STH :: Volume #13

#1209: Archenemies everywhere

Chapter 1207 archenemy everywhere 第1207章大敌遍地 The sunset glow sprinkles in the lake imitates, if the gold fragments, clear shine upon the golden color in the wave light. 晚霞洒落在湖中仿若碎金,在波光粼粼中映照金色。 The distant place, the grain drags, crash-bang makes noise, such as mighty waves. 远处,谷物摇曳,哗啦作响,如波澜般。 Is unaquainted with neighbors, the mountain village in sunset glow filled auspiciously, stands aloof from the world, just like a paradise. 鸡犬相闻,晚霞中的山村充满了祥和,与世无争,犹如一个世外桃源。 Sits, backs on the lower part of wall, speak the uncle of story on the small backless stool to one group of children, is narrowing the eye, looks to the distant place, the tone sinks slow. Listens carefully, this happened at the Foreign Domain battlefield matter. 坐在小板凳上、背靠墙根、对一群孩子讲故事的老大爷,眯缝着眼睛,看向远方,语气沉缓。仔细听,这就是发生在域外战场的事。 This is the Village of Celestial Court new address, hidden in boorishness. 这是天之村的新址,隐于村野。 The distant place, Azure Ox passes through slowly, the shepherd boy rides above is playing the bamboo flute, just like a clear spring that in the desert flows, long cool. 远处,一头青牛慢慢走过,牧童骑在上边吹着笛子,犹如沙漠中流淌的一股清泉,悠悠清凉。 Several aunts in the riverside wash clothes, several teenagers are seizing the fish, fills the laughter. 几位大婶在河边浣衣,几个半大小子在捉鱼,充满笑声。 Immortal Ascension Road is going to open, Village of Celestial Court was actually dormant, does not want to mix, even they are planning to crash in the universe deep place, far away from this is the non- place. 成仙路将要开启了,天之村却蛰伏了下来,不想掺和进去,甚至他们在计划冲进宇宙深处,远离这是非之地。 Because Immortal Ascension Opportunity happens, entire Ancient Star will become the battlefield, will refer to erratically will die many people, this comes the most fearful war absolutely eternally. 因为成仙契机一旦出现,整颗古星都将成为战场,指不定会死去多少人,这绝对是万古来最可怕的一战。 All in the preparation and fermentation, the Sovereign Black dog wool fell quickly up, worked wholeheartedly, decodes Star Portal, must a spaceship research thoroughness. 一切都在准备与酝酿中,黑皇狗毛都快落光了,呕心沥血,破解星门,要将宇宙飞船研究个透彻。 Perhaps will leave, therefore the whether it is child or the old person, enjoy this finally rare period of time. 也许会离开,故此无论是孩子还是老人,都是享受这最后难得的一段时光。 Was far away from the battlefield, the temporary separation practice, in this life of mortal, everyone felt very comfortable, without Secret Technique, without ancient treasure, did not have Myriad Clans to murder, some were simple and joyful. 远离了战场,暂别了修行界,这中凡人的生活,每一个人都觉得很舒服,没有秘术,没有古宝,更无万族杀伐,有的只是简单与快乐。 People always after anxious and anxiety as well as apprehension, can realize that type is affable and satisfied, the body and heart also relax. 人总是在紧张与焦虑以及忧惧过后,才能体会到那种舒缓与满足,身与心同时放松。 The outskirts, had been struck by lightning under old peach tree, Li Tian, Saint Sovereign's Son wait/etc. sat on the stone block, looks to the sunset glow of horizon, on the stone table the tea aroma curls. 村头,一株被雷劈过的老桃树下,厉天圣皇子等坐在石墩上,看向天边的晚霞,石桌上茶香袅袅。 Ye Fan rips open one packet of smoke, the ignition, two fingers adept grips to deliver to the mouth, later the smog flutters, his also relaxes. 