STH :: Volume #12

#1197: Uneven breakthrough

Two big murder Saint change color, cuts the grass non- root spring breeze to blow fresh, if Celestial Court evil remnants all runs away, does not know when can shovel to extinguish. 两大杀圣变色,斩草不除根春风吹又生,天庭余孽若是全都逃走,就不知道何年何月才能铲灭了。 ! 咻! They attack insanely in vain, various great killing techniques connect take action, does to front has Grand Array to prevent, the short time internal breaks cannot pass. 他们疯枉攻击,各种杀生大术接连出手,奈何前方有大阵阻挡,短时间内穿透不过去。 Silver Moon Race Ancestral King is burning with impatience, is more anxious than two murder Saint, at the present to Saint Sovereign's Son take action, has not actually been able to extinguish the people in this, if the news disclosed that in Mt. Xumi that old Saint Ape, once got angry, inconceivable! 银月族祖王心急如焚,比两尊杀圣更为焦虑,而今已对圣皇子出手,却没有能够全灭众人于此,消息若是走漏出去,须弥山上那位老圣猿一旦发怒,不堪设想! Small World is disintegrating, Source Art and Ancient Killing Formation and Saint brand mark interwove in one, penetrated the Primal Chaos barrier, constructs a channel. 小世界在瓦解,源术上古杀阵圣人烙印等交织在一处,击穿了混沌壁垒,构建出一条通道。 The Celestial Court's person flushed smoothly, starts move together Formation Altar, Dao Traces Large expanse, Domain Portal appears, will cross Void. 天庭的人顺利冲了出去,开始齐动阵台,道痕成片,域门出现,将横渡虚空 The old person tears of this moment Village of Celestial Court that several last years of life, the muddy eye filled miserably with did not abandon, mutters to keep. 此刻天之村那几个风烛残年的老人老泪纵横,浑浊的眼睛充满了凄凉与不舍,喃喃个不停。 „The last son who desolate Ancient Celestial Court...... leaves behind...... also ruined, we are unfilial, anything has not preserved.” “荒古天庭......留下的最后一儿......也毁掉了,我们不孝,什么都没有保住。” On their faces the wrinkle stack, short life, in the heart sad, final longing was also destroyed, the Celestial Court passing vestige, anything did not exist. 他们脸上皱纹堆积,生命无多,心中感伤,最后的怀念也被人打碎了,天庭过往的遗迹,什么都不复存在了。 Senior, walks, soon, we surely will construct Celestial Court on Hell and Human World's ruins!” The young descendant urged. “前辈,走吧,用不了多久,我们必当会在地狱人世间的废墟上兴建天庭!”年轻的后代劝道。 We and Celestial Court vestiges...... in, burying the bone in this are the best choices, you fast go!” The pupils of several old person pollution sent out the light of difference, each and every one had the abundant vitality probably. “我们与天庭遗迹......同在,埋骨于此是最好的选择,你们速去!”几位老人浑浊的眸子散发出了异样的光,一个个像是有了充沛的生命力。 new life in ashes, in Nirvana perfect, all can the gravity head come again.” Yan Yixi said that he often plays chess with these old people, has obtained their direction. “在灰烬中新生,在涅盘中完美,一切都可以重头再来。”燕一夕说道他常与这几位老人对弈,得到过他们的指点。 We were dying, most not a half year of life essence, buries the bone in this well, you walk quickly.” Several old people urged. “我们本来就要死了,最多不过半年的寿元了,埋骨于此最好,你们快走。”几个老人催促。 „Stage 4 evolution fluid refined, can make you break through, extends the life.” Qi Luo said. “第四阶段的进化液提炼了出来,可以让你们突破,延长生命。”齐罗说道。 Did not need to waste, left these children we to take to affix the imperial seal fluid also difficult Sanctification only to breathe the last breath of life several years of that's all.” “不用浪费了,留给这些孩子吧我们服用宝液也难成圣只能多残喘几年而已。” The old people of several last years of life asked that what because they said was the truth, Blood Qi already being dried up body decayed looking awful. At the present the only desire is, with the Celestial Court final ruins with destroying, is not willing to depart. 几个风烛残年的老人求死,因为他们所说的是实情,血气早已干枯身体腐朽的不成样子了。而今唯一的愿望就是,与天庭最后的废墟同毁,不肯离去。 Looks that his their old tears drip to fall, a miserable evening scene, many people were silent. 看着他他们老泪淌落,一副凄凉的晚景,许多人都沉默了。 