STH :: Volume #12

#1198: Attacks Divine Dynasty

After several days, the Ancient Great Emperor's heir and Immemorial Sovereign's child, Ye Fan appears one after another, but actually no one transcends tribulation. 数日后,古之大帝的子嗣、太古皇的亲子,还有叶凡相继出现,不过却没有一个人渡劫 „Is evolution fluid invalid?” Li Tian is stunned. “进化液无效?”厉天愕然。 Nature is effective, can attack to kill Hell and Human World.” The Saint Sovereign's Son sinking sound said. “自然有效,可以攻杀地狱人世间了。”圣皇子沉声说道。 Ye Fan and Ji Zi nod, hit practiced an idea, now transcends tribulation wastes very much, they had the absolute self-confidence, can resist in the electricity sea calmly. 叶凡姬子点头,都是打了习一个主意,现在渡劫很浪费,他们都有绝对的自信,可以从容在电海中抗过。 Three people of murderous aura volume Qian mountain, the breaking off vegetation, outside the body divine light is steaming, has prepared, will start to counter-attack Human World and Hell! 三人杀气卷千山,摧折草木,体外神光腾腾,都已经准备好,将开始反扑人世间地狱! „Can you transcends tribulation in Assassin Divine Dynasty?” Dongfang Ye simple and honest smiling, the hair is chaotic, is carrying great mace, this is Holy Artifact! “你们要在杀手神朝渡劫?”东方野憨厚的笑着,头发乱糟糟,拎着一只狼牙大棒,这是圣器! transcends tribulation zi, zi......” Li Heishui speechless, Ye Fan may do in years past a lot. 渡劫鼒,鼒......”李黑水哑然,昔年叶凡可没少干。 Since wants transcends tribulation, and there is enormous attack power, if good of use, may injure to Ancient Saint, why does not use!” “既然要渡劫,且有极大的杀伤力,若是利用的好,可能会伤到古圣,为何不利用!” When some advantages use, wastes that in vain is ignominious. 有优势就当利用,白白浪费那才是可耻。 One group of people looked that immediately changed to Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son vision, light/only thinks to feel fearful, who is this? All is the Emperor's Child level character! 一群人看向叶凡姬子圣皇子的目光顿时变了,光想一想就觉得可怕,这是什么人?全都是帝子级人物! Such three) existence of heaven defying, person of transcends tribulation was very terrifying, three people leave, that simply is a disaster, who can block? 这样三个)逆天的存在,一人渡劫就很恐怖了,三人同出,那简直是一场灾难,谁能挡住? This war, Hell must remove in Human World, makes no mistake!” Ye Fan clenches teeth, the enmity for a long time, makes a debut to start to fight the present from him, cannot reduce and solve. “这一战,地狱人世间要除名,不容有失!”叶凡咬牙,仇怨已久,自他出道开始战到了现在,不能化解。 Revenges for the revelation grandfather and Jingshan grandfather!” Xiao Qiao'er grips the tight small fist, in the eye accumulated the tears, loud saying. “为天启爷爷、景山爷爷报仇!”小雀儿攥紧小拳头,眼中蕴着泪光,大声的说道。 Horse treads Hell, fist broken Human World!” Little Baldy wipes tears, with shouted together, although he skin however actually really thinks of that several gentle old person very much very much. “马踏地狱,拳碎人世间!”小光头抹眼泪,跟着一起叫嚷,他虽然很皮但是却真的很想念那几位慈祥的老人。 Master, gives me Hell divine son and Human World goddess!” The Ye Tong stride going forward look is firm and resolute. “师傅,将地狱神子人世间神女交给我!”叶瞳大步上前神色坚毅。 Good!” Ye Fan nods. “好!”叶凡点头。 This do not want to run, must shovel to extinguish them!” Saint Sovereign's Son whole body hair clear, grasps the black iron big stick, such as Fiendgod. “这一次一个也别想跑,将他们都要铲灭!”圣皇子浑身毛发晶莹,手持黑铁大棍,如一尊神魔似的。 Shortly, Qi Luo left seclusion first runs out of vast killing intent, then turned into the spring breeze, warm, heads on 不久后,齐罗出关先是冲出一股汪洋般的杀意,而后又化成了春风,暖洋洋,扑面而来 His eye hole is deep, if black deep pool another divine shine blazing the prestige, if resplendent Heavenly Sun, the pupil is sometimes bright and sometimes dim, in has the Mountains and Rivers birth and universe destruction scene. 