叶凡撕开一包烟,点燃,两指娴熟的夹住送向嘴边,随后烟雾飘出,他也一阵放松。 Arriving that this possibly is he from a few that Starry Sky another coastal zone returns to be able to use foreign object, his addiction for tobacco is not big, how hardly to pull out, will only have this great war to end will light one. 这可能是他自星空另一岸带回的少数能用的到的“外物”,他的烟瘾不大,几乎不怎么抽,也唯有这种大战落幕才会点燃一根。 The Monkey surprise, wanted one, finally just attracted one, the direct blowout, the cigarette has delimited stream of light, penetrates the far mountain. 猴子诧异,要了一根,结果刚吸上一口,直接喷出,香烟划过一道流光,将远山击穿。 Li Heishui, Li Tian and the others imitate, finally each and every one coughs, really did not understand how this can be enjoyment. 李黑水厉天等人纷纷效仿,结果一个个干咳,实在不理解这怎么会是一种享受。 Little Baldy Huahua is cunning, maintaining composure entrains one from own master there, the ignition, inspires without consulting anybody lightly, the person the little rascal is big, sighed: Fallen leaf does not understand detaining of wind, this pulls out is not the smoke, is clearly chewing that bitter and astringent wind to be supple.” 小光头花花鬼头鬼脑,不动声色的从自己师傅那里拽出一根,径自点燃,轻吸了一口气,人小鬼大,叹道:“落叶不懂风的挽留,这抽的不是烟,分明是在嘴嚼那苦涩的风柔。” Fart!” “屁!” One group of people including Saint Ape, Dongfang Ye, Yan Yixi, everyone knocked one blow on his bald, the painful little fellow yelled, is tearful, held to hide in the distant place, an appearance of incomparable hidden bitterness, the people laughed immediately. 一群人包括圣猿子、东方野燕一夕等,每人都在他的光头上敲了一记,痛的小家伙哇哇大叫,泪眼汪汪,抱着头躲到了远处,一副无比幽怨的样子,众人顿时大笑。 Sun set, Ye Fan throws the cigarette butt to the bamboo basket fire of high-piled firewood of distant place, there meat floats fragrant, the roasted golden yellow glossy Mongolian gazelle was fleet-footed ripe, several altar/jar aging also open/unseal, wine intoxicant. 太阳落山了,叶凡将烟蒂丢向远处的篝火堆中,那里肉香飘来,烤的金黄油亮的黄羊腿快熟了,几坛陈酿也开封,酒香醉人。 „The words that master goes out now will be very dangerous.” Ye Tong said. “师傅现在出去的话会很危险。”叶瞳道。 The outside world the chaos, a piece of clamour has boiled, Two Great Divine Dynasties extinguished, Green Cauldron enter the world of implication becoming an immortal secret, does not know that concerned many people. 外界早已大乱,一片嚣沸,两大神朝灭了,蕴含成仙秘密的绿鼎出世,也不知道牵动了多少人的心。 Yan Yixi nods, said: Endures previous some time, now disaster after disaster, the Ancient Race person is quickly crazy, looks around , the words that like this goes out is very easy to have problems.” 燕一夕点头,道:“忍上一段时间,现在风雨交加,古族的人快疯狂了,四处寻觅,这样出去的话很容易出问题。” Broken Green Cauldron, making Immemorial major Imperial Clan unable to sit still, in abundance enter the world, entire world tracking. 残破的绿鼎一出,让太古各大皇族都坐不住了,纷纷出世,全天下寻迹。 Especially Immortal Ascension Road presently, people believe, grasping this immortal object perhaps is easier near immortal, therefore world expert altogether leaves. 尤其是成仙路将现,人们相信,手持这种仙物也许更容易近仙,故此天下高手共出。 Village of Celestial Court obtained four World Stone luckily, Saint Killer Qi Luo refining, reopened small, melts in Void, no one may seek. 幸好天之村得到了四块世界石,杀圣齐罗将之炼化,重开了一个小界,融于虚空中,无人可寻。 