Revelation grandfather......” Xiao Qiao'er cries, is holding an old person's hand, is not willing to put down the preparation to drag away. “天启爷爷......”小雀儿大哭,拉着一位老人的手,不肯放下准备拖走。 Jingshan grandfather I do not think that your...... follows me together!” Ye Tong also goes forward, supports by the arm a trembling old person. “景山爷爷我不想你这样......跟我一起走吧!”叶瞳也上前,搀扶住一个颤颤巍巍的老人。 These old people are visit them to grow up, boiled devotedly led their lots, it can be said that they most own person. 这几位老人是看着他们长大的,悉心煮导了他们很多东西,可以说是他们最亲的人。 Gu Fei and Gu Lin also go forward, grab their hands, is not willing to let loose. 古飞古琳也上前,抓住他们的手,不肯放开。 Grandfathers were old, did not go on living, but wants to look for grave that's all that) likes for oneself. The killers should end in blade light in the bloody water lie down, was we were too old, the hand could not have gripped the evening......” “爷爷们老了,活不下去了,只是想为自己找一个)喜欢的坟地而已。杀手应该在刀光中落幕在血水中躺下,可是我们太老了,手已握不住夕......” Grandfather......” Little Baldy Huahua cries, tears cluster, stubbornly grasps an old person not to let go. “爷爷......”小光头花花大哭,泪水成串,死死的抱住一个老人不肯松手。 „Is your does really? The people must die, can bury in this place, to us is the best result.” An old person by rough, is covered with the hand of callus to stroke gently the long evening, what a pity is actually shivering, the diameter was unable to hold three chi (0.33 m) azure front vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered execution ground. “你们这是作甚?人都要死,能够葬在此地,对我们来说是最好的结局。”一个老人以粗糙、长满老茧的手摩挲长夕,可惜却在颤抖,已径不能持三尺青锋纵横杀场了。 The people were silent, respect Tianqi, Jingshan and other choices of old people, short life, buried the bone in this, to them was one type may let the mind tranquil home to return to place. 众人沉默,尊重天启、景山等几位老人的选择,生命无多,埋骨于此,对他们来说是一种可让心灵宁静的归宿地。 You hope, Celestial Court inevitably rise greatly......” “你们就是希望,天庭必然大兴......” Cannot grasp the evening, three chi (0.33 m) azure front actually still at the cry, clank makes a sound in their hands, accompanies in the trickiness and world that they are moving toward that to disintegrate together. 手持不住夕,三尺青锋却还在鸣,在他们手中铮铮而响,伴着他们一起走向那瓦解的刁、世界中。 The muddy old tears, rickets silhouette, changes into the flying ash battlesuit, three chi (0.33 m) azure front that finally breaks off...... with burying in flame. 浑浊的老泪,佝偻的身影,化为飞灰的战衣,最后折断的三尺青锋......同葬在了火光中。 The people looked at last, enters into Domain Portal, vanishes does not see, Celestial Court final ruins destruction. 众人看了最后一眼,迈入域门,就此消失不见,天庭最后的废墟毁灭。 „Will we have such a day?” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “我们会有那样一天吗?”叶凡自语。 The big hero also has late in life a day, even invincible Ancient Saint, still has Blood Qi to be withered, cannot the take action old age. 再大的英雄也有迟暮的一天,即便是无敌的古圣,也有血气干枯,不能出手的晚年。 He thinks blood of Saint Cliff, Saint Body great accomplishment is what kind of hero air/Qi unparalleled, instead, is actually such miserable evening scene. 他想到了圣崖的血,大成圣体是何等的英雄气盖世,可到头来,却是那样凄凉的晚景。 When magnificent has the root, when Essence, Qi and Spirit deterioration, when the pupil is no longer sharp, when the body dies of old age, when Holy Blood is withered, boiling, what kind of choice will he no longer have? 当华发生根,当精气神衰败,当眸子不再犀利,当身体老去,当圣血干枯,不再沸腾,他会有怎样的选择? Why Ye Fan does not know in the heart to palpitate, as if saw an corner/horn in the future, will his old age, have such miserable one? 叶凡不知为何心中一阵悸动,似乎看到了一角未来,他的晚年,会有那样凄凉的一幕吗? But to that time, where his friend, Saint Body great accomplishment may live for more than 10,000 years, perhaps at that time was only left over feeble he himself, but can also hold the evening to oppose the enemy? 