他的一只眼洞深若黑渊另一只则神华炽威,灿若天日,眸子时明时暗,内有山河诞生、宇宙覆灭的景象。 Must attack to kill also to pay attention to our safety, cannot be negligent.” Saint Killer Qi Luo said, the heart has the concealed worry. “要攻杀进去也要注意我们自身的安危,不能大意。”杀圣齐罗说道,心有隐忧。 This is two big Assassin Divine Dynasty, although Ancient is no longer magnificent, but is actually not the average person may provoke. 这可是两大杀手神朝,虽然早已不复上古辉煌,但却也不是一般人可招惹的。 „It is not only then two murder Saint, we with joint forces, should be able to deal at the present!” Wu Zhongtian said. “不是只有两尊杀圣吗,而今我们合力,应该可以应付了!”吴中天说道。 Pitifully my Celestial Court some background, do not know where in the past loses, if can seek, deciding Two Great Divine Dynasties that may sweep away at the present.” Qi Luo said. “可惜了我天庭当年有部分底蕴未出,不知失落在何方,若是能寻到,定可横扫而今的两大神朝。”齐罗道。 At present what he is worried, Hell and Human World's background, if presents that possibly is a very big trouble. 他目前所担心的是,地狱人世间的底蕴,万一出现那可能是一场很大的麻烦。 Compared with background also feared that they we also invited the person!” Dongfang Ye cried out strangely, shot a look at Monkey hehe smiled “比底蕴还怕他们吗我们也去请人!”东方野怪叫,瞥了一眼猴子嘿嘿的笑了起来 We invited the master!” Yan Yixi and Li Tian said that although has not done obeisance officially in the day elects the Stone Plaza old Saint disciple, but also has the reality of masters and disciples. “我们去请师父!”燕一夕厉天说道,虽未正式拜在天选石坊的老圣人门下,但却也有师徒之实。 I also invited the teacher.” Li Heishui said, will invite Northern Region first Great Bandit old codger leave the mountain. “我也去请师尊。”李黑水道,将去请北域第一大寇老不死出山 The Saint Killer Qi Luo limping eyebrow, said suddenly: „, Perhaps without is not troublesome, two killed the ancestor to enter false Immortal Gate, made Hell and Human World mostly lost background.” 杀圣齐罗忽然蹩眉,道:“唔,也许没有那么麻烦,两位杀祖进入了伪仙门,多半令地狱人世间遗失了底蕴。” Why?” The people are puzzled. “为何?”众人不解。 Assassin Divine Dynasty is different from other Inheritance, major powers that because offends were too many, if the most ancient palace were detected, means that must be extinguished mostly. 杀手神朝与其他传承不同,因为得罪的大势力太多了,最古老的殿堂若是被人发觉,也就意味着多半要被灭了。 Their background have the concealed place, each generation of one know, after being near died during meditation will tell lord. 他们的底蕴另有藏地,每一代都只有一人知晓,直到临坐化前才会告诉后主。 By doing so, can prevent Inheritance to be extinguished thorough, but also has the major problem......” “这样做,能防止传承被灭个彻底,但是却也有大问题......” In the past, some Celestial Court's background lost like this, the disaster approached suddenly, Lord of the Celestial Court was given to chase down until death, causing that some background to sink forever the dormancy underground. 当年,天庭的部分底蕴就是这样遗失的,大难突然来临,天庭之主被人给追杀至死,导致那部分底蕴永远沉眠地下。 Extinguishing them is not difficult, because we knew two Great Divine Dynasty's ancient palaces where!” Ye Fan sneers to say. “灭他们不难,因为我们知晓了两大神朝的古老殿堂在何地!”叶凡冷笑道。 Assassin Divine Dynasty must not exposed to light/only, since can exist, because of enough secret, once now exposes to come outwardly, the advantage completely goes. 杀手神朝见不得光,能够存在至今,就是因为足够隐秘,现在一旦暴露到明面来,优势尽去。 Ye Fan tranquil say/way: Before attack, tells Jiang Family, Jade Lake and Flickering Light, said that we sought Hell and Human World's ancestral land, they can go to there to welcome the skull of founder.” 叶凡平静的道:“在进攻前,去告诉姜家瑶池摇光,就说我们寻到了地狱人世间的祖地,他们可以去那里将祖师的头骨迎回了。” The people attracted an cold air/Qi, this makes Human Race Holy Land have to take action, this type of news belt/bring in the past, who can not express? Otherwise that is the unfilial descendants, if passes on, must damage the nomen! 