really difficult. 这是一片古地,竟然是在域外,有混沌气缭绕,脱离了古星的地面,能够被发现实在是太难了。 . . Sweat, received the call, must go out, tonight can only a chapter, renew today early, thought that Chapter 2 will also be very early, corona. Chen Dong is like everyone, in the reality also has many things, these are unavoidable, excuses me. 汗,接到电话了,要出门,今晚只能一章了,本来今天早更新了,觉得第二章也会很早的,晕了。辰东跟大家一样,现实中也有很多事,这些在所难免呀,见谅。 * *
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