而到了那时,他身边的朋友又都在何方,大成圣体可活一万多年,也许那时只剩下衰迈的他自己了吧,还能持夕对敌吗? Southern Mountains, primitive places, the great tree blocks out the sun, ancient vine obstructs the day, the rafter crying tiger's roar. 南岭,一片原始之地,巨树蔽日,古藤遮天,椽啼虎啸。 Many barbarian beast are appearing and disappearing, is very difficult to call the name. But that across the sky the huge ominous bird, a claw grasped broke to pieces a mountain peak, pulled apart a thousand-ten feet python, swallows into the abdomen. 许多蛮兽在出没,很难叫出名字。那横空而过的庞大凶禽,一爪就抓碎了一座山峰,将一条长达千丈的蟒蛇扯断,吞入了腹中。 Mutant Beast in swamp, the opens the mouth attracts, gave to attract the clouds, nearby many Beast King submerged in his mouth. 沼泽中的异兽,张口一吸,将云朵都给吸了下来,附近许多兽王没入他的口中。 Southern Mountains most deep place, various prehistoric creatures appeared and disappeared, the danger, even Monster Sovereign Temple and Barbarian Race people rarely stepped. 南岭最深处,各种史前生物出没,危险之极,连妖皇殿蛮族的人都很少涉足。 Azure Blue Dragon show/unfolds wo, camouflages the big piece the ancient wood wolf forest, golden Great Peng cries loud and long, hundred mountain simultaneously shake. 青色苍龙展挝,遮蔽大片的古木狼林,金色大鹏长啸,百山齐摇 This is the Village of Celestial Court dwelling place, they recuperate in this, everyone is expanding himself, tries to force through the checkpoint diligently, breaks through. 这就是天之村的栖居地,他们在此休养,所有人都在壮大自己,努力冲关,进行突破。 Stage 4 evolution fluid has become, the quantity is very big, the divine nature mineral that because they obtain were many, extracts enough valuable fluid. 第四阶段的进化液已成,量很大,因为他们得到的神性矿物很多,萃取出了足够宝液。 Revelation grandfather......” the Xiao Qiao'er sob, on the shining white face hangs the waterdrop big eye to be inflamed. “天启爷爷......”小雀儿哭泣,莹白的脸上挂着泪滴大眼睛红肿。 The Ye Tong eye also fills the water vapor, in another side silent, Gu Fei and Gu Lin burst into tears, in the heart rebukes oneself, they cannot calculate that the Saint's secret, had not calculated on the same day two big murder Saint arrive. 叶瞳眼睛也充满水汽,在另一边沉默不语,古飞古琳流泪,心中自责,他们算不到圣人的天机,当日没有推算出两大杀圣降临。 Hell and Human World all of you should die......” Little Baldy Huahua also to wipe tears. 地狱人世间你们所有人都该去死......”小光头花花也在抹眼泪。 Cries anything, several elderly men leave serenely, they are willing to choose there to sink the dormancy, so long as you enhance the strength diligently are to they best comfort!” Li Heishui said. “哭什么,几位老人家是安详的离开的,他们愿意选择那里沉眠,你们只要努力提升实力就是对他们最好的安慰!”李黑水说道。 Is attacking Two Great Divine Dynasties, destruction Hell and Human World, consoled several elderly men by this!” The Ye Tong station, continued to try to force through the checkpoint. “是的攻打两大神朝,覆灭地狱人世间,以此告慰几位老人家!”叶瞳站了起来,继续去冲关。 Ye Fan has not made him take the evolution fluid immediately, must consolidate Realm, after all just shortly after Dao Severing, needs appreciates this Dao Fruit earnestly. 叶凡没有让他立刻服进化液,要稳固境界,毕竟刚斩道不久,需认真去体味这一道果 Teaches......” woods deep place, transmits the Silver Blood Twin Sovereigns pitiful yell sound to be entered by the heaven that big black dog pursues roadless impossible when conducting Hell whets. “教......”树林深处,传来银血双皇的惨叫声被一只大黑狗追的上天无路入地无门在进行地狱时磨砺。 When Li Heishui hears one scalp tingles, hurried the evolution fluid to try to force through the checkpoint, he thought that this will not possibly be exceeded by Sovereign Black two disciple with a sense of urgency. 李黑水听到时都一阵头皮发麻,赶紧去进化液冲关了,他觉得这在不抓紧可能会被黑皇的两位弟子超越。 Has saying that the Silver Blood royal family has no qualms is Uncrowned Sovereign, although has not presented Ancient Sovereign, but strength of overbearing not weak Imperial Clan bloodlines, super powerful. 不得不说,银血王族无愧为无冕之皇,虽没有出现过古皇,但是血脉之力霸道不弱皇族,超级强悍。 