众人都吸了一口冷气,这让人族圣地都不得不出手,这种消息带过去,谁能没有表示吗?不然那就是不孝子孙,万一传出去,必损族名! It is well known, Two Great Divine Dynasties also had the physique special person outstanding skull to cast the immortal palace by Saint, was they shows dignified divine land. 世人皆知,两大神朝圣人还有体质特殊的人杰的头骨铸成了不朽的殿堂,是他们彰显威严的神地 In the middle of this, naturally must have various Great Holy Land's first seek the skull, in years past had assassinated Saint, and skull of various Kings, exhibits as the spoils of war there. 这当中,自然少不了各大圣地的先牟头骨,昔年刺杀过的圣人,以及诸王的头骨,都作为战利品陈列在那里。 Good, two big Archaic Divine Dynasty will unable to eat to capture!” The people all nod, people pupil light is burning, wishes one could to send out immediately. “好,两大远古神朝将吃不了兜着走!”众人全都点头,人们眸光火辣辣,恨不得立刻出动。 They, if has exhausted background, we can let their destruction by ourselves, if also fearless, waits to move mountains attacking!” “他们若早已耗尽底蕴也就罢了,我们靠自己就能让他们覆灭,若是还有也无惧,等着排山倒海般的攻伐吧!” The people start to discuss in private, conducts various arrangements, is preparing aggressively, must put down Two Great Divine Dynasties at one fell swoop! 众人开始密议,进行各种安排,紧锣密鼓的准备着,要一举扫平两大神朝! Celestial Court evil remnants from ancient to present brings endless hated to trace greatly, tried hard so many years, where has checked Hell and Human World's ancient palace, this was most essential was. 天庭余孽”自古至今带着无尽的大恨在追查,努力了这么多年,早已查到了地狱人世间的古老殿堂在何方,这是最为关键的所在。 For serveral days they sent out unceasingly, the detailed arrangement, communicated with all parties, Ye Fan sent out, to go to Jiang Family, Eccentric Mansion and other places personally. 这些天来他们不断出动,详细布置,与各方沟通,叶凡亲自出动,去过姜家奇士府等地。 When Ji Zi comes back, brings very old cultivator, unexpectedly is Ancient Saint, people saw the eternal great changes aura in his eyes. np 姬子回来时,带着一个很苍老的修士,竟然是古圣,人们在他眼中看到了万古沧桑的气息。np „Is this Ji Family's background?” Ye Fan asked low voice. “这是姬家的底蕴?”叶凡小声问道。 Ji Zi nods, this/should clan will have Saint who is not accidental/surprised, has had Ancient Great Emperor, how possibly not to have Saint now. 姬子点头,该族有圣人谁都不会意外,出过古之大帝,怎么可能没有圣人封到现在。 At the present, Immortal Ascension Road will open, if some people specially for and other, should come out. 而今,成仙路将开启,有的人若是专为等这一世,也该出来了。 His elder brother's skull fell in the Human World's bone palace.” This is a news that Ji Zi disclosed. “他兄长的头骨落在了人世间的骨殿内。”这是姬子透露出的一则消息。 Good, how I look at Two Great Divine Dynasties indestructible!” Ye Fan said. “好,我看两大神朝如何不灭!”叶凡说道。 Celestial Court deploys in every way, this person of notice sent to the news, all conduct strictly, soon thunder take action. 天庭多方部署,该通知的人都送去了消息,一切都严密进行,即将雷霆出手 Moon is very big, in the land put on white snow probably, at this very tranquil night, but murderous intention is fermenting! 月亮很大,大地上像是披上了一层白雪,在这一个很宁静的夜晚,可是杀机在酝酿! The Southern Mountains deep place, murderous aura soars to the heavens suddenly, the Celestial Court's person is going to send out, three huge Mother Ship blot out the sky, five Ancient Saint war tool twinkle ice-cold gloss. 南岭深处,杀气突然冲霄而起,天庭的人将要出动了,三艘巨大的母船铺天盖地,五台古圣战争工具闪烁冰冷光泽。 The slightly weak person rides Mother Ship, same can display Saint Might. 稍弱的人乘坐母船,一样可以发挥出圣威 Dongfang Ye, Yao Yuekong, Li Tian, Yan Yixi and Old Hilt are in charge respectively in five Ancient Saint machine armor, can play the might by their strengths absolutely. 东方野妖月空厉天燕一夕老刀把子分别入主在五台古圣机甲内,以他们的实力绝对可以发挥出威力。 