STH :: Volume #12

#1196: Celestial Court tribulation

Saint Qi Luo clear roar, the opens the mouth sets up...... source Essence Qi, changes into divine soul to rush over, prevents that only big hand, cannot make that medicine cauldron fall to the right hand. 齐罗清啸,张口树出......道本源精气,化为一条神魂冲了过去,阻挡那只大手,决不能让那药鼎落于对右手中。 Hey, useless, your people make the bridal clothes, Celestial Court evil remnants must die, could not live!” “嘿,没用的,你们徒作嫁衣,天庭余孽都要死,一个也活不了!” Hell murder Saint magical power like Star Sea, the murderous aura vastness, the vitality is fearsome, seems like such as skinny, physique withered, but strength apex. 地狱杀圣法力星海,杀气似汪洋,气血可怖滔天,看似如皮包骨头,形体枯槁,但是实力绝顶 In his hand has heritage Holy Artifact, a dagger of quiet dense/woods has delimited, Qi Luo by the divine soul separate that Innate source Essence Qi casts, as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. 他手中持有传世圣器,一把幽森的匕首划过,将齐罗先天本源精气铸成的神魂割裂,摧枯拉朽 This is a catastrophe! 这是一场大祸! With is murder Saint, he is more ancient than Qi Luo, the experience is rich, murderous aura is thicker, only to spirit take action, naturally may shovel together instantaneously evenly. 同为杀圣,他比齐罗还古老很多,经验丰富,杀气更浓,只对一道精魂出手,自然可瞬间铲平。 „!” “哧!” He wields the black dagger, a beam of black light flashes through, several heads fall, the cauldron first several people die with injustice unredressed, then the body blasts out instantly, turns into blood mist. 他挥动黑色的匕首,一道乌光闪过,几颗人头落下,鼎前几人死不瞑目,而后身子更是刹那炸开,化成血雾 This is Village of Celestial Court six nurses under the medicine cauldron specially the person of fire, at this time snort/hum no snort/hum changes to the broken bone and blood plasma under Saint Might continually. 这是天之村六位专门看护药鼎下地火的人,此时连哼都没有哼一声就在圣威下化作碎骨与血浆。 He hehe sneers, such as the ice blades blow the bone, said: Was laborious you, refine such a furnace good medicine, I will remember your, started off safely.” 他嘿嘿冷笑,如冰刀刮骨,道:“辛苦你们了,炼成这样一炉好药,我会记住你们的,都安心上路吧。” Another side, Qi Luo angrily roars, but is actually not able to get rid of the opponent, with is murder Saint, various methods are uneven, murderous aura curls Mountains and Rivers, the vegetation all folds. 另一边,齐罗怒吼,但是却无法摆脱对手,同为杀圣,各种手段齐出,杀气山河,草木皆折。 Blood light, he leaves behind several wounds on Human World's murder Saint, fresh blood dripping, but is actually hard to solve the opposite party truly. 血光一道道,他在人世间的杀圣身上留下数道伤口,鲜血淋淋,但是却难以真正解决掉对方。 Respects the young, can let murderous aura by the Archaic Killing Formation wound to This King unexpectedly, is not really simple.” Human World's murder Saint is moistening own blood by a finger of being dried up, places in the mouth to taste, has various types of antiques in its side float, unexpectedly is transportable Ancient Killing Formation, not only can protect the body, and can extinguish the enemy, his gloomy smiled, said: Destroying weeds root, does not remain, Celestial Court decays extinguishes!” “后生可畏,竟能让杀气透过远古杀阵伤到本座,真是不简单。”人世间的杀圣以一只干枯的手指沾着自己的血液,放在口中品尝,在其身旁有各种古物悬浮,竟是一座可移动的上古杀阵,既能护体,又能灭敌,他阴森的笑了起来,道:“铲草除根,一个不留,天庭朽灭吧!” The antiques rays of his body bank are blazing, full recovery . Moreover the head presents a bone bell, white bones clear, when a big sound, lets this piece of Small World severe tremor, the terrifying is boundless. 他身畔的各种古物光芒炽烈,全面复苏,而且头上出现一座骨钟,白骨晶莹,当的一声大响,让这片小世界剧震不已,恐怖无边。 Haha......” another side, Hell murder Saint laughs cruelly, overlooks Village of Celestial Court, withered body appears the monster to have demonic nature evilly, said: Hell and Human World rise greatly, the big Good Fortune that many thanks you send out!” “哈哈......”