These two have the evolution fluid to succeed one another, strength of heaven defying bloodlines, activates the strength to rise dramatically comprehensively to describe! 这两人有进化液相辅,血脉之力逆天,全面激活实力可以飙升来形容! For serveral days the mountain ridge deep place thunderclap was unceasing, Dongfang Ye, Li Tian and the others broke through one after another, transcends tribulation, combat capability improvement. 这些天来山岭深处雷声不断,东方野厉天等人相继破关,个都渡劫了,战力提升。 Bang! 轰! A loud sound, the quarry stone puts on spatially, the demon cloud blocks out the sun, murderous aura new broken sky-high. 一声巨响,乱石穿空,魔云蔽日,杀气新破九重霄。 The people held breath cold air, Saint Killer Qi Luo unexpectedly in the transcends tribulation flesh diameter the baptism of evolution fluid, was full of the fresh strength, the strength rose a small stair. 众人倒吸了一口凉气,杀圣齐罗竟然在渡劫血肉径过进化液的洗礼,充满了生的力量,实力又上升了一个小台阶。 This old man was stimulated, Stage 4 evolution fluid being insufficient makes him break through, but accumulated these years, additional careful that resentment, lets on his again small stair, some day becomes Saint King is not strange.” “这老头是被刺激了,第四阶段的进化液不足以让他突破,不过积累了这些年,加上心中的那股怨气,让他生生再上一个小台阶,有朝一日成为圣人王也不奇怪。” The Saint transcends tribulation natural scene terrifying, that region becomes tribulation ash, no one can be close one step, finally he succeeds to resist. 圣人渡劫自然景象恐怖,那片区域成为劫灰,没有人可以接近一步,最后他成功抗过。 The Village of Celestial Court population is not many, only several hundred that's all, abatement Tianqi, Jingshan and other outside oldest several old men, but also the have several position slightly is less than half a generation of old gentleman, at the present helps one another evolution fluid, just like getting a new lease on life, made the breakthrough one after another, without a doubt becomes the King in Dao Severing. 天之村人口不是很多,仅数百而已,除却天启、景山等年岁最大的几个老者外,还有数位稍小半辈的老爷子,而今得到进化液相助,宛若枯木逢春,相继作出了突破,毫无疑问的成为了斩道中的王者。 And the Old Hilt achievement is biggest, originally already Dao Severing, by, if Realm still above Li Heishui and the others, becomes King of Great Accomplishment at the present directly. 其中老刀把子的成就最大,原本就已斩道,论若境界还在李黑水等人之上,而今直接成为了大成王者 Sovereign Black that *** unexpectedly quick Sanctification, was quicker than anyone!” A Dragon Horse face envy envies to hate, in the mouth the emitting white smoke, the whole body is furious. 黑皇那***的居然快成圣了,比谁都快!”龙马一脸嫉妒羡慕恨,口中喷吐白烟,浑身光火腾腾。 Dongfang Ye, Saint Sovereign's Son and the others also quite speechless, this dog truly very much heaven defying, in its words, is going all out to suppress Realm, otherwise in the morning. 东方野圣皇子等人也相当的无言,这只狗确实很逆天,用它自己的话说,在拼命压制境界呢,不然早上去了。 this Sovereign broken then stands, stands then broken, stands now again, is to ram each step, but just half-Saint that's all, calculated anything.” It boasts shamelessly. 本皇破而后立,立而后破,如今再立,就是要夯实每一步,不过刚半圣而已,算的了什么。”它大言不惭。 However also no one can refute, because has the extremely arrogant capital, back then with depending on fleshly body with Ye Fan close quarter combat, did not drop the wind, tear and bite that calls ruthless. 不过也没有人能反驳,因为却有中狂妄的资本,想当年跟凭肉身叶凡近身搏杀,不落下风,撕咬的那叫一个狠。 At the present after Realm with steady steps upper body, this fellow abnormal fleshly body was more exaggerating, doubtable, it is Monster Sovereign child, because the strength of his bloodlines does not ride in Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son, dares with anybody fleshly body great war. 而今境界稳步上身后,这个家伙变态的肉身更夸张了,让人怀疑,它是妖皇亲子,因为其血脉之力不骑于姬子圣皇子,敢跟任何人肉身大战 Later, this Sovereign does not run, who is chasing down, I do not bite to death him!” Sovereign Black wears big flowered underpants, stands erect the body, the back is being fresh pair of claws, person chess dog type of being worthy of the reputation, a face color proudly. “以后,本皇再也不跑了,谁在追杀,我咬不死他!”