Do not need these as for Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign, Sovereign Black and Dragon Horse, strength of the war. 至于叶凡姬子圣皇手、黑皇龙马不需要这些,也将有一战之力。 In addition, some number hundred zhang (333 m) long battleships, leave other Village of Celestial Court people to control, everyone sent out, including Huahua such child, will go to observe, gains the experience. 此外,还有一些数百丈长的战舰,留给天之村其他人驾驭,所有人都出动了,包括花花这样的孩子,将前去观战,增长见识。 Finally, they construct Domain Portal, rips open the space, crashed in Eastern Wilderness. 最终,他们构筑域门,撕开空间,冲进了东荒 They must destroy completely Two Great Divine Dynasties depending on themselves, naturally the premise was the opposite party not background, will otherwise start the heavyweight contest. 他们要凭自己灭掉两大神朝,当然前提是对方没有“底蕴”了,不然将会展开更重量级的较量。 Ye Fan they have carefully studied Two Great Divine Dynasties, locates the important location layout to be very tasteful respectively, disperses in the Eastern Wilderness unknown dense place, is secret, but must wipe out tonight! 叶凡他们仔细研究过两大神朝,各处重地布局很讲究,分散在东荒不为人知的密处,非常隐秘,但今晚都要被拔除! Qi Luo, Saint Sovereign's Son and Ji Zi dash to the ancient palace to go, but please move leave the mountain several Great Saint to be built on secret, if not need, will not begin. 齐罗圣皇子姬子直扑古老殿堂而去,而请动出山的几大圣人则立于暗中,若不需要,不会动手。 Also has others as for Ye Fan, will first remove these important location, although separately action, but to avoid having the accident/surprise, each team of people are powerful enough, must conquer by killing thorough. 至于叶凡还有其他人,则将先去除掉那些重地,虽分头行动,但为了避免发生意外,每一队人都足够强大,要血洗个彻底。 Bang!” “轰!” Wu Zhongtian and Village of Celestial Court some youngster control several thousand zhang (3.33 m) Mother Ship, first launches the attack, they crashed in Small World. 吴中天天之村的一些年轻人驾驭一艘数千丈长的母船,第一个发动攻击,他们冲进了一个小世界 The Mother Ship prestige can be how big, can compare Saint strikes, the Great Dao's rune twinkle, after divine light sweeps away, Hell this important location was almost put down. 母船威能何其大,堪比圣人一击,大道符文闪烁,神光横扫出后,地狱这处重地几乎被扫平。 Death, you give me, but also Liu Kou life, but also the Grandpa willow life comes!” Wu Zhongtian crazy is yelling, the eye was red. “死,你们都给我,还柳寇的命来,还柳爷爷的命来!”吴中天疯狂的大叫着,眼睛都红了。 In the past, Liu Kou was killed violently, but his grandfather was also pierced the frontal bone by old assassin, nailed tight on the cliff, blood incarnadine that cliff place. 当年,柳寇毙命,而他爷爷也被一位老杀手刺穿额骨,钉死在山崖上,鲜血染红了那片崖地。 „......” Pitiful yell continuously, 80% people in first struck to wither away, the small number of people flesh and blood flying in all directions, the bone block scattered, wants to run away. “啊......”惨叫此起彼伏,八成的人在第一击下消亡了,少数人血肉横飞,骨块四溅,想要逃走。 No one can live!” Wu Zhongtian angrily roars, under Mother Ship second shoots down, everyone turned into the blood light. “没有一个人可以活!”吴中天怒吼,母船第二击落下,所有人都化成了血光。 At the same time, another stretch of battlefield, in the Li Heishui eye in the class/flow tears of blood, controls Mother Ship, cried while swept away Human World's Small World. 同一时间,另一片战场,李黑水眼中在流血泪,驾驭一艘母船,一边大哭一边横扫了人世间的一个小世界 Grandfather, I revenged...... zi for you......” “爷爷,我为你报仇来了......鼒......” He is roaring, crying, in the past Li Heng to save him, was nailed tight by the Assassin Divine Dynasty person while still alive, the blood old person's body will be incarnadine, that gloomy pupil, that skinny body......, whenever thinks about makes him be in deep sorrow. 