另一边,地狱杀圣残忍大笑,俯视天之村,干瘪的肌体显得妖邪而有魔性,道:“地狱人世间大兴,多谢你们送出的这场大造化!” He lifts the hand to grasp to large cauldron, self-satisfied, simultaneously in the eye presents crazy killing intent, looks disdainfully the Village of Celestial Court people. 他抬手向大鼎抓去,志得意满,同时眼中出现疯狂的杀意,睥睨天之村众人。 A Ancient Saint machine armor silent emergence, glitters the gloomily blue gloss, Ji Zi take action, chops the one blow Void big crack to cut, kills to his back. 一台古圣机甲无声无息的出现,闪烁幽蓝光泽,姬子出手,劈出一记虚空大裂斩,袭杀向他的后背。 ! 咻! Hell murder Saint brings to wipe brutal smiling, the skin and bones palm pats backward, if said kills, who can compared with on he, even if Ji Zi has Void Great Dao is not good. 地狱杀圣带着一抹残酷的笑,瘦骨嶙峋的手掌向后拍来,若说袭杀,有谁能比的上他,即便姬子掌有虚空大道也不行。 Bang!” “砰!” In Ancient Saint machine armor presents the fearful claw seal, flew to go out in horizontally the war tool, in Ji Zi eye cold, he shifted continuously, rips open Void, vanished unceasingly. 古圣机甲上出现可怕的爪印,横飞了出去口战争工具内,姬子眼中冷冽,他连续横移,撕开虚空,不断幻灭。 murder Saint is extremely fearful, is murders the King, the method scared, almost will grasp Great Emperor Void Secret Technique Ji Zi to grasp. 杀圣太过可怕,是杀伐中的王者,手段让人胆寒,几乎将掌握有虚空大帝秘术姬子给生生抓出来。 Roar......” “吼......” A long and loud cry, Saint Sovereign's Son arrived, is in charge in a golden war tool, grasps golden Battle Spear, treats as the big stick use, swept away, imposing manner like sea. 一声长啸,圣皇子到了,入主在一具金色的战争工具内,手持一杆金色战矛,当作大棍使用,横扫了过来,气势如海。 A bitten vibrato sends out, the Hell murder Saint dagger flashed, truncates Battle Spear, several) spin thorn, then vanished in same place, appeared again, almost gave the incision golden color machine armor! 叮的一声颤音发出,地狱杀圣匕一闪,削断了战矛,几个)旋刺,而后消失在原地,再次出现时,差点将金色机甲给切开! He compels Saint Sovereign's Son rapidly to back up, the strength is less, was nearly created. 他逼得圣皇子迅速倒退,战力不及,险些遭创。 Celestial Court is decayed, evil remnants will write off today, thorough destruction!” With that murder Saint indifferent saying of Qi Luo great war. 天庭早已腐朽,余孽都将在今日被抹杀,彻底覆灭吧!”与齐罗大战的那名杀圣冷漠的说道。 Hell murder Saint drives back Saint Sovereign's Son, is sneering the nod, said: Good, will die, should sweep early completely, till such as your ancestors like that the blood drains off!” 地狱杀圣逼退圣皇子,也冷笑着点头,道:“不错,都将死去,早该扫尽了,如你们的祖先那般,血流干为止!” He grasps again to Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, but the movement is very slow, casts a sidelong glance slantingly Saint Sovereign's Son and Ji Zi, when they rob. 他再次向万物母气鼎抓去,不过动作很慢,斜睨圣皇子姬子,等他们过来抢夺。 Blocks him!” “拦住他!” Village of Celestial Court one group of killers all get angry open eyes, with difficulty, since refine medicine, just about to succeeds some people to pick the fruit, in their hearts anger and unwillingness. 天之村的一群杀手全都怒睁双眼,千辛万苦,炼药至今,刚要成功就有人来摘果实,他们心中愤怒与不甘。 Before Saint Sovereign's Son and Ji Zi again to/clashes, but eventually is not Saint, and this, but murder Saint, most understood the law of murdering, they cannot be successful, oneself were nearly created. 圣皇子姬子再次前冲,可是终究不为圣人,且这尊可是杀圣,最是懂得杀伐之法,他们不能奏功,自身险些遭创。 ! 哧! The pitch-black dagger delimits , a Middle-Aged person head of distant place Village of Celestial Court has tumbled, fresh blood dripping, the Primordial Spirit annihilation, the dead shape is very miserable. 乌黑的匕首划,过,远处天之村的一位中年人头颅滚落,鲜血淋淋,元神湮灭,死状很惨。 Hell murder Saint naturally is intentionally for it, all are completely grasping, this is wants torture of each and every one to fall the Village of Celestial Court person. 地狱杀圣自然是故意为之,一切尽在掌握中,这是要一个个的虐杀掉天之村的人。 