黑皇穿着一个大花裤衩,直立着身子,背奂着双爪,名副其实的人棋狗样,一脸傲然之色。 He achieves half-Saint now, can be a worthy opponent absolutely Saint, has who Great Emperor Without Beginning hands down to smash the Holy Domain barrier. 他现在达到半圣,绝对可以匹敌圣人了,有无始大帝传下的古法可以打破圣域壁垒。 Dragon Horse naturally is also fierce in a complete mess, breaks through to the King of Great Accomplishment boundary, gives him the time, changing to half-Saint is not the difficult matter. 龙马当然也是猛的一塌糊涂,突破到大成王者境,给他时间,化作半圣也不是什么难事。 After all, it is the auspicious beast, the mount that being known as Ancient Great Emperor can have, Between Heaven and Earth only sees. 毕竟,它是瑞兽,号称古之大帝才能拥有的坐骑,天地间仅见。 In the past when Starry Sky another shore, its Realm also wanted on high one section compared with Ye Fan, at that time the diameter is the Dao Severing Sixth Layer Heaven monster horse, at the present naturally goes a step further evolution fluid assisting. 当年在星空另一岸时,它的境界叶凡还要高上一截,那个时候就已径是斩道六层天的妖马了,而今得到进化液相助自然更进一步。 Sovereign Black reminded: Careful, wanting prove the Dao becomes the Great Emperor's person, does not want evolution fluid Sanctification, finally that must become aware by oneself, will otherwise be influential to the future achievement.” 黑皇提醒:“小心一点,想要证道成为大帝的人,不要以进化液成圣,最后那一步要靠自己悟,不然对将来成就有影响。” The Dragon Horse ambition is big, because precisely so halts the Dao Severing Ninth Layer Heaven boundary, otherwise likely will go a step further, noisy will not be good really to present the Sanctification turning point. 龙马野心不小,正是因为如此才止步斩道九层天境,不然可能会更进一步,闹不好真会出现成圣契机。 Among the people, Dongfang Ye absolutely is a fierce person, is known as Barbarian Race War God Body with his younger brother Dongfang Man, did not say magical power, comprehending dao wait/etc., in Human Race , if next to Saint Physique by the fleshly body intensity. 众人当中,东方野绝对是一个猛人,与其弟弟东方蛮号称蛮族战神体,不说法力悟道等,在人族中若论肉身强度仅次于圣体 At the present, savage valiant as always, these years his Realm has not fallen, at the present has the evolution fluid to assist, to the Dao Severing Eighth Layer Heaven boundary. 而今,野人的彪悍一如既往,这些年他的境界并未落下,而今有进化液相助,到了斩道八层天境。 Naturally, the evolution fluid is effective to him, if the time are much enough, guarantees him to become half-Saint not to have the issue, but the savage feels supposed to know when to stop, cannot break through is too quick, after the promotion, needs to try hard to ram, waits will make the breakthrough in the future. 当然,进化液对他还有效,若是时间足够多,保他成为半圣没问题,不过野人觉得应适可而止,不能突破太快,提升后需要努力夯实,留待日后再做突破。 Yao Yuekong as Heavenly Monster Physique, similarly heaven defying, considered because of the time as well as for the future, achieves Dao Severing Eighth Layer Heaven. 妖月空身为天妖体,同样逆天,也是因时间以及为将来考虑,达到斩道八层天 Yan Yixi and Li Tian also achieve Dao Severing 8th heavenly layer. 燕一夕厉天亦达到斩道八重天 Li Heishui, Jiang Huairen and Wu Zhongtian consolidate in the Dao Severing 6th layer day, does not dare to continue to break through, must wait the future. 李黑水姜怀仁吴中天稳固在斩道六重天,不敢继续突破了,一切都要留待将来。 Has the evolution fluid, they will digest in the future slowly, becoming half-Saint is not the issue, all are the reasons of time. 有进化液在,他们日后慢慢消化,成为半圣都不是问题,一切都是时间的原因。 Everyone is anticipating Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son left seclusion, because they know, once in three people a yet higher goal, may fight Saint absolutely!( To be continued. 所有人都在期待叶凡姬子圣皇子出关,因为他们知道,一旦三人上一层楼,绝对可战圣人!(未完待续。
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