But also precisely because of four World Stone reasons, Saint Killer Qi Luo obtains big Good Fortune, contacted the thing of Heaven and Earth most source, started seclusion. 而也正是因为四枚世界石的缘故,杀圣齐罗得到一场大造化,接触到了天地最本源的东西,开始闭关 Various Holy Land's people are really the good and evil intermingled, we attacked and captured Archaic Divine Dynasty, only then they saw Green Cauldron, is middle person discloses.” Li Heishui indignantly. “诸圣地的人果然是良莠不齐,我们攻克了远古神朝,只有他们见到了绿鼎,自是当中的人透露出去的。”李黑水愤愤不已。 This is the obvious matter, that night Ye Fan penetrated Human World many restrictions with the cauldron, the thorough Void deep place, carried over the Heavenly Domain Coordinate, shocked everyone. 这是显而易见的事,那一夜叶凡以鼎穿透人世间诸多禁制,深入虚空深处,带出天域坐标,震惊了所有人。 The people reveal the worried look, at the present Ye Fan simply is the world-wide all enemy, so long as he makes an appearance, definitely will trigger the fierce fight, no one will let off him. 众人都露出忧色,而今叶凡简直是举世皆敌,只要他一露面,必然会引发剧战,没人会放过他。 This is a huge crisis, does not do well can destroy both body and soul! 这是一场天大的危局,弄不好就会形神俱灭! He even again powerful, can person of alone anti- Myriad Clans be inadequate? Moreover, is Human Race Powerhouse also has the generation of having ulterior motives mostly. 他即便再强大,难道还能够一人独抗万族不成?而且,就是人族强者多半也有心怀叵测之辈。 what foot/enough said that the capital of master having god-given wisdom, world-wide all enemy how? Projects on Great Emperor to come up on this one group!” Little Baldy flatters to say. “何足道哉,师傅天纵之资,举世皆敌又如何?就此一路打到大帝上去!”小光头拍马屁说道。 The people smiled, this is a forced smile. 众人都笑了,这是一种苦笑。 Now world-wide all enemy, not facing Ancient Star Powerhouse, but is many Star Domain, will evolve for with entire universe Saint great war! 现在举世皆敌,可不是面对一颗古星强者,而是诸多星域,甚至会演变为与全宇宙的圣人大战! Immortal Ascension Road will open, Foreign Domain Sages comes in abundance, at the present this is not the Big Dipper cultivator's world, but becomes ancient land that various territory Saint strove for hegemony. 成仙路将开启,域外诸贤纷纷现身,而今这已不是北斗修士的天下,而成了诸域圣人争霸的古地 If Ye Fan goes out, the most serious consequence is, brings in all Saint's to attack, will have the Life and Death disaster. 叶凡若是出去,最严重的后果是,引来所有圣人的攻击,将有生死大难。 This is a fearful crisis, everyone brow deep lock, ominous premonitions. 这是一种可怕的危局,每个人都眉头深锁,有一种不祥的预感。 Definitely is Four Forms Holy Land and Nine Firmament Holy Land this type of sediment, besides them, but also who so will be shameless, leaks out the Green Copper Cauldron matter.” In the Dragon Horse mouth spurts the white smoke. “肯定是四象圣地九霄圣地这种渣滓,除了他们外,还有谁会这么无耻,泄露出去绿铜鼎的事。”龙马口中喷白烟。 Also uncertain certain, the will of the people are dangerous, clear that who can say, some people want to make Ye Fan fall into the deathtrap in brief.” Li Tiandao. “也不定一定,人心险恶,谁能说的清,总之有人想让叶凡陷入死地。”厉天道 Ye Fan smiled, shakes the head, said: Is taking out that moment of cauldron, I thought that this aspect is doomed.” 叶凡笑了,摇了摇头,道:“在取出鼎的那一刻,我就想到了,这个局面是注定的。” The people are startled, looks together to him. 众人一怔,一起望向他。 What do you want to make?” “你想做什么?” You know, I must step into Starry Sky finally, walks along that Ancient Road.” Ye Fan said. “你们知道,我终是要踏进星空,沿着那条古路走下去。”