He grasps again to large cauldron, is slow, is still looks at Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son, the pupil light is indifferent, resembles in their take action. 他再次向大鼎抓去,动作缓慢,依然是看着姬子圣皇子,眸光冷漠,似是在等他们出手 Suddenly, large cauldron thunders, turns into together immortal light, skill in Daoist cultivation heaven shaking, hit rapidly on his palm. 突然,大鼎轰鸣,化成一道仙光,道力惊天,迅速撞在了他手掌上。 Meanwhile, hidden Ye Fan in nihility opened the eye, the pupil light is fearful, the electricity projects the gloomy ray, oneself all visions unite, submerges during him. 与此同时,隐于虚无中的叶凡张开了眼睛,眸光慑人,电射出冷森的光芒,自身所有异象合一,将他淹没当中。 ! 噗! The blood light flashes, half body covered with blood of murder Saint, was almost twisted broken by visions. 血光一闪,杀圣的半边身子血肉模糊,被异象差点绞碎。 The Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron aura terrifying, crushes the real space, sent out a great strength, hits on the arm of Hell murder Saint, lets its body short imbalance. 万物母气鼎气息恐怖,粉碎真宇,发出了一种巨力,撞在地狱杀圣的手臂上,让其身体短暂失衡。 Also precisely because of so, making Ye Fan's visions strike effective, killed this person of fresh blood dripping. 正是因为如此,让叶凡的异象一击奏效,杀了此人一个鲜血淋淋 Ye Fan by the Celestial Court Supreme Secret Technique pointed sneak attack, if others do not die must take off a skin, will definitely cause heavy losses, however this murder Saint actually not big sickness. 叶凡天庭无上秘术针对性的偷袭,若是其他人不死也要脱掉一张皮,肯定会遭重创,然而这位杀圣却并无大恙。 ! 哧! The blood light flashes before, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son take this opportunity to seek opportunity, leaves behind two fearsome scars on murder Saint that feeble withered body respectively. 血光闪现,姬子圣皇子利用这个机会寻到战机,分别在杀圣那衰迈干枯的身体上留下两道可怖的伤痕。 However, he is still well, this is the murder Saint fearsomeness, fights the technique unparalleled, killing the technique is infinite, can injure to reduce lowly. 然而,他依然无恙,这就是杀圣的可怖,战技无双,杀术无穷,能将自身伤害减到了最低。 Ye Fan three people of frightened, back up fast, because in an instant, them perceived that hot intimidated raided the body with the breath, this tea quite ruthless offense, ruins Holy Artifact, wants to crush their machine armor by this, wants to let their destroy both body and soul. 叶凡三人惊悚,快速倒退,因为在刹那间,他们觉察到了热怖与息袭体,这位朵茶相当狠戾,将一件圣器毁掉,想以此粉碎他们的机甲,想让他们形神俱灭 Three people shift to be very far, there was also unexpectedly uneventful, murder Saint dark and cheerless smiling of Hell, Holy Artifact in hand is lossless, a moment ago was only empty technique that's all. 三人横移出去很远,那里竟又风平浪静了,地狱杀圣阴惨惨的笑着,手中的圣器无损,刚才只是虚术而已 Ye Fan, Saint Sovereign's Son and Ji Zi sank the face, this murder Saint fight was experienced, was extremely difficult to annoy. 叶凡圣皇子姬子都沉下了脸,这个杀圣战斗经验丰富,极其难惹。 What is most essential, the opposite party is Saint, in addition that terrifying strength, if today rushes, meets die mostly. 最为关键的是,对方是圣人,再加上那恐怖的战力,今日若是冲上去,多半会殒落 Buzz “嗡” Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron thunders, was summoned by Ye Fan forcefully, magnificent light flashes, submerged in his forehead. 万物母气鼎轰鸣,被叶凡强行召唤了回来,光华一闪,没入了他的眉心中。 Draws back!” “退!” Qi Luo sees the medicine cauldron to take back safely, relaxes, his body has many say/way wounds, keeps off in the frontline, making the following person retreat. 齐罗见药鼎安全收回,松了一口气,他身上有不少道伤口,挡在最前方,让后面的人都退走。 Today no one can run away, must die here, Hell and Human World's rise greatly is to establish on the Celestial Court's ruins!” With that murder Saint that Qi Luo fights, before the body, various antiques ups and downs, are formation flag, he exhibited Ancient Killing Formation, oneself lossless. “今天没有一个人可以逃走,都要死在这里,地狱人世间的大兴就是要建立在天庭的废墟上!”