他怒吼着,大哭着,当年李恒为了救他,也是被杀手神朝的人活活钉死的,鲜血将老人的身体染红,那暗淡的眸子,那枯瘦的躯体......每当想起都让他痛不欲生。 This is a slaughter, not benevolent, not lenient, blood mist winds around, the skeleton flies horizontally! 这是一场屠杀,没有仁慈,没有手软,血雾缭绕,尸骨横飞! Another Small World, belongs to Hell important location, at the present is worthy of the reputation to change into Hell, Dongfang Ye gave own younger brother Dongfang Man Ancient Saint machine armor, he ** the upper part, bronze body is strong, the tendon like horned dragon, he grasps great mace, sweeps away thousand army, the place visited, Rivers of Blood, the meat paste splash. 另一处小世界,属于地狱重地,而今名副其实化为了地狱,东方野古圣机甲让给了自己的弟弟东方蛮,他**着上半身,古铜色肌体强壮有力,肌腱如虬龙,他手持一杆狼牙大棒,横扫千军,所过之处,血流成河,肉泥飞溅。 As for Dongfang Man, is typical Barbarian Race Powerhouse, the uncombed hair like the grass, controls Ancient Saint machine armor, wields a big axe, with the wild animal in the harvesting life, lets here demons weeping, spirits crying generally, no one may escape. 至于东方蛮,也是典型的蛮族强者,乱发如草,驾驭古圣机甲,挥动一柄大斧子,跟野兽一般在收割生命,让这里鬼哭神嚎,无人可逃。 Two big Archaic Divine Dynasty's killers, usually walk in the shadow, the thorn spreads around the world, at the present actually becomes the slaughtered lamb. 两大远古神朝的杀手,平日间行走在阴影中,刺遍天下,而今却成为了被屠戮的羔羊。 Before going to battle, everyone researched in thorough detail Celestial Court's great killing techniques, understood Hell and Human World's assassination technique very much, radically fearless. 在出征前,所有人精研了天庭的杀生大术,对于地狱人世间的刺杀术很了解,根本无惧。 “啊を Picture that the blood dyes, brutal miserable scene, wailing of life, the release of vicious tendencies. 血染的画面,残酷的惨景,生命的哀嚎,戾气的释放。 Revelation grandfather and Jingshan grandfather, we revenged...... zi for you the Xiao Qiao'er sob, Gu Fei and Gu Lin were also sobbing, Huahua is crying the shouting, they in Mother Ship, followed go to battle, although not take action, but actually witnessed this war. “天启爷爷、景山爷爷,我们为你们报仇来了......鼒”小雀儿哭泣,古飞古琳也在抽噎,花花更是哭着叫嚷,他们在一艘母船中,跟随出征,虽未出手,但却亲眼目睹了这场战局。 Bang!” “轰!” Ye Fan enters Northern Region important location solitarily, it belongs to Human World, by him by a golden fist strength smashing gate, rushed. 叶凡只身进入北域一处重地,它属于人世间,被他以金色拳力粉碎阵门,闯了进去。 What person?” Has the cold sound to scold to say. “什么人?”有冷冽的声音叱道。 But another position has together fearful murderous aura, here is outside the abatement ancient palace most important Small World, there is King of Great Accomplishment keeping watch, at the present silent take action. 而另一个方位则有一道可怕的杀气袭来,这里是除却古老殿堂外最重要的一个小世界,有一位大成王者坐镇,而今无声的出手了。 Kills your people!” Ye Fan open and aboveboard walked, response while goes to that King of Great Accomplishment bang in secret. “杀你们的人!”叶凡光明正大的走了进来,一边回应一边向那暗中的大成王者轰去。 !” “噗!” Blood light/only radiate all around, his fist killed this shocking everybody Assassin King on the bang at the scene, finished his bloody life. 当场血光四射,他一拳就轰杀了这位惊世骇俗的杀手王者,结束了他血淋淋的一生。 „......” “啊......” Others also called out pitifully, how can block the Ye Fan's footsteps , met no resistance solitarily, killed here Rivers of Blood, the broken bone scattered! 其他人亦惨叫,怎能挡住叶凡的脚步,只身一身,如入无人之境,杀的这里血流成河,碎骨四溅! This is a bleeding night, day after day on stars and bright moonlight did not endure to witness, were chaotic ten directions, Hell and Human World are contaminated by the blood, went on a punitive expedition against.( To be continued.) 这是一个流血的夜晚,连天上的星辰与明月都不忍目睹了,乱起十方,地狱人世间被血浸染,遭受征伐。(未完待续。)
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