叶凡道。 You are intentionally, wants to lead into Starry Sky the enemy, making them go with you, annihilates on the road?” “你是故意的,想将敌人带入星空,让他们跟你而去,歼灭在路上?” The Ye Fan smile, said: „To seize the cauldron, hopes I die will start off with me, takes a long journey together. Did not say other places, only Everlasting Main Star is a stretch of vast battlefield, both sides must always make war, not, if I am an intermediary, again a additional fire.” 叶凡微笑,道:“想要夺鼎的、希望我死的都会跟我上路,一起远行。不说其他地,单是永恒主星就是一片浩大的战场,双方总是要开战的,不若我来穿针引线,再加一把火。” Your this fellow!” “你这家伙!” To evolve fluid, to avoid the Immortal Ascension Road's turmoil, Village of Celestial Court best also leave Big Dipper, is dormant.” “为了进化液,为了躲避成仙路的动乱,天之村最好也离开北斗,蛰伏起来。” The people discussed, to Immortal Ascension Road opening on the day, mediocre was impossible to have the opportunity to compete for Immortal Ascension Road, to maintain the strength best be far away. 众人商议,到了成仙路开启那一日,凡俗不可能有机会争夺到成仙路,为了保存实力最好远离。 But in them outstanding person, if unwilling to come back, competes for Immortal Road! 而他们中的佼佼者,若是不甘可以自己回来,争夺仙路! Tomorrow I will then go out, when some people really I when can pinch casually, when the time comes first visits them! Come, making us hobnob this cup.” “明日我便出去,有些人真当我当可以随便捏吗,到时候先去拜访他们!来,让我们共饮此杯。” Before the bonfire, people exchange toasts, the big stuttering meat, the large bowl drinks, has the atmosphere, the small face that even Xiao Qiao'er drinks is ruddy. 篝火前,人们推杯换盏,大口吃肉,大碗喝酒,非常有气氛,连小雀儿都喝的小脸红扑扑。 Little Baldy of ancient spirit demon was needless saying that the tongue, straight is greatly noisy must go to Mt. Xumi, when the eldest child in monk. 古灵精怪的小光头就不用说了,大着舌头,直吵闹着要去须弥山,当和尚中的老大。 The flame beats, the good wine smells as sweet, the Alligator Ancestor god meat was naturally placed in the galactic disk, becomes in history by pitiful Monster Saint, was tasted by this group of people on the banquet, talks over its good. 火光跳动,美酒飘香,鳄祖的神肉自然被摆在了银盘中,成为史上最被悲惨的妖圣,每逢大宴就被这群人品尝,念叨它的好。 Awoo...... I told you, Great Emperor Without Beginning he......” Sovereign Black the tongue was saying greatly. 嗷呜......我跟你们说,无始大帝他......”黑皇大着舌头说道。 One crowd of person eyes shone immediately, all collected, eager visits it, hopes that can hear secret. 一群人眼睛顿时亮了起来,全都凑了过来,眼巴巴的看着它,希望能够听到秘辛 He...... actually also likes eating the barbecue very much!” “他......其实也很爱吃烤肉!” Bah!” “呸!” One group of people beat it together, this dog is hanging the people appetite absolutely intentionally. 一群人一起捶它,这只狗绝对是在故意吊众人胃口。 I you told that...... Great Empress Ferocity in your mouth went to Kunlun Mountains, his elder brother died there...... Quasi-Emperor Rong Chengshi had also gone, carried off ginseng fruit tree in the legend, after does not know, whether can from number Great Immortal Zhen Yuan.” Dragon Horse comes out after Kunlun Mountains fooled around together world in the world, knew Journey to the West. “我跟你们说......你们口中的狠人大帝去过昆仑,他哥死在了那里......准帝容成氏也去过,带走了神话传说中的人参果树,不知以后是否会自号镇元大仙。”