与齐罗交手的那个杀圣,身前各种古物沉浮,都为阵旗,他摆出了上古杀阵,自身无损。 At the same time, before that murder Saint body of Hell, appears various types of antiques, the gloss circulation, he also exhibits small-scale Ancient Killing Formation, may move along with his body, must slaughter the people. 同一时间,地狱的那位杀圣身前也浮现出各种古物,光泽流转,他也摆出一座小型的上古杀阵,可随其身体而移动,要屠戮众人。 Among the Ancient years, Two Great Divine Dynasties was lossless, abhors accumulated mostly to retain, were too more than present Celestial Court strong prestige. 上古年间,两大神朝无损,疾蕴大多保留了下来,比现在的天庭强威太多了。 Senior comes at once!” Ye Fan exhibits Formation Altar, opens Void, summon day of roaming Stone Plaza old Saint. “前辈速来!”叶凡摆出一座阵台,开启虚空,呼唤天游石坊的老圣人 However, has not been responded, in Void dim, resembled is blocked. 然而,却没有得到回应,虚空中一片昏暗,似是被封锁了。 „It is not good!” Ji Zi changes color, making one attempt to cross Void, finally discovered that all Formation Altar expired. “不好!”姬子变色,让人尝试横渡虚空,结果发现所有阵台都失效了。 Village of Celestial Court has various guard methods, everywhere is formation marks, can pass through from here to Central Province, Southern Mountains and other places, but at this time actually does not have an effect. 天之村有各种防范手段,到处都是阵纹,能够从这里穿越向中州南岭等地,而此时却不起作用了。 They have to imprison the Void rare treasure, gave the blockade trim Small World!” big black dog is the Formation expert, immediately makes the judgment, the premonition important matter is not wonderful. “他们有禁锢虚空的秘宝,将整片小世界都给封锁了!”大黑狗阵法行家,当下做出判断,预感大事不妙。 Saying of Human World's murder Saint pupil light sinister and vicious: „ I know that your here has the Formation giant, I and others to be cautious, in the most primitive method, before separated Void, dragged into this Small World another piece of Divine Soil that Ancient Great Saint founded. 人世间的杀圣眸光阴鸷的说道:“我知道你们这里有懂阵法的巨擘,我等为了稳妥起见,以最原始的手段,在进来前就割裂了虚空,将此小世界拉入上古大圣开创的另一片神土内了。 It looks like bubble, was swallowed by an alligator generally, they were isolated in another piece of shackles. 就像是一个小气泡,被一头鳄鱼吞了一般,他们被隔绝在了另一片牢笼中。 Such safety that both Dao Brother all arrange, it seems like did not need my take action.” In the shadow goes out of third Saint! “两位道兄一切都安排的如此稳妥,看来是不需要我出手了。”阴影中走出第三位圣人! The people change color, this is Ancient Race, the white hair hangs loose unexpectedly, if the eye pupil cold lightning, the physique is grand, the head lives a pair of antler, sends out a Dao Spirit link, imitates, if round of Divine Moon. 众人变色,这竟然是一位古族,白发披散,眼眸若冷电,身姿雄伟,头上生有一对鹿角,散发出一道神环,仿若一轮神月 Is the silver moon royal family!” Saint Sovereign's Son cold sound said. “是银月王族!”圣皇子寒声道。 Two big Assassin Divine Dynasty appear, unexpectedly Immemorial Royal Clan, although only came Ancestral King, but also makes in the person heart sink. 两大杀手神朝出现也就罢了,竟还有太古王族,虽然只来了一位祖王,但也让人心中一沉。 We will discover this place in the near future simultaneously, has the valuable fluid equal division and benefit to moisten, ascends the sky wants the destruction your Celestial Court evil remnants, no one could rescue.” murder Saint indifferent saying of Hell. “我们近期同时发现此地,只好宝液平分、利益均沾,上天都要覆灭你们天庭余孽,谁都救不了。”地狱杀圣冷漠的说道。 Two Great Divine Dynasties and Ancient Race attack jointly, this is a blood calamity! 两大神朝古族联手出击,这是将是一场血祸! The silver moon royal family is the Ancient Race radical large clan, recently when traces the divine nature mineral discovered the traces , the accident/surprise sought Village of Celestial Court. 