龙马从昆仑出来后在人世厮混了一段世间,知晓了西游记 Until the night, the people diverge. 直到深夜,众人才散去。 The 2nd day, Ye Fan and Saint Sovereign's Son left the Village of Celestial Court new address, appears in the outside world. 第二日,叶凡圣皇子离开了天之村新址,出现在外界。 the turbulent wind precedes the mountain storm (foreshadowing)! 山雨欲来风满楼! Some Foreign Domain Saints people arrive one after another, trigger a big storm, at the present the Green Cauldron news leaves, then made Big Dipper Ancient Star turbulent. 域外诸圣陆续有人降临,引发一场大风暴,而今绿鼎消息又出,则更加让北斗古星动荡了。 Not is only Ancient Race, is in the universe cultivator is seeking for Ye Fan, wants to seize the cauldron. 不仅是古族,就是宇宙中来的修士都在寻找叶凡,想要夺鼎。 gua......” “呱......” Fire Crow across the sky, the golden brilliance delimits oversized, the raging flames, making Great Wilderness change into the magma sea of fire. 火鸦横空,金色的光辉划过大地,烈焰腾腾,让大荒都化为了岩浆火海。 In various noisy sounds, two Golden Crow are rampant, threatened that Human Race's Saint Physique is them, whether it is its soul or fleshly body, are the blood food in their mouth. 在各种嘈杂声音中,两只金乌最是嚣张,扬言人族圣体属于他们,无论是其魂还是肉身,都是他们口中的血食。 As for that Green Cauldron, is a Golden Crow clan, because their Great Emperor had once schemed early in Ancient years, lost nine heir in another piece of Star Domain, at the present reappears, the reality is Heaven's Will, must turn over to Golden Crow Race. 至于那绿鼎,更属于金乌一族,因为他们的大帝上古就曾图谋过,在另一片星域失去了九个子嗣,而今再现,实乃天意,要归金乌族 Any Human Race's Saint Physique, what Imperishable Golden Body, in my Golden Crow Race eye anything is not, if dares to appear, pats directly!” “什么人族圣体,什么不灭金身,在我金乌族眼中什么都不是,若敢出现,直接拍死!” Naturally some people cannot get used to seeing, but actually does not dare to act rashly, because according to the insider said that Fire Mulberry Star very fearsome, entire Ancient Star was Golden Crow, among the Ancient years has gone out of Quasi-Emperor in that golden hot tree god nest! 自然有人看不惯,但是却也不敢妄动,因为据知情者讲,火桑星很可怖,整颗古星都是金乌,上古年间在那金色的火树神巢中走出过一位准帝! After Ye Fan comes out, has not sought the unluckiness of two Golden Crow immediately, but searched to silver moon Ancestral King. 叶凡出来后,没有立刻去寻两只金乌的晦气,而是冲着银月祖王寻觅了下去。 Initially, precisely he and Two Great Divine Dynasties and others advanced together Village of Celestial Court, wants to execute him and Saint Sovereign's Son and others seized the evolution fluid. 当初,正是他与两大神朝等共进天之村,想毙掉他与圣皇子等而夺走进化液。 A Foreign Domain war, Wei Yi has not begun with Great Saint Qian Lun, only executed the kings and several other small fish that murder Saint. 域外一战,卫易没有与乾仑大圣动手,只毙掉了那个杀圣之王以及另几条小鱼。 silver moon Ancestral King as one, compared with quick, escapes, after the return that who slides stirs the wind to stir the rain, Ancient Race various Kings is uneven, has his merit. 银月祖王作为其中的一员,比谁溜得的都快,逃过一劫,回归后搅风搅雨,古族诸王齐出,就是有他的功劳。 He feared that of Mt. Xumi criticizes with him, then adds fuel to the flames, diverts the attention of people, making the world altogether pursue Green Copper Cauldron, he reported personally, invites many leave the mountain. 