银月王族乃是古族的激进大族,近来追查神性矿物时发现了蛛丝马迹,也意外寻到了天之村 Has not thought that the harvest is so big, if all extinguishes them in this, in the future will omit many troublesome!” silver moon Ancestral King laughs, has swept Ye Fan, observed closely Saint Sovereign's Son, the pupil is callous. “未曾想到收获这么大,若是将他们全灭于此,将来会省去很多麻烦!”银月祖王大笑,扫过叶凡,又盯住了圣皇子,眸子冷酷寒冽。 „, It is not anxious, we must make the child moisten a bloodiness, how does not experience to slaughter can grow.” Two murder Saint wave, is silent, the dense and numerous killers appear, then vanishes in Void. “唔,不急,我们要让孩子沾点血腥,不经历杀戮怎能成长。”两位杀圣一挥手,无声无息间,密密麻麻的杀手出现,而后消失在虚空中。 Brush! 刷! Qi Luo backed up, stopped the fight. 齐罗倒退,停止了战斗。 Then, he uses hand one stroke, before Village of Celestial Court, leaps killing off of big piece, prevents these people outside, cannot approach, this is Ancient Killing Formation that Celestial Court remains. 而后,他用手一划,天之村前腾起大片的杀光,将这些人阻挡在外,不能临近,这是天庭遗存的上古杀阵 Celestial Court's complete Killing Formation does not save in the world, this remnant formation is useless, looked how I break it.” murder Saint said. 天庭的无缺杀阵早已不存于世,这座残阵无用,看我如何破它。”一位杀圣说道。 However, when he takes a step forward, endless kills off rises together simultaneously, starts out dozens over a hundred bloodstains on his body, almost twists him, if is not murder Saint, method heaven defying, and immediately backs up, he possibly had the accident/surprise. 然而,他向前迈步时,无尽杀光并起,在其身上开出数十上百道血痕,差点将他绞断,若非为杀圣,手段逆天,且在第一时间倒退,他可能出现意外了。 this Sovereign had supplemented ancient formation, joined an corner/horn emperor mark, you can break can it be that!” Sovereign Black taunt. 本皇补充过的古阵,加入了一角帝纹,岂是你们能破的!”黑皇嘲讽。 Hell murder Saint shakes the head, saying of gloomy dense/woods: In the face of the absolute strength, all means is useless, I rub slowly can also ruin this remnant formation, your could not live!” 地狱杀圣摇头,冷森森的说道:“在绝对的实力面前,一切手段都无用,我慢慢磨也能毁掉这座残阵,你们一个都活不了!” Ye Fan looks to Qi Luo, said: Discards this piece of Small World, we leave this place, when takes the evolution fluid, after the strength a level higher, completely eradicates Hell and Human World!” 叶凡看向齐罗,道:“舍弃这片小世界,我们离开此地,待服用进化液,战力更上一层楼后,彻底铲除地狱人世间!” Qi Luo sighs , can only so, unable to preserve this Small World today, only leaves. 齐罗叹了一口气,也只能如此了,今日保不住这个小世界了,唯有离开。 They have made various preparations, has had the worst tentative plan, Ye Fan, Qi Luo and Sovereign Black once in Source Art, magic formation and other brand mark Small World, can burn this Small World, ruins the strength of exterior imprisonment. 他们做过各种准备,有过最坏的设想,叶凡齐罗黑皇曾经将源术法阵等烙印小世界中,可以燃烧这个小世界,毁掉外部禁锢的力量。 Hell, Human World, you static, another day lets your thorough destruction, removes from Between Heaven and Earth!” big black dog clamored. 地狱,人世间,你们静等,他日让你们彻底覆灭,自天地间除名!”大黑狗叫嚣。 Ye Fan cold sound said: Right that you said that all are fabricated, only has the absolute strength is the top priority, half a month later, I must trample flat Hell also to have Human World!” 叶凡寒声道:“你们说的对,一切都是虚妄的,唯有绝对的实力是硬道理,半个月后,我必踏平地狱还有人世间!” „The silver moon royal family, you invited the patient waiting, I must go to your clan to step onto.” Saint Sovereign's Son is staring at that white hair Ancestral King. 银月王族,你们请耐心等待,我必去你族走上一趟。”圣皇子盯着那名白发祖王 Well, is not good, prevents them!” Two murder Saint and silver moon Ancient Saint premonition is not wonderful, may rush to Ancient Killing Formation suddenly. “咦,不好,阻止他们!”两位杀圣银月古圣预感不妙,可一时间闯不过上古杀阵 Bang!” “轰!” Small World is disintegrating, the deflagration, penetrated a channel, the Village of Celestial Court person crossed.( To be continued.) 小世界在瓦解,快速燃烧,击穿出一条通道,天之村的人横渡了出去。(未完待续。)
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