他怕须弥山的那位跟他清算,便推波助澜,转移人们的视线,让天下共追绿铜鼎,他亲自去禀告,请动了不少人出山 Scurries about, draws the hatred for me, when really I do not know, first destroys completely you!” Ye Fan said. “上蹿下跳,为我拉仇恨,真当我不知是吗,就先灭掉你!”叶凡说道。 If wants to become an immortal, first executes Human Race's Saint Physique, seizes Green Cauldron, must become an immortal secret!” silver moon Ancestral King walks around sometimes, sometimes often persuaded like this. “若想成仙,就先毙掉人族圣体,夺来绿鼎,可得成仙秘!”银月祖王四处走动时,时常常这样劝说。 The Saint Sovereign's Son status suspends here, the nature has the contact with some Immemorial Royal Clan, people respect his father, told him many news, said that silver moon Ancestral King will be disadvantageous to him. 圣皇子身份摆在这里,自然与一些太古王族有往来,人们敬其父,将许多消息都告诉了他,说银月祖王可能对他都会不利。 „To take risks, first kills him to set up the prestige!” Saint Sovereign's Son also sneers. “想铤而走险吗,就先杀他立威!”圣皇子亦冷笑。 mountain ridge fluctuates, ancient wood is green, the hills are unceasing, barbarian beast appears and disappears, the different bird circle, the roar is unceasing, a prehistoric scene. 山岭起伏,古木苍郁,群山不绝,蛮兽出没,异禽盘旋,吼声不绝,一派史前景象。 silver moon Ancestral King really feared, these days made some methods, but wants to protect oneself, wants to make various Kings simultaneous/uniform, copes Ye Fan, offended Saint Sovereign's Son while convenient, if massacres the two, he good to withdraw. 银月祖王真的怕了,这些日子弄了一些手段,不过是想自保,想让诸王齐出,去对付叶凡,顺便也就得罪了圣皇子,若是杀掉那两人,他好藉此脱身。 The Two Great Divine Dynasties destruction, lets his every time difficult secure, his dead end will also for fear that arrive, 两大神朝覆灭,让他每时每刻都难安,生怕他的末路也会到来, Since this world had, because, some fruits are unable to escape, in this piece of ancient mountain ranges, he by Ye Fan and Saint Sovereign's Son. 这个世上既然有了因,有些果是无法逃掉的,在这片古岭中,他被叶凡圣皇子堵到了。 You......” he turn around to walk, but how to escape. “你们......”他转身就走,可是怎么逃的了。 He does not determine others quickly with, only then these two junior, grinned fiendishly immediately, said: You pulled rank, I for Ancestral King, your one day not Sanctification, did not have suppress and kill on the 1st my capital, I delivered you two to start off!” 他很快就确定没有其他人跟来,只有这两个“小辈”,立时又狞笑了起来,道:“你们太托大了,我为祖王,你们一日不成圣,一日就没有镇杀我的资本,我送你们两个上路!” great war erupts, silver moon Ancestral King is frightened, first by a Ye Fan golden color fist bang rotten half body, was broken by smashing with stone the spine by a Saint Sovereign's Son stick. 大战爆发,银月祖王惊悚,先是被叶凡一只金色拳头轰烂了半边身子,又被圣皇子的一棍砸断了脊椎骨。 The pitiful result is inevitable! 悲惨结局不可避免! After the silver moon Ancestral King die news spreads, the world in an uproar, what does Human Race's Saint Physique want to make? Dares to fight against the wind, in this crucial point killing spree (rampage), the courage was also too big. 银月祖王殒落的消息传出后,天下哗然,人族圣体想做什么?敢逆风而战,在这个节骨眼大开杀戒,胆子也太大了。 Asked the monthly ticket to progress, was not far from front, fellow brothers and sisters cast a ticket, may explode two continually, pays respects request. 求月票上进,离前边不远,各位兄弟姐妹投上一票,可能就会连爆上去两